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Youth Super Bowl Party @ Bro. Tommys

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Newsletter Deadline If you have any information or articles that you would like to include for the March newsletter please have them turned in to the church office by February 20th. Thank you!

First Family News

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First Bap st Church of Greensburg

"Loving and Leading People to Christ"
FBC Sta Pastor - Tommy Smith Secretary/Treasurer - Tammy Meadows Interim Music MinisterChris Wales Youth MinisterMason Welch

9:15AM ~ Sunday School 10:30AM ~ Worship Service & Children's Church

6:00 M ~ rayer Mee!in"# Children$s W%W &Worship on Wednesdays'# (ou!h o)er *our# & +iscipleship ,rainin"

6260 wy !0 " P# $o% &' " (reens)ur*+ ,a '0--! Phone. /2201 222-6020 e-mail. 3c*reens)ur*4centurytel5net we)site. www53c*reens)ur*5we)s5com

A Nursery is provided for Children ages birth to 3 years.

I would like to take the time to thank the church for all you have done for me and the youth. Im very grateful for you giving me amazing meals and welcoming me into your homes. God has blessed me with an amazing church. I look forward to the year to come serving you and the youth. ~ Mason~

I want to say thank you to the choir for its hard work and short preparation time in presenting the music for our Christmas program. I feel it was a great success. Kathy and I would like to thank the church for its expression of love to us at Christmas.

Whats your M.O. that is your Mode of Operating? How do you operate or on what basis do you do the things you do? We all tend to have things that get us into gear: habit, duty, manipulation, and a plethora of others as well. But for those of us who march to a different tune, we have been given a completely different rendition of a M.O for Christians. That is we do what we do out of our deep love to Christ.

In the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 13, the Apostle Paul addresses the issue of people doing things for the wrong reasons. He gives us the Scriptural basis of our Motivation for the many things we do. That avenue is Love. What he tells us is that if we sing the song of service without the accompaniment of Love then we I am excited for the work the choir is doing sing a solo song to our own glory.
each Wednesday night to prepare for the worship services on Sunday. It is very important that we prepare the music to be a sweet savor to God but we must also prepare our hearts as well. We will start working on our Easter presentation soon and I would like to encourage those of you not singing in the choir to come and join us.

Why is love the M.O. for us to operate under and the motivational factor for all of us? Because that is what Jesus operated under: He loved the Father and he loved you and me to the degree of life sacrifice. Love is the supreme motivational factor and brings sweet harmony to the strumming of the cords of service and Thank you for allowing me to be your worship sacrifice to that which you do for the LORD. leader. If there is a song or songs you would
like to hear sung in the worship service, by the choir, a soloist or the congregation, please let me know and I will try my best to respond to you request. In Christ, Chris

Praise Be to God for His Great Gift of Love and Example for us to live! Richest Blessing of Grace and Love, Bro Tommy

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