Hybrid Review Paper Tapan Nahar

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A Modified Approach for Node Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks

Shruti Prabha Shaktawat

M-tech Scholar*, Digital Communication Poornima College of Engineering Jaipur, n!ia "hruti"haktawat#gmail$com

Tapan Nahar
M-tech Scholar*, Digital Communication Poornima College of Engineering Jaipur, n!ia tapan%nahar#gmail$com

Abstract: This paper presents an optimum design technique

of an asymmetric V-dipole antenna. The optimization parameter for the V-dipole is the directivity are the input impedance and directivity. The theoretical analysis has been done using a Moment-Method technique in a very simple step-by-step way and subsequently the !A is applied for obtaining the optimized parameters. "urther analysis for directivity with respect to included angle is given for the !A based optimization problem that gives an important aspect in the design of V-#agi. V-dipole antenna has the merits such as wideband simple feeding networ$ low pro%le compact size with fairly good antenna performances such as return loss pea$ gain and radiation patterns.
&eywords: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), Clustering, Duty cycling, Cluster head, Node deployment and nergy fficiency! "!

"ection "cheme" of power management i" !i"cu""e!$ Section highlight" the propo"e! "cheme an! it" merit"$ 6%erall fin!ing an! opinion i" conclu!e! in "ection '$ $ P62E7 M&N&8EMENT N 2SN"



2irele"" "en"or no!e con"i"t" of four main component" 9:;< +i. a "en"ing "ub"("tem inclu!ing one or more "en"or" +with a""ociate! analog-to-!igital con%erter". for !ata ac3ui"ition* +ii. a proce""ing "ub"("tem inclu!ing a microcontroller an! memor( for local !ata proce""ing* +iii. a ra!io "ub"("tem for wirele"" !ata communication* an! +i%. a power "uppl( unit$ Depen!ing on the "pecific application, "en"or no!e" ma( al"o inclu!e "ome a!!itional component" "uch a" a location fin!ing "("tem to !etermine their po"ition, a mobili=er to change their location or configuration +e$g$, antenna>" orientation.$ The architecture of a t(pical wirele"" "en"or no!e i" "hown in figure /$ 90, :; P62E7 8ENE7&T67

&n antenna ha%ing a '-"hape! arrangement of con!uctor" fe! b( a balance! line at the ape)* the inclu!e! angle, length, an! ele%ation of the con!uctor" are proportione! to gi%e the !e"ire! !irecti%it( i" calle! ' antenna$ Thi" antenna con"i"t" of two wire" forming a ', with the open area of the ' pointing towar! the !e"ire! !irection of tran"mi""ion or reception +,igure -.$ &n ea"ier wa( of con"tructing thi" antenna i" to "lope the leg" !ownwar! from the ape) of the '* thi" i" calle! a "loping-' antenna +,igure /- 01.$ +/. The angle between the leg" %arie" with the length of e leg" in or!er to achie%e minimum performance$ Table /--, page /-//, can be u"e! to !etermine the angle an! the length of the leg"$ +0. 2hen thi" antenna i" u"e! with more than one fre3uenc( or wa%elength, an ape) angle i" u"e! that i" mi!wa( between the e)treme angle" !etermine! b( the chart$ +4. To make the ' antenna ra!iate in onl( one !irection, non-in!ucti%e terminating re"i"tor" are a!!e! from the en! of each leg +not at the ape). to groun!$ The re"i"tor" "houl! be appro)imatel( 511 ohm" an! ha%e a power rating at lea"t half that of the output power of the tran"mitter being u"e!$ The antenna will ra!iate bi-!irectionall(, both front an! back without the re"i"tor"$


D6C&T 6N , NDE7

B & T T E 7 C

C A 6 P P E 7

S E N S 6 7

& D C


7 & D 6


,igure /< &rchitecture of a t(pical wirele"" "en"or no!e$

2irele"" "en"or network" con"ume energ( !uring "en"ing, proce""ing an! tran"mitting "tage$9?; &n! to re!uce the o%erall energ( con"umption of the network an! to make the "("tem life-long !ifferent power management +PM. techni3ue" are u"e! on !ifferent le%el" of the network$9@; $ P76P6SED SCAEME<

There are man( wa(" in which "en"or no!e" can be !eplo(e! in the "en"ing fiel!$ Aere we are gi%ing a h(bri! approach for no!e !eplo(ment i$e$ the no!e" will be !eplo(e! in a "pecial

manner to re!uce the power con"umption$ Pre%iou"l( no!e" were ran!oml( !i"tribute! in a "en"ing fiel! an! all the no!e" were remain acti%e !uring their complete life c(cle an! "en! the !ata to the ba"e "tation in!i%i!uall( or Gointl( accor!ing to the topolog( u"e!$ Aere we u"e the combination of clu"tering techni3ue an! !ut( c(cling techni3ue to make a new approach for "en"or !eplo(ment in "en"ing fiel! which impro%e" the life time of no!e"$ ,ir"tl( we !eplo( the no!e" in a regular fa"hion an! for thi" we "ugge"t the two approache" which are ba"e! on the he)agonal geometr($ n fir"t "cheme in"i!e the he)agonal geometr( we arrange! the no!e" in a gri! mo!e an! in "econ! "cheme we !i%i!e the he)agon in "i) e3uilateral triangle"$ The"e two "cheme" a" "hown in fig$ 0 co%er the ma)imum area an! al"o re!uce the a!Gacent clu"ter interference$

9/; $ ,$ &k(il!i=, T$ Melo!ia, J$7$ Chow!hur(, K& Sur%e( on 2irele"" Multime!ia Sen"or Network"L, Computer Network", 'ol$ 5-, ""ue 4, pp$ H/--H:1, March -4, /11?$ 90;8$ &na"ta"i, M$ Conti, M$ Di ,rance"co, &$ Pa""arella, KEnerg( Con"er%ation in 2irele"" Sen"or Network"L, &! Aoc Network"$ 94;S$ ,a(e an! J$ ,$ M(oupo, K&n ultra hierarchical clu"tering ba"e! "ecure aggregation protocol for wirele"" "en"or network",L Ad#ances in "nformation Sciences and Ser#ice Sciences, %ol$ 0, no$ H, pp$ 01HI0-H, /1--$ 95; &$ &bba"i an! M$ Couni", K& "ur%e( on clu"tering algorithm" for wirele"" "en"or network",L Computer Communication", %ol$ 01, pp$/@/:-/@4-, 6ctober /11?$ 9:;8$ &na"ta"i, M$ Conti, M$ Di ,rance"co, &$ Pa""arella, KAow to Prolong the Difetime of 2irele"" Sen"or Network"L, Chapter : in Mobile &! Aoc an! Per%a"i%e Communication", +M$ Denko an! D$ Cang, E!itor"., &merican Scientific Publi"her"$ 9?;7$ Jur!ak, &$ 8$ 7u==elli an! 8$ M$ P$ 6>Aare, K7a!io Sleep Mo!e 6ptimi=ation in 2irele"" Sen"or Network"L, in EEE Tran"$ on Mobile Computing, 'ol$ H, No$ ?, Jul( /1-1, pp$ H55IH:@$ 9@; '$ Mhatre an! C$ 7o"enberg, KDe"ign gui!eline" for wirele"" "en"or network"< communication, clu"tering an! aggregation,L&! Aoc Network", %ol$ /, no$ -, pp$ 45I:0, /114$

,igure 0< Sugge"te! Scheme" for No!e Now in the"e he)agonal clu"ter" aDeplo(ment clu"ter hea! +CA. i" cho"en on the ba"i" of it" energ($ Each "en"or no!e Now in the"e he)agonal clu"ter" a clu"ter hea! +CA. i" cho"en on the ba"i" of it" energ($ Each "en"or no!e choo"e" a ran!om number between 1 an! -$ f thi" %alue i" lower than the thre"hol! %alue the "en"or no!e become" a clu"ter-hea!$ &fter CA "election clu"ter hea!" broa!ca"t their "election to all no!e", all no!e" choo"e their neare"t clu"ter hea! b( "ignal "trength an! "en! their !ata to the clu"ter hea!$ The clu"ter hea!" a""ign a TDM& "che!ule for their clu"ter member"$ Aere onl( one no!e i" kept acti%e an! other no!e" will remain" off$ &fter thi", clu"ter hea! perform" !ata aggregation an! the aggregate! !ata i" "en! to the ba"e "tation$

&fter a certain perio! of time all no!e" become acti%e an! now a new clu"ter hea! i" "electe! on the ba"i" of it" energ($ The no!e" which were alrea!( clu"ter hea! will not be able to take part again$ '$ C6NCDFS 6N

The propo"e! "cheme ma( re"ol%e the problem of o%erlapping in clu"ter" an! minimi=e" the energ( con"umption$ The he)agonal geometr( co%er" the ma)imum area an! re!uce" the a!Gacent clu"ter interference$ ,inall( keeping one no!e acti%e at a time re!uce" the o%erall energ( con"umption$ B( thi" "cheme all no!e" become clu"ter hea! at lea"t one time$ 7E,E7ENCES<
9-; $ &k(il!i=, 2$ Su, C$ Sankara"ubramaniam, an! E$ Ca(irci$ 2irele"" "en"or network"< a "ur%e($ Computer networks, 0@+4.<0H0I4//, /11/$

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