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Item Feedback Report

Network Basics (Version 5.0) - NB Chapter 2 Exam

Below is the feedback on items for which you did not receive full credit. Some interactive items may not display your response. Subscore: Domain Knowledge - Weighted Score

2 What type of cable is used between a terminal and a console port?

Correct Response Your Response cross-over straight-through rollover telephone

Configuring or managing a Cisco networking device locally requires direct connection using a console cable, also called a rollover cable, and a terminal emulation program.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.1.2 Accessing a Cisco IOS Device

4 Which statement accurately describes the use of the console port of a Cisco switch?
Correct Response Your Response A connection to the VTY port must first be established before it can be used. Network services must be enabled in order to access the device.

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It provides out-of-band access to manage the switch. An IP address must be configured prior to a connection being made through the console port. This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.1.2 Accessing a Cisco IOS Device

6 A ping command is issued on a router to test connectivity to another router. Which escape sequence should be used if the administrator wants to interrupt the ping before it ends?
Correct Response Your Response Ctrl-Shift-6 Ctrl-C Ctrl-Q Ctrl-Shift-X ESC Ctrl-R

When the user wants to interrupt an IOS process such as ping or traceroute, the Ctrl-Shift-6 escape sequence should be used.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.1.4 The Command Structure

7 Which two characters are allowed as part of the hostname of a Cisco device? (Choose two.)
Correct Response Your Response

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space underline tab numbers question mark

Some guidelines for hostnames are as follows: Be sure they start with a letter. Do not allow spaces. Be sure they end with a letter or digit. Use only letters, digits, and dashes. Check that the hostnames contain fewer than 64 characters.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.2.1 Hostnames

9 A network administrator is configuring passwords for a Cisco switch. What two types of passwords are configured in the configuration mode that is shown below? (Choose two.) SwitchA(config-line)# password CiscoCla$$

Correct Response

Your Response VTY password SSH password enable password console password

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enable secret password

In global configuration mode, a network administrator can enter line console 0 or line vty 0 4 command, and the configuration mode will change to the line configuration mode.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.2.2 Limiting Access to Device Configurations

10 A technician configured a switch with console, enable secret, and VTY passwords. The service password-encryption command was then used to encrypt all unencrypted passwords. What happens if the technician issues the no service password-encryption command?
Correct Response Your Response All passwords, including the enable secret password, will be shown in clear text. The switch will issue an 'Invalid Error' message. The passwords will still be encrypted. Only the enable secret password will remain encrypted.

After the service password-encryption command was issued, there is no way to present the passwords again in clear text. The no service password-encryption command stops any new passwords from being encrypted.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.2.2 Limiting Access to Device Configurations

11 A new network administrator has been asked to enter a banner message on a Cisco device.

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What is the fastest way a network administrator could test whether the banner is properly configured?
Correct Response Your Response Reboot the device. Enter CTRL-Z at the privileged mode prompt. Exit global configuration mode. Power cycle the device. Exit enable mode and press Enter.

While at the privileged mode prompt such as Router#, type exit,press Enter, and the banner message appears. Power cycling a network device that has had the banner motd command issued will also display the banner message, but this is not a quick way to test the configuration.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.2.2 Limiting Access to Device Configurations


Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring the MOTD on switch SW1. What is the purpose of this command?
Correct Response Your Response

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to display a message when a user accesses the switch to configure switch SW1 so that only the users in the Admin group can telnet into SW1 to force users of the Admin group to enter a password for authentication to configure switch SW1 so that the message will display when a user enters the enable command

A banner message can be an important part of the legal process in the event that someone is prosecuted for breaking into a device. A banner message should make it clear that only authorized personnel should attempt to access the device. However, the banner command does not prevent unauthorized entry.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.2.2 Limiting Access to Device Configurations

14 While trying to solve a network issue, a technician made multiple changes to the current router configuration file. The changes did not solve the problem and were not saved. What action can the technician take to discard the changes and work with the file in NVRAM?
Correct Response Your Response Issue the reload command without saving the running configuration. Delete the vlan.dat file and reboot the device. Close and reopen the terminal emulation software. Issue the copy startup-config running-config command.

The technician does not want to make any mistakes trying to remove all the changes that were done to the running configuration file. The solution is to reboot the router without saving the running configuration. The copy startup-config running-config command does not overwrite the running configuration file with the configuration file stored in NVRAM, but rather it just has an additive effect.

This item references content from the following areas:

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Network Basics 2.2.3 Saving Configurations


Refer to the exhibit. A switch was configured as shown. A ping to the default gateway was issued, but the ping was not successful. Other switches in the same network can ping this gateway. What is a possible reason for this?
Correct Response Your Response The VLAN IP address and the default gateway IP address are not in the same network. The local DNS server is not functioning correctly. The no shutdown command was not issued for VLAN 1. The ip default-gateway command has to be issued in the VLAN interface configuration mode. The default gateway address must be

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If the switch is going to be managed, it is necessary to configure a VLAN interface with an IP address and a default gateway IP address. The no shutdown command has to be issued in the VLAN interface to activate it. The default gateway address can be any unique host address on the local network.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.3.2 Addressing Devices

17 Why would a Layer 2 switch need an IP address?

Correct Response Your Response to enable the switch to send broadcast frames to attached PCs to enable the switch to function as a default gateway to enable the switch to be managed remotely to enable the switch to receive frames from attached PCs

A switch, as a Layer 2 device, does not need an IP address to transmit frames to attached devices. However, when a switch is accessed remotely through the network, it must have a Layer 3 address. The IP address must be applied to a virtual interface rather than to a physical interface. Routers, not switches, function as default gateways.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.3.2 Addressing Devices

19 A user calls to report that a PC cannot access the Internet. The network technician asks the user to issue the command ping in a command prompt window. The user reports that the

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result is four positive replies. What conclusion can be drawn based on this connectivity test?
Correct Response Your Response The PC can access the network. The problem exists beyond the local network. The IP address obtained from the DHCP server is correct. The PC can access the Internet. However, the web browser may not work. The NIC, drivers, and the TCP/IP implementation is functional.

The ping command is used to verify that the TCP/IP stack is functional. It verifies the proper operation of the protocol stack from the network layer to physical layer, without sending a signal on the media. That is, this test does not go beyond the PC itself. For example, it does not detect whether a cable is connected to the PC or not.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.3.3 Verifying Connectivity

Fill in the blank. The IOS is stored in NVram memory in a Cisco switch or router.

The IOS is stored in a semipermanent memory area called flash in a Cisco router or switch.

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.1.1 Cisco IOS


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Question as presented:

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The shortcuts with their functions are as follows: - Tab - Completes the remainder of a partially typed command or keyword - Ctrl-R - Redisplays, on a new line, the command currently being typed - Ctrl-Z - Exits configuration mode and returns to the EXEC - Up Arrow - Allows user to scroll backward through former commands - Ctrl-C - cancels any command currently being entered and returns directly to privileged EXEC mode - Ctrl-Shift-6 - Allows the user to interrupt an IOS process such as ping or traceroute

This item references content from the following areas: Network Basics 2.1.4 The Command Structure

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