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Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq.

Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Halfway I change my mind about some colors then enters with PS and made some adjustments in my raw rendering. We'll see about that later.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

01 - Just Fresnel. Highlight glossiness = Ref Glossiness = 0,6 + Filter red.

02 - Brown polish plastic: fresnel with 80% reflection. Shader type = Phong


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Note I use a material for the surface of the glass plan and other one - darker - to glass edges, just with reflection but no refraction.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

This can also be done with Rec Lights, but I prefer the final effect when I use emissive.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Again we can also do this with Rec Lights, but I used emissive. Just a matter of personal taste.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

I put my omni light already inside the component to edit all at once.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Intensity 1200
Double sided

Intensity 15
Shadow Radius 4
Distance of 40 centimeters
from the floor.

Here's a little trick: note I used omni lights aligned with the spots on the ceiling to simulate fake reflections on the floor.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Here I could use smaller values for Color and Noise Threshold to get
more quality, but in this case the render time needed to be short.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Here I could use best values for HSph. Sudivs and Samples to get more quality, but as I said, the
render time for this scene needed to be short.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

It took 1 hour and 25 minutes. A good time to render for me, but the image was a bit flat and dull. Time to make adjustments.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

( Below we see the my final result. I will show the step by step )


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

We just up there a sequel to what was done. It is very important to set all materials with Color ID option. Now we can treat each material separately.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

At that point the render ruined the fabric in the chair. So, I fixed it with Clone Stamp tool and patience.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Just a glow effect to get a more nice contrast. I selected the bottom of the cabinet, painted it white and so, a Blur filter were applied.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Here I change the color

using Hue Saturation

Here I change the color

using Hue Saturation

A series of specific adjustments using ID Color channel and the MAGIC WARP selection tool . I create adjustment layers of Levels, Curves and Hue Saturation.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Two layers in Overlay, with a medium gray with which I accented high lights and dark areas in the scene with Dodge and Burn tools.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Lens flare images from Google in Screen blend mode. The reflection marks in the warm granite floor is absolutely fake. I used omni lights for that, do you remember ?


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Sharpen filters and a High Pass layer in soft light blend mode.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

Here I increase brightness and contrast. The human eye like this. And add a little chromatic aberration.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti

I add my workflow at left corner using the soft logos and my own logo at right corner.


Making off Sushibar Scene _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by arq. Elder Cavalcantti


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