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what is the cause for the downfall of Lij Eyasu?

there is a saying " be Eyasu dabo naw tirassu , beTefari yelem firefari". Rumors say HIM photoshopped Eyasu's pic ( tryna make look eyasu converted to islam ) . Its a well known fact Eyasu was a womanizer and may be just may be this might be the reason the shewan landlords conspired with HIM. I want to know what do you think happened ?

I think that it's always important to put all those historical incidents within their historical contexts. Lij Iyasu was chosen as the heir to the throne by emperor Menilek. When the old and influencial emperor died in 1913, Lij Iyasu forbade the mourning of his death. He was afraid that by the spread of the information of his death, there could be unrest in the country. So he forbade even to talk about it and concealed the information. Only his wife tege Taytu bTul and his daughter zwditu were allowed to mourn the deceased on his death bed. The nobility, the Shewan one in particular, was very bitter about this decision and soon they started to make plots against abeto yasu. Being a descendant of both King Salomon and the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, he was in a very special position. It is said that he wanted to weaken the grip of the church on state affairs and allow the muslim population - which had grown to a significant level due to the conquests of Menileks reign - to have more power and thus be a more integral part of the state. He visited many parts of the country and married many women (amongst them several Muslims). Albeit the accusations of his conversion to Islam, we shouldn't forget the fact that Lij Iyasu had most - if not all - of his nonchristian wifes baptised. It is said that his idea was to create a new Ethiopian elite through a blood bond between the various elites. Of course, Lij Iyasu was known as a womanizer and these theories might be not much more than mere excuses to mary many women. But apart from it being a very unchristian idea - I don't find it bad at all! If I'm not mistaken, Lij Iyasu was raised by Germans. He did in fact lean towards the central powers in WWI. It is said that there were secret plans between him and the Ottomans, that if Ethiopia would attack the Italian, British and French colonies, it would get the the whole coast of Eritrea, French and British Somaliland as a reward. In deed Lij Iyasu himself had crossed the border into British Somaliland many times, where he befriended several Somali Sheikhs. He did have a special bond with the Somalis in general. He had special somali troops, which allegedly had an Ethiopian flag with the Shahadah (the Islamic creed: La ilah ila allah, wa muhammad ar-rasul allah; There is no god but Allah (God), and Muhammad is the messenger of God) in red letters in the middle. Even one of his wives is said to have been a Somali. There was widespread support for him in the Muslim community of Ethiopia and the adjacent colonies. He did intermingle with them and also wore Muslim clothes. He even appeared in a garb that was interpreted as being Muslim on the Christian feast of msql in Addis Abeba, the people were shocked. This happened after he had failed to show up to some important Christian festivals. After the "insult" of Menilek, by not letting the people mourn him and some other incidents, this was a very important reason that made many nobles flock to the camp of the conspirators. djazmach (or already ras?) tfri, the governor of harrge, was still loyal to Lij Iyasu, as they had a pact, that he would do so as long as his hereditary fiefdom wasn't taken from him. But after doing exactly that, Lij Iyasu has made himself an influencial enemy. The diplomats of the Entente (Britain, France, Italy and Russia) were at work in Addis Abeba the whole time to build a powerful opposition to Lij Iyasu, who was a supporter of their enemies, the central powers in WWI. Their propaganda was very strong and it is said that it was with their influence, that Lij Iyasu was deposed.

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