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ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

Posted by Xavier Labels: siemens hmi, wincc Instructions: In order to be able to access a simulation of S7 PLCSIM you must execute ste s ! to ": You must install the programs in the ollowing or!er: "o# Proce!ure ! % " S#$P 7 S7 PLCSIM &inCC

PLC Simulators

In &inCC, in the user'defined installation dialo( Select Com onents you must select )Communication) and the com onent )*b+ect Mana(er):

Programming made easy for all types of PLCs

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1/21/2014 8:57 AM

ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

allen bradlley ,8/

Working in WinCC: "o# Proce!ure ! % " 5 6 Insert a )SIM$%IC S7 P&'%'C'L S(I%)) in the #a( Mana(ement1 Create a new connection under MPI1 3i(ht'clic4 the connection and select )Pro erties)1 Clic4 on the )Pro erties) button1 In the )Connection) tab you s ecify the MPI address and the slot of the CP7 that you have confi(ured in S#$P 71

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, 6 -. / 0i(1 2% 8 7 : 9c4nowled(e the entries with )*-)1 9ctivate the &inCC ro+ect1 7nder )Start ; SIM9#IC ; &inCC ; #ools ; Channel <ia(nosis) the status of the connection is dis layed under )Channels Connection)1 If the connection is not set u , chec4 the settin( of the MPI 7nit in the &inCC $x lorer under )#a( Mana(ement ; SIM9#IC S7 P3*#*C*L S7I#$ ; MPI ; System Parameters)1 >o to the )7nit) tab and enable the o tion )Set automatically)1

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ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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1/21/2014 8:57 AM

ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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1/21/2014 8:57 AM

ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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ILMU AUTOMATION: How can you link WinCC to S7 PLCSIM?

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