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SitePlayer Telnet Release Notes

and revision history

Jan 16, 2007 11:50 AM

POE Version Depicted

Manual v1.11

Firmware v1.4aib

Website v1.4aaj

SitePlayer Telnet User's manual v1.11

Added section describing the Custom Web page ability of this software release and how to load the BasicX custom web page. Documented no echo mode Described end-plate of SitePlayer Telnet Power of Ethernet (POE) hardware.

SitePlayer Telnet Firmware v1.4aib

Software compatibly with SitePlayer module hardware revision C: This version of the module is RoHS compliant Software capability for OEM custom web pages: Currently there is no user program to generate custom web pages. A sample custom web page is included in this release which allows SitePlayer Telnet to be used to program a BasicX processor. Added no-echo capability to NVT mode. Fixed an issue with DHCP where Gateway and DNS addresses were not requested from some DHCP servers.

SitePlayer BasicX Custom Web Page v1.0aaq

Custom web page which demonstrates how SitePlayer Telnet can be customized. This web page allows the control of an attached BasicX processor.

SitePlayer Telnet Website v1.4aaj

Updated some behind the scenes java scripts to allow better integration with custom web pages.

Manual v1.08

Firmware v1.3aao

Website v1.3aab

SitePlayer Telnet User's manual v1.08

Added description of new features: Documented Force-AT command mode Claried how Pins 1 & 18 (*LINK & *Lsense) should be used

SitePlayer Telnet Firmware v1.3aao

Fixed several TCP/IP protocol issues: SitePlayer no longer gets stuck in SYN RECEIVED state during connection processing SYNs are now sent periodically (rather than once) when initiating a connection. Bogus packets during connection processing are now rejected with RST. Added new features: Force-AT-command mode via input lines. AT command mode may be forced by raising RS232 lines DSR, DCD or RI. Exit AT command mode by issuing ATDS or ATDC commands. AT command mode cannot then be reentered until SitePlayer is Reset, Power cycled or Force-AT-Command is initiated

SitePlayer Telnet Website v1.3aab

Updated Telnet Web page: Allow selection of control line which causes SitePlayer to enter Force-AT-Command mode.

Manual v1.06

Firmware v1.2atf

Website v1.2aby

SitePlayer Telnet User's manual v1.06

Added descriptions for new features: SitePlayer Saving conguration parameters SitePlayer Telnet test mode description in Admin in Web page. AT-Command set selection described in Telnet Web page and extended description in Appendix A. Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) support described in Telnet Web page and extended description in Appendix A. Clearing persistent storage described in Admin Web page. Telnet Status elds in Telnet web page. Added FCC class B information Updated various section of manual: Claried wording regarding RS-232 levels and logic levels for various control lines in Telnet web page. Updated Telnet Carrier schematic to coincide with production board. Added diagram for SitePlayer module and its pin-outs. Updated diagrams. Changed references of Rendezvous to Bonjour. Updated information regarding Bonjour in Appendix A.

SitePlayer Telnet Firmware v1.2atf

Added support for several new features: SitePlayer now saves conguration parameters before re-ashing and restores them after ashing is completed. This is useful in several situations, in particular when xed IP addresses have been assigned to SitePlayer. SitePlayer will now remember its assigned IP address when it is re-ashed. Of course other parameters that were set-up via the web page are also saved. Telnet Serial test Mode. Allows placing SitePlayer into a test mode where it sends characters via TCP/IP. This is primarily used for testing two SitePlayers which have been connected via a null modem cable and on the same ethernet network. Serial test mode parameter is not saved when SitePlayer is re-ashed. AT-Command set. AT-modem type commands may be issued from the serial port to allow initiating TCP/ IP and UDP connections. Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) support. Primarily support for RFC 2217 (COM Port Control Option) which allows COM port parameters to be changed via NVT telnet commands. Fixed several issues: Garbage data is no longer sent in DHCP requests. Although the data was harmless and not part of the DHCP transactions, it would cause some alarm conditions to be triggered in some routers. Baud rate of 57600 was incorrectly set to 56000 baud. It!s now really 57600. The sense of various control lines (DSR, DCD, RI) for Server Connects or Client Connects/Disconnects was reversed. SitePlayer no longer consumes persistent storage unnecessarily when power cycled.

Manual v1.06

Firmware v1.2atf

Website v1.2aby

SitePlayer Telnet Website v1.2aby

Updated Web Site to reect new features: Clear Persistent Storage in Admin Web page. Allows the clearing of persistent storage to free it up. Since SitePlayer now saves conguration parameters before clearing persistent storage, this button allows the web page to be erased while still preserving conguration parameters. Added Telnet Test mode Active/InActive selection in Admin web page. Added AT-Command mode as an option in Telnet web page. Telnet web page now displays the current telnet connection status. Added selection between Binary mode or Network Virtual Terminal mode in Telnet web page. Fixed problem where setting device name to 32 characters would cause some browsers to misbehave when displaying device name.

Manual v1.03

Firmware v1.1abs

Website v1.1aad

SitePlayer Telnet User's manual v1.03

Updated description of Serial Web page to include new buffer management features: Remote IP is Fixed/Changeable Buffer Threshold End of Buffer Byte is End of Buffer Byte Bit stall delay is Bit stall delay Changed Reset Web Page to Admin web page and documented new features: Blink LED LED brightness

SitePlayer Telnet Firmware v1.1abs

Increased receive buffer size to 250 bytes. Allow for Broadcast/Multicast IP addresses. Allow specifying whether the UDP remote IP address will be xed or changeable. Improved buffer management to allow specifying a buffer threshold size which is used in non-ow control mode to control when the serial receive buffer should be sent to the remote end. Allow for an end of buffer detection byte to aid in sending/packetizing line-oriented data. Expose "bit stall delay" internal parameter and make it user changeable. Allow user blinking of Link LED with variable rate and delay. Allow changing Link LED brightness. Added 31250 baud rate - speed is compatible with MIDI. mDNS server now also responds to port 53 (DNS) to allow legacy DNS clients to query server. Fixed problem with DHCP lease renewal times. Renewal time was byte reversed and thus was very large. Fixed problem with CGI and multiple boolean ags being specied on one command line. This affected web pages with multiple radio buttons and would cause values to be incorrectly set. Fixed problem which caused serial received characters to be occasionally received incorrectly when performing heavy serial I/O along with heavy network trafc. This would manifest itself for high baud rates such as 115200 even with ow control enabled. Fixed problem with XON/XOFF ow control. SitePlayer would not resume output immediately after receiving an XON character. Fixed problem of ARP ooding the network when using Client mode and remote Server was not online.

SitePlayer Telnet Website v1.1aad

Display DHCP DNS server address Add new eld Remote IP is... in (UDP) Serial Web page. Add new form to control buffer management in Serial Web Page. Renamed Reset Web page to Admin Web page & added Link LED control (brightness, blink & rate). Created conrmation window to verify when resetting or reprogramming SitePlayer. Added 31200 baud rate to Serial Web page. Corrected some spelling errors

Manual v1.01


Website v1.0aaa

SitePlayer Telnet User's Manual v1.01

Updated Appendix B - DB-9 Null Modem Cable Wiring diagram. New diagram is easier to read.

SitePlayer Telnet Firmware

Updated version number to 1.00 to reect shipping status of product. Fixed problem when responding to broadcast or multicast UDP or ICMP packets. The source IP address was reversed (e.g. was Fixed problem where Idle Disconnect for Telnet server sessions would only be activated if a character was received or sent. Now idle disconnect timeouts start as soon as a connection is established. Fixed problem where multicast DNS server requests received on alternate port would cause mDNS server to stop listening on standard port.

SitePlayer Telnet Website v1.00aaa

" Updated version number to 1.00 to reect shipping status of product.

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