Course Outline E-Comm

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Developed For Electronic Commerce Students at Masters Level

Electronic Commerce

HAROON RASHID ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Department of Management Sciences) COMSATS !a"ore

Sc"e#$le% Class Timings% Cons$ltation "o$rs% Teac"er-s Class Assistant%

T$es#a& T"$rs#a& ''%() a*m* + )'%() p*m* ),%() p*m* + )(%() p*m* Mr* Asif Saee# M$g"al

(For all st$#ents of t"e class please Mr* Asif /ill act as m& Assistant in Aca#emic Matters ON!0*)

Haroon Rashid hrashid@ciitlahore edu p!

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Developed For Electronic Commerce Students at Masters Level

INTRODUCTION The syllabus is designed for candidates taking Electronic Commerce as a single subject. The Electronic Commerce subject is inter-related to almost all subjects in Management Sciences, thats hy it needs a com!rehensi"e understanding of human beha"ior and their im!act on the social and organi#ational issues. Electronic Commerce is e"er changing subject and thus re$uires a com!rehensi"e research to ards ne research issues orld ide. Es!ecially as en"ironment is more to ards no emerged "irtual organi#ation and a close link of inter-cultural issues the students needs to understand orking-culture in globali#ation. Objectives: Students should be able to% &efine hat is an 'rgani#ation &efine hat is Electronic Commerce( )dentify and de"elo! research on major *usiness 'rgani#ation es!ecially in +akistan, &is!lay an attitude to ards understanding the E-Commerce management in 'rgani#ation, ,!!ly the kno ledge in real orld businesses, )dentify "irtual global organi#ations and their im!acts on !ersonal and !rofessional li"es accordingly.

Haroon Rashid hrashid@ciitlahore edu p!

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Developed For Electronic Commerce Students at Masters Level

ASSESSMENT Scheme of Assessment ,ll students ill be re$uired to demonstrate basic le"el of kno ledge and understanding. -e$uiring recall of information together ith some sim!le!les to be sol"ed ill usually test the skills. ,ll students ill be re$uired to demonstrate some !ractical skills through the case studies. ,bilities to com!rehend, analy#e, e.!lain, synthesis and justify, to "arying degrees ill usually tested in a fairly straightfor ard ay, using information and situation hich may/may not be broadly be familiar to the students. ,ll students ill be entered for Sessional ), Sessional )), and 0inal Term. Sessional I (1 ho !" 1uestions along multi!le ans ers and structured $uestions ith no choice. Sessional II (# ho !s" 1uestions along multi!le ans ers and structured $uestions ith no choice. $inal Te!m (% ho !s" Com!lete syllabus along a C,SE study of the subject. 2o Choice. ill test real a!!lications understanding

&!o ' Case (!esentation: Class ill be di"ided in grou!s ith members no e.ceeding 5. They ill be gi"en a case study to com!rehend, analy#e, and identify !roblems and !resent a!!licable solutions to ards class. The grou! C,SE ST3&4 ill be e"aluated on team and indi"idual effort as ell. )EI&*TIN& O$ (A(ERS
(a'e! (e!cent of Total Ma!+s

Sessional ) Sessional )) 0inal Term +roject 1ui#, ,ssignment, C+ and ,ttendance

567 557 567 567 557

Haroon Rashid hrashid@ciitlahore edu p!

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Developed For Electronic Commerce Students at Masters Level

CURRICU,UM O-.ECTI/ES This course-outline must be read as an integrated hole and not as !rogression. The sections may o"erla! and interrelate and the order of sections reflects a to!do n "ie of the subject% a study of the Electronic Commerce and their effects on the business and organi#ation ill be su!!orted by case studies, discussions and !resentation of a!!licable kno ledge through case-study solutions. The sections of the course-outline follo . 5. 8. 9. :. 5. )ntroduction to Electronic Commerce Technology )nfrastructure *usiness Strategies for Electronic Commerce Technologies for Electronic Commerce )ntegration

Each course-outline section contains number of subsection, and there are aims described for each sections and objecti"es for each subsection.

Haroon Rashid hrashid@ciitlahore edu p!

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Developed For Electronic Commerce Students at Masters Level

Detail Co$rse Co1erage S&lla.$s To!ics to be co"ered% (ART 1: INTRODUCTION ;ecture 5,8 (ART #: ;ecture 9,: a< The Electronic Commerce b< The )nternet and =orld =ide =eb

-USINESS STRATE&IES $OR E,ECTRONIC COMMERCE Selling on =eb, -e"enue Models and *uilding =eb +resence ;ecture 5,> Marketing on =eb ;ecture ?,@ *usiness to *usiness Strategies ;ecture A, 56 =eb ,uctions, Birtual Communities, and =eb +ortals ;ecture 55, 58 =eb ,uctions, Birtual Communities, and =eb +ortals ;ecture 59, 5: The En"ironment of Electronic Commerce (ART %: TEC*NO,O&IES $OR E,ECTRONIC COMMERCE ;ecture 55 =eb Ser"er Card are and Soft are ;ecture 5> =eb Ser"er Card are and Soft are ;ecture 5?, 5@, 5A Electronic Commerce Soft are ;ecture 86,85 Security Threats to Electronic Commerce ;ecture 88,89 )m!lementing E-Commerce Security (ART 0: ;ecture 8: Te2t -oo+: Electronic Commerce *y Dary +. Schneider 2ational *ook 0oundation, )slamabad Refe!ence -oo+: 5< E-Commerce *y Martin *arnett, Edith Co an 3ni"ersity, +erth ,ustralia E?@>, +rinter )slamabad< 0irst Edition. Inte1!ation +lanning for Electronic *usiness

Haroon Rashid hrashid@ciitlahore edu p!

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