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10/10 IL04910003Z (AWA2527-1587, Pub51245)

Montageanweisung Instruction Leaflet Notice dinstallation Istruzioni per il montaggio Instrucciones de montaje



Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Strom!

Nur Elektrofachkrfte und elektrotechnisch unterwiesene Personen drfen die im Folgenden beschriebenen Arbeiten ausfhren.

en Electric current! Danger to life! Only skilled or instructed persons may carry out the following operations. fr Tension lectrique dangereuse ! Seules les personnes qualifies et averties doivent excuter les travaux ci-aprs. i t Tensione elettrica: Pericolo di morte! Solo persone abilitate e qualificate possono eseguire le operazioni di seguito riportate. es Corriente elctrica! Peligro de muerte! El trabajo a continuacin descrito debe ser realizado por personas cualificadas y advertidas. r u ! ! . zh

DILET... XTMT 0.75 - 1.5 mm2 0.75 - 2.5 mm

de en fr it es ru zh


de en fr it es ru zh

10.6 lb-in 10.6 lb-in Nicht unter Spannung anschlieen Do not connect if the device is energized Ne pas raccorder sous tension Non collegare sotto tensione No conectar si el aparato est activado

Potentiometeranschluss Potentiometer connection Borne pour raccordement dun potentiomtre Collegamento potenziometro Conexin de potencimetro


Z2 F 250 m (820 ft)


10 kO, F 0.5 W ex: E22PXB1C10

a Funktionswahl Function selection Choix de la fonction Scelta della funzione Seleccin de funcin


c b Zeiteinstellung Time setting Rglage de la temporisation Regolazione del tempo Ajuste de temporizacin

b c Zeitbereichswahl Time range preselection Choix de la plage de temporisation Scelta del campo di tempo Seleccin del margen de temporizacin

DILET11, XTMT11B Zeitrelais Timing relay Relais temporis Rel temporizzato Rel temporizador

1.5 s...30 s Funktion Function Fonction Funzione Funcin

k k k k k k k

1.5 s...30 s

DILET11-30-A DILET11-30-W XTMT6A30S11B


45 mm (1.77)


0.05 s...60 h DILET11-M-A DILET11-M-W 0.05 s...60 h XTMT6A60H11B

0,15...3 m 3...60 s 0,5...10 s 0,5...10 m 3...60 m 0,15...3 h 0,5...10 h 3...60 h




0,15...3 s 0,05...1 s

Emergency On Call Service: Local representative ( or +49 (0) 180 5 223822 (de, en)


Multifunktionsrelais Multi function relay Relais multifunctions Rel multifunzione Rel multifuncin

0.05 s...60 h DILET70-A DILET70-W 0.05 s...60 h XTMT6A60H70B Funktion Function Fonction Funzione Funcin k, BK, DL, HK k, BK, DL, HK k, BK, DL, HK k, BK, DL, HK k, BK, DL, HK k, BK, DL, HK k, BK, DL, HK Funktion Function Fonction Funzione Funcin l, p, v, HL l, p, v, HL l, p, v, HL l, p, v, HL l, p, v, HL l, p, v, HL l, p, v, HL
Z1 Z2 A1 15


Nur potentialfreien Kontakt anschlieen! Nicht mit N, PE oder PEN verbinden! Only connect potential-free contact! Must not be connected to N, PE, PEN! Raccordez uniquement un contact hors potentiel ! Ne pas raccorder aux N, PE, PEN ! Collegare soltanto un contatto a potenziale libero! Non collegare con N, PE, PEN! Conectar slo un contacto libre de potencial! No conectar con N, PE, PEN!



16 18

Z1 Y1

Z2 A1 15

. N, PE PEN.

Y1, Y2; Z1, Z2

Y2 A2 16 18

Uc h x W2 Uc H N, PE, PEN

DILET...-A r XTMT...B r r DILET...-W r


Uc = 24...240 V H/h 50/60 Hz Uc = 24...240 V h 50/60 Hz, -15 %...+10 % 6 A 250 V h max. B300 Tightening Torque 1.2 Nm (10.6 lb-in) Uc = 24...240 V H, -30 %...+20 % AWG18 - AWG14 Uc = 400 V h 50/60 Hz DILET...-W
0,15...3 m A1A2 1518 3...60 s 0,5...10 s 0,15...3 s 0,05...1 s 0,5...10 m 3...60 m 0,15...3 h 0,5...10 h 3...60 h 22 81 11 21 16 82 12 42 ON OFF




Zeit t luft nicht, Kontakt 15-18 geschlossen Time t not running, contact 15-18 closed Temporisation t non lance, contact 15-18 ferm Temporizzazione t non avviata, contatti 15-18 chiusi Temporizacin t no iniciada, contacto 15-18 cerrado
t , 15-18

Zeit t luft, Kontakt 15-18 geschlossen Time t running, contact 15-18 closed Temporisation t lance, contact 15-18 ferm Temporizzazione t avviata, contatti 15-18 chiusi Temporizacin t iniciada, contacto 15-18 cerrado
t , 15-18


Ablaufdiagramme Flow diagrams Diagrammes de fonctionnement Diagramma di sequenza Diagrama de secuencia Funktion Function Fonction Funzione Funcin

k ansprechverzgert

on-delayed retard lappel ritardato alleccitazione temporizacin de trabajo

BK einschaltwischend

with fleeting make contact impulsion lappel passante con ritardo alleccitazione impulso/cierre

DL blinkend

flashing clignoteur lampeggiante intermitente

HK impulsgebend

pulse generating impulsion retarde lappel ad impulsi generacin de un impulso fijo con temporizacin de trabajo

A1A2 1518 t LED t


A1A2 1518 t t t t LED t 0.5 s

A1A2 1518

1518 LED


l rckfallverzgert

off-delayed retard la chute ritardato alla diseccitazione temporizacin de reposo

p ansprech- und rckfallverzgert

on- and off-delayed retard lappel et la chute ritardato alleccitazione e alla diseccitazione temporizacin de trabajo y reposo

v ausschaltwischend

with fleeting break contact impulsion la chute passante con ritardo alla diseccitazione impulso a la apertura

HL impulsformend

pulse shaping mise en forme dune impulsion formazione dimpulsi generacin de un impulso

A1A2 Y1Y2 1518

A1A2 Y1Y2 1518 t t LED


A1A2 Y1Y2 1518 t LED

A1A2 Y1Y2 1518



Emergency On Call Service: Local representative ( or +49 (0) 180 5 223822 (de, en) All Rights Reserved 10/10 IL04910003Z Printed in Germany (12/10) DE13 DHW/Eb

Eaton Industries GmbH, Hein-Moeller-Strae 7-11, 53115 Bonn, Germany 1997 by Eaton Industries GmbH,

10/10 IL04910003Z

Zeit t luft, Kontakt 15-18 offen Time t running, contact 15-18 open Temporisation t lance, contact 15-18 ouvert Temporizzazione t avviata, contatti 15-18 aperti Tamporizacin t iniciada, contacto 15-18 abierto t , 15-18

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