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Iris C. Gibbs, M.D. OBJECTIVE: Spinal cord injury is arguably the most feared complication in radiotherapy
Department of Radiation Oncology, and has historically limited the aggressiveness of spinal tumor treatment. We report a
Stanford University Medical Center, case series of 6 patients treated with radiosurgery who developed delayed myelopathy.
Stanford, California
METHODS: Between 1996 and 2005, 1075 patients with benign or malignant spinal
Chirag Patil, M.D. tumors were treated by CyberKnife (Accuray, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) robotic radiosurgery at
Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University Medical Center and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Stanford University Medical Center, Patients were followed prospectively with clinical and radiographic assessments at
Stanford, California
1- to 6-month intervals. A retrospective review identified patients who developed delayed
radiation-induced myelopathy. Six patients (5 women, 1 man) with a mean age of 48
Peter C. Gerszten, M.D.
years (range, 25–61 years) developed delayed myelopathy at a mean of 6.3 months (range,
Departments of Neurological Surgery
and Radiation Oncology, 2–9 months) after spinal radiosurgery. Three tumors were metastatic; 3 were benign. The
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine metastases were in the upper to midthoracic spine, whereas the benign tumors were par-
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, tially in the cervical region. Three cases involved previous radiation therapy.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
RESULTS: Dose volume histograms were generated for target and critical structures.
John R. Adler, Jr., M.D. Clinical and dosimetric factors were analyzed for factors predictive of spinal cord injury.
Department of Neurosurgery, Specific dosimetric factors contributing to this complication could not be identified,
Stanford University Medical Center, but one-half of the patients with myelopathy received spinal cord biological equiva-
Stanford, California
lent doses exceeding 8 Gy.
Steven A. Burton, M.D. CONCLUSION: Delayed myelopathy after radiosurgery is uncommon with the dose
Department of Radiation Oncology,
schedules used in this case series. Radiation injury to the spinal cord occurred over a
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, spectrum of dose parameters that prevented identification of specific dosimetric fac-
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, tors contributing to this complication. Primarily, biological equivalent dose estimates
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
were not usable for defining spinal cord tolerance to hypofractionated dose schedules.
Reprint requests: We recommend limiting the volume of spinal cord treated above an 8-Gy equivalent
Iris C. Gibbs, M.D., dose, because half of the complications occurred beyond this level.
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Stanford University Medical Center, KEY WORDS: Myelopathy, Radiation complications, Radiosurgery
875 Blake Wilbur Drive,
Stanford, CA 94305-5847. Neurosurgery 64:A67–A72, 2009 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000341628.98141.B6

Received, June 2, 2008. ince the classic reports of cervical spinal interval. It is widely accepted that the thera-
Accepted, November 6, 2008. cord radiation myelopathy by Ahlbom (1) peutic index of radiotherapy limits the radia-
in 1941 and Boden (3) in 1948, radiation- tion dose near the spinal cord to such an
Copyright © 2009 by the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
induced myelopathy has been a feared com- extent that the control of many tumors is
plication of conventional radiotherapy (13). compromised. With advances in technology,
Animal studies and clinical modeling derived especially the development of image-guided
from observational data provide the basis radiosurgery, the ability to deliver a more
for our current understanding of the factors aggressive radiation dose adjacent to the spine
affecting the spinal cord’s tolerance to radia- is now feasible. Nevertheless, the tolerance of
tion. The most important of these appear to the spinal cord to such single or hypofraction-
be the radiation dose schedule, which includes ated radiation schedules is uncertain and may
dose per fraction, total dose, and interfraction well differ markedly from conventional radia-
tion therapy precedents. Combining 2 of the
ABBREVIATIONS: BED, biological equivalent dose;
largest CyberKnife (Accuray, Inc., Sunnyvale,
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging
CA) spinal radiosurgery series, we report 6



cases of radiation-induced myelopathy among more than 1000 tional measures (12, 16). Radiosurgery was performed as an outpatient
patients treated with the CyberKnife for benign and metasta- procedure lasting 30 to 60 minutes. Subsequently, patients with
tic spinal tumors. metastatic lesions were followed both clinically and radiographically at
1- to 3-month intervals, and patients with benign lesions were followed
at 6-month intervals. Late complications were scored according to the
PATIENTS AND METHODS Common Toxicity Criteria, Versions 2.0 and 3.0 (17, 19).
The dose volume effects on the spinal cord were analyzed for all
Between 1996 and 2005, 1075 patients with benign or metastatic
patients in this series. Because of the variety of radiation schedules,
spinal tumors were enrolled prospectively onto Institutional Review
each was converted to biological equivalent doses (BED3) using the
Board-approved registry protocols and treated with CyberKnife radio-
following formula, with an assumed α/β ratio of 3 for spinal cord (7):
surgery at either Stanford University or the University of Pittsburgh.
Patients with spinal instability, target tumors involving more than
冢 冣
2 vertebral levels, or spinal cord compression causing acute neurolog- BED  nd 1 
ical deterioration were excluded from enrollment. The overall cohort of
1075 patients included 156 patients with benign extramedullary tumors To determine which factors were predictive of spinal cord injury, mul-
and 919 patients with metastatic tumors. Of the metastatic tumors, the tiple clinical and dosimetric factors including sex, age, histology, present-
primary histologies were predominantly renal cell carcinoma (142 ing symptoms, previous radiotherapy, anatomic level, prescribed dose,
patients), breast cancer (134 patients), lung cancer (129 patients), dose per fraction, tumor volume, and spinal cord dose were analyzed.
melanoma (49 patients), gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma (57 patients),
sarcoma (42 patients), and prostate (40 patients). A database of clinical
and dosimetric factors was collected and used to identify patients who
developed treatment-related spinal cord injury. The tumor volumes in all patients ranged from 0.025 to 685
Pretreatment setup and immobilization of cervical lesions used a sim-
mL. More than 55% of metastatic patients were previously irra-
ple, nonrigid Aquaplast face mask (WFR/Aquaplast Corp., Wyckoff,
NJ). In the lumbothoracosacral region, a vacuum foam cradle was used.
diated. Although care was taken to limit the volume of spinal
Treatment plans were generated using thin-section (1.25-mm slice thick- cord receiving 8 Gy or higher, the maximum spinal cord dose
ness) contrast computed tomographic scans through the anatomic region ranged from 3.6 to 29.9 Gy. In all but 2 patients treated in single
of interest. As most metastatic vertebral body tumors were clearly visi- fractions, the volume of spinal cord treated to a dose of more
ble by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with than 8 Gy was less than 1 mL. The average spinal cord volume
image fusion was used when necessary to define the extent of benign treated to 8 Gy equivalent dose or more was also less than 1 mL.
extramedullary tumors. In general, for treatment planning purposes, Our review identified 6 patients who developed radiation-
small metastatic tumors involving less than 25% of the vertebral body induced delayed spinal cord myelopathy. The mean time to
were contoured with an approximately 2- to 3-mm margin; all other ver- onset was 6.3 months (range, 2–10 months). Four patients were
tebral body tumors encompassed the entire vertebra. Until 2004, spinal
treated at Stanford University Medical Center and 2 at the
targeting in the lower cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine required the
preradiosurgical percutaneous insertion of either stainless steel bone
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The characteristics of
screws (Stanford University Medical Center) or subperiosteal gold seeds the 6 patients who developed radiation-induced myelopathy
(University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), which served as localizing after spinal radiosurgery are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The mean
fiducials. Treatment simulation techniques were similar at the 2 institu- age of the 5 women and 1 man was 48 years (range, 25–61
tions and have been described previously (4, 6). In 2004, the availability years). Three of the 6 spinal tumors were metastases, and 3 were
of fiducial-less Xsight (Accuray, Inc.) hierarchical mesh tracking obviated benign tumors (meningioma, schwannoma, and neurofibroma).
the need for metallic markers; with this system, the imaging system cor- The three metastatic tumors were located entirely in the upper
relates images of bony anatomy rather than implanted fiducials. to midthoracic spine, whereas all 3 benign tumors were located
On the basis of institutional preference, radiosurgery was generally predominantly in the cervical and cervicothoracic region. With
administered in a single fraction at the University of Pittsburgh,
regard to clinical symptoms of myelopathy, 5 of the 6 patients
whereas patients were treated in 2 to 5 sessions at Stanford University,
depending on the tumor size or proximity to the spinal cord. A detailed
had motor and sensory deficits, 3 had bowel and bladder symp-
description of the treatment planning used at both institutions has pre- toms, and 4 had significant pain (Table 3).
viously been published (6). For all patients, the total dose prescription Myelopathic symptoms were initially managed by corticos-
varied between 12.5 and 25 Gy (12.5–20 Gy in 1 fraction, 18 to 22 Gy in teroids in all patients. Some patients also received a combina-
2 fractions, 18 to 24 Gy in 3 fractions, 14 to 24 Gy in 4 fractions, or 25 tion of vitamin E and pentoxifylline (Trental; Sanofi-Aventis,
Gy in 5 fractions). The majority of patients (112 benign, 803 metastatic) Bridgewater, NJ), hyberbaric oxygen, gabapentin (Neurontin;
were treated with a single fraction; 90 (22 benign, 68 metastatic) were Pfizer, New York), and/or physical therapy. After an initial
treated in 2 fractions; and 70 (22 benign, 48 metastatic) were treated in worsening, 3 of the 6 patients had improvement in their myelo-
3 to 5 fractions. Care was taken to limit the maximum dose to the pathic symptoms after treatment, 2 reached a plateau, and 1
spinal cord or cauda equina to less than 8 to 10 Gy while aiming to
patient progressed to paraplegia. All 3 patients who showed
optimize the coverage of the target lesion to at least 90%. However, this
constraint was relaxed when the volume of spinal cord receiving
clinical improvement had complete radiographic resolution of
greater than this dose was estimated to be only a few voxels. their spinal cord edema on MRI. The earliest radiographic find-
Dose volume histograms were generated for the target lesion and ings were edema within the spinal cord, signified by hyperin-
critical structures including the spinal cord. Conformality, homogene- tensity on the T2-weighted MRI sequence above and below the
ity, and coverage indices were calculated and recorded using conven- region of injury. In most patients, clinical symptoms shortly



TABLE 1. Patient characteristics and tumor location

Onset of Previous radiation
Patient Age (y)/ Previous Previous
Tumor type Location myelopathy and interval
no. sex surgery chemotherapy
(mo) between courses (mo)
1 59/F Renal cell carcinoma T6 9 No No Yes
2 55/F Breast cancer T5 6 Yes (80.8) No Yes
3 59/F Breast cancer T1 4 Yes (70.0) Yes Yes
4 29/F Meningioma C7–T2 9 No Yes No
5 61/F Schwannoma C6 2 No Yes No
6 25/M Neurofibroma C–C7 5 No No No

TABLE 2. Tumor and radiosurgery treatment plan characteristicsa

Treatment Total Maximum Maximum Volume of cord
Patient No. of
Tumor type Location volume prescription dose to spinal spinal cord receiving  BED3
no. 3 treatments
(cm ) dose (Gy) cord (Gy) BED3 (Gy) (8 Gy) (cm3)
1 Renal cell T6 vertebral body 13.7 25 2 26.2 140.6 3.4
carcinoma and spinal canal
2 Breast cancer T5 vertebral body 10.5 20 2 19.2 80.6 2.6
3 Breast cancer T1 posterior elements 18.9 21 2 13.9 46.1 0.3
4 Meningioma Right C7–T2 spinal 7.6 24 3 29.9 129.2 4.0
5 Schwannoma Right C6 spinal canal 4.5 20 1 8.5 32.6 0.1
6 Neurofibroma Right C7 spinal canal 1.2 20 1 10 43.3 0.2

BED3 (8 Gy)  biological equivalent dose of 8 Gy in 1 fraction  29 Gy.

preceded or were coincident with these findings. Within 6 to 8

months, an area of contrast enhancement at the level of injury A B
developed. By 12 to 18 months from onset, a region of myelo-
malacia was seen within the spinal cord at the area of injury.
Figure 1 shows these characteristic radiographic findings of
radiation- induced myelopathy. Two of the patients had
received irradiation before radiosurgery at doses of 50.4 and
39.6 Gy in 1.8-Gy fractions, at 70 and 81 months, respectively.
The estimated maximum spinal cord doses in these previous
courses were 25.2 and 40 Gy, respectively. Also of interest is that
2 of the 6 patients who developed these injuries received an
antiangiogenic or epidermal growth factor inhibitor-targeted
therapy within 2 months of developing clinical myelopathy.
One patient died of systemic disease progression 17 months FIGURE 1. Characteristic radio- C
after treatment and 7 months after the onset of myelopathy. Of graphic findings of delayed radia-
note, the treated lesion in this patient appeared radiographi- tion- induced myelopathy. A,
cally stable at the last follow-up examination. spinal cord edema at the onset of
symptoms (brackets) and vertebral
An analysis of the cohort of myelopathic patients shows that
level of the T1 spinous process ini-
the mean prescribed dose to the tumor margin was 21.6 Gy. tially treated (arrow). B, spinal
The mean treatment volume was 9.4 mL. The mean maximum cord enhancement (brackets) at 6
BED3 for the spinal cord dose was 78.7 Gy (range, 32.6–140.3 Gy; to 8 months after onset. C, myelo-
standard deviation, 46.4 Gy) (Table 2). Three of the 6 patients malacia (brackets) 12 to 18 months
received a maximum spinal cord dose of less than the average after onset of symptoms.
dose received among all patients. One patient received a dose



TABLE 3. Myelopathy symptoms and response to treatment

Bowel or Neurological
Patient Sensory Motor Mortality
Pain bladder Treatments status after Current disability
no. symptoms weakness status
symptoms intervention
1 Yes No Yes Yes Corticosteroids, vitamin Stable Walker-dependent Dead
E, pentoxifylline, ambulation
hyperbaric oxygen,
physical therapy
2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Corticosteroids, vitamin Progressive Progression to Alive
E, pentoxifylline, myelopathy T4 paraplegia
hyperbaric oxygen,
physical therapy
3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Corticosteroids, Improved Walker-dependent Alive
physical therapy, ambulation
4 No Yes Yes No Physical therapy, Stable Intermittent Alive
corticoteroids use of cane

5 No Yes No No Corticosteroids, vitamin Improved Mild left lower- Alive

E, pentoxifylline extremity
6 Yes Yes Yes No Corticosteroids, Improved Gradual Alive
gabapentin, vitamin E, improvement in
pentoxifylline, numbness,
hyperbaric oxygen, weakness, and
physical therapy ambulation

above 1 standard deviation, and another received a maximum tion is supported by the pathological observation of demyelina-
dose nearly 2 standard deviations of the mean within this tion, necrosis, increased vascularity, telangiectasis, hyaline
cohort. Among these 6 patients, the mean volume of the spinal degeneration, vasculitis, fibrin exudation, thrombosis, and
cord receiving the biological equivalent of 8 Gy in 1 fraction (i.e., edema in cases of spinal cord injury from radiation (16). By
BED3  29 Gy) was 1.77 mL (range, 0.1–4.0 mL; standard devi- virtue of lying within a vascular watershed region, the lower
ation, 1.77 mL). Three of the myelopathic patients had a spinal cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord have a more tenuous
cord volume of more than 1 mL treated above this dose level. blood supply and may be more susceptible to radiation injury.
Owing to the low incidence of myelopathy among our Early symptoms of spinal cord radiation damage include sen-
patients, logistic regression failed to show age, sex, primary sory deficit, clumsiness, leg weakness, and Lhermitte’s syndrome.
site, anatomic location, anatomic level, previous treatment, total These symptoms occur within weeks of therapy and are often
dose, dose per fraction, maximum dose, maximum spinal cord reversible. However, delayed radiation-induced myelopathy typ-
dose, and tumor volume as predictive of spinal injury. ically occurs more than 6 months after irradiation and is charac-
terized by more profound weakness, numbness, spasticity, pares-
DISCUSSION thesias, pain, and hyper-reflexia. In the current series, the latency
between radiosurgery and the onset of spinal cord symptoms
Although multiple publications now describe the technique averaged 6.3 months and is similar to what has been described
for and outcome from spinal radiosurgery, the complication of for delayed myelopathy after conventional radiotherapy.
radiation-induced myelopathy has never been analyzed and Because the presentation of radiation myelopathy mirrors
characterized in detail. In this study, we report 6 patients treated myelopathy from other causes, alternative etiologies (such as
with spinal stereotactic radiosurgery who developed delayed tumor progression) must be excluded. MRI is of greatest help
radiation-induced myelopathy. Similar to radiation therapy- in distinguishing between these etiologies. For each patient
induced spinal cord injury, the pathogenesis of myelopathy after reported here, the initial radiographic sign of radiation injury
radiosurgery is likely to be multifactorial, with no single target was an intramedullary increase in signal intensity on T2-
cell and no single pathway. Injury is likely mediated by damage weighted MRI sequences, which is thought to correlate with
to both white matter tracts and the local vasculature. This asser- spinal cord edema.



Data from numerous studies shape our current understand- attempted to minimize the amount of spinal cord treated
ing of the radiation dose tolerance for the spinal cord. Current above a BED of 29 Gy.
estimates are that 45 Gy in 22 to 25 fractions yields an incidence In assessing the risk of radiation-induced myelopathy, other
of myelopathy of less than 0.2%. It is also suggested that a 5% factors to consider are the effects of re-irradiation and systemic
incidence rate of radiation myelopathy lies between 57 and 61 therapy. Particularly among patients treated for metastatic
Gy (2). Marcus and Million (10) have demonstrated that con- tumors, more than one- half of our current patients have
ventionally fractionated 45 Gy is on the flat part of the dose- received such previous irradiation. In the current series, the 2
response curve such that any decrease in dose leads to a mini- previously irradiated patients had been treated more than 6
mal decrement in the incidence of myelopathy. years before undergoing radiosurgery. In a recent review of 40
Unlike conventional radiotherapy, during which a full dose re-irradiated patients, myelopathy did not occur when BED2
is delivered to both the spine and the spinal cord, the Cyber- for either course was 102 Gy or less (which approximates a
Knife can deliver higher-dose hypofractionated radiation to the BED3 of 85 Gy) or when the interval between courses was more
target region while relatively sparing the adjacent spinal cord. than 2 months (11). In contrast, the 2 previously irradiated
Thus, only portions of the spinal cord, rather than the entire patients in the present series who developed spinal complica-
spinal cord, were subjected to the prescription dose at the tar- tions had received a BED3 of only 46 and 81 Gy, and the inter-
geted spinal level. This reinforces the concept that there may be val between courses of radiation was 70 to 80 months.
a partial volume effect, which has also been suggested using Because some chemotherapy agents can potentiate the effects
other LINAC-based radiosurgery techniques (14). The spinal of radiation, we are cautious about concurrent chemotherapy.
cord dose limit using conventional radiotherapy fractions of 1.8 In the past few years, targeted antibody and antireceptor ther-
to 2 Gy and a total dose of 45 Gy is generally observed. This apies have emerged. Two of the patients in this series had
dose corresponds to a BED3 equal to 76 Gy. Even though the received vascular endothelial growth factor and epidermal
BED formula predicts this rather high spinal cord dose limit of growth factor receptor inhibitors within 3 months of the onset
76 Gy, our fear of possible catastrophic spinal cord injury led us of myelopathy. These same patients were also among the more
to observe a more conservative limit. Thus, we observed a aggressively treated dose volume outliers. Therefore, the extent
single-session spinal cord dose limit of 8 to 10 Gy, or the equiv- to which dose volume effects versus radiosensitization by these
alent of a BED3 of 29 Gy, if multifractions were delivered. On agents contributed to myelopathy remains unknown.
the basis of clinical experience with other neural structures Given the experience presented here with more than 1000
such as the optic chiasm and optic nerve, this dose limit is patients, among whom 6 (0.6%) developed injury, we conclude
widely believed to be safe. that radiation-induced myelopathy is an uncommon complica-
In an ad hoc and nonrandomized fashion, this constraint tion of spinal radiosurgery and that the key variables underly-
was gradually relaxed over the course of our several years of ing this phenomenon remain, at best, partially elucidated.
experience. With respect to the maximal spinal cord BED3, 3 Similar to other efforts to understand the risks of myelopathy
of the 6 injured patients in this series were, in hindsight, clear using hypofractionated dose strategies, we were unable to
outliers and regretfully treated with much larger than aver- define clear factors (8). Although we attempted to use radiobi-
age doses. However, inexplicably, spinal injury occurred in ological estimates of the BED to guide us, it is unlikely that
the remaining 3 patients, even though only a small volume of these formulae will ultimately prove to be useful in establish-
spinal cord received the equivalent of 8 Gy in a single frac- ing the limits of spinal cord tolerance to hypofractionated radi-
tion and virtually no portion was treated to more than 10 Gy. ation courses.
Although genetic mutations were not tested in this study, it Delayed myelopathy after radiosurgery is uncommon with
is possible that potential predisposing genetic factors may the dose schedules used in this case series. Specific dosimetric
have been present that could explain these toxicities. For factors contributing to this complication could not be identified
example, it has been suggested that germ line alterations in in this small series. BED estimates did not clearly predict spinal
genes such as transforming growth factor β 1(TGβ1) and cord tolerance to hypofractionated dose schedules. We recom-
ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) may predict radiation-induced mend limiting the volume of spinal cord treated above an 8-Gy
late effects (18). equivalent dose, because half of the complications occurred
Animal studies support the notion of a dose volume, i.e., beyond this level.
dose length, radiation effect in spinal cord (9). Available clin-
ical data after radiation therapy, however, fail to support CONCLUSION
such a phenomenon. This fact may be attributable to the rel-
atively large volume (or length) of spinal cord irradiated in Hypofractionated radiosurgery is safe. On the basis of the
conventional radiotherapy. Nevertheless, in a summary of data presented here, we suggest that caution be used when
dose volume effects, Emami et al. (5) determined that when considering radiosurgery plans that expose more than approx-
one-third or the entire spinal cord was irradiated, the spinal imately 1 cm3 of the spinal cord to a 8-Gy or higher dose equiv-
cord radiation tolerance varied narrowly between 50 and 47 alent. With a better understanding and future refinements in
Gy, respectively. Despite the lack of evidence supporting radiosurgical technique, it may be possible to reduce the risk of
a significant dose volume effect for the spinal cord, we this dreaded complication.



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