Present Simple - Exercises

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Present Simple

Exercise 1:
1. My sister
(read) a book.
2. Frank
(like) dogs.
3. My parents
(do) the shopping.
4. We sometimes
(meet) in front of the cinema.
5. Uncle George
(go) to the doctor's.
6. Our friends
(play) football in the park.
7. She
(go) to the park every Friday.
8. He
(ride) his bike every day.
9. We
(have) the best ideas.
10. Carol
(say) good bye.
11. She
(be) the best singer in our class.
12. My sister
(live) in a big house.
13. The children
(eat) hamburgers.
14. Bill
(have) got nine posters.
15. I
(be) at home.
Exercise 2:
1. They
about stickers. (talk)
2. Mary
stamps. (collect)
3. Tom and Sue
two T-shirts. (buy)
4. We
behind a tree. (hide)
5. The children
in the garden. (play)
6. She
my pencil. (borrow)
7. My mother
shopping. (go)
8. He
my name. (call)
9. They
down. (sit)
10. Ken and Sam
stamps. (collect)
11. Carol
good bye. (say)
12. She
Tom. (help)
13. He
in a big house. (live)
14. The students
up. (stand)
15. Bill
got nine posters. (have)
Exercise 3:
1. My parents often
westerns. (watch)
2. They
hungry. (be)
3. Mum
all the dirty clothes. (wash)
4. Peter
got a brother. (have)
5. Dad
a new car. (buy)
6. The boys
football. (play)
7. In the summer it
hot. (be)
8. I
good at school. (be)
9. On Friday we always
our piano lesson. (have)

10. Mary
her homework. (do)
11. Richard
TV. (watch)
12. I
big cities. (like)
13. He
in the library. (study)
14. She always
to work at 7. (go)
15. Bill and Tom sometimes
to London. (drive)
Exercise 4:
Use short forms (isn't, don't,...).
1. We have some milk. We
any milk.
2. Mother sews Jennys jeans. Mother
Jenny's jeans.
3. I hate Maths lessons. I
Maths lessons.
4. The monkey likes to eat bananas. The monkey
to eat bananas.
5. My parents often watch westerns. My parents
6. Children like ice cream. Some children
ice cream.
7. The monkey wants some bananas. The monkey
some bananas.
8. They are hungry. They
9. Every Sunday we get up early. Every Sunday we
up early.
10. Sometimes Peter is very tired. Sometimes Peter
very tired.
11. I am a good pupil. I
a good pupil.
12. School always starts at seven oclock. School
at seven o'clock.
13. On Friday we always have our piano lesson. On Friday we
our piano lesson.
14. In summer its sometimes very hot. In summer it
sometimes very hot.
15. Mum washes all my dirty clothes. Mum
all my dirty clothes.
16. Peter has got a brother. Peter
a brother.
17. The frog is under the caravan. The frog
under the caravan.
18. They are cool. They
19. Dad buys a new car. Dad
a new car.
20. The boys play football. The boys
Exercise 5:
Put the sentences in negation.
1. They wash the car. They the car.
2. I get up early. I early.
3. They walk to school. They to school.
4. Jim eats an orange. Jim an orange.
5. My sister listens to her new CD. My sister to her new CD.
6. Ann cleans her shoes. Ann her shoes.
7. Henry climbs the tree. Henry the tree.
8. They are at the cinema. They at the cinema.
9. We like pizza. We pizza.
10. Gary and Peter go to the party. Gary and Peter to the party.
11. My parents work in a restaurant. My parents in a restaurant.
12. We like our uncle. We our uncle.
13. She sings her favourite song. She her favourite song.
14. Bill reads a book. Bill a book.
15. Mary goes to the zoo. Mary to the zoo.

Exercise 6:
1. Peter goes to the party. Peter
to the party.
2. His schoolbag is brown. His schoolbag
3. Mary can ski. Mary
4. We meet our friends. We
our friends.
5. The teacher hands out the books. The teacher
the books.
6. Pat is a clever boy. Pat
a clever boy.
7. The monkey takes the banana. The monkey
the banana.
8. Tony is hungry. Tony
9. Tim has a brother. Tim
a sister.
10. They are at Sarah's party. They
at home.
11. I like apples. I
12. Winter begins in December. Winter
in October.
13. They are at home. They
at home.
14. Tom can play football. Tom
15. My mother speaks Spanish. My mother
Exercise 7:
1. They can dance. They
2. I like good books. I
bad books.
3. We live in a big city. We
in a big city.
4. I can play the guitar. I
the guitar.
5. They are cool. They
6. We are pen friends. We
pen friends.
7. The parrot eats apples. The parrot
8. She is Austrian. She
9. Brad listens to the radio. Brad
to the radio.
10. Elephants eat grass. Elephants
11. I am good at school. I
good at school.
12. They go to school by bus. They
to school by bus.
13. Henry does his homework. Henry
his homework.
14. Simon reads comics. Simon
15. Sally smokes. Sally
Exercise 8:
1. (he / drive to work every day)
2. (I / not / think you're right)
3. (we / have enough time?)
4. (I / eat cereal in the morning)
5. (they / write e-mails every day?)
6. (you / watch a lot of TV)

7. (he / not / read the newspaper)

8. (she / dance often?)
9. (where / I / come on Mondays?)
10. (what / you / do at the weekend?)
11. (you / not / drink much tea)
12. (how / he / travel to work?)
13. (they / not / like vegetables)
14. (she / catch a cold every winter)
15. (I / go out often?)
16. (you / speak English?)
17. (we / take the bus often)
18. (she / not / walk to school)
19. (what / you / buy in the supermarket?)
20. (how / he / carry such a heavy bag?)
Exercise 9:
1. (they / wear suits to work?)
____Do they wear suits to work?____________________________________
2. (he / not / say much)
3. (when / she / study?)
4. (she / know a lot about cooking)
5. (we / make dinner at the weekends)
6. (I / not / leave work on time very often)
7. (she / meet her brother every week?)
8. (they / find Londons weather cold)
9. (we / use the computer every day?)

10. (you / not / smoke)

11. (why / we / always get into trouble?)
12. (what/ they / usually cook?)
13. (what / we / need?)
14. (they / not / win at tennis)
15. (what / they / like to watch on TV?)
16. (I / do my homework every night)
17. (why / she / swim every morning?)
18. (you / walk to the station every day)
19. (he / teach in a school?)
20. (he / study English at a night class)
Exercise 10:
1. (we / not / go out much)
2. (they / think it's a good idea)
3. (he / know how to play the violin?)
4. (why / I / have to clean up?)
5. (she / not / sleep late at the weekends)
6. (I / love studying languages?)
7. (we / not / believe the Prime Minister)
8. (you / understand the question?)
9. (she / not / want to go to the cinema)
10. (I / like trying new kinds of food)
11. (David / want some coffee?)
12. (what / Lucy / do at the weekends?)
13. (they / not / work late on Fridays)

14. (she / have three daughters)
15. (you / own a car?)
16. (where / Alicia / work?)
17. (when / she / go to her Chinese class?)
18. (I / not / believe you)
19. (she / think about her holidays often)
20. (you / like going to restaurants?)

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