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Machakos Senator Johnstonne Muthama has made allegations about the purchase of security vehicles in Machakos. Mr. Muthama's allegations are not only unfounded, lies and sheer propaganda but also against Chapter 6 of the Constitution and the Ethics ct that re!uire leaders to tell the truth. ll the vehicles "ere budgeted for in the Machakos budget that "as approved by the controller of budget and purchased through an open tender system. My government has not taken any loans and does not plan to. #e are "orking on a proper financial management system to bring development to our people. $urthermore, all loans have to be proved by the %ational &overnment. ' do believe that Mr. Muthama's allegations are borne of the fact that ' have refused his schemes to steal public money for personal gain. Mr. Muthama once told me that "e should sit do"n and decide ho" the money allocated to Machakos and it's assets can be used to enhance the party political agenda and "ho should get "hich tender, but ' told him the money in the county is for alleviating poverty and not to be shared for personal and political reasons. #e re!uest the (irector of public )rosecutions to order investigations into Muthama's behavior and comments so as to charge him for misleading #ananchi. ' remain committed to "orking "ith all leaders as "e enhance the life of our people, fight poverty, provide *obs and give this country a ne" direction based on personal sacrifice and not greed. Machakos County citi+ens and visitors should kno" that our security program is on course and the ramblings by any greedy leader "ill not stop us from meeting our development agenda. )lease find belo" the attached copy of relevant documents. ,et us pray for our leaders and our county. &od bless you. lfred Mutua &overnor

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