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Communication Respect Trust

Call Center Introduction Course Code: ITS-CCI101

InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Course Description
This course is for beginners who are interested in getting to know the Call Center Industry. Trainer: To Be Announced (TBA) Daily Hours: Eight (1) Total Hours: Eight (1) Training Days: Any Day Course Duration: One Day
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Call Center Industry Introduction
Types of Call Centers

Call Center Operations Call Center Technologies Call Center Human Resources Call Center Future in Pakistan Call Center Careers
Agent Job Descriptions Team Leader Job Descriptions Call Center Manager Job Descriptions
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

BPO is the business practice of using specialized people or companies outside of the main business area Example: Mobilink has a Sales department somewhere rather than in their business area USAGE
For cost consideration Need more expertise by hiring an external source To get rid of legal issues that are with human resources, insurance, and government
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Growth in Pakistani Market
Banks IT is being outsourced to local IT firms Local Telemarketing Transportation

Key Drivers for Growth

Attempt to focus on core Competencies Desire to improve Service Levels Agreements (SLA) Aim of reducing internal costs
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Call Center Industry Introduction

Call Center is not a PCO!!! Call Centers are in Pakistan since 2000 Call Center for Banks (MCB, Habib Bank, Standard Chartered, etc.) Call Center for Telecommunications companies like Mobilink, U-Fone, PTCL 17 service, Warid, etc. Call Center is a place where customers call for help or buy some thing Call Center has INBOUND and OUTBOUND calling
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Types of Call Centers

Technical Support Sales Inquiries Customer Support

Telemarketing Sales Appointment Setting Sales Follow Ups
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Call Center Operations

Operation is from Bottom Up Efficient Staffing Available Technologies Efficient Call Handling Able to Handle Peak Hours Increased Management Control Backup Coverage

InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Call Center Technologies

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Interactive Voice Recording (IVR) Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) Predictive Dialer (PD)
Predicts human voice

Power Dialer (PD)

Fast Dialer does not predict human voice

InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust

Call Center Human Resources

Agents Supervisors/Team Leaders Managers/Assistant Managers Executive Managers Directors Shareholders

InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust


Call Center Future in Pakistan

2000 Over 20 call centers in Pakistan 2003 Local banks have their own call center 2004 100+ call centers in Pakistan 2006 Indian call centers outsourcing to Pakistan 2007 50+ 5-seats call centers 2008 Self Employed
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust


Call Center Careers

Western experience Higher labor availability Good accents Fair comprehension skills Low cost talent pool Good Infrastructure

InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust


Agent Job Description

Must be fluent in English Must be high school pass Must be proficient in Internet technologies, MS Office (Excel, and Word) Be flexible to work at nights shifts Able to dial consistently Able to meet project deadlines Able to dial 350 calls per day
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust


Team Leader Job Description

Provide coaching and training to agents Develop action plans for projects Consistently convey a positive attitude to teammates and callers/customers Conduct CSR applicant interviews and recommend desirable candidates

InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust


Call Center Manager Job Description

Manage people and systems to maximize quality and quantity of service Manage to a budgetary plan based on monthly forecasts, profit and loss, revenue and expenses Strategic planning for call center operations, etc. Maintain open lines of communication with other departments Stay informed on the call center industry Meet any legal and/or regulatory requirements Meet call center reporting requirements Attract, develop, and retain a diverse work team Develop programs and action plans to meet service and productivity goals
InTeliSales - Communication Respect Trust


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