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Biosafety Recommendations for Animal cell cultures

INDEX Introduction Risk Assessment Biosafety Recommendations and Containment Measures Precautionary measures for handling cell cultures

Biosafety cabinets Guidance for the assignment of the containment level

By Anisetty Naga Rohith 09413EN010.

The use of animal and human cell cultures has become very beneficial for diverse applications in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and veterinary. Originally used as substrates for the production of viral vaccines (Salk polio vaccine on monkey kidney cells, rabies, mumps and rubella vaccine using the WI-38 cell line), animal and human cell cultures became an indispensable tool to study intra- or intercellular responses and to serve as in vitro model for research. It has also been used for in vitro diagnosis of viruses or for the production of a wide range of biological products (hormones, interleukins, interferons and growth factors), including potential diagnostic and therapeutic products. More recently, cellular entity features associated to human and mammalian cell cultures have also gained interest in the search of new therapeutic approaches such as allo-/xeno- transplantation or cell-based gene therapy. Animal and human cell cultures in vitro, biosafety concerns have pointed to the risks with respect to human (as well as animal or plant) health and environmental considerations. A maximal reduction of these risks necessitates a thorough risk assessment of the given cell cultures, taking into account the type of manipulation and the implementation of appropriate containment measures. Depending on the purpose or the type of activity, the use of animal cell cultures may fall within the scope of several regulatory provisions. In Europe, for example, as the manipulation of animal cell cultures may pose a risk related to the exposure of the worker to biological agents, this type of activity is covered by the European Directive 2000/54/EC. In many cases, tissue culture work will also involve the use of genetically-modified cell lines, in which case a risk assessment should be made in accordance with the provisions of the Directive 98/81/EC related to the contained use of genetically-modified organisms. Moreover, cell culturing activities aiming at manufacturing biopharmaceuticals are covered by the Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 laying down procedures for the authorization and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary

use, whereas activities that involve the use of human cells and tissues for application to the human body fall within the scope of the Directive 2004/23/EC which provides standards for the use of human cells and tissues in the category of cell therapy. Biosafety recommendations are principally aimed at providing maximal protection of human health and environment, it is recognized that many of the precautionary measures would directly benefit the quality of research activities involving animal cell cultures as cross-contamination or inadvertent contamination with biologic agents are plaguing many researchers, often leading to inaccurate data, misinterpretation of results and a considerable waste of time and energy.

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment of animal cell cultures is based on both the intrinsic properties of the cell cultureincluding subsequent properties acquired as a result of genetic modificationand the possibility that the cell culture may inadvertently or deliberately become contaminated with pathogens. In addition, the risks encountered during handling of animal cell cultures should be evaluated with a careful consideration of the type of manipulation.

Deliberate Infection of Cell Cultures

Many biologic agents take advantage of a cells machinery in order to survive or to complete their life cycles. Therefore, the study of a pathogens life cycle or immunity escape mechanism may involve the deliberate infection of animal cell cultures. The determination of potential hazards related to infected cell cultures requires an examination of cell properties (as discussed below) and the inherent properties of the infecting pathogen. The latter implies an assessment of a number of criteria specific to the pathogen along with aspects

such as the existence of effective therapies or prophylaxis. An evaluation of these criteria has been used to classify pathogens into classes of biological risk, also called Risk Groups. The four risk categories range from Risk Group 1, where biologic agent is unlikely to cause human disease, to Risk Group 4, where the agent causes severe human disease and present serious hazard to workers with a potential of spreading to the community. Contrary to agents of lower Risk Groups, there are usually no effective prophylaxes or treatments available for Group 4 Biological Agents.

Adventitious Contamination of Cell Cultures

Adventitious contamination of cell cultures is a major drawback for any activity that involves cell culturing. In addition, one of the main biosafety concerns when manipulating animal cell cultures is the fact that animal cell cultures may provide a support for contaminating agents that cause harm to human health. Causative agents of cell contamination include bacteria, fungi, mycoplasms, parasites, viruses, prions and even other animal cells.

Genetic Modification of Animal Cell Cultures

The genetic engineering of animal cell cultures has benefited a number of applications in the biomedical and biotechnological fields. For instance, recombinant gene expression in animal cells allows overproduction of biopharmaceuticals or biological products whose in vivo activity strongly depends on complex post-translational modifications of higher eukaryotic cells. Recombinant cells may also be chosen for their increased suitability or utility, i.e., for the replication of defective recombinant or wild type viruses. The risk assessment of recombinant cells may be a complex task. Not only should properties that recombinant cells acquire following genetic modification be determined, an evaluation of each individual step in the process of genetic modification should be performed as well. This includes an evaluation of the recipient cell, the vector, the donor organism properties and an assessment of the characteristics of the inserted genetic material. The purpose of a biological risk

assessment is to define biological hazards in order to be able to eliminate or prevent risks to both human health and the environment.

Biosafety Recommendations and Containment Measures

The examination of biological risks related to animal cell cultures and the type of manipulation allows the determination of a necessary and sufficient containment level in order to protect human health and environment. The set-up and implementation of an appropriate containment level include a list of general and more specific work practices and containment measures. Precautionary measures that should be applied whenever handling animal cell cultures are given below. Many of these measures basically aim at reducing the risk of contamination with adventitious agents by ensuring protection of both operator and cell culture. It should be emphasized that the most important measure relies upon an adequate training of the operator. It should limit the possibility of contamination by the operator, benefiting the safety, as well as the productivity and quality of work. As a general rule, cell cultures known to harbor an infectious etiologic agent should be manipulated in compliance with containment measures recommended for the etiologic agent. When cell cultures are not known to harbor infectious agents, cells may be considered free of contaminating pathogens as long as a number of conditions are fulfilled. This implies the use of wellcharacterized cell lines or controlled cell sources for primary cells such as specified pathogen-free (SPF) animals. If no well characterized cell lines or SPF are available, tests for detection of likely contaminating agents should be negative. Second, whenever cell cultures are manipulated, media sources should be pathogen free and appropriate containment measures should be adopted to reduce potential contaminations during sampling or subsequent manipulation of cells

Precautionary measures for handling cell cultures

Respect good microbiological practices, especially those that are aimed at avoiding accidental contamination. Avoid opening of culture vessels or contact with culture fluid through a defective culture vessel, stopper or poor technique because of the everpresent likelihood of contamination with airborne pathogens. Treat each new culture that is manipulated for the first time in the laboratory facility as potentially infectious. Clean up any culture fluid spills immediately with a validated disinfectant. Work with one cell line at a time and disinfect the work surfaces between two handlings involving cell lines. Aliquot growth medium so that the same vessel is not used for more than one cell line. Avoid pouring actions, which are a potential source of cross-contamination. Proceed to an adequate use of the biosafety cabinet, this is turn on for a period before and after use, thoroughly disinfect BSC surfaces after each work session and do not clutter the BSC with materials. Restrict the use of antibiotics in growth media. Quarantine new cell cultures to a dedicated BSC or separate laboratory until the culture has been shown negative in appropriate tests. Carry out a quality control of cells demonstrating the absence of likely contaminating pathogens on a regular basis or whenever necessary. Handle cell cultures from undefined sources as risk group 2 agents. If there is a reasonable likelihood of adventitious agents of higher risk class, the cell line should be handled under appropriate containment level until tests have prove safety.

Biosafety cabinets are used to provide primary containment in the laboratory when the investigator is using potentially infectious materials. There are three types of biological safety cabinets: Class I: The Class I biological safety cabinet is an open-front negative pressure cabinet The exhaust air from the cabinet is filtered by a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. The Class I biosafety cabinet will provide personnel and environmental protection, but not product protection. Class II: The Class II vertical laminar-flow biological cabinet is an open-front, ventilated cabinet. This cabinet provides a HEPA-filtered, recirculated mass airflow within the work space. The exhaust air from the cabinet is also filtered by HEPA filters. Thus, the Class II biosafety cabinet will provide personnel, environment and product protection. While HEPA filters are effective for trapping particulates and infectious agents, these filters will not capture volatile chemicals or gases Class III: The Class III cabinet is a totally enclosed ventilated cabinet of gas-tight construction. Operations within the Class III cabinet are conducted through attached rubber gloves. When in use, the Class III cabinet is maintained through negative air pressure of at least 0.5 inches water gauge. Supply air is drawn into the cabinet through HEPA filters. The cabinet exhaust air is filtered by two HEPA filters, installed in series, before discharge outside of the facility. The exhaust fan for the Class III cabinet is generally separate from the exhaust fans of the facility's ventilation system. The use of a Class II cabinet in the microbiological laboratory offers the additional capability and advantage of protecting materials contained within it from extraneous airborne contaminants. This capability is provided by the HEPAfiltered, recirculated mass airflow within the workspace. Personnel protection provided by Class I and Class II cabinets is dependent on the inward airflow. Since the face velocities are similar, they

generally provide an equivalent level of personnel protection. The use of these cabinets alone, however, is not appropriate for containment of highest-risk infectious agents because aerosols may accidentally escape through the open front. When Class III cabinets are required, all procedures involving infectious agents (usually Classes 3, 4 or 5) are performed within them. The World Health Organization and regulatory authorities, both in United States and in Europe, have formulated guidelines designed to minimize any potential risk for transmission of infectious agents in case animal cell cultures are used for the industrial production of biological with therapeutic purposes (EMEA, FDA, ICH, WHO). It includes extensive testing of the cell banks, the unpurified bulk material, as well as the final product with particular attention for viral clearance processes. Hardly any guidance has been provided for the extent of detecting possible contaminants in case animal cell cultures are used for in vitro research or diagnostic activities or for purposes other than therapeutics or production of biopharmaceuticals. It is recognized that there is no single test suitable for detecting all possible contaminants. Therefore, the choice of detection technique depends on the contaminating pathogen and often a combination of methods is necessary to enhance detection in important samples such as master cell banks. Table gives an overview of the use, detection capability and limitations of assays that might be used to detect and/or identify adventitious agents.

Guidance for the assignment of the containment level

Work with cell cultures from human or primate origin should generally be performed under BSL2 conditions. Containment level 1 may be considered if all manipulations occur in a Type II biosafety cabinet and the cell culture is a well-characterized and certified cell line that presents no increased risk resulting from genetic modification or contaminating pathogen. However, as the implementation of good laboratory practices and the use of a BSC is usually the norm in most laboratories dealing with cell culturing, those laboratories can be upgraded to BSL 2 facilities by implementing a restricted number of simple additional safety measures.

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