KN Jan 2014 - Newsletter Final Version

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Q1 Jan 2014

Hello, bonjour, guten tag, ciao, hola, xin chao, shalom, laba diena, dzie dobry, salut, and welcome to the first edition of the revised Midway newsletter. I hope that you all had a peaceful festive period and have come back completely rehabilitated, reinvigorated and re-assimilated for the challenges 2014 will bring. Now down to business, I (and on behalf of the leadership team at Midway), would like to thank you all for your efforts last year. 2013 was the year where we finally completed the two year integration journey by moving the Reverse centre of excellence at Chipping Warden, led by Shaz Ayub, into Midway. This move was extremely successful and was achieved in line with budget expectations and with no service disruption to the customer across CARE or Forward channels. Following on from this integration piece we also took the opportunity to re-launch many of the continuous improvement and employee focused initiatives across the site such as the Oi scheme and the employee engagement forum which are featured further on in this edition. I would also like to take this belated opportunity to welcome Peter Holford into our Midway family. Peter is the new General Manager for the Telecoms sector and as such has Sector responsibility not only for our site but our colleagues within Networks and Special Services as well. So on to 2014. Now that we have integrated both forward and reverse operations under one roof we have the perfect platform to continue our journey towards operational excellence, which is exactly what 2014 is all about. We have been set significant challenges in line with this direction and we will be asking for you to engage with our culture of change and help us to deliver multiple improvement initiatives to further delight our customer and forge our relationship of trust and partnership. In order to achieve this we will be enhancing the profile of our Kuehne+Nagel Production System (KNPS) on site and we will be offering more opportunities for you to feedback and offer real input into how we shape this site and our operation going forward. Remember, none of this can happen without you and my view is that the late great Whitney Houston and Randy Watson were wrong when they sang that children are the future.... the future is inside YOU. Stay classy Midway Murray Gascoyne - Contract Manager

Randy Watson

Whitney Houston

- Both wrong about children being the future

Q1 Jan 2014

Many thanks to all concerned who supported our recent CSR initiative with your donations supporting Save The Children, it was great to see so many Christmas Jumpers across the sites. As you are aware, we already do a great deal of work supporting local charities and the community and in order to continue to support CSR throughout the year, we will soon be looking to appoint CSR champions at each of our sites, this will also be supported by a calendar of events to raise awareness and provide advance notification of the central charities we are looking to sponsor. Also we will be support ing the pass the baton challenge throughout Kuehne & Nagel in February , as mentioned within the last issue of KN Inside, more news on this soon. Once again many thanks for all your support it does make a difference.

Peter Holford General Manager

A few months ago during our Weekly Ops review with EE, Brent Foster (EE Ops Manager) thought it would be a great idea for me to get dressed up as a court jester; you may remember me walking around the site! As that was such a massive success (at least for Brent) he thought it would be even funnier if for the last review before Christmas all of the Ops team that attend the meeting dressed up in costumes in the Christmas spirit. As the customer is King we of course complied with Brents wish........ Father Christmas, where is your right hand?????

Mr and Mrs Christmas (Annie Thomson and Nigel Henman ) featured with their Little Elf (Barry Morton) and Pet Reindeer (Peter Begley)

Steve Rowlands

Q1 Jan 2014

Midways Christmas party 2013 which was arranged by Ben Hill and Claire Hawkes was a huge success with over 70 members of staff in attendance. The evening was paid for by the staff, we had a dress down day every Friday for which staff paid 1, we also raffled some prizes obtained by the social committee earlier in the year to bolster the funds. The event was held at a local hotel in close proximity to the KN midway site. The venue had good transport links for people travelling from the north and south and with a nearby club for after party entertainment the turn out was healthy. Everyone was welcomed on arrival with a choice of a complimentary glass of cava, bucks fizz or orange juice. Food was supplied in the way of a lovely buffet laid on by the hotel, the DJ played the usual cheesy xmas hits, everyone entered into the spirit of things by congregating on the dance floor to party the night away. The drinks flowed and the music played, it was good to see the dance floor packed out with virtually the whole team, a great time was had by all A big thank you to all the staff who got into the spirit of things both on the night and the raising of funds prior. This helped Ben and I lay on what we thought was a thoroughly successful evening. Claire Hawkes.

For the first year this year the Midway site (EE) and KN as a whole have participated in Movember. This is a charity organisation that raises money for mens health issues which include prostate cancer, testicular cancer and other mens health issues. Movember started as a charity in 2003 so this is their 11th year, and over that period they have had over four million Mo Sistas and Mo Bros participate and have raised over three hundred million pounds. This money has gone to help 581 different projects for mens health in the world that include research and clinical tests into new treatments for prostate and testicular cancer also to improve physical and mental health outcomes for men. The Movember Charity has grown from one country in 2003 (Australia) to more than twenty countries in 2013, the UK first got evolved in 2007 in conjunction with the Prostate Cancer Charity. At the Midway site we had 17 people join in the fun of growing a moustache (very itchy though) at the end of the month we only had 9 still growing 7 of which had not been cheating and trimming the length. I am very pleased to tell you that as a site we managed to raise 975.00 and as a company KN we raised 5,598, I would like to thank everybody on site and off site that gave so generously to help raise so much. I hope you are all looking forward to the next time like me which is now only 10 months away. Hoooorrray. -

Andrew Smeets

Q1 Jan 2014

I remember feeling like a bag of nerves on the induction day sitting around a huge cooperate desk in a meeting room, (a position I had never found myself in before) with several strange faces looking back at me all equally as nervous. Things soon eased up though after the uncomfortable personal introductions of course! (Not to mention the three hour long presentation on the company and what it stands for.) Then the warehouse tour was next, where we all followed in a line and was shown each department of the warehouse. A particular department stood out for me, which was build and pre-kit. I remember seeing people packing as fast as machines and thought to myself, What have I got myself into? Lets fast forward several months after Ive done my time on the conveyor belts and Ive learnt all there is to learn in Inventory, Despatch, Pre-kit and am now in my last few months in the final department Goods In. At this point I now have quite extensive knowledge of the warehouse and how it works; I can also now remember nearly 100 plus names from all the different people I have met on my journey around the warehouse. I dont want to bore you with the ins and outs of each department but the experience I have gained from each one is priceless. I have developed skills over the past year and a half that money cannot buy. I have gained a professional confidence that did not exist for me before I started with KN, I now feel like a much more hands on person rather than shying away from challenges. I have learnt how to be patient and understanding. I have experienced the benefits of completing and following through on jobs I at first thought were overwhelming and the same for those jobs I thought very underwhelming! I have become braver, more responsible. I have stopped second guessing myself so often. I feel confident that I could go into any job and apply the skills I have learnt here easily. Now I am half way through my second year of the apprenticeship training at a team leader level. Looking back at what I have achieved so far it amazes me all the things I have done. I have designed a notice board; cleared out the consumable aisle, (which hadnt been done for years!) Had a successful OI suggestion, learnt how to drive stand on trucks and the man riser, applied for and successfully achieved a secondment position in admin and these are just to name a few. The list goes on and on and I hope to continue developing with KN and show them what more I can do.

Melody Brown

Meet Your Local HR Team

10 Years Service Awards 2013
Congratulations and thank you for all your contributions Kuehne-Nagel. AINSLEY THOMAS - 23/02/2003 ANDREA BENTLEY - 01/04/2003 PAUL MCMANUS - 01/04/2003 EDWARD ANNAN BAIDOO - 16/06/2003 EMMETT WILSON - 11/08/2003 BEN COLEMAN - 13/10/2003 ANTHONY HOARE - 27/10/2003 KEVIN SPACEY - 03/11/2003 PAUL COLLEY - 01/12/2003 DAWN HARPER - 02/01/2004 As you may know, there have been some changes within the Technology Business Unit HR team recently. I can therefore confirm that, with effect from 1st January 2014: Pav Dhesi has been appointed as HR Business Partner, covering Telecoms, KNPS and Pharma. Pav will work closely with Peter Holford and the other General Managers to develop the HR / business strategies and initiatives. Stephanie Paris has been appointed as HR Advisor, covering the Midway and Draycott sites. Steph will support with day-to-day HR issues and the roll out of various initiatives.

We look forward to working with you throughout 2014!

Q1 Jan 2014

Q. What do you remember about your first day at Kuehne + Nagel? It was a while ago around 14 years, my first day was at the Gamlingay site on the ITV digital contract distribution and return of set top boxes direct to customers. The thing I remember most was the back log of returns processing and the long days! Q. How different is KN now from how it was then? Its seems more professional now and part of a bigger picture as the company was called EPS when I joined Q. How do you think you got where you are today? Hard work and determination Q. If you wanted one lasting message for workforce, what would it be? Look to the future Quick fire questions If I could change anything about myself .. Being better at presentations Not a lot of people know this but Im good at. DIY My proudest moment was.. Becoming a father The worst thing you can say to me is.. Would you like to dance The best thing my parents taught me.. Independence When I was a child I wanted to be. A footballer My biggest influence Boy George

Charity Events

BANK HOLIDAYS 2014 Good Friday: April 18th Easter Monday: April 21st Early May Bank Holiday: May 5th Spring Bank Holiday: May 26th Summer Bank Holiday: August 25th Christmas Day: December 25th Boxing Day: December 26th

Macmillan Pass The Baton Challenge Friday 14th Feb Pay Days 25th if it falls on a weekend it will be the Friday before Employee of the Month Nominations 1st of the month for the previous month

Other Dates For The Diary Dress downs each Friday KNPS Bronze award audit 5th February QSHE Audits 3rd April and 2nd October

Q1 Jan 2014


It all started two years ago when two operations, T-Mobile and Orange, merged into one - Everything Everywhere. Big change not only for the business but also for the people working on those contracts. Especially for those employees who used to be part of the Orange team in Chipping Warden, Banbury before the operation was moved to Milton Keynes. Change is never easy for a workplace and this was huge and intense. Still is, but now apart from the usual day-to-day business pressures there are different challenges ahead of us. Remember last years Employee Engagement Survey? Many of us probably thought at the time that the survey was just another pointless and time wasting task and perhaps thought the same when the results came in and our managers started talking about ways of turning employees feedback into action. Mission impossible, some would say. An approach like that says a lot about the employee engagement here at Midway and this too needs to be changed. We are a team and the strength of the team is its each individual member each and every one of us on the EE contract matters and should try to make a difference wherever you work and whatever your role is. As I read somewhere on Twitter teamwork makes the dream work The survey results highlighted three key areas for improvement within technology business: recognition, communication and training and development. These are the things we need to work on together the management and their teams. This will require a lot of time and effort from all of us. What has been done so far? For a start, there has been an Employee Engagement Action Plan developed for year 2014. The objectives are to increase ways of recognising and rewarding extra effort and celebrating success, developing ways of better communication and increasing information on training and development opportunities. And there has been the Midway site focus group formed (Employee Engagement Committee) to represent us all and to voice and discuss our opinions, ideas and concerns. The EEC group has just started working but hopefully you should soon see some changes this will be communicated by the group members and notice boards in the warehouse. Lets make this dream work; lets make it come true! Come on you all - make a change!

Emilia Kiersk Chairperson for Employee Engagement Committee

Next Meeting: Friday 31 January 2014 - rescheduled - new date: 05 February 2014 Main Meeting Room 13:00-14:00 Upcoming Meetings:

Friday 28 February 2014 Friday 28 March 2014 Friday 25 April 2014 Friday 30 May 2014 Friday 27 June 2014

Q1 Jan 2014

Original Ideas Im sure you all know the Original Ideas scheme is a system designed to reward staff for giving us ideas on how to improve the way we do our jobs every day, whether it be a cost saving or an improvement in Welfare, Quality, Health & Safety or Environmental standards. Minimum payment for a successful implementation of an idea is 50, and where a significant cost saving is made, a payment of 10% of the first years saving calculation is made. Even if your idea is not implemented, you could still win 50 from the quarterly prize draw, in which 1 in 5 accepted ideas are pulled out of a hat by the Technology Divisional Management Team. 8 people from the EE Contact won 50 last year! The system is currently going through a re-launch (by the time you read this it will have been completed), with re-designed forms and posters. I am currently in the process of getting a new notice board to display the statistics by department and a board to display all the winners posters. We had some great ideas in 2013, receiving a total of 79 in total, of which 12 were implemented with 600 paid to staff as a reward, we want to continue that success for 2014 (we have already had some great ideas), so get your suggestions in!

Oi Suggestions
The Oi Original Ideas scheme is still up and running and now is the time to put your ideas forward. The forms and suggestion box are located on the wall between the QSHE and KNPS notice boards. All the suggestions are automatically entered into a quarterly draw with a 1 in 5 chance to win 50. If your suggestion is implemented and generates a saving you could be entitled to up to a 5000 cash reward, saving dependent.

QSHE The 2013 QSHE audit results are in and the Midway site achieved an average of 97.84%, which was an increase of 8.34% from 2012 when the contact was undergoing major change. This result puts us above the Technology Business Unit average and also our target for the year, and is a great result as we were previously bottom of the league, so everyones hard work has paid off! We receive 2 QSHE audits per year, which consists of over 200 set criteria, from housekeeping standards to customer satisfaction. We now look to build on that success in 2014. From an Environmental perspective, the new waste segregation signage was implemented (this was from an Original Idea) and your segregation of recyclable waste gave us an 80.86% from all waste processed. The remaining waste is also now sent for recovery for energy creation so no Midway waste was sent to landfill in 2013. The more we can recycle the better for the environment, so please remember to make sure you continue to put your waste into the correct waste bins.

Matt Watts QSHE Co-ordinator 7

Q1 Jan 2014

Welcome to the latest update on what is happening with the KNPS Continuous Improvement programme in Midway During 2013 the Midway site was mainly focused on getting the processes from Chipping Warden settled down into the Milton Keynes site. During this time lots of changes were made to how our site was laid out and how we worked. The aim for 2014 is to get our KNPS Greenbelts and Whitebelts working on improvement projects in all of our key areas to make sure that our processes, layouts and systems are set up in the most efficient way. This will help make our workplace a better place to be and ensure that we give EE the best service possible. The key areas that will be targeted this year will be:

Quality Making sure that we do our work right first time Productivity Making sure the way we work is as simple as possible with no delays and complications Safety Making sure that the workplace is set up in the best way to ensure that we are all working in the safest possible way
One of this years big opportunities is for the Midway team to gain recognition for the hard work and effort needed to make our site a benchmark for how a good KNPS site should look and feel like. We can do this by passing the assessments for the new KN Excellence standard. We are already working towards the Bronze standard and we are due to be assessed in early February. Ways that you can get involved are by giving improvement ideas through the Oi! Suggestion scheme, being involved with the project teams and by always ensuring you are giving our customer the best service possible

Liam Malone KNPS Lean Facilitator

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