15 Minute Work Out

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Get-Fit Tricks
Medicine-ball reverse lunge and shot put
Stand three metres from a wall, holding a medicine ball at your chest (A). Step your right leg back and lower into a lunge, rotating your torso and bringing the ball to your right shoulder (B). Throw the ball at the wall (C), then push yourself back to start, catching the ball on the rebound. Thats one rep. Do ve, then switch sides.

Take your tness inanew direction byadding twisting andthrowing moves toyourroutine

Rotational cable row

Adjust the cable station to its lowest setting and stand to the right of it (or use a resistance band), handle in your right hand, feet slightly more than hip-width apart. Pivot to the left, bending both knees and extending your right arm towards the pulley (A). Pull the handle across to your right hip as you rotate into a standing position (B). Thats one rep. Do 10, then switch sides.

As good as most strengthtraining moves are for your body, they have a drawback: they tend to work your muscles in a single plane of motion up and down or forward and back (think biceps curls and lunges). But the way you move every day isnt so straightforward. Thats why rotational moves are so valuable. Twisting or throwing exercises engage more muscles, improve your balance and build functional, real-world strength, says strength and conditioning specialist Tony Gentilcore. Plus, the rotation comes from the core, so youll gain power and carve at abs while youre atit. Complete these moves as acircuit, going from one to thenext without taking abreak. Rest for 60 seconds. Dothe circuit four times. Jill Yaworski
Youll need: a medicine ball, a cable station/resistance band and a barbell

Barbell twist
Place a barbell on the oor in the corner of a room and hold one end withboth hands at eye level, feet hip-width apart (A). Rotate your hips, torso and feet to the right and bend your knees to lower the bar, without bending your arms (B). Return to start. Thats one rep. Do ve on each side.

Medicine-ball scoop and toss

Buddy up: instead of throwing the ball against a wall, toss it to a partner.




September 2013

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Want more 15-minute workouts? Go to www.WomensHealthSA.co.za/15-minute-challenge


Hold the ball at your waist and stand so your left side is closest to a wall thats 1.5m away (A). Shift your weight onto your right foot as you scoop the ball back to your right hip, then quickly shift your weight onto your left foot (B) and explosively throw the ball underhand at the wall (C). Catch the rebound. Thats one rep. Do 10, then switch sides.

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