10.review of Lit

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Literature Review is considered to be the most important stage of the research process as it allows earning from and eventually adding to the previous researches and also saves time, efforts and money. This chapter deals with the review of different studies which are directly or indirectly related to the present study. My study is a part of many of these studies conducted from time to time, but my study is unique one because I had to study the General ttitude of !oungsters towards the Impact of Television dvertising. There were various studies conducted in this field. "ome of them are as given below. Katz (1960) defined attitude as an individual tendency to assess some body, thing or feature around him in a approving or disapproving manner. It is considered that one way to e#press an attitude is the verbal opinion. Harvard Law Review (1967) revealed that as the comple#ity of mar$eting communication techniques amplified, the deficiency of e#isting general and statutory law to deal with the evils of false and deceptive advertising became more important. In the advent of mar$eting arena it is desirable of that new regulation being considered to have complete and useful control over the advertising. It is further stated in the public interest the regulation be open to public assessment and condemnation. Ba er a!d "re#$er (196%) stated that attitude toward advertising is affected by audience behavior toward advertising If the decision%ma$er&s behavior is positive towards advertising, he'she will be inclined toward advertising. &a!da'e ( Le)*e!+# (19%0) suggested that using meddling tactics in advertising while competing for consumers attention can be frustrating to the audiences and can lead to affinity of generally negative public attitude towards advertising. Reid a!d &,-e# (19%.) found that in spite of doubtful effectiveness, se# appeals in advertising is still thought%out a useful method to draw attention of consumer to an ad. Awitt a!d /ra+0a*er (1991) stated that disli$e of television advertising cuts across demographic boundaries. (ast research has not shown a consistent lin$ between demographic

characteristics and attitudes to T) advertising general. In addition, the attitude to television advertising in general is a comple# construct because viewers disli$e television advertising for different reasons. This research demonstrated that to identify people who disli$e television advertising, one must consider specific interactions between demographics and viewers* reasons for their attitudes to television advertising. +sing a large nationally pro,ectable sample, they found that- )iewers generally disli$e television advertising ,ust as they have in the past, .emographic characteristics alone cannot be used to identify disli$ers, "ome specific reasons for their attitudes to T) advertising interact with particular demographic characteristics to influence this over all attitude. Ra2a3ra$ad a!d T0 rwa!'er (199%) studied Malaysian university students and found that they had average to negative interactions with and beliefs about advertising. These students also rated the social impacts of advertising more negatively than its economic impacts. &i23$,!4 Br,w! a!d Widi!' II (199%) proposed that the unethical perceptions of the advertisement shown significantly and negatively affected all advertising response variables li$e d credibility, ttitude toward advertising, attitude toward the advertiser, pleasure and /thical ,udgment. Wa!' et a-5 (1999) suggested that advertising in both traditional media and the Internet is either easily ignored by the audience or is perceived with little value. 0owever, the past studies assumed that the audience was passive and failed to consider the motives of the users. In light of this, the present study measures consumers. attitudes toward advertisements for different purposes'functions 1brand building and directional2 and different media 1traditional and Internet%based2. Literature suggested the following factors that contribute to consumers. perceptions of ads- entertainment, irritation, informativeness, credibility, and demographic. 3e believe that interactivity is also a factor that contributes to consumers perceptions. 4y understanding consumers attitude towards advertising, designers and mar$eters can better strategi5e their advertising designs. 6a!' (7000) has found that negative effects of advertising on students& attitude towards advertising. They found that students in Taiwanese college consider advertising as wasteful of national resources, encourages people to waste, and persuades them to buy things they should not buy. The students also agreed that advertising is misleading and deceptive.

6a!' (7000) found that Taiwanese college students agreed that advertising helps a nation&s economy6 advertising promotes competition and benefits consumers and raising their standards of living. !ang identified that students consider advertising as an important source of fashion information and helps them $eep up with the products and services available in the mar$et place. Fer-e a!d Lee (7007) stated that as the sian region moves to becoming a strong economic sian consumers, it sian countries. study was underta$en

force and advertisers continue to increase their spending targeted toward is important to e#amine how these consumers feel about advertising.

to provide an initial picture of attitudes toward advertising across several

Results provide a baseline to monitor potential changes in each of the countries as their economies and advertising industries continue to evolve. The results further suggest that cross%cultural research may be missing some important factors in assessing differences across countries in relation to advertising. A$0i-- a!d 6ava$ (7001) suggested that advertising attitudes consist of social and economic dimensions. Their findings suggest that advertisers in Tur$ey and 7ew 8ealand should create advertisements that are believable. The positive relationship between believability and overall attitudes towards advertising also suggests that advertisers should be sensitive to tactics that generate consumer scepticism. /etr,vi)i (7007) found out the perceived socioeconomic effects of advertising, and consumer beliefs and attitudes toward advertising in 4ulgaria and Romania. messages. /etr,vi)i4 8a!5A a!d /a-iw,da4 &5 (7007) e#amined public attitudes towards advertising within the conte#t of transition in central and eastern /urope. .rawing on a consumer survey conducted in three cities within Romania, the study conceptuallises (ollay and Mittal*s 1;<<=2 model of beliefs and attitudes towards advertising. This study introduces a novel differentiation between image and the social integration role of advertising, e#tending in this way the concept of the personal uses of advertising. It highlights variations in public opinion towards advertising between socio%cultural areas in Romania. ttitudes towards the ccording to them there is a common belief 1more than 9: per cent2 that advertising promotes undesirable values and

institution of advertising, attitude%instrument, product information and hedonic'pleasure have a positive effect on general attitude to advertising as e#pected. >onsumers who perceive an informational and entertaining value of advertising, those holding positive attitudes towards advertising as an institution in a free mar$et economy and the instruments used to further it, are more li$ely to hold positive general attitudes towards advertising. The role of advertising e#hibits a positive effect on general attitude. Image has a surprisingly negative effect on general attitude towards advertising, which contrasts with e#pectations based upon developed countries. &0a++ir4 Kir2a!i a!d Ha$$a! (700%) conducted a survey on children attitude towards T.) advertisement in (a$istan and found that a greater percentage of respondent children disagree to the claim that T) add tells the truth "imilarly their results show that children feel the annoying qualities of advertisements and are agree that most T) advertisement are poor in taste and annoying. K0atta* a!d K0a! (7009) conducted a study with the purpose to e#amine the consequences that television advertising has upon the general attitude of college students towards television advertising in (a$istan. The data was collected from the randomly selected ?=9 college students including both genders. The respondents in five ma,or cities li$e (eshawar, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, @uetta and Aarachi. were as$ed to answer a self administered questionnaire. The descriptive, correlation and regression analysis tools were made use of to analysis the data. The results revealed that the television advertising in (a$istan has a significant but negative ethical and social consequence however a positive economic one. The results indicated that there is significant positive general attitude of students towards the television advertising in (a$istan. The respondents also demanded more regulations to control the television advertising in (a$istan. The study also predicted a positive relationship between the consequences and general attitude of the students towards the television advertising. The study recommends that mar$eters and the regulatory bodies have the responsibility to pay proper attention to the rising ethical, social and regulatory concerns of the students& about the television advertising. Moreover the study provides a useful bench mar$ for the future research studies. K0atta* a!d K0a! (7009) e#amined
the consequences and impact that television advertising has upon the

general attitude of female college students towards television advertising in (a$istan. The data was collected from ran domly selected B<< female college students. The results of the study revealed that these students had nega tive ,udgment about the

ethical and social consequences of television advertising. 0owever they had positive ,udgment about the economic impact of television advertising. The students demanded more regulation to control the television advertising. The results indicated that there is a significant positive general attitude of female college students towards the television advertising in (a$i stan. The study predicted a positive relationship between the consequences'impact and general attitude of female college students towards the television advertising. The study recommended that mar$eters and the regulatory bodies have the responsibility to pay proper attention to the rising ethical, social and regulatory concerns of the female college students& about the television advertising.

The perusal of literature revealed that several studies had been conducted with regards to advertisements and is media. Ma,ority of the previous researches focused on the ethical and social content of advertisements. Many studies have been conducted on the impact of advertisements on children in particular and with no special reference to television advertisements. 4ut very few researches had been conducted to study the general attitude of youngsters towards the impact of television advertisements and with respect to India no such study had been conducted. "o, a need was felt to conduct the study of General !oungsters towards the Impact of Television dvertising ttitude of

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