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ORDO Kalendarium Februarius 2014 Archidioecesis Britanniarum Regnum: Veteris Roman Catholic Ecclesi in Europa

KEY: 2a Secunda Oratio 3a Tertia Oratio Al. Allelja Ap. Apostoli App. Appendix BMV. Beat Mari Virginis

KEY con't: Com. Communis Comm. Commemoratio Conf. Confessoris Cr. Credo Doc. Doctoris Eccl. Ecclesia

Ep. Episcopi Gl. !loria Grad. !raduale Heb. "e#domadam Mm. Mart$rum orum Mart. Mart$ris Nat. Dies %atalis

!". &e'uiescat (n )ace #rat. Orationi#us "ap. )ap "r. )rfatio "re$b. )res#$teris "rop. )ropria um V%r&. Virginis

'(ad. *uadragesima )oc. Sociorum *emp. Temporum *r. Tractus +E. +ltimum E,angelium

Ke,: D+"-E. MA/+)0 ! D(ple1 !! SD Semi-Duplex S. Simplex .9 4eria V( infra "e#0 Dom (V )ost Epip5aniam Missa 'dor(te Deum 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum

./ S0 (gnatii Episcopi et Mart$ris SD Missa Mihi autem Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a BMV II 3a pro Eccl. .: ).C(t5mann% Anac5oret% Missa Prop. *uis da)it mihi Gl. Pr. de Com.

.1 !N
"+ !2!CA*!#NE BEA*3 MA !3 V! G!N!)

Be edictio Ca delarum et Missa Susc!pimus Gl. Cr. Pr. de "ati#itate .; Dominica V )ost Epip5aniam SD Missa 'dor(te Deum Cr. Pr. de +ri itatis ,rat.+emp. assi- atis 2a Com. S. 'pollo ia VM 3a ' cu ctis /8 Dominica (n Septuagesima Missa2 Circumdederu t Cr. Pr. de +ri itatis. ,rat.+emp. assi- atis 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus. 12 Dominica Sexagesima SD Missa Exs0r-e Cr. Pr. de +ri itatis Comm. S. Blasii Episcopi% Ep. & Mart. ,rat.+emp. assi- atis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus.

.2 ). -a(rent%% Cant(ar Ep. 4 Conf. Missa Sacerd$tes tui Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a Comm. S. Blasii Episcopi% Ep. & Mart.

.3 4eria ((( infra "e#0 Dom (V )ost Epip5aniam Missa 'dor(te Deum 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Nat. Mgr J Lloyd OSJV

.6 S0 Agat5 Virg0 7 Mart0 SD Missa Gaude(mus om es Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum

.8 S0 Doret5e Virg0 7 Mart$ris S. Missa Me expecta#!ru t Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum

/. 4eria (( infra "e#0 Dom V )ost Epip5aniam Missa 'dor(te Deum 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum /9 4eria (( infra "e#0 Septuagesimae Missa2 Circumdederu t Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus. 13 ). Matt5%7 Apo$tol% Missa Mihi autem Gl. Cr. Pr. de 'postolis Comm.

// S0 !il#erti Conf0 SD Missa .ustus ut palma Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum

/1 ). Bened%ct% B%$cop%6 Abbat%$ Missa ,s /usti de com. '))atum Gl. Pr. de Com.

/2 4eria V infra "e#0 Dom V )ost Epip5aniam Missa 'dor(te Deum 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum 1. 4eria V infra "e#0 Septuagesimae Missa2 Circumdederu t Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus. 19 4eria V infra "e#0 Sexagesima Missa Exs0r-e Pr. de Com. ,ratio i)us +emporum assi- atis 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus

/3 S0 Valentini M S. Missa I #irt0te Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum

/6 Sanct Mari Sa##ato Missa Prop. III Sal#e sa cta Gl. Pr. de BMV 2a Comm. SS. 1austi i et .o#itae 3a ' cu ctis 11 !N CA*HED A ). "E* ! A". AN*!#CH!3 Missa Statuit ei Domi us Gl. Cr. Pr. de 'postolis. Comm. S. Pauli% 'p.

/: S0 Simeonis 4austini Ep0 et Mart0 S. Missa I #irt0te Gl. Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum

/; 4eria (V infra "e#0 Septuagesimae Missa2 Circumdederu t Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus. 18 ). 3t5elbert%6 e&%$ 4 Conf. Missa ,s /usti de Com. "o Po t. I Gl. Pr. de Com.

1/ 4eria V( infra "e#0 Septuagesimae Missa2 Circumdederu t Pr. de Com. 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus. Dcn Eric Bilton RIP 1: 4eria V( infra "e#0 Sexagesima Missa Exs0r-e Pr. de Com. ,ratio i)us +emporum assi- atis 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus

16 4eria (( infra "e#0 Sexagesima Missa Exs0r-e Pr. de Com. ,ratio i)us +emporum assi- atis 2a ' cu ctis 3a 'd li)itum Be edicamus

ORDO Kalendarium Februarius 2014 Archidioecesis Britanniarum Regnum: Veteris Roman Catholic Ecclesi in Europa
NO$A B!N!% andlemass% The blessing of Candles is of obligation in all public Oratories where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved irrespective of canonical status e g whether missionar!" parochial or religious" permanent or temporar! (dispensation should be sought or Reser!ation "here this is the case# The blessing of Candles as per the #issal and the minimum ceremonial of the Me$oriale Rituu$ should be observed $or the edification of the $aithful" the blessing of throats customar! for St Blaise%s &a! (see belo"# ma! be given toda! #t Blaise&s Da' (commemoration)* Februar' + rd% Blessing of Candles and throats as per the Rituale Ro$anu$ (see %ppendi&# ta'es place immediatel! after the #ass" the celebrant removing the maniple( the two candles used for blessing the throats should be tied together with red ribbon in such a wa! as to affect scissors (and $ay be blessed at 'andle$ass# #t uthman&s Da'* Februar' ,th% )s co*patron of the Susse+ #ission" this feast has a commemorated octave in the South East #ission .!#IMA% from Septuagesima Sunda! ,$eb onwards on $erial da!s note that the dismissal at #ass is (Benedica$us Do$ino) (Let us bless the Lord#" e+cept on &ouble $easts when the (*loria in e&celsis) has been said Oratio 2a )d poscenda suffragia Sanctorum ,$or the intercession of the Saints/ i e 0% cunctis nos) etc+ Oratio +a pre )sh 1ednesda! generall! Pro Ecclesia (,or the 'hurch# or ad libitu$( post )sh 1ednesda! Pro Vi!is et De unctis (,or the Li!ing and the Dead#+ Ash /ednesda'% #arch .th: The blessing of )shes precedes #ass as per the #issal Ad0ance Notes re1 2ent% 3ro4er 3re1ace is of 2ent after )sh 1ednesda! instead of the Common 3reface4of the Trinit! unless stipulated in the Ordo 2enten Feria offices are privileged and ta'e precedence over all other offices unless stipulated b! the Ordo" in which case the 2enten $eria is alwa!s commemorated with its Collects and its 5ospel as the Last *ospel Gloria in excelsis is never recited unless the #ass be of a &ouble $east as per the Ordo Additional Oratio(super Populu$) ,over the people/ after the 3ost*Communion Collect,s/ Benedicamus Domino concludes #ass instead of (Ite $issa est) e+cept on &ouble $easts when the (*loria in e&celsis) has been said Monda's in 2ent" the &ail! office of the &ead should be said ,Vespers after Vespers 66 of Sunda! and then #attins and 2audes of the &ead after 2audes/ unless impeded b! a feast of 7 lessons /ednesda's in 2ent" the 5radual 3salms ,3salms --7*-88/ should be said before #attins" unless impeded b! a feast of 7 lessons Frida's in 2ent" the Seven 3entitential 3salms ,3salms ." 8-" 89" :;" -;-" -<7" and -=</ should be recited after 2auds" and are commended for dail! recitation during the 2enten Season Re5uiem "oti0e Masses are not permitted during the 2enten season saving on the da! of death" anniversaries and burials 3assion "oti0e Masses for $rida!s are not permitted without dispensation for public Oratories and dispensation will onl! be given for one such votive #ass Fasting and total abstinence 1rom meat: )sh 1ednesda!" all $rida!s" and all Saturda!s: this means 8 meatless meals * with the two smaller meals not e>ualling in si?e the main meal of the da! * and no snac'ing Fasting and 4artial abstinence 1rom meat : #onda!s" Tuesda!s" 1ednesda!s ,e+cept )sh 1ednesda!/" and Thursda!s: this means three meals * with the two smaller meals not e>ualling in si?e the main meal of the da! * and no snac'ing" but meat can be eaten at the principle meal An o4tional dis4ensation granting rela+ation from $asting on &ouble $easts in addition to Sunda!s is generall! offered for all b! the #etropolitan )rchbishop

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