The Twelfth Cantonal English Language Competition Primary

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Sarajevo, 19 April 2013 Code: _________

INSTRUCTIONS The test has three sections: - Reading - 10 questions (10 points) - Vocabulary - 30 questions (30 points) - Grammar - 60 questions (60 points) TOTAL: 100 questions (100 points)

The time allowed: 100 minutes Read the questions carefully Answer the questions on the Answer Sheet Do not write anything on the Test set For each question choose only one answer (the best alternative) Do the Answer Sheet as in the example below:


We _________________ a test now. A do B have done C are doing D to do

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute


THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary schools 2013 READING COMPREHENSION After reading the story, choose the correct alternative for each question. Circle one answer. Jacob hated finishing things almost as much as he loved starting them. As a result, he had got into a million hobbies and activities; however he never stuck with any of them long enough to get any good. He begged his mother for months for a guitar so that he could play Black Eyed Peas songs to Angie, a girl he liked, but after he finally got one for Christmas, he found out that guitars dont play themselves. He took a few lessons, but strumming the strings hurt his fingers and he didnt like holding the pick, so now the five-hundred dollar guitar lives under his bed. After reading an ad in the back of one of his comic books, Jacob decided that he wanted a Wonder- Sweeper 5000 metal detector, so that he could find buried pirate treasure. So he mowed lawns all summer and didnt spend his money on icecream like his younger brother, Alex. He saved it all in a shoe box in his closet. Then he shoveled driveways all winter, and he didnt spend his money on candy and chips like his classmates. By the time spring came he had saved $200, and he purchased the Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal detector. He beeped it around the park for a while, but he soon found out that no pirates had ever set sail in his neighborhood, and if they had they didnt leave any treasure. Even though he found a key ring, forty-seven cents, and all the bottle caps he could throw, he buried the metal detector in his closest. Given Jacobs history with hobbies, it was no surprise that Jacobs father was reluctant to buy him a magicians kit for his birthday. "Geez, Jacob You sure you wouldnt rather I got you more guitar lessons?" He suggested. Jacob was insistent. "Dad, youve got to get me the magicians kit. This time Ill stick with it for real. I promise! Come on, Dad," Jacob begged. Jacobs father sighed and then replied, "Oh, I dont know, Jacob. Things are awfully tight right now." But Jacobs father was reminded of his own youth long ago, when he quit football and started karate practice before hardly getting his equipment dirty. So when Jacobs birthday came around, Jacob was both surprised and pleased to find the magicians kit that he had desired so badly with a big bright bow on it. Jacob opened up the box and unwrapped the many parts in the kit. As he did so, he imagined sawing his pet cat in half and putting it back together to the amazement of his friends and family. He took the many fake coins, trick cards, and rope pieces of varying length on the kitchen table and imagined pulling rabbits out of his hat and turning them into pigeons with a mysterious puff of smoke. As Jacob continued pulling plastic thumbs, foam balls, and giant playing cards out of the magic kit, a commercial on the TV caught his attention. "Hey kids! Have you ever wanted to go to space? Experience what its like to be an astronaut? Do you want to explore the universe? Well, now you can." As the commercial continued playing, Jacob walked away from the magic kit on the kitchen table and stared at the TV screen longingly. "For only $195 you can go to space camp and live life like an astronaut for a whole weekend. Enroll now for a once in a life time experience." Jacobs cry rang throughout the house as he yelled, "MOM!" He now knew what his true purpose in life was.

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute


THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary schools 2013 1. According to the text, why does Jacob stop playing the guitar? a) b) c) d) It hurt his fingers. Hed rather play drums. It was too easy. He failed math.

6. Why does Jacobs father buy Jacob the magicians kit? a) b) c) d) Jacob mowed the lawn. Jacob reminded his father of himself. Jacob bought ice cream for his brother. Jacob found his fathers key ring.

2. Why does Jacob decide that he wants a metal detector? 7. What distracts Jacobs attention from the magicians kit? a) b) c) d) He sees a man at the park with one. His father had one as a child. He saw a TV commercial for one. He read an ad for one in a comic book. a) b) c) d) a TV commercial his father the kitchen table a comic book

3. How does Jacob get the items that he wants in the story? a) b) c) d) He asks his mom. He asks his dad. He shovels driveways and mows lawns. He does all of these things to get what he wants.

8. Based on the end of the story, Jacob is most likely to go on and do which of the following? a) b) c) d) become a great magician learn to play guitar well detect an incredible hidden treasure raise money to go to space camp

4. When did Jacob buy the metal detector? a) b) c) d) in the fall in the summer in the spring in the winter

9. Which happened first in the text? a) b) c) d) Jacob asked his dad for the magicians kit. Jacob got a guitar for Christmas. Jacob mowed lawns. Jacob shoveled driveways.

5. Why doesnt Jacobs father want to get him the magicians kit for his birthday? a) b) c) d) Jacob failed math class. Jacob quits too many expensive activities. Jacob has been mean to his younger brother. Jacob went to the park without permission.

10. Which happened last in the text? a) b) c) d) Jacob saved up $200. Jacob found forty-seven cents in the park. Jacob took guitar lessons. Jacob knew his true purpose in life.

This is the end of Reading Section. Now do the next section. Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute


THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary schools 2013 VOCABULARY SECTION Choose the correct word or phrase for each question. 1. It was the most _______________ holiday I have ever had. a) b) c) d) relaxing relaxed surprised bored 6. Leaders often have to make __________ decisions for the benefit of their groups. a) b) c) d) popularity impopular unpopularly unpopular

2. She is different _______________ her sister. a) b) c) d) from to than of

7. The factory is _______________ in a suburb of Manchester. a) b) c) d) place situated built surrounded

3. I have forgotten to inform them to come to the meeting. The _______________ is on me. a) b) c) d) guilt blame culprit mistake

8. You should _______________ a lawyer before you sign that document. a) b) c) d) counsel communicate consult check

4. The tusks were _______________ to good use, protecting the mammoths' young from other animals, and brushing away snow. a) b) c) d) held put set kept

9. She was given the award in _______________ of her academic achievements. a) b) c) d) charge recognition spite aspiration

5. The profit of the company only increased _____________ and the marketing director was fired. a) b) c) d) significance insignificantly insignificance significantly

10. Water was _______________ slowly from the pipe. a) b) c) d) filtering spilling gushing leaking

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute



11. Some of the delegates made an extremely useful _______________ to the discussion. a) b) c) d) contribution suggestion insertion opinion

16. Long vehicles should be ___________ to travel in the day time as they are a great threat to small vehicles. a) b) c) d) banned cut included allowed

12. Which pair is different? a) b) c) d) search - seek many - numerous reliable - dependable jolly cheerful

17. The place where we met was very _______________. a) b) c) d) romantically romanic romance romantic

13. Which words describe females? a) b) c) d) niece / aunt / sister-in-law / lioness cow / ram / rooster / nephew hen / poetess / chicken / billy-goat doctor / teacher / architect / son-in-law 18. ___________ I saw that Mary was a better mathematician __________ John. a) b) c) d) than - then then - then than - than then than

14. To end a relationship with a wife, a husband or a boyfriend is _______________. a) b) c) d) to break out to be angry to discomfort to break up

19. If he keeps _______________ the teacher, no one will understand the lesson. a) b) c) d) interrupt interruptions interrupting interruption

15. He is _______________ the most understanding teacher of our school. I don't know how you got on his bad side. a) b) c) d) possibly impossible impossibly possible

20. Which pair is the same? a) b) c) d) selfish - unselfish brave - courageous hardworking - lazy fat slim

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute


THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary schools 2013 21. Reasonable price is: a) b) c) d) clear important acceptable strong 26. Most people are born with the natural ability to__________ stories, but only a rare few have the determination to become professional authors. a) b) c) d) say tell speak announce

22. Which of the following verbs is not possible? a) b) c) d) drive a bike ride a bike get off a bike repair a bike

27. Some of the world's famous crime writers have achieved the ___________ success of all. a) b) c) d) largest greatest highest prime

23. It was very______________excursion. a) b) c) d) education educational educated uneducated

28. If you have an ambition to become the____________ Agatha Christie what should you do? a) b) c) d) next following subsequent later

24. Which word is misspelled? a) b) c) d) politician seeson typical engineer

29. Like any good recipe you have to know the main __________ of a successful novel. a) b) c) d) parts ingredients pieces sections

25. Earth is the only __________ we know in the universe that can support human life. a) b) c) d) situation place position site

30. In the virtual classrooms of the future the students will_________on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary school. a) b) c) d) place put set get Page

This is the end of Vocabulary Section. Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute


GRAMMAR SECTION Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer. 1. Carlos _____ my letters a few days ago. a) answers b) answer c) answered d) has answered 2. "I __________ here for ten years." a) live b) am living c) have lived d) lived 3. Brian and Claire got married ___________. a) five years ago b) since five years c) for five years d) five years yet 4. Debra ________ television when the storm ______________. a) watched / begins b) is watching / begin c) watches / begun d) was watching / began 5. What time ____________ (phone) me? a) are you phoning b) you phone c) you have phoned d) are you going to phone 6. I _____________ the dentist at 4.30 on Saturday. a) will see b) am seeing c) am going to see d) saw a) a furniture b) any furniture c) some furniture d) - furniture 12. My homework is very difficult. There are _________ new words to learn. a) not enough b) too many c) enough d) too much a) should b) had to c) must d) are going to 9. Which irregular plurals are correct? a) men / feet / tooth / mice / knifes b) men / foot / teeth / mouse / knifes c) man / feet / teeth / mice / knives d) men / feet / teeth / mice / knives 10. Could you bring me _____ glass of water, please? a) the b) a c) some d) 11. We've just moved into our house, and we haven't got ________________. a) am / will b) were / will c) am / would d) were / would 8. I think you _________ leave early. 7. If I _______ you, I _________ go to the doctor's.

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute



13. Can you wait _____________, please? a) out b) out of c) outside d) on out 14. ___ Rolling Stones are ____ very old rock group. a) - / a b) The / a c) The / d) The / the 15. Mario took his pet snake ____ his English class. a) to b) at c) in d) into 16. Direct speech: "I'm having a good time,'' said Carol. a) She says she is having a good time. b) She said she has had a good time. c) She said she was having a good time. d) She said she is having a good time. 17. Mary can't stand ________ in cities. a) drive b) driving c) the drive d) drove 18. I like your new bike.___________really fast! a) Its b) It's c) It d) There is

19. Have you ever been to___________? a) Canada or United States b) the Canada or the United States c) Canada or the United States d) the Canada or United States 20. I'm tired. I think I __________ to bed. a) am going b) go c) will go d) went 21. Which past participle forms are correct? a) come / written / said / played / read b) came / wrote / said / played / read c) came / written / sayed / played / read d) come / write / said / played / red 22. Nerina is _________ to drive a car. a) oldest b) old enough c) older d) older enough 23. They have taken my car. __________isn't running. a) they b) their c) theirs d) them 24. The French ___________ classes are using the new books. a) teacher's b) teachers c) teacher d) teachers'

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute


THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary Schools 2013 25. You've cooked the meat ____________. a) beautiful b) beautifuly c) beautifully d) more beautiful 26. Tarik is __________________ than all of his sisters. a) the oldest b) more old c) older d) the most old 27. Sonia looks very ________________. a) unhappilly b) unhappy c) unhapy d) inhappily 28. I ____________ phone you if I _______ from Alice. a) am going to / heard b) will / hear c) would / hear d) will / heard 29. That cheese ___________ you like comes from Scotland. a) where b) who c) which d) what 30. My mother usually comes to stay _____________ Christmas. a) at b) off c) in d) of 31. If the traffic gets very bad we ______ the train. a) may not miss b) may have miss c) might miss d) might not miss 32. The house __________ sold for five hundred pounds. a) has been b) had been c) have been d) has being 33. Have you got ____ shampoo? a) some b) any c) d) many 34. There were only _____ people at the meeting. a) a little b) a few c) much d) many 35. My sister works in _______________. a) a flower shop b) flowers shop c) shop flower d) shop's flower 36. I managed to get to sleep__________ there was a lot of noise. a) because b) although c) in spite of d) because of

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute



37. Maybe I'll open a window. But if I ______ it, it ____ be very noisy. a) opened / will b) has opened / will c) opened / would d) open / will 38. Everybody _________ know more than one language. a) are going to b) ought to c) must d) have to 39. My family ____ away just now. a) is b) are c) was d) is /are (both) 40. I can' t bear ________ spiders. a) to look at b) it to look at c) look at d) it to look 41. Look I ______ a new jacket.

43. __________ a car when you were living in London? a) Had you b) Were you having c) Have you had d) Did you have 44. Sally lives in London, ________? a) is she b) isn't she c) does she d) doesn't she 45. I made a stupid mistake. I _________ the wrong train. a) got at b) got out of c) got on d) got off

46. Richard didn't help me. He sat in an armchair and _______ nothing. a) do b) doing c) did d) done 47. ________ room is bigger than _______.

a) bought b) have buy c) buy d) have bought 42. How long have you ________ the piano? a) learnt b) learned c) been learning d) been learned

a) my / her b) mine / hers c) my / hers d) mine / her 48. We didn't speak _______ the meal. a) while b) for c) during d) at

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute



THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary Schools 2013 49. "Do you like reading books?" "It depends _________ the book." a) about b) on c) to d) for 50. I enjoyed __________ very much at the party. a) yourself b) myself c) herself d) themselves 51. I would like _______ pot of coffee, please and ______ boiled eggs. a) - / b) a / some c) - / any d) - / some 52. It's Rachel's birthday tomorrow and I __________ her a present. a) hasn't bought b) didn't bought c) haven't bought d) haven't buy 55. Everything is going well. We ________any problems so far. a) didn't have b) don't have c) haven't had d) doesn't have 56. We _______________ by a loud noise during the night. a) woke up b) are woken up c) were woken up d) were waking up 57. The police officer stopped us and asked us where __________. a) were we going b) are we going c) we are going d) we were going 58. "What's that noise?" "It sounds __________ a baby crying." a) as b) like c) as if d) as though 59. These postcards are nice. ________? a) How much are they b) How many are they c) How much they are d) How much is they 60. Don't worry_______late tonight. a) if I'm b) when I'm c) when I'll be d) if I'll be

53. I'm afraid I ______ come to your party next week. a) can b) can't c) could d) couldn't 54. Robert ______ away two or three times a year. a) is going usually b) is usually going c) usually goes d) goes usually

This is the end of the test. Good luck!

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute



THE TWELFTH CANTONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETITION Primary Schools 2013 ANSWER KEY READING COMPREHENSION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A D D C B B A D B D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 VOCABULARY SECTION A A B B B D B C B D 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A A A D A A D D C B 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 C A B B B B B A B B

GRAMMAR SECTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C C A D D B D A D B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 B B C B A C B B C C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A B C D C C B B C A 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 C A B B A B D B D A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 D C D D C C C C B B 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 B C B C C C D B A A

Ministry for Education, Science and Youth Pedagogical Institute



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