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Name_______________________________________________________ Date_______

Ecology: Food Webs & Pyramids

Directions: Look at the food web below. Follow the directions on the following pages:

1. What things are missing from this food web?

2. Which organisms would also be called prey organisms and which ones would be called predator organisms?

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Name_______________________________________________________ Date_______


ut out the following words and use them to label the niche of the organisms in the food web on the first page:

Producer Primary Consumer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Secondary Consumer Tertiary Consumer

Producer Primary Consumer

Secondary Consumer Tertiary Consumer Tertiary Consumer

Page 2

Name_______________________________________________________ Date_______

Constructing a Food Web

1. !sing the organisms below: a. cut them out and arrange them in a food web on a separate piece of white paper b. Label their niche

c. "how the sun and direction of energy flo


Page 3

Name_______________________________________________________ Date_______

This arro sho s the flo of energy 1food2 from producers to consumers


% food pyramid shows either the numbers of organisms or the mass of organisms on a particular trophic le!el #energ& or feeding le'el$ in an ecos&stem. (t is related to food ebs because it shows also hat is eating hat" Some things to #no

about food pyramids:

$utotrophs #means )self*feeding+,these are the producers$ are alwa&s on the bottom of the p&ramid. -he& are largest in number because the& are the first organisms to get the sun.s energ&. %eterotrophs #means )other*feeding+,these are the consumers$ are alwa&s the second le!el and higher on the p&ramid. -he second le'el organisms are alwa&s the primary consumers/ the& onl& eat producers. %s &ou go up the pyramid0 the numbers and mass of organisms get smaller. -his is because of the &'( )*+,: -nly &'( of the energy is a!ailable to the ne.t highest le!el of the pyramid/ "o: o When an organism eats another organism0 most of that energy is lost as heat energy or to run cellular processes/ -his is wh& there are alwa&s less top0le!el predators than producers and lo er consumers.

Page 4

Name_______________________________________________________ Date_______

3uild $ Food Pyramid D4),CT4-NS: Fill in the food p&ramid below with the same organisms from the food web on p.3. (nclude the following:

"how the number of organisms that are appropriate for that le'el. #12ample: &ou could write 133 maple trees0 then 43 caterpillars for the ne2t le'el0 and so on$ "how the direction of energy flo with an arro /

D-N5T 4NC+*D, T%, 6*S%)--6S $ND T%, )$CC--N +abel each le!el #12: producers0 primar& consumers0 etc.$ Color each le'el

Page 5

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