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Vocabulary 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Complete the sentences. (10 marks) A _______________ is someone who writes for a newspaper. Ten years is a _______________.

Ugh! Whats that _______________ smell? Its not nice. I feel frightened when I see spiders theyre _______________. My brother isnt clever in fact, hes very _______________. Cats are domesticated animals, but lions and elephants are _______________ animals. If its raining, you should take an _______________ with you. You should always put your _______________ in the bin. Do you want to _______________ married one day? I usually _______________ the washing up after dinner. Correct the sentences. (10 marks)

1 Jack spends a lot of time seeing TV. _______________ 2 Dont forget to make your homework. _______________ 3 Im going to swim around the river to the other side. _______________ 4 My mum is a really good cooker. _______________ 5 Ive break my mp3 player. _______________ 6 Be careful! Youll bruised your leg. _______________ 7 I spend my money in a bank because I want to buy a new bike next year. _______________ 8 Mmm, this food is very naughty. _______________ 9 Sam won the tournament tennis. _______________ 10 Mozart was a great compose. _______________


1 Complete the sentences using the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in the box. (6 marks)

be have rain travel play wear

1 2 3 4 5 6

My dad _______________ breakfast at seven oclock every morning. Sam _______________ around Europe now. Oh, no! It _______________ ! I need my umbrella. I _______________ a teacher. I work in a school. They _______________ tennis on Saturdays. She _______________ her new shoes today.

2 Complete the text using past simple or past continuous forms of the verbs in the box. There is one verb you do not need. (7 marks)


call cycle


have x 2 play watch

I had a terrible day yesterday! First I sprained my ankle while I (1) _____________________ football. Then my dad collected me, and we nearly (2) _____________________ an accident in the car while we (3) _____________________ home. Then Sam (4) _____________________ me on my mobile phone to invite me to a party, but I didnt hear the phone because I (5) _____________________ a shower. And finally, the TV (6) _____________________ while I (7) _____________________ my favourite programme! 3 Write present perfect sentences. (8 marks)

1 they / buy / a new TV

2 she / not go / Scotland

3 you / ever / eat / Chinese food / ?

4 you / ever / play / table tennis / ?

5 I / pass / my exams

6 we / drive / around Europe

7 they / see / the new James Bond film / ?

8 Matt / not phone / me

Complete the sentences using will or be going to and the verbs in the box. (7 marks)

be become get not go save

have meet

1 2 3

I __________________ Luke at the caf tomorrow. I think the weather __________________ better tomorrow. I think she __________________ a famous painter.

4 5 6 7 5

I __________________ a job in the summer holidays because I need some money. She __________________ a baby soon. It should be born next month. I think he __________________ his money. He doesnt usually spend much. I __________________ to the swimming pool. Its closed today. Complete the sentences with can, cant, could or couldnt and the verbs. (6 marks)


dance play ride speak


1 2 3 4

He _________________ tennis very well. Hes won a lot of trophies. I _________________ a bike when I was younger, but I can now. They _________________ the mountain today because the weather is very bad. My mum _________________ five languages. Shes very clever.

5 My grandmother _________________ very well when she was younger. She loved Flamenco. 6 I dont go to the swimming pool because I _________________.

Correct the sentences. One sentence is correct.

1 You must to take your passport when you travel to different countries. ____________ 2 You should doing exercise every day. ________________ 3 You no must use your mobile phone here. Its not allowed. ________________ 4 You shouldnt talk to him. Hes not friendly. ________________ 5 You must studying if you want to pass. ________________ 6 They should to not make a lot of noise in the museum. ________________

Complete the sentences with some, any, much or many.

1 2

The village is very tidy. There isnt _______ litter. I havent got _______ money with me today. I

can only buy a drink. 3 4 8 There werent _______ people at the concert only about thirty. There are _______ open spaces in the town, but not many.

Complete the sentences with the indefinite pronouns in the box.

anyone anything

anywhere someone

something somewhere

1 2 3 4 5 6

Im going _______ with my friends later. Has _______ seen my mobile phone? I cant find it. Is there _______ we can play football in the town? I havent bought _______ for Toms birthday. Im meeting _______ at the cinema tonight. Theres _______ in my shoe! It hurts!

1 Read the text and answer the questions. Write full sentences. Life at boarding school Some children in Britain go to boarding schools, where they study and also live. What is life like at boarding school? Liam, who is fourteen, started boarding school when he was thirteen. I didnt want to leave home, he says, but Im very happy here now. I remember

the first week clearly it was horrible! I felt very upset and lonely. But everyone was very friendly, and now Ive got a lot of friends. Liam shares a room with another student. Ive got my own bed and desk, where I keep my laptop, but we use the same wardrobe. So, what are the good things about boarding school? The facilities are very good, says Liam. I love doing science because there are good science laboratories. Also boarding school helps you to grow up. I make my bed every morning and tidy my room I never did that at home. And the bad things? Theres always a lot of noise! says Liam. 1 When did Liam first go to boarding school?

How did Liam feel in his first week?

What has Liam got in his room?

What subject does Liam enjoy? Why?

What problem does Liam mention?

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