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Summative assessment 1 (2013-2014)

Subject: English Class: VI ASSI !"E!#S Cha$te% 1: Attila

Q1. Who was Attila? Q2. What was the first name suggested for him? Q3. What do you mean by forbidding? Q4. Who loved him the most in the family? Q5. Who was Ranga? Q . Where did he live? Q!. Why he was angry with Attila? Q". Write 5 ad#e$tives from the $ha%ter. Q&. Where did the eldest son see Attila? Q1'. Who was $onsidered the hero at the end?

Cha$te% 2: #he "an In #he #%ain

Q1. What was the name of the lady? Q2 where she was going? Q3 who was sitting ne(t to her? Q4. )es$ribe the %hysi$al a%%earan$e of the man Q5 why did the man ta*e out the *nife from his %o$*et? Q . What else was there in his %o$*et? Q!. Who was standing on the station? Q" why did they $ome there? Q&. Why did mars. +la*e laugh at the end? Q1'. Write the antonyms of ,sto%%ed-. ,o%en-. ,to%-. ,$arefully-.

Cha$te% 3: &an'(%a an' #he ")ste%i(us *(+

Q1. What was the name of the two $hildren? Q2. /ow were those days different from the %resent time? Q3. Who brought the bo(? Q4. Why was 0andora $urious to o%en the bo(? Q5. )es$ribe the bo(. Q . What ha%%ened when she o%ened the bo(? Q!. Who $ame out of the bo( se$ond time? Q". Why 0andora was lay on the floor sobbing? Q&. Why was 1%imetheus angry with 0andora? Q1'.ma*e senten$es2 3%iteful. %eel

Cha$te% 4: #he Sch((l ,(% S)m$ath)

Q1. Who does ,4- refer to? Q2. Why was the girl-s eyes $overed with a bandage? Q3. /ow were her tea$hing methods? Q4. What was the name of the tea$her to whom the narrator tal*ed with? Q5. Who was standing in the garden and why? Q . What do you mean by ,misfortune- and ,assistan$e-? Q!. What did the narrator as*ed the girl whose eyes were $overed? Q". What was the name of the girl and what was the $olour of her hair? Q&. 5olle$t some information about ,1dward 6errall 7u$as-? Q1'. 3uggest another title for the story.

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Q1. 9ame the %oet of the %oem. Q2. Why did the $ro$odile $ome to the dentist? Q3. What do you mean by molars? Q4. Who $ame inside with the golden $hain? Q5. Why was the do$tor s$ared? Q . Why the $ro$odile did suggested the dentist to $he$* the ba$* teeth first? Q!. Write the synonyms for2 ;uivered. shar%. . 022 W49) Q1. 9ame the %oet of the %oem? Q2. Write some lines on subhramania bharti. Q3. 8o whom the %oet is saying not to brea* the shutters of the windows? Q4. Who does ,he- refer to? Q5. Who brought rain again? Q . What does the %oem want to build? Q!. Whose friendshi% is good? Q". 8o whom we %raise every day?

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Q1. What was 0atri$ia doing? Q2. /ow was she related to 0aul?

Q3. Why were they leaving =uri$h? Q4. Were they su$$essful in getting the room? Q5. Where did 0aul sto% the $ar? Q . Who was sitting on the table? Q!. What ha%%ened on the &th tele%hone $all? Q". )id their wish $ome true? Q&. Where was the /otel 3tefani lo$ated? Q&. Who was mar. mar*ie? Q1'.write your views about the story in 1' lines.

5ha%ter 2 the $o% and the anthem

Q1. Who were flying to south? Q2. What were %eo%le wearing? Q3. What did 3oa%y reali>ed? Q4. What did he want? Q5. What would they him to do? Q . What was his %lan to get arrested? Q!. Where did he sto%%ed? Q". Why did soa%y move ba$*? Q&. What did the two waiters do? Q1'.what was his se$ond %lan?

5ha%ter !2 the tem%est

Q1. Who was %ros%ero? Q2. Who was the young beautiful lady? Q3. )es$ribe Arial Q4. Who was $aliban? Q5. Why was %ros%ero angry? Q . Why did 0ros%ero-s brother betray him? Q!. Where did %ros%ero *ee% <erdinand? Q". What did Antonio do in the end?

)rama2 say the right thing

Q1. Who was ?rs. 3haw? Q2. Who was ?rs. /arding? Q3. Where did ?rs. /arding buy her new house? Q4. Write the meaning of2 embarrassing. Q5. Whi$h $hara$ter do you li*e the most and why? Q . )es$ribe the $hara$ter of ?ary 3haw Q!. Write the name of the writer of this %lay.

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Q1. 9ame the %oet of the %oem Q2. Why was s%ider $alling the fly in his %arlor? Q3. What does the s%ider have to show the fly? Q4. Was the s%ider sure that the fly will $ome? Q5. Write the meaning of dismal and wily Q . What ha%%ened to the fly at the end?

0oem 42 daybrea*
Q1. 9ame the %oet. Q2. Who does ,it- refer to in the se$ond %aragra%h? Q3. Write the rhyming s$heme of the first si( lines. Q4. Write two %air of rhyming words Q5. What is the meaning $larion? Q . <ind out 4 ad#e$tives from the %oem and mention their *inds also.

.%iting s/ills
Q1. %g no. b23. b25 Are%ort writingB Q2. %g no. b55. b5" Abiogra%hi$al s*et$hB Q3. %g no. b 4. b ! A%oster ma*ingB Q4. %g no. b153. b15 Adiary entryB Q5. %g no. b!1. b!3 Adialogue $om%letionB

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