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Akhielesh Shukla


B.Tech, IIT Guwahati with 5.5 years of industry experience and technical expertise in developing video codecs including algorithms for video and speech processing and porting to DS platforms. !ducation B.Tech , Electronics and Communication Engineering (CPI : 7.81 / 10 Indian Institute o( Technolog" (IIT &chievements "uly #$$$ % Till Date !ul" #000 $ %&ril #00' )u*ahati, India 'arch #$$( ) Till Date

+.#,' -ideo Encoder (Baseline Pro(ile , de.elo&ed as mem/er o( !ohotech 0olutions, achie.ed industr" /enchmar1 o( 12(&s -)% on TI 34,'# 30P (7#04+5 . (%uthored a 6hite Pa&er on +.#,' 4PE)7# to +.#,' Transcoder, designed (or client, 809 o( ca&ital in.estment in -ideo 0torage 0olution. %*arded 10/10 in :inal "ear B.Tech Thesis (1"ear duration on 30P /ased %rti(icial ;eural ;et*or1s. "une #$$( ) Till Date Sep #$$* ) Till Date ,ew Delhi - ', India

Industry !xperience !ntrepreneur Self !mployed, +onsultant

3esign and 3e.elo&ment o( ' !G%# to /.#*( Transcoder 0+%code1 and Trans(er o( IP <ights to the client. 3esign and 3e.elo&ment o( customi5ed )=I (C> 7 language /ased /.#*( 2ideo !ncoder and -ideo Processing modules (or E"eBall 4o.ement 3etection &ro?ect. 3esign o( PoC(Proo( o( Conce&t (in '&T3&B along *ith a 100 0&ea1er74ulti@ingual74ulti0ensor 3ata/ase (or erson &uthentication System .ased on Spea4er 2erification (or an <A3 Pro?ect at IIT )u*ahati. 5ct #$$( ) Sep #$$* ', India

Developer !ngineer "ohotech Solutions, 'ultimedia Group

3e.elo&ment o( all modules and algorithms (or Inter7Prediction, .i5. :ast Integer 4otion Estimation, :ractional 0am&le Inter&olation, 4ode 3ecision and <ate Control, in /.#*( 2ideo !ncoder 0Baseline rofile1. B&timising (C7code and &orting the same modules to DS processor TI DM642 DSP (720MHz). "une #$$( % 5ct #$$( ', India

Developer !ngineer 6eliance Infocomm, !merging Technologies and Services Group

3e.elo&ment o( 0&eech <ecognition a&&lications (or 4ulti7lingual Speech 6ecognition System. "une #$$9 ) &pril #$$(

B.Tech Thesis 7or4 0&warded 8$-8$1 Title : Control o( 4ulti(unction Prosthesis /ased on classi(ication o( 4"oelectric Patterns. Real time simulation of the algorithm with proposed changes were demonstrated with DSP ADSP-218 . !xpertise 06ating on 8$ point scale : 5%/ands on experience, ;%+redi.le experience, 8$%!xcellent1 Processors Programming @anguages 3e.elo&ment En.ironment 4ultimedia 0tandards B&erating 0"stems 6eferences 4r. 0unil Fu1adia, 3irector, !ohotech 0olutions, 4um/ai. 3r. 0.<.4.Prasanna, %ssociate Pro(essor, ECE 3e&tt., IIT )u*ahati, )u*ahati. 4r. 4rigendra ;agar, 0enior %ssociate, 0"m&hon" 0er.ices, Bangalore. 4r. ;i1hil 3ho1a, 3irector, Technologies, 4um/ai. : % Intel 8082 (8 , T40734,'# (7 , %30P7 #18C (7 . % C (10 , CDD (2 , %ssem/l" (8082, %30P #18E,TI C,'E (7 , Perl (2 . % -isual CDD (10 , -30P(%3I (7 , Code Com&oser 0tudio(TI (7 , 4atla/ (7 . 7 +.#,' (Baseline710 , 4PE)7' (2 , 4PE)7# (2 , +.#,1 (2 7 @inuE/=niE (7 , <TB0 (,

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Akhielesh Shukla


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