Vocabulary For Ch. Viii (8) "The Death of Hector" Accēdit.

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Vocabulary for ch.

viii (8) “The death of Hector”

accēdit. appraoches conicit; extrā outside

Achillēs conicit extrā
accurrit runs (-currit) up
to (ac-) cupit. desires extrā
currit runs facinus deed
Achillēs facit. makes / does
currum (chariot)
Achillem festīnā. hurry !
deinde then
Achillem festīnāte. hurry!!
deinde (
Achillem dēsiste (cease fīlī O Son!
Achillem dīrum dire fīlium son
Achillem diū for a long time fīlium
Achillēs dūcit. leads fugit flees
Achillēs ē from fugit.
Achillēs ē fugiunt. they flee
Achillēs eam her
hasta spear
Achillēs ego I
Achillis Achilles’ eos them
ad to est, is
ad est;
ad et and
ad Hector
ad Hector
alligat (ties) et
audit; hears et
audit; listens to et
auram air et
cadit (falls) et
capĕre et
care (dear), et
et Hectorem
celeriter swiftly
et Hectorem
circum around et Hectorem
circum et Hectorem
clāmat: shouts eum him Hectorem
clāmat: eum Hecuba (Hector’s mom)
clāmat: Hecuba
claudite, close !! his by these
claudunt. they close iacentem (lying).
comites comrades eum ille he
conicit hurls exspectat awaits ille
Vocabulary for ch. viii (8) “The death of Hector”

ille nōli don’t! sed

illī, they nōlī sed
in in nōlī sed
in against nōn not sed
in nōn sed
in nōn servat (saves).
in nōn sōlus solo
in nōn sōlus
incolumis (unharmed) ōO sōlus
inquit, says obīre (to meet spectant. they watch
inquit; ōrat begs subito right away
intrā; enter! parma shield summā with the utmost
intrāre to enter parmam sunt; they are
invītī (unwillingly) pater dad tandem at length
īra (from) you anger pater tandem
lūget (mourns); Patrōclus tē you
maneō wait per through ter (thrice
manēre; to wait percutit. strikes tergum (his back)
manet. waits portās gates terrā on the ground
māter mom portās terram the ground
māter potes territī terrified
māter potest. he can timet (is afraid).
māter trahit drags
Priamus trahit (drags).
misera miserable Priamus, trānsfīgit (transfixes).
mortem death prōcēdit proceeds
mortuum dead Trōiae, of Troy
propius (nearer) Trōiānī Trojans
pugnam the fight Trōiānī,
mūrīs walls pugnam Trōiānōs
mūrīs; pugnam Trōiānōs
mūrōs pugnam tua your
redde give back !
mūrōs tum (then)
redit he returns
mūrōs relinquit (leaves behind ubi when
mūrōs resistit; he resists ubi
mūrōs urbem city
rēx king
nam (‘cause urbem
nāvēs ships sē him
nōbīs (to us sed but urbem
Vocabulary for ch. viii (8) “The death of Hector”

vertit turns
vī force
vident they see
vidicāre to take
vengeance on)
vincĕre. ito defeat
vītat (avoids).
vocant; they call
vocare; to call
vocat calls
voco. call
volat (flies)
vult (wishes).

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