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Glossary of Key Essay / Exam Terms

What `they' say Account for Analyse What they `might' mean Requires an explanation of the set topic; not just a description, i.e. an answer to the question "why". Requires a clear exposition of the topic, breaking complex issues /ideas into component parts and explaining their relationship s!. "ake a case based on appropriate e#idence for / against some point of #iew. $stimate the si%e, quality and #alue. &orm a carefully reasoned account gi#ing attention to all aspects.

Argue Assess Consider

Compare/Contrast $xpects you to consider differences and similarities characteristics of the phenomena in question. 'his in#ol#es more than just listing "likes" and unlikes; it in#ol#es a consideration of the implications of these!. Criticise Define (enotes that you should use appropriate e#idence to support your judgement on the #alue / merit of an argument. )et down the precise meaning of a word, phrase or concept. 'ake into consideration different and sometimes opposing definitions. *i#e a detailed or graphic account. +sks you to present and consider se#eral positions in a debate; look at the "for" and "against" of the arguments s! you ha#e chosen to focus on. +sks you to consider the strengths and weakness of a particular approach / contention. ,hilst a brief description of the approach es! is necessary, you should focus on judging the de! merits of particular positions and pro#iding a balanced appraisal. -mplies you should in#estigate the essential elements of an issue / topic and the relationship between them.

Describe Discuss




Requires you to briefly describe and then interpret and account/ gi#e reasons for a particular phenomenon / framework. in#ites you to consider approaches / possibilities and exercise your imagination. )uggests you should present and e#aluate the e#idence for and against a particular statement / approach. .ick out the key features. $xpect you to pro#ide examples to explain / support a $xpound the meaning of; make clear and explicit, usually gi#ing yourown judgement also. +sks you to supply the reasons / grounds for or against a particular position contention. /ist rele#ant items, possibly in note form. *i#e the main features of, or general principles of a subject, omitting minor details and emphasising structure and arrangement. (emonstrate the truth of something by offering e#idence. )how how one thing is connected to another. "ake a sur#ey of, examining the subject carefully. +nalyse the sur#ey and come to a judgement. $xpress the main points of an idea or topic. *i#e a brief account of the main points. &ollow the de#elopment or history of a topic from some point of origin.

Explore How far /To w!at extent "dentify "llustrate statement. "nterpret #ustify $ist %utline

&rove 'elate 'eview (tate (ummarise Trace

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