In Each of The Following, Give The Justification of The Construction Also

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Question Bank In Mathematics Class X (TermII) CONSTRUCTIONS 11 A. SUMMATI ! ASS!SSM!NT ""." #I ISION O$ A %IN! S!&M!NT T!XTBOO'(S !X!RCIS! "".

" In each of the following, give the justification of CB = 4.7 cm. the construction also : )usti*ication o* the Construction + Q.". Draw a line segment of length 7.6 cm A5C 1 A 3B [By construction] and divide it in the ratio 5 : 8. Measure the two parts. AA5 AC Sol. &i,en + A line segment of length 7.6 cm. i.e. A5 1 A3 CB AB = 7.6 cm [By the B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] Ste-s o* Construction + .RA'AS/AN AA 5 ". %r!& ! line segment AB = 7.6 cm. 5 AA 8 [By construction] 0. %r!& !ny r!y A' m!(ing !n !cute !ngle 5 13 AC 5 B A' &ith AB. $herefore CB

8 1. )oc!te 13 #oints A A A A A A A A 1 * 3 4 5 6 7 8 A A A A !n+ A on A' such th!t $his sho&s th!t C +i,i+es AB in the r!tio 5 : 8. 1. 11 1* 13 AA = AA = AA = AA Q.0. Construct a triangle of sides 4 cm, 5 cm 1 1* *3 34 T/!RS = AA = AA = AA and 6 cm and then a triangle similar to it whose 45 56 67 = AA = AA = AA * 78 8sides are of the corresponding sides of the A = AA = AA 1. 11 11 1* 3 . B 1. =A RO

1* 13 2. /oin BA13 first triangle. 3. $hrough the #oint A +r!& ! line #!r!llel to 5 Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + A B intersecting AB !t the #oint C. 13 ". %r!& ! tri!ngle ABC of si+es 4 cm 5 cm !n+ 7.6 cm C 4A% 6 cm. A A A OB 1 A* & A 5 cm A3 A cm 4 6 A5 B C A 6 cm 6 C A7 A B1 8 AB A * 1. A B 11 3 A1* ' A13 ' $hen AC : CB = 5 : 8

0. %r!& ! r!y B' &hich m!(es !n !cute CB' 0n me!surement AC = *.- cm 1elo& the line segment BC. " 1. )oc!te 3 #oints B B !n+ B on B' such th!t BB = B B = B B = B B = B B = B B 1 * 3 1 1* *3 34 45 56 BB = B B = B B . =BB. 1 1* *3 67 2. /oin B C !n+ +r!& ! line through B #!r!llel to A 3 * B C intersecting BC !t C. 3 3. %r!& ! line through C A #!r!llel to the line CA 6 to intersect BA !t A cm c . m 5 $hen ABC is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. C B C 7 cm )usti*ication o* the Construction + B1 B

B * 3C B*C [By construction] B3 B4 BB BC B5 * B B 6 *3 B CC B7 ' [By the B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] 2. /oin B to C !n+ +r!& ! line through B #!r!llel 5 7 to B C intersecting the e3ten+e+ line segment BC !t C. 5 But BB* * [By construction] 3. %r!& ! line through C #!r!llel to CA B*B3 1 intersecting the e3ten+e+ line segment BA !t A. $hen is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. BC * A BC )usti*ication o* the Construction + CC 1

.RA'AS/AN CA CA [By construction] CC 1 CC 1 41= 41 BC * BC

* ABC 5 A BC [AA simil!rity criterion] CC BC 1 * BC * AB AC BC

...6i7 AB AC BC BC 3 BC

* T/!RS ...6i7 [ Corres#on+ing si+es of t&o simil!r tri!ngles BC * BC 3 !re #ro#ortion!l] CA C A BCBC [By construction] [AA B [ RO By construction] 7 5 BC A 5 BCA simil!rity criterion] AB AC BC * BC BB5

[8rom e2u!tion 6i7] AB AC BC

BB7 Q.1. Construct a 4 BC A% 3 Otriangle with sides 5 cm, 6 [By B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] cm and 7 cm &and then another triangle whose BB 5 But 5 [By construction] BB7 7 sides are 7 of the corresponding sides of the 5 BC 5 first triangle. BC 7 Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + BC 7 ". %r!& ! tri!ngle ABC &ith si+es 5 cm BC 5 6 cm !n+ 7 cm. AB AC BC 7 0. %r!& ! r!y B' &hich m!(es !n !cute !ngle

. [8rom 6i7] 1elo& the line segment BC i.e. C B'. AB

AC BC 5 1. )oc!te 7 #oints B B B B B B !n+ B 2. Construct an isosceles triangle whose base 1 * 3 4 5 6 7 on B' such th!t is 8 cm and altitude 4 cm and then another 0 1 triangle whose sides are 1 times the BC B3 B * BC BB corresponding sides of the isosceles triangle. * [By the B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + ". %r!& BC = 8 cm. BB3 3 But 0. %r!& #er#en+icul!r 1isector of BC. )et it BB* * meets BC !t %. 1. 9!r( ! #oint A on the #er#en+icul!r 1isector BC 3 such th!t A% = 4 cm. BC * A

AB AC BC 3 1

1. [8rom 6i7] AB AC BC * * A Q.3. Draw a triangle ABC with side BC = 6 cm. AB = 5 cm and ABC = 6.:. hen construct a triangle whose sides are 3 of the 4 corresponding sides of the triangle ABC. B % C C 8 cm Sol.RA'AS/AN . Ste-s o* Construction + B ". %r!& ! tri!ngle ABC &ith si+e BC = 6 cm AB 1 B = 5 cm !n+ ABC 6. . * 0. %r!& ! r!y B' &hich m!(es !n !cute !ngle B3 CB' 1elo& the line BC. ' 1. )oc!te four #oints B B B !n+ B on B' 1 * 3 4 2. /oin AB !n+ AC. $hen ABC is the rT/!RS e2uire+

such th!t BB = B B = B B = B B . 1 1* *3 34 isosceles tri!ngle. 2. /oin B C !n+ +r!& ! line through B #!r!llel to 4 3 3. %r!& !ny r!y B' m!(ing !n !cute !ngle &ith B C intersecting BC !t C. 4 BC on the si+e o##osite to the ,ert 3. %r!& ! line through C #!r!llel to the line CA B !n+ B on B' such th!t to intersect BA !t A. * Be3RO A. 5. )oc!te 3 #oints B1 3 BB = B B = B B . $hen ABC is the re2uire+ Angle. 1 1* *3 6. /oin B to C !n+ +r!& ! line through B #!r!llel A * to B C intersecting the e3ten+e+ line segment BC !t * A C. 4A% 3 7. %r!& ! li O &ne through C cm #!r!llel to CA 5 intersecting the e3ten+e+ line segment BA !t A 6.: $hen ABC is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. B C 6 cm

C )usti*ication o* the Construction + B1 CA CA [By construction] B* B3 ABC 5 A B C [AA simil!rity criterion] B4 ' AB AC BC )usti*ication o* the Construction +

...6i7 AB AC BC B4C B3C [By construction] B BB BC 3C B *C 3 [B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] BB BC 4 1 BB ABC 5 A B C

[AA simil!rity criterion] 3 3 But BB [By construction] AB AC BC 4 4

...6i7 AB AC BC BC 3 Also B C ; B C ...6i7 3 4 BC 4 BC BB 4 CA C A [By construction] BC BB [By B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] 3 BC A 5 BCA [AA simil!rity criterion] BB 4

But 4 AB AC BC 3 BB 3

[8rom 6i7] 3 AB AC BC 4 BC 4 Q.5. Draw a triangle ABC, with side BC = BC 3 7 cm, B = 45 : A = 1.5:. hen, construct a AB AC BC 4 4

. [8rom 6i7] triangle whose sides are times the AB AC BC

3 3 corresponding sides of ABC. 809"" (T:II); Q.6. Draw a right triangle in which the sides Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + 6other than h!potenuse7 are of lengths 4 cm and <n 3 cm. hen construct another triangle whose ABC A = 1.5 : B = 45: 5 =o C 18. 61.5 45 7 = 3.: sides .RA'AS/AN are times the corresponding sides of the ". %r!& ! tri!ngle ABC &ith si+e BC = 7 cm 3 given triangle. B 45 !n+ C 3. Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + 0. %r!& ! line B' &hich m!(es !n !cute CB' 1elo& the line BC. ". %r!& ! right tri!ngle ABC in &hich the si+es 1. )oc!te 4 #oints B B B !n+ B on B' such 6other th!n hy#otenuse7 !re of lengths 4 cm !n+ 3 cm. 1 * 3 4 th!t BB = B B B B = B B . B -. . 1 1* *3 34 T/!RS 2. /oin B to C !n+ +r!& ! line through B #!r!llel 3

4 0. %r!& ! line B" &hich m!(es !n !cute to B C intersecting the e3ten+e+ line segment BC !t C. 3 CB' 1elo& the line BC. 3. %r!& ! line through C #!r!ll B el toRO CA intersecting A the e3ten+e+ line segment BA !t A. $hen ABC is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. A 4A% A A O & 3 cm C B C 45: C 4 cm B 3.: C B1 7 cm B B * 1 B B 3 * B4 B B 3 5 B ' 4 '

1. )oc!te 5 #oints B B B B !n+ B on B' 1 * 3 4 5 such th!t )usti*ication o* the Construction + BB = B B = B B = B B = B B . CA C A [By construction] 1 1* *3 34 45 2 2. /oin B to C !n+ +r!& ! line through B #!r!llel 3 5 BCBC [By construction] to B C intersecting the e3ten+e+ line segment BC !t 5 3 3 C. BC B5 B 3. %r!& ! line through C #!r!llel to CA intersecting BC B [By B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] 3 B the e3ten+e+ line segment BA !t A. $hen A B C is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. B5 B

5 But [By construction] )usti*ication o* the Construction + B3 B 3 CA C A [By construction] BC 5 BC 3 AB C 5 ABC [AA simil!rity criterion]


[8rom 6i7]

...6i7 AB AC BC 3

AB AC BC 5 [ Corres#on+ing si+es of t&o simil!r AC AC tri!ngles !re #ro#ortion!l] 3 OT/!R IM.ORTANT QU!STIONS Q.". o divide a line segment #$ in the ratio 2. /oin B !n+ " . 7 % & ! 6%, ! are natural numbers7, draw a ra! #" 3. .RA'AS/AN $hrough the #oint " +r!& " C B 4 4 "7 so that $#" is an acute'angle, mar( points on intersecting AB !t C. >o& AB is +i,i+e+ in the r!tio ra! #" at e)ual distances such that minimum 4 : 3 !t the #oint C. number of these points is : 0n me!suring &e fin+ AC = 5.1 cm !n+ BC = 3.- cm. 6a7 % * ! 6b7 % ! 6c 7 % * ! * 1 6d7 %! T/!RS - cm C Sol. B 6a7 ?e2uire+ num1er of #oints is % 4 !. A Q.0. o divide a line segment AB in the ratio "1 5 & 6, draw a ra! A" such that B B RO A" is an acute "* angle, then draw a ra! B+ parallel to A" and the "3 points A , A , A ... and B , B , B ... are located

" 1 * 3 1 * 3 4 at e)ual distances on 4ra!A% A" and B+ respectivel!. "5 hen the points joined are : "6 6a7 A and B 6b7 A and B "7 5 6O ' and & 6 5 6c 7 A B 6d7 A and B 4 5 5 4 )usti*ication + Sol. 6a7 @e Aoin A !n+ B . <n AB" C" [By construction] 5 6 7 4 B"7 Q.1. Divide a line segment of length - cm A" AC 4 = internall! in the ratio 4 : 3. Also, give CB 4

"7 " justification of the construction. [By B!sic "ro#ortion!lity $heorem] Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + A" 4 But 4 [By construction] ". %r!& AB = - cm. 4 "7 "=3 0. Construct !ny !cute !ngle BA'. AC 4 1. @ith !ny con,enient r!+ius +r!& 7 e2u!l !rcs CB = 3 64 4 37 !t " " ... " such th!t A" = " " = " " 1 * 7 1 1* *3 Bence C +i,i+es AB in the r!tio 4 : 3. = ... " " on A'. 67 3 Q.2. Draw a line segment of length 7 cm. CC 3 ,ind a point on it which divides it in the ratio AC : CC = 1 : 3 AC 1 3 : 5. Measure each part. Sol. D Ste-s o* construction + A ". %r!& AB = 7 cm.

4 A3 0. At A +r!& !n !cute !ngle BA'. A A * 1 1. 0n A' m!r( off A A ... A 63 4 5 = 87 such 1 * 8 A th!t ' " B 1 AA = A A = A A = A A = A A = A A = 1 1* *3 34 45 56 '* AA = AA . 67 78 C '3 2. /oin A B. 8 '4 3. $hrough the #oint A +r!& ! line #!r!llel to 3 A B &hich cuts AB !t ". 8 " is the re2uire+ #oint &hich +i,i+es AB in the ' r!tio 3 : 5. 0n me!suring &e fin+ th!t A" = *.6 cm !n+ "B = 4.4 cm. C Ste-s o* Construction + 7 cm "

". %r!& AB = 5 cm !n+ AC = A BAC 6. B .RA'AS/AN 7 cm. A1 A 0. %r!& !cute !ngles CA' !n+ BAD. 9!r( off A * 1 A A A A on AD such th!t AA = A A = A A = 3 * 3 4 1 1* *3 A A A . =imil!rly m!r( off ' ' ' ' on A' such 4 34 1 * 3 4 A th!t A' = ' ' = ' ' = ' ' . 5 1 1* *3 34 A6 A 1. /oin BA !n+ C' . 7 T/!RS 4 4 A8 '

2. $hrough A +r!& ! line #!r!llel to A B &hich 3 4 Q.3. wo line segments AB and AC include meets AB !t ". an angle of 6.-, where AB = B 5 c RO m and AC = 7 =imil!rly +r!& ' C ' C. cm. .ocate points # and $ on AB and AC 1 4 3 3. /oin #$. 0n me!suring #$ = 3.* cm. respectivel! such that A# = AB and A$ = Q.5. Construct a triangle with sides 5 cm, 1 6 cm and 7 cm and then construct another AC. /oin # and $ 4A%4 and measure the length #$. 4 O triangle whose sides are 7 of the corresponding 5 Sol. @e h!& ,e sides of the first triangle. A" 3 AB 4 AB A" 43 Sol. Ste-s o* construction +

AB 4 A" 3 A" 3 ". %r!& AB = 7 cm.

"B 1 0. @ith A !s centre !n+ r!+ius 6 cm +r!& !n !rc. A" : "B = 3 : 1 1. @ith B !s centre !n+ r!+ius 5 cm +r!& !nother A" 3 !rc cutting the #re,ious !rc !t C. AC 1 2. /oin AC !n+ BC to get ABC. =imil!rly AC 4 3. %r!& ! r!y A' m!(ing !n !cute !ngle &ith AB. AC AC AC 41 5. @ith !ny con,enient r!+ius +r!& 7 e2u!l !rcs 4 6the gre!ter of 7 !n+ 5 in fr!ction 7E57 !t " " " " AC AC 1 1 * 3 4 5 C Sol. Ste-s o* construction + ". %r!& BC = 6.5 cm. 0. At B +r!& CB' = 6.:. C 1. 8rom B' cut off BA = 4.5 cm. 2. /oin AC to get the ABC . 5 3. At C +r!& !n !cute !ngle BCD. cm cm 5. 0n CD m!r( " C ? = !n+ $ such th!t C"

6 = "C = C? = ?= = =$. 6. /oin $B. 7 cm 7. %r!& =B $B . A B B <. %r!& B A BA . "1 AB C is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. "* " ' 3 "4 A "5 "6 A "7 ' " " on A' such th!t 4.5 cm 6 7 .RA'AS/AN "5 A" = " " = " " = " " = " " = " " = " " . 1 1* *3 34 45 56 67 6. /oin B" . 5 7. %r!& " B

B meeting AB #ro+uce+ !t B. C 7 "5 6.5 cm B B <. %r!& BC BC meeting AC #ro+uce T+!/!RS t C. " $hen ABC is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. C )usti*ication + ? =ince BC ; BC therefore = ACB 5 ACB BRO [AA simil!rity] $ D AC CB AB Q.7. Draw a right triangle in which the sides AC = CB = containing the right angle are 5 cm and 4 cm. AB 7 But = 4A% AB [By construction] 5 AB O 5 Construct a similar triangle whose sides are 3 AC CB AB 7

times the sides of the above triangle. =& AC CB = = AB 5 80997= 09"" (T:II); Note : here is no need to give justification Sol. Ste-s o* construction + of the construction until and unless as(ed for. ". %r!& AB = 5 cm. Q.6. Construct a ABC in which BC = 6.5 0. At B +r!& ABC = -.: !n+ BC = 4 cm. cm, AB = 4.5 cm and ABC = 6.-. Construct 1. /oin AC to get the ABC. another triangle similar to ABC such that each 2. %r!& ! r!y A' m!(ing !n !cute !ngle &ith 4 side of new triangle is of the corresponding BA. 5 3. 9!r( 5 #oints " " " " " on A' such sides of 1 * 3 4 5 ABC. 8099<; th!t A" = " " = " " = " " = " " . 1 1* *3 34 45 6 3. /oin CB . C 3 5. %r!& B C C &hich meets BC #ro+uce+ 4 B3

!t C. C 6. %r!& C% C% &hich meets B% #ro+uce+ !t %. BC % is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. 7. %r!& % A %A &hich meets BA #ro+uce+ !t A. =ince A% BC !n+ A% A % A B B BC A% "1 " An+ !lso AB %C !n+ %C % C * "3 " AB %C 4 "5 ' =ince 1oth the #!irs of o##osite si+es of 5. /oin " B. 2u!+ril!ter!l A B C% !re #!r!llel hence it is ! 3 #!r!llelogr!m.

6. %r!& 5 "B meeting AB #ro+uce+ !t B. 3 "B Q."9. Construct a ABC in which AB = 8 cm 7. %r!& B C BC meeting AC #ro+uce+ !t C. BC = 1. cm and AC = 6 cm. hen construct AB C is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. 4 Q.<. Draw a parallelogram ABCD in which anoth .RA'AS/AN er triangle whose sides are of the 5 BC = 5 cm, AB = 3 cm and ABC = 6.-, divide corresponding sides of ABC. 809"9; it into triangles BCD and ABD b! the diagonal Sol. Ste-s o* construction + BD. Construct the triangle BDC similar to ". %r!& ABC &ith the gi,en +imensions. 4 0. At A +r!& !n !cute BA'. BDC with scale factor . Draw the line 3 T/!RS1.8romA' cutoffA" = " " =" " =" " = 1 1* *3 34 segment D A parallel to DA, where A lies on " " . 45 the e%tended side BA. B Is RO ABCD a 2. /oin " B.

5 parallelogram 0 80997= 09"" (T:II); 3. 8rom " +r!& ! line #!r!llel to " B 4 5 Sol. Ste-s o* construction + meeting A$ !t B. ". %r!& the #!r!llelogr!m ABC% &ith the gi,en 5. %r!& BC ; BC. +imensions. ABC is the re2uire+ tri!ngle. 0. /oin B%. 4A% C 1. At B +r!& O &!n !cute !ngle CB'. C 2. 8rom B' cut off BB = B B = B B = B B 1 1* *3 34 A % A % B A B "1 "* B "3 C C "4 B " 1 5 ' B* B3 B4 ' 7

.RACTIC! !X!RCIS! ""."A Choose the correct option 6$. 1 47 : 7. %r!& ! line segment AB = 5 cm !n+ +i,i+e ". $o +i,i+e ! line segment AB in the r!tio it intern!lly in the r!tio 3 : 4. 5 : 7 first ! r!y A' is +r!&n so th!t BA' is <. %r!& ! line segment AB of length 6 cm. !n !cute !ngle !n+ then !t e2u!l +ist!nces #oints )oc!te ! #oint # on it such th!t A" : AB = 3 : 4. !re m!r(e+ on the r!y A' such th!t the minimum "9. %r!& !n e2uil!ter!l tri!ngle ABC of e!ch num1er of these #oints is : si+e 3.7 cm. Construct ! tri!ngle simil!r to it !n+ 6a7 8 6b7 1. 6c7 11 6d7 1* 3 of sc!le f!ctor . <s the ne& tri!ngle !lso 0. $o +i,i+e ! line segment AB in the r!tio 5 4 : 7 ! r!y A' is +r!&n so th!t BA' is !n e2uil!ter!lF !cute !ngle !n+ then #oints A A A ... !re "". $he three si+es "C C? !n+ ?" of "C? 1 * 3 loc!te+ !t e2u!l +ist!nces on the r!y A' !n+ the !re 5 cm 6 cm !n+ 7 cm res#ecti,ely. Construct #oint B is Aoine+ to : the "C?. Construct ! tri!ngle "C? such th!t 6a7 A 6b7 A 1* 11 6c 7 A 6d7 A e!ch of its si+es is * of the corres#on+ing si+es 1. 3 1. $o construct ! tri!ngle simil!r to ! gi,en of "C?. 7 tri!ngle "C? &ith its si+es of the "0. .RA'AS/AN

Construct ! ABC in &hich BC = 8 cm 3 corres#on+ing si+es of " C? +r!& ! r!y C' B = 6.: !n+ C = 45:. $hen construct !nother such th!t ? C' is !n !cute !ngle !n+ ' lies on 3 tri!ngle &hose si+es !re of the corres#on+ing the o##osite si+e of " &ith res#ect to C?. $he 4 minimum num1er of #oints to 1e loc!te+ !Tte/!RS 2u!l si+es of ABC. 809"9= 09"" (T:II); +ist!nces on r!y C' is : "1. Construct ! ABC in &hich BC = - cm 6a7 7 6b7 3 B = 6.: !n+ AB = 6 cm. $hen construct !nother 6c 7 4 6d7 1. * 2. $o construct ! tri!ngle s B imi RO l!r to ! gi,en tri!ngle &hose si+es !re of the corres#on+ing 5 3 tri!ngle ABC &ith its si+es of the 8 si+es of ABC. 809"9= 09"" (T:II); corres#on+ing si+es of first +r!& ! r!y "2. %r!& ! right tri!ngle ABC in &hich AC B' such th!t CB' = AB = 4.5 cm !n+ A = -.:. %r!& ! tri!ngle i+e 4 is A A % BC

!n !cute !ngle !n+ ' lies on the o##osite s simil!r to ABC &ith its si+es e2u!l to 65E47th #oi Oof A &ith res#ect to BC. $hen loc!te of the corres#on+ing si+es of ABC. +ist!nces !n+ &nts B B B ... on e2u!l 1 * 3 ne3t ste# is to Aoin : "3. Construct ! ABC in &hich AB = 5 cm 6a7 B to C 6b7 B to C 13 5 B = 6.: !ltitu+e C% = 3 cm. Construct ! 6c7 B to C 6d7 B to C 8 * AC? simil!r to ABC such th!t e!ch si+e of 3. By geometric!l construction is it #ossi1le AC? is 1.5 times th!t of the corres#on+ing si+e of to +i,i+e ! line segment in the r!tio 1 ABC. 3: .F 3 "5. %r!& !n isosceles tri!ngle ABC in &hich 5. %r!& ! line segment "C = - cm !n+ +i,i+e AB = AC = 6 cm !n+ BC = 5 cm. Construct ! it into 6 e2u!l #!rts. tri!ngle "C? simil!r to ABC in &hich "C = 8 6. %r!& ! line segment "C = 7 cm !n+ +i,i+e cm. Also Austify the construction. it intern!lly in the r!tio 5 : 3. < "6. %r!& tri!ngle ABC in &hich AB = 4 cm 4 cm !n+ ABC 6. . %i,i+e it into t&o BC = 6 cm !n+ AC = - cm. Construct ! tri!ngle tri!ngles s!y ABC !n+ A%C. Construct the 3 tri!ngle &ith sc!le simil!r to

AB C simil!r to ABC ABC &ith sc!le f!ctor . /ustify the * * construction. Are the t&o tri!ngle congruentF f!ctor . %r!& ! line segment C % #!r!llel to 3 809"" (T:II); C% &here % lies on A%. <s ABC% ! "7. Gi,en ! rhom1us ABC% in &hich AB = rhom1usF Gi,e re!sons. "".0 CONSTRUCTION O$ TAN&!NTS TO A CIRC%! T!XTBOO'(S !X!RCIS! "".0 In each of the following, give also the )usti*ication o* the Construction + justification of the construction : /oin 0C !n+ 0?. Q.". Draw a circle of radius 6 cm. ,rom a =ince 0C" !n+ 0 ?" !re the !ngles in point 1. cm awa! from its centre, construct the semiHcircles. pair of tangents to the circle and measure their 0C" 0?" -. lengths. 809"" (T:II); .RA'AS/AN =o "C 0C !n+ "? 0?. Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + =ince 0C !n+ 0? !re r!+ii of the gi,en circle ". %r!& ! circle of r!+ius 6 cm &ith centre 0. therefore "C !n+ "? !re t!ngents to the gi,en circle. 0. $!(e the e3terior #oint " such th!t "0 = Q.0. Construct a tangent to a circle of radius 1. cm. 4 cm from a point on the concentric circle of 1. /oin "0 !n+ 1isect it. )et 9 1e the T/!RS mi+H#oint radius 6 cm and measure its length. Also verif! of "0.

the measurement b! actual calculation. 2. $!(ing 9 !s centre !n+ 90 !s r!+ius +r!& ! Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + circle. ". %r!& t&o concentric circles of r!+ii )et it intersects the gi,en c BRO ircle !t the #oint C 4 cm !n+ 6 cm &ith centre 0. !n+ ?. 0. $!(e !ny #oint " on the circle of r!+ius 6 cm. 3. /oin "C !n+ "? 4. 1. /oin "0 !n+ 1isect it. )et 9 1e the mi+ #oint $hen "C !n+ "? !re A% the re2uire+ t&o t!ngents. O of "0. &C C 1. cm " 0 9 0 " 9 ? ? "9 2. $!(ing 9 !s centre !n+ 90 !s r!+ius +r!& ! )usti*ication o* the Construction + circle. )et it intersect the gi,en circle !t the #oint C 0A" = 0B" = -.: [=ingle in ! semiHcircle] !n+ ?. =ince 0A !n+ 0B !re r!+ii of the gi,en circle 3. /oin "C then "C is the re2uire+ t!ngent. hence "A !n+ "B !re t!ngents to the circle. By me!surement "C = 4.5 cm. =imil!rly &e c!n Austify th!t CC !n+ C% !re the eri*ication + t!ngents to the circle. <n tri!ngle "0C C = -.: then Q.2. Draw a pair of tangents to a circle of 0"* = "C* 4 0C* [By "yth!gor!s $heorem] radius 5 cm which are inclined to each other at "C =

* * 0" 0C an angle of 6.-. 809"" (T:II); Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + = * * 667 647 = 36 16 = *. ". %r!& ! circle of r!+ius 5 cm &ith centre 0. = 4.47 cm = 4.5 cm 6!##ro37. 0. %r!& !n !ngle A0B of 1*.:. Q.1. Draw a circle of radius 3 cm. a(e two 1. At A !n+ B +r!& -.: !ngles &hich meets points # and $ on one of its e%tended diameter !t C. $hen CA !n+ CB !re the re2uire+ t!ngents &hich each at a distance of 7 cm from its centre. Draw !re incline+ to e!ch other !t !n !ngle of 6.:. tangents to the circle from these two points # and $. A Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + ". %r!& ! circle of r!+ius 3 cm &ith centre 0. .RA'AS/AN 0. $!(e t&o #oints " !n+ C on one of its e3ten+e+ +i!meter e!ch !t ! +ist!nce of 7 cm form its centre. 0 1*.: C 1. Bisect "0. )et 9 1e the mi+H#oint of "0. 2. $!(ing 9 !s centre !n+ 90 !s r!+ius +r!& ! circle. )et it intersect the gi,en circle !t the T#o/!RS ints A !n+ B. B C A BRO )usti*ication o* Construction + <n 2u!+ril!ter!l A0BC A 4 0 4 B 4 C = 36.: C

-.: 4 1*.: 4 -.: 4 C = 36.: 0 " > 4A% 9 C = 36.: 3..: = 6.:. O Q.3. Draw a line segment AB of length 8 cm. a(ing A as centre, draw a circle of radius &%B 4 cm and ta(ing B as centre, draw another circle of radius 3 cm. Construct tangents to each circle 3. /oin "A !n+ "B. $hen "A !n+ "B !re the from the centre of the other circle. re2uire+ t&o t!ngents. Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + 5. =imil!rly 1isect C0 !n+ let > 1e its mi+H#oint. ". %r!& line segment AB of length 8 cm. 6. @ith > !s centre !n+ >0 !s r!+ius +r!& ! 0. @ith A !n+ B !s centres !n+ r!+ii 4 cm !n+ circle. )et it intersect the gi,en circle !t the #oints C 3 cm res#ecti,ely +r!& t&o circles. !n+ %. 1. Bisect BA. )et 9 1e the mi+H#oint of BA. 7. /oin CC !n+ C% then CC !n+ C% !re !lso 2. $!(ing 9 !s centre !n+ 9A !s r!+ius +r!& ! t!ngents. circle. )et it intersects the circle &ith centre A !t the Bence "A "B CC !n+ C% !re t!ngents to the #oints " !n+ C !n+ circle &ith centre B !t the #oints gi,en circle from " !n+ C. ? !n+ =. "" 3. /oin B" !n+ BC. $hen B" !n+ BC !re the 2. %r!& ! circle &ith centre 0 !n+ r!+ius B0. $he re2uire+ t&o t!ngents from B to the circle &ith circle &ill #!ss through B C !n+ %. centre A. 3. /oin A0 !n+ 1isect it !t 9 6Bere 0 is the centre 5. /oin A? !n+ A= &hich !re the re2uire+ t&o of the circle through B C %7. t!ngents from A to the circle &ith centre B. 5. $!(ing 9 !s centre !n+ 9A !s r!+ius +r!& ! circle. )et it intersect the gi,en circle 6circle through B C %7 !t the #oint B !n+ I. 6. /oin AI.

" ? $hen AB !n+ AI !re the re2uire+ t&o t!ngents to the circle #!ssing through B C !n+ % from A. )usti*ication o* the Construction + /oin 0I. $hen A AI0 is !n !ngle in the B 9 semicircle !n+ therefore AI0 = -.: AI 0I =ince 12 is ! r!+ius of the gi,en circle A2 h!s = to 1e ! t!ngent to the circle. =imil!rly AB is !lso ! C t!ngent to the circle. Q.6. Draw a circle with the help of a bangle. a(e a point outside the circle. Construct the pair Q.5. .et ABC be a right triangle in which AB of t .RA'AS/AN angents from this point to the circle. = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and B = -.:. BD is the Sol. perpendicular from B on AC. he circle through B, C, D is drawn. Construct the tangents from A to this circle. B Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + C ". Construct the tri!ngle ABC &ithT/!RS AB = 6 cm BC = 8 cm !n+ B -. . A 0. %r!& #er#en+icul!r B% fr 0 C " 9 A B om RO B on AC. % 4A% ?

O I % &9 Ste-s o* Construction + ". %r!& ! circle using ! 1!ngle. 0. $!(e t&o chor+s 6&hich !re not #!r!llel7 AB !n+ C% of the circle. B C 1. %r!& the #er#en+icul!r 1isectors of AB !n+ 0 C%. )et these 1isectors intersect !t 0. $hen 0 is the centre of the circle +r!&n. 2. $!(e ! #oint " outsi+e the circle. 3. /oin "0 !n+ 1isect it. )et 9 1e the mi+H#oint of "0. 5. $!(ing 9 !s centre 90 !s r!+ius +r!& ! 1. %r!& the #er#en+icul!r 1isectors of B% !n+ circle. $his circle cuts the gi,en circle !t 3 !n+ C. %C !n+ let they meet !t #oint 0 on BC. 6. /oin "C !n+ "? &hich !re the re2uire+ t!ngents. "0 OT/!R IM.ORTANT QU!STIONS Q.". o draw a pair of tangents to a circle Sol. Ste-s o* construction+ which are inclined to each other at an angle of ". %r!& t&o concentric circles &ith centre 0 !n+ 6.-, it is re)uired to draw tangents at end points r!+ii 3 cm !n+ 5 cm. of those radii of the circle, the angle between 0. $!(e !ny #oint A on the other circle !n+ Aoin them should be : 0A. 6a7 1356b7 -.1. %r!& 'D the #er#en+icul!r 1isector of 0A 6c7 6.6d7 1*.&hich meets 0A !t ". Sol. 6d 7 ?e2uire+ !ngle is 18.: 6.: = 1*.:. 2. @ith " !s centre !n+ r!+ius e2u!l to 0" +r!& Q.0. Can we construct a pair of tangents to t&o !rcs &hich cut the circle !t B !n+ C. a circle inclined at an angle of 17.-0 3. /oin AB !n+ AC to get the re2uire+ t!ngents. Sol. Des &e c!n construct ! #!ir of t!ngents to ! 0n me!suring &e get AB = AC = 4 cm.

circle incline+ !t !n !ngle of 17.-. Q.1. Construct a tangent to a circle of radius ' 4 cm from a point which is at a distance of 6 cm B from its centre. Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + .RA'AS/AN ". %r!& ! circle &ith centre 0 !n+ r!+ius A 4 cm. 0 " 0. %r!& !ny line 0". 8rom 0" cut off 0A = 6 cm. 1. %r!& the #er#en+icul!r 1isector 'D Tof/!RS 0A C &hich meets 0A !t 9. D 2. @ith 9 !s centre !n+ r!+ius e2u!l to 90 +r!& !n !rc &hich cuts the circle !t C. eri*ication + /oin 0B. 3. /oin AC to get the re2uire 0BA -. [?!+ius through the #oint ' B+RO t!ngent. of cont!ct is #er#en+icul!r to the t!ngent] C A0B is ! right tri!ngle. 4A% 0A* = 0B* 4 AB* ["yth!gor!s theorem] AB* = 0A* 0B* = 5* 3* = *5 - = 16 AB = 4 cm. 0 O & " 9 A Q.3. Draw a circle of radius 3.1 cm. a(e a point # at a distance of 5 cm from the centre of the circle. ,rom #, draw a pair of tangents to the

circle without using its centre. Sol. Ste-s o* Construction + D ". %r!& ! circle &ith centre 0 !n+ r!+ius 3.1 cm. Q.2. Draw two concentric circles of radii 3 0. 9!r( ! #oint " such th!t 0" = 5 cm. cm and 5 cm. a(ing a point on outer circle 1. %r!& ! sec!nt "AB to the circle. construct the pair of tangents to the other. 2. %r!& the #er#en+icul!r 1isector of "B &hich Measure the length of a tangent and verif! it b! intersects "B !t C. actual calculation. "1 3. @ith C !s centre !n+ r!+ius e2u!l "C +r!& ! ) C semicircle. 5. At A +r!& CA "B &hich meets the semicircle !t C. 0 6. @ith " !s centre !n+ r!+ius e2u!l to "C +r!& " t&o !rcs &hich cut the circle !t ) !n+ 9. A C 7. /oin ") !n+ "9 to get the re2uire+ #!ir of t!ngents. 9 B .RACTIC! !X!RCIS! "".0A Choose the correct option 6$. 1 *7 : of ! circle of r!+ius 3 cm +r!& t&o t!ngents to ". $o +r!& ! #!ir of t!ngents to ! circle the circle. &hich !re incline+ to e!ch other !t !n !ngle of 5. At ! #oint " on the circle +r!& ! t!ngent 35: it is re2uire+ to +r!& t!ngents !t the en+ &ithout using the centre of the circle. #oints of those r!+ii of the circle the !ngle 6. Construct ! t!ngent to ! circle of r!+ius 1et&een &hich is : 3 cm .RA'AS/AN from ! #oint on the concentric circle of 6a7 1.5: 6b7 7.: r!+ius 6.5 cm !n+ me!sure its length. Also ,erify 6c7 14.:

6d7 145: the me!surement 1y !ctu!l c!lcul!tion. 0. $he centre of ! circle is not (no&n. C!n 7. %r!& ! circle of r!+ius 4 cm. $!(e t&o &e +r!& ! #!ir of t!ngents to this circle from ! #oints " !n+ C on one of its e3ten+e+ +i!meter #oint # outsi+e the circleF e!ch !t ! +ist!nce of 6 cm from its centre. %r!& t!ngents to the circle from these t&o #oints " !n+ 6a7 yes 6b7 no T/!RS C. 6c7 c!nnot s!y 6d7 none of these <. %r!& ! #!ir of t!ngents to ! circle of 1. C!n &e +r!& ! #!ir of Bt!RO ngents from ! r!+ius 3 cm &hich !re incline+ to e!ch other !t !n #oint " to ! circle of r!+ius 3.5 cm situ!te+ !t ! !ngle of 6.:. +ist!nce of 3 cm from the centreF "9. %r!& ! circle of r!+ius 4 cm. Construct ! 2. %r!& ! circle !n+ ! +i!meter of the circle. #!ir of t!ngents to it the !ngle 1et&een &hich is %r!& t!ngents !t 1 4 othA% the en+ #oints of the 6.:. Also Austify the construction. 9e!sure the +i!meter. +ist!nce 1et&een the centre of the circle !n+ the 3. 8rom ! O &#oint 5 cm !&!y from the centre #ointofintersectionoft!ngents. B. $ORMATI ! ASS!SSM!NT Con,ertin> Trian>le into S?uare Bere A% = B% AI = CI 0n ! thic( sheet of #!#er construct !n 1 1 B8 = BC CG = BC e2uil!ter!l ABC . 4 4 %i,i+e the tri!ngle ABC into four #ieces !s %B I8 !n+ G< I8

sho&n in the figure "2 A A Mathematical &ame $his is ! g!me for t&o #l!yers. =i3 #oints " C ? = $ J !re m!r(e+ on the circumference of ! % circle. "l!yerH1 uses re+ coloure+ #encil !n+ I #l!yerH* uses green coloure+ #encil. $hey t!(e turns to Aoin ! #!ir of #oints &ith ! str!ight line. C!n you tell ho& m!ny such lines !re #ossi1leF B " C 8 G Cut the #ieces out !n+ re!rr!nge the #ieces to form ! s2u!re. J C Con,ertin> Rectan>le into S?uare 0n ! thic( sheet of #!#er +r!& ! rect!ngle of $ ? +imensions 5 cm K * cm . 5 cm = 01,iously there !re 6 si+es !n+ - +i!gon!ls * cm i.e. 15 . suc RA'AS/AN h lines !re #ossi1le. But here the !im of the g!me is to !,oi+ m!(ing ! tri!ngle of your Jsing three str!ight cuts +i,i+e the rect!ngle colour &ith the ,ertices on the tri!ngle. $he #l!yer into 5 #ieces such th!t these #ieces &hen &ho +o so &ill loose. re!rr!nge+ gi,e ! s2u!re. $he result of ! g!me is sho&n here &ith Makin> Rectan>le $rom S?uares num1ers to in+ic!te the or+er in &hich the lines &ere +r!&n. $he soli+ lines !re +r!&n 1y #l!yerH1 0n thic( sheets of #!#er +r!& s2u T/!RS !res of !n+ the +otte+ lines !re +r!&n 1y #l!yer H*. <tLs si+es 1 cm 4 cm 7 cm 8 cm - cm 1. cm 14 cm #l!yerH*Ls turn !n+ the only #ossi1le mo,es !re $?

15 cm !n+ 18 cm. Cut out e!ch s2u!re. BRO !n+ $C &hich com#lete $?= !n+ $C= . >o& re!rr!nge these s2u!re #ieces to form ! Bence #l!yer H* loses the g!me. rect!ngle. "!ste the !rr!ngement on ! sheet of " #!#er. 6 11 Matchstick .u@@le 4A% J 7 C 1 A 3 K 3 !rr!y O &of m!tchstic(s is gi,en. 8rom 4 13 1* this !rr!y remo,e e3!ctly four m!tchstic(s to get * 5 fi,e i+entic!l s2u!res. 3 $ ? 8 1. = "3 ANSA!RS A. SUMMATI ! ASS!SSM!NT .ractice !Bercise ""."A ". 6d7 0. 6b7 1. 6d7 2. 6c7 3. Des "9. Des "7. Des

.ractice !Bercise "".0 A ". 6d7 0. 6a7 1. >o. B. $ORMATI ! ASS!SSM!NT Con,ertin> trian>le into s?uare Con,ertin> rectan>le into s?uare < I B * cm 3 cm 1 cm G % cm =econ+ cut A * CB .RA'AS/AN 1 cm * cm 8irst cut 3 cm < B 8 Makin> rectan>le *rom s?uares Matchstick .u@@le T/!RS BRO 15 18 4A% O & 7 8 4 14 1. "5

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