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Marketing Management

In the past recent years, market trends have changed tremendously. Today, people prefer more lavish and comfortable lifestyles and luxuries play a crucial role. This has given rise to many new industries and the older formats have taken new shapes. Another such rapidly growing industry is the matrimonial industry. Everyone web sites and bureaus from those in entertainment to d!cor "as wedding are making money out of marriage. planners#$ beauty clinics, cosmetic giants, travel, and tourism$ even matrimonial

The Indian wedding market is currently estimated at %s &',''' crore. The matrimonial services saw a growth rate of (&) in India last year. This growth is not only because of the high society weddings, but even the middle class families are ready to spend on good services. The minimum budget spend on a wedding varies from %s *' lakh " Rs 1 million# for medium si+e weddings to the upper middle class segment which go beyond %s ,' lakh " Rs 5 million#. -nline matchmaking is on the verge of a boom in the country, with over four million Indians subscribing to matrimonial search on the Internet, according to a survey by Internet. .hile scores of browsers have found their life partners through the .orld .ide .eb, it has also accounted for several cases of fraud and mismatch. -ur parent company, /industan Media, started in *012 and is an established brand in 3orth India. -n financial front, /T Media has posted a net profit of %s.1&.( crore for 45', to total income of %s.6((.6 crore. 7urrently, /industan Times is only in the matrimonial industry through newspaper matrimonial advertisements and has not taken up the matrimonial bureau8website services on a larger scale. -ur secondary survey, conducted by research on the Internet, gave an overview of the increasing spending power even in the middle and upper middle income groups and the ma9or entrants in matrimonial bureau services.

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Marketing Management

-ur primary survey began with visits to various matrimonial bureaus. Mr. :mmang ;harma <onal /ead "3orth# of ;haadi =oint gave us an overview of current market trends and figures in this industry. /e further explained and 9ustified the way ;haadi =oint conducts business through their franchise model. ;imilarly, we interviewed Mr. ;warup >as, Marketing /ead, ;ycorian and Mr. %egain ?yngdoh of TimesMatri. They explained the different aspects of functioning of their respective companies and the products and packages offered by them. Mr. ;warup also told us how consumers perceive the online match making as unreliable as it has no8low cost registration and people try to get into friendships and dating rather than marrying. This also matched our secondary data of fraud cases through such matrimonial websites. .e observed that all online models have similar prices whereas reputed and trustworthy offline models have varying prices depending on the type of services provided by them. The highest prices were offered by ;ycorian, which targeted the upper income group. .e then conducted a survey on people of the marriageable age or having family members of that age. ";ample ;i+e@*''# through a Auestionnaire, aimed to confirm and support the BunreliabilityC factor in case of Internet match making. .e also found that there was a need gap when it came to a trustworthy marriage bureau with Auality services and packages with nominal prices. =eople also look forward to personali+ed services when it comes to a marriage bureau. .e have come up with our marriage bureau ;hubham, an ;D: of a reputed publication house, /industan Media. ;hubham has targeted the market on the basis of >emographics, Eeographics and =sychographics. This way itFs catering to people who fall in the middle and the upper middle income group, staying in all parts of >elhi only and who looked forward for trust worthier, reliable and value for money services. Though there are unorgani+ed marriage bureaus and other low priced options in this regard, but they do not offer additional services and the perfect wedding ambience in their centers. In addition to the above, ;hubham would getting the

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backing of reputed /T Media, which would also provide concessions upto (') to all clients to place their matrimonial advertisements. ;hubham would represent itself through three types of positioning. Firstly, through Attribute positioning where it would advertise itself to be a sister concern of a reputed publication house, /T Media, which has been into existence since last *'' years. This would build up a kind of trust as people can relate to /industan Times. Secondly, through :ser positioning where ;hubham would focus on the trust and reliability factor of its organi+ation and would build a personali+ed and comfortable environment in all its centers. Thirdly, it prefers to go through Guality or price positioning. This way ;hubham would communicate its value for money benefit to consumers as it has a wide variety of packages on nominal charges. In short, 4or aspiring brides8grooms in the mid income and upper mid income segment Shubh ! is a one stop destination for matrimonial search th t o""ers a complete range of services with a personali+ed touch and full privacy to its esteemed customers bec use ;hubham believes that their customersF trust in them is their power to work. ;hubham by line would focus on the trust factorH #Your trust in us is our po$er to $or%&' ;hubhamFs pricing str tegy would be based on the ob9ective of market penetration pricing as the wedding market is highly price sensitive and the final prices would be based on the =sychological pricing so as to relate to the auspiciousness of wedding occasions in Indian culture. ;hubham pro!otion l !ediu!s would include /T 7ity, yahoo website, ?ocal cable channel and Theatres and the investment in these sectors would vary from time to time. -n the other hand, our distribution net$or% would include our website,, ( ;hubham centers and our internal Telemarketing department. After finali+ing on the each and every aspect of our organi+ation, ;hubham, we have been able to obtain a break even in *I months for ?a9pat 3agar outlet and *1 months for outlets in =itampura and =aschim Jihar.
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Shubham I(TR)*UCTI)(

Marketing Management

Indian wedding industry is swiftly turning into a mega billion rupee industry. The Indian wedding market, which is currently estimated at %s &',''' crore, is set to grow at 1,) annually. Everyone from those in entertainment to decor$ beauty clinics, cosmetic giants, are making

travel, and tourism$ even matrimonial web sites and bureaus money out of marriage.

The much hyped marriage of business tycoon ?akshmi MittalKs daughter is testimony to the fact that the wedding market in India is booming. Thousands of other rich people too are planning lavish ceremonies, with the help of wedding managers. And itFs not 9ust high society, which is going in for it, but with spending power increasing, the trend is being seen in !iddle cl ss " !ilies too' The minimum budget spend on a wedding varies from %s *' lakh " Rs 1 million# for medium si+e weddings to the upper middle class segment which go beyond %s ,' lakh "Rs 5 million#. .hile Indians want to get married abroad in foreign locations, 3%Is want the Indian touch and are planning destination weddings in places like :daipur and Laipur. It is a sort of chain reaction, which percolates down. .ith income levels going up, the changing trends in middle class are visible prominently. They also want to try and match the royal wedding arrangements in areas like decor, ambience or cuisine and are ready to spend for the best available. A few years ago, the whole idea of hiring a wedding coordinator was illogical and absurd. Dut now, the mindset has changed. Everyone wants to make a style statement. The change has come not 9ust in style, but everything else connected with a wedding from gifts to the trousseau, even honeymoon destinations. .edding exhibitions like Jivaha and Dridal Asia are also becoming common, where designers and corporates from all over the world showcase their products. ;peciali+ed maga+ines catering to the needs of families having a wedding are Auite popular.

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Through these kinds of wedding exhibitions some niche players have found ready and accepting markets. These players includeH *. This =remium ;wiss watch company is launching its artistic range in the Indian market for the wedding season. Their range starts from %s. ( ?akh. 1. International Cos!etic brands like *ior and , with special attractions. (. Touris! companies of Australia, Malaysia, Mauritius and ;tar 7ruises are designing ;pecial /oneymoon packages. 2. 1e$ellery companies like TanishA are going more with the trend of International and Ethnic designs with the use of Mundan, >iamonds and =olki. ,. 3iche categories like Chocol te, C ndles nd 2i"t 0 c% ging have also found acceptance in the market with their innovative ideas. 6. 7oncept of theme weddings has come up with upcoming 3edding 0l nning 7ompanies. 0r irie have come up

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Marketing Management

MATRIM)(IA, 4MATC+ MA5I(26 A2E(CIES I( I(*IA The matrimonial services saw a growth rate of (&) in India last year. In India, the ma9ority of the people get married between the ages of *I (1, which constitutes ,2) of our population. -nline matchmaking is on the verge of a boom in the country, with over four million Indians subscribing to matrimonial search on the Internet, according to a survey by Internet and -nline "I-A#, an industry trade organi+ation. ;ome of the companies in this category include,,, and .hile scores of browsers have found their life partners through the .orld .ide .eb, it has also accounted for several cases of fraud and mismatch. There have been cases where students have been caught using online matchmakers like "a portal which now claims to have over two million registered members and close to *'',''' success stories#, by cheating :; based girls by declaring their fraudulent data. -ffline matchmaking however, is considered more reliable and personali+ed as the dealings always take place face to face and not on a virtual level. They are lesser cases of fraud. ;ome of such agencies include ;haadi =oint, ;ycorian, DharatMatrimony and other unorgani+ed players.

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Shubham C)M0ETIT)RS

Marketing Management

Every business takes place in a highly competitive, volatile environment, so it is important to understand the existing competitive scenario and the main market leaders and players. ;imilarly, our parent company +TMedi needs to understand its main competitors in the matrimonial industry before setting up its ;D:, Shubh !. It further needs to study their positioning, targeting and the way they operate and then identify the need gap in the market. There are two basic types of models that are operating in marriage bureaus. *. )nline !odels/ 7ompanies like ;, Leevan;,, operate under this kind. /ere their clients can register online through nominal8no charges. The profiles are exchanges online by the clients and further packages and services can be availed online. 1. )""line Models/ 7ompanies like ;ycorian, ;haadi =oint and DharatMatrimony 7entre operate through outlets. This is a more personali+ed form of providing services wherein the clients approach the company officials directly and the client servicing department registers them, creates profile and exchanges with its other clients in a more personali+ed and organi+ed manner.

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S+AA*I 0)I(T

Marketing Management

Mr. Anupam Mittal founded =eopleEroup in *00&. The *'' crore conglomerate today has services as ;, ;haadi =oint, ;haadi Times,, MA:L "Telecom services#, =E= Management "Event Management# =eople =ictures "4ilm =roduction#. In 1''2, ; launched ;haadi point with the goal of helping non Internet users "primarily parents# get the advantage of online match making. It is a brick and mortar version of the portal, ; that provides a host of services including access to a database of eligible singles in the country. ;haadi =oint had set up its first centre at >adar. Today, it has around I, centers spread across 2, cities of India and with each ;haadi =oint center is connected to a central database of prospective brides and grooms. They follow the "r nchise !odel for operating throughout the country. 0ositioning/ ;haadi =oint is a chain of Matrimonial ;ervice 7enters positioned as Bto help parents find a life partner for their son or daughterC. .hile on ;, &,) of the members are people looking for matches for themselves and 1,) are parents looking for matches for their children, at ;haadi =oint the services have been developed keeping parents in mind. Their focus is on parents looking for matches for their children and they expect &,) of our business to come from them. T rget M r%et/ ;haadi =oint registers maximum cases in the age group of *I (1 years, which is their core target market. Dut the maximum age may vary even up to 6, years. They have Advisors to search through the profiles of the prospective brides and grooms registered on their database to find their matches. Apart from matchmaking ;haadi =oint offers a range of marriage related ser.ices like Astrology, Matrimonial meets, =re marital .orkshops, ;wayamvars "A platform for the prospective bride8grooms to get together, introduce themselves to each other and interact. This way they can search for their right partner.

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;ycorian is a professionally managed matrimonial company lead by ;ycorian 7ommercial ?td. The company caters to the matrimonial reAuirement of a large number of people in India and abroad since *006.The company has only one office in ;afdar9ung Enclave, 3ew >elhi. The office is well eAuipped and furnished in around 1,'' sA. feet area managed by a team of about *''N members. -r nding Str tegy/ ;ycorian is a 4rench word, which means a .hite Elephant that is considered auspicious during the wedding phase of a prospective bride8groom. T rget M r%et/ ;ycorian targets the upper income group of society and have designed their packages and its prices to suit their needs. Their pricing strategy keeps in mind that people are ready to spend any amount if they get Auality services. The 7ompany does not have a fixed age target market because they believe that marriageable age has no bounds and have registered cases up to I1 years of age. ;ycorian operates under different banners, such as, Dibaha Dandhani, Astral, 3ikah, ?aawan =heren, =rogessive, %idhi ;iddhi, Arihant, ;hristhi and India Matrimonail. These are their internal divisions only to segregate work in different departments they operate in. Ser.ices/ They have five types of =ackages, each catering to varying reAuirements of each client. *. Dasic 1. 7onfirmed (. Meeting ;ervice 2. 7onfidential ,. =remium They also operate through, wherein they register the client for their services without displaying their profile on the web. Through this site, they basically help their distant and 3%I clients finding a match.

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Marketing Management

DharatMatrimony EroupFs maiden venture =vt. ?td., was established in *00& and since then the company has developed competency and a business model to provide services both online and offline. The company is lead by a team of ('' members. In India, the company operates through offices in >elhi, 7handigarh, ?ucknow, Laipur, Ahmedabad, Indore, Molkatta, Mumbai, =une, /yderabad, Dangalore, Jishakhapatnam, 7alicut, 7hennai, =ondicherry, Trichy, Than9avur, Madurai, 7ochin, 7oimbatore, Tiruvananthapuram and Euruvayur. DharatMatrimony also has presence in :;A, :AE and parts of ;outh East Asia. 0ositioning, T rgeting nd Seg!ent tion H The groupFs offline venture

BDharatMatrimony 7entreC is positioned as BThe worldwide marriage bureauC. It basically caters to customers who do not have access to the Internet and are looking in for a trustworthy brand that can provide Auality service. Dut the offline venture is not having a complete coverage all over India. 4or instance, even in >elhi, they have one corporate office that looks into online services only. DharatMatrimony has a different way of segmenting their customers i.e. on community basis. They have websites like, /,, etc. Ser.ices/ Apart from websites for different communities, they also have come up with online services like counseling, Astrology, Mobile matrimony, >esi Match "AmericaFs match making publication for their 3%I clients#. They also organi+e ;wayamvaram as other matrimonial websites.

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Marketing Management

Mr. started this group venture in the year. The companyFs corporate office is in 3oida and operates three sites i.e.,, LeevansathiFs byline BMeet your matchC provides only online model of matrimonial services wherein the clients can register online, enter profiles, avail services and get response from other prospective brides8grooms. They segment their clients on the basis of 7ommunity, %eligion, 7ountry and 7ity. TIMESMATRI

TimesMatri is a division of Times -f India Eroup. It started off on 3ovember 1''2 by Mr. %. ;under. The division was started with the goal of strengthening the company by entering into matrimonial services. They follow the offline model of matrimonial services and have free online registrations. They also have services like =rint Ads, .edding 7atalogues, ;wayamvar Tours. =rint Ads is used to place matrimonial print ads online, .edding 7atalogues provides contact numbers of all the wedding services like venues, flower arrangements etc. and ;wayamvar is a tour organi+ed to provide a platform to the prospective bride8grooms in the city to come together, introduce and interact with each other with an aim to find the right partner. They segment their clientele on the basis of %eligion, Mother Tongue, 7ountry and Education.

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Marketing Management

3ewspapers like /industan Times and Times of India also publish their additional newspapers for Matrimonial Advertisements. These newspapers do not have any personali+ed touch to their services and their services include exchanging profiles only. 3o further support is provided. MARRIA2E -UREAUS I( T+E U()R2A(ISE* SECT)R There are many small marriage bureaus in the city, which operate through small outlets or even home targeting the lower middle and middle income group. -n the other hand, these marriage bureaus do not provide any additional services apart form exchanging of profiles. They do not work in any organi+ed manner and there is a risk of unreliability through unrecogni+ed bureaus.

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Shubham A-)UT T+E 0ARE(T C)M0A(Y H


Marketing Management

/T Media is promoted by /industan Times ?td. "/T?# and is the second largest print media company in India in terms of daily newspaper circulation. It has two daily newspapers, +indust n Ti!es in English and +indust n in /indi. The media operations of /T? were transferred to /T Media in 1''(. +indust n Ti!es was started in *012 and is an established brand in 3orth India. In addition to the newspaper the company also has a news Internet site and publishes two /indi maga+ines 3andan and Madambini. -n the newspaper front there are approximately *0'& daily newspapers published in India where newspapers in vernacular languages comprises 20 percent of the total newspapers, followed by /indi "21.* percent# and English "I.0 percent#. 3ewspaper readership is expected to increase as the literacy levels increase and poverty levels decline. /T Media publishes +indust n Ti!es in six editionsH 3ew >elhi, =atna, ?ucknow, %anchi, Molkata and Mumbai. +indust n Ti!es has net paid up sales of *.*0 million copies per day and has the largest circulation among English dailies in and around >elhi. +indust n is published in four editionsH =atna, %anchi, ?ucknow and >elhi and has net paid sales of '.0I million copies per day. It is the third largest circulated /indi daily in India. The brand B/industan TimesC is well recogni+ed in the media industry and brings in credibility and offers competitive advantage to the company. This helps /T Media to attract higher ad spend, better rates and more attractive business arrangements than its competitors. /T MediaFs advertising revenue constituted &&.I percent of total revenue while circulation revenue constituted *0.I percent of the revenue. /T MediaFs presence in >elhi and Mumbai will help it attract maximum advertisement revenue as they are critical markets for most advertising campaigns.

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Marketing Management

/T Media has India wide network of 9ournalists led by strong editorial teams, which consists of **'' persons. Lournalists and editorial team have won numerous industry awards and are well recogni+ed for their work. The company has also started a virtual clone of the daily edition of /industan Times on Internet called e=aper. -3?I3E =%E;E37E / /industan> / / / / / / >ue to large si+e of the /T MediaFs print business they are able to benefit from economies of scale which include productivity of large printing facilities, nation wide coverage of marketing teams, favorable newsprint supply contracts and scalable IT infrastructure. -n financial front, /T Media has posted a net profit of %s.1&.( crore for 45', to total income of %s.6((.6 crore.

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Marketing Management


After seeing the overwhelming response of customers on /industan TimesF classified ads for matrimony and the growing %s. &',''' crores wedding industry, /T Media thought of expanding its customer base. /t Media found that the needs of the people wanting to get married were not fulfilled in a satisfactory manner by the websites or small scale marriage bureaus in >elhi. It was found that there were still many people who did not want to get registered to matrimonial portals, as they could not trust them. This is due to the fact that these portals offer registration at no8nominal charges, which solves more the purpose of online friendship for many people rather than serious marriage involvements. Also, those bureaus that provided matchmaking service were either too costly "their packages reaching %s. *, '','''# or the others were not providing Auality and variety in their services. To fill this gap, /T Media has come up with its very first marriage bureau, ;hubham, in >elhi that targets the middle and the upper middle income group who either does not have net access or do not find marriage portals trustworthy. The very same group seeks a variety in the match making service right from exchanging profiles of aspired brides8grooms to wedding planners and even honeymoon packages. ;hubham will benefit from the already existing /industan TimesF brand name and the discounts it will get on advertising on its classifieds paper.

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Marketing Management


S+AA*I 0)I(T The first corporate interview that we took was of Mr.:manng ;harma who is the +onal head O3orth of ;haadi =oint. /e told us about the market si+e of %s. &',''' crore. In India there are ( ways people through which people go about searching the right matchH =undits Marriage bureaus -nline formats According to Mr. ;harma, sometimes people donFt prefer using the portal way of finding the match as they donFt feel secure by letting the details of the person in Auestion to be on the internet as it can be used for wrong means. ;o for that they offer offline model also. It was established in *00&. They registration fees start from %s. **'' and goes upto %s. 1*''' depending on the type of service the client is looking into. Dut these services are only restricted to match making. They have simple membership packages likeH o ( months o 6 months o *1 months %s. *6,* %s. 1',* %s. 1&,*

4or the offline model they have I, outlets in 2( cities through franchisees, which are in reach to the people. They also offer this service in :;. Dut in the match making process they donFt do investigation of the other party, as investigation is illegal stated by the government.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

SYC)RIA( MATRIM)(IA, SERVICES Mr. ;warup >as, Marketing /ead of the 7ompany gave a brief description about the company policies, operations and competitors. /e told that the company has set services to fulfill the needs of all its clients. ;ycorian now offers services to around *,' clients per month. The services depend entirely on the family reAuirement. The company has preset formats to get each detail of the prospective bride8groom. The reason that he shared was that in India the marriages donFt happen between two people, but it happens between two families. ;o the details about the family background and the prospective bride8groom are both discussed in detail. They have , types of matrimonial program. =rogram *. Dasic 1. 7onfirmed (. Meeting 2. 7onfidential ,. =remium Membership charges %s. **,''' %s. 1*,''' %s. (1,''' %s. ,*,''' %s. *,'',''' ;ettlement charges %s. ,,*'' %s. **,''' %s. 1*,''' %s. (1,''' %s. ,*,'''

The company has internal divisions for different community so as to simplify its match making procedures. The company places its regular advertisements on /industan Times and Times -f India. The clients pay an extra ,') of the total service package for these advertisements and entirely optional. The company has a client servicing and a Telemarketing departments also. The client servicing looks into the receiving and the sending matches to its clients whereas the telemarketing department works on inviting new clients and offer them their services. 4or this reason, the telemarketing staff gets paid higher salaries than client servicing. Also, new clients are added from the references from their previous clients and other sources. /e also mentioned that only around *' *,) of their clients are 3%Is and for them the transactions take place through emails.

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Marketing Management

They also have a website,, wherein only the registered members can login and make payments or view profile. This maintains privacy of the person. -ther non registered members can only get an introduction to the company and itFs packages. Also, its better than other sites as they have no8nominal registration charges due to which people get more interested in friendships rather than being serious about marriages. TIMESMATRI Mr. %egain ?yngdoh works in the team of TimesMatri. TimesMatri is a different ;D: under the parent company Times of India. /e said the company opened up this online model so as to strengthen its organi+ation by entering into matrimonial services. Today they have a database of around (,'',''' clients from India and abroad. As a part of their promotional schemes, they organi+e ;wayamwars, so as to give a platform for prospective brides and grooms to come together and interact. This is held on a community wise basis. TimesMatri targets the middle and the upper middle income group. Also, being an ;D:, he told that the newspaper publication can give upto a (') discount for placing ads for its marriage bureau. Through their website,, customers can register for free, and become a member to view profiles. Their memberships are on timely basisH *. =latinum "*1 months# 1. >iamond "*1 months# (. Eold "6 months# 2. ;ilver "( months# ,. 1,' ;M; "( months# 6. *'' ;M; "* month# %s. (,'' %s. 1,'' %s. *''' %s. ,'' %s. 1,' %s. *''

The =latinum and Eold services begin by Initiating contacts to picture and features profile links. .hereas the basic free service also provides Initiating contacts, =hoto Albums and 7omparing profiles. 3o additional services are provided by the web link.

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Marketing Management

C)M0ETITIVE RA(5I(2S )F S+U-+AM A(* ITS C)M0ETIT)RS Through our primary research on consumers "Auestionnaire method#, we concluded that many people were not aware of any of the marriage bureaus or their services as most of them preferred their own contacts and newspapers. ;o our perceptual mapping is based on our fieldwork on various offline models of marriage bureaus, their services and the prices offered for these services. .e found that, ;ycorian offers the highest prices and maximum services within the existing marriage bureaus. ;o our new ;D:, ;hubham, will offer maximum services "in addition to ;ycorianFs# and will charge lesser prices from itFs clients as itFs targeting the middle and the upper middle income group. The following perceptual map includes only our competitors following the offline model because the online websites, newspapers and marriage bureaus do not offer any services apart from exchanging profiles.

0ercepu l M p "or Shubh ! nd its co!petitors

, 2 R n%ings ( 1 * ' ;ervices =rices Co!p ny Attributes
4or ;ervices, *@ ?east services, 2@ Dest services 4or prices, *@ 7heapest, 2@ /ighest prices

;hubham ;ycorian Dharat Matrimony ;haadi =oint

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

;hubham caters to the needs of people of any religion aspiring to get married. At ;hubham, not only one can get to know about aspiring brides8grooms but also a series of services from family meetings, horoscope matching, wedding counselors, wedding planners and coordinators to honeymoon packages. ;hubham gives its customers value for money as it provides packages at a nominal price. Also to give all its customers freedom, it has services outside its packages. These are the open services which are provided to any customer, who has opted for any of the packages. ;hubham has de!ogr phic lly targeted the middle income and upper middle income group who have an M/I of %s. I''' and above. They can have any background or belong to any religion. 2eogr phic lly, the customers are located in >elhi. As ;hubham is planned to be setup in ?a9pat 3agar, =itampura and =aschim Jihar, i.e. ;outh, .est and 3orth of >elhi, it can cater to needs of its customers located anywhere in >elhi. 0sycogr phic lly, ;hubham targets those set of people who either do not have net access or even if they have, they do not find matrimonial websites trustworthy. At the same time, these people want to get value for the money they spend and look in for a variety of services.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

S+U-+AM7S 0)STI)(I(2 I( T+E MAR5ET

Marriage has become a business of %s. &',''' crores. There are many matrimonial portals and bureaus that are catering to the needs of aspiring brides and grooms. There are matrimonial portals like,, and that are catering to needs of people who have net access. -n the other hand there is a famous bureau in >elhi by the name of ;ycorian that caters to needs of people who are ready to spend more money on matrimonial services. -ther than this, there are small bureaus that are nominal and do not provide many services. ;hubham, therefore, wants to position itself as the only marriage bureau in >elhi that is a one stop destination for all kinds of matrimonial services like exchanging profiles, family meetings, wedding counselors, wedding coordinators, horoscope matching service and even honeymoon packages. It provides services at a nominal rate and offers a personali+ed touch to the way they work. 4or them building trust with their clients are most important. This can be seen from their tag line 8 #Your trust in us is our po$er to $or%&' They provide a Auality in their service with the privacy of its client maintained. .e have followed three ways of positioning our organi+ation, ;hubham. *# Attribute 0ositioning9 ;hubham is backed up by a *'' years old reputed publication house which would add on to the consumers perceptional value as they can relate to it. This would solve our purpose of brand8image building along with the concession benefits from the company that we can further share with our clients. 1# User 0ositioning9 -ur primary data i.e. Guestionnaire ;ampling and corporate interviews with Mr. ;warup >as showed that people look forward to trustworthy organi+ations when it comes to finding the right match for someone. ;hubham would respect and maintain the privacy of the client by not disclosing the profiles on net and giving it a personali+ed effect. (# :u lity or price positioning9 ;hubham focuses on the middle and the upper middle income group who want a wide variety in additional services at low prices. That will be the core focus of ;hubhamFs pricing strategy.

4ashion %etail Management


In short,

Marketing Management

4or aspiring brides8grooms in the mid income and upper mid income segment Shubh ! is a one stop destination for matrimonial search th t o""ers a complete range of services with a personali+ed touch and full privacy to its esteemed customers bec use ;hubham believes that their customersF trust in them is their power to work.

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Shubham 0RICI(2 A(* 0R)*UCT 0)RTF),I) 0RICI(2 STRATE2Y

The 0ricing )b;ecti.e H

Marketing Management

;hubham has selected ! r%et9penetr tion pricing as it aims at maximi+ing its market share. After studying the market carefully, ;hubham has concluded that the wedding market is a highly price sensitive market with different players offering different set of prices and services. The prices are as low as %s. ,''8 in the unorgani+ed sector or %s. *,''8 in the organi+ed sector to as high as %s. *, '','''8 in the organi+ed market. Thus, in order to penetrate the market with a force ;hubham has kept its prices reasonable with an aim of earning higher long run profits through volume sales as it forecasts that its customer base will increase overtime. 0ricing !ethodH ;hubham has selected . lue pricing as its method for setting up its prices. In order to win customersF loyalty ;hubham has set up its prices fairly reasonable providing a wide variety of services and Auality that is up to the expectations of its customers. The Fin l 0riceH ;hubham has opted for the psychologic l pricing. In order to strike at the customersF psyche, ;hubham has opted for prices such as %s. *'*, %s. ,''*, and %s. *'''*. This %e. has an extra meaning attached to the /indu society and is considered auspicious in marriages and special occasions. ;hubham has also tried to build up its image in the minds of the customers by providing the best of a variety of services at one destination.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

M tri!oni l progr ! 40 c% ge $ith pricing6

DA;I7 4illing format, collecting documents, photographs and membership charges."data about the education Aualification, 9ob profile, hobbies, way of living, personal details and this will be given without disclosed the name of the person in Auestion# 7ompilation into the information system. ;hort listing proposals, based on the criterion laid down by the client. >ispatching the proposals by courier to both the sides at the contact address. Membership 7hargesH %s. ,''*8 3-TE; =lease confirm the latest packages at the time of registration. The charges are based for services to be provided within the national capital region of >elhi. Any expenses incurred by the company to provide service outside the specified area would be changed from the member at actual. The company reserves the right to alter 8 change 8 modify 8 suspend 8 delete 8 the details of the matrimonial packages. Matrimony ;ettlementH %s. 1,'*8

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

M tri!oni l progr !
MEETI3E ;E%JI7E 4illing format, collecting documents, photographs and membership charges."data about the education Aualification, 9ob profile, hobbies, way of living, personal details and this will be given without disclosed the name of the person in Auestion# 7ompilation into the information system. ;hort listing proposals, based on the criterion laid down by the parties. 4inal match making by the making department. 7lients ;ervices O talking to the persons with whom your profile has been cross profiles and getting their approval. >ispatching the proposals by courier to both the sides at the contact address. 7o ordination of meeting between both the families for further discussion. "to give the brief of both the sides to each other, and how many members of the family are coming for the meetings# Membership 7hargesH %s. *',''*8 3-TE; =lease confirm the latest packages at the time of registration. The charges are based for services to be provided within the national capital region of >elhi. Any expenses incurred by the company to provide service outside the specified area would be changed from the member at actual. The company reserves the right to alter 8 change 8 modify 8 suspend 8 delete 8 the details of the matrimonial packages. Matrimony ;ettlementH %s. ,,''*8

4ashion %etail Management


Shubham M tri!oni l progr !


Marketing Management

4illing format, collecting documents, photographs and membership charges."data about the education Aualification, 9ob profile, hobbies, way of living, personal details and this will be given without disclosed the name of the person in Auestion# 7ompilation into the information system. ;hort listing proposals, based on the criterion laid down by the parties. 4inal match making by the making department. 7lients ;ervices O talking to the persons with whom your profile has been cross profiles and getting their approval. 7lients ;ervices O talking to the persons with whom your profile has been cross profiled and getting the approval. >ispatching the proposals by courier to both the sides at the contact address. 7o ordination of meeting between both the families for further discussion. "to give the brief of both the sides to each other, and how many members of the family are coming for the meetings# Also providing the facility of BLanampatriB matching with the help of ;hubham Lanampatri matching software. Membership 7hargesH %s. *',''*8 N%s.*'* "9anampatri matching# Matrimony ;ettlementH %s. 6,''*8 3-TE; =lease confirm the latest packages at the time of registration. The charges are based for services to be provided within the national capital region of >elhi. Any expenses incurred by the company to provide service outside the specified area would be changed from the member at actual. The company reserves the right to alter 8 change 8 modify 8 suspend 8 delete 8 the details of the matrimonial packages.
4ashion %etail Management 16

A**ITI)(A, SERVICES "-=TI-3A?# .E>>I3E 7-:3;E?-%

Marketing Management

.e will hire a counselor to guide the couple to be from the starting of their marriage. /is salary is fixed by ;hubham as %s. *',''' per month. The salary is set taking into account the market value of a wedding counseling session which is %s. ('' per sitting. .E>>I3E =?A33E% A3> 7-%>I3AT-% .e have a tie up with BshaadionlineC that if the clients will get their wedding planed by them through us then they will get a discount of *,) and on that we will get a commission of ,). Their services includeH Invitation cards 7reatively designing the ambiance for the marriage place Arranging for singer and different marriage musical instruments 7aterers .edding kits "poo9a thali depending of the type of marriage like =un9abi, Eu9arati etc.# Arranging for theme parties 7lothing for the bride and the groom"they have dealing with %itu Mumar for bridal clothing#

4ashion %etail Management


/-3E5M--3 =A7MAEE;

Marketing Management

.e also have dealing with B%a9 travelC that if the clients will get their honeymoon planed by through ous then they will get a discount of *,) and on that we will get a commission of ,). They have packages national and international likeH 3orth India %a9asthan Europe ;outh East Asia A>JE%TI;EME3T; =A7MAEE; As /industan times is our parent company we will also be giving matrimonial advertisements in the newspaper, but our clients will get discounts as compared to others. 7/A%EE; %s. I,'8 for , lines 1nd repetition -:% 7?IE3T %s. ,0,8 "(') off on %s. I,'8 # ,') off I3 EE3E%A? %s. I,'8 ,') off -n the whole our customers will be getting extra (') off. (rd repetition &,) off &,) off %s.&, ''' %s.1, ''' %s. per person per week %s. (','''8 per person per week per person ( days 1 nights per person & days 6','''8

4ashion %etail Management


Shubham 0R)M)TI)(A, ME*IUMS

Marketing Management

The ob9ective of any firm is to market and sell its products or services profitably. In small firms, the owner or chief executive officer assumes all advertising, promotions, marketing, sales, and public relations responsibilities. ;hubham, being a new entrant in the market needs to build an image in the minds of the consumers. As it is new firm, it needs to promote in a way that is cost effective and targeted on to the right audience. ;hubham, being an ;D: of /industan Media, gets the maximum help from its parent company i.e. to advertise at cheaper rates in the newspaper. There are four promotional mediums that we are adoptingH *. +T city/ This medium is been chosen also because it had city wise coverage and is restricted to >elhi and would cover promotions for all our stores in >elhi i.e. in ?a9pat 3agar, =itampura and =aschim Jihar. .e plan to place our ads once in a week on ;undays. This ad will be *(PI@ *'2 sA. cms. The cost of placing ads in /T 7ity is %s. 6'' per sA. cm. Deing a sister concern, ;hubham gets a (') discount i.e. the cost would be %s. 21' per sA. cm. ;o, *'2P21'P2@%s. *,&2,&1' will be the total cost of advertising for each month. 1. 3ebsites/ 4rom our primary survey, we came to know that around 6*) of the people in >elhi are Internet savvy. ;o to target this kind of a clientele, we would like to go by Internet advertising at The cost involved here is %s. 2''' per day. ;o in the first month our cost would come out around %s. 2'''P(' days@ %s. *,1',''' (. ,oc l C ble (et$or%/ As ;hubham would be targeting the middle and the upper middle income group in ( specific regions in >elhi, so we would be advertising through the local cable network in these three areas, which would also cover the neighboring catchment area during the first month only. The cost for advertising through these cable channels is %s. &,'' per month i.e. &,''P( @ %s. 11,,''.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

2. The tre/ .e have chosen this mode of promotion during the first month so as to target area wise customers. .e plan to advertise through 7hanakya and =J% 3araina for one week in each theatre. The cost for advertising is %s. (',''' 8week in * theatre. Therefore, %s.(',''' P 1 theatres @ %s. 6',''' would be the cost of advertising in two theatres for two weeks. 0R)M)TI)(A, C)STS F)R < CE(TRES )F S+U-+AM F)R T+E FIRST M)(T+ Mode o" pro!otion /T 7ity .in 7able Theatres 7hanakya and 3araina Total 0rices 4in Rs6 *,&2,&1' *,1',''' &,,'' 6',''' (,61,11'

/ence, promotional cost for one center@ (,61,11' 8 ( = Rs' >,?@,AB@ 0R)M)TI)(A, C)STS F)R < CE(TRES )F S+U-+AM F)R T+E SU-SE:UE(T M)(T+S Mode o" pro!otion /T 7ity Total 0rices 4in Rs6 *,&2,&1' *,1',''' ?,CB,A?@

/ence, promotional cost for one center@ 1,02,&1' 8 ( = Rs' CD,?B@

4ashion %etail Management


Shubham *ISTRI-UTI)( (ET3)R5

Marketing Management

To smoothen and strengthen a firms operation and sales department, it needs to have an effective distribution network. The three distribution channels ;hubham is going to follow will beH *. Three Shubh ! outlets in >elhiH These are going to be located in ?a9pat 3agar, =itampura and =aschim Jihar covering the ;outh, .est and 3orth of >elhi. 1. -ur own companyFs $ebsite i.e. The site will be non commercial and will be used only to reach out to customers who are registered members mainly not staying in >elhi or India. -ther non registered members can only view the services and about the company. The website would basically to provide convenience to distant clients and to give a brief company introduction to the new prospective clients. %est all other interactions would take place in the company centers only. (. Tele! r%eting/ This will be a part of the firms internal division. A team of 1 members will be appointed for this department. The references from the old customers and other database systems will provide the list of our prospective clients and they will be introduced to our services through telecommunications.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management


7-;T;H ;hubham is going to operate under ( centers ?a9pat 3agar, =itampura and =aschim Jihar covering the south, west and north of >elhi. =romotional costsH The overall promotional cost for the *st month is around %s. (6111'8 with newspapers, websites, theatres and cable TJ being the medium to make people aware of the bureau. In subseAuent months advertisements are done only in newspapers and websites, the cost of which comes up to %s. 102&1'8 . InteriorsH ;hubham will provide with a perfect ambience blending the traditions of different cultural groups. The interiors will reflect the Indian culture and would provide a relaxed atmosphere to the outlet. The cost of interiors that includes wall paint, flooring, woodwork, false ceiling and electrical work would come up to %s. 6'' per sAuare feet. Therefore, cost of one branch would be %s. 6, '',''' 8 . ;alaryH Apart from the >irector who would earn %s. 1,'''8 per month. The following staff would be appointed in each outletH 7entre manager O /e would be getting a salary of %s. *,,'''8 per month. 1 Tele marketing employees O They would be dealing with customers on line. They are an important source of our distribution network$ and would also help in promoting our bureau. Each tele marketer would be getting a salary of %s. &'''8 each. 1 employees at the front desk each getting a salary of %s. *',''' each. They would deal with the customers visiting the bureau. * accounts in charge handling the accounts of the outlet getting a salary of %s. *','''8 per month. %s. *',''' per month for the wedding counselor. * employee responsible for matching the horoscope would get %s. ,'''8 per month.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

* peon and * receptionist each getting a salary of %s. ('''8 and %s.,'''8 respectively. .ebsiteH A website will be constructed to give knowledge to the customers about the bureau. It would also help in providing convenience to the customers by registering online and seeking appointment to visit the bureau personally. /owever, the bureau will not provide any profiles of the customers online in order to maintain secrecy of the customer. The cost of acAuiring a domain is %s. 1'''8 and for construction it is *('''8 . /ence, the total cost of the website is %s.*,, '''8 . %entH A *''' sAuare feet outlet will cost %s. &',''' per month in ?a9pat 3agar, %s. 2',''' per month in =aschim Jihar and =itampura respectively. 7omputersH I computers in each outlet would cost %s. 1, 2','''8 per outlet and * computer for the director will cost %s. (','''8 =rintersH 2 printers in each outlet would cost %s. 12,'''8 per outlet =hone bills O It will cost %s. *,'' per person "assuming that our competitor has an average monthly bill of %s.*, ,', ''' for a staff of *''#. It makes %s. *(,'' for each outlet and %s. *,''8 for the director. .ater %s. *''' per month Electricity O %s. *,,''' per month ;tationary and miscellaneous %s. *',''' per month 7ourier cost O Each courier in >elhi costs %s. 1'8 . Assuming that initially we will get ,' customers and weFll courier 2 times every month. The cost comes up to 1' P ,'P 2 @ %s. 2'''8 in each outlet.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

7omputer softwareH /oroscope software and >DM; software for %s. 1',''' in each outlet 7-;T; 4IQE> H Interiors ;alary %ent .ebsite *st promotions 7omputers =rinters ;oftware JA%IAD?EH Electricity .ater ;tationary miscellaneous courier T-TA? ?AL=AT 3AEA% %s.6,'',''' %s. *,'&,''' %s. &',''' %s. ,,''' month %s.*,1',&2' %s.1,2',''' %s. 12,''' %s. 1',''' %s. *,,''' %s. *,''' and %s. *',''' %s. 2,''' %s.*1*6&2'8 %s. *',''' %s. 2,''' %s.**I6&2'8 %s. *',''' %s. 2,''' %s.**I6&2'8 %s.*,1',&2' %s.1,2',''' %s. 12,''' %s. 1',''' %s. *,,''' %s. *,''' %s.*,1',&2' %s.1,2',''' %s. 12,''' %s. 1',''' %s. *,,''' %s. *,''' =ITAM=:%A %s.6,'',''' %s. *,'&,''' %s. 2',''' %s. ,,''' =A;7/IM JI/A% %s.6,'',''' %s. *,'&,''' %s. 2',''' %s. ,,'''

The above shows cost for *st month. The subseAuent months will show the following costsH

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

7-;T; 4IQE>H ;alary %ent promotions JA%IAD?EH Electricity .ater ;tationary miscellaneous courier T)TA,

?AL=AT 3AEA% %s. *,'&,''' %s. &',''' %s. 0I12' %s. *,,''' %s. *,''' and %s. *',''' %s. 2,''' Rs' <@E?B@ F9

=ITAM=:%A %s. *,'&,''' %s. 2',''' %s. 0I12' %s. *,,''' %s. *,''' %s. *',''' %s. 2,''' Rs ?AE?B@F9

=A;7/IM JI/A% %s. *,'&,''' %s. 2',''' %s. 0I12' %s. *,,''' %s. *,''' %s. *',''' %s. 2,''' Rs' ?AE?B@F9

I(C)ME 0ER )UT,ET/ -ur competitor ;ycorian matrimonial gets registration from *,' customers every month. Assuming that we get *8( rd of its registration we get ,' customers every month. -ur packages are between the ranges of %s.,''' O %s. *','''. Assuming the average of these packages i.e. %s. &,''8 . -ur monthly income will be %s. &,'' P ,' @ %s. (, &,,'''8 -re % e.en o" , ;p t ( g r -ure uH Assuming we get no customers in first month, the total cost will be %s. *1*6&2'8 N %s. 1,, ''' directorFs salary "it is bearing the salary as it is the corporate office# N ('''' for his computer, the total cost is %s. *1&*&2'. The cost following the first month is %s. (',12' 8 The income after the first month is %s. (, &,,'''8 The net income generated after first month @ %s. 60&6'8 /ence to recover %s. *1&*&2' it will take *1&*&2'860&6' @ *I months and & days respectively.

4ashion %etail Management


-re % e.en o" 0 schi! Vih r nd 0it !pur 7ost in the *st month %s.**I6&2'8 Income in the first month is +ero 7ost from 1nd month onwards %s 1&,12'8 Income from 1nd month onwards O %s. (,&,,'''8 3et income O 00,&6'

Marketing Management

/ence to recover %s. **I6&2' it will take **I6&2'800&6' @ ** months and 1& days respectively

4ashion %etail Management


Shubham A(A,YSIS >6 Appro ch/

Marketing Management

)ur pri! ry d t h s been collected by the "ollo$ing t$o $ ys/ Sur.ey rese rch/ It is done to learn about peopleFs knowledge, beliefs, preferences and satisfaction and to measure these magnitudes in the general population. .e did it through Auestionnaires and we came to know about the consumer preferences and their preferences about the different modes of match making. .e have done this through a AuestionnaireH A survey was conducted on *'' people in >elhi who are of the marriageable age or have family members in that age.

?6 Methodology/
A ;econdary research was done to know about existing players in the market. Then the 7ompany executives of the leading companies like ;haadi =oint, ;ycorian, TimesMatri, Leevan ;athi were interviewed to know the market trends, how the industry is working and growing and the customers wants and preferences. A Auestionnaire was developed so as to know about peoples preferences related to marriage bureaus. S !pling pl n/ .e conducted one survey on hundred people who are of the marriageable age or have family members in that age.

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

<6 FI(*I(2S
-ur findings from the survey conducted on *'' customers that have an aspired bride8groom in their family shows the followingH *. (,) of the respondents prefer their own contacts while searching for a M->E Marriage Dureaus Matrimonial .ebsite 3ewspapers -wn 7ontacts =andits8Temples Any otherF bride8groom. ) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; 1' *I 12 (, ( '

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; ') 1') *I) 12)

Marriage Dureaus Matrimonial .ebsite 3ewspapers -wn 7ontacts =andits8Temples Any otherF

() (,)

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

1. 6*) of the surveyors have Internet access. 5es 6* 3o (0


(0) 6*)

5es 3o

4ashion %etail Management


(. ; comes to the mind first of (*) of the surveyors D:%EA:8.ED;ITE ;ycorian Marriage Dureau 3one

Marketing Management

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; (* *( *, *I 1(

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T;


(*) m ;ycorian




4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

2. 20) of the respondents have come to know about the above mentioned bureaus8websites through advertisements ME>I:M Advertisements .ord -f Mouth 3one ) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; 20 1I 1(

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T;

1() 20) 1I)

Advertisements .ord -f Mouth 3one

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

,. 21) of the respondents look for the basic service in marriage bureaus i.e. exchange of profiles ;E%JI7E; Exchanging profiles only Exchanging profiles N 4amily meetings Exchanging profiles N 4amily meetings NLanam=atri "horoscope# matching ) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; 21 1I ('

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T;

Exchanging profiles only



Exchanging profiles N 4amily meetings Exchanging profiles N 4amily meetings NLanam=atri


4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

6. /ow much are you ready to spend on the services you mentioned aboveR a# Exchanging =rofilesH =%I7E "I3 %;.# %s. ,'* O %s.*,'' %s. *,'* O %s. 1,'' %s. 1,'* O %s. ,''' Above %s. ,''* Total number of respondentsH 21 3:MDE% -4 %E;=-3>E3T; & *0 *, * ) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; *& 2, (6 1

0rices pre"erred "or eGch nge o" pro"iles

1) (6) 2,) *&)

%s. ,'* O %s.*,'' %s. *,'* O %s. 1,'' %s. 1,'* O %s. ,''' Above %s. ,''*

22) of the people are ready to spend between %s. *,'* O %s. 1,'' on the basic service of exchanging profiles.

4ashion %etail Management


b# Exchanging =rofiles and 4amily meetingsH =%I7E "I3 %;.# %s.1,'* O %s.,''' %s. ,''* O %s. **''' %s. **''* O %s. *,''' Above %s. *,''* Total number of respondentsH 1I 3:MDE% -4 %E;=-3>E3T; & *, , *

Marketing Management

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; 1, ,( *I 2

0rices pre"ered "or eGch nging pro"iles H " !ily !eetings

%s.1,'* O %s.,''' %s. ,''* O %s. **''' %s. **''* O %s. *,''' Above %s. *,''*





,() of the respondents are ready to spend anything between %s. ,''* O **''' for the second package

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

c# Exchanging profiles, family meetings and 9anampatri "horoscope# matchingH Spending on per horoscope ! tch =%I7E "I3 %;.# %s.*'* O %s.*,' %s. *,* O %s.1,' %s.1,* O %s. ('' Total number of respondentsH (' EMDE> Excel.7hart.I Ss 3:MDE% -4 %E;=-3>E3T; *, 0 6 ) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; ,' (' 1'

0rices pre"ered "or horoscope ! tching

%s.*'* O %s.*,' %s. *,* O %s.1,' %s.1,* O %s. (''

1') ,') (')

,') of the respondents are ready to spend anything between %s. *'* O %s. *,' for matching horoscope "price per horoscope#

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

G&. Apart from above mentioned packages are you interested in services like wedding planners and coordinators, honeymoon packages and wedding counselorsR 5es 22
EMDE> Excel.7hart.I

3o ,6

Response to Addition l Ser.ices

22) ,6)

5es 3o

22) of respondents look in for additional services like honeymoon packages, counselors etc.

4ashion %etail Management


GI. If yes, what kind of services are you interested inR ;E%JI7E .edding =lanners and 7oordinators /oneymoon packages .edding counselors .edding planners N /oneymoon packages Total number of respondentsH 22 *2 1* & 1 3:MDE% -4 %E;=-3>E3T;

Marketing Management

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; (I ,&

Addition l ser.ices pre"ered

.edding =lanners and 7oordinators




/oneymoon packages .edding counselors .edding planners N /oneymoon packages


-ut of these, 2&) of respondents seek honeymoon packages service

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

G0. If you have to go to a marriage bureau, how far are you ready to travelR

>I;TA37E "in Mms# ' O *' *' O *, *, 1,

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; ,& (* *1

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T;

*1) ' *' kms (*) *' *, kms ,&) *, 1, kms

,&) of the respondents are ready to travel up to *' kms to visit a marriage bureau

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

G*'. If you have to suggest a name for a marriage bureau, out of these which one would you suggestR 3AME Dandhan Malash ;hubham ;ehra ) -4 %E;=-3>E3T; 10 1, (( *(

) -4 %E;=-3>E3T;



Dandhan Malash ;hubham

(() 1,)


Shubh ! $ s the !ost pre"erred br nd n !e "or the ! rri ge bure u by <<I o" the respondents

4ashion %etail Management


Shubham -I-,I)2RA0+Y

Marketing Management

4ashion %etail Management


Shubham A00E(*ICES

Marketing Management

>ear %espondent, I am a student at =earl Academy of 4ashion pursuing 4ashion %etail Management. This survey on BMarriage DureausC is a part of my dissertation pro9ect. I thereby ensure that this information is purely for academic purposes and will remain strictly confidential for the same. /ope to have your cooperation. G*. .hich mode do you prefer while searching a match for your prospective bride8groomR a# b# c# d# e# f# Marriage bureaus Matrimonial websites 3ewspapers -wn contacts =undits8Temple Any otherR =lease specifyTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

G1. >o you have access to InternetR a# 5es b# 3o G(. .hen you think of marriage bureaus which company comes to your mind firstR TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT G2. /ow did you come to know about this marriage bureau8portalR TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT G,. .hat all services do you look for from these matrimonial bureaus8websitesR a# Exchanging profiles only b# Exchanging profiles N 4amily Meetings c# Exchanging profiles N 4amily Meetings N Lanam=atri "horoscope# matching d# Exchanging profiles N 4amily meetings NLanam=atri matching N .edding counselors

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

G6. /ow much are you ready to spend on the services you mentioned aboveR "Tick only for the package you preferred in the above Auestion# 6 EGch nging 0ro"iles/ I. %s. ,'* O %s.*,'' II. %s. *,'* O %s. 1,'' III. %s. 1,'* O %s. ,''' IJ. Above %s. ,''* b6 EGch nging 0ro"iles nd F !ily !eetings/ I. %s.1,'* O %s.,''' II. %s. ,''* O %s. **''' III. %s. **''* O %s. *,''' IJ. Above %s. *,''* c# Exchanging profiles, family meetings and 9anampatri "horoscope# matchingH ;pending on per horoscope match in addition to above "b# package cost I. %s.*'* O %s.*,' II. %s. *,* O %s.1,' III. %s.1,* O %s. ('' G&. Apart from above mentioned packages are you interested in services like wedding planners and coordinators, honeymoon packages and wedding counselorsR a# 5es b# 3o GI. If yes, what kind of services are you interested inR a# .edding =lanners and coordinators b# /oneymoon packages c# .edding counselors d# .edding planners and honeymoon packages G0. If you have to go to a marriage bureau, how far are you ready to travelR a# ' O *' kms. b# *' O *, kms. c# *, O1, kms.
4ashion %etail Management ,1


Marketing Management

G*'. If you have to suggest a name for a marriage bureau, out of these which one would you suggestR a# Dandhan b# Malash c# ;hubham d# ;ehra 0erson l det ils/ 3ameH Age of the prospective bride8groomH 4emaleH *I 11 MaleH 1* 1, 1( 1& 1I (1 (( (& (I 2( 26 ,' 2( 2& 2I and above 16 (' (* (, (6 2' 2* 2, ,* and above

=lace of residenceH -ccupationH

4ashion %etail Management



Marketing Management

4ashion %etail Management


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