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Goat Group


Focus: Theme: Topic: &ontent Standard: Listening and speaking Wor d o! se !" !ami # and !riends $# %app# Da#s 1'1 Pupi s (i )e a) e to pronounce (ords and speak con!ident # (ith the correct stress" rh#thm and intonation' 1'1'* A) e to isten to" sa# a oud and recite rh#mes or sing songs (ith guidance'

Learning Standard:


-# the end o! the esson pupi s shou d )e a) e to: sa# a oud and recite rh#mes (ith guidance
./ minutes Te0t )ook" (ord cards" chart

Time: Teaching Aids:


Teaching 1 Notes Learning Strateg# 1' 2ntroduction 3 Listening and Toda# is $onda#" Teacher reads the speaking Tomorro( is Tuesda#" rh#me on the Then" comes )oard and pupi s Wednesda#" Thursda# isten and Frida#' 4' Teacher reads 5eading (ith the rh#mes and actions do the action *' 6et pupi s to make sma circ e in !ront o! the c ass' 7' 6et pupi s to 5eading (ith read and do the actions actions together (ith teacher'


Focus: Theme: Topic: &ontent Standard: 5eading Wor d o! se !" !ami # and !riends $# %app# Da#s 4'1 -# the end o! the .8#ear primar# schoo ing" pupi s (i )e a) e to app # kno( edge o! sounds o! etters to recognise (ords in inear non8 inear te0ts 4'1'* A) e to ) end to !our phonemes into recogni9a) e (ords and read them a oud' a) e to recognise articu ate initia " media 1 the !ina sounds in sing e s# a) e (ords (ithin gi,en conte0t : :c; :d;

Learning Standard:



-# the end o! the esson pupi s shou d )e a) e to <

recogni9a) e (ords and articu ate initia " media 1 the !ina sounds in sing e s# a) e (ords (ithin gi,en conte0t : =k=

Time: Teaching Aids:

./ minutes $ani a card" (ord cards


Teaching 1 Notes Learning Strateg# 1' 2ntroduction Listening and Word card : 8Teacher does speaking actions )ased on the (ord card 8 Pupi s guess the (ord 4' Teacher reads Listening (ith actions speaking and pupi s !o o(' and


*' 2n groups" 5eciting (ith pupi s read and actions do the actions 7' 2ndi,idua #" 5eciting pupi s read and actions do the actions >' Pupi s do the Speaking actions o! actions (ords : Sack" camp" cap" kit (ith



Focus: Theme: Topic: &ontent Standard: Writing Wor d o! se !" !ami # and !riends $# %app# Da#s *'1 Pupi s (i )e a) e to !orm etters and (ords in neat egi) e print inc uding cursi,e (riting *'1'4 :d; a) e to cop# and (rite in neat egi) e print : (ords ;' *'4'7 a) e to spe common sight (ords and seen (ords O)+ecti,e:

Learning Standard:

-# the end o! the esson pupi s shou d )e a) e to <

(rite in neat egi) e print : (ords ; and spe common sight (ords and seen (ords

Time: Teaching Aids:

./ minutes Worksheet" (ord cards" comp ete rh#mes chart" incomp ete rh#me chart' Teaching Learning Strateg# 1 Notes


1'Set 2nduction Listening and 8Teacher puts up a speaking chart on a )oard' 8 pupi s read the rh#mes (ith teacher guidance'

Toda# is $onda#" Tomorro( is Tuesda#" Then" comes Wednesda#" Thursda# and Frida#'


Teacher puts Fi in the ) anks 2ncomp ete up the chart incomp ete rh#mes on the )oard'
Monday Tuesday


4' Teacher distri)utes the (ord cards o! da#s in a (eek' *' Pupi s comp ete Fi in the the rh#mes ) anks using the (ord :paste the cards; 7' Teacher (riting distri)utes the (orksheet' >' Teacher checks the pupi s? (orks and gi,es a(ard to the )est (ork'

8 penmanship 8 comp ete the rh#mes (ith missing (ords :(ith guidance;


Focus: Theme: Topic: &ontent Standard: Language arts Wor d o! se ! o! stories $# %app# Da#s >'* pupi s (i )e a) e to p an" organi9e and produce creati,e (orks !or en+o#ment

Learning Standard:

7'*'1 a) e to produce simp e creati,e (orks (ith guidance )ased on : c; stories 7'*'4 a) e to take part (ith guidance in a per!ormance )ased on :c; stories


-# the end o! the esson pupi s shou d )e a) e to <

Produce simp e creati,e (orks and take part in a per!ormance (ith guidance )ased on stories'

Time: Teaching Aids:

./ minutes Worksheet" pu99 e" etter cards

Acti,ities 1' 2ntroduction 8 Pupi s sing the +a99 chant (ith guidance

Teaching Learning Strateg# 5eciting

1 Notes 5h#mes chart

4' Teacher di,ides the pupi s into pairs' *' Teacher istening e0p ains on ho( to carr# out the acti,ities' 7' Teacher distri)utes the +um) e up etter regarding the da# >' 2n pairs" pupi s 5earranging attempt the etters acti,ities )# rearrange the etter to !orm o! the da#'

Letter cards

Letter cards

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