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1. Lxtreme C||mate
2. kemote Locanon
- n|gh transportanon costs
3. Short 8u||d|ng Season
8u||d|ng |n the Arcnc |s d|mcu|t and expens|ve.
4. 1wo month of zero
pass|ve energy ga|n
S. neanng |s not opnona|
Cha||eng|ng Iuture
Lconom|c cr|s|s
n|gh energy Costs
D|m|n|sh|ng kesources
C||mate Change
We|come to the
So|ar Age
1he Sun
|s send|ng us 108,000,000,000,000,000,000 kWh
-more then 10,000 nmes the energy we need
Why So|ar Age?
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
M|cro nybr|d Lnergy System for the Arcnc
DnW buer tank
Seasona| Storage
Annua| Seasona| neat Storage.
12,000 Ga| Seasona| Storage 1ank
heated |n the summer v|a so|ar heat.
k-60 Soy based Spray
foam |nsu|anon
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunset koost nome
1he Sunk|se nome
Insu|anon Va|ues
Wa||s k-7S
koof k-11S
S|ab k-63
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1084 8ags of ce||u|ose -
Cr over 12 tons of |nsu|anon
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
1he Sunk|se nome
S,000 Ga| Seasona| Storage 1ank
heated |n the summer v|a so|ar heat.
IN1LGkAL So|ar energy system
S,000 Ga| Seasona| Storage
480 SI 1herma| Co||ectors
1he Ins|de |s the Cuts|de
8eyond ass|v naus:
1he Ins|de |s the Cuts|de
1he Ins|de |s the Cuts|de
1he Ins|de |s the Cuts|de
1he Ins|de |s the Cuts|de
1he Ins|de |s the Cuts|de
A good 1eam & Des|gn |s Lssenna|.
New too|s of the 1rade
Ik Camera
8|ower door k|t
So|metr|c SunLye
Insu|anon Va|ues
Wa||s k-6S
koof k-90
S|ab k-60
A h|gh|y emc|ent Lnc|osure |s key
0.6 ACn_S0 or beuer
No 1herma| 8r|dg|ng!
1he 8u||d|ng |s a|ways the
sum of ALL |t's parts
A|r nghtness |s the cheapest and eas|est
measure to ensure the |ongev|ty of the core
structure and conserve energy
0.6 ACn_S0 made s|mp|e:
1. Des|gn for a connnuous a|r nghtness |ayer
2. Des|gn foo| proof a|r sea| for w|ndows
and doors
3. M|n|m|ze a|| penetranons
4. re-test, ke-test and own
the r|ght too|s for the [ob.
ass|ve So|ar Ga|n |s the on|y IkLL energy!
We can overcome U-va|ues w|th 1herma|
shuuers, but we depend on h|gh SnGC
W|ndows and Doors are the weakest
||nks |n the bu||d|ng Assemb|y!
No w|ndows due to North.
South fac|ng g|ass|ng Q m|n. 60 SnGC
ass|v naus W|ndows for the Arcnc
WL need - U-va|ue of 0.072 w|th SnGC over 0.60
W|ndows - |nsta||ed U-va|ue ?
Cver |nsu|ated w|ndows Irames (both s|des)
= huge |ncrease |n |nsta||ed - U-va|ue
20 or more!
os|non of W|ndows |n the wa||
k-20 1herma| Shuuers
A|r nght sea|s!
AkC1IC Lntry Doors
2 sk|n |ayers of x"cork
1herma| break free |nsta||anon.
A|rnght, 7 po|nt |ock system.
I|berg|ass Irame
Step over thresho|d
k-40 VI |nsu|anon core.

re-warm|ng of A|r supp|y
Cur hea|th |s pr|ce|ess.
We have on|y one p|anet.

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