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Membership Sites

Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

Other Important Things

)ere are other important things to *eep in mind as #o %ant to ma*e s re that #o r mem!ership site %ill attra"t eno gh s !s"ri!ers to ' stif# the time and %or* involved in "onsistentl# pdating the site %ith fresh "ontent.

+o %itho t f rther ado here are a fe% other ( estions #o sho ld as* #o rself !efore going ahead %ith #o r mem!ership site,

Will you be able to come up with fresh ideas for future updates to ensure that your website stays fresh? Is your market scalable with the potential for ongoing growth? Can you offer upgrade options to further maximize your income, or are products and your overall scope extremely limited? Is your target audience able to solve their problems quickly making it difficult to retain subscribers!, or is your potential

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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topic able to expand so that you can cater to a large"scale, ever"growing community?

Adding Additional Value On"e #o have a general idea as to #o r mem!ership theme$ are personall#

ta*e it one step f rther !# identif#ing %hat #o val e to #o r "omm nit# program.

interested in or e&perien"ed %ith that "o ld add additional

#re you experienced with a specific instrument? #re you trained in specific programs or software? #re you experienced with popular hobbies or sports? #re you knowledgeable regarding a specialized topic in a $desperate% market?

Be Active or Should That Be Pro-Active The !est mem!ership sites involve fre( ent a"tivit# from the administrator so the more a"tive #o are %ithin #o r mem!ership "omm nit#$ the easier it %ill !e to develop a relationship %ith #o r s !s"ri!er !ase and en"o rage mem!er lo#alt#.
Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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This means that #o something that #o

%ant #o r mem!ership theme to !e are personall# interested in or have

e&perien"e %ith. .o /ll also find it easier to develop "ontent for #o r site if #o have a gen ine interest in the topi".

Create A ocused Membership Site The more fo" sed #o r %e!site is$ the easier it %ill !e to tap into #o r ni"he mar*et and determine e&a"tl# %hat #o r target a dien"e is interested in and provide it to them. If #o r mem!ership site is too generi" or !road$ #o !ase is loo*ing for. %ill have tro !le tailoring #o r "ontent to %hat the ma'orit# of #o r mem!er

If #o

str ggle to pin do%n a topi" for #o r mem!ership

%e!site$ "onsider e&ploring the digital mar*etpla"es %here #o "an ( i"*l# eval ate potential topi"s and see %hat is " rrentl# selling.

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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!valuating Potential Membership Site Topics One of the greatest reso r"es for eval ating potential

mem!ership site topi"s is fo nd at http,11%%%.2li"*3an*."om

4hile 2li"*3an* is primaril# *no%n for digital prod "ts$ the# also sho%"ase mem!ership !ased %e!sites from %ithin do5ens of "ategories and ni"he mar*ets. .o %e!sites !# sear"hing sear"h area of their mar*etpla"e. "an lo"ate mem!ership sing the 67 t re 89 option %ithin the


%ant to sear"h thro gh e&isting mem!ership sites and

"omm nities in order to determine ho% their mem!ership site is str "t red :traditional$ "oa"hing !ased$ email !ased$ et";$ their pri"e str "t re$ %hether the# have an affiliate program$ as %ell as the spe"ifi" "ontent that is !eing offered and overall val e on the site itself.

Then$ as* #o rself the ( estion,

&'ow can you improve on their existing model?(

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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&Can you expand on the topic%s coverage and provide additional resources, tools and information?(

4rite do%n an# ideas that #o referen"e.


p %ith as #o

eval ate

e&isting mem!ership sites in #o r ni"he mar*et$ for f t re

This %ill help #o

thoro ghl# anal#5e the e&isting s !s"ription "an "reate an improved ni( e val e to #o r o%n

sites in #o r ni"he so that #o mem!ership %e!site that offers mem!er=s !ase.

Another simple strateg# for revie%ing potential mar*ets and topi"s for #o r mem!ership site is !# e&ploring %%%.Ama5on."om to determine the n m!er of availa!le prod "ts fo" sing on #o r s !'e"t matter. This is a great %a# to determine %hether or not #o r mar*et is a pop lar :and profita!le; one.

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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+?.7@$ availa!le at http,11%%%.+p#7@."om is a great ni"he resear"h tool that %ill provide detailed statisti"s on *e#%ords as %ell as e&isting Ad%ords advertisers.

Aoogle Alerts is an e&"eptionall# #o r mem!ership site. .o http,11%%%.Aoogle."om1alerts

sef l tool for lo"ating hot

topi"s and " rrent trends that "o ld serve as potential ideas for "an a""ess Aoogle Alerts at

.ahoo Ans%ers is also a ver# #o "ome pop larit#.

sef l resear"h tool that %ill help

p %ith *iller mem!ership topi"s !ased on overall

All of this resear"h ta*es a !it of time ! t it=s a "riti"al step in effe"tivel# eval ating the theme and topi" of #o r mem!ership site so that #o "an ! ild the ver# !est mem!ership %e!site possi!le %ithin #o r mar*et.

4hen "reating #o r mem!ership %e!site$ there are man# different models that #o "an "hoose from$ in"l ding "oa"hing pdates or #o "an Page B or training$ email !ased "o rses$ monthl#

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

even "hoose to set for a limited time.

p a Ctime limitedC mem!ership site$ %here

s !s"ri!ers pa# to a""ess training materials or %ee*l# "o rses

Membership Sites: Other Important Things to Keep in Mind

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