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1 Maxine Tarnow (Loeffler) is walking her boys to school. Sun is shining through the treetops. Otis and Ziggy.

We can see examples of great poverty and equally great technological advancements (automated steel shutters, new kiddie scooters). Even the poor people gather beer and soda bottles, These are very modern resources, to be sure. The school is named after a psychoanalyst who was expelled from Freuds inner circle for his theories about human life cycle and the psychological disorders that accompany them. According to him, sanity could only be attained with death (Otto Kugelblitz). He emigrated to the US and built up quite a reputation for himself as a psychological aide for the high-and-mighty. To thank the guy, theyve built a school and shared with him some of the profits. Every class is qualified as a different mental condition a loony bin without homework. Bruce Winterfall is the principal. He seems like a real sleaze ball. Vyrva McElmo, a friend in need with a weird name. She has some work to do and asks Maxine to take care of her daughter for a few hours. Her getup indicates that something serious is afoot (at least in regards to her career). She doesnt have a day job. Her husband (Justin) and his pal have a little enterprise that managed to avoid the .com disaster. They are doing okay on the financial level. Maybe more than ok. Her agency is located in an old bank building that, over the years, has seen many illegal activities. Daytona Lorrain her dialog lines give off a strong racist vibe. I take it shes black? Uncle Dizzy a low-rank fraudster who specializes in inventory fraud and never learns from his mistakes. Nothing can set him straight. Britney Spears and Wonder Woman references, thats nice. Hes artificially inflating his inventory with empty boxes but Maxine can easily see through his tricks. 2 Reg Despard Used to be a movie pirate until a crazed academician got infatuated with his work and turned him into a big shot who could make his own flicks. Now hes running a documentary on some company but hes been experiencing some access issues. Its almost impossible to gain access to their company files (specifically the accounting ones), everything is stashed away in Deep Web. They are a computer security firm called hashslingrz. Maybe they are dealing with something more than embezzlement here. It might be some deep conspiracy! She met Reg on a cruise, in the wake of her separation from Horst Loeffler. Turns out her cruise ship was a gathering place the American Borderline Personality Disorder Association. Fun times. Reg was there doing a documentary. Obsessive stamp collectors, obsessive Dynasty fans, people suffering from Generic Undiagnosed James Bond Syndrome Reg thinks shes part of the staff. Shes unwilling to tell him about her personal problems. These people like to visit literal geographical borderlines, its a different one every year. They went ashore, got blitzed and did some very stupid things. Perhaps they were things of sexual nature, but its hard to remember. They constantly bring up the name of this real estate maniac called Joe Weiner. She might have done it with him. It being the sexual act, obviously. He was somehow responsible for taking away her CFE (Certified Fraud Investigator) license. She gave away some classified trade secrets and some people didnt like that very much. It was against their Code of Conduct, or something. They did give her a chance for an appeal, though. And she seems to overanalyze the hell out of their Association seal. Secret anarchist messages she never did, though. Kept coming up with various excuses. 3 They have a short dialog about alcohol abuse and drugs. Apparently Daytona comes from Jamaica and shes got some racist opinions of her own. Maxines husband was cheating on her with a woman named after a cheap cigar brand. She got the apartment, he got a classic car in cherry condition. Then he tried to hit it off with one of her friends. Turns out it was he who got her into the Fraud

Investigation business in the first place. Not only is she a strong independent woman who DONT NEED NO MAN, shes also Jewish. How many demographics can you possibly pander to? He kept paying her money just to keep her silent. No clue if the silence he kept buying was connected to some of his financial exploits, or if he just started to hate the sound of her voice at some point. The second option, I think. Heidi is rather egocentric, believing herself to be a princess in her own private fairytale. And Maxine is her wacky sidekick who always gets the real work done when nobody is looking. She has Galician roots. Not Polish, mind you. When they were teens, they used to spy on people living in a very impressive building across the street. All the disconnected lives going on in parallel. Later Maxine took on a more gothic approach. Other buildings might be haunted, but this one appeared to be an undead construct itself. Even after it had been made available to the public, Heidi didnt want anything to do with it, claiming that it was cursed. Its interesting to find out that such superstitious beliefs were still blooming in the 80s. 4 Even her emotherapist is a fraud - dropout who also happens to be a passionate but not very talented surfer. His web biography is completely made up of lies and yet hes still able to trick many NY yuppies and afford a very luxurious lifestyle. Where other therapists of this sort quote sutras, he seems to be more invested in sitcom reruns from the 70s. This borders on obsession, as he provide summaries for most of them, if necessary. Hows this guy even able to afford a living? His emotional state also doesnt match the one youd expect from a spirit guide. She picks up one of her kids from school . The Aggro Hour shows us two superheroes who arent very heroic at all. Disrespect is a muscle-bound, hyperactive thug, the other one is a reckless, polluting kid (Contaminator). Is this supposed to be a jab at childrens programming? At the innumerable comic book antiheroes, so popular in the 90s? Either way, no moral or ethical values to pass here. Even Maxine isnt too enthusiastic about this cartoon. And then she feeds them health-food Cheetos and diet soda, proving that she cant even properly nourish her son and failing as a mother. Ziggy comes back from his martial arts class. He has a crush on his female instructor. Then they decide to play a shooter. Some existential drama comes into play. The videogames are violence issue comes into the fore. Killing an abusive parent doesnt make the problem go away for the abused child. Lives cant be translated into points etc. As if disabling the gore option makes it any less severe or dehumanizing. They are beta testing it for some bloke, its supposed to be his love letter to the Big Apple. Maxine actually gets hooked too, but shes reluctant to admit it. Vyrva comes in to pick up her little girl. A momapproved FPS. Her husband and Lucas are giving it away as a freebie, bundled with another one of their programs. One that everybody wants to get their hands on (DeepArcher). Gabriel Ice, the big wig at hashslingrz made her an offer to buy this source code of theirs. Vyrva might be cheating on her husband with his best friend. Shes also obsessed with Beanie Babies, using her own daughters room to stockpile them and then sell them on the side. When the time comes, they wont be worth much to collectors, because they lack any sort of packaging. And shes not preserving them either. 5 She decides to investigate the company, the numbers dont add up and they are sending money to some made-up contractors. The payments continue even after one of them goes out of business. She heads there - to the place that used to be the bankrupt companys office. The building looks nice and welcoming. The office is empty, well almost. She can hear the Tetris theme playing and someone gasping anxiously. As if shes entered a time warp and been confronted by some sort of nineties work-office ghost. One wasting untold person hours in front of his monitor, playing silly games. Its a young woman, she used to be a temp at the company back in the day. She proceeds to

ask the girl questions, claiming to be a representative of a victimized company. The girls name is Driscoll, they go out for a drink together. Shes a freelance web-page designer and a temp code writer. Shes in high demand and doesnt have any concerns about looting other peoples Photoshop filters. Maxine claims to be from hashslingrz, turns out that Driscoll has temped there once or twice too. Her cover almost gets blown, they continue to talk about Ices eccentric parties and his dickhead attitude. The company tends to blackmail hacker-wannabes into doing their bidding, training them in Arabic and shipping them East. What for? Who knows. Are they to become soldiers in a cyber-war? There are secret government contracts out there and everybodys after them. Seems like Bush is getting ready to one-up his daddy. The jocks have the drive to thrive, the nerds dont they tend to lose out, no matter how much knowledge they actually possess. Jocks rule on Wall street, successful nerds are just window-dressings. MurrayNMorris, a beauty parlor run by two demented trichologists. Killing chickens, giving meat facials, that sort of thing. Gold diggers dont go for nerd billionaires anymore, simply because there arent enough to go around. Two guys are observing our heroines. In a fierce way. They might be cops. The girls part ways and both of the guys decide to tail Maxine. She takes a cab and goes to Times Square, which has been Disneyfied during Giulianis presidency. Theyve made it sterile and removed much of its gritty charm. Should I perceive this alien invader joke as a reference to They Live? After many evasive actions shes able to lose her tail. But they probably know where she lives, anyway. 6 A guest speaker came to their school and gave a speech about how the Bush family is engaged in some sort of business with the terrorists. March (thats her name) was some sort of social activist back in the day, fighting against the injustice of landlords towards their tenants. She was leading a picket and thats where she met Maxine. Maxie was a young girl at that time, trying to get her degree. Culture attracts the worst impulses of the moneyed, it has no honor, it begs to be suburbanized and corrupted. Maxines parents also used to be demonstrators. Inducing racial hate keeps the wages down and rent up. Altman-Z a formula used to check if a company will go bankrupt in the next two years, Ice has been using it a lot on small dotcom businesses. Regs wizard friend is getting freaked out more and more as the time goes on. Hes been probing the Deep Web and came across some very secure and mysterious archive. He cant get access yet. Ice is said to run the security department himself. Reg has some relationship problems, apparently his ex is moving out to Seattle with her new partner. He wont be able to see his daughters if he doesnt come up with something nice. Illegal solutions arent really an option here. She goes on to confront the VC of the belly-up company and he openly admits that Gabriel Ice might be behind all of this. He uses these likely to be defunct enterprises to move his funds around inconspicuously. Rocky crosses paths with Ice occasionally, but they dont really hang around that much. He asks if Maxine is running this investigation on spec and decides to give her a little financial boost. Hed probably like to have some private time with her. They go out to lunch instead, and he spends a lot of time arguing with the waiter about the correct pronunciation of Italian (?) words. Some mysterious benefactor put the money up for the soon-to-be-bankrupt company. She thinks that Rockys company may have something to do with it, but he denies everything, turning her suggestion into a joke. 7 She goes to have a look at the DeepArcher program, taking Otis with her. Fiona and Otis go to play with her Barbie-like mall set, but they use it for really dark scenarios, introducing DBZ action figures into the mix and giving the main heroine a more action-oriented identity. Lucas also shows up, although a bit late, he was trying to get a hold of some new strain of weed. So they sit down and

explain to her where they got their influences from. Games, GITS, Akira, Kojima that sort of stuff. Then they argue about different definitions of the word avatar. Geeks dont really do the metaphysical, at least thats what the programmers wife claims. I dont agree. Then we get a bit of exposition telling us how the two geeks met. They passed their finals together and graduated from Stanford as best buds. They had a lot of trouble finding VCs to back them up. They moved to NY from California in order to start their business. There they were able to get a lot of founding. Even from the guys known as Voorhees and Krueger named after famous horror characters, it would seem. Our two geeks were like the pioneers of old, venturing into unknown territory and coming out on top. At some point they even got upgraded to minor subculture celebrities. As the dotcom crash came along, Justin was doing pretty well. The same cant be said about Lucas, who made some really dubious investments. Originally they wanted to create a virtual sanctuary that would allow people to escape from the discomforts of the real world. A virtual Eden, accessible by keyboard. Creative differences arose, one of them wanted it to be sunny and idyllic, the other version had a more noir vibe to it. They show her the program, the splash-screen is meh, but once the real thing starts it looks amazing. It has breath-taking, almost real-life graphics that make FFX look like an Etch A Sketch. Shes in some sort of lounge, waiting for her train (?) to depart . Everyone knows her by name. She gets lost in the experience, everythings so richly detailed and realistic. Countless quests and interaction options surround her. The Alice in Wonderland comparison seems unavoidable, mainly because of the abyss (rabbit hole) at the beginning. She takes the train and eventually clicks on something that she shouldnt have. It teleports her character to a dark and gloomy place, unfinished and giving of a malevolent vibe. This, of course snaps her back to reality. Their program is stored in the Deep Web. Whats known as bleeding-edge technology, says Lucas. No proven use, high risk, something only early-adoption addicts feel comfortable with. Its based on an anonymous remailer of Finish origin. What remailers do is pass data packets on from one node to the next with only enough information to tell each link in the chain where the next one is, no more. Deep Archer goes even further, but the details are sketchy. Its constantly shifting, keeping no records and impossible to trace. 8 Reg thinks hes being followed by someone. His tech wiz has a wire hidden in the back office of hashslingrz. In a goddamn FURBY. They are using this Hawala thing to get the money out of the country. They have dodgy linkages all over the map, the headquarters of this Hawala is located in Dubai. Something more serious than simple fraud is taking place here! Shes gonna have to meet this Wiz in person. Then she goes to a shady restaurant where she finds Lucas, who just broke up with his girlfriend. Or whatever. He asks Maxine to check on her. So she goes downstairs, to check on Cassidy and they end up talking about Deep Archer for some reason. Turns out Cassidy designed some of the elements. She also used to work for the company that went belly-up. Lucas didnt even give her his real name, how sick is that? Shes underage, like REALLY underage. She did all of the coding in some weird inspirational/existential haze, probably influence by some supernatural/alien presence or something. He really needs to start paying her royalties. 9 Someones falsifying receipts at a restaurant chain called Muffins and Unicorns using phantom ware and sale suppression devices. The interesting thing for Maxine about zapper fraud is the face-to-face element. You dont learn it from a manual, because theres nothing in print. Features written into the software that you dont find in the manual are meant instead to be passed on in person, orally, from cash-register vendor to user. Like warped magical lore passed from rouge rabbis to apprentices in kabbalah. Secret knowledge. One of the owners might be responsible. People who pass this info on

often turn out to be teenagers, Maxine even met one on her business trip to Montreal. While talking to him, she pretended to be interested in some hidden delete functions of their software. Apparently, she used to gather data on this guy, she might have also slept with him. And now the DAs office is likely to come down on him. She doesnt exactly care, though. Reg cant sleep, they meet for an early breakfast. While doing his documentary, he stumbled into a room that he should have left alone. Once inside, he saw a ton of Arabic dudes and got some footage of them. Then Ice summoned him to his office and wanted to know if he captured anything on tape. Reg, of course, denied. Now hes scared out of his wits. Horst comes to visit, they sit at the same table, exchanging pleasantries. He has a little chit-chat with one of the boys, she tells him how they are doing at school, that sort of nonsense. They order take out and watch a movie together (one that Pynchon made up, starring Walken). The kids love their father, no two words about it. He takes them to a restaurant at the WTC. They go to see a school play, Maxines mother isnt exactly fond of Horst, shes always complaining. Hes gonna take the boys on West with him, they will be able to visit some arcades. They go to their grandparents house to talk about opera, eat cakes and watch taped episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Brooke the name of Maxines sister. Ernie, Elaine her parents. Now who the hell is Avi? Avram her husband. Some government agency has been asking questions about him and Maxines name also came up. Her dad had a little ideological quarrel with the agent (The day the Earth stood still, communist propaganda etc.). Instead of telling his girls bedtime stories, he told them political ones, about demonic republicans. 10 She meets Windust on a rainy day and they go to a Chinese-Dominican caf. He tells her about Promis, a program designed for federal prosecutors to share data among the district courts. He ignores her accusations of racism and carries on. Turns out this software has a backdoor installed and anyone who knows about it has unhindered access to everything. Turns out these Mossad bastards are really clever, because they also install data-storing chips without informing the owners. So Avram might have been working on the chips or the software. He might be a Mossad sleeper agent. She, of course wants nothing to do with it, wont tell him anything. They know about her investigation, if there is a fraud issue theyd like to know about it. He leaves her with the check. Afterwards she has a dream about him, or rather about his penis. A talking penis wearing a football helmet wow. Just wow. Maxines Afro-American delivery boy shows up and gives her a USB thingy. It has Windusts dossier on it, hes not FBI after all. More like a neoliberal terrorist. Hes been doing a lot of dirty work in Argentina (kidnappings, interrogations etc.). Motivated by raw ideology, not in it for the money. So they forced him into a highly specific agreement, every time an asset goes private, he has to buy a share. Hes been to other countries too, even engaged in a spousal scenario with a very young girl from Guatemala. His file doesnt mention her again, though and he got relocated quickly. Is Marvin (the delivery guy) some sort of otherworldly messenger? He always shows up with the things she needs. Who wanted her to see that USB gizmo? Ice? The feds? Windust himself? 11 She goes to the graduation ceremony to listen to Marchs speech. A parable that no ones supposed to get. Is this about the US government and how it tries to do its work? March and Maxine need to talk. So the honorary speaker invites her to grab something to eat. Nothing lasts forever in this town and the joint they are sitting in isnt going to last long either. In her opinion, the dotcomers are worse than real estate developers. Information needs to be free! She also has it in for her estranged son-in-law, Mr. Ice. Thats why shes intrigued to find out that Maxine is working on the hashslingrz

case. She tells her everything and it turns out that Ice is very tight with the US government, possibly even doing some contracts for them. Like the ones that are supposed to be surfacing in the Deep Web. The Montauk Project. Ice? Try power-hungry little CIA-groupie jerkoff. She lost her daughter, Tallis, to the corporate machine that she hates so much. And so, she asks Maxine to check up on our little comptroller. She agrees, what does she have to lose? 12 Tallis doesnt blow her off. She goes for her weekly appointment with Shawn first and tells him about Horst. She takes a taxi, her driver turns out to be a religious nut that makes all Christians look bad. No logic, no reason, pure hate. Shes not very eager to retaliate against him though, even if he did start cursing at Jews at some point. Hes making preparations for something and so she decides to leg it before its too late. She covers the rest of the distance on foot. The Ice residence is huge and air conditioned. Shes dressed to kill expensive fashions, impressive jewelry. One things for certain, she doesnt lack style. Although her voice has a chipmunk vibe to it. Some men find that attractive, though. She knows what her mothers up to. The accusations on her blog are a regular thing. They hate each other, its no secret. That doesnt mean shes wrong about the money though, and Tallis openly admits it. When she tries to confront Gabe about it, he gets evasive. Maybe hes the one whos responsible? Mrs. Maxine, would you mind looking into this issue? She thinks shes getting played, so she decides to bail out ASAP. March, if you dont like this shithole-of-a-city, then why dont you go live someplace else? She shares what shes learned with March. They go to meet her grandson. Their conversation doesnt last long, she gifts him some Pokmon cards, then his ride arrives to pick him up. Maxine goes out with Horst to get some ice cream. They dont have his flavor, and he starts to freak out. Marvin shows up out of nowhere with two quarts of the stuff. Strange, since its been discontinued long ago. Maybe he really does have supernatural traits? He also hands her a video cassette. You cant even contact the guy. He comes to you. How mysterious. 13 So, Horst is taking the kids with him for a while, theyll get the chance to visit their other grandparents. Flight attendants are like nuns of the sky. After seeing them off, she meets Vyrva and Justin they are going to some hackers convention. And Fiona is at an anime camp. But what does the Quake movie have to do with anime? Huh. Loves Nickel Defense another made up movie, an Afro American romance. Of all people, Ice calls her office, starts talking about the harsh treatment hes been getting from March. He wants to make the mother-mother-in-law back off, but Maxine isnt exactly willing to help him. He hangs up, highly irritated. She goes to meet Rocky, hes conversing with some Russian guy with a yuppie vibe paranoid of cops, sporting who relatives who play Doom on portable consoles. His name is Igor, by the way, and hes from Spetsnaz. He consults her about some swindler who happens to be a business partner of his acquaintances. She tells him to bail out as soon as possible. These two gamers are also into hip-hop. Next she heads for the pool at the top of the Deseret building, and gets into a haunted elevator. It takes her to a random floor and she meets Reg. Ice is one of the owners of this place. Reg got fired off the movie, his apartment got broken into and almost all of his footage was stolen. And so, its no wonder that Reg decides to back off from this little investigation. He doesnt need this nonsense. Before he bails, they reference the Bionic Woman TV series, which is actually a real thing, a spinoff from The Ten Million Dollar Man. 14 Now shes digging into Darklinear Solutions, a fiber (cabling) company tied to hashslingrz. All the monetary transactions between them are kept under wraps even when there is absolutely no need for that. She heads for their HQ and meets Tallis, who previously denied having any knowledge

about the place. So she follows her in a cab, torments some poor doorman and gets a lot of info on the guy Tallis was with. Is she cheating on Ice, or something? Rocky invites Maxine to the Lucky-18 karaoke bar. Some business nonsense, singing, talking about Jewish haggling talents when it comes to shopping. She has a very intellectual dialog about the name of the club they happen to be in, two nerds start arguing about tables and CSS. She has a talk with Lester, he used to work for the belly-up company. The argument with the nerd-wannabe was actually about leaking information, or something along those lines. She sings a song and they call it a night. 15 There is a black limo parked outside of her office. It belongs to Igor, who decided to drop by. March is with him. Because Maxine helped his associates with their little problem, he tries to hand her a bag full of money. Then she gets in the car and they discuss drug trafficking. Igor has been Marchs husbands client for a while now. So, March is an in-between, the middle-man (woman?). She picks up the cash and, if everything checks out, she gets the drugs for the client. Both of them take the subway and arrive at a ghetto-like neighborhood. They mid Sid, he doesnt look like your typical drug dealer. After hes done some lollygagging on the dance floor with Maxi, they take his boat from the marina and head out. DEA boats seem to be following them, but Sid shakes them off without any real problems. He uses a garbage dump as their hiding place. They start talking about Ice. Was he corrupted by outside forces? Or by the dotcom boom itself? Tallis parents seem to believe in the former. He drops both of the women off once hes sure that no ones following them anymore. They take a bus, grab a few minutes of sleep. Maxine has one of her crazy dreams again, something about a volcano thats about to erupt. Maxine asks March about what was happening in Guatemala back in 1982. Reagans buddies fueled their anti-commie fantasies using the native populations suffering as fuel. Most people who found employment there were cold-hearted butchers. Windust, anyone? 16 She decides to examine the connection between hashslingrz and the webpage making site more closely. The money shortage leads to Lesters account. Has he been siphoning money off hashslingrz? He discovered the secret river of money flowing through his soon-to-be-defunct company and decided to keep some of it for himself. She decides to get to him first, before anybody else can. He wants her to talk to Ice about this, to tell him that Lesters gonna pay him back the first chance he gets. With interest. Hes still not telling her something though. They part ways. She still hasnt watched the VHS cassette. POV shot of some road trip, stopping by something that, at first, seems like a roadhouse. It quickly turns into some kind of porn tape. Three people, Bruno, some skank called Shae and even Vip Epperdew. Small world. Its not exactly high quality material. They stop halfway to play around with Vips credit cards. He seems to have fallen on some hard times, maybe hes even check-kiting now, who knows. She ejects the tape and decides to do some meditative channel surfing. Maxine realizes that her own fantasies arent really that impressive either. Felix might have been the camera man (the guy who was supposed to take care of Lester during the karaoke event). She calls him and his accent is nearly identical. 17 She grabs her piece, rents a car and decides to visit the (porn) movie set. Shes not into county but Slay May Goodnight is fine. Making a stop at Juniors Ooh-La-Lounge she goes in to snoop around. Bruno and Shaes place has been torched, the locals think it was Ices doing. Was he getting his kicks there too? Did someone try to blackmail him because of it? One of the guys (Randy) takes her to visit the site its a complete loss. Then, pretending to be a couple, they try to infiltrate Ices retreat.

Non-linear, thats for sure. Supernatural elements tangled up with the technological ones. A mention of a possible conspiracy, created by the Bush presidency. Drift into a pick? Stoop weranda/ganek. Brownstone budynek z piaskowca. Double-take to look at something twice. The first look occurs without any expectations, then we quickly glance back, often with a look of surprise on our face. Rolodex a rotating file device used to stock contact information. Triage a sorting procedure, an act of sifting through random stuff. Breather a person who breathes in an audible way. Indictment A formal accusation. oskarenie. Day tripper someone who travels to a tourist site for a single day. Cheongsam body-hugging one-piece dress for women. Traditional (stereotypical) Chinese clothing. Check kiting making use of non-existing funds. It involves two accounts in different banks, both with insufficient funds. One is supposed to cover the other. Shegetz non-Jewish boy or a young man Proselytize to try and convert someone to a different set of religious beliefs. Repartee a swift and clever/witty reply. Postnuptial agreement a written contract executed after a couple gets married in order to sort out their affairs and financial assets in the case of a separation or divorce. Kvetch a person who always complains/ is a natural malcontent. Feckless Weak, spineless, not trustworthy. Comptroller a management level position, a financial controller. Someone who oversees accounting. Surf Bunny a surfer chick, who hangs around surfers or works at the beach. Shtup push or nudge in German, American slang for fornication/sexing it up. Trawl to fish using a special device called a trawl. Evil Empire As in Microsoft? Pari passu of equal step, ranking equally. Snood a type of archaic headgear, a hair net of sorts. To step off the line to back off, to give in, to stop ones efforts Chutzpah utter nerve, effrontery. Move to Seattle to be written out of a script, soap opera jargon. VC Venture Capital, cash provided for high-risk, high-reward companies during their startup. Jitney an archaic name for a nickel. Per diem a daily allowance of expenses. On spec using money risked in the hope of profit, on speculation. Quant A person who works finance, using numerical or quantitative techniques. Sumptuous richly decorated, finally detailed, luxurious, opulent. Lai a garland, a daisy chain, a ring of flowers that you put on your head etc. Hawala an informal value transfer system based on the performance and honor of the bookers. Fairy ring a pixie circle. A naturally occurring ring, usually somewhere on a meadow. Made out of mushrooms, said to have a connection to the realm of Fay. Convection current the flow of a fluid (or air) caused by the heating and cooling of the previously mentioned substance. Sherpa a member of a traditionally Buddhist people of Tibetan descent, known as guides on mountaineering expeditions. Tubeside- in front of the TV Shviger Yiddish for mother in-law. Sonorous Deep and resonant, stylish

Leviticus The third book of Hebrew bible, there is a quote there about pork being unclean. Rug rider - derogatory term for a person of Middle Eastern/East Indian descent. To plotz to collapse/faint Discombobulate to astound, shock, surprise, make someone fall to pieces. To conflate bring together, meld, fuse, make one. Stanchion a vertical bar/rod used as a support. Carded asked for ID. At a club, for example. Eighty-sixed a slang term for getting rid of something, ejecting someone, or refusing service. Avuncular Zaftig Plump and juicy. Unremitted unpardoned, continuously maintained.

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