Victory Over Poverty Pay

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To: All IWGB Members Royal Opera House

1 February 2014

London Living Wage Strike:


This is a tremendous victory for the IWGB workers and it sends out a message to all low pay employers that we are not willing to tolerate poverty pay and we're coming for you. John McDonnell MP
MITIE has confirmed in writing that it has accepted the proposals of the IWGB on the London Living Wage for porters and cleaners at the Royal Opera House - Diana Gardiner Employee Relations Manager writes:
The counter offer you proposed in your letter dated 24th January 2014 has been agreed in order to resolve, as stated in your letter, this current trade dispute. As proposed in your counter offer the following pay rates will apply; 1st February 2014 the pay rate of 8.00 will apply 1st April 2014 the pay rate of 8.80 will apply

the campaign. Students and youth have shown fantastic solidarity. IWGB members on strike at the University of London came to demonstrate their support on the day of their own strike. We had solidarity protests prepared in Glasgow, New York and Los Angeles. Divide and rule failed! The attempt to play one union off against another has failed. The vast majority of cleaners and porters are IWGB members. MITIE s recognition of another union on 13th January showed an arrogant disregard for your opinions. How worthless this agreement is was shown by the fact our strike was going ahead regardless. Only an agreement with IWGB could end this dispute. MITIE has ignored our offers to use ACAS to achieve a constructive recognition agreement. We are committed to secure recognition and will take strike action if necessary to win it. Congratulations to all IWGB members on your achievement.

IWGB members at the Royal Opera House who have remained united since our campaign began. You have achieved a major victory not only for yourself but for all low paid workers! The case for the Living Wage was clear and affordable. Costing a mere 0.15% of ROH income. As such IWGB has rejected any so-called efficiency savings to pay for the increase. The ballot for strike action which saw a 100% yes vote proved a commitment to fight for justice. The IWGB members have won tremendous respect in this campaign. Ken Loach the award winning film producer called for solidarity with your strike, 25 Members of Parliament have signed a motion in the House of Commons to support you. Other unions including the Musicians Union and actors union Equity, along with RMT, PCS, BFWU, and National Shop Stewards Network supported

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Yours in solidarity Chris Ford General Secretary

Maritime House, Old Town, Clapham Common, London, SW4 0JW Web: E-Mail: office@IWGB.Org.Uk Tel: 0207 819 9321 / 0207 720 9600

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