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Ordinance regarding the procedure to be followed by the selection committee for appointment of teachers and officers.

In exercise of the power conferred by section 29(o) of the Act the following ordinance is made to lay down the procedure to be followed by the selection committee as re uired under section 22(e) of the statutes in chapter I! "his ordinance so made may be #nown as ordinance regarding the procedure to be followed by the selection committee for appointment of teachers and officers of the uni$ersity! "his ordinance shall come into force with effect from the date of appro$al by the state go$ernment! 1. Objective "o frame the procedure to be followed by the selection committee for ma#ing recommendation to the %xecuti$e &ouncil for appointments toteachers and officers (other than 'ice(&hancellor) *eans and Proctor) of the uni$ersity through open ad$ertisement and also for appointments by promotion to the post(s) to which it is applicable as per pro$ision of the Act) +tatutes and state go$ernment,s decisions pronounced from time to time! 2. Applicability "his ordinance shall apply only to the uni$ersity office) uni$ersity departments) allied offices of the uni$ersity and colleges and institutions maintained by the uni$ersity! 3. Procedure for selection by open advertisement -!.! Application recei$ed by the uni$ersity) in response to its ad$ertisement gi$ing interalia all the essential information li#e name of the posts and the attached pay(scale) corresponding ualification and experience as prescribed by the state go$ernment from time to time) etc and the number of post(s) reser$ed for each category as per the current reser$ation roster of the state go$ernment shall be arranged post wise for each category under the super$ision of the registrar and entered into a register meant for the purpose! -!2! A table showing the number of $alid applications for each category of candidate for e$ery ad$ertised post shall be prepared and placed in the $ery next meeting of the %xecuti$e &ouncil to decide post(wise whether the post shall be filled i! on the basis of inter$iew gi$ing proper weightage to academic ualification) experience) publication) etc!as per the pro$isions of /0& regulations where$er applicable or ii! on the basis of written test including computer s#ill test) academic ualification) experience) publication etc! and inter$iew in conformity with the decision of the state go$ernment! -!-! Procedure for selection by interview !In case the %xecuti$e &ouncil decides to fill the post(s) on the basis as mentioned in clause -!2! (i) abo$e following scheme of distribution of mar#s1points shall be followed by the selection committee!

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2atric .

.342 2

5achelor -

2aster 6

Ph!* 7

%xperience related field 8

Inter$iew 9

97: and 97: and 97: and 97: and Ph!*(36 abo$e (.3 abo$e (.3 abo$e (.3 abo$e (.3 points points points points points 87: or 87: or 87: or more but more but more but less than less than less than 97: (; 97: (; 97: (; points points points 77: or 77: or more but more but less than less than 87: (8 87: (8 points points 87: or more but less than 97: (; points

=ne point for e$ery -7 points years of experience Publication sub<ect to in referred maximum( <ournal 38 .7 points points

2 points per 77: or 77: or paper more but more but less than less than 87: (8 87: (8 points points 67: or more but less than 77: (6 points -7: or more but less than 67: (2 points

67: or 67: or 67: or more but more but more but less than less than less than 77: (6 77: (6 77: (6 points points points -7: or -7: or -7: or more but more but more but less than less than less than 67: (2 67: (2 67: (2 points points points

2ore than 2ore than 2ore than 2ore than 27: but 27: but 27: but 27: but less than less than less than less than -7:(3 -7:(3 -7:(3 -7:(3 points points points points 2ax!(.3 points 2ax!(.3 points 2ax!(.3 points 2ax!(.3 points 2ax!(.3 points 2ax!(.7 points 2ax!(-7 points

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>here academic ualifications of the candidate are in /0& se$en point grade system instead numerical the following se$en point scale e ui$alent shall be used! 0rade =? =utstanding A?'ery 0ood 5?0ood &?A$erage *?5elow A$erage %?Poor @?@ail 0rade point 7!7(8!33 6!7(7!69 -!7(6!79 2!7(-!69 .!73(2!69 3!73(.!69 3!33(3!69 % ui$alent percentage 97(.33 87(96 77(86 67(76 -7(66 27(-6 3(26

If the candidate,s academic ualification is in AI&"% .3 point scale the following table shall be usedA( Percentage e ui$alence of grade points for a ten points scale "#A$% PO&'( ..25 ../5 /.25 /./5 0.25 P%#)%'(A"% O* +A#,55 .1 .5 /1 /5


Procedure for selection by written test2 computer s3ill test 4 interview ! when the %xecuti$e &ouncil resol$es to fill the post on the basis of clause -!2! (ii) abo$e) the following procedure shall be followed! i! All the eligible candidates for a particular post shall be re uired to appear in a written screening test of 2!-3 hours duration ha$ing uestions on the topic as detailed belowA( a! 0eneral intelligence 73 mar#s 67 minutes b! 0eneral awareness 73 mar#s 67 minutes c! Bindi C %nglish comprehension (for officer)1 .33 mar#s 83 minutes concerned sub<ect (for teachers) 'ote ! .3 minutes gap between two paper d! &omputer s#ill test .33 mar#s 83 minutes ii! "he candidates) who secure e ual to or more mar#s than the ualifying mar#s prescribed for each section of the written test shall be re uired to appear for computer s#ill test without exception!

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@or each component of written and computer s#ill test minimum ualifying mar#s shall be as followsA( a! 0eneral category 63: b! @or bac#ward category -8!7: c! %xtremely bac#ground -6: d! @or +!&) +" C woman -2: =nly such candidates who ualifying in the computer s#ill test shall be allowed to appear in the inter$iew! 'ote ! "he $ice(chancellor shall be the sole authority to get the syllabus framed for the written and computer s#ill test) uestion(set and e$aluation done! iii! "he weightage for different component li#e academic records) written test C computer s#ill test) experience and inter$iew shall be as follows a! Academic record and experience 63: D"he scheme for award of mar#s will be the same as in claue (-!-) abo$eE b! >ritten test 23: c! &omputer test 23: d! Inter$iew 23: 5. Action by the selection committee 6!.! "he candidate wise information for each post about all the candidates for the post) who ha$e ualified in each component of written and computer s#ill tests) shall be prepared in a tabular form showing the weightage of educational ualification) experience etc! and the mar#s secured by the candidates in written and computer s#ill tests) shall be placed before the appropriate selection committee constituted as per pro$isions of section (22) of the statute in chapter I! 6!2! "he selection committee after $erifying the mar#s awarded for academic ualification) experience and the mar#s secured by the candidate for tests shall award the mar#s to each candidate for his1her performance in the inter$iew and prepare a combined merit list for all category of candidates and also prepares separate merit for each of the reser$ed category! If any candidate of reser$ed category finds such a place in the combined merit list that he1she can ualify for appointment against the $acancy meant for general candidate such persons shall not be counted in the reser$ed category!

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5. Procedure for appointment by promotion As per decision of the state go$ernment F certain percentage of different post of officers below the ran# of registrar shall be filled by promotion by the persons holding substanti$e appointment in the immediate lower grade! 7!.! In case of promotion minimum ualification shall not be strictly adhered to! 7!2! "he necessary papers including &&G for preceding three years shall be placed before the concerned selection committee in order of seniority in tabular form and the selection committee shall inter$iew the concerned candidates for ma#ing recommendation to the %xecuti$e &ouncil for appointment by promotion seniority if as a result of promotion gets disturbed reason should be recorded in writing! .. "eneral ! 8!.! "he merit list for each Hpost, prepared by the selection committee consisting of two more names than the number of actual $acancy shall be submitted to the 'ice(&hancellor in sealed co$er! 8!2! "he sealed co$er shall be opened in the $ery next meeting of the executi$e council! "o each post the executi$e council shall ma#e appointment of only such number of persons as the number of $acancy strictly according to merit! 8!-! In case the %xecuti$e council is not inclined to appoint a person from the merit list and the merit list is conse uently disturbed the matter shall be referred to the competent authority assigning the reasons there and the decision of the competent authority shall be final and binding! 8!6! A reser$ed $acancy for a particular category cannot be filled by a candidate not belonging to that in the first instance! 8!7! +election committee reser$es the right not to recommend any candidate after assigning the reasons! 8!8! 2erit list prepared by selection committee shall remain $alid for one year! FPublished in =fficial 0aIette (Jo! Patna -8) Patna dated -3th August) 23.3 $ide Gesolution Jo .71Mh.(3.139 vak ?II 0fk0K 289- *epartment of BG*) dated 29th August)23.3!

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