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Hi Jazz Guitar Fans,
Important Change of Address
The February meeting will be held at: -
The Rat and Ratchet
40 Chapel Hill,

The January HJGS members night got off to a fantastic start with a great
turn-out and a number of, most welcome, new faces. A great time was had by all
and the playing standard was, on the whole, extremely high!
In usual HJGS tradition, the evening kicked off with a short set from Tom
Prior. He began with a rubato version of Over the Rainbow, full of Priorisms,
that is, myriad unexpected twists and turns. Tom
draws from a mixed bag of guitar techniques and,
like another of our home-grown talents, Gary
Potter, is not afraid to mix musical genres and their
signature licks and techniques! The results are
guaranteed to keep listeners on their toes.
Second up was Adam Hinchliffe, who gave
us two tunes in his customary and carefully
executed, chord melody style. Thats All and If I
Had You were both technically and musically
with a lush full
Adam was
followed by
Robin Thomas,
who gave an impromptu talk on the late great
Jim Hall, illustrated by two LP sleeves and
profound observations
on Halls appearance
and lack of hair!
Robin then proceeded
to give us to solo
renditions of tunes
associated with Hall:
Autumn Leaves and
A short period of disruption then followed, while the
Idle Guits gathered for a not particularly jazzy, but well
arranged, version of Maria
Elena, which did include a
surprisingly nice ending (side
slipping?). The Guits then
fragmented into performances
by one or more of its members. Robert Fowler played and sang a convincing
version of Manh de Carnival. Roberts singing, like Joo Gilberto and Astrud,
was just slightly out of tune which, when coupled with the use of nylon guitar,
sounded wonderfully authentic. Robert also has a very good bossa nova feel.
Richard Speight then played All the Things You Are, accompanied by Darren
on bass. Unfortunately, Richards nerves appeared to get the better of him and he
did not play to his full potential. The Guits spot concluded with Colin and Darren
playing an arrangement of Stella by Starlight.

Its always good to hear the Jazz Dawgs, with their tight arrangements and
delightful double guitar harmonies. They played Tenor Madness, which segued
between regular 12 bar sequences and
Charlie Parkers, modified, Blues for
Alice chord changes, followed by Pete
Wraiths vocal rendering of Undecided.
The latter included an unexpected
Farlowesque ending, cycling upwards in
minor 3
s and resolving (sic) on a
crunchy b5 chord!

Following the mandatory interval and
raffle etc., Terri Shaltiel and Steve
Fraser gave us two contrasting duets:
Gone with the Wind and, replete with
vocals from Steve, Albert Kings Born
Under a Bad Sign. This was an about
turn for this duo, as Terri is better known
as singer and Steve as a guitarist! This
said, they gave a nice performance and,
despite some nerves, Terri proved to be
a really fine accompanist.

Next up was Steve Billy Buckley, perhaps
one of the finest players in the UK, certainly in
the North. It was great to see Steve at a HJGS
meeting and it is to be hoped that he will come
again soon. He played a wonderful solo
rendition of Polka Dots and Moonbeams,
which was both musical and virtuosic and, more
importantly, it swung! He was then joined by
Adrian Ingram for an up-tempo rendition of
Willow Weep for Me, resulting in more fiery
blues and bebop from both players. Steve and
Adrian go back a long way, as Steve spent 3 years at Leeds College of Music.
They also share a mutual passion for old British motorcycles, vintage guitars,
rockabilly and all things jazz guitar!!!

Another top professional team followed, with Trefor Owen and Andy
Hulme. They began with Emily, Trefor taking the head and first solo. How About
You, followed with a beautifully harmonized head, containing the principal melody
on the bottom a la George Shearing! For
the second time in evening we were treated
to a rendition of Manh de Carnival, in
which Trefor played the head and 1
much of which was taken at lightning speed
reflecting Owens Pat Martino inspired

Completing a very enjoyable evening
were Jez Platt and Martin Chung, two of
Huddersfields finest and most experienced
players. As ever, funk was to the fore in their performances of Sunny and
Cantaloupe Island. As expressive and
immaculately played as ever, it would be
interesting, (and perhaps only a matter of
time) to hear this duo tackle more
harmonically sophisticated music, such as
the general American songbook of

As everyone left they reminded, once
again, that the next meeting would be a
Duke Elephant night!!! See you then.


Members News
Call for Membership Participation
We have had a few successful, I believe, examinations/investigations of
members favourite tunes. If you feel you could do a similar job please let me know.
Send an email to or chat to any of the committee at the
next meeting.
Remember the HJGS exists for the benefit(s) of its members, so we need to
hear from YOU: good, bad, indifferent, news, views, gossip, ideas, viewpoints, gigs,
sales wants, swaps etc, etc!
Please keep us informed of any jazz guitar related gigs, events, sales or other
item of interest, so that we can pass information on to other members. HJGS needs
to develop its wider network as an important forum for jazz guitar related information
and information exchange, so that we may all benefit from the collective wisdom and
uncoordinated information that undoubtedly exists amongst fans and connoisseurs.

Swap an Idea
This column appears to be popular so we will keep it for the time being. But,
and this is an important but we do NEED YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS for this to be
successful. Contributions please to
This months contribution is from Daren Dutson Bromley
This months lick shows how it is possible to create a bluesy effect using chord melody
The basic chords are G7 and C7, as you might find in the first two bars of a blues. Whilst the
melody is fairly indicative of a blues the chords behind on first glance seem very complicated
yet when played still maintain a bluesy and cohesive sound.

The lick begins with Gb7 leading into G7, this is a chromatic approach chord The third chord
is Bm7b5, this chord can be interchange freely with G7 as it contains the same notes as G9
minus the root. The notes B and Bb can both be used as they are the third and the flat third
of the scale and it is Bb that imparts the bluesy flavour. The fourth chord contains Bb. The
fifth chord is Ab diminished, a common substitution for G7. The final two chords of the bar
are G7 and G13. The next bar is based around C7 then C9 followed by C13. The final two
chords of the bar are diminished chords implying C7b9 and a C6 chord with a b5 and b3, two
common blues notes before finishing with G13. Although this seems complicated once the
principles behind it are understood it quickly becomes possible to improvise effective licks in
a similar fashion.


Some memberships are now falling due for renewal, remember membership
lasts for a full 12 months from the paid up month and the following benefits are
only available to current paid up members.
The following deals have been negotiated for members on production of a current
membership card: -
Bulldog Pickups (Huddersfield)
15% off all pickups and repairs/rewinds.
ElectroMusic (Doncaster)
Variable discount depending on the item(s) purchased.
GTR (Huddersfield)
10% discount on strings and accessories.
The Music Room (Cleckheaton)
Variable discount depending on the item(s) purchased.
Matt Ryan
10% off guitar repairs/setups
Customised Equipment Covers On Demand
Variable discount depending on the item(s) purchased.

Foulds Guitars - Derby
Variable discount depending on the item(s) purchased.

The Amp Shack Contact Andrew Lazdins
Valve/Solid-State amp and Effect pedal repairs. Discount available.
Phone: +44 (0) 7716 460 163

10% discount (see feature later in this newsletter)
Phone: +44 (0) 1924 361550

Vinyl Tap have been removed from the list as they have decided that they will no
longer offer any discount on new cds and discount by negotiation on second-hand
cds. As a consequence we feel we can no longer include them.
We are actively pursuing other supplier/retailers and will let you know as soon as we
confirm them. Remember also that we welcome your suggestions re the future
direction of HJGS. Please get in touch.
Martin Chung
Publicity, joint treasurer, website/facebook and development

Darren Dutson Bromley
Ensembles, education, website/facebook and development

Adrian Ingram
Newsletter, education, international liaison and development

Ian Wroe
Host, joint treasurer, artiste relations, events and development


Sat 15
Adrian Ingrams Jazz Dawgs, The George, Upper Denby
Mon 17
Adrian Ingram/Darren Dutson Bromley, The White House, Stalybridge

New Jazz Gig

The Jazz Dawgs will be hosting a regular monthly gig every 1st Sunday
(4:00pm 7:00pm) at the Grove, Huddersfield.
The Dawgs will feature different guest(s) each month interspersed with the
occasional jam session in which anyone can play, (please bear in mind, however,
that it is a jam session and not an open mic!).
The Grove is considered by many to be the best pub in the area, it certainly
has the greatest variety of real ales! The roster so far is: -

Sun 2
Feb Jam/Ian Wroes birthday bash
Sun 2
Mar Robin Sunflower

Monday night jazz at The Head of Steam - Cancelled

The new owners of the Head of Steam have decided that they will no longer
support live music. The staff announced, to the musicians, on Monday the 20
again on Wednesday the 22
that these would be the last gigs.


Other Jazz Guitar Clubs/Societies
(We are 1 of only 4 jazz guitar societies in England)
Here are a few links: - ------- Note new website address
8 Jazz Guitar Society of Western
The first Tuesday of the month at The Head of Steam: Huddersfield Railway Station
(see )
Remember the society needs YOUR views and input so, if you want to provide
a short introduction/discourse for a tune yourself or make any suggestions for a tune,
please speak to a committee member. We have already had some other interesting
ideas put forward which we are looking into. YOUR ideas are both vital and welcome.
It is YOUR society and the committee is there entirely on YOUR behalf. Please,
please get involved if you can!
2014 meetings
Feb 4
- Ellington night

Mar 4
- Poss Guest or Players night
Apr 1
- Parker night
May 6
- Poss Guest or Players night
Jun 3
- Gershwin night
Jul 1

Aug 5

Sep 2

Oct 7

Nov 4

Dec 2
- Showcase
Please note that in order to ensure an effective combination of complete
workshop and some time for playing, these sessions will commence at 8:30 on the
Of Interest, News and Reviews
Found anything on the web or heard of something which may interest our members, then
this is the place for it.

Daniel Slamen Luthier Extraordinaire!

During a recent visit to The Hague, three representatives from HGJS paid a
visit to Hollands premier archtop maker: Daniel Slamen. Adrian Ingram and
Nick Lunn already knew Daniel through Axel Hagen, a fine jazz guitarist and
mutual friend. Axel and Adrian have visited Daniel several times before, but it was
the first time that, committee member, Ian Wroe had seen Slamens instruments
and he was well impressed by their sound, workmanship and overall finish, which
he concluded were as fine as anything he had seen.
Daniel began many years ago, initially constructing classical guitars before
gradually being steered (by word of mouth and a full order book) towards the
virtually exclusive manufacture of archtop instruments.
Daniel has a particular fondness for ES150s and
ES250s equipped with (very good) replicas of 1930s Charlie
Christian pickups and makes this model as standard. He
recently made a copy the unusual Ronnie Singer ES150 in
black and with fancy ES250 appointments (see picture right).
Slamen is unusual, in that alongside his very accurate
and fine sounding replicas, he is also an innovator, turning out
such unusual instruments as dome-topped classicals and
archtops with F holes and nylon strings. Even on the vintage
front he is not afraid to, for example, fit 3 Charlie Christian
pickups to one guitar!
Daniel is situated in an easy to find street in the centre
of The Hague and, providing you contact him beforehand, will
extend a warm welcome to any HJGS members.
Here are a few pictures of Daniels workshops (with a familiar face or two).


Here is a new guitar strap/support we came across at a recent guitar show. It
looked very impressive.

Most jazz guitars have magnetic pickups and jazz guitarists often have
strong views as to which type or make of pickup provides them with their
favoured sound. Many players will take the trouble to fit replacement pickups
in order to find the ideal sound for their taste. There is a wide choice
available. However for the player who requires a true acoustic tone for their
style of playing, Hot Club for example, all too often the choice is limited to a
microphone (mic) on a stand or an under saddle transducer. The worst case
scenario is when the guitarist has to borrow whatever mic comes with the
house P.A., point it at the instrument and hope for the best! If the player is
lucky, the mic will be one designed for instruments rather than the more
common vocal mic, (an SM58 is great for vocals but its frequency response and
proximity effect which are designed to enhance vocals make it less than ideal
for instruments), and of course the stand mic requires the guitarist to maintain
a constant distance between the instrument and the mic (posture issues).
The under saddle transducer produces a distinctive electro-acoustic sound. This is because it feels
the structural vibrations of the instrument rather than hearing the sound waves transmitted through the air, as
our ears do. Extensive eq correction is often required in order to produce an acceptable sound and even then it
is not a true acoustic sound.
Microvox offers a solution to many problems of reproducing a true acoustic sound. The system
consists of a dedicated power supply (NB it is not a preamp) and a miniature flat response condenser mic.
The mic element is housed in a small black aluminium block and faces down onto the instrument. It attaches to
the instrument by means of a Velcro pad. This method of fixing isolates the mic from unwanted structural
vibration and ensures the mic is a fixed and constant distance from the sound source.
Any pickup device is the first link in the amplification chain. Microvox system mics ensure that this
first crucial link is as faithful to the true sound as possible.
Members of HJGS will receive a 10% discount on all Microvox products from Westfield Music in
Wakefield. Contact details: -
Tel. +44 (0) 1924 361550

The recommended Microvox for acoustic guitar is M400 with either PSU.
14 Check out Darrens pod casts

Also from Jamie Holroyd: -
RGT Jazz Guitar Diplomas
I'd also like to mention the new RGT Jazz Guitar Performance Diplomas that I have been helping
private students prepare for.
These are ideal for those looking for certification in jazz guitar performance, but dont want to go the
traditional University route.
I have had a great experience with them so far with my students, and they are accredited by the
London College of Music a cost only a small fraction of what a traditional university course does.
From the RGT website
The Diplomas focus on developing the technical skills and theory needed by guitarists playing a broad
range of jazz styles. The exam content includes improvisation and rhythm playing, as well as a
performance element that enables the guitarist to demonstrate their preferred style of jazz playing -
whether that be classic jazz tunes such as those of Django Reinhardt and Wes Montgomery or tracks
by more contemporary players such as Pat Metheny and John Scofield.
There are four levels of Jazz Guitar Performance Diploma available:
Diploma Of The London College Of Music - DipLCM
Associate Of The London College Of Music - ALCM
Licentiate Of The London College Of Music - LLCM
Fellowship Of The London College Of Music - FLCM
Each diploma provides guitarists with the opportunity to gain an internationally recognised
professional qualification and to develop their jazz playing skills to an advanced level. The Diplomas
are awarded by London College of Music Exams and are accredited by the University of West
London. To view more information please go to: -
Heres a message from a friend of ours Mike Gellar: -
Hi Adrian and Ian,

Just read the article about HJGS. Good to read about you two!

Members of the HJGS might be interested in my Mike's Master Classes site -
NfqJpw/ - also on FB and I have a Youtube channel
"mgellar" that has clips from all of the classes on there that are available for download.


May 9th - 11th 2014
Mold Road, Wrexham, Wales, LL11 2AW
North Wales Jazz: Now celebrating fifteen years of international jazz guitar events in
Only 99! (90 Concession)
Call +44 (0)1745 812260 to enrol and for further info or see and
download the enrolment form.
Five 2 hour workshops with internationally renowned tutors.


Group A:
Hands-on tuition sessions, i.e. for students who wish to learn in a playing situation.
Group B:
Tuition sessions for students who need help in basic skills.
Saturday evening concert (May10th - 8.30pm) featuring the course tutors plus guests.
Wide choice of reasonably priced accommodation available in Wrexham and the surrounding
Please let me know as soon as items are sold to remove them from the list.
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Contact Ian Wroe -
1980s Heritage Golden Eagle, near mint. Blonde, with jaw droppingly spectacular woods.
Made at the original Gibson by ex-Gibson employees, who knew how to make archtops.
Bargain at 3,000 for quick sale.

Includes case and
upgraded electrics.
Px considered.

Musicman RD50 112, fantastic condition. The most sought-after Musicman. Small,
loud and reliable. Possibly the most useable (re sound and size) valve amp, for the jazz
player. Re-grilled and serviced at Matamp with a new upgraded celestion speaker
..550 ono

Update your Tele: Fender Custom Shop Tele pickup set. Twisted Tele neck and
Broadcaster bridge. Bargain at 50.00 for the set.

1969 Gibson L5CES. Near mint, all original with case. This is an exceptionally fine
guitar. A great player, and a fabulous jazz sound. Same colour and specifications as a
1962 model for half the money.


Benedetto Benny small-bodied jazz guitar with AAA carved spruce top and chambered
mahogany body. This high-end jazz guitar was designed by Bob as a pros instrument,
lightweight, easy to play and with the sound of a full-bodied archtop in a smaller package.
He got it right, which is why Howard Alden, Jimmy Bruno and Frank Vignola all play them,

I used this model for all three of my Stephan Grossman teaching vids, the Mel Bay DVD and
CD with John Pisano, The dvd session in NY with Howard, Jack, Jimmy and Frank and
several of my cd recordings and tuition cds. You dont see these delightful little jazz guitars
for sale very often.2,000 or poss swap/px

Late 70s early 80s Peavey Special 2x12 valve
amp (6L6s). Fantastic (collectors) condition, recent
full service and re-valve. Big, big, full sound (instant
Wes) with cool retro features: spring reverb and
tremolo. Big amp, but not at all heavy. A real
bargain at..175 ono

CONTACT Adrian Ingram: Tel 01484 314529; Email

Roland GR33 guitar synth + pickup : 200 ono
Session Rockette 30 fantastic little jazz amp : 90 ono
JMP 50 1980 Marshall head : 600
Eventide Time-Factor delay/sampler/loop pedal : 220
Tone Pros locking nickel stoptail (335/ Les Paul etc) : 20
Boss digital dimension (1980s) pedal as new (Mike Stern/Sco/Metheny etc) : 80
Fender 57 USA reissue Strat. Mint with upgraded pickups...950
Contact Hayden Minett on 07967 831193 or

!"#!! %&'(("

I've hung it up on ebay for 5.5k which is very close to
what I paid a few years back. I live in Mirfield approx
15 mins from Huddersfield if you or anyone else wants
to come try it out.

Its a 65/66 ES 355 and is in great shape.

Many thanks

Gary Webb


For more info contact Paul Wright on: - or mob 07527 389637
The Comins Jazz amp has a power
attenuator...all valve 1x12...nice & light
combo & built by the great amp builder
George Allesandro....1,000

'Triggs Jazzbox the top is
laminate....2,500 2,200

The Ameson 120w is a very small
transistor amp...very high

The Ameson 50watt is all tube & a
small head... 750

Schaefer 15''Jazzer3,500
Antoria telecaster, 1970's, dark surburst green, all original, comes with soft case. good
condition. 150.00
vintage strat copy, dark wood stain, 50.00
Double Bass, Antoni, professionally setup by Crinson and Gohlman, comes with soft
case and stand. good condition. 380.00
Contact Andrew Lazdins
The Amp Shack
The Professional Tone Breakdown Service

Ph: +44 (0) 7716 460 163


"#$$% "&'() *#+# ,+# -%.# /*%0%- %1 0*# 2#,+ 3 ,. 0*456452 %1 -#$$4527

8*# '49-%5 :;< 4- =#+> 54?# ,5@ A,- %A5#@ 9> B(C 9$D#-.,5 ED6# F%94$$,+@) $%%6452 1%+ GHHIJ7

8*# C99%00 K4?0%+ LD+$4520%5 4- , 1,9 /4#?# %1 L+404-* 2D40,+ *4-0%+>7 M9%5> 5#?6 /$,>- 9#00#+ 0*,5 ,$.%-0
anything. Made in 1940s, may have been started before WWII and finished off after, according to
Frank Cambridge. So rare that I cant find another one to compare for valuation, but Id like 1500 for
For all amp (valve and solid state)
and effect pedal repairs.

8*# '49-%5 LF 9 amp is late 1940s, last time I played through it I was not awestruck so it maybe needs
a bit of a look at, it used to sound Golden ; -% .,>9# 5##@- , =,$=# %+ , 940 %1 65%A *%A N GOJJ ,- 40 4-7

C$-% 1%+ 0*# ?%$$#?0%+ , &7'7C99%00 -#54%+ PQHR4-*) +%D5@ -%D5@ *%$# ,+?*0%/) SD40# $46# 0*# '49-%5 :;O %+
:;4 of the late 20s, light as a feather, very nice plectrum guitar, again too rare to find a value but Id
$46# 0% 0*456 GQJJ A%D$@ 9# 1,4+7

C5>%5# 450#+#-0#@ ?,5 ?,$$ .# %5
8*,56-) C5@+#A7

Heres a message from Dan at Foulds Guitars

I'm running short of jazz guitars again! I've still got a bigger stock than most but
decent jazzers between 300 and 1500 I'm selling everything I get so if you
have any members that would like to move any unwanted guitars on we may be
able to help.

Of course I am happy to offer a deal on goods for members, they just need to
mention when enquiring.
1. small amp : Polytone (any model considered); Musicman RD50
(1x10 or 1x12); Peterson (Wood cab 10 speaker) AER etc
2. Seymour Duncan alnico Pro II neck telecaster neck pickup
3. DArmond archtop pickup, any model considered.
4. Benedetto or Kent Armstrong (early wood finish type, not Chinese
chrome or gold, metal casing) floating pickup.
5 Any other archtop i.e. Bartolini, Atilta, Bill Lawrence, Lollar, Zollar
etc. considered
If you have of know the whereabouts of any of the above please contact Adrian
Gypsy jazzer (Doubling Double Bass & Rhythm Guitar) seeking fellow
Gypsy jazzer's for blow.
Tel. Mike on: 01663 743610.


Here is a chart sent to us by Branco Stoysin. Thanks Branco.

Huddersfield Jazz Guitar Society
If you don't want to continue receiving newsletters and notices then send an email
with the subject 'REMOVE' to

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