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D-ITG 2.

D-ITG is a platform capable to produce traffic at packet level accurately replicating appropriate stochastic processes for both IDT (Inter Departure Time) and PS (Packet Si e) random variables (e!ponential" uniform" cauchy" normal" pareto" ###)# D-ITG supports both IPv$ and IPv% traffic generation and it is capable to generate traffic at net&ork" transport" and application layer# 'or a detailed and up-to-date documentation please refer to the official &ebsite( http())&&&#grid#unina#it)soft&are)ITG)documentation#php

Instructions for Installing D-ITG 2.8

*# Do&nload the package form the &ebsite( http())&&&#grid#unina#it)soft&are)ITG)codice)DITG-+#,#--rc*#tg +# .opy it in you home and e!tract it /# 0pen a terminal" go to the )src folder &ithin the DITG folder and type the command make 1 make $# If there is any problem &ith the installation you may have to do&nload the g22 package first and then try to install again 1 sudo apt-get install g22

Installing the GUI for DITG-2.8

*# Do&nload the G3I from( http())&&&#semken#com)do&nloads)do&nload#php4get5itggui-6+# ip +# .opy it in the DITG folder and e!tract it# /# Go to the ne&ly created itggui--6+ and open the the soft&are &ith the follo&ing option( 7 8ava -8ar ITGG3I#8ar 9 $# If there is any problem it is because :ava is not installed in your system#
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sun-8ava%-8dk sun-8ava%-plugin

Working with the GUI 1. Previous steps:

.reate a folder called logs in the D-ITG-+#,#--rc* folder called logs .reate a folder called results in the D-ITG-+#,#--rc* folder called logs Go to ;Settings< and - .hange the default ;=inary Directory<" for the current one you are using( ~/D-ITG2.8.0-rc1/bin.

- .hange the default ;>ogging Directory< for the ne&ly created one( ~/D-ITG2.8.0-rc1/logs

Go to the folder ITGPlot &ithin the folder src of the D-ITG directory and give e!ecution permission to the ITGplot tool(
$ sudo chmod +x ITGplot

2 .Setting up the Receiver

1. Set up the Receiver Go to Settings and in the ;>ocal ?eceiver 0ptions< submenu set the >ogging Type as local and &rite the >ogging 'ile name that you consider appropriate (you may not &ant to 0ver&rite files" so change the names accordingly)# 2a. (Optional Start the Re!ote "ogger In some cases you may &ant to start also the >ogger# To do so" click on the >ogger button (before clicking on the ?eceiver one) 2#. Start the Receiver .lick on the ?eceiver button to start the ?eceiver#

$. Setting up the Sen%er

1a. De&ine 'lo( (In%ivi%uall) Go to ;Define 'lo&< and set the parameters for the flo& you &ant to generate# Important things to consider( The ;Target @ost< The packet)sec rate and the si e of the packets# In the Astimated Traffic bo! (on the right bottom corner) you see" &hat the number introduced translate into traffic rate at the IP layer# Bhen more than one flo& is generated the ports may need to be changed Bhen testing CoS the T0S)DS byte needs to be changed 1#. De&ine 'lo( (!ulti&lo( In case you &ant to define different flo&s use the Dulti-'lo& section instead and click on edit for configuring each flo&# The same things to consider as above also apply# 2a. (Optional Set up the Re!ote "ogger In some cases you may &ant to the >ogger server# To do so go to Settings and in the ;>ocal ?eceiver 0ptions< submenu set the >ogging Type as Server and enter the IP of the ?eceiver in the >ogging Server bo!# Then" &rite the >ogging 'ile &ith the name that you consider appropriate (you may not &ant to 0ver&rite files" so change the names accordingly)# Bhen the process is finished this file is going to appear in the bin folfer of the D-ITG directory# 2#. Start the Sen%er .lick on the Sender button to start the sender

*. Steps to #e ta+en a&ter tra&&ic generation (anal),ing an% plotting

1a. Stop the Receiver" by locating its process in >inu! and killing it(
$ ps -aux | grep ITGRecv $ sudo kill [number_in_the_second_column]

1#. (Optional Stop the Re!ote "ogger. If the ?emote >ogger has been used" kill it after killing the ?eceiver(
$ ps -aux | grep ITGLog $ sudo kill [number_in_the_second_column]

1c. In case o& pro#le!s ... If the above does not &ork" restart the G3I" it takes nothing### 2a. Process the log (ith the -nal),er tool. Select in the Input 'ile menu the name of the log to be analysed

Select the 0utput dir for the results to be placed# Select the Plot files and click into the ;?un Enaly er< button# (It is better if you modify the default * millisecond Interval" since in that case the plots &ill have too much granularity" values bigger than *-- ms &orks good for most of the tests done) Fote( If the Enaly er does not end after *G seconds" click on it again and restart the G3I# If any problem occurs regarding ;0ctave< you have to install it in your machine#
# apt-get install octave

2#. Process the results !anuall) &ro! the co!!an% line Go to the binary directory &ithin the D-ITG folder and run
$ ./ITGDec [log_name] -b 500 -d 500 -p 500 -j 500

It allo&s more fle!ibility than the G3I" the numbers are the millisecond of granularity that &e &ant to provide to each file( b for bitrate" d for delay" p for pacekt loss and 8 for 8itter) $. Plot the results It the G3I &as used check &hether ne& files bitrate#t!t" delay#t!t" packetloss#t!t and 8itter#t!t have appeared in the output dir# If not they are in the folder &here the G3I is located# In case you analy ed the results manually" check for the files in the bin directory# Dove them to the ITGPlot folder and create the plots(
$ ./ITGplot bitrate.txt delay.txt packetloss.txt jitter.txt

0bserve that ne& #eps figures of the same name have appreared# Dove them to a folder of your convinience )you do not &ant to over&rite them)# ?esults of multiple flo&s sho& the aggregate &hich may result confusing" if you 8ust &ant to plot the flo&s use the option (&here H stands for the last flo& that &ants to be plotted)(
$ ./ITGplot bitrate.txt delay.txt packetloss.txt jitter.txt 1:X

-%%itional notes
This document is a very introductory guide to the potential of the D-ITG# 'or a more detailed information regarding all the options available &ith each of the programs" have a look at the guide in( http())&&&#grid#unina#it)soft&are)ITG)codice)D-ITG-+#I#--=eta+-manual#pdf Dost of the &orkaround regarding the placement of files and tools &ill be sorted out in the ne& version of the G3I" stay tuned#

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