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November 3, 2013

MATTHEW 1:1~25

God taught me about doing an extra mile of faith.

Joseph was somehow upset to know that Mary was pregnant before they will live together in one roof. B Holy Spirit and will call the baby as Jesus. Joseph did exactly as what the angel said. He obeyed and not

ut as the angel showed up, he said that Mary will give birth to a Messiah. That she was conceived by the complain but to understand Marys situation.

Being in an unexplainable situation is somewhat difficult in the part of Joseph to realize that his love of

his life is pregnant. Having a doubt that Mary is basically cheating on him, as a result of pregnancy. But is totally cleared.

once an angel appeared to him in his dream al at once, the doubt and the hurt brought by that situation At times that I was so blinded by what the world think. I couldnt see what God is up to me. I think like what the world thinks, I talk like what other does and I do what people usually do. on. This chapter makes me think that God is up to something. Like what everything has an earthly explanati I realize that, thats not all. It takes a faith to see what God whats me to be. That I should not be rationall orks mightily. This is what we call faith. Just like Joseph, he obeyed every little instruction of what the a ngel said to do. I should now open my eyes to the mighty works of God and be blind by the work of this world.

y seeking for an explanation or can the science explain this and that? It takes only God to explain his w

V22. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: The virgin will conceived and give birth o a son and they will call him Immanuel(which means God with us)

November 4, 2013

MATTHEW 2:1~23

God reveals Himself into our dreams.

Dreams come from God. He shows his greatness to our dreams. He communicates and give instruction t

hrough dreams. During the time Jesus was born on earth God already show how great He is through pe od set it to be.

ople that come from different places to worship. Everything just perfectly works on the perfect timing G I had so many dreams in the past but when i came to know that God can also talk to us in dreams. I won der how he wants to give me dreams and see how He moves in my life. hen Im awake but truly even when Im sleep I can still be with Him. This chapter makes me longed to dream dreams from Him. I have my time and chance to be with Him w Truly, God can do more than I can ever imagine. He shows himself in different appearance but I tell you . God is near to you. You know its Him. No question about that. Even mind and body simply obey to the

command God wants you to do. That is what happened in the bible as dreaming is Gods way to connect to his people.

V.13 when they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dreams. Get up. He said, take t he child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for t he child to kill him. V.19 after Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt.

November 5, 2013

MATTHEW 3:1~17

John the Baptist is preparing the way for Jesus. Some believed that he is the messiah; he came to give wa rning to the people in the wilderness of Judea, to baptize in water. It is very clear to John the Baptist abo ut what is his mission as the preparers for Jesus. He has to baptize Jesus. He knows what the content of h eart of Pharisees and Sadducees so even they come to john to be baptize through water he rebuked them saying you brood of viper! Who warned you to flee from the coming of wrath? Produce fruit in keepin

g with repentance. And do not think you can say to yourselves, We have Abraham as our father, I tell y ou that out of this stones God can raised up children for Abraham. age to reveal whats in the heart of those people.

He can simply read the content of those people whose coming to Him. He is not God yet he has the cour We usually say that only God hears our desires. Even people of God can determine the content of my he but it takes a relationship to see the needs of a man. Its no longer to a secret...God wants it to happen to

art. It is only because God reveals to it, to meet the needs of man. It takes us lifetime to know who we are rebuke each one of us. Our hidden and deepest desire will be exposed for us to be changed. This is to hel p us not to destroy us.

V.11 I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, wh ose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire November 6, 2013 MATHEW 4:1~25

After Jesus were baptized with water by John The baptize. He was led to the wilderness to be tempted. Fo r 40days of fasting he was hungry. Therefore the devil to tempt Jesus. Jesus didnt struggle much in rebu king the work of evil when the devil offered him to turn the stone into bread. Jesus uses the scripture to answer the devil for 3 times.

Even the son of God knows and memorizes the word of His father. He is very careful and aware of his m ovement. For devil will always find a way to test Jesus. And also with us, I can always be tempted but the word of God keeps my heart away from trouble and t

hat gives me strength to stand for what is right in Him. Therefore, I should also be vigilant with how the

he application of blood through Jesus. It will only be as successful as how he rebuked the work of devil when we do what he had done.

enemy works in my life so I can defeat it. And I cannot defeat it without the instruction from God and t

In this spiritual warfare is not what we know with the common battle. This takes about fighting in the b attlefield with no one. This might be us, people around us that the devil uses to turn us down or situatio hed for us. I keep in my mind that the work of evil is already been defeated. n. Therefore it is a battle that we can never win over without the help from God and the blood of Jesus s

November 7, 2013

MATTHEW 5:1~48

Of all the Laws and all the instruction given to us. It seems to be so difficult to follow what God wants us As I grew up I come to learn more about what is good the I should do and the bad that I should not do. I to do and not do. That is the law given by the bible.

sometime experienced to be hit with rod by my Mom because of disobedience and more. I do not unders tand why as I grew up the dos and dont I knew was increasing. I didnt even memorize them. I was so overwhelmed to know that there were so many things to do and not to do to be a good person. But when her an animal as a ransom for their sins. I cannot imagine living during that time. So I said whew...coul ould obey.

I came to know the Bible....I almost shocked and I cant react how people in the Old Testament will butc

d there be any ways to be exempted from this? The whole chapter talks about the Law that every man sh The end verse simply explains why....

V.48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. ould be perfect.

That alone makes me understand all the given law to follow. Since he is perfect therefore his child~ I sh

November 8, 2013

MATTHEW 6:1~34

As a big sister that works for her younger siblings to study in the university. I have not to sit down and

wait for the money to be given to me. I am quite desperate in finding a job that pays a good salary to ens send everything to them.

ure their education. I felt desperate when nothing left in my pocket to spend for myself because I simply Nothing left even for my tithes. Nothing left even for my offering. Then conviction knock me down whe n my coworker told me that I should give tithes because that 10% of my overall salary doesnt belong to me. It is for God. Its not for me. So I came to decide to be honest, give my tithes and pledges even nothin

g left for me. Because He said in his word. (V. 34) Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorro w will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. This settles my heart and calms my mind that all I do to Him will pays good reward.

I was so in peace to know that I have a wonderful God who cares and to think that He will be worrying for my needs because I will just totally rely to myself to him as I come to obey his will. He will meet all my needs. V. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

November 9, 2013

MATTHEW 7:1~29

Tell me one person who never criticizes in his/her entire whole life? There might be no one who will cla im the title of not judging a person. You, me, we, us..One way or the other, we have had criticized so meone for fun, to uplift ourselves or were just insecure enough to do that. s getting wicked because of our own cause.

Who are we to judge? We are nothing but a useless borrower of this body in this temporary world that i This world was once beautiful and innocent but as the world become corrupted with the works of the e nemy we became the product of the darkness as well. I consider my lips as wasteland because I speak us w the Judge who I should fear for my whole life because of what I have done in the past. eless bad words. I used to curse and make lies. I was very good at that. I tell you. But when I came to kno I was so guilty about it. I feared him whenever I talk about this matter. Cursing, gossiping and criticizin ess brought by my dirty tongue.

g others. The feeling of guilt was just so strong that sorry wasnt enough to bring back what the brokenn I came to repentance and let the fire of God burn my tongue to make it clean ones more. It wasnt an ov Its my entire being to be fix and be cleans though the help of the blood of Jesus and the fire to make me

ernight thing to fix. It took years to make my tongue free from uttering sharp words and that defiles me. clean and whole again. e by God.

The verse would just be enough to warn everyone to keep their mouth and tame their tongue or be judg MATT.7:1 Dont judge or you too will be judged.

November 10, 2013 MATTHEW 8:1~34 Jesus performs miracles and after he fasted for 40days. He healed the sick and drew out demons. People m well. People couldnt hide how amazed they were to witness what Jesus did at that time.

wondered about him. His identity was being kept but all he healed cannot contain to tell who made the

I might not see anything like that at this time because Jesus cannot do it again{to come down to perform what Jesus did more that 2000 years ago.

miracles physically} but the reaction from people is still here. The Holy Spirit is here with us to perform

Jesus made me amazed when he performed miracle to my Father. I feel amazed when I feel his very pres ence when I soaked in his presence. One time in the life of his disciples they were so amazed when they see how powerful Jesus, that even w aves follows him. It only takes a powerful being to do all this things. That is who Jesus is. He is the perfe ct representation that God wants to show us. That we will be amazed and astonished with how great he is. He can simply do all things.

More of amazing things will be witnessed and experienced in his presence. He is not only that. He is als o cool in making my day complete. MATT. 8:27

Then men were amazed and asked, What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him November 11, 2013 MATTHEW 9:1~38

During the time of Jesus, many believed and many questioned his authority. Who Jesus is? Where does

he get his supernatural ability to do wonder that Jews have never seen in their entire whole life. His life

was surrounded with people because they want to follow him. He was more than super actor with super r need by his.

ability. I can just imagine that people at that time flock to him. Not just to see who he is but to meet thei

He can simply heal the sick, cast out demon, and many more.....

People want to dig for who Jesus was. They have known that he was only the son of Joseph the carpente is in (v.6 but I want you to know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins.So he said t o the paralyzed man, Get up take your mat and go home.

r. They want to know by what authority had given him the right to do such thing. But Jesus said them th

Even leaders question his ability because it was unusual to see the wonders he does. They dont believe t hat a son of a carpenter could do such things. He already revealed who gave him authority but still they were blind and they couldnt see the truth before their eyes.

The meaning of forgiveness is not only salvation but healing from different sickness...freedom from dem on possessed...and death. Freedom from anything that binds them from living a normal life. They were c me on earth and still up to now. ursed but now free because Jesus the Son of man who has the authority to do it made it happen in his ti

Matt 9:6 but I want you to know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins.So he said t o the paralyzed man, Get up take your mat and go home.

November 12, 2013

MATTHEW 10:1~42

After knowing the authority to the Son of man, Jesus instructed his disciples for send off. Wearing only t

heir garments on and a stick. The disciples didnt get anything with them, not even a clothes, food not ev h. The disciples did what Jesus instructed them to do. (v.8b)Freely they have received; freely you give.

en water. Along their way as they perform the authority given by Jesus they will meet their needs by fait This explains why anything from Him doesnt cost anything. Its not about money matter but heart does. . It is freely given to us. It means anyone can have it. Anyone can acquire it. That everyone is entitled to it

The send off was when they were Jesus knew that it was the perfect time for the disciples to win souls of at the disciples can do it.

Israelites. They were guided by the instruction on when to do and what to say. He is just so confident th

So when Jesus sends me. I will just think he is confident that I can do it. Knowing that he provides me ev e freely therefore I shall also give it freely.

erything that I need on the way. All I got to do is to trust him and have faith in him. He has given it to m

November 13, 2013

MATTHEW 11: 1~30

Knowing the Jesus is in me makes me attracted to the light and can also be a target to the enemies who make me broken into pieces.

will try their best to bring me down. I encounter challenges in life. Challenges that make me strong or I saw myself crying before God asking to spare me from it. But God allows it to happen so that I can be c o the presence of God and to be in his humble feet to be comfort. There I find stillness and calmness.

ourageous. There will always be a time that only tears express what contains my heart. I usually run int He left promising lines for those who have heavy burden in V.28-30 Come to me all you are weary and art, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon and learn from me, I am gentle and humble in he

It only shows how God wants to take all our worries, pains, burdens, problems.almost everything that

make his children hinder from praising Him. That is why every after cry there is a new genuine smile. I n every trial there is a reward. In every pain there is a new life in His presence. I testify to this. Yes, it is t rue and I will stick on it because I witnessed it myself.

November 14, 2013

MATTHEW 12:1~50

I came to compare the time when in the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Bible. Old Testam ent was the Laws that were properly administered and followed by the chosen people. I came to learn h icult at this time to apply the practice done in the Old Testament. Simply because Jesus came later in the New Testament made a clear explanation what God the Father pleases Him though Jesus. Being traditional and narrow minded will draw us away from what Jesus wants us to understand about ow heavy sin was during that time and how they paid value to every sin they committed. It could be diff

how we should serve and worship. It is very clear in his words in Matt 12:7~8 If you had known what t of Man is the Lord of Sabbath.

hese words mean. I desire mercy, not sacrifice you would not have condemned the innocent, for the Son This scripture shows who he in a glance. He is the Lord of Sabbath. Jesus is the complete explanation of Law. He is more than what is written. He is real and what He is is God himself.

all the Laws that are being administered by the Pharisees and Sadducees to the Jews. He is more than the

November 15, 2013

MATTHEW 13:1~50 Jesus sited many parables in his message. Every time he delivered a message he always mention about pa rables. This is not because Jesus likes parables but he wants to make a clear understanding to all who will hears esus said.

the message and understand it to those who hears the message but didnt get anything from what had J

Jesus is very clear when he said that those people who heard the message and was able to understand it

will be given more abundance because they are already receiving the blessings in terms of possessions o l be deprived from blessings they could get in the future.

r in life. But those who rejected the message will be robbed the blessing they could get from that and wil Parables are keys to room of blessings. If I will have a teachable heart I will surely have the knowledge t ove my life. Its a win-win package Jesus wants to offer each one who will hear his word. MATTHEW 13:11~13

o understand what the parable means. And having the wisdom will help me use those messages to impr

He replied, Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but n

ot to them. Who ever has will he given more, and they will have the abundance. Whoever does not have , even what they have will he taken from them. This is why I speak to them in parables. Though seeing, t hey do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. November 16, 2013 MATTHEW 14:1~36

At this moment Jesus walks on water. His disciples are shock to see him walking in the water. They are s mediate sink into the water. Jesus rescued for him and said you of little faith, why did you doubt

o amazed by what Jesus can do. So Peter wants to try to reach for Jesus but a sudden he doubted him im Up to this moment that kind of situation applies to all Christians like me. There will come a time that we my earthly nature pushes me to see doubt and my faith decrease. take courage in following him but in the process we doubt his ability. God is able to do everything but

What can I do then? increase my faith will absolutely let me go over my doubt. It is a struggle to every believer. But Jesus said take the courage and dont be afraid. It means eliminate the doubt in us by having more faith in him. Having faith that he can do everything. He can. He simply can do it. Just ha is a battle that He had won. Its over. So why do I need to doubt when He have proven His being to me.

ve faith in Him. When I practice my faith, surely, I will see His work if miracles and wonders in me. This


But Jesus immediately said to them: Take courage! It is I, dont be afraid!

November 17,2013

MATTHEW 15:1~39

Tongue is the sharpest weapon that ever made. The word I utter defiles me. Not with what I ate or taken into my body but by what that is being formulated and carries out of my mouth that defiles me. By what pass through my mouth defines what in me. The bad though in my mind will be processed in m y heart and eventually spill out my mouth. But the thing is what I uttered was something that is not plea sing. Now, Im like talking like a real trash.

I had mastered being a genuine plastic. I speak far from what is the exact opposite of whats in my mind . I did to please people but my heart s far. Jesus warns the hypocrisy of the Pharisees that they praise wit h their lips but their hearts are far from him. Even Jesus point it out being a genuine plastic will come to be condemned. So how will I get rid of this? what he said to the Pharisees. But by the action they will say Im a Christian.

Being a Christian means a responsibility that I have to be a genuine Christian. Not only by the name like

MATTHEW 15:11 defiles them.

What goes into someones mouth does not defiles them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what

November 18, 2013

MATTHEW 16:1~28

Jesus will always be against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees not the content of the teaching because they are just superficial to what God is requiring the Israelites to do.

but the leaders of the law that makes it untrue. By character Pharisees and Sadducees are all hypocrites Jesus warns not to follow the hypocrisy of the leaders of the law. There has nothing to do with the teachi

ng but with the heart that should be right in doing the teachings from the time of Moses. We never have ess that made us follow Jesus.

the right to be called as righteous without humbleness in our heart. Righteousness comes with humblen

So let us guard our heart from being hypocrite. Sadducees.

MATTHEW 16:6 Be careful Jesus said to them Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and

November 19, 2013

MATTHEW: 17: 1~28

Jesus and the disciples were questioned on giving of tax by a tax collector. Jesus didnt answer the direct

ly but he asked Simon Peter of a question. What do you think, Simon? He asked From whom do the ki ngs of the earth collect duty and taxes-from their own children or own children or from others? Simon Jesus wants to emphasize that he has to pay because he is simply not a child of earthly Father. Who abid es all the rules from him but simply he is a child of heavenly father. It shows that I have to think that I am an alien of this place simply because Im not for this world but for simply belong to my heavenly Father who is there. Peter answered From others

heaven. Heaven is my home and the ruler of that place doesnt ask anything from me. It is just because I

Matt. 17~20

He replied,Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as mustard seed, yo ou

u can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for y

November 20, 2013 Matthew 18:1~35 There will always be a time that accusation will just knock on your door unexpectedly. It is sometimes

mind blowing idea to know that I awe someone something and its time to pay back what I have got. Basi cally, I would be worried and nervous if I have done something wrong to someone. Out of my pride I w if someone owes me something I might boast and have the pride over it. Well, that is what I usually do. ould be so defensive. It is rare to realize to ask forgiveness and just admit my fault. But on the other side,

But when I have known Jesus in my life, I realized that even my darkest and deepest secret are being rev

ealed and are forgiven. Now, its implanted to my heart since then I have to do the same to people to sho ho owes me.

w what Jesus gave me. Forgiveness is freely given to me therefore I also have to freely give to someone w Though, flesh might say, NO WAY!!! But I have learned that God is delighted whenever I do what Jesus Dont get tired of giving of forgiveness because God never fails in doing so. hat you did in the private to what you did in the public. Matt. 18:35 ur heart.

did as an example. That no matter how many times a person sinned against you. Then you must forgive. You will receive a peaceful life and uncountable blessing in doing this practice. God above does know w

This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you. Unless you forgive your brother or sister from yo

November 21, 2013 Matt. 19:1~30 This had been a big question for me since I started attending a church. All I thought that going to churc

h makes me holy. I have no idea about the word acceptance, salvation and trinity. I came to know this w ords and I started to seek for assurance. It took me 9years to learn the meaning of these words by follow ing Jesus in my life. There was a time that I questioned myself whether Im save or not. Im afraid to ask

and I have nobody to talk to about being saved. What is the indication that Im saved? How will I know t hat my name is written in the book of life? Am I saved? Will I go to heaven when I die? Or will my soul be in hell?

It took me 9 years to understand what its mean by the salvation that is freely given to me. Now I unders tand that it was only between me and God who discussed this matter. 9 years isnt long enough because I come up with a decision that it will take a lifetime to fulfill. To follow the one who saved me. Thats Jes us Christ. It was a one of kind experience to have an encounter with God and understand what Jesus did on the cross. Just for me!

Now I am confident to say that I am saved and the DNA of God is running into my vain. Making me mor e like Jesus. His son. I am an adopted daughter who is becoming more like my foster Father. Matt. 19:30

But many who are first will be last, and many who are last be first.

November 22, 2013 Matt. 20:1~34 To become great one must be a slave. (v. 26~28) This is the law that God wants us to be as his children.

It is also the same as what he wants us to be in (v.12). It only shows that God has His own way to measu things. He is fair to everyone. Even Jesus never interfere what God has decide for him. How much more

re things. We are not to question of His credibility. HE IS GOD. He is judge. And He has ways to measure for us? Jesus was supposed to be living in his luxurious life in heaven. But he gave up everything, becau s at the side of God the father he now accomplished the will of his father. There in heaven he receives hi s reward.

se as his own father. Jesus went down to us to save us. As he was suffered for us, he was lifted up and sit

There will be never be unfair for God. It is my narrow mind and hard heart that think that way. I should Matt. 20:26~28 change my mind and be faithful in Him because he will show me more of his mysteries.

Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoeve r wants to be first must be your slave just as the son of man did not come to be serve, but to served, and t o give his life as a ransom for many. November23, 20137 Matt. 21:1~46 There was a tree that was being cursed by Jesus because it didnt bear fruit at all.

Fruit refers to the result of all what we are doing with what we have. I am a tenant of this body so I have e. But if none, the owner will drag me away from it. Because I am simply but a useless worker. to use it wisely in bearing fruits. Anytime that the owner of this body will come I have something to giv

The word says that I have to be fruitful not to myself but to the one who gave me this. If not, it would be nsible of it. To make it as profitable as possible to the owner. like the cursed fig tree as good as to be thrown into the fire.

better for me to dry up. I know at least some of talents He gave me. I dont owned it therefore I am respo As I serve my purpose surely God will not let me dried up but also to please my creator. Or else I will be According to what I have noticed, we are just for Him not for ourselves. Not my family, not for my profe ssion not even for myself. It is all for God. Now I understand that it is all about Him. That time I came to am maximizing what God wants me to be NOT what I want for myself. realized why I my life conflicts. It is only because I shouldnt have to put myself in the first place. Now I Matt. 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

November 24, 2013

MATTHEW 22; 1~46

What is G12 up to? I have no idea why this kind of strategy is a big boom in many churches today. I am ressed me about people of around me.

a person who doesnt care about this until such time that I came to realize when I was praying God imp

I think that moment was not just the first and last time I cried for people out of feeling. But eventually I

came to realized that this is what God wants to impressed me. The second commandment tells about lo

ve your neighbor as yourself. In short sounds like this. Love God, Love people. I didnt know that is the v l thing. Nobody cant resist the word of God and His presence when it started to get into my senses I can not just help it but to be stirred with sorrow how people of this world are being loss in this homeless wo rld.

ision of G12. Even before I get involve with the EGR. I have no idea about the vision, the mission and goa

Without knowing Jesus in my life is like having no shelter in my own house. I feel so lost in the world t ive in life. And knowing the feeling that I also want the people around me get to know the God that give

hat I have known. Probably when I knew Jesus I came to know where I belong and I have clear perspect s me more that what I need. As the DNA of Jesus run through my vein, I come to see things that I can t s ee before. I see a person not the appearance but through within. I can see brokenness, emptiness and abs em to be happy as I am. ent of peace in their life. I want to share about knowing what makes my life complete and how I want th

November 25, 2013

MATTHEW 23: 1~39

Its a whole chapter of warning of being hypocrite. All the hidden desires and show offs done by the Ph

arisees are all exposed in the eyes of Jesus. Nothing is hidden and nothing to be shame of it ones its don esus showed this to warn the people during his time but the present time and the future. Pharisees were ent, and worker in the church, leader, cell member, regular attendee, you, and me!

e. Its done. This was happen in the time of Jesus. He revealed the wickedness of the teachers of the law. J the teachers of the law in the church that I could derive it to present days as Pastors, Missionaries, Rever My mind will always say. This could not be happen. Well in my simple life I may be like Pharisees. Boast ompromising to the world. Being what Jesus mentioned in to the Pharisees would be always timely. So, what will I do now?

ing about myself, stealing the tithes supposed to be is his, making myself unavailable to serve Him, and c

This is serious. Just like what Jesus said to those who wants to follow Him must carry his cross. Well, not ing a like the Pharisee many might be stumbled because of me. Now Im losing my essence of being bless ing. It would be better if I would not be a Christian at all. What shall I do then? I must be guided with His presence. The Holy Spirit will always guide me and con vict me what to do. So that I will never be a modern day Pharisee of this generation. literally but it is when you leave who you are and what you have. If I would not be changed and still be

November 26, 2013

MATTHEW 24:1~51

Am I supposed to fear the end time?

I should for the people who will be left behind. I should to be watchful and be faithful until the day that the Son of Man will come on the clouds of heaven with power and glory. While reading the whole chapter I am somewhat worried about the end time. Though I am sure of the s alvation but I know this is not a happy ending like what the fairy tales promised to every viewer. This is a moment of truth for everyone. Faithful or not, we are entitled to face the end of the age. End time will

begin when Jesus will come down from the heaven as what we call the second coming. I ask myself, A e to fear. But if I will be faithful up to last breath then I should have the joy in my heart to wait for the e nd time.

m I to fear the end time? Well, probably if I wont be faithful until He comes, then I should real ly trembl

thfully. He said the He will come when we least expected.

What should I do then? Since nobody knows when Jesus will come then I should be waiting for Him fai

Nobody wants to be left behind. I, we have to wait for Him faithfully. Time will fly very fast but the time n waiting for.

that Jesus will come we will be called as faithful servant. That would be the sweetest word we have bee Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

November 27, 2013

MATTHEW 25: 1~46

What we do on earth has an account to God. It is all recorded. It is like what happen to reality show. Eve rything is being recorded. No one can deny about what we do. ters of mine, you did for me. V. 40 The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sis What I do to people, I also do it to Him. It will show who really am by what I do to people around me in You cannot please everyone. But this is what God wants me to do, that I should serve other people like how serve God in my life.

secret and in public. I might be nice and good to others for I may be a curse for some. As we always say

Now its clear to me why G12 wants us to Love God and love people that way. Not because they envision I aim to serve people as I serve God in my life. Then I should start it by loving God in my life and loving His people will follow. I aim to serve God, and then I should also serve people. us to please other people but God Himself said what we do to others, we have been also doing it to Him.

I think this is a flow that we have to take. Then, if I dont love God, how will I ever love other people? If i t happens that I can love other people but not God, I might have problem with myself.

November 28, 2013

MATTHEW 26: 1~75

In this chapter, Jesus made his last fellowship with the disciples. He reveals what will happen. Disciples ws what ahead will bring.

are all wondering how speaks such words but they dont mention anything to anyone and yet Jesus kno I give emphasis on the part that Jesus reveals what he knows of what his disciples are thinking and will be going to do. Nothing is hidden to Him. Jesus sees me through and through I cannot anything. He knows what I do in the public and in private. m I doing good in serving him or am I just how he describes the Pharisees and Sadducees. of being sham to my friends, to myself and to God.

He can even read whats in my mind and heart. So he knows whether something is wrong with me or a I will be careful then. Be careful that Jesus will see me with the genuine and faithful heart. I must get rid No more pretending anyway the more I pretend, the more I deceive myself. This makes me belong to the What I can do to make things up with Jesus? Matt. 26:64 goats from sheep. And as good as to thrown into the lake of fire.

Being real to Him. Thats what I should do now! You have said so, Jesus replied, But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.

November 29, 2013

MATTHEW 27:1~66

This is the chapter that makes me remember the suffering of Jesus because of our sins. I cant even stand It takes an incomparable love to bear the pain and suffer not for his sake to save a sinner like me. self, knowing that someone loves me so much that he allows himself to die just to save me. le world. reading the word in the bible not even to imagine how Jesus takes it all just to save us.

It is good to always reminisce His suffering. I always go back to this point of time where I can revive my When I feel like I am going back to my old me, I go back to this part where Jesus took the sin of the who That makes me go back to the very beginning.

Crucifixion means a new beginning for me. Jesus took my old self and crucified with him in the cross a

nd is being paid. Thanks to Jesus. I have given a new life. I should never go back to my old self. Wheneve

r I remember the cross, it makes me go down to the very basic, the very foundation of my salvation. That s Jesus. Cross means salvation. It means a new found life in Jesus. I will forever owe it to him.

November 30, 2013

MATTHEW 28:1~20 This chapter isnt just about happy ending of Jesus suffering but a new beginning for all his follower to s tand up for victory begins but it will be a continuously victory until Jesus comes again. Jesus overcomes. He won over the enemy. He said in His word (v.20)and teaching them to obey everythi ng I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age. all. I wont just imagine but I will stand for won the battle we are supposed to do but He took it once and for Not only that, he will not just leave us hanging until the day he comes back. He promises to be with us ti ll the very end of the age. Jesus never breaks his promise. When he says he loves us, he will really mean it.

He didnt just let me do my thing but he will be in me. In times of trouble, disappointments, hardship, su ffering and struggle. He is with me. He hears me crying, he hears my heartbeat, and he knows the conte nt of my mind. He almost knows everything in me.

Jesus is with us, who can be against us? There is an assurance of victory to everything. Be with Jesus wh o is an over comer and a winner for sure you will be the same. Jesus wants us to be victorious in our spi ritual battle, in our life, with our almost everything. Make him rule over you. Allow him to take control in you for a sure win.

December 1, 2013 Mark 1:45 Jesus is the perfect example of who God is. He is the perfect model. So instead of looking for a human m or that.

odel to look up to, I would rather look upon Jesus as my model. What he does is good. Theres no doubt f Even the Son of God prays to His father, in a quiet place. This is essential to every believer to imitate how ay early in the morning in quietness. Where God can speak to us and can communicate to us. While praying, his disciples came to him saying everyone is looking for him. he prays to God. In a quiet place, there is stillness, no destruction. So he is teaching every one of us to pr

If you are going through it, Jesus must be angry and upset because he is being disturb by his disciples bu at person. So if you want to be calm throughout the day. Pray in the morning. Let God controls you till y ou rest at night.

t he show up very calm. This simply means, praying in the morning brings stillness and orderliness to th

December 2, 2013 Mark 2:1~27 The whole chapter tells about his authority on healing the sick, and forgiving the people. Truly Jesus is t

he healer. But as he heals and perform miracles Pharisees are always question his authority to do it. Mak ir hearts so he immediately rebukes the thoughts of Pharisees every time.

ing comparison and giving arguments to Jesus. When they are doing this, Jesus knows the content of the There always a time that we, ourselves make arguments to God and question his ability of ruling our life esnt end as I want it to be. Without learning what God whats me to learn. Not to question who he is.

. I am guilty of that. Knowing that he is the most powerful God, who am I to question him? Argument do

It is easy to say let God rule your life but it is difficult when you dont see anything happens around yo u. Like you want to ask, God are you there? I just realize this kind of attitude when after God works and I can see what he did.

In the first place, who am I to question him? I am nobody but he is doing everything to make me someb ody. As a worthy to be called as daughter of God. No doubt he is the answer not a question. Christ is the answer. I am not supposed to question him.

December 3, 2013 Mark 3:1~35 The chapter talks about how famous Jesus is because of two things. First, are the people who are looking r fault to blame Jesus? for him to because they want to follow and be healed by him and the other is people who are looking fo

They want to see where Jesus can commit mistakes and there they can accuse him. Many times they plot because Jesus also loves them too. to kill Jesus because Jesus point out exactly the hypocrisy of Pharisees. Jesus point out their wickedness

I can say that I am belong to him and called as daughter of God. Holy Spirit.

The bible mention that Jesus has biological parents, Joseph and Mary, as the later was conceived by the Jesus clearly state in his word that whoever does Gods will be his brother and sister and mother.

Therefore I belong to God, you belong to God and we all belong to God. coarse it is included Jesus, he himself acknowledge it. a loving God that is waiting and longing for us.

A very clear promise that when we believe and do the will of God will be included to the His family. Of We belong to God. Thats the very point of this chapter. So whenever we feel like being alone. We have

December 4, 2012 MARK 4:1~41 When you become a Christian you become attractive.^^

This is what I have noticed after being change after I accepted Jesus Christ in my life. I saw transformati on comes one after the other. Its like peeling off the old wrinkled skin to unveil the new fresh skin. Being attractive is good because I made people around me thinking about me. They say something is diff erent in me. Of course that different made me good, because I am now wearing the godly character Jesu s had taught me. Jesus did. Day by day we let people around us wonder what is in us that bring us transformation. I have realized that theres no harm in changing for the better. People might laugh, mumble or even dou bt about our new identity. Instead of being conscious and shamed about it, why dont we just step out an d show the world the light God has given us. When being attractive becomes harmful?

It is when we are being attractive as a subject to persecutions and rejections because of what we become A big challenge as the world watches whatever we do. We are not just traditional Christians. Be became Christians to shine upon this dark world. t it on its stand?

Mark 4:21 He said to them, Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or bed? Instead, dont you pu

December 5, 2013 MARK 5:1~43 Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave th eir region. Mark 5:17 Question rises after I read this passage in the Bible. I ask why they pleaded Jesus to leave their region aft er they saw what he did to the possessed man and the drowned swine. What is the history of that place and why they resist the work of Jesus in that place? Who were those people?

I cant simply speculate for the answers on this passage though I have it in my mind but I need more lea

ding of the Holy Spirit to move me.

Confirm! According to my readings on this verse. People of Gadarenes arent the same as other places w here Jesus performs miracles. It is because they different perspective and intentions in seeing Jesus. They even ask Jesus to leave the place because they dont want to see things falling into places. They wa nt to stay where they are. They dont want changes. They resist healing, miracles and breakthrough for t heir region because they simply resist Jesus in their place. n the midst of us. Let Jesus be thee center of our country.

Our country is a Christian nation. So we have to prove that we really are Christians that we have Jesus i

December 6, 2013 MARK 6: 1~56

This is what I need when everything else fails. That all I can do is to cry out everything all my argument

s and my burden to Him. Jesus is very sweet that He doesnt give us what we need but instead He asks us oming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, Come to me by yourselve following him. It is a very simple words to someone who wants to follow him will be hearing these few

first. His words means invitation, instruction and promise (V. 31 Then, because so many people were c

s to a quiet place and get some rest.)This how compassionate Jesus when he saw the thousands of people words from him.

Our world has its creative way of giving us comfort and rest. It allows us to make everything easy from t he job to the work at home.... ng for. We sometimes ask to be comforted but these things but Jesus himself is the peace giver that we are longi He asks us to draw close to him in a quite place and get some rest. It only take ourselves to meet him for sure we can get some rest. Soaking is the best example of doing instruction. Because we are allowing Him to take everything we ha ve, burdens, arguments, almost everything that make us tired, exhausted and weary. He wants to comfort us. He wants us to enjoy li December 7, 2013 MARK 7:1~37

Jesus honors the person who earnestly seeks him. There is power in prayer. When a Syrophoenician wo man ask help to Jesus to cast the impure spirit in her daughter. At first Jesus said to the woman indirectl can take benefits to the blessings that are for the Jews. y that it isnt possible because he is not a Jew. But the woman insists her request by saying even a gentile Jesus was amazed by the faith of the woman. So he said, For such a reply, you may go; the demon had le

ft your daughter.

Jesus answers the prayer of a makulet

We may have the weirdest prayer but as long as we disturb Him in prayer. He will surely grant it. God answers prayer when we pray without seizing nswers what we need. The more we pray, the more God will take responsibility of answering it. Faith pushes us to pray. Pray a Let us be like the Syrophoenician woman who insists her need to Jesus. God answers the prayer of a makulet. December 8, 2013 Mark 8:1~38

Go will not get irritated about it. Instead, He will take responsibility of granting it.

Again speak to the Pharisees when they question him and test him to show sign from heaven. be given to it.) s.

(V.12 He signed deeply and said, Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will Pharisees are stone hearted by asking heavens sign knowing that Jesus is already performing such thing Having no faith allows blinded from seeing what heavens like. ork in our lives.

When life is so hard and that we keep on questioning if God really exist will simply lack his ability to w We can never see blessings, promotion, guidance....etc. Simply because our hearts are resistant to the lea ding of his presence. May we be not like the Pharisees that are visually okay but blind spiritually. Jesus healed blinds how much more to the spiritually blinds. Jesus opens the eyes of those who are genuine at heart. The one knows your problem knows how to solve it. That is who Jesus....

December 9, 2013 Mark 9:1~50 Aside from healing the sick, bringing up the dead and driving out impure spirits, Jesus himself performe ed change in the appearance of Jesus on the mountain. I ask the dictionary to define the word transfigu ration and it say that only Jesus does in the entire history of the world. During that time he showed upon his disciples of who he is.

d miracle in front of his 3 disciples. He transfigured. Transfiguration means the supernatural and glorifi

Disciples were so amazed on what was happening at that time in the mountain. They were clueless and

speechless about what was happening. They saw Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah then suddenly the mo

untain was covered with clouds and they heard a voice from heaven saying This is my Son whom I love . Listen to him! Out of nervousness Peter just suddenly said that Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three s ghtened.)

helters- one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah V.6 He did not know what to say, they were so fri They encounter was something that they will remember in the life of the disciples. Jesus is glorious. No one can contain how great he is. That we will be astonished by His glory. We can also experience this one of a kind encounter they had in the mountain. He is awesome. A very common word but when you really come to experience this kind of situation. You can never contain the feeling when you see Gods glory. Be ready, because anytime God will show his glory.

December 10, 2013 Mark 10:1~52 After reading this chapter I made some comparisons on the persons request being mention in the Bible.

The first request is from John and James (37 They replied, Let one of us sit at your right and the other at

your left in your glory.) This means the two brothers are asking for power among other disciples. The r esult, misunderstanding among the disciples. Jesus immediately addressed the problem to solve it. So he

said this (43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 4 understand that what the brothers ask was wrong. and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.) Giving his own example to his disciples to let them

The second request came from a blind name Bartimaeus. He ask Jesus to healed him even people around attention. Jesus asks what he wanted and Bartemaeus as to see. It was granted immediately. James and John wanted position or power and Bartimaeus asked for vision.

him was trying to stop him from shouting. Though it was embarrassing, Bartimaeus insisted to get Jesus

Jesus didnt give favoritism to anyone. He is fair and just. Disciples are very dear to him but he refuse to grant their request. But he granted what Bartimaeus asked for, even fin their first encounter. Jesus wont ever be wrong. He decides perfectly and correctly. He is FAIR and JUST.

December 11, 2013 Mark 11:1~33 To all the places Jesus entered, only Jerusalem made him enter as King.

There was no preparation and perfect time for that situation. at that time it wasnt revealed the identity of who Jesus was.

In this situation, Jesus displayed who he is. Only a great warrior or a king will be treated that way. Well, As far as I know, they use donkey or colt for sacrifices in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament, i t carried the sacrificial lamb for the sin of the world. Jesus entered Jerusalem with humbleness. King of Jerusalem entered with humbleness.

That is the DNA of Jesus he enters in peace but once he enter he will surely swept away everything that i nd began chasing out everyone who was selling and buying. He turned over the tables of the moneycha

s not belong to his property. 15 After Jesus and his disciples reached Jerusalem, he went into the temple a ngers and the benches of those who were selling doves. 16 Jesus would not let anyone carry things throu gh the temple. 17 Then he taught the people and said, The Scriptures say, My house should be called a p lace of worship for all nations. But you have made it a place where robbers hide! He comes in peace and he will give you peace by turn up side down all the impurities in us.

December 12, 2013 Mark 12:1~44 The fear of knowing much and justify evil as good.

Human is the most intelligent living things God created. He allows us to decide and follow what we thin k is right. But what will happen if right is just right enough? Human is also intelligent of justifying thin gs. We are rational being. The harm of claiming we know everything will actually put us in vain. without the personal and genuine relationship through Jesus. oughts.

We are simply Pharisees. We ought to claim we are Gods people by knowing the bible and who God is I sometimes justify my own idea over the knowledge about the bible just to compromise with my own th Speaking about the truth in the bible without the leading and obedience thru the Holy Spirit is bluffing. It is very convincing but Jesus even knows the content of our heart. Whether we speak thru his leading or our own leading? Jesus is strongly pointing out the character of Pharisees in us. Because he wants us to grow and draw closer to him.

December 13, 2013 Mark 13:1~37

The whole chapter speaks about the end time.

It is somewhat shocking. Jesus speaks about how chaotic in that moment. He warns about the danger an e, no security nor help from anyone.

d the hardship of keeping the faith and being still while everything is being unity, no peac He said what to do. BE ON GUARD...that we may be aware of all these things will happen. Be watchful a nd vigilant not to fall into deception.

Jesus wants us to win this battle. He wants us to win over it. It is the battle that only few succeed. d.

Signs are given so we know when it will happen. This will happen to fulfill what is been planned by Go This is what will happen in the harvest time. t will happen in the future.

He gives us everything to do in able to get us ready to face the end time. He never left us clueless on wha

End time will be tough and scary but Jesus reminds us not to see things with faith. Earth is not heaven. A e.

nd we do not belong here. We belong to his kingdom. So take a whole challenge and lets aim to get ther

December 14, 2013 Mark 14:1~72 Doing something for Jesus is an honor.

The woman broke his alabaster jar of every expensive perfume to Jesus.

Alabaster is an expensive as a years wages but she didnt care how expensive they were. Jesus was so de lighted with what the woman had done. For the preparation of his burial. Alabaster jar symbolizes our precious lives. Jesus will surely be delighted if we pour out our life to him. No other thing is more precious than our life. We are taking care of it as long as we live. The world teac hes us to think about ourselves above all things and others lives. We take good care of it from the tip of ress good outfits and pamper it with pleasure. Therefore, we all have to admit that we love ourselves. the hair to the very end of our toes. We always nourish it with good things. We apply the best product, d

But this woman who had an alabaster of expensive perfumes poured it all out to Jesus. Till nothing left y et, Jesus honored what she had done. It only shows that what she did is more pleasing that what we are doing to ourselves.

We are to be like the alabaster jar precious and expensive to be poured out to him. We are not to neglec

t ourselves but we are to enhance what we have for him. Show him that you really love him by apprecia ting what he had given you to glorify him. Be beautiful and look great for him and only to him.

December 15, 2013 Mark 15:1~47 Why this happened to Jesus?

This question shows unbelief.

If we are to see why this happen in the lines itself then we have something to argue. Reading between the lines, even beyond the lines reveal the truth why this happen. wn son to die for us. To saves us. Why do we need to be save? We are to be on that place but since God loves us so much that he is more that willing to sacrifice his o

Because we are about to be thrown in the lake of fire simply because we are sinners. ufferings.

We deserved to be punished and to die in the eternal condemnation were there is no death but eternal s We are supposed to be there.

Because we are sinners and impure.

But God didnt allow it to happen. He gave Jesus to die for us. He took the blame, the punishment on the cross. We are supposed to be beaten, flogged and tortured till we die as payment of our debt. He just allows Jesus to do it for us. He loves us so much. God did it for love.

God made the greatest sacrifice. And Jesus took it for us to live again. He loves us so much.

December 16, 2013 Mark 16:1~20 He was dead for few days but He has risen from the dead.

Jesus show himself to Mary Magdalene and to the others who had been with Jesus and he again show hi m in two different forms while they are on their way in the country, none of these things believe it. While the eleven disciples were eating Jesus appeared and rebuked their lack of faith and unbelief. they will have faith and speak his name signs and miracles will happen.

Jesus commands his disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel. He gave them assurance that if

He gave his full instruction and his farewell before he went to heaven to sit at the right of God. and made it alive in 3days.

He is right when he said that he will destroy the temple and build it in 3days. Temple refers to his body That is only because he is flawless, blameless and innocent. He is alive and risen to dead and with God the father. When unbeliefs strikes its best just imagine looking around you.

Jesus might not rebuke us face to face but He is telling you not to doubt of everything he did.

December 17, 2013 Luke 1:1~80 64 Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God.

Zachariah unbeliefs made God to close his mouth during the time that he was in the temple as he takes to an angel name Gabriel. He question the angel about the ability of God to make Elisabeth conceived at old age. 18 Zechariah asked the angel, How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well al ong in years. Only until the time that Elisabeth delivered a baby boy and she called it John then Zachari ah agreed to it. With exceeding joy, he praises God with his lips.

I wish this will happen to us not literally but when we know that our lips will speak doubt our mouth w ill automatically shut itself to prevent us from spilling some words that may defects our Christian being and that we may not hurt someone by our ungodly lips. t our mouth.

That every time we open our mouth, only good words, uplifting and inspiring words will only comes ou Shut if you cant shout of praise.

December 18, 2013 Luke 2:1~52 Young Jesus shows that even in our very young age we can get to know and love God. Knowing what G od wants us to doesnt hinder little Jesus from accomplishing this task. Even young people need God in their life.

When I was young my parents didnt restrict me from going to the church, though, I was really young a now was that I started a good relationship to the one that saves me.

t that time and I have no idea about what was the doctrine says in the church that I was affiliated. All I k I never thought that in my young generation that I could be as close to God as I am now.

Young Jesus shows the innocence of being a kid, innocent from sins, wickedness and cruelty of this worl

d. Knowing everything may leads to prideful life, that as we ought to know everything we will be depen

dent to ourselves. But being innocent will leads to cancellation corrupt minds.

Let us be innocent again like young Jesus as he comes before His Father, our God, in total submission.

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

December 19, 2013 Luke 3:1~38 The lineage of Jesus shows the glory of God, that He planned for it in the very beginning of time. The lin at God assigned them to do. God is very detail in making things right according to His perfect plan. ee how God leads and bless this people from generation to generation.

eage of Jesus shows their faithfulness to God. Though they fall short to Gods sight but still able to do wh From the big picture that Jesus came from God to the detail of Gods faithful people was enumerated to s God is so perfect that He gets all things in detail and He works it out perfectly. at my plans.

I think I can only be one, but for God He is preparing for me in a big picture. Gods plan is far greater th He makes sure that it is connected and literally related to my lineage and generation. extraordinary.

God is very interested in making our lives to the fullest. If only we allow His will He can make simple as God concerns about you and to everybody.

are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. gy.

and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You

Do you want that God will also say that to you? Allow his will to work in you and in your entire genealo

December 20, 2013 Luke 4:1~44 Jesus was able to defeat the tempter in the wilderness. He won the battle on 3 things.

He was able to overcome what the body needs (v.4). He was able to overcome the greedy desire that Sata 2).

n was offering him. (v.8) and finally he was also able to overcome the earthly meaning of the bible. (v.1 He is an ultimate champion in overcoming the work of Satan. He did not just overcome himself but also

us. The Satan has nothing to do with Jesus thats why he left him for sometimes, but not totally, it means

the next time that we are weak and he has an opportunity to temp us. ble way to knock defeat us.

The work of Satan is everywhere. He is anywhere looking for a chance to deceive us, making every possi Let us ask God to have the courage, perseverance and faith to overcome all the challenges that Satan is t hrowing on us. Let us not be affected with Satans colorful and flowery words. But let us fix our eyes on Jesus where our faith is being found.

December 21, 2013 Luke 5:1~39


can make me clean.

When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, Lord, if you are willing, you

This is a story of a man with leprosy all over his body, described to be dirty, filthy and gross. It is better f or that person to die than to live like dead at that time. Leprosy means sins in us but not visible.

Our body is full of sins from head to the sole of our feet. Anyway, this kind of situation doesnt ends here esus sees the heart of the man and immediate he heals it.

. The man is very hopeful of asking God to heal him, confidently and humbly asking for a total healing. J There is still a way out! Nobody is perfect. Everyone commits sins. No one is exceptional. As Jesus sees yo ur sincerity and faith in asking for healing, he will surely grant your wish.

December 22, 2013 Luke 6:1~49


We reap what we sow

and you will be forgiven. in that situation.

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive,

It is very easy to say to forgive is to be forgiven. Regardless of the grudge, the hurt and the damage done But when I come to think if I wont forgive, surely I will be as good as unbelievers who never knew Jesu s, and that I havent learn and understand anything since I first come to know Jesus in my life. This is the moment where we can show what we learn and impress God by how we apply what we got.

Take the challenge and know that God sees your heart and knows your desire. Forgive others to set your self free from resentment. You wont like to see yourself being desperate, crazy; aging quickly and actin g negatively its because of unforgiveness.

If you like to free yourself then start to forgive.

December 23, 2013 Luke 7:1~50


Jesus empathize when we are sad, in deep sorrow, deep anguishetc. He is the first to know how we feel.

When the Lord saw hear, his heart went out to her and he said, Dont cry.

And he wants to ease the pain. It is because he doesnt want us to do so; he wants us to be happy.

December 24, 2013 Luke 8:1~50


When we ask something we dont just say it. Sometime we tend to stay close to that person, tap his/her s

but Jesus said, Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.

houlder or do some favor like massage or getting him/her something. We have intention thats why wer meone wants something.

e doing it. To touch means to show that someone needs acknowledgement of existence. To show that so Just like a child who pull her moms dress when she wants to buy/get something. Let us touch him with faith that what we need will be met. nt to seek attention.

That is what Jesus from us. Just like what the woman did when she touch Jesus cloak. Lets touch him with our prayers with how we worship our God the father. Touching Him means we wa

December 25, 2013 Luke 9:1~62


When we get to know Jesus we were so renewed and very much ready to follow him in our life.

Jesus said to him, Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom God.

Jesus is saying that what happened in the past may forget oneself as we look forward to what God has pl rk and plans to prosper us. Not only those who experience brokenness need to move forward but also th

anned for us. Let us not dwell in the past as we move onward, going forward in seeing more of Gods wo ose who knew Jesus in their life must look onward. The old is gone because new life is been given to that


December 26, 2013 Luke 10:1~42


Treasure the treasures.

Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her

At times, we neglect to give importance on the most important things in life. We are bound by our responsibilities, selves and desires. Lets put ourselves in the right path. We are not for this world. We are destined for eternity...up there! o segregate things. Segregate temporary from eternal.

Everything that surrounds us now will soon perish and will disappear. We Christians should also learn t Possession, position and power wont last forever but salvation, Gods word and relationship with God a re the things we should keep and maintain because these are the things that last...

December 27, 2013 Luke 11:1~54


He replied, Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey

Doing what God is love in action.

Being obedient to God make us draw closer to Him. Simply because He is please when we do Hi s will. But when we disobey, of coarse He will not get mad at us, knowing that His decision is th e best for us. He wont force us but He will wait for us until we will seek Him again. han we can ever imagine. Lets be obedient to God when we were young to our parents. Obedience to His will as our will brings us to the prosperity, security almost everything. December 28, 2013 Luke 12:1~59

We should learn to align our will to Gods will. There we can see what God will bless us more t

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Dont be afraid; you are worth more tha

n many sparrows.

Compared with other creations of God, we are the most special. Aside from the fact the He mad e us like Him physically He also gave us the authority and dominion over all the earth. Not only that He loved us so much that He gave His only son to save us.

That even the hairs of our head are all numbered. So whenever we think that nobody loves us. Think God. To Him we are worthy. To Him we are precious. We are loved and being cared by H im. If someone hates you, despise you, turns you down and dump you. Think that there is one super natural God that loves us. He will never fail to love us.

December 29, 2013 Luke 13:1~35


If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.

Our fruit as Christians can be seen by how many people we brought to church. As we become witness to others we can impact unbelievers to become believers too. Its a serious responsibility that when we started to change in inside, it will naturally be seen ou tside that we may easy produce fruits. We bear fruit, Jesus-like-character so that many will foll ow Jesus because of you. So if none of this be seen to a believer, sad think but we are to be cut down and be as good as fir ewood. Not literally but being thrown into the lake of fire. We are not a plant but we too should bear fruits.
December 30, 2013 Luke 14:1~35 10But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, Fri end, move up to a better place. Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests. God is teaching us to be humble no matter what achievement we got or no matter what reputation we h ave. We all know that in Gods eye we are all the same. We are all sinners that saved by Jesus. So that no one can brag in front of people about the salvation or accomplishments that we had. Even Jesus showed

e Christian is being seen not by how he/she speaks of himself/herself but by how people who testify of w ho he/she is.

humbleness. How much more to us sinners we are not even righteous to exalt ourselves to others. A tru

December 31, 2013 Luke 15:1~32 7I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents tha

n over ninety-nine righteous person who do not need to repent. te the value of that thing.

Basically you will never see what you have till you lost it, when you find it you will rejoice and apprecia Same is true in heaven. The day that we repent is the day that the whole heaven rejoice. We became a p

art of the family and we too go with heaven rejoice when another prodigal son came back home. As a fa ost child. That is why he sent his son Jesus to save us. God didnt just limit Himself rejoicing with the rig hteous in heaven but also willing to give up everything just to seek wicked people to become righteous. t of heaven rejoicing to a child that led home.

mily where we are destined to be. God wants to say that He is willing to leave the heaven just to seek a l

That is who we are. He left the heaven just to seek a person like you and me. So be glad that we are a par

January 1, 2014 Luke 16:1~31 16He said to them, You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your h earts. What people value highly is detestable in Gods sight. We might be very clever in justifying wrong things as right but for in Gods right. Wrong will always be

n but if what we are justifying isnt righteous then it isnt worthy of fighting for. Our world is now acce pting diversity and immorality as right as legal. Homosexuality, corruption, divorce and even abortion. Unending debate has been done from the congress down to ordinary students who wants to justify their em what is wrong can actually be right in some cases. Shameful in the sight of God.

wrong period. No justification, no condition, no exception, none at all. We might have the right intentio

stand. We should not turn the black into white by persuading people by our capability of convincing th

January 2, 2014 Luke 17:1~37 19Them he said to him, Rise and go; your faith has made you well.

God is our healer. The story of ten men who were healed because of leprosy are only one of Jesus way of e of them didnt come back to Jesus to acknowledge being healed by him. The only man who came back ministering to the people but out of ten only one came back and praise Jesus for what he had done. Nin

didnt just receive healing physically but also received spiritual healing and salvation the moment he pr aise Jesus for healing him. Trials can make or break us. Break us when just rejoice after the trial but it ca n make us when we acknowledge that without the help of God we will not able to overcome it. We are s e like an empty porcelain jar, outwardly beautiful but empty inside. imply nothing without Him. We might physically okay but when we dont have Jesus in our heart we ar

January 3, 2014 Luke 18:1~43 the earth? 8I tell you that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he fond faith on This is the story about the parable of a persistent widow who keeps on asking justice until such time tha to it that when we pray we dont just pray once or twice. He wants us to consistently praying for it and

t the judge gave her justice. How much more to our God we persistently and consistently pray? God sees that we should elicit faith upon it. That we are so desperate for it. Surely God will find favor and grant y is right we can feel that praying in persistently will allow to knocks harder on Gods door. Ask God not

our prayer. Prayer is changes our motives. The Holy Spirit is teaching us what to pray. When our prayer only in prayer when we go to bed or when we get up. Lets pray like the habit of breathing. Every time we breathe a prayer is being ascended to His ears.

January 4, 2014 Luke 19:1~48 26He replied, I tell you to everyone who has more, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothi ng, even what they have will be taken away. God is emphasizing the stewardship we have to elicit in using what He had given us. We are all given ta lents, skills and possessions while we live. It doesnt matter whether that is for we acquire that or literall y inherited from our bloodline. As long as whatever what we have now. Those are all God given to us to imizing and enriching what He had entrusted to us. When we use it accordingly and properly God will

enjoy and to manage it well. As a steward of it, we are called to take charge of it. It is by enhancing, max be pleased to what He had given to us. It means there will be more possibilities that we will be given mo rom them. It will be given to those who use what they have. Let us explore what God had given use and let not tarnish consume it.

re. But on the hand, those who had that never been used even little thing they have will be taken away f

January 5, 2015 Luke 20:1~47 25He said to them, Then give back to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods now that nothing left once we give it up.

Usually we struggle on this area of our life that it seems difficult to give faithfully especially when we k I, too have experience to think why such things are needed. That I should pay for this and that without t

he acquisition of the benefit. Usually the money that we receive will just pass through our hand like wat er. Many say that how will you give when you nothing to give. Will you still obey? That will corruption aw of the land. God is requiring us to obey. Obey what He is requiring us to do, like the giving of tithes, e who are obedience. Try God on this. and disobedience take its place in making someone wicked. There was no condition written unlike the l offering, first fruit pledge, faith pledge...and so on. Obey and try what God can do to you. He honors thos

January 6, 2014 Luke 21:1~38 36Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. Times flies very fast. And so with the coming of the Jesus Christ. In a short time we never imagine how

many things we have done. Because soon when judgment comes we have to give an account on everythi

ng that we have done. So the bible is teaching us to be faithful from now till the day that Jesus will desce he bible is teaching is to have the lifestyle of being faithful. That when he comes, whether we are aware

nd here on earth. The bible is teaching us not only to be faithful when we feel that he is about to come. T or not we will just simply face Him with integrity. That we will confidently say, Lord, Im ready to prais e you in your kingdom. Being that faithful is not an easy task but as we endure and persevere the life fai thfully. We should always bear in our mind that we are not belonging here and this is only a training gr ound. We are here to prepare ourselves for eternity and there we will be with God and we will no longe r feel the hardship we have here on earth.

January 7, 2014 Luke 22:1~71


Things fall into places just as Jesus instructed his disciples. His disciples were done just as what Jesus sai eason. It is a mystery of God that only God can reveal his plan to us. It is not intended to be forever be a

They left and found things just as Jesus told them. So they prepared the Passover.

d. That makes everything perfect. Wonders, incidents and circumstances are not just happen without a r mystery but as we draw closer to Him. We can see things that God had set ahead of us. Ask God to incre . It is set and is waiting for us. Now, lets pray that it will come to pass just as how God plan it to be.

ase our faith so we may see His plans for us. We are made to be victorious. We are to fulfill the conquest

January 8, 2014 Luke 23:1~56 34Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. And divided up his cloth es by casting lots. When the time that Jesus was being persecuted by the soldiers, Jesus said nothing but release forgivenes

s. He also wants us to understand how he did it. One way or another, we have committed and being hur point of doing so. As a follower of Jesus we are subject to be persecuted and mocked by this world. Just

t by someone. But as a person who know how Jesus forgave those who mocked him. We will come to the as what they did to Jesus. Now he wants us not to fight back to those people but he wants us to show an d demonstrate the love by forgiving and praying for those people. They are also lost people who are rea dy to win for God.

January 9, 2014 Luke24:1~53


Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

Being occupied with the stress cause by enemy in the form of people, job, relation and circumst

ances will actually narrowed our understanding on the scripture. This is a battlefield that we ar e not aware of. It is an enemys will to hit us little by little that we do not notice before the enem y gives you a big blow. Just like what happened with the disciples. After the death of Jesus Chris t, the disciples were still overwhelmed with their lost. They did not focus on what Jesus had said ghts of what Jesus had told them. Jesus was back and opened their mind to understand everythi ng. When we encounter this situation always remember that its the enemys tactic to beat us. B ut Jesus antidote is to open our mind to let us understand everything that within us. before he was crucified. They are occupied with their emotions; circumstances limit their thou

January 10, 2014 John 1:1~51


elationship with the Father, has made him known.

No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in the closest r

God himself made known through his son Jesus Christ. As we all know that Jesus was conceive d by the Holy Spirit, not by two humankind made love and conceived a baby. Gods spirit and fl esh conceived and delivered a baby. Though a womb use as to develop as human was used by t

he life of Maria. The pure DNA of God of is in the bloodstream of Jesus. Therefore it is God him self that made know by flesh in Jesus Christ.

January11, 2014 John 2:1~25


Woman, why do you involve me? Jesus replied. My hour has not yet come. 5His mother said

to the servants, Do whatever he tells you. It is funny that Maria, the biological Mother of Jesus, relied the burden in the wedding that tur ns out to be Jesus first miracle. She simply asks Jesus to do something. To fill produce wine out of nothing. Mary, however unaware of what she said to Jesus. She told the servant that Jesus wil l take charge of the problem. She ask the servants to do whatever Jesus instructed.. Out of obedi ence, the servants did everything. Jesus performs his first miracle in no time... Just like Mary, we can also rely and count unto Jesus in no time.

January 12, 2014 John 3:1~36


Flesh gives birth to flesh, but spirit gives birth to spirit.

Jesus is explaining about how to get in heaven.. He said that we should all be born again by wat er and by spirit. Water can be seen it is a material symbol that John the Baptist did to prepare th e way for Jesus. Jesus made it clear when he said that spirit gave birth to spirit. Human has spiri t and we are aware that it has its own purpose why every human has it. This is how he wants u s to understand that we are to acknowledge our spirit that it communicates to holy spirit that gi ves birth to spirit and therefore to fulfill the conception of being born by the spirit. It is to com municate to the holy presence of God when we draw to Him. Each has to intensify our spirit th at meet the holy presence of Gods spirit that will gives birth eventually to our spirit.

January 13, 2014 John 4:1~54 Jesus simply has everything. When Jesus was here on earth, he performs mighty things by conquering himself.

Its a supernatural battle that we humans fall short if we are not spiritually armed. He doesnt n eed to eat to live or drink to survive. He simply did as what a normal human does but never co mmitted sins. His spirit simply supply for the body. His being simply tells us how we should stri ve to see ourselves being spiritually strong that we dont suffer from hungriness when we fast. I t is not about neglecting ourselves but in able for us to see our life is being armed spiritually tha t even our body has nothing to do but to follow on what the spirit has. Christians are not meant to eat to live but we are meant to be spiritual filled to live. They said to the woman, We no lon

ger believe just because of what the woman said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we kno w that this man really is the Savior of the world. Samaritans found Jesus themselves. We are like those people but Jesus even reach out even to S amaritans and gentiles. Let us seek him so we will find him ourselves.

January 14, 2014 John 5:1~47 There are two words to consider about this chapter. Believing and obeying. Believing has performed by t

he man who was invalid for 38years. It is only because the man believes to what is said by Jesus, he stoo d him to do that made the man well and prayer granted just in an instant. When we desperate we tend t o believe immediately and do what is said without a doubt.

d up and picked his mat and walk. Immediately he was healed. He believes and obeys what Jesus require

The word obedience was performed by Jewish leaders to the law Moses gave them to follow. They follo w strictly with no exceptions. But they neglect that they have to believe the one who gave that command o the Jewish leaders but believing may be far to come yet. We sometimes neglect who God is when we a to Moses. They forgot to believe the one who made the law and commandments. Obedience came first t

re too occupied in fulfilling Gods commands. And later we become slaves of his scriptures without belie ving the one who is speaking. God Himself will speak when we believe that scripture. That makes the sc ripture alive. Everything that is written in the bible is right. Scripture may come to life when we believe it is God who speaks in us.

46If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. 47But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?

January 15, 2014 John 6:1~71 This is a tough thing for a visual disciple that looks into the physical manifestation where Jesus

said that whoever eats his flesh and drink his blood will have eternal life. Of course Jesus is not telling us to eat him literally, just like what cannibals do. What he wants us to understand is not the physical aspect we are here for? Because probably we may feel hun gry now but in heaven where we truly belong doesnt have to do with our physical body. See, w hen we die we will leave our body here on earth. It is the separation of the body, spirit and soul. Body will be left here on earth the spirit will go back were it came from. And our soul will be j udge by God whether we are to be with Him in heaven or be thrown in hell. We are not to thin k and prioritize the superficial belongings. Because at the end of this life we will not carry this perfect shaped body or beautifully made face neither in heaven nor hell. The most important th ing to have this moment is the relationship and the communion we have to Jesus as we are to b e led by his will. Because in the end, this will be the worthiest thing we cold ever got to carry w hen we meet God up there.

of the spirit and life.64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe

He spirit gives life: the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you- they are full

January 16, 2014 John 7:1~52 During that time, Jesus became so popular for true believer and also to prosecutors. That all eye s laid on him and were watching every little move he made. biological family showed persecution towards him. In short, Jesus, despite of popularity seeing himself being led by the one who sent Him. In his te aching, he emphasized many times the authority given by the one who sent Him, and why didn t they believe what he was telling them. He was pointing to the Jewish and other teachers of th e law that didnt believe and had stoned hearted even how many times Jesus spoke about the tr rmed and law He had given. People during festival were waiting for him, some for they believe uth,, they will never understood because they simply dont believe of everything God had perfo in him and some were waiting for the chance to find a way to kill him. That way Jesus appeare d in the later part because of it. He just showed up in an instant where people were waiting for his word and listening unto his teaching and accepting it. It is clear and true that where expectant heart is, there he is. And where is stubbornness is, ther e God rebukes us. He doesnt only showed up for people who are seeking him, but also those w ho were far from Him. In any circumstances and stand in his sight. There he is. Waiting and wa Even his brothers were challenging him to show up during the Festival of Tabernacle. Even his

nting for us to listen to Him. Because he knows what we need is only Him. Nothing else.

January 20, 2014 John 11:1~57 Living and dying for Jesus is what we should cling for. Jesus is the life and the giver of life. As he gave us the life through him. Isnt that great to know life. Life expectancy of human has only the maximum of 100years by the time a person is already c that we are no longer loving for who we are but we are now living for the one who gave us the

alled as paralyze or invalid and just waiting to take a rest since that person had lived for a cent ury. What is the meaning of living our life without having the life the life giver has given us? never carry it to the next life...not even in the tomb. But having the life which only Jesus can give us means all the works and treasures that we stor e in heaven when we are still alive are surely waiting for us when we die physically. 100years is long enough to live on earth but it will take us everlasting life when we store heave It is plainly earthly memories and earthy treasures are the only thing we can invest that we will

nly treasures in heaven ahead of us. We can get the most benefit of all when we follow Jesus. As ide from giving us life here on earth meaningfully, when we die theres a life waiting for us tha t we can see his Father there. We can have our life here on earth that could last for 100years b ter death.

ut after death we will never have a life after death unless we have Jesus as the life given even af Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes me will live, even t

hough they die; 26and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?

January 21, 2014 John 12:1~50 Jesus is the kernel of wheat that dies to produce more seed. This is how humble Jesus when he offered himself as a sacrifice for the whole human race. We people has our way to glorify hero, big or small as long as they call it hero everyone will pa y respect to that person. But Jesus, the hero that we never imagine from the start humble himsel f to fulfill what gods plan. As a matter of fact God glorified Jesus before the accomplishments o f his death. Even before he was crucified, God already knew and He glorified Jesus ahead. e to produce more seeds. Jesus spoke to his people and portrayed himself as a kernel of wheat that is suppose to die in abl His death will be a benefit for everyone. Because his death means a life to us. His death brings li fe to each of those believe in him. He is a hero not only for many but for everyone. He will be k nown to us as a hero, a savior of our life.

January 22, 2014 John 13:1~38

Jesus made a clear example of being a leader. Servant hood is the key to good leadership. Feet serve as the weight lifter of our body and the expose part of our body to dirt and dust. Likel y dirties part of our body. Jesus, the leader set an example of servant hood by washing the dirtie st and the most exhausted part in our body. As a leader, commanding is easier, letting the discip les wash their feet but it dont turn out that way. He, one by one washes his disciples feet carefu lly. The leader now became the servant. That is how Jesus shows himself as their leader. It takes ciple glorified Jesus more. He has their respect and loyalty. a lot of courage and sincerity to be a leader. Just as Jesus did to his disciples. In that way, the dis

January 23, 2014 John 14:1~31 He never left us. During the time that Jesus shared these words to the disciples. He is telling that we never left u s. From the time he was with them till the time that he ascended to heaven and up to this mome nt. He is still with us. As if he never left actually. Anybody who doesnt want to leave means of l oving that person sincerely. That is how Jesus shows his love to us. He will never depart from u s it is because he dearly loves us so much. His very own words are true and what he did on the cross is to show us that he is not just saying it. He does too. The perfect act of love that no one c an ever do. What else could we ask for? What else do we doubt for? He deserves our love to hi rience being love by Him. The one that sent Jesus. m. Plus the benefit of asking him whatever we want and he will give it to us. Believe as we expe

January 24, 2014 John 15:1~27


Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch that does bear fruit by itself; it must remain i

n the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. The benefit of remaining to the Father has a lot more than just being with the Father. As we remain in him, God will give the desires of our heart. Jesus said that ask whatever you wi sh, and it will be done to you. God will surely give like a Father to his own son/daughter when we are with Him.

There is a fullness of joy in Him. With God, there is a completeness that every human is not aw are of. World thinks that joy comes from acquiring material things but God said that being wit h Him is more than enough of having everything. We are no longer a servant if we belong and remain to Him. A God who is so powerful will ack nowledge our existence if we remain in Him. Not just as servant but a friend who knows everyt hing in Gods mind. God promised us that we can have it all if we stick to Him and to His word.

Anberlin - Pray Tell Lyrics | MetroLyrics Are you hiding secrets from me? Is there more to this life than I can see? What will I find out over time? Waiting for the moment to arrive Why are you lying there? What are you hiding there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me?

I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Do you light the shadows in there? Keep me in the dark, now are you scared? Whether to ever set you free Tell me will you buckle at your knees? What are you hiding there? Why are you lying there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself,

Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Lie to yourself, don't lie to me Lie to yourself, don't hide yourself Hide yourself, let me find you Find yourself, let me find you Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself away, Why do you hide yourself from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Hide away, woah Hide away, woah Hide away Why do you hide yourself away? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now

Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Lie to yourself, don't lie to me Lie to yourself, don't hide yourself Hide yourself, let me find you Find yourself, let me find you Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself away, Why do you hide yourself from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Hide away, woah Hide away, woah Hide away Why do you hide yourself away? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now

Anberlin - Pray Tell Lyrics | MetroLyrics Anberlin - Pray Tell Lyrics | MetroLyrics Are you hiding secrets from me? Is there more to this life than I can see? What will I find out over time? Waiting for the moment to arrive Why are you lying there? What are you hiding there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Do you light the shadows in there? Keep me in the dark, now are you scared? Whether to ever set you free Tell me will you buckle at your knees? What are you hiding there? Why are you lying there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Are you hiding secrets from me? Is there more to this life than I can see? What will I find out over time? Waiting for the moment to arrive Why are you lying there? What are you hiding there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Do you light the shadows in there? Keep me in the dark, now are you scared? Whether to ever set you free Tell me will you buckle at your knees? What are you hiding there? Why are you lying there?

Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Lie to yourself, don't lie to me Lie to yourself, don't hide yourself Hide yourself, let me find you Find yourself, let me find you Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself away, Why do you hide yourself from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Hide away, woah Hide away, woah Hide away Why do you hide yourself away? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Anberlin - Pray Tell Lyrics | MetroLyrics Are you hiding secrets from me? Is there more to this life than I can see? What will I find out over time? Waiting for the moment to arrive Why are you lying there? What are you hiding there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me?

Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Do you light the shadows in there? Keep me in the dark, now are you scared? Whether to ever set you free Tell me will you buckle at your knees? What are you hiding there? Why are you lying there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Lie to yourself, don't lie to me Lie to yourself, don't hide yourself Hide yourself, let me find you Find yourself, let me find you Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself away, Why do you hide yourself from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Hide away, woah Hide away, woah Hide away Why do you hide yourself away? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now

Presentation: Pantomime Background song: Pray Tell by Anberlin Characters: Human: (me); CASUAL ATTIRE Influence 1: material things; SASSY, RICH, CLASSY, FASHIONABLY ATTIRE Influence 2: church; DRESS IN WHITE Influence 3: addiction; DRESS IN BLACK, GOTHIC ATTIRE Jesus: jeneveb; IN WHITE GOWN/CLOAK with HOOD Props: Chair: at the center of the stage Cabinet: at the left side of the stage, facing right. Masks: portray 3 influences Door: at the left side of the stage, where characters will meet. Make it closer to the center.

Scene: ******Influence #1 knocks on the door but before I will open the door I have to wear the mask first from the cabinet. I will transform into fashionable materialistic person. The group will put on some props to make me look rich and sassy then we will have selfie Photoshop to show offs our bling blings. After the session they will take the props from me and leave. Then, I will put back the mask in the cabinet an position to sit on the chair. ******Influence #2 knocks on the door. I will take the mask from the cabinet and wear it before I open the door. The group will do a close meeting, sing praises and pray. They will hand me bible and I will read it a nd praise God for the word. The group is blessed and hugs each other before they leave. I will put the ma sk back to the cabinet and sit on the chair. *****Influence #3 knocks on the door. I will wear a mask that will make me an addict. My face looks drunk and intoxicated as I meet the group. They will distribute cigarettes, bottles of alcohol and the group will try to inject drugs using a syringe in my arm. Then the group will feel HIGH. After having that session the gro up will say goodbye and I will get back inside the room and turn the mask in the cabinet. *****Jesus knocks on the door. I wear the influence #1 mask. Jesus will grip on the mask and take it off m y face. I will turn back to the cabinet and wear another mask of influence #2. I will go towards Jesus with praises on my lips but he will harshly reach for the mask and take it off. My face should look confuse and get the last mask and wear it. I will look addicted as I face Jesus. We will wrestle as he reaches for my fac e. Jesus has the determination to remove the mask on my face as I try to defense myself from him. Jesus will finally take off the mask from me. I will fell on my knees and ask forgiveness. Jesus will wrap hi s arms around me and held my face towards him. He will assist me to stand up and throw his arms aroun d me. *****Finale: The background song will sing louder and all the cast will gather on the stage to sing the song .

Presentation: Pantomime Background song: Pray Tell by Anberlin Characters: Human: (me); CASUAL ATTIRE Influence 1: material things; SASSY, RICH, CLASSY, FASHIONABLY ATTIRE Influence 2: church; DRESS IN WHITE Influence 3: addiction; DRESS IN BLACK, GOTHIC ATTIRE Jesus: jeneveb; IN WHITE GOWN/CLOAK with HOOD Props: Chair: at the center of the stage Cabinet: at the left side of the stage, facing right. Masks: portray 3 influences Door: at the left side of the stage, where characters will meet. Make it closer to the center.

Scene: ******Influence #1 knocks on the door but before I will open the door I have to wear the mask first from the cabinet. I will transform into fashionable materialistic person. The group will put on some props to make me look rich and sassy then we will have selfie Photoshop to show offs our bling blings. After the session they will take the props from me and leave. Then, I will put back the mask in the cabinet an position to sit on the chair. ******Influence #2 knocks on the door. I will take the mask from the cabinet and wear it before I open the door. The group will do a close meeting, sing praises and pray. They will hand me bible and I will read it a nd praise God for the word. The group is blessed and hugs each other before they leave. I will put the ma sk back to the cabinet and sit on the chair. *****Influence #3 knocks on the door. I will wear a mask that will make me an addict. My face looks drunk and intoxicated as I meet the group. They will distribute cigarettes, bottles of alcohol and the group will try to inject drugs using a syringe in my arm. Then the group will feel HIGH. After having that session the gro up will say goodbye and I will get back inside the room and turn the mask in the cabinet. *****Jesus knocks on the door. I wear the influence #1 mask. Jesus will grip on the mask and take it off m y face. I will turn back to the cabinet and wear another mask of influence #2. I will go towards Jesus with praises on my lips but he will harshly reach for the mask and take it off. My face should look confuse and get the last mask and wear it. I will look addicted as I face Jesus. We will wrestle as he reaches for my fac e. Jesus has the determination to remove the mask on my face as I try to defense myself from him. Jesus will finally take off the mask from me. I will fell on my knees and ask forgiveness. Jesus will wrap hi s arms around me and held my face towards him. He will assist me to stand up and throw his arms aroun d me. *****Finale: The background song will sing louder and all the cast will gather on the stage to sing the song .

Presentation: Pantomime Background song: Pray Tell by Anberlin Characters: Human: (me); CASUAL ATTIRE Influence 1: material things; SASSY, RICH, CLASSY, FASHIONABLY ATTIRE Influence 2: church; DRESS IN WHITE Influence 3: addiction; DRESS IN BLACK, GOTHIC ATTIRE Jesus: jeneveb; IN WHITE GOWN/CLOAK with HOOD Props: Chair: at the center of the stage Cabinet: at the left side of the stage, facing right. Masks: portray 3 influences Door: at the left side of the stage, where characters will meet. Make it closer to the center.

Scene: ******Influence #1 knocks on the door but before I will open the door I have to wear the mask first from the cabinet. I will transform into fashionable materialistic person. The group will put on some props to make me look rich and sassy then we will have selfie Photoshop to show offs our bling blings. After the session they will take the props from me and leave. Then, I will put back the mask in the cabinet an position to sit on the chair. ******Influence #2 knocks on the door. I will take the mask from the cabinet and wear it before I open the door. The group will do a close meeting, sing praises and pray. They will hand me bible and I will read it a nd praise God for the word. The group is blessed and hugs each other before they leave. I will put the ma sk back to the cabinet and sit on the chair. *****Influence #3 knocks on the door. I will wear a mask that will make me an addict. My face looks drunk and intoxicated as I meet the group. They will distribute cigarettes, bottles of alcohol and the group will try to inject drugs using a syringe in my arm. Then the group will feel HIGH. After having that session the gro up will say goodbye and I will get back inside the room and turn the mask in the cabinet. *****Jesus knocks on the door. I wear the influence #1 mask. Jesus will grip on the mask and take it off m y face. I will turn back to the cabinet and wear another mask of influence #2. I will go towards Jesus with praises on my lips but he will harshly reach for the mask and take it off. My face should look confuse and get the last mask and wear it. I will look addicted as I face Jesus. We will wrestle as he reaches for my fac e. Jesus has the determination to remove the mask on my face as I try to defense myself from him. Jesus will finally take off the mask from me. I will fell on my knees and ask forgiveness. Jesus will wrap hi s arms around me and held my face towards him. He will assist me to stand up and throw his arms aroun d me. *****Finale: The background song will sing louder and all the cast will gather on the stage to sing the song .

Presentation: Pantomime Background song: Pray Tell by Anberlin Characters: Human: (me); CASUAL ATTIRE Influence 1: material things; SASSY, RICH, CLASSY, FASHIONABLY ATTIRE Influence 2: church; DRESS IN WHITE Influence 3: addiction; DRESS IN BLACK, GOTHIC ATTIRE Jesus: jeneveb; IN WHITE GOWN/CLOAK with HOOD Props: Chair: at the center of the stage Cabinet: at the left side of the stage, facing right. Masks: portray 3 influences Door: at the left side of the stage, where characters will meet. Make it closer to the center.

Scene: ******Influence #1 knocks on the door but before I will open the door I have to wear the mask first from the cabinet. I will transform into fashionable materialistic person. The group will put on some props to make me look rich and sassy then we will have selfie Photoshop to show offs our bling blings. After the session they will take the props from me and leave. Then, I will put back the mask in the cabinet an position to sit on the chair. ******Influence #2 knocks on the door. I will take the mask from the cabinet and wear it before I open the door. The group will do a close meeting, sing praises and pray. They will hand me bible and I will read it a nd praise God for the word. The group is blessed and hugs each other before they leave. I will put the ma sk back to the cabinet and sit on the chair. *****Influence #3 knocks on the door. I will wear a mask that will make me an addict. My face looks drunk and intoxicated as I meet the group. They will distribute cigarettes, bottles of alcohol and the group will try to inject drugs using a syringe in my arm. Then the group will feel HIGH. After having that session the gro up will say goodbye and I will get back inside the room and turn the mask in the cabinet. *****Jesus knocks on the door. I wear the influence #1 mask. Jesus will grip on the mask and take it off m y face. I will turn back to the cabinet and wear another mask of influence #2. I will go towards Jesus with praises on my lips but he will harshly reach for the mask and take it off. My face should look confuse and get the last mask and wear it. I will look addicted as I face Jesus. We will wrestle as he reaches for my fac e. Jesus has the determination to remove the mask on my face as I try to defense myself from him. Jesus will finally take off the mask from me. I will fell on my knees and ask forgiveness. Jesus will wrap hi s arms around me and held my face towards him. He will assist me to stand up and throw his arms aroun d me. *****Finale: The background song will sing louder and all the cast will gather on the stage to sing the song .

January 25, 2014 John 16:1~33 Jesus assures his disciples that when he ascends heaven, they will grieve but thats only for awhile becau se he will send the Holy Spirit down to be with them. In a little while we will experience sorrow, hardship and pain but thats for a little while because Jesus s ends us the help from above. Thats the holy spirit. He assures us that help will come upon us in a little while. As a shepherd that looks for a lost sheep. He promises us the comfort and help that the Holy Spirit put in mind. He might be up there but he feels like being with us because he sends us the Holy Spirit to be with us. Our comforter, guide, instructor, listener and counselor. And it is with all of us. January 26, 2014 John 17:1~26 who sent him. This chapter is about the prayer of Jesus to His father. He too, is dependent and submissive to the Father He prayed for himself that he will be glorified by what purpose Jesus came here for. He also prayed for le yet powerful ways to pray for disciples and his believers. will be glorified and anything that He instruct Jesus to do. will bring when we feel down. Hold on because help is coming our way. That is what Jesus wants us to

his disciples and who believe in the message that they heard and become a believer. Jesus shows us simp Prayer is the secret why he was able to earn his disciples and believers. He earnestly pray that His Father

January 27, 2014 John 18:1~40 Lying is a fruitful sin. When you lie once it may lead to another and it becomes bigger and more compli cated. That is why Peter wept after he realized that he denied Jesus just like what he said before. Peter de of what he did. So after hearing the roaster crowed. He wept bitterly because he didnt realize when he fensively said that he will never deny Jesus but when the time it happened it never came across his mind was denying Jesus. Just after it all happened. Jesus knows what our lies may lead to. But let us not be like h to another lie. Let us confess our sin and avoid doing it again and again and we will spare from it. January 28, 2014 John 19:1~42 A story behind the story was made for us to believe. nned.

Peter after everything happened then thats the time we realize and repent of what we did. Lie gives birt

Upon reading this chapter I came to realize and see how God made things equal, well organized and pla The outer story was that Jesus sentenced to death as he was hated by Jewish leaders to those who wante d him die for their personal reason but the underlying story and first and foremost why Jesus had to die was because he has to save us from our sins and so we nay believe in him and to the one who sent him.

And that was God. No matter how Jesus said those words that he may be going to suffer and that someo ne will betray or disowned him was hidden to his disciples until the time has come that every word he s aid will come to pass.

It is like a play that is known to the Father, the director and to Jesus, the main character. We are like unc

onscious actors and actresses in the stage where only God and Jesus know its story. But now that it has b ies. Unless Jesus will open our spiritual eyes to see and the ears to hear. We may be stuck in the role that we never knew we were playing.

een all written. We may able to get to know the director and the main character of our lifetime video ser

January 29, 2014 John 20:1~31 The life of Thomas is being portrayed in this chapter. He is called as didymus which means twin and he s in his hands and put his finger on it he wont believe.

once called as doubting Thomas because of what he said in the chapter. That unless he see the nail mark That is what the crooked world had given us when we doubt.

Doubt is the exact opposite of believe. When we doubt, certainly, we dont believe. As a Christian that is living by faith. Being doubtful is the thing that we should get rid of. It will absolutely turn our faith and belief to God until doubt is the only thing that is left in us.

Being doubtful will never bring us breakthrough and miracles. Being doubtful will make us stuck in the

shallowness if knowledge and presence of the Lord.

Read more: Anberlin - Pray Tell Lyrics | MetroLy rics Are you hiding secrets from me? Is there more to this life than I can see? What will I find out over time? Waiting for the moment to arrive Why are you lying there? What are you hiding there? Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Do you light the shadows in there? Keep me in the dark, now are you scared? Whether to ever set you free Tell me will you buckle at your knees? What are you hiding there? Why are you lying there?

Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself, Why do you hide your face from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Lie to yourself, don't lie to me Lie to yourself, don't hide yourself Hide yourself, let me find you Find yourself, let me find you Hide away, Why do you hide away from me? Hide yourself away, Why do you hide yourself from me? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now Hide away, woah Hide away, woah Hide away Why do you hide yourself away? I'm the only one that can save you now I'm the only one that can save you now

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