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eNodeB Commissioning Guide by using LMT Note: All parameters are example. Please configure as real information.


Part 1: Prepare before commission

1. Set your laptop IP address as:, mask:

2. Connect the LMT to the eNodeB

Use USB-Ethernet adaption cable to connect the Ethernet port on the computer to UMPT in the BBU3900.

Note: USB-Ethernet adaption cable come with site materials. 3. Login the eNodeB via internet explorer.
Open internet explorer and input address Default Username: admin Default password: hwbs@com

When you login, it remind as below. Please change password to: Huawei@123

PTCL Tarnol Store:Huawei@123

4. FTP server preparing:

a. Download the FTP software from LMT:


Save the FTP file:


Install the FTP software and run the ftp server file:

1. Double click SFTPServer.exe to run the FTP software. If the ftp server is running, you will see the green button on windows task bar.


The FTP server default user name and password is admin and admin. You can change it if you want: Right click the green button, put the new user name and password. Click ok to save the new user name and password.

Put your eNodeB software to D:\eNodeBCommission\Software, Put the eNodeB database to D:\eNodeBCommission.

Part 2: Commission eNodeB:

1. Software Version Upgrading On the LMT, click the Software Management tab. The Software Management tab page displayed. In the navigation tree, double-click FTP Server Configuration. The FTP Server Configuration window is displayed, and fills out IP, User Name, Password and File Path. IP address is laptop IP which set Part 1 step 1. All these information was set on Part1 Remark 2. Then click save.

In the navigation tree, double-click Download and Activate Software. The Download and Activate Software window is displayed. Select Download Version Software and Activate Version Software. Then there is text displayed, please fill out target version. For example: Target version is V100R005C00SPC370, then click Execute. If Delay Download Flag set to NO(Not Delay Download), do not need use Step SPL
software. But download time will longer.

There is active software successfully, and then eNodeB will restart.

When you re-login, there is message like this:

Then please SPL Software as below:

After it success, eNodeB will restart. Then run command DSP BRDVER, to check all boards software version.

2. License Installation
The installation is also done through the ftp server as its done with the software: INS LICENSE: DIR="D:\eNodeBCommission", FN="LTE_Commission_License.dat", FLG=YES, MODE=IPV4, IP="", USR="admin", PWD=admin;

3. Download configuration file from FTP server( Your Laptop) to eNodeB:

a. Input the command in LMT: DLD CFGFILE: MODE=IPV4, IP="", USR="admin", PWD=hwbs@com, DIR="D:\eNodeBCommission", FN="testlab.xml";

Remark: the eNodeB configuration file name must include the external name .xml when you input the source file name in LMT.
b. Execute the command and monitor the download progress till to success c. Check the result: Run the command: LST CFGFILE: FT=XML;, to see if the testlab.XML is downloaded in the system:

4. Active the configuration file:

a. Input the command in LMT and execute it to active new configuration of eNodeB. ACT CFGFILE: EFT= IMMEDIATELY;

Remark: After active the configuration, the eNodeB will reboot automatically.

Part 3: Some useful commands to trouble shooting & eNodeB checking:

1. Transmission trouble shooting:
a. IP address checking, Use this command you can check the ip address that you configured in eNodeB. LST DEVIP:;


Vlan checking, Use this command you can check the VLAN that you configured in eNodeB.



Route checking:



Ping test. Use this command, you can test the transmission is ready or not. PING: SN=7, SRCIP="eNodeB Device IP", DSTIP="Next Hop IP", CONTPING=DISABLE, APPTIF=NO;

2. eNodeB Cell Checking:

DSP CELL:; a. Use this command to check if the eNodeB cell is working.

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