Delicious Blueberry Cake

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Delicious Blueberry Cake

1 cup of self-raising flour 100 grams of butter 2 eggs + 1 egg yolk 1/2 cup of sugar (You can reduce t is to 1/! cup" 1/2 cup of fres blueberries 1 teaspoon of #anilla e$tract For the blueberry sauce: 2 cups of fro%en blueberries & cup of 'ater & cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of lemon (uice ) e %est of one large lemon 2 tablespoons of cornstarc + 2 tablespoons of 'ater & teaspoon of #anilla e$tract Directions: Begin by creaming t e butter and t e sugar in a stand mi$er until completely blended and fluffy* +dd t e eggs and egg yolk and mi$ again for ,0 seconds* +dd t e flour gradually- allo'ing e#ery . cup to incorporate into t e batter before adding t e ne$t . cup* /crape t e sides of your bo'l e#ery no' and t en to make sure e#eryt ing goes in* 0our in t e #anilla essence* 1n a separate bo'l- toss t e blueberries in some e$tra flour until coated t en add to t e batter* ) is 'ill allo' t e blueberries to old t eir place a#oiding a#ing t em pool at t e bottom of your cake tin* +dd to a small greased loaf tin* ) is is not a big cake and is meant to finis 2uickly in bot prep 'ork and eating time* 0op your cake into t e o#en at 130 degrees Celsius* ) ere is no need to pre eat* +llo' t e cake to bake for appro$imately !4-40 minutes (until a knife comes out clean"* 5 en done- remo#e from t e o#en and allo' to cool for 10 minutes before e$tracting from t e tin* Blueberry sauce6 1n a medium-si%ed saucepan- combine t e blueberries- 'ater- sugar and lemon (uice on medium eat* /tir often until it comes to a lo' boil* 1n a separate bo'l- stir t e cornstarc into 2 tablespoons of cold 'ater until dissol#ed* 7radually stir t e cornstarc into t e blueberry mi$ture* /immer on medium-lo' eat and stir e#ery so often until t e sauce as reduced and is t ick enoug to coat t e back of a metal spoon* ) is s ould take around 3 minutes* )ake t e sauce off t e eat ' en read and stir in t e fres ly grated lemon %est and #anilla e$tract* 1f you8re using #anillin- stir it in ' en adding t e cornstarc * 9eel free to add more sugar: some blueberries are not as s'eet as ot ers* )o t in out your sauce- add in a fe' drops of ot 'ater at a time and stir until you reac your desired consistency*

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