AdWords Seminar @NewSchool Part 1

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Goog|e AdWords Cernhcanon

Gemng ready for

Geras|mos N|ko|opou|os
ulglLal SLraLeglsL, CrowLh
AbouL Ceraslmos
ast Work Lxper|ence
Current|y: Iounder & D|g|ta| Strateg|st Q
A sLarLup dlglLal agency LhaL !"#$% '()$*+,"% )*-" )(+". (+#,+", servlng cllenLs such as:
What was the revenue of Goog|e
for 1 2013?
What was the revenue of Goog|e
for 1 2013?
513 8||||on
What |s the of Goog|e's
revenue der|ved from AdWords?
What |s the of Goog|e's
revenue der|ved from AdWords?
What we w||| |earn
AdWords foundauon for Lhe Cerucauon
racucal AdWords seLup & managemenL
What we w||| not |earn
Advanced AdWords managemenL for blg cllenL accounLs
What |s requ|red of you
lndlvldually sLudy Lhe cerucauon maLerlal
lay" wlLh your own accounL
Cb[ecuve of Lhe Course
Sess|on #1
1. AdWords key concepLs
2. uemo of a baslc campalgn
Sess|on #2
1. AdWords more advanced concepLs
2. 8evlew of 1 pro[ecL accounL (ln class)
3. lndlvldual revlew of all pro[ecL accounLs
Course SLrucLure
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
1) Goog|e AdWords Intro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
Coogle Search 8esulLs
Search neLwork
ulsplay neLwork
Google AdWords Networks
Coogle Search Search arLners
user ls performlng a search query and our ad ls dlsplayed on Lop or beslde organlc search
Search Network
1. !"#$%"&' &(') *)#+%('&'
Search Ads Lxamples
Coogle Search Search arLners
Display Network
1ouchlng 91 of lnLerneL users

Video Ads

Ads on ?ou1ube
keach 1argenng Measurab|||ty
8eneLs of AdWords
Can I use |mage ads to advernse
on Goog|
Can I use |mage ads to advernse
on Goog|
now does AdWords adverns|ng
|mpact Crgan|c search resu|ts
now does AdWords adverns|ng
|mpact Crgan|c search resu|ts
No connecnon between AdWords
adverns|ng and organ|c search resu|ts
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1ext (rank, pos|non, S)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
nead||ne: 1he rsL llne of your ad ls Lhe one LhaL cusLomers are mosL llkely Lo
nouce. We can show up Lo 2S characters ln your headllne.
Descr|pnon ||ne 1,2: Pere you can descrlbe your producLs or servlces. We can
show up Lo 3S characters for each descrlpuon llne.
D|sp|ay Ur|: Clve a clear ldea of where your ad wlll Lake Lhe users when Lhey cllck
on Lhe llnk. Coogle can only show up Lo 3S characters.
Desnnanon Ur|: ueLermlne where people are Laken when Lhey cllck your ad
1he ComponenLs of Ad1exL
Ad osluon ls Lhe order ln whlch your ads shown up on a page
/0*)$#"1 *+ *2 $(%,3(+ (4 5 67 )"*+% 8!*8 .(9: *2 ,% 8!" ;:%8 *2 (+
* $*<"
Ad osluon
Ad 8ank: Pow we order ads
Ad 8ank example
!"#$% '(# %()"(+" 2("% * %"*:'! 8!*8 8:,<<":% .(9:
*2= >((<#" '*#'9#*8"% ?9*#,8. @'(:" A?@B

LlemenLs of CuallLy Score
Land|ng page exper|ence refers Lo how good we Lhlnk
someone's experlence wlll be when Lhey geL Lo your landlng
1o lmprove Lhe landlng page experlence you should:
$:(C,2" :"#"C*+8= 9%"49#= *+2 (:,<,+*# '(+8"+8
$:()(8" 8:*+%$*:"+'. *+2 8:9%8D(:8!,+"%% (+ .(9: %,8"
)*-" ,8 "*%. 4(: '9%8()":% 8( +*C,<*8" .(9: %,8" A,+'#92,+< (+
)(E,#" %,8"%BF

LlemenLs of Landlng age experlence
What |s the d|erence between
Desnnanon UkL and D|sp|ay UkL
What |s the d|erence between
Desnnanon UkL and D|sp|ay UkL
Desnnanon UkL |s the exact UkL that we send the
user aher c||ck|ng our ad. D|sp|ay UkL |s the UkL
v|s|b|e on our Ad1ext
Does se|||ng brand names |n your
eshop |ncrease your S?
Does se|||ng brand names |n your
eshop |ncrease your S?
S |s aected by C1k, Land|ng age, Ad
ke|evance, n|stor|ca| erforamnce, etc
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword match types
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
keywords are Lhe words LhaL you choose Lo LargeL
your ads. ?our ads wlll be Lrlggered |f the keywords
matches user search query.

LeL's examlne how Lhls maLchlng works.
lnLroducuon Lo keyword Largeung
User search query
LxacL maLch
1he keyword maLch Lypes
1he defaulL AdWords keyword maLch Lype
Cood cholce lf you don'L wanL Lo spend Loo much ume bulldlng
your keyword llsL or lf you are [usL bulldlng your accounL

8road MaLch
8esLrlcLs Lhe expanded maLchlng
lncreases relevancy
8road maLch modler (8MM)
More preclse Largeung
lmproves CuallLy Score
More conLrol over your ads
hrase MaLch
lull conLrol over your ads
?our ads wlll appear only on relevanL searches
SlgnlcanLly less Lramc
LxacL MaLch
negauve MaLch
keyword MaLch 1ype Cvervlew
key Success Iactor
What match type to use |f you have
sma|| budget and want to on|y target
fu||y-re|evant searches?
Lxact Match. Ior examp|e:
[mercedes c200]
[mercedes c200 rtq]
What match type to use |f you have
sma|| budget and want to on|y target
fu||y-re|evant searches?
What |s the symbo| for 8road Match
Mod|her (8MM) match type?
1he +. Ior examp|e: +mercedes +c200

1he other symbo|s are:
8road: mercedes c200
hrase: "mercedes c200"
Lxact: [mercedes c200]
Neganve: -mercedes
What |s the symbo| for 8road Match
Mod|her (8MM) match type?
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locanon targenng
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
8each your cusLomers where Lhey are and where
your bus|ness can serve them by uslng AdWords
locauon Largeung.
urpose of Locauon 1argeung
1) Locanon |nterest
lf user query conLalns a geo-relaLed word, locauon of Lhe user lf lnferred
from Lhls query. 1hls works only lf Lhe geo-relaLed word ls lnslde Lhe counLry.
(example: agrkau vs Cllfada, noL agrau vs Chlcago)

2) Goog|e doma|n (eg .fr)
Locauon ls lnferred based on Lhe Coogle domaln LhaL Lhe user uses. lor
example, lf a user ln uS searches on, he ls ellglble Lo see ads
LargeLed on lrance

3) User I
l (lnLerneL proLocol address) ls a dlsuncL number LhaL ldenues our C
when uslng Lhe lnLerneL. l ls asslgned by Lhe lS (eg oLeneL) and has
geographlc locauon. 1hls ls why even lf we enLer from Creece,
we see ads LargeLed ln Creece.
Pow Locauon 1argeung Works
1argeL enure counLrles
1argeL areas wlLhln a counLry
1argeL a radlus around a locauon
MeLhods of Locauon 1argeung
1he reason..
1argeung your ads Lo a counLry or muluple counLrles ls a
good ldea lf you provlde producLs and servlces Lo Lhose
large areas
1argeung enure counLrles also allows you Lo recelve more
exposure Lhan you would by Largeung lndlvldual clues or
reglons wlLhln a counLry
1argeL Lnure CounLrles
1he reason..
lf your buslness doesn'L serve all reglons or clues
you'd llke Lo focus your adveruslng eorLs on
cerLaln areas wlLhln a counLry
1argeL Areas wlLhln a CounLry
A buslness dellverlng unlque adveruslng messages Lo selecLed areas
A buslness Lrylng Lo measure Lhe success of ads ln selecLed reglons
A buslness promoung speclal oers only ln selecLed locauons
A buslness selllng producLs only ln selecLed reglons or clues
A small local buslness (a bakery ln San lranclsco)
Who could beneL from..,
1he reason..
8adlus Largeung would help LargeL your ads Lo cusLomers wlLhln a cerLaln
dlsLance around your locauon
Who could beneL from..,
lf you run a dellvery servlce (dellvery plzza )
?our local buslness relles on fooL Lramc (cafe, bar, resLauranL)
1argeL a 8adlus around a Locauon
Where your ads should appear ls lmporLanL -- buL
where Lhey shouldn'L appear ls [usL as cruclal Lo your
campalgn's success.
Locanon exc|us|on can allow you Lo prevenL your ad
from showlng ln cerLaln parLs of your LargeLed
Lxclude Ads from Ceographlc Locauons
A buslness LhaL doesn'L shlp Lo or provlde servlces ln a clLy or reglon
wlLhln a larger area
A buslness LhaL oers a speclal promouon LhaL lsn'L ellglble ln a few
reglons of a LargeLed area
lf you run ad campalgns for an lndependenL real esLaLe brokerage ln
Pawall, buL you don'L have a locauon on Maul, you can LargeL Lhe enure
sLaLe of Pawall buL exclude Maul only.
Who beneL from excludlng areas
A user |n Ch|cago that searches for
"restaurant |n New ork" w||| see ads
targeted at..
New ork.
1h|s |s because the N term tr|ggers
|ocanon |nterest and g|ven that the user |s
w|th|n the country (US) th|s |s the pr|mary
method of targenng |ocanon.
A user |n Ch|cago that searches for
"restaurant |n New ork" w||| see ads
targeted at..
A user |n US that does a search query
on Goog| for "hote|s |n 1urkey" w|||
see ads targeted at.
1h|s |s because Goog|e doma|n > I
address. A|so wh||e |ocanon |nterest
(1urkey) w|ns Goog|e doma|n, the re|evant
term |s not w|th|n the country
A user |n US that does a search query
on Goog| for "hote|s |n 1urkey" w|||
see ads targeted at.
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
S) Language targenng
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
ls Lo be sure LhaL you reach Lhe r|ght and Lhe
mosL re|evant audlence for your buslness based
on Lhe language facLor.
And cusLomlze your ads based on Lhls facLor.
urpose of Language 1argeung
Pow Language 1argeung Works
1) uer|es |n spec|a| |anguages (Gk, IL and 3 more)
lf user query ls wrluen wlLh characLers from Lhese languages (LhaL are
unlque) Lhe user wlll see ads Largeung Lhls language lrrespecuve of any oLher

2) Language Semng references
lf (1) does noL apply user wlll see ads LargeLed ln Lhe same language as Lhe
one ln hls Coogle Language Semng references

3) Goog|e doma|n defau|t |anguage
lf (1) or (2) do noL apply user wlll see ads LargeLed ln Lhe defaulL language of
Lhe Coogle domaln he ls vlslung (for example for, Lhls ls Creek)
?ou sell ollve oll and have seLup an AdWords accounL wlLh Creek
Ad1exLs. ln order Lo be relevanL, your campalgn has Creek
language Largeung. Who can see your Ads,
users who use as Coogle Search Lnglne.
users who use any Coogle domaln excepL and have changed
language lnLerface Lo Creek.

users who use any Coogle domaln, lrrespecuve of Lhelr language Largeung and
Lhelr search query ls c\oto\oo".
Lxample on
?ou wanL Lo LargeL your buslness ln Creek, lLallan, Lngllsh and
Spanlsh languages.

Cne campalgn wlLh language Largeung only ln Creek.
Cne campalgn wlLh language Largeung only ln lLallan.
Cne campalgn wlLh language Largeung only ln Lngllsh.
Cne campalgn wlLh language Largeung only ln Spanlsh.
So, how you organlze your campalgns,

Crganlze Campalgns by Language
If a user |s |ocated |n Irance, users Goog|
doma|n and performs a query on Israe||, he w|||
see ads targeted |n what |anguage?
Israe||. 1h|s |s because IL |s one of the S
spec|a| |anguages (|nc|. Greek).
If th|s d|d not app|y, he wou|d poss|b|y see
ads targenng Irench.
If a user |s |ocated |n Irance, users Goog|
doma|n and performs a query on Israe||, he w|||
see ads targeted |n what |anguage?
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) Account structure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
8aslc AccounL Plerarchy
lull AccounL SLrucLure
key Success Iactor
Iurn|ture store's webs|te

Slmple example of AccounL SLrcuLure
Ior every campa|gn you create:
Choose a dally budgeL
SelecL where ads appear geographlcally
SelecL Lhe language of your audlence
SelecL where your ads wlll appear onllne
Lvery ad group:
MusL conLaln a llsL of keywords (usually 3 Lo 20)
All keywords musL share Lhe same ads
1he ads wlll dene Lhe landlng page

Campalgn and ad sLrucLure
Cn slmpllclLy.
Whereas breaklng our accounL ln many campalgns and ad groups
lncreases relevancy, the trade-o |s comp|ex|ty of Lhe accounL and lLs

1he prlnclple ls Lo Lry Lo have as few campalgns and ad groups as you
need. So, s|mp||c|ty! 8uL below you nd LoLally valld reasons Lo break:

ulerenL dally budgeL for dlerenL producL llnes
ulerenL geographlc Largeung (a campalgn Largeung C8, anoLher
for C?)

Ad Groups
Pave more relevanL ad for Lhe user query (for example dlerenL ad
group for kpco korres", kpco korres oupq nckq")

now many nmes can I change my user b||||ng
Under spec|a| c|rcumstances, you can ask
for an excepnon and change |t once.
now many nmes can I change my user b||||ng
Cou|d your webs|te structure be used as a base
for your account structure?
es. 1h|s |s a s|mp|e and eecnve way to
structure your account (g|ven a webs|te
structure that makes sense.).
Cou|d your webs|te structure be used as a base
for your account structure?
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) D|sp|ay network
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
ulsplay neLwork Cvervlew
Coogle ulsplay neLwork (or Cun) ls Lhe
neLwork of 000s of webslLes LhaL we can
reach Lhrough Coogle AdWords.

Whereas Lhe baslc concepL of Search
applles, on Cun we have some more
feaLures and concepLs:
More ad formaLs
More Largeung meLhods
More blddlng meLhods

lmage Ad
ldeo Ad
Moblle Ad
roducL LlsL Ad
ulsplay neLwork: Ad lormaLs
1exL Ad
1argeung MeLhods: ConLenL-lacemenLs
1argenng 1r|pAdv|sor
1600+ interest-categories, combined with age and gender
Interest targenng
1argeung MeLhods: Audlence-lnLeresL 1argeung
of people who visit a website
leave without completing
the actions marketers want
them to take
of people abandon their
shopping cart without
completing a purchase
1argeung MeLhods: Audlence-8emarkeung
Can I use 1ext Ads on Goog|e D|sp|ay Network?
LS. 8ut you can a|so use |mage and v|deo
ads. Whereas |n Search Network you can
use CNL 1ext Ads.
Can I use 1ext Ads on Goog|e D|sp|ay Network?
What targenng methods wou|d I use on D|sp|ay
Network |f I were operanng a beauty products
Content-Contextua|: 1argenng posts mennon|ng words such
as "xpo qpo"
Content-|acements: 1argenng a|| top fema|e porta|s
Aud|ence-Interests: 1argenng women and a|so |nterests such
as beauty, ce|ebr|nes, etc
Aud|ence-kemarkenng: 1argenng a|| webs|te v|s|tors that d|d
not converted
What targenng methods wou|d I use on D|sp|ay
Network |f I were operanng a beauty products
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8|dd|ng methods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
Impress|ons C||cks Convers|ons
1.000 lmpresslons S0 vlslLs S sales
lull MeasurablllLy
8lddlng MeLhods
CC (cost-per-c||ck)
Adveruser pays for every cllck users make on hls ads.
Avallable on Search & ulsplay neLwork
AuLomauc vs Manual: lf you do noL have ume, you choose auLomauc" and Lhe sysLem decldes
your blds
Lnhanced CC: lf you have seLup converslon Lracklng, you can choose eCC, and Lhen Lhe sysLem
may choose Lo spend 20 more on keyword hlgh hlger posslblllLy Lo converL
CM (cost-per-m|||e)
Adveruser pays for each 1000 ad lmpresslons. ?ou seL Lhe max amounL you wanL Lo
pay for ads, wheLher Lhey are cllcked or noL.

CA (cost-per-acnon)
Adveruser pays for each specled acuon (a purchase, a form submlsslon and so on)
llnked Lo Lhe ad. AcLually lL ls a CC model ad[usLed on hlsLorlcal CA performance.
CV (cost-per-v|ew)
Adveruser pays for every full vlew of hls vldeo. used only for ?ou1ube adveruslng
vldeo ads.

key Success Iactor
Can I use CM b|dd|ng on Search artners?
Cn Search Network (Goog|e and Search
artners) we can use CNL CC b|dd|ng.
Can I use CM b|dd|ng on Search artners?
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Goa|s
10) Access levels
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
Adveruslng Coals
used by buslnesses LhaL depend on gemng much Lramc Lo Lhelr webslLe (eg
medla slLes) and uses CC adveruslng. Cpumlzauon resulLs ln cheaper Lramc
(lower CC) wlLh quallLy facLors (eg low bounce raLe).

used by brands LhaL wanL Lo lncrease Lhe reach and Lhe frequency of Lhe ad
message. used wlLh CM or C (?ou1ube) blddlng and alms aL gemng as
many people as posslbly from our LargeL audlence.

used by adverusers LhaL have a speclc acuon LhaL users wanL Lo make as a
resulL of Lhe ad. 1yplcally used wlLh CC or CA blddlng and opumlzauon
LargeLs more and cheaper converslons (lower CA).
Creaung Ads LhaL work
n|gh||ght whaL makes your buslness, producL, or oer un|que (free shlpplng,
large selecuon)
lnclude pr|ces, promonons, and exc|us|ves. lf you have someLhlng speclal Lo
oer, make sure your cusLomers see lL.
1ell your cusLomers whaL Lhey can do. Are you selllng 1ell Lhem whaL Lhey
can buy wlLh sLrong words llke )*$+,-.#= /$0#$F
lnclude aL leasL one of your keywords ln your ad LexL especlally ln headllne.
1hls can caLch Lhe auenuon of Lhe people who searched for Lhe keyword.
Match your ad to your |and|ng page. Make sure Lhe promouons or producLs ln
your ad are lncluded ln LhaL page.
Lxper|ment w|th mu|np|e ads. CreaLe Lhree Lo four ads per ad group, Lrylng
ouL dlerenL messages Lo see whlch performs Lhe besL wlLh your cusLomers.
What adverns|ng goa| wou|d Am|ta Monon
poss|b|y have?
8rand|ng, so they wou|d probab|y use CM
b|dd|ng on D|sp|ay Network and CV
b|dd|ng on ou1ube
What adverns|ng goa| wou|d Am|ta Monon
poss|b|y have?
8ut |f they had a spec|hc goa|, such as to
|ncrease parnc|panon |n a branded
compennon, they shou|d use CC b|dd|ng.
1) Coogle AdWords lnLro
2) Ad1exL (rank, posluon, CS)
3) keyword maLch Lypes
4) Locauon Largeung
3) Language Largeung
6) AccounL sLrucLure
7) ulsplay neLwork
8) 8lddlng meLhods
9) Ad Coals
10) Access |eve|s
& uemo of a baslc campalgn
AccounL Access Levels

A powerful Lool for handllng muluple AdWords accounLs

Maln funcuons:
use a slngle logln Lo access all managed accounLs
Laslly vlew muluple managed accounLs, uslng a My CllenL CenLer vlew
See relevanL lnformauon for all managed accounLs ln one place
8un reporLs across muluple managed accounLs aL once
Culckly creaLe and llnk new AdWords accounLs from wlLhln your MCC accounL

My CllenL CenLer (MCC)
What access |eve| wou|d I grant to someone |n
my company that want to do m|nor ed|ts, but
not addremove users?
Standard Access.
If he a|so need to addremove users, he
shou|d have Adm|n access |eve|.
What access |eve| wou|d I grant to someone |n
my company that want to do m|nor ed|ts, but
not addremove users?
Shall we move Lo an AdWords accounL

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