TPTA Day On The Hill - 2014

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TPTA Day-On-the-Hill It's just around the corner! February 18th is the date. Location Change - Hermitage Hotel - (not Sheraton)
There are really two parts to how we're doing things this year. A. For PT's and PTA's: Call ASAP and schedule an appointment with your legislators. That would be both your Member from the House of Representatives and the Senate (go to if you need help in finding out who that might be). It can be any time that fits your schedule. For all members, we will provide three things: 1. Pre-visit briefing session. This is where you will be prepped for your visit. A bullet-point handout will be provided outlining the issues that our Legislative Committee feels are most important with rationale behind our positions. Those sessions will start every hour on the hour from 7-11 and last about 20 minutes. 2. Guidance. If you don't know where to go, we will show you. If you want a member of our Legislative Team to join you in your visit, ask--we hope to be able to accommodate that too. 3. Debriefing: We will have a station set up in the Legislative Plaza where you can drop by with any questions and then, when you've completed your visits, please come by and tell us what happened and what the legislator's response was to your visit. B. For Students: If you are coming on your own or as part of an organized group from your school, we've got a plan focused on you! 1. Orientation. In addition to the briefing session, you will also be provided with a session designed to introduce you to the legislative process, how to visit with a legislator, and how to become an advocate for the profession you are about to enter. Those will start on the hour, every hour between 7 and 11 and last about an hour. 2. Escort. An experienced member of our Legislative Team will escort you and your group on a tour of the Legislative Plaza and the Tennessee State Capitol. Although opportunities will vary, you are likely to meet legislators, see a committee in action, and have plenty of opportunities for discussions. You can count on a little over an hour for your tour. All orientation sessions and briefing sessions will occur in the Hermitage Hotel (located conveniently just across the street from the Legislative Plaza). A sign in the lobby will direct you to the meeting room. A continental breakfast will be available to you. Remember, there will be sessions at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 o'clock on the morning of the 18th. Questions? Call or e-mail me at 865/216-5404 or I look forward to seeing you there! BTW: If you are an "old hand" at this stuff (DOH), will you volunteer to be a tour guide for those student groups and maybe others that may be "newbies" to the process? Let me know if you can do that. Joe Black, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC TPTA Legislative Chair

TPTA | 4205 Hillsboro Rd, Ste 317, Nashville, TN 37215 | | 615-269-5312 |

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