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JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY, v. 57, NO. 2, P. 197-207, 3 FIGS.

, MARCH 1983



Department of Biology, Georgia College, Milledgeville 31061

ABSTRACT-Measurements of volume and weightfor limb bones froma seriesof Recentmammals

resultedin the recognitionof two groupscorrespondingto differenthabitats,aquaticand terrestrial.
Most aquatic mammals studied exhibited significantlyhigher limb-bone density than did the
terrestrialmammals. It is proposedthat the higherbone density of aquatic mammals is an ad-
aptation to reduce problems of buoyancy. Cetaceansand some "pinnipeds"have secondarily
reducedbone density with the acquisitionof lung collapse duringdeep dives. The greaterbone
densityof aquaticmammalsis at least partiallyachievedthroughincreaseddepositionof compact
bone alongthe shaftsof limb bones. As a resultit is possibleto differentiatevisuallyaquaticfrom
terrestriallimb elements by sectioningthe bone and examiningthe percentageof compact bone
present.Fossil bones can be interpretedin the same manner,thus providinga quantifiabletest for
the determinationof life habits in extinct mammals.

ity of most mammals is less than 1.0. If an
commonly have difficulty
PALEONTOLOGISTS animal has a lower specific gravity than water
interpreting the mode of life of fossil organ- it would be difficult to remain submerged for
isms, especially whether an animal was an extended period. Because of this it is ad-
aquatic or terrestrial. The controversy over vantageous for an aquatic organism to have
whether sauropods were amphibious or ter- a high specific gravity. Aquatic birds proba-
restrial is a classic example (see Coombs, bly display the greatest variety of methods
1975). Many authors dealing with the subject used to overcome buoyancy. Boobies and
of aquatic adaptations in fossil groups failed tropicbirds use momentum from an aerial
to make detailed comparisons with known dive to keep them submerged for short pe-
aquatic organisms (for example, Scott, 1937; riods. Anhingas and cormorants have re-
Troxell, 1921). I shall attempt to present here duced oil glands (in the absence of the water-
a quantifiable approach to the study of pre- proofing oil the water-laden feathers flatten
sumed aquatic fossil mammals through com- to the skin surface thereby increasing the an-
parison with Recent semi-aquatic and aquat- imals' specific gravity; Owre, 1967). Numer-
ic mammals. ous aquatic birds utilize gastroliths to in-
The method of locomotion employed by crease their density as well as for grinding up
aquatic tetrapods is one line of evidence used food; the more exclusively aquatic birds, such
to determine the life habits of a fossil organ- as penguins, reduce buoyancy by increasing
ism. Animals that are highly adapted for life the weight of the skeleton (Olson and Hasa-
in the water have grossly modified limbs and gawa, 1979, have demonstrated an increase
vertebral columns (as in marine turtles, pen- in bone density in a fossil group of pelecan-
guins, and cetaceans). Therefore extinct ple- iform birds also).
siosaurs, mosasaurs, and ichthyosaurs that The only method for overcoming buoy-
exhibit similar modifications also likely lived ancy found in birds and available to aquatic
in the water. Grossly observable adaptations mammals is increased bone density. Al-
of the limbs of amphibious animals, like the though the high density of sirenian bones is
hippopotamus, are more difficult to recognize believed to be a means of reducing buoyancy
(but detailed comparisons may provide some (Domning, 1978) the subject has not been
useful information; see Wall, 1981). widely studied in the Mammalia because the
Because water makes up most of the soft most highly aquatic mammals, the Cetacea,
tissue in an animal the density of soft tissue have relatively light bones (the reason for this
is close to one. Because of large air spaces in apparent anomaly is discussed below).
the body cavity and viscera the specific grav- The major purpose of this paper is to show
Copyright ? 1983, The Society of Economic 197 0022-3360/83/0057-0197$03.00
Paleontologists and
The Paleontological Society

the results of a study comparing relative limb- gitudinally with a bandsaw. Cross-sectional
bone density of Recent aquatic and terrestrial measurements of compact bone and total
mammals. In addition suggestions will be bone diameter were taken at three different
presented to explain any observed differences places along the shaft (proximal end, middle,
in bone density between aquatic and terres- and distal end) with dial calipers. Measure-
trial mammals and how to quantitatively rec- ments from the three regions were averaged
ognize these differences. to produce an overall index of the relative
amount of compact bone in each limb ele-
Bone density of a large number of Recent Comments on general life habits and taxo-
mammals was determined to demonstrate nomic names of the animals used in this study
whether a clear separation of living mammals were taken from Walker et al. (1975) unless
into two groups, aquatic and terrestrial, could stated otherwise.
be made based on specific gravity of the skel- Specimens used in this study consisted of
eton. Limb elements from 49 genera of mam- both wild mammals and mammals raised in
mals (Table 1) were used. I restricted my study zoological parks. The two groups can be dis-
to limb elements because the distinction be- tinguished by a small w or z after the speci-
tween compact and cancellous bone is more men numbers in Table 1. The specimens are
apparent in limb bones than in other ele- housed in the American Museum of Natural
ments. Measuring both right and left limbs History, New York (AMNH); Georgia Col-
from the same individual served to test the lege, Milledgeville (GC); National Museum
reliability of the experimental method. A third of Natural History, Washington, DC
advantage of limb elements is that they are (NMNH); and University of Massachusetts,
more frequently available as identifiable fos- Amherst (UMA).
Bone density was determined from thor- RESULTS
oughly soaked, relatively unweathered, de- Almost all of the specimens examined
greased, museum specimens. Wet volume was showed a good correlation between aquatic
recorded by measuring the amount of water habits and higher limb-bone density (Table
displaced when the soaked bone was sub- 1). Different limb bones showed varying
merged. Wet weights were recorded and the amounts of separation between mean density
ratio of weight to volume provided a close for aquatics as opposed to terrestrials. For
estimate of the overall density of the bone the humerus, aquatic mammals averaged a
(for details on procedure followed see Beh- density of 1.48 whereas terrestrial mammals
rensmeyer, 1975). had a density of 1.2. Only three aquatic mam-
Repeated trials on several of the bones mals examined were clearly within the range
showed that experimental error fell within an of terrestrial mammal bone density; these
acceptable range of 3-7%. I was concerned, were the elephant seal (Mirounga angusti-
however, primarily with the internal consis- rostris),hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), and
tency of the experimental method to validate walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). Combined ra-
relative comparisons among taxa. Therefore, dius and ulna proved to be denser than the
density figures presented in this paper should humerus in both aquatics and terrestrials but
be regarded as relative instead of absolute the aquatics overall were much denser (1.62
densities. An independent investigation may compared to 1.27). Bone densities for the el-
arrive at slightly different densities for the ephant seal, hooded seal, and walrus again
limb elements measured here but the di- were in the terrestrial range, but in addition
chotomy between aquatic and terrestrial the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddell) also
forms should still be apparent. fell within the range of bone density for ter-
T-tests were performed using mean density restrial mammals.
and variance to determine if the differences Results for the hindlimb were basically the
between aquatic and terrestrial mammals was same as for the forelimb. The femur in aquat-
significant. ic mammals had an average density of 1.46
After determining the densities of all the and for terrestrial mammals it was only 1.2.
specimens, I sectioned some of the bones lon- Again the elephant seal had a low density but

TABLE 1-Mean limb-bone volume and density (in parentheses)for aquaticand terrestrialmammalsstudied (w =
wild and z = zoo animals); volume in cm3, density in g/cm3.

Taxon N Humerus Radius-ulna Femur Tibia-fibula

Rhinocerosunicornis 2 3,645 (1.31) 2,383 (1.27) 3,895 (1.3) 1,960 (1.25)
NMNH 336953z
Ceratotheriumsimum 3 3,430 (1.29) 2,340 (1.3) 3,175 (1.3) 1,515 (1.37)
AMNH 238245z
NMNH 164592w
Dicerosbicornis 2 3,320 (1.33) 2,200 (1.41) 3,110 (1.31) 1,510 (1.41)
NMNH 162931w
Didermocerossumatrensis 2 1,190 (1.24) 773(1.26) 1,544 (1.25) 738 (1.3)
(Sumatran rhinoceros)
NMNH 49561z
Bison americanus 3 1,120 (1.19) 640(1.19) 1,150 (1.14) 750 (1.27)
AMNH 19175z
NMNH 49760z
Tapirusterrestris 4 420 (1.25) 262 (1.37) 568 (1.25) 288 (1.35)
AMNH 100252z
NMNH 261025z
UMA 24z
Equus burchelli 2 384 (1.18) 303 (1.26) 605 (1.18) 379(1.19)
NMNH 162959w
Sus scrofa 2 173 (1.02) 126 (1.04) 171 (1.03) 125 (0.98)
(Europeanwild hog)
NMNH 15184w
Lama guanacoe 2 333(1.19) 268 (1.37) 378 (1.16) 314(1.31)
NMNH 92137w
Phacochoerusaethiopicus 2 201 (1.19) 147 (1.15) 175(1.13) 153 (1.06)
NMNH 36864w
Tayassupecari 2 72 (1.22) 42 (1.32) 61 (1.21) 55 (1.31)
NMNH 257318w
Ursus arctos 2 580 (1.29) 452 (1.38) 588 (1.32) 480 (1.21)
(Alaskanbrown bear)
NMNH 123386w
Rangifer tarandus 1 222(1.21) 167 (1.35) 265 (1.28) 355 (0.96)
AMNH 24206z
Felis leo 2 525 (1.29) 380 (1.38) 473 (1.27) 377 (1.37)
NMNH 172677w
Taurotragus oryx 1 1,260 (1.22) 873 (1.3) 1,345 (1.18) 945 (1.29)
AMNH 80189z
Okapiajohnstoni 1 630 (1.26) 610 (1.28) 770(1.1) 510 (1.36)
AMNH 149148z
Tragelaphusstrepsiceros 1 350(1.21) 245 (1.27) 455 (1.09) 392(1.19)
AMNH 79328z
Cervuseldi 1 177 (1.12) 128 (1.33) 228 (1.24) 185 (1.23)
(Eld deer)
AMNH 35704z
Hippotragusequinus 1 333 (1.27) 270 (1.26) 425 (1.27) 370(1.23)
(Roan antelope)
AMNH 80134z


Taxon N Humerus Radius-ulna Femur Tibia-fibula

Alces alces 1 355 (0.96) 290(1.12) 385(1.18) 380 (0.98)

AMNH 16868z
Didelphis virginiana 2 6 (1.14) 5 (1.21) 6(1.24) 6(1.1)
UMA 1319w
Gazella dorcas 1 16(1.19) 15(1.21) 29 (1.06) 25(1.26)
AMNH 17416z
Aplodontia rufa 2 2 (0.97) 1(1.16) 2 (1.08) 2(1.12)
(Mountain beaver)
UMA 1319w
Macaca mulata 2 15(1.32) 14(1.31) 24 (1.26) 20(1.14)
(Rhesus macaque)
UMA 2304z
Connochaetes gnu 1 219(1.14) 169 (1.21) 266(1.19) 183 (1.24)
(White-lipped gnu)
AMNH 14138z
Procyon lotor 15 10(1.16) 7 (1.29) 15(1.13) 12(1.14)
UMA 1709w, 1777w,
2649w, 3361w, 3481w,
3482w, 3483w, 3484w
Agouti paca 2 17(1.24) 13(1.23)
UMA 2323w
Hippopotamus amphibius 9 1,984 (1.53) 1,222 (1.63) 2,453(1.51) 1,217 (1.63)
AMNH 15898z
NMNH 162976w, 162977w,
162980w, 254987z
Choeropsis liberiensis 3 368(1.51) 218(1.74) 429 (1.53) 246 (1.62)
(Pygmy hippopotamus)
AMNH 148452z
NMNH 314046z
Hydrochoerus hydrochoerus 2 60(1.49) 37 (1.58) 82(1.51) 58 (1.48)
NMNH 241103w
Enhydra lutris 5 34(1.65) 17 (1.82) 51(1.46) 35 (1.6)
(Sea otter)
NMNH 21336w, 49492w,
Arctocephalus australis 2 180 (1.34) 140 (1.67) 34(1.47) 85(1.55)
(South American fur seal)
NMNH 23331w
Callorhinus ursinus 2 287 (1.58) 260 (1.69) 65 (1.7) 123 (1.63)
(Northern fur seal)
NMNH 258588w
Pusa hispida 2 37 (1.62) 24(1.71) 28 (1.55) 46(1.81)
(Ring seal)
NMNH 504208w
Leptonychotes weddelli 2 205 (1.31) 158 (1.3) 120 (1.34) 257 (1.4)
(Weddell's seal)
NMNH 504875w
Mirounga angustirostris 2 1,050(1.15) 740 (1.25) 452 (1.08) 470 (1.23)
(Elephant seal)
NMNH 260867w
Odobenus rosmarus 2 1,865 (1.26) 1,050 (1.31) 735 (1.35) 910(1.35)
NMNH 500254w

TABLE I-Continued

Taxon N Humerus Radius-ulna Femur Tibia-fibula

Trichechus manatus 3 235 (2.0) 94 (2.35)
AMNH 14161z
NMNH 527909w
Lutra canadensis 1 6 (1.54) 4 (1.71) 7 (1.32) 7 (1.41)
UMA 2290w
Zalophus californianus 1 377 (1.5) 245 (2.01) 94 (1.59) 89 (2.04)
(California sea lion)
AMNH 80269z
Ondatra zibethicus 2 1(1.68) 2 (1.37)
UMA 2238w
Castor canadensis 11 9 (1.72) 8 (1.73) 26(1.61) 22 (1.57)
UMA 1274w, 1775w,
2062w, 2063w, 2065w,
Thalarctos maritimus 1 630 (1.39) 360 (1.65) 640 (1.33) 360 (1.65)
(Polar bear)
NMNH 275124w
Otaria flavescens 1 620 (1.39) 590 (1.49) 160 (1.42) 360 (1.65)
(South American sea lion)
AMNH 73120w
Eumetopias jubatus 2 900 (1.35) 820 (1.46) 285 (1.39) 420 (1.54)
(Steller sea lion)
AMNH 77883w
Hydrurga leptonix 1 334 (1.44) 240(1.48) 155 (1.55) 298 (1.45)
(Leopard seal)
AMNH 36200w
Cystophora cristata 1 212(1.27) 134 (1.27) 97 (1.46) 78 (1.45)
(Hooded seal)
AMNH 184659w
Monachus monachus 2 215(1.39) 160(1.45) 124(1.42) 298 (1.45)
(Monk seal)
AMNH 73607w
Erignathus barbatus 2 112(1.35) 65 (1.64) 83 (1.67) 170 (1.43)
(Bearded seal)
AMNH 75248w

the walrus and hooded seal were somewhat restrictions on position of the centers of
higher, above the terrestrial mammal range buoyancy and gravity.
and denser than the polar bear (Thalarctos T-values (t) and the degrees of freedom (df)
maritimus). The combined tibia-fibula was obtained for the various limb elements were:
relatively denser than the femur in aquatic humerus, t = 31, df= 45; radius-ulna, t=
mammals but only slightly higher than the 29.9, df= 45; femur, t = 38.2, df= 46; and
femur in terrestrial mammals. Again the tib- tibia-fibula, t = 36.5, df = 45. In spite of some
ia-fibula shows a distinct difference in density overlap between the two groups, high t-val-
between aquatics (1.55) and terrestrials (1.22). ues were obtained, indicating that the bone
The walrus, elephant seal and to a lesser ex- density of aquatic mammals is significantly
tent the Weddell seal were within the range higher than the bone density of terrestrial
of terrestrial mammal bone density. Al- mammals (P < 0.001).
though some of the difference in density be- Mean variance for terrestrial mammal bone
tween the front and hindlimbs can be attrib- density was low (0.009) whereas aquatic
uted to the absence of a hindlimb in sirenians, mammal bone density showed a high mean
most of the difference probably results from variance (0.036). I believe that low variance

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FIGUREI1-Graphs of limb-bone densities comparingdifferentgrowthstagesof a terrestrial(Procyon)

and aquatic (Castor)mammal (the 2 smallest Procyonare juveniles, and the smallest Castor is a

in terrestrial mammal bone density indicates ic adaptation, no overall size correlation could
a relatively narrow optimum range of bone be determined for aquatic mammals. The
density that is a compromise between strength lower bone density of the pygmy hippopot-
and weight. Aquatic mammals exhibit a much amus (Choeropsis liberiensis) compared with
broader range in bone density simply because the larger Hippopotamus amphibius is prob-
there are different degrees to which an animal ably related in part to its small size; however,
can be adapted aquatically. For example, po- accounts of the behavior of these two animals
lar bears, which spend much of their time on indicate that H. amphibius spends consid-
land or ice and rarely swim completely sub- erably more time in water than C. liberiensis.
merged, have only slightly more dense bones A comparison of different age groups of
than other bears, whereas the permanently raccoons (Procyon lotor) and beavers (Castor
aquatic manatee (Trichechus manatus) has canadensis) (Figure 1) showed that while bone
bone densities commonly over 2.0. density increased with age in both terrestrial
Bone density in terrestrial mammals and aquatic mammals (relative age was in-
showed a slight increase with an increase in dicated by difference in size and degree of
body size. The smallest mammal included in closure ofepiphyses) overall bone density was
the study was the mountain beaver (Aplo- much higher in the aquatic beavers. Increase
dontia rufa); this animal had a femur with a in bone density with age was expected be-
density of 1.08 whereas the largest terrestrial cause laminar compact bone is deposited lat-
mammal studied, the Indian rhinoceros er in growth (Kluge, 1977).
(Rhinoceros unicornis), had a femur density Variation in bone density within an indi-
of 1.3. Because of the differing levels of aquat- vidual was usually less than between indi-

viduals, particularly if they belonged to dif- ondarily derived state. Extinct archaeocete
ferent age groups. When adult size was whales had relatively more dense bones than
reached, rate of increase in bone density rap- odontocetes or mysticetes (Kellogg, 1936).
idly declined. Since adult Castor and Procyon I believe secondary reduction in bone den-
exhibit relatively little variation in bone den- sity in some of the most highly aquatic mam-
sity it is likely that taxa represented by data mals is related to diving habits. Cetaceans
from only a single adult individual in Table and "pinnipeds" are the only mammals which
1 are typical of other members of the same commonly take deep dives. To avoid nitro-
species. Castor and Procyon show differences gen narcosis and decompression sickness
in rate of bone density increase. The proximal elaborate physiological mechanisms evolved
element in the forelimb and hindlimb in Cas- (see Alexander, 1975). One of these adapta-
tor showed a much greater increase in density tions is that the lungs are only partially full
from juvenile (UMA 2063) to adult than was (seals and whales both expel air before a dive;
seen in Procyon. Hildebrand, 1974; Alexander, 1975) when the
animal submerges. At great depths the lungs
DISCUSSION can collapse completely with no ill effects.
Reduced bone density in highly aquatic When lungs of whales are compressed the
mammals. -As noted above, many ceta- animal is heavier than the surrounding water,
ceans have relatively light bones (an uniden- but when the lungs are expanded fully whales
tified cetacean forelimb, GC 574, had the fol- float. Apparently whales, and probably to a
lowing bone densities and volumes: humerus, lesser extent some "pinnipeds," use air space
density 1.16, volume 1,830 cc; radius, den- in the lungs as a "gas bladder" similar to use
sity 1.26, volume 810 cc; ulna, density 1.25, of true gas bladders by teleosts. A regulatory
volume 508 cc). My results also show that system employing reduction in lung capacity
some phocids, particularly the elephant seal to overcome buoyancy is superior to the stat-
(Mirounga) with an average limb-bone den- ic mechanism of increased bone density found
sity of only 1.18, have relatively light bones. in other aquatic mammals which are not deep
This is not true of all phocids, however. The divers. As a result it is easy to understand
ringed seal (Pusa hispida), bearded seal (Erig- why cetaceans and some "pinnipeds" have
nathus barbatus), and leopard seal (Hydrurga secondarily reduced bone density.
leptonyx) had an average density for all limb Internal architecture of mammalian limb
elements of 1.67, 1.48, and 1.52 respectively, bones.-Greater bone density may be
placing them high in the range of aquatic achieved by increasing the percentage of hy-
mammals. The five otariids included in my droxyapatite (the mineral portion of bone).
study, South American fur seal (Arctoce- Hydroxyapatite crystals have a density of
phalus australis), northern fur seal (Callor- about 3.1 to 3.2 (Berry and Mason, 1959).
hinus ursinus), Steller sea lion (Eumetopias Because the density of this mineral is far
jubatus), South American sea lion (Otaria higher than the overall bone density encoun-
flavescens), and California sea lion (Zalophus tered in mammals, an increased deposition
californianus) all had high limb-bone densi- ofhydroxyapatite might account for the higher
ties. Average bone density for each otariid bone densities in aquatic mammals. How-
was 1.51, 1.65, 1.43, 1.48, and 1.78 respec- ever, overall strength of a bone is derived
tively. The walrus, family Odobenidae, how- from a bipartite system composed of hy-
ever, had a relatively low bone density for droxyapatite and collagen (see Kluge, 1977).
the size of the animal (a limb-bone average Hydroxyapatite is suited to resisting com-
density of only 1.32). pressive force but is relatively weak under
High limb-bone density in all of the otar- tension; collagen exhibits the opposite traits.
iids studied, some phocids, and aquatic mus- Because bones are subject to compressive and
telids (the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, had an tensile forces both components should be
average limb-bone density of 1.63) indicates maintained at a relatively stable percentage
to me that lower bone density in Mirounga, depending on function.
Leptonychotes, and Odobenus is a second- An alternative method of increasing bone
arily derived condition. The light bones of density is simply to deposit more bone (or
some cetaceans may exhibit a similar sec- resorb less of what is deposited), thereby re-

TABLE 2-Percentage of compact bone in the limb ele- that hypofunctioning of the thyroid gland
probably was responsible for increased bone
Taxon Humerus Radius Femur Tibia deposition. I already suggested why many ce-
taceans do not have dense bones; the fact that
Ceratotherium 33.8% 26.2% 25.2% 26.6% sirenians have extremely dense bones is as-
Bison 17.9 17.1 19.4 18.7 sociated with their different life habits from
Tapirus 22.3 19.4 19.5 23.8 those of cetaceans. Sirenians are not deep
Rangifer 16.2 22.6 18.3 21.1
Taurotragus 27.7 20.5 21.9 21.8 divers, therefore these animals are not sub-
Okapia 26.2 20.7 23.2 23.7 jected to nitrogen narcosis or decompression
Tragelaphus 25.9 21.7 25.1 sickness. It seems likely that the ability to
Cervus 21.2 23.2 19.7 24.1
Hippotragus 28.1 26.5 25.1 24.9 remain submerged for feeding is the major
Alces 19.7 12.6 14.6 14.5 selective force acting on sirenians. Increased
Gazella 20.3 17.8 24.2
Connochaetes 21.5 22.1 24.1 22.1 bone deposition is a relatively simple, effi-
Procyon 18.7 20.7 cient way of accomplishing this end. How-
AQUATIC GROUP ever, the extremely dense bones of most si-
Hippopotamus 35.0 32.5 44.0 38.9 renians probably only allow the animal to
Choeropsis 31.6 34.4 32.9 31.1 achieve neutral buoyancy or slightly greater
Odobenus 25.32 32.8 40.1 23.1
Trichechus 54.2 54.2 density than water. Trichechus may be able
Zalophus 29.0 31.0 48.1 36.3 to regulate its water depth by muscular con-
Castor 52.5 43.3 traction of its lungs (Domning, 1978) but its
ability is not comparable to the lung adap-
tations seen in cetaceans. That sirenian bones
are denser than those of other aquatic mam-
ducing the marrow cavity. This approach has mals utilizing high bone density to overcome
the advantage of maintaining the structural buoyancy can be attributed to their more ful-
integrity of the bone. ly aquatic existence.
To determine whether increased bone den- Comparison of bones in Figure 2 shows
sity in aquatic mammals is the result of this that the amphibious mammal has relatively
second method, I sectioned a sample of bones more compact bone than do the terrestrial
from aquatic and terrestrial mammals. Re- mammals. Additional weight is also provid-
sults indicate that an increase in bone de- ed by tight packing of cancellous bone in the
position accounts for the higher density in marrow cavity. Many of the lightly built ter-
aquatic mammals (Table 2). Although the restrial mammals have very little cancellous
sample size is small the difference between bone (even the moderately heavy Bison has
aquatic and terrestrial mammal bones is sig- a relatively bone-free marrow cavity; see Fig-
nificant (t-values and degrees of freedom for ure 2). Aquatic mammals, however, for ex-
the different limb elements were: humerus, ample Hippopotamus, have filled the marrow
t = 3.1, df = 17; radius, t = 2.66, df = 13; fe- cavity with cancellous bone. The white rhi-
mur, t = 8.59, df= 16; and tibia, t = 3.1, noceros (Ceratotherium simum) also fills the
df= 14). marrow cavity with cancellous bone (prob-
Trichechus manatus exhibits the extreme ably in response to the animal's great weight,
to which increased bone deposition can be up to 3.5 metric tons). Comparing the de-
carried. The medullary cavity of manatee velopment of cancellous bone in Ceratoth-
bones is almost entirely filled with dense, erium and Hippopotamus (Figure 3), how-
compact bone. The solid nature of manatee ever, clearly shows differences between the
bones has been known for a long time, but two. Cancellous bone in the rhino is finely
the reason for it has been controversial. Faw- textured and can easily be differentiated from
cett (1942) noted that dense bones would be peripheral compact bone. In the hippopota-
useful in overcoming buoyancy, but because mus, cancellous bone is much more solidly
he believed that other aquatic mammals did constructed and along the periphery merges
not have dense bones he discounted in- with the thick, surrounding layer of compact
creased weight as an aquatic adaptation. bone.
Fawcett compared sirenian bones to patho- Relative percentages of compact bone for
logic conditions in humans and concluded the limb elements sectioned are given in Ta-

FIGURE2- Sectioned femora of, from left to right, Bison, Ceratotherium, and Hippopotamus to illustrate
differences in amount of compact bone deposited in each.

FIGURE3-Detailed illustration of sectioned femoral heads of Ceratotherium (left) and Hippopotamus

(right) to show differences in cancellous bone construction between a large terrestrial and a large
semi-aquatic mammal.

ble 2. It is important to note that these per- High bone densities in fossil mammals have
centages only approximate the true total since previously been looked at only in terms of
they represent values taken at only 3 planes rib pachyostosis. Most semi-aquatic mam-
along the bone. Because of the proximity of mals, however (such as Hippopotamus), do
muscle attachment sites (such as a third tro- not have pachyostotic ribs. Though density
chanter or deltoid crest) or other structural studies involving weight and volume are not
reasons some bones show local thickening of possible, I believe it is possible to differen-
compact bone. As a result, percentage of tiate fossil aquatic from fossil terrestrial
compact bone may appear artifically high in mammal limb bones. Complete, well-pre-
Table 2. A good example of this complicating served material will provide the most useful
factor is the humerus of Ceratotherium. Just information. The bone should be longitudi-
above the olecranon fossa there is a short, nally sectioned, and measurements of com-
distinct swelling of compact bone (at the dis- pact bone and entire bone diameter taken at
tal plane where one of the measurements was several places. If compact bone exceeds 30%
taken). Substituting a measurement from a of average bone diameter the fossil mammal
spot where compact bone thickness is more probably was at least semi-aquatic (especially
typical, the Ceratotherium humerus contains if all the limb elements exceed 30%). Relative
only 20.1% compact bone (in view of the distribution of compact bone should also be
local swelling the overall percentage would observed to determine whether the percent-
be somewhat higher). Limb bones of aquatic age obtained is consistent with the distribu-
mammals tend to be of much more uniform tion of compact bone throughout the limb
compact bone thickness (since the overall element. Presence or absence of cancellous
thickness of compact bone probably already bone in the marrow cavity should also be
exceeds most local stresses). Compact bone considered (particularly if it is possible to de-
percentage for aquatic mammals is therefore termine the character of cancellous bone as
more accurate and the actual dichotomy be- in the discussion of Ceratotherium and Hip-
tween aquatic and terrestrial mammals is popotamus above).
probably greater than indicated in Table 2. In conjunction with other skeletal charac-
Importance of bone density studies to pa- ters traditionally taken to imply aquatic hab-
leontology.--Absence of a definite correla- its (such as elevated position of orbit), sec-
tion between size and density in aquatic tioned limb bones should provide added
mammal bones is a factor that was not con- insight to the problem of determining aquatic
sidered previously in the field of taphonomy. habits in fossil mammals.
One factor regulating bone transport in an
aquatic system is the settling velocity of the
bone (which is partly dependent on the bone's Increased bone density is highly correlated
density). Korth (1979) presented an equation with aquatic habits in mammals. Somewhere
that predicted the settling velocity of a par- along the various evolutionary lines leading
ticular bone if the area of the foramen mag- toward aquatic existence bone density be-
num of the skull were known. Korth obtained came more important than it is in terrestrial
a good correlation between his formula and mammals. I believe that the transitional stage
actual settling velocities for seven placental during which selection for increased bone
mammals ranging in size from a shrew to a density occurred was when total body sub-
horse. Korth did not include aquatic mam- mergence became a habitual part of the an-
mals in his study. I believe that Korth's meth- imals' life style. Many terrestrial mammals
od is accurate for predicting the settling ve- spend at least some time in water (good ex-
locity of a terrestrial mammal bone, but amples being the moose, Alces, and African
because of the increased bone density of many elephant, Loxodonta), but they do not have
aquatic mammals Korth's formula would unusually dense bones because they generally
probably underestimate the settling velocity remain partially above the surface where
of aquatic mammal bones. buoyancy is not a problem. Truly aquatic
The discussion above shows that Recent mammals spend much of their time with most
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