African Proverbs

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Wisdom from Orma, Kenya Proverbs and Wise Sayings

By Dr. Calvin C. Katabarwa & Angelique Chelo Posthumous work in collaboration with African Proverbs Working rou!

"airobi# Kenya $ebruary %&'%

Orma Proverbs and Wise Sayings

Page 1

(he )rma are a Cushitic !astoralist an* semi noma*ic ethnic grou! living in Kenya an* +thio!ia.' (hey migrate* from +thio!ia to Kenya before ',&&# -s!rea*ing gra*ually to the area north of .t. Kenya an* *own the /iver (ana to the coast. (hese were cattle an* camel her*ers# who rai*e* more settle* !eo!les as they migrate* or range* through various territories. (he )rma were in a!!ro0imately their current settlement areas by '1&&.2% 3n Kenya they are foun* at the south in (ana /iver an* 4amu *istricts es!ecially at 5ola 6the ca!ital of (ana /iver District7# arsen# (arasaa an* Witu.8 Accor*ing to +thnologue# the )rma are also calle* 9ar*ai# Wa*ai# War*ay# War*ei an* have the following *ialects: .unyo 6Korokoro# .unyo ;aya7# Waata 6<anye7# )rma.= (he )rma !o!ulation was estimate* at >1#&&& Kenya in %&&>. , )mon*i an* ?enkins argue that: Cattle are central to the )rma culture. 5er*ing is their only means of survival@ they kee! goats an* shee! alongsi*e their cattle. Cattle are !ai* as bri*e !rice from the groomAs ' $rancis )mon*i an* )rville Boy* ?enkins# -(he )rma Peo!le of Kenya2
htt!:BBorvilleCenkins.comB!rofilesBorma.html# 3nternet Accesse* December 8&# %&''. 2 Ibid.

3 ?oshua ProCect. -(he )rma of Kenya2 in htt!:BBwww.Coshua!roCect.netB!eo!leD!rofile.!h!E

!eo8F'=%'=&rog8FK+# 3nternet Accesse* December 8&# %&''.

4 +thnologue# -)rma2 in htt!!Eco*eForc# 3nternet Accesse*# December 8'# %&''

53bi*.. Orma Proverbs and Wise Sayings Page 2

family. (hey are also slaughtere* at we**ings an* funerals. All of life focuses on the welfare of the is the main foo*# su!!lemente* with milk an* bloo*# though now some )rma also eat maiHe# rice# beans an* tea. (he ari* climate of the u!!er (ana region is too *ry to su!!ort agriculture# so the )rma there have no vegetables in their *iD et.(he )rma live in roun* houses which consist of a woo*en framework covere* with woven mats an* grass. (he women buil* these houses. When !eo!le move with the her*s# the house is *ismantle* an* !ut on a !ack animal along with the househol* goo*s. A larger version of the houses is built for !eo!le who live in !ermanent villages.> ?oshua ProCect estimates at &.&% the !ercentage of Christian among the )rma with &#&' evangelicals while about 11 I is .uslim. (hus# 3slam rites an* festivals are very common among the )rma.J

6 $rancis )mon*i an* )rville Boy* ?enkins# -(he )rma Peo!le of Kenya2 htt!:BBorvilleCenkins.comB!rofilesBorma.html# 3nternet Accesse* December 8&# %&''.

7 ?oshua ProCect. -(he )rma of Kenya2 in htt!:BBwww.Coshua!roCect.netB!eo!leD!rofile.!h!E

!eo8F'=%'=&rog8FK+# 3nternet Accesse* December 8&# %&''.

Orma Proverbs and Wise Sayings

Page 3

$ebruary %&'%


1. $on fe*anif# somb inyatan.

English ;ou want to eat meat# an* then you eat the forbi**en !art. Swahili 9na hamu ya kula nyama# n*i!osa ule sehemu haramu. French (u as envie *e manger la vian*e CusquAK manger la !artie tabou. Traditional meaning (his is use* on a !erson who a*mires something an* en*s u! with a ba* one.
2. Kob kobla# hathin Can insetu.

English A very ham!ere* son# the mother thinks that he is a cowar*. Swahili KiCana mwenye furaha saa Hote# mama hum*hania uwoga. 9n garLon heureu0 K tout moment# sa mMre !ense quNil est !eureu0. Traditional meaning "ever Cu*ge a !erson by his talksBactions get to know them.
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3. 3l taka woi in*argin# arbin hiles ingoo.

English (he eye which has not seen anything fanning# ele!hant can not be the same with rabbit. Kiswahili ?icho haiCawahi kushuh*ia kisa au vituko hakuna siku n*ovu atakuwa sawa na sungura. French 9n oeil qui nNa Camais tOmoignO un OvOnement ou un s!ectacle# il nNarrivera Camais quNun liMvre soit comme un OlO!hant. (hereNll be no *ay that !oor can be the same as the rich
4. Won tok e*an# lam e*an.

English ;ou say one# then two @ you have trie* something# then faile*# *onNt give u!. Kiswahili 9nasema moCa# alafu mbili maana kwamba umewahi kuCaribu kitu# hukufaulu# usikate moyo. French (u as tentO faire une fois et la *eu0iMme fois malheureusement tu a OchouO mais# ne te *Ocourage !as. Traditional meaning (his is a !roverb use* for encouragement# no matter how har* life is to not give u!.
5. .an nyana# man nyana e*e worabesin woigathe# enan tok wonin ye*e# huko aban Cala

rafee nyana. English What are we going to eatE What are we going to eatE Aske* one of the hyenas# one of them re!lie* we are going to eat the wrecke* goat which the owner has left. Kiswahili (utakula niniE (uta kula niniE WakasemeHana# moCa wao akaCibu tutawala wanyonge# walioachwa na mwenyewe. French PuAestDce que nous allons mangerE <e *eman*a les hyMnes @ un !armi eu0# rO!on*ra @ nous allons manger les faibles chMvres que le berger a aban*onnO. Traditional meaning (his is use* against those who *o not take care for their things# someone else might take them.

oroms aban gaf chafse @ hatunill kasabufti.

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Orma Proverbs and Wise Sayings

English (he cow that the owner breaks the horns# thieves will cho! the eye out. Kiswahili "gombe mwenye aliyevunCwa !embe na mwenyewe# mwiHi humchomoa macho French 4a vache *ont les cornes Otaient brisOes !ar le voleur# ses yeu0 seront arrachOs !ar ce *enier. Traditional meaning )ne shoul* be able to look after his or her own things.
7. ?abien woi salla *eth baratii.

English (he young calf learns to eat grass by seeing others *o it once Kiswahili "*ama huCifunHa kula nyasi ku!itia wenHao French 9n Ceune veau a!!ren* K brouter les herbes K travers les autres. Traditional meaning <omeoneNs character is got from the surroun*ing his been raise* in
8. "am gu*hion ree hielmu# ho amo ishin mirgitu# elmati hinwolDlalu.

English 3t is very rare for an ol*er !erson to milk a goat# but when it is rea*y for milking he cannot be *efeate* to *o it. Kiswahili <io rahisi kwa mtu mHima kukamua mbuHi# lakini iwa!o mbuHi yu tayari kukamuliwa# hatashin*wa kumkamua. French 9ne gran*e !ersonne qui ne sait !as traire une chMvre le fera si la chMvre est !rQte. Traditional meaning ;ou can only a*vise a !erson when heBis rea*y to listen.
9. (arin won ishin yet# nam fantatii *arge fon kanki inkaCellu.

+nglish (he *ik *ik sai*# whoever has seen my foot!rints will not *esire my meat. Kiswahili Digi *igi wakasema# mtu yeyote aliye wahi kuona nyao Hangu basi asi*hubutu kutamani nyama yangu. $rench
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Dik *ik a *it : R Puiconque a vu les em!reintes *igitales *e mes !ie*s nNaura !as envie manger ma sSur. T Traditional meaning: sometimes we ten* to want something without knowing the other si*e of it.
10. 5a* lalii# intal ishii fu*.

+nglish 4ook at the mother# then marry her *aughter. <wahili .tamaHame mama# n*i!osa mchumbiye bintiye. $rench )bserver la mMre !our marier sa fille. Traditional meaning (his is use* for a man whoNs in a hurry to marry someone he *oesnNt know her character or the family
11. Ka *hi*ha# ka mina kaCella

English (he one who is outsi*e is Cealous of the one who is insi*e. Swahili Aliye nCe anamuonea wivu aliye n*ani. French Celui qui est K lNe0tOrieur est Calou0 *e celui qui est *ans la maison. Traditional meaning Peo!le are always Cealous of those who are successful than them in life
12. A fan aban# won fe*un *hubathan.

English A !erson uses his mouth to s!eak whatever he wants. Swahili .tu hutumia m*omo wake kunena chochote atakacho. French PuelquAun utilise sa bouche !our !arler tout ce quNil veut. Traditional meaning )ne s!eaks out hisBher min*
13. ur *hie bissan obusani in*ago.

English (he ear which has alrea*y been blocke* cannot hear the !enetration of water. Swahili
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<ikio iliyo kufa haisikii *awa. French 9ne oreille bouchOe# nAenten*s !as les conseils. Traditional meaning (his is to ri*icule that !erson who *oesnNt listen no matter what a*vice heNs been given

14. "ami wan ye*e# hagothin mata in*habru.

English "o matter how long the ears grow# they will not sur!ass the hea*. Swahili Wahenga walisema hata Cinsi gani kubwa sikio hakuna siku litai!ita kichwa. French Bien que les oreilles soient longues# elles ne !euvent !as *O!asser la tQte. Traditional meaning 3t means that no matter how fast chil*ren grow# the ol* will still be wiser
15. "ami wan ye*e# ulfen mata qacharin in*igo.

English (he neck *oes not feel the weight of the hea*. Swahili Bega halisikii uHito wa kichwa. French 4e cou ne ressent !as le !lus gran* !oi*s *e la tQte. Traditional meaning +very !art of the bo*y is create* to coor*inate.
16. Won gala gamatha# loni lubbu.

English What may be a a ha!!y !lay for a camel# may mean *eath to a cow. Swahili ;aliyo furaha kwa ngamia# yaweHa maanisha kifo kwa ngNombe. French Ce qui fait la Coie !our le chameau !eut signifier la mort !our une vache. Traditional meaning 3t shows how !eo!le are *ifferent from each other
17. 3Cole *all ha*a falamtu.

English A cheeky Chil* is one who o!!oses her mother on issues of chil* birth.
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Swahili .toto mtukutu ni yule ambaye hubishana na mamaye kuhusu mambo ya uHaHi. French 9n enfant tQtu *iscute avec sa mMre *e lNaccouchement. Traditional meaning (hese *ays when chil*ren argue with their !arents one wonNt know who the !arent is an* who the chil* is
18. *alen *okano imbe*hu# *ir *ofate# matan mulat.

English $ools *o not hi*e@ they ben* their back an* think that they cannot be seen. Swahili Wa!umbavu hawaCui kuCificha# wanaCikunCa mgongo waki*hani hawaonekani. French 4es sots ne savent !as se cacher# quan* ils courbent leur *os ils croien quNt ils ne seront !as vus. Traditional meaning $ools *o not know how to kee! a secret no matter how much they try.
19. 5arkin tok naf in*iqu.

English )ne han* alone cannot wash the bo*y. Swahili .kono mmoCa hauweHi kuosha mwili. French 9ne seule main ne !eut !as laver tout le cor!s. Traditional meaning 3t takes a community to raise a chil* this means that !eo!le shoul* be unite* in or*er to succee*
20. Waati won ishin yete laf tarin Cirtu *akachin inCiru.

English 5unters sai* that a !lace where there are many *ik*iks# there is no stones. Kiswahili Wawin*aCi wa waboni walisema eneo kna ma*igi*igi kwa wingi kuna uhaba wa mawe. French 4e chasseurs ont *it que lK oU il y a *NOnorme marOcage# il nNy a !as *e !ierres. Traditional meaning Where there is sorrow there is no ha!!iness.

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21. Balan woth botu ilmanman woli in*agartu.

English (he blin* !eo!le cry together# but they *ont see their own tears. Swahili Vi!ovu ingawaCe wanalia !amoCa# huwa hawaweHi kuona machoHi yao wenyewe. French 4es aveugles !leurent ensemble# mais ils ne !euvent !as voir leurs larmes. Traditional meaning (he blin* *o not see each other but they hel! each other through.
22. Won *habarte saren gul in*hu*hu.

+nglish What has alrea*y *isa!!eare* from their eye sight# the *ogs cannot bark to it. Swahili Chochote ksichoonekana kwa u!eo wa macho# mbwa haibwekei. French 4e chien ne !eut !as aboyer contre ce qui a *OCK *isa!aru *e la vue. Traditional meaning 3tNs use* to encourage !eo!le to leave behin* the !ast an* move on
23. Wamich in*lu*lanu# won sin ye*an *hi*lan.

English ;ou are calle*# you *ont *eny the call but you can *eny what youNve been calle* for. Swahili Kuitwa haikataliwi# lakini unaweHa ku!inga uitiwalo. aveH OtO French )n ne !eut !as refuser un a!!el# mais !ar contre# on !eut refuser lNobCet *e lNa!!el. . Traditional meaning )ne can wish whether to *o what heBshe has been calle* for.
24. Woran akam aban ufit *abet siworana.

English <!ear woul* inCure you to the level that you want to inCure yourself. Swahili .kuki itaku*unga tu kiwango wewe mwenyewe waitaka iku*unge. French 4a lance te blessera au niveau oU tu lui !ermettra. Traditional meaning
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4ife is how you take it# it takes you where you want to go
25. Akaum marmar biyen worum ufit.

English West# +ast home is the best. Swahili .agharibi# mashariki# nyumbani n*io kuHuri. French De!uis lNouest CusquAK lNest rien nNest !lus beau que votre !ays. Traditional meaning "o matter where one goes home is always the !lace you are going to miss
26. ?ibich egere korm ito ha*lum irti *argan.

English A calf that will grow into a bree*ing bull shows no signs while on tether. Swahili "*ama atakaye kuwa *ume ho*ari haonyeshi *alili ya uchu!avu wake angali m*ogo kwa kamba. French 9n veau qui sera un vOritable taureau ne se manifeste !as sur la cor*e. Traditional meaning ;ou *o not have to tell !eo!le you are brave instea* !rove it to them.
27. Won hamtun ki*lum taka Cien i bien.

English (he worst shall be reveale* when the moon shall arise. Swahili Viten*o vya uovu vitaCulikana wakati mbalamweHi itaka!o chomoHa. French 4es !lus mauvaises choses seront rOvOlOes K lNa!!arition *e la lune. Traditional meaning 3ts use* against those !eo!le who *o evil no matter how long it takes their evil *ee*s will finally be foun* out.
28. Dubi *uga birbani *habrani# *r lelisan.

English (he facts an* truth are ignore*# Custice cannot be ren*ere* yet i one refuses to ignore the facts enmity is create*. Swahili

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3wa!o usi*hani ukweli una!uuHwa# hayi nayo haiweHi ten*wa basi chuki na uhasame utaen*elea. French <i les !reuves *e la Custice sont reCetOes et que la vOritO ne !eut !as Qtre !ratiquOe# la haine et le conflit continueront. Traditional meaning Anyone who reCects the truth will remain in conflict an* hatre*.
29. "am tok si*lur *alate bul# tok gafa* e*an.

English A !erson who was born a *ay before you# you can ask him for a !oint. Swahili AliyeHaliwa siku moCa mbele yako unaweHa kumuuliHa Cambo moCa tu. French (u !eu0 *eman*er conseil K une !ersonne tNa !rOcO*Oe *Nun Cour *e naissance. Traditional meaning: /e!eat the el*erly.
30. 5abombalati hoishin *uftu ill *hura kabatan.

English Whenever the win*s come# one closes his eyes. Swahili Wakati wowote vumbi mkali una!ovuma# mtu hufunga macho yake. French Devant un gran* vent on ferme les yeu0. Traditional meaning Do not engage in other !eo!leNs !roblems avoi* them as much as !ossible.
31. )lla wal*agetakabu much tok ka laletiat buicha.

English 3n an estate where !eo!le live in harmony there is nothing too small for !eo!le to share in generosity. Swahili .aCirani wanaoishi kw u!en*o na maelewano hakuna chochote kilicho ki*ogo kama titi ya maHiwa ya mbuHi inaweHa kuwatosha. French 4es voisins qui vivent *ans la gOnOrositO# sont !rQts K se !artager tout# tant soit !eu. Traditional meaning Peace is a necessity for every community
32. 3ntal tessum hamtu# ha*it kof wot qaba. Orma Proverbs and Wise Sayings Page 12

English 3f a girl sits ba*ly# it is u! to her mother to cover her thighs. Swahili 3wa!o msichana akae uchi# ni mamaye n*iye humfunika uchi ya !aCa lake. French Puan* une fille sNassoit mal# cNest sa mMre qui couvre ses cuisses. Traditional meaning Parents are there to !rotect their chil*ren.
33. Won arra# borit inkabati# ta borro# waqit beka.

English (hings of to*ay *onNt relate or transfer with things of tomorrow# for tomorrow o* knows. Swahili .ambo ya leo# usiyalinganishe na ya kesho Cuu ya kesho .ungu anaCua. French "e reculeH !as les obligations *NauCour*Nhui K *emain car seul Dieu a la connaissance *u futur. Traditional meaning o* knows everyoneNs future.
34. (arin ag ufit kurumsit.

English A *ik*ik Cum!s a tree s high as its strength !ermits. Swahili .unyama wa !orini aitwaye *igi*igi huruka mti kulinagana na uweHo wake. French 4e *ik*ik !eut sauter les arbres trMs hauts selon que sa force lui !ermet. Traditional meaning (his refers to those !eo!le who *o things that are beyon* their ca!ability# its best to *o what you ca!able of no matter how small it is.
35. Bissan gar *hura talafan gul yaan

English Water flows towar*s a gentle gra*ient. Swahili .aCi hutiririka kwenye mteremko. French 4Neau coule !lus vite sur la !ente. Traditional meaning
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Know first your ability before *oing anything.

36. urba abban gu*ha*he o*hu akaku kaba.

English A son who has been brought u! by his father has a wise thought. Swahili .toto wa kiume aliye!ewa maleHi bora na babaye ana hekima. French 9n enfant bien OlevO !ar son !Mre est sage. Traditional meaning o* is the only one who *oes us goo*.
37. Dansa waqit kabaa# e*e bonaya tunu.

English oo*ness is only with o*# sai* bonaya tunu. Swahili .aHuri yote ina mungu# kasema bonaya tunu. French )n a tout le bonheur *ans le seigneur# *it Bonaya (unu. Traditional meaning o* is the only one who *oes us goo*.

38. Dib kassan bani# *eftit baani

English ;ou go through !roblems an* har*shi!s to succee* in life. Swahili 9na!itia shi*a na taabu n*io u!ate maisha maHuri. French A!res les tribulations *e la vie vient le bonheur. Traditional meaning 3t is use* for encouragement for those !eo!le who go through har*shi! in life for at the en* there is success
39. Akum mari mari alatin kollan lubu ishin lafum.

English Come what may the voltures will *ie on the earth. Swahili 3we nini iweCe kunguni wakifa wanaanguka ar*hini. French
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Comment ce fait DtDil que les oiseau0 *u ciel meurent et tombent sur la terre E Traditional meaning: +very one *ies an* burie* on earth in the same soil.
40. Woit kare tanaf saren *lu*hi.

English (here is an enemy aroun* that is why the *og barks. Swahili Kuna uweHekano kuna weHi weHi n*i!osa mbwa wanaboeka. French Puan* il y a un ennemi au0 environs# le chien aboie. Traditional meaning <uccessful !eo!le always have an enemy behin* their back
41. 5ariyan bif woli wolinqutu amal wolikuti.

English We can be frien*s but you cannot give me your skin instea* you wll give me your behavior. Swahili .arafiki hawaweHi ba*ilishana ngoHi ila tabia. French 4es amis ne sNOchangent !as *e !eau mais !lutWt *e caractMre. Traditional meaning (his shows how frien*s can change each others character# be ware of such frien*s
42. War abban ege saren ege irbiti.

English A 5ome that is guar*e* by the owner# the *og will Cust !lay with her tail. Swahili Boma inayolin*wa na mwenyewe mbwa hubaki tu ikicheHa na mkia yake. French 4e chien ne fait quNagiter sa queue !our une maison qui gar*Oe !ar le !ro!riOtaire. Traditional meaning 3t entails how the father is always the hea* of the house
43. 4ubun haretin lubu baya nam kasifit.

English Death of a *ea* man remin*s us the *eath of another !erson. Swahili Kifo ya hivi karibuni hutukumbusha kifo ya Hamani.
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French 4a mort *Nune !ersonne nous ra!!elle quNune autre mort suivra. Traditional meaning When one of family members *ies# it always remin*s us of the !eo!le who *ie* before.
44. Dubbi qamnan hohuCCi qamnat irCira i.

English 3tNs more !leasing to hear of someone busy with work than hearing of them busy with han*ling a *is!ute. Swahili "i viHuri sana kusikia kuwa fulani yuko kwa harakati ya kaHi kuliko kusikia wana ugomvi. French 3l fait bon *Nenten*re les gens occu!Os au travail que *NOcouter ceu0 qui se *is!utent. Traditional meaning 3t is better to kee! yourself busy than engaging in *is!ute.
45. Ark hort ingon ka rachinine* in*lum.

English As swarms not to *ry# as frogs not to *ie. Swahili Pasi!o Hiwa kukauka !asi!o chura kuangamia. French 4es car!eau0 ne mourront !as aussi longtem!s que le ruisseau ne sont !as sOchOs. Traditional meaning Water is im!ortant for all.
46. Dargaf *ageta umri *ertu.

English (o live long is to see many things. Swahili Kuishi kwingi ni kuona mengi. French Celui qui vit longtem!s voit et Ocoute beaucou! *e choses. Traditional meaning (he ol* are wise
47. Burr *ani wonkass galtu lalan.

English 5it this bush an* see what will come out.
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Swahili Piga chaka n*io uCue nini itayotoka ha!o. French $ra!!eH ce buisson et vous verreH ce qui y sortira. Traditional meaning (his is use* for those who like to *iscover new things
48. "am *argan *anchan yete haren.

English (he *onkey became rebelious an* sai*# !ut your loa* on whoever is available an* not mine. Swahili Pun*a akawa mCauri na kusema# weka miHigo yako kwa yule umuonaye karibu sio laHima mimi. French 4NXne rebelle a *it : R .et ton far*eau sur un autre Xne mais !as sur moi. T Traditional meaning <hare your !ain to those !eo!le near you.
49. Waqit Cira OtO *hurbu kass inchisin.

English DonNt say o* is not there then you lie on the roa*. Swahili 9si*hubutu kusema mungu yuko kisha ulale barabarani. French "e *ormeH !as sur la route# *isant que Dieu e0iste. Traditional meaning (his tells us that o* will always be there for us but one has also to work har* an* !ray in or*er to succee* we nee* o* an* har* work
50. Bere itin rafan itin mugan.

English Places where you are not su!!ose* to slee! *o not become *oHy. Swahili Pahali hustahili kulala hufai ku!ata usingiHi. French "e *ors !as *ans un en*roit oU tu es su!!osO *e ne !as y Qtre. Traditional meaning (his is use* to tell !eo!le to *o the right thing at the right time an* !lace

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51. 5aren teninen wolinen kortu mantwolin nugei.

English +ven our *onkeys *ont relate then what makes them to mate. Swahili 5ata !un*a yetu hai!an*ani nini hiyo inatugombanisha. French .Qme nos Xnes ne sNatten*ent !as# comment alors !ouvonsDnous nous associer E Traditional meaning As long as you *o not s!en* time with arrogant !eo!le you will never be at loggerhea*s with them.
52. (ok basite tok amo iltokon ilalin.

English Dont favour when soving *is!utes. Swahili 9siwe na u!en*eleo una!oamua kesi. French <oyeH Custe quan* vous CugeH une affaire. Traditional meaning Peo!le shoul* treat each other equally.
53. Ka abba irr bekhu bu*hotu.

English 5e who knows more than the owner is covetous. Swahili ;ule aliye Cua Hai*i ya mwenyewe ni msengenyaCi. French Celui qui connait !lus que le !ossesseur est convoiteur. Traditional meaning (hose who know much about others are the backbiters.
54. (a sirba baate harm in*ofatu.

English A woman who is rea*y to *ance *oes not hi*e her breasts. Swahili .wanamke aliye tayari kucheHa *ansi titi lake halifichiki. French
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4a femme qui est !rQt K *anser ne cache !as ses seins. Traditional meaning When one is *etermine* to take u! a course he or she shoul* be rea*y for anything
55. Kessuman il wolkasskete guran amo laf*a geti.

English Visitors are attentive with the ears than with the eyes. Swahili .geni husinHia lakini anasikia yote inaCiri. French 4e visiteur sommeille mais son oreille est attentive. Traditional meaning When you are in a new !lace# you are always curious to look aroun*.
56. 3lkan ka wolin giru nyatine wal qarqara.

English (eeth that are together hel! each other in chewing foo*. Swahili .eno iliyo !amoCa husi*iana kutafuna chakula. French )n ne !eut !as retourner le crachat K la bouche. Traditional meaning Peo!le who stick together are always there for one another.
57. A chuf buute in*ebitu kolki sira baathe in*ebitu.

English <!ittle cannot be retrieve* nor can an anthill be washe* clean. Swahili .ate uliyoyatema hairu*i tena aha*i uliyo yatoa hairu*i. Crachat ne !euvent !as Qtre rOcu!OrOs ni une fourmiliMre Qtre lavOs. Traditional meaning "ever !romise what you cannot.
58. "am ilkan *e*era hoin*uenn imbekatanu.

English (he *eath of someone with long teeth cannot easily be ascertaine*. Swahili .tu mwenye meno marefu hata kama ameshafariki ni vigumu kubashiri. French 4a mort *e quelquAun avec *e longues *ents ne !eut Qtre facilement vOrifiO.
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Traditional meaning "o matter how hurt some !eo!le are you will never know because they always kee! a smile to hi*e the !ain.
59. "am laman gargar bo# maminen gargar baa.

English 3f two !eo!le *e!art even their thoughts *e!art. Swahili 3wa!o wawili wameachana hata mawaHo !ia huwachana. French <i *eu0 !ersonnes se sO!arent mQme leurs !ensOes sNOloignent. Traditional meaning )ut of site out of min*.
60. "am a*ha kassit *ue# wan Ciru fak haut Ce* a*hi *oyo.

English 5e who *ies in truth seems alive. Swahili .tu akufae kwa haki huishi kwa haki kasema a*hi *oyo. French 4a richesse nNa !as besoin *u !arXtre. Traditional meaning 3t is goo* to always si*e with truth.
61. 5orin abba lakisi abera inqabu

English Pro!erty *oes not nee* ste! father. Swahili 3nahilati mwenyewe haina baba mkambo. French Pro!riOtO nAa !as besoin *e beauD!Mre. Traditional meaning )neNs !ro!erty belongs to the owner.
62. 9ffin iyene Cabien abaate hote Ce* keesuman.

English A visitor sai*@ am not s!eaking for myself but beware a calf has Cust free* itself to suckle. Swahili .geni akasema : siyasema haya kuCibinafisha lakini n*ama ameruka kiHiHi tayari kunyonya.
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French 4e visiteur a *it : R ?e ne !arle !as !our mon intOrQt mais la gOnisse a sautO hors *e la clWture !our Qtre allaitOe !ar sa mMre. T Traditional meaning ;ou Cust com!lain for your interests but hi*ing it.
63. kessuman gorassu challa *i*hi.

English A visitor will acce!t anything offere* to him but slaughter. Swahili .geni ata!okea chochote a!ewayo ila tu kuchinCwa. French 9n visiteur !eut acce!ter toutes sortes *e *ons# sauf celui *e la mort. Traditional meaning )ne shoul* acce!t !eo!le as they are.
64. allen kofa imbatu# horako mukhatu bath male.

English A climbing !lant with ten*rils cannot grow on its own without the su!!ort of a tree. Swahili .umea wa kutambaa haiweHi kumea yenyewe ila kutambaa Cuu ya mti. French 9ne !lante ram!ante a touCours besoin *Nune tige *e su!!ort !our gran*ir. Traditional meaning As humans we nee* each other to survive.
65. Dhekin kofa ingo*hanu ho *hureesan go*han lakisi.

English A !oor !erson cannot migrate alone he has to migrate with the rich man. Swahili .askini haweHi kugura !ekee yake laHima agure na taCiri. French 9ne !ersonne !auvre ne !eut *OmOnager sans lNa!!ui *Nun riche. Traditional meaning (he !oor always nee*s the rich.
66. Arbin wom uff *abathe maraffa satheti likims.

English An ele!hant believe* himself until he saw the eight !alm trees. Swahili
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"*ovu aliCiamini mwenyewe ha*i akaona miti minane vya mnaHi. French 4NOlO!hant Otait sYre *e luiDmQme CusquAK voir avoir les huit !almiers. Traditional meaning )ne shoul* be able to !rove themselves by action not wor*s.
67. 5o gufate laf *etu hama* e*an.

English When you sli* an* fall you say sorry. Swahili 3wa!o umeteleHa na kuanguka unasema !ole. French Puan* lNon glisse et tombe on !rOsente *es e0cuses. Traditional meaning After making a mistake you must ask for forgiveness.
68. 5ori aban ma*hi inCir# sabaluth kolan *anaa.

English A !ro!erty without an owner its the bir*s of the air that will always *estroy. Swahili .ali bila mwenyewe kawai*a ni n*ege wa angani n*io wana haribu. French 9n bien sans !ro!riOtaire sera *Otruit !ar les oiseau0 *u ciel. Traditional meaning A !ro!erty without the owner# anyone can misuse it.

69. Abban uff tufatu.

English A !erson cannot un*ermine himself. Swahili .tu hafai kuCi*harau. French Personne ne !eut !as se mO!riser luiDmQme. Traditional meaning +ach !erson knows himself his an* his values.
70. Abban uff tumathe ufi in*abu.

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A !erson who wants to stab 6!unish7 himself will not miss himself. Swahili .tu akitaka kuCitesa mwenyewe hataCikosa. French Celui qui veut se !unir ne !eut !as se manquer. Traditional meaning ;our life is on your han*s.
71. 4af full sibe*hu muk kofa iCelut ful sibek.

English A !lace where you are familiar with even the trees are familiar with you. Swahili Pahali una!afahamu vyema hata miti inakufahamu. French Dans un milieu familier# on est reconnu mQme !ar les arbres. Traditional meaning Where you are known# *o not *o ba* things.
72. 4af *uran kass bathe imbaletu.

English ;ou *onNt nee* *irection to a familiar !lace. Swahili 5auhitaCi ramani kwa !ahali umewahi ishi. French )n nNa !as besoin *e rOfOrence *ans un en*roit ou lNon a vOcu. Traditional meaning ;ou cannot get hurtBlost in the !lace where everyone knows you.
73. u*hinan *hubbi bekani *ikenan *ubbi inwolalanu.

English 3tNs not a matter of being ol* that you know how to talk or intelligent even a youth can be intelligent. Swahili <io laHima uwe mHee n*io uCue kuongea sana bali hata ukiwa kiCana unaweHa kuwa na maarifa. French 4NOloquence ne !as seulement un *on e0clusive *es vieu0 mais aussi *es Ceunes. Traditional meaning <ometimes its wise to listen to the young also never *es!ise

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74. Pub kanke tok ka aCae kute ufura ingatu.

English 3f at all one of your fingers is illing# you cannot cut it an* throw it. Swahili 3ngawaCe ki*ole chako moCa chauma huweHi kukikata na kukitu!a. French )n ne !eut !as cou!er et Ceter ses *oigts mQme sNils font mal. Traditional meaning "o matter how ba* you are be yourself.
75. ar ira *ufan bekan male gar itieCeman imbekan.

English ;ou only know where you have come from 6(he Past7 but you *onNt know where youNre going. Swahili .tu anaCua kule ametoka lakini haCui aen*ako. French 4Nhomme connaZt sa !rovenance mais Camais sa *estination. Traditional meaning o* is the only one who knows our future !ath not the fortune tellers# this is use* to insist on the e0istence of o* for the non believers
76. aran ratua won itikan in*hi*hu.

English (he stomach consumes anything given to it. Swahili (umbo hu!okea chochote hu!ewa. French 4e ventre reLoit tout ce quNon lui *onne. Traditional meaning (he stomach *oes not com!lain but take what has been given.
77. Charaqan homach racha qaqabata.

English A *rowning !erson clutches at frogs foam. Swahili .tu anaye bebwa na maCi ya mafuriko anabaki tu akishika mate ya chura. French Celui qui est victime *Nintimi*ation finit !ar agiter les larves *e cra!au*. Traditional meaning
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When your life is messe* u! sometimes there is nothing to hol* on to.

78. 4awon soresan galan.

English Cows are always le* by one# an* then others follow. Swahili "gombe kawai*a huongoHwa na moCa kisha wenHake humfuata. French 3l y a touCours une vache *evant !our con*uire les autres. Traditional meaning (eam always has a lea*er who lea*s an* they follow.
79. /atun gar wori inCir wor isheti.

English A foolish !erson always goes to the o!!osite *irection whenever he goes home. Swahili .tu mwenye akili twahira kawai*a huen*a nyumbani kama ame!otea. French 9n fou rentre K la maison !ar !lusieurs chemins. Traditional meaning A foolish !erson *oes not always listen to *irectionsBinstructions
80. $ugu akum ishin *uften *alchisani.

English During chil*birth the mother are being tol* to !ush the way the chil* has come. Swahili Wakati wa kuCifungua akina mama huambiwa asukume Cinsi mtoto amekuCa. French Pen*ant lNaccouchement la femme est *eman*e *e se !rO!arer !our recevoir lNenfant Traditional meaning <ometimes we have to take life s it is.
81. (oli kiCiba abba lelisa.

English )ne who gives to earn !raises will im!overish himself. Swahili .tu anaye!eana vitu ili asifiwe huCigamba na mwishowe hugeuka maskini Celui qui *onne !our sa gloire sNa!!auvrit. Traditional meaning DonNt !raise yourself unless !eo!le *o for !ri*e comes before a fall
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82. "am galan garas Ciru ihamatin man yenan ho galan galanu in*ufa.

English Do not back bite the one who lives across the river because he might come to you when the river is !assable. Swahili 9siwahi kumsengenya mwenHiwe anayeishi ngambo ya mto# siku mto itakauka anweHa kuCa. French "e !rovoqueH !as celui qui vit K lNautre cWtO *e la riviMre# car un Cour vien*ra vous vous rencontrereH. Traditional meaning (his is use* to *iscourage those who love talking ill about others
83. Keesuman lala lola abbat afura *habarsa.

English Visitors are like streams that !ass for a while. Swahili .geni ni kama mto inayo!ita tu kwa mu*a. French 9n visiteur est comme lNeau *e la riviMre qui coule et !asse. Traditional meaning Visitors come an* go Cust like !asserby.
84. Afan abba qabani *ha*hete afan abba tok inka*hu.

English ;ou cannot gag the mouth of another !erson. Swahili 5utaweHa kufunga m*omo ya mwenHiwe. French )n ne !eut !as fermer la bouche *u !rochain. Traditional meaning ;ou can have !ower on your self but not on anybo*y else.
85. 3yes mata inqaqa ha*af abba qabata.

English Do not caress the hea* of an or!han because this will remin* him of his !arents. Swahili 9si*hubutu kushikashika kichwa ya yatima Cuu hii itamkumbusha hisia ya waHaHi wake French
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"e caresse !as la tQte *Nun or!helin *e !eur quNelle ne se souvienne *e ses !arents. Traditional meaning DonNt feel !ity for someone instea* hel! them by encouraging
86. al iCemu gal tau kaasa.

English A camel that is on the mov encourages another to rise. Swahili "gamia anaye tembea humfanya mwenHake aamke. French 9n chameau qui marche encourage un autre K Qtre actif. Traditional meaning $rien*s are there to encourage us when we feel like giving u!.
87. 4imit won ishin ishentu male won ishi sentu ingartu.

English A nee*le can see what itNs !enetrating but it cannot see whatNs !enetrating it. Swahili <in*ano huona tu kitu inaingia lakini haioni kile kina mwingia. French 4Naiguille voit la chose quNelle !OnMtre mais !as ce qui la !OnMtre. Traditional meaning ;ou shoul* be able to correct your behavior before Cu*ging other of theirs.
88. Cheres bola bol guyya kes buan imbekhan.

English A *octor is like a !it# one cannot know when one will fall into it. Swahili .uuguHi ni kama shimo mtu haCui siku ile ataanguka ha!o n*ani French 9n *octeur est comme une fosse : on ne sait Camais quan* on va y tomber. Traditional meaning )ne never knows heBshe will have a !roblem only o* knows.
89. "ami tok ag gala waurga tok amo ag looni woarga tokin ammo ag reeawo arga.

English )ne !erson may see at the level of a camel# another sees at the level of a cow an* yet another sees at the level of a goat. Swahili

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.tu mmoCa anaweHa kuona kitu kwa kimo ya ngamia# mwingine kimo ya ngombe ilhali mwingine kwa kimo ya mbuHi. French PuelquNun !eut voir un !roblMme comme un chameau# un autre le verra comme une vache# un autre encore comme une chMvre. Traditional meaning +veryoneNs thought is *ifferent in their own unique ways.
90. (a alkan *uftu it barisifatan.

English (hat which occurs at night will wait till *awn 6morning7. Swahili Chochote iliyo Ciri usiku hungoCa asubuhi. French Ce que tu fais *ans lNobscuritO sera rOvOlO !en*ant le Cour. Traditional meaning 3t is best to wit till *aylight to solve something@ everything has its time an* !lace.
91. <igube ingare sunif ibi*han ta!ataa.

English ;ou !lay with fire because you have not seen it burning you. Swahili 9nacheHa na moto kwa sababu haiCakuchoma ba*o. French <i tu nNa Camais OtO brulO# tu nNOviteras !as le feu. Traditional meaning (his is use* to tell those who are careless with the choices they make in life an* also their way of life.
92. 3ntal herimte hatin boishia in*agetu.

English (he marrie* girl her mother cannot hear her cry because she lives far away. Swahili .sichana aliyeolewa mamake haweHi kusikia kilio chake kwa sababu yuko mbali. French 9ne fille mariOe loin *e sa mMre ne !eut !lus Ocouter ses cris K cause *e la *istance qui les sO!arent. A mother cannot stan* an* see her chil* suffer
93. Aburtun aburte *hum rofu go*hanti. Orma Proverbs and Wise Sayings Page 28

English 3t is the fame of a !lace you have hear* about that gives you the o!!ortunity of fin*ing goo* forage. Swahili Kawai*a mtu huen*a ama hugura kwa mahali amesikia kuna maHuri. French 4Nhomme frOquente les !laces las oU il ya *e bonnes choses. Traditional meaning Peo!le !refer where they are organiHe*.
94. Duga woi waaqa.

English o* is the com!anion of truth. Swahili .ungu n*iye chanHo cha ukweli. French Dieu est la source *e la vOritO. Traditional meaning (ruth belongs to o*.
95. "am si rifate atinen rifa*if.

English Be kin* to the !erson who shows kin*ness to you. Swahili 9we mwenye huruma kwa yeyote amekua mwenye huruma kwako. French Aies !itiO *e tout le mon*e !our que lNon ait !itie *e toi aussi. Traditional meaning (reat !eo!le the same way they treat you.
96. Arbin ilki ufi banno inkafatu

English (he ele!hant *oes not get tire* of carrying his heavy tusks. Swahili "*ovu haweHi kuchoka kubeba !embe Hake mHito. French 4NOlO!hant ne se fatigue !as *e ses trom!es. Traditional meaning Peo!le never get tire* of their own things.

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97. Bon baate rob getee e*an malemanin baate in ye*an.

English Peo!le may ask if you survive* the *rought but they *o not ask how you survive *it. Swahili Watu wanaweHa kukuuliHa umee!uka kiangaHi lakini hawaweHi kukuuliHa vile ulivyoe!uka. French 4es gens !euvent *eman*er si survOcu la sOcheresse mais !as comment tu lNa survOcu. Traditional meaning DonNt look to know somebo*y *ee!ly.
98. 9rgu won na mir *eemtu won nam nyatu ir Cira.

English <omething which bites is !referable to something which crawls over your bo*y. Swahili "i bora Hai*i kitu ikukule kuliko inakutembelea mwilini mwako kila wakati. French .ieu0 vaut souffrir une fois que *e souffrir continuellement *ans la vie. Traditional Meaning "o one can en*ure continuous !ain
99. Dab gafa haree gur ira muran.

English (he *onkey lamente* that while it was !lea*ing for horns its ears were cut off. Swahili Pun*a anaeleHa ya kuwa ali!okuwa akiomba a!ewe !embe sikio lake likakatwa. French 4NXne sNest retrouvOe avec *es oreilles cou!Oes quan* il *eman*ait ses cornes. Traditional meaning )ne shoul* be thankful to what o* has given them.


Arkanbarate murkqichat chochoa. English (he han* that has a habit of stealing twitches by the stab that remains even when it has been cut off. Swahili .kono ulio na Hoeo la kuiba# hata likikatwa sehemu ilio baki hutikisika kwa hisia ya masuli kwa gafla. French
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4a main qui a lAhabitu*e *e voler# volera mQme si elle est cou!Oe. Traditional Meaning When one is use* to a habit# it is har* to sto!# no matter how much one tries.

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