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delia creates: Green...

Easy Knit Produce Bag



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Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

My eBook!

Green...can mean more than one thing. There is green the color. And green, as in environmentally friendly. Today I am combining those two meanings into one with the:


Taking inspiration from this crocheted version:

I made my reusable produce bag out of an old knit T-shirt.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

And then I went crazy! and made more bags out of old T-shirts and T-shirt sleeves in various shapes, colors, and sizes.

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It is really easy and requires very little sewing. Hence why I made so many! :) So let's get started shall we?
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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

1.)You just take an old T-shirt and turn it inside out. Draw and then cut out a bag shape you like.
I made some small, some large.

Some using the existing T-shirt hem and some not.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

2.)Sew with a straight stitch or a narrow zig zag all the way around. You can leave it like this.

Or you can finish the edge with:

A French seam.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

A zig-zag stitch or serged edge - my favorite way. {left - orange} Make the seam allowance much smaller - like 1/8 of an inch. You don't have to worry about fraying so this works fine. {right - pink}

Or fold the seam allowance over to one side and stitch all the way around. It makes it tricky to sew around corners and mine puckered a litte, but once you get to the next step you won't be ablt to notice.

3. )You can do this next part 2 ways:

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

Option 1: Draw lines to help guide you when you cut slits.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

and snip, snip, snip...with the tips of your scissors. You want to stagger the cuts like so...

**Here I made the cuts wide and I cut across the side seams so there would be holes all the way around. More like the crocheted version. Just make sure you don't cut the sides too much, thus making the holes too large. Remember that cutting on the side doubles the length of your cut. I made that mistake and had make a couple of sewing adjustments. :)

Option 2: Using your rotary cutter...

Just eye-ball the staggered cuts and slice them quickly across. Make sure to use the ruler and gridded mat to help keep things pretty even and neat. This method is hands down WAY faster and makes for less wear and tear on the tips of your scissors and your wrists. ***And you will notice that for this bag I did not cut over the seams. Either way works. If you decide to cut over the seams though, I recommend that you sew it initially with a narrow zig zag stitch so the stitches won't unravel as easily when you cut across them.

Oh and stop cutting slits about 4 inches or more from the top. You want room for the

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

4.) Cut a slit for the handle and shape the sides if you like. I did on some and on others I didn't. 5.) Then streeeeeeeeeeeetch the bag.

That's it! So easy right? If you wash and dry it, the slits curl up a bit and it looks even better:

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

Some knits don't curl well, but I think it still looks pretty cool.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

You can use them for produce, as the name implies,

or as my husband suggested {he is a genuis} you can use them at the beach for your sandals!

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

So smart!

You can pack them in with your reusable grocery bags so you remember to use them at the store. I don't think they can entirely replace the plastic bags. Sometimes you need those to keep the food fresh or for very small produce. I will likely bring them with me to the farmer's market or to pick and store my harvest from my own garden.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

I made this one big enough to be a tote. I bet I can even put the smaller ones inside this bigger one to keep everything organized.

They are completely washable and can withstand hot washing temperatures, which I love.

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

And you can make a whole rainbow of them to help color your summer!

I hope you are having a lovely day!

Please stop by Kojodesigns for this green project from Happy Together:

Edited to add 8/12/2011: I was recently informed by a new reader that another blogger created a bag very similar to this one a year ago. I was unaware of this. I came up with this bag independently of her. I used the crocheted bag as my inspiration which I gave credit to at the beginning of this post. This kind of mishap happens often. Creative minds are bound to think of the same great ideas independently every once in a while. I think it is very important to give credit where it's due and although I did not get my idea from her, I want you to please be sure to check out this amazing French blogger at Between the Lines. She cut her bag into a nice sleek shape and she cut the slits vertically instead, which gives it a really nice look. It's worth checking out. Just go here:

Thanks. :)

Posted by Delia at 8:00 AM

Michele Pacey said...

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

Delia, I've recently become a member of your blog but this is the first comment I leave. I don't remember how I found out about your blog... Nevertheless, I am here and enjoying myself. This particular project is inspired. It's a breath of fresh air. It's so lovely. And it's green. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work. 12.5.11

Janelle said... The bags look so pretty in all those happy colors! 12.5.11

pickmepam said... delia: these are adorable, and i can't wait to try them! 12.5.11

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said... love these bags! Thanks for the tutorial, they look so easy. I may have to make some today. 12.5.11

Danielle said... You are so darn creative and cute! This is such a great idea! 12.5.11

misss_e said... This is such a creative idea! Im going to try it! 12.5.11

Danae said... So cute. Can't wait to give this a try! 12.5.11

Christie @ A Lemon Squeezy Home said... These are great, Delia! And the pictures are beautiful. Who knew some bags would be so photogenic:). 12.5.11

Suzie said... you are so smart!!! 12.5.11

Savannah said... I LOVE THIS!!!! I nominated you for a blog award, go to my site and check it out! 12.5.11

nila1920 said... um...why are you so brilliant? it truly is the simple ideas that make the biggest impact! 12.5.11

Tara from EasyMakesMeHappy said... Those are AWESOME Delia! I love all these projects..your my first stop every morning ( : 12.5.11

Amy said... Pure genius! 12.5.11

Lynette @ My Craft Discovery said... These are so pretty. Thanks for sharing!

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag


Larissa said... Awesome. LOVE it!! 12.5.11

ifonlytheywouldnap said... i was just thinking that i needed to come up with some kind of reusable produce bag! genius. :) jess 12.5.11

Anneliese said... I love this bag! What a fantastic idea and it's so hip looking. I think it would work for all sorts of things! Thanks. 14.5.11

Danielle said... Ahh! This is an awesome idea. Thank you for sharing. :)) 14.5.11

A Pretty Life in the Suburbs said... Fabulous idea! Jo-Anna 15.5.11

Faye Lewis said... Love it! 15.5.11

happyfamily said... This is a very clever idea! You're going to see these all over the place now. Nice work! 15.5.11

Sawdust and Paperscraps said... Goodness this is perfect to go with my ruffled bag project! I'm adding a bunch of these to my list. 15.5.11

Beth said... this is brilliant! i love it and am totally going to do it. it kills me not to have reusable produce bags every time i buy fresh stuff. thank you for sharing :) 16.5.11

jackie said... This bag will work great to take to the showers when camping. Will hold all bath supplies in one bag. Easy for the kids to hang on to 21.5.11

Jami said... This is a fantastic idea! I think I just found my project for the day :D thanks for sharing! :D 23.5.11

Em said... Love this idea. Thank you thank you! 23.5.11

de Oontand said... Well done! A famous Belgian designer, Charles Kaisin, made once a very expensive version of this principle for Delvaux:

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag


a happy wanderer said... genius! i can't wait to make some of these... they're absolutely adorable... and seem so easy to do! 23.5.11

Barbie said... This is one of the smartest things i've seen, and it's so simple! You are a genius, my friend :) 24.5.11

Rachel said... Love this! I had to go and make some too. I used my leftover sleeves to make little bags that would hold an orange or two or three for my single niece to use. thanks! 24.5.11

kathi said... Thank you for sharing! Here`s how i did: 25.5.11

BFree said... these are great! 25.5.11

C.R.A.F.T. said... these are awesome! come on over and link these up to MMM :) 30.5.11

Christine said... Love this idea...I am making one now. 30.5.11

Danielle Renee said... I'm liking it! I actually think this technique would be quite interesting on a shirt. 30.5.11

Mardi said... So Cute!!!! 30.5.11

Susie said... Thanks! shared here: 31.5.11

Nisha @ Healthy Mom's Kitchen said... I LOVE this idea for so many reasons, but mostly for the EASE of it! I don't have many sewing skills. This looks like a fabulous project!! 31.5.11

Nisha @ Healthy Mom's Kitchen said... I'll be linking to this post from! 31.5.11

Mrs. Mom said... I really like this idea! And will make a few for my daughter out of some of her old clothes ;) She will love it. And of COURSE I'll make some for me too!

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

On the handle, have you ever had a problem with it ripping, or over stretching when you put in your produce? Would it be a good idea to reinforce the handle some how? 31.5.11

Michelle said... Very easy! And very cool! It's a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Now, to find old t-shirts!! 1.6.11

Kreative's Krafts said... This would be perfect for my first sewing project! 1.6.11

Alice said... Wow! I don't even have a sewing machine but I'm going to rustle one up - pronto! I have a 7-year old son who is encouraging me to "Go Green" but sometimes it can be hard to do so economically; this fits the bill, perfectly! 1.6.11

Esce said... spper. 2.6.11

lobegara said... que maravillosos bolsos me gustaron mucho 4.6.11

SimpleGreenishLiving said... Absolutely love these bags! Thanks for the tutorial. 6.6.11

Jen said... My question is this: I figure these weigh about a quarter pound. When shopping at a large commercial store (ie. Kroger, Schucks, Hy-Vee) what do you tell the checker? Do they ask the weight of the bag? Do they assume it weighs as much as a plastic bag? I'm too money conscious to buy an extra quarter pound of produce. I made two today with my girls, and am looking forward to making a third! Thanks for a great idea. 7.6.11

Nellene said... I loved this idea so much I linked it to my blog! I'm new at this blogging thing so please let me know if I didn't do it correctly. 15.6.11

Steffie said... Thank you for this great workshop! I did it. Best wishes from Germany! Steffie 16.6.11

K said... Congrats! You've been featured. 17.6.11

Kandeann said... I would sooo be your first customer if you sold these on :) Great idea!! 20.6.11

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

JoAnna Jackson Garnto said... I LOVE this idea. Would it be possible to feature you & this project on my blog? You can check it out here Thanks! -JoAnna 23.6.11

Lisa said... Great idea! I made some for gifts this past week. I girled mine up a little bit. Here are my versions: Thank you for the tutorial! 26.6.11

MamaMay said... Linked to you! 27.6.11

nitalinb said... Fantastic. I love it. Thank you so much! 27.6.11

planettreasures said... I think this is a fabulous idea! I have seen other tshirt bags but I like ths one better and the photo of all the brightly coloured bags is great! 30.6.11

Shawna said... I just found your bags through Pinterest and am your newest follower! Thank you for the great tutorial!!! 1.7.11

FAD said... Harika rnekler. ok beendim. 8.7.11

Gloria said... This is so cool and they are so beautiful. Where are you other projects? I can't wait to see them! 8.7.11

Erin Branham said... Came here from's DIY Life. What a fantastic and creative idea! Love it...know what I'm doing this weekend! 8.7.11

DSL said... Love your idea for the bags and posted it on my Hodgepodge column on: with a link back to you! Debbie 10.7.11

Jen Graham said... These are just fantastic! I was obsessed with these for days, and finally made some on Saturday while my son napped. I blogged about them here: Thanks for the great tutorial! 18.7.11

Francis Bordallo said...

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

Hi Delia, I've posted about your bags in my new blog in Spain...I hope you don't mind...fantastic job by the your blog 20.7.11 said... What a great way to re-use.Congrats to you. 2.8.11

Chelle said... HOLY CRAP! I love it! My husband is currently rummaging around in our closet to find old t-shirts :) 9.8.11

Liz Schaffner said... Love the idea! Love it so much that I posted it on my blog ( and linked it back to you...hope that is OK ?) Keep inspiring me! 11.8.11

bmolavi said... I saw I similar tutorial on "between the lines" about a year before this one was published, but I don't see that blog post mentioned anywhere in this post :/ If your inspiration came from somewhere else, I think is fair to mention the source. . . 12.8.11

Delia said... Thank you bmolavi. I agree. It is important to give credit where it is due. In this case, I came up with this idea independently of any other blogger. It is my own original idea. Until you alerted me of this other blogger's tutorial I also thought it was unique. Now I know that it isn't. But it still came from just my own brain. The crocheted version was my inspiration, which I made sure to give credit to. 12.8.11

gingi said... This is an awesome idea- so green and so easy! Thank you! Linked to you : 17.8.11

Cathy said...


Mira Dessy said... This is a fabulous idea! Next time we need to reduce our t-shirt collection I will be making some very cool produce bags! Thanks so much for sharing. 24.8.11

The Waits said... seriously?!?!?! I love this. i have been wanting something isimilar, but the ones in the stores are so expensive! Thank you for posting this! You are awesome. i love it so much, that i wrote a post on it! -m 25.8.11

Olivia D {The Road to Poland} said... I posted a photo from this tutorial on my blog! I hope this is ok!

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag 31.8.11

Melissa said... I just made one of these. I was going to post about it, sending my followers to your blog through links. Is that ok with you? Let me know. 31.8.11

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said... Wow what a fantastic idea :-) Great way to use t-shirts you still like but have developed mysterious little holes (think mine have been caused by the top of my zip on my jeans!!!) As you so rightly point out people often have the same ideas totally independently Anne xx 16.9.11

elleblle said... On My Blog ( ) I Have A Direct Lick To This! Great Idea, Thanks! 21.10.11

wendy said... love this tutorial - one of the reasons why some of the fabric may curl more than another is if it is 100% cotton it will curl up nicely and if it has some polyester in it it wont curl up. since you made a mention of it...cheers. 4.11.11

erin said... I found this on Pinterest...and I have to say, this is an amazing idea! I will definitely be doing this in the future! Thanks for sharing! 12.11.11

Dbora Pissarra said... Idia maravilhosa, vou fazer vrias!!! Parabns! 27.11.11

Neili said... Adorei a idia e j fiz a minha, e a soluo para a ala ficar firme no arrebentar e fica show e colocar intertela nas alas e fcil de usar, voc coloca na parte de dentro e passa o ferro ela vem com uma cola e quando voc passa o ferro ela gruda no tecido, tambm como no tenho mquina de costura fiz com linha de ponto cruz fiz uma costura trabalhada. Minha bolsa ficou laranja com costura grossa para fora na cor branca;........... 28.11.11

Jamie @ Sew Rockin' said... I just wanted to let you know that I love your project and I featured it today at "You Sew Rock Me Fridays" on my blog. You can see it here: Awesome job, I can't wait to see what else you come up with! Jamie @ 2.12.11

mistyeiz said... too clever!! :) thanks for sharing. :D 6.12.11

rebecaelisa said... LOVE IT Posted it on my Christmas DIY list! -Beca

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag 15.12.11

Lilly said... Ohhhhh yesssss love that!!!! great thank's ;) 18.12.11

penelopecross said... really cute!!!!! 9.1.12

Peggy said... I had to laugh because I had thought about doing a tutorial up for these bags and then discovered both your tutorial and Between the Lines tutorial. I first learned how to make these when I was in college in the early 80's but I had a teacher in the 70's who carried something. So its just a case of what comes around, goes around! I must say I really like your version!! (and don't let the naysayers pick on you!! its simply a matter of brilliant minds think alike!) OH quick question.... how are your bags holding up? Have you had any issues of overloading them? Take care now! 14.1.12

Jan said... I once met a guy with obsessive-compulsive disorder or a whole lot of time on his hands as he did this to ALL his T-shirts and then wore them. Sooo weird. He also packed a gun. He was totally scary. Nevertheless, this is a way cool idea for produce bags and I am going to make a couple. Thanks! 29.1.12

Becca Quint said... Keep in mind though, if you're using these at the grocery store and buying things by the pound this can add anywhere from 1/4 - 1/3 of a pound, depending on the shirt...could get pricey. Great to collect everything at a farmer's market though. 29.1.12

The Mom said... This is BRILLIANT!! I posted on Pinterest to share with my green friends. I hope that's OK. Its too fantastic not to share! 1.2.12

Suzanne said... Great idea! I made two of these bags today. Thanks! 4.2.12

Sara A.Watkins said... We are a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your website offered us with valuable information to work on. You have done an impressive job and our whole community will be grateful to you. All Star Sports Toddler Bedding 5 pc set 11.2.12

chantal said... I love your bags! I was wondering if you have the dimensions for the tote-like one? Thanks! 27.2.12

the imaginer said... Nice work. An even easier way is to buy string vests (cheap from a market) then all you have to do is sew the bottom up. The slits / holes are already there and the shoulder straps are ready-made handles :-) 3.3.12

Missy Neal said...

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

I love this idea!! Clearly you rock! Do you offer them for sale, to those of us who are not crafty enough to own a sewing machine? 3.3.12

Ecko said... Love your tutorial. I would love to share this and pin it to my Pinterest board. 9.3.12

Stephanie B. said... Really love this tutorial, thank you! 13.3.12

Dalia said... I shop at the farmers market here every week and I feel so bad with all of the plastic bags I bring home with me each time. This is a great idea. I really need to make a bunch of them to take to market each week. Great tutorial! 13.3.12

Melanie said... What a fantastic idea! Thanks so much for sharing! Melanie 15.3.12

Anonymous said... These bags would be perfect for picking mushrooms in the woods. Plastic bags are not very good for morels, they can trap moisture and cause the mushrooms to get really soggy and ruined. These bags would be great because they would allow the contents to breathe. 24.3.12

Mamy Arteira said... Extremamente criativo! Amei!!! 27.3.12

Sally D Kelly said... Such an nspired idea. Great instuctions too. Love the coloours. Can't wait to make a few of these...Thank you 28.3.12

Anna said... This is a great idea of recycling! 30.3.12

Ginny said... What a great tutorial! I love reconstructing boring t-shirts into something fabulous like this. Reusable veggie bags?!?! So smart. I like it so much, I ended up including it on my blog... Thanks! 2.4.12

Anonymous said... I've read many blogs and diy websites. None had as many good visuals to help with the easy instructions. Plus, you're a damn good photographer woman. :) Thanks for the idea. :) 3.4.12

Cybergabi said... This is the PERFECT solution for avoiding plastic bags at the local market. I'll make a variety of these in all sizes and take them to the market each Saturday. Thanks for such a wonderful idea. I am in awe! 8.4.12

Alice in Wonderland said...

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20/08/2013 08:39

delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

I think the horizontal slits in your t-shirt bag make it much more functional as the slits open up with the weight of the items; that's the whole idea, right? Anyway, thanks for the great tutorial! I need to break out my sewing machine now! 8.4.12

Cybergabi said... I did it! A perfect pastime for a rainy day: 9.4.12

ingrid sofie said... Great idea! Thanks :) 25.4.12

Anonymous said... I had a ton of t-shirts that simply don't fit or were victims of the "Great Failed Dyeing Event of 2010" that I refused to toss out. Made one today and it's great! I am going to make one for the beach for sandy clothes that can all just go in the wash, one for shoes at the beach, and one for curing potatoes and onions from the garden! GREAT idea, thanks so much! 27.4.12

Gila said... Thanx ! Lovely idea! 28.4.12

Keri Lee Sereika said... Such a great project. I found your blog by linking over from someone else's blog and am so glad I did!!! 16.5.12

Amy said... These are darling!! I love all the colours! Such fun!! You've more than demonstrated your creativity and I can't imagine anyone would look at your blog and all the things you've come up with and then think you'd lift someone else's idea. xoxo 19.5.12

Sarah A said... I tried this today!! I must say, for not being much of a sewer, my bag turned out great! (I hand sewed it). Ready to put it in the wash! 26.5.12

amanda brooke said... A great tutorial I have shared on my Pinterest page, thank you, I love these bags! 26.5.12

kristi said... LOVE these! Posted to Pinterest, and I know that a lot of others will love these too. Thank you for sharing. 29.5.12

Nayely said... Great idea! I've tried making these but without the pretty mesh pattern and also, I cut out the sleeves of t-shirts and use the holes as handles. But I will try it your way too because it's a lot cuter for farmers' market day :) 9.7.12

Nayely said... Also, I just wanted to say, I love your nail polish in that picture. 9.7.12

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

Maria Watson said... O Great pretty bags.Its very funny but very useful and creative idea to use t shirt and use it again different per pus. I'll defiantly use your idea. 6.8.12

Michael Scott said... What a brilliant idea.. This kinda reusable, recycle, pattern. Thanks tshirts on sale | fashion tshirts 6.8.12

adita afrin said... wow you look so stunning, I love this top ! handbags 12.9.12

Sweet Posy Dreams said... What a great idea. I've made t-shirt bags before, but was never too pleased with them. I think cutting the slits in the bag makes all the difference. 21.9.12

Robin Stevens said... I have just begun a personal quest to be more "Green" and can't wait to create some of these produce bags for my own eco-shopping experiences...thanks for the tip! 30.9.12

Joanne said... This is such a great idea! =) I've got lots of old t-shirts that will now be used for making bags. Thank you for this. 14.10.12

Sherie said... Nice...I had a lightbulb...for small produce, stop cutting slits 1/2way between the handle and the bottom, or no slits at all...LOVE them, they are gorgeous!!! 11.1.13

Sue Ming said... Congratulations Delia! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information. Designer Shirts 26.1.13

Julian Levi said... I found your blog on Pinterest... Really this is great idea and I like this... Thanks for sharing. flight bags 21.3.13

Susan Sicard said... This is the first time I have seen your blog. I love your bags with the snips in the. I have been making the t-shirt bags this past month but do mine a little different. I used lace and ribbons and decorations that I find in yard sales or at the recycling center. I trim the handles of my bags with it. I am toying around now with putting a pocket in them for coupons and lining them with plastic for drippy foods. I also also trying to make a pocket for cold packs to use in the summer here in Vt. Will keep following your blog for new and innovative ideas. Thank you. Susan 24.3.13

exlowe said... islam sohbet islami sohbet Dini sohbet

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

sohbet islam tubidy tubidy mzik indir tubidy mp3 tubidy mp4 ayrlk szleri ayrlk sozleri guzel sozler 9.4.13

Ammi Koo said... Hey Delia! I love this t-shirt to bag tutorial, and I was wondering if I could use it as part of my school project? I mean, I'd like to have one of your photos as part of a slide show of cool upcycled things at my school... Would that be possible if I gave credit to you? :) 11.4.13

Rainy said... I admire you for giving credit to someone who you did not even know exsisted. A few years ago, I made a tutorial on making yoga pants out of tshirts with the side seams on the inner leg and not cutting through the middle of the image on the shirt. I had taken inspiration from the many MANY tutorials on making yoga pants from tshirts on the internet, but I was unaware that the site I first posted my tutorial on already had a tutorial posted by someone else making the original tutorial. She tore me a new one, let me tell you! Because of that, I explained that I never so much as looked at her tutorial before and was not going to give her credit for my idea. The credit for the inspiration already went out to everyone having made such a tutorial anyways... She wanted me to list her specifically. Not going to happen... So, kudos to you for being kind and open minded enough to give credit to someone who made a tutorial you weren't aware of. 23.4.13

Unknown said... I love your nail polish 13.5.13

La Pecora Nera said... Great idea! Thank you for sharing us:-) Greetings from Italy, Emanuela 14.5.13

eliananordestina said... Love this idea...good! 18.5.13

Glue and Glitter said... So sweet! I'm going to link to this in a roundup at next week! 29.5.13

Carrie said... Fabulous post and very useful. Isthatnew 5.6.13

Madeleine Macy said... i was just thinking that i needed to come up with some kind of reusable produce bag! genius. :) 7.6.13

Unknown said... To anyone that has made these - don't they stretch out? I would think they would REALLY stretch out and then rip. is the handle sturdy enough for the weight of the produce? I am going to try them - cuz they look awesome!!! Would really like feed back though :) 23.7.13

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delia creates: Green...Easy Knit Produce Bag

Craftysiany said... I love these bags so much I made one of my own! Thanks for the inspiration & a great tutorial :) x I have added a link back to you on the post 1.8.13

Susan said... You could also lay the t shirt flat pin and sew the out line of the bag then cut it out after. It is a bit easier to work with. Awesome idea!! 7.8.13

sharin said... Somebody posted this on FB and I followed the link. What a great job you did! Thanks for sharing. 7.8.13

sharin said... Great job! 7.8.13

Alisha Kumar said... Hey! This is just awesomely amazing! 14.8.13 Post a Comment Newer Post Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Home Older Post

All posts and pictures are copyrighted by Delia Randall


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