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Harry Potter

And the Sorcerers Stone


Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Year One at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Year Two at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Year Three at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Year Four at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Year Five at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Year Si at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the eathly Hallo!s Year Seven at Hogwarts

Harry Potter
and the Sorcerers Stone

J. K. Rowling
ILLUSTRATI !S BY "ary #randPr$
ARTHUR A. L%&I!% B KS A! I"PRI!T ' S(H LASTI( Press.

For Jessica, who loves stories for Anne, who loved them too; and for Di, who heard this one first.
Te t !o"#right $ %&&' (# J.K. Row)ing I))ustrations (# *ar# Gran+,r- !o"#right $ %&&. Warner Bros. A)) rights reserve+. ,u()ishe+ (# S!ho)asti! ,ress/ a +ivision o0 S!ho)asti! In!./ P"blishers since #$%& S1HOLASTI1/ S1HOLASTI1 ,R2SS/ an+ the LANT2RN LOGO are tra+e3ar4s an+5or registere+ tra+e3ar4s o0 S!ho)asti! In!. HARRY ,OTT2R an+ a)) re)ate+ !hara!ters an+ e)e3ents are tra+e3ar4s o0 Warner Bros. No "art o0 this "u()i!ation 3a# (e re"ro+u!e+/ or store+ in a retrieva) s#ste3/ or trans3itte+ in an# 0or3 or (# an# 3eans/ e)e!troni!/ 3e!hani!a)/ "hoto!o"#ing/ re!or+ing/ or otherwise/ without written "er3ission o0 the "u()isher. For in0or3ation regar+ing "er3issions/ write to S!ho)asti! In!./ Attention6 ,er3issions 7e"art3ent/ 888 Broa+wa#/ New Yor4/ NY %99%:. Li(rar# o0 1ongress 1ata)oging;in;,u()i!ation 7ata Row)ing/ J.K. Harr# ,otter an+ the Sor!erer<s Stone 5 (# J.K. Row)ing ". !3. Su33ar#6 Res!ue+ 0ro3 the outrageous neg)e!t o0 his aunt an+ un!)e/ a #oung (o# with a great +estin# "roves his worth whi)e atten+ing Hogwarts S!hoo) o0 Wit!h!ra0t an+ Wi=ar+r#. ISBN 9;8&9;>8>?9;>

@%. Fantas# A Fi!tion. :. Wit!hes A Fi!tion. >. Wi=ar+s A Fi!tion. ?. S!hoo)s A Fi!tion. 8. 2ng)an+ A Fi!tion.B I. Tit)e. ,C'.R'&.>8Har %&&. @Fi!B A +!:% &';>&98& D? D8 DD D' D. D& '9 '% ': 98 ,rinte+ in E.S.A. %9 First A3eri!an e+ition/ O!to(er %&&.

The Bo# Who Live+ F % The Ganishing G)ass F %.


The Letters 0ro3 No One F >% The Kee"er o0 the Ke#s F ?D


7iagon A))e# F D% The Journe# 0ro3 ,)at0or3 Nine an+ Three;Huarters F ..


The Sorting Hat F %%> The ,otions *aster F %>%


The *i+night 7ue) F %?> Ha))oween F %D>


Iui++it!h F %.9 The *irror o0 2rise+ F %&?


Ni!ho)as F)a3e) F :%8 Nor(ert the Norwegian Ri+ge(a!4 F ::.


The For(i++en Forest F :?:

Through the Tra"+oor F :D:


The *an with Two Fa!es F :..

Harry Potter
And the Sorcerers Stone




*r. an+ *rs. 7urs)e#/ o0 nu3(er 0our/ ,rivet 7rive/ were "rou+ to sa# that the# were "er0e!t)# nor3a)/ than4 #ou ver# 3u!h. The# were the )ast "eo")e #ouJ+ e "e!t to (e invo)ve+ in an#thing strange or 3#sterious/ (e!ause the# Kust +i+nJt ho)+ with su!h nonsense. *r. 7urs)e# was the +ire!tor o0 a 0ir3 !a))e+ Grunnings/ whi!h 3a+e +ri))s. He was a (ig/ (ee0# 3an with har+)# an# ne!4/ a)though he +i+ have a ver# )arge 3usta!he. *rs. 7urs)e# was thin an+ ()on+e an+ ha+ near)# twi!e the usua) a3ount o0 ne!4/ whi!h !a3e in ver# use0u) as she s"ent so 3u!h o0 her ti3e !raning over gar+en 0en!es/ s"#ing on the neigh(ors. The 7urs)e#s ha+ a s3a)) son !a))e+ 7u+)e# an+ in their o"inion there was no 0iner (o# an#where. The 7urs)e#s ha+ ever#thing the# wante+/ (ut the# a)so ha+ a se!ret/ an+ their greatest 0ear was that so3e(o+# wou)+ +is!over it. The# +i+nJt thin4 the# !ou)+ (ear it i0 an#one 0oun+ out a(out the ,otters. *rs. ,otter was *rs. 7urs)e#Js sister/ (ut the# ha+nJt 3et 0or severa) #earsL in 0a!t/ *rs. 7urs)e# "reten+e+ she +i+nJt have a sister/ (e!ause her sister an+ her goo+;0or;nothing hus(an+ were as un7urs)e#ish as it was "ossi()e to (e. The 7urs)e#s shu++ere+ to thin4 what the neigh(ors wou)+ sa# i0 the ,otters arrive+ in the street. The 7urs)e#s 4new that the ,otters ha+ a s3a)) son/ too/ (ut the# ha+

never even seen hi3. This (o# was another goo+ reason 0or 4ee"ing the ,otters awa#L the# +i+nJt want 7u+)e# 3i ing with a !hi)+ )i4e that. When *r. an+ *rs. 7urs)e# wo4e u" on the +u))/ gra# Tues+a# our stor# starts/ there was nothing a(out the !)ou+# s4# outsi+e to suggest that strange an+ 3#sterious things wou)+ soon (e ha""ening a)) over the !ountr#. *r. 7urs)e# hu33e+ as he "i!4e+ out his 3ost (oring tie 0or wor4/ an+ *rs. 7urs)e# gossi"e+ awa# ha""i)# as she wrest)e+ a s!rea3ing 7u+)e# into his high !hair. None o0 the3 noti!e+ a )arge/ tawn# ow) 0)utter "ast the win+ow. At ha)0 "ast eight/ *r. 7urs)e# "i!4e+ u" his (rie0!ase/ "e!4e+ *rs. 7urs)e# on the !hee4/ an+ trie+ to 4iss 7u+)e# goo+;(#e (ut 3isse+/ (e!ause 7u+)e# was now having a tantru3 an+ throwing his !erea) at the wa))s. MLitt)e t#4e/N !hort)e+ *r. 7urs)e# as he )e0t the house. He got into his !ar an+ (a!4e+ out o0 nu3(er 0ourJs +rive. It was on the !orner o0 the street that he noti!e+ the 0irst sign o0 so3ething "e!u)iar A a !at rea+ing a 3a". For a se!on+/ *r. 7urs)e# +i+nJt rea)i=e what he ha+ seen A then he Ker4e+ his hea+ aroun+ to )oo4 again. There was a ta((# !at stan+ing on the !orner o0 ,rivet 7rive/ (ut there wasnJt a 3a" in sight. What !ou)+ he have (een thin4ing o0O It 3ust have (een a tri!4 o0 the )ight. *r. 7urs)e# ()in4e+ an+ stare+ at the !at. It stare+ (a!4. As *r. 7urs)e# +rove aroun+ the !orner an+ u" the roa+/ he wat!he+ the !at in his 3irror. It was now rea+ing the sign that sai+ ,rivet 7rive A no/ lookin' at the signL !ats !ou)+nJt rea+ 3a"s or signs. *r. 7urs)e# gave hi3se)0 a )itt)e sha4e an+ "ut the !at out o0 his 3in+. As he +rove towar+ town he thought o0 nothing e !e"t a )arge or+er o0 +ri))s he was ho"ing to get that +a#. But on the e+ge o0 town/ +ri))s were +riven out o0 his 3in+ (# so3ething e)se. As he sat in the usua) 3orning tra00i! Ka3/ he !ou)+nJt he)" noti!ing that there see3e+ to (e a )ot o0 strange)# +resse+ "eo")e a(out. ,eo")e in !)oa4s. *r. 7urs)e# !ou)+nJt (ear "eo")e who +resse+ in 0unn# !)othes A the getu"s #ou saw on #oung "eo")eP He su""ose+ this was so3e stu"i+ new 0ashion. He +ru33e+ his 0ingers on the steering whee) an+ his e#es 0e)) on a hu++)e o0 these weir+os stan+ing Huite !)ose (#. The# were whis"ering e !ite+)# together. *r. 7urs)e# was enrage+ to see that a !ou")e o0 the3 werenJt #oung at a))L wh#/ that 3an ha+ to (e o)+er than he was/ an+ wearing an e3era)+;green !)oa4P The nerve o0 hi3P But then it stru!4 *r. 7urs)e# that this was "ro(a()# so3e si))# stunt A these "eo")e were o(vious)# !o))e!ting 0or so3ething . . . #es/ that wou)+ (e it. The tra00i! 3ove+ on an+ a 0ew 3inutes )ater/ *r. 7urs)e# arrive+ in the Grunnings "ar4ing )ot/ his 3in+ (a!4 on +ri))s.

*r. 7urs)e# a)wa#s sat with his (a!4 to the win+ow in his o00i!e on the ninth 0)oor. I0 he ha+nJt/ he 3ight have 0oun+ it har+er to !on!entrate on +ri))s that 3orning. He +i+nJt see the ow)s swoo"ing "ast in (roa+ +a#)ight/ though "eo")e +own in the street +i+L the# "ointe+ an+ ga=e+ o"en;3outhe+ as ow) a0ter ow) s"e+ overhea+. *ost o0 the3 ha+ never seen an ow) even at nightti3e. *r. 7urs)e#/ however/ ha+ a "er0e!t)# nor3a)/ ow);0ree 3orning. He #e))e+ at 0ive +i00erent "eo")e. He 3a+e severa) i3"ortant te)e"hone !a))s an+ shoute+ a (it 3ore. He was in a ver# goo+ 3oo+ unti) )un!hti3e/ when he thought heJ+ stret!h his )egs an+ wa)4 a!ross the roa+ to (u# hi3se)0 a (un 0ro3 the (a4er#. HeJ+ 0orgotten a)) a(out the "eo")e in !)oa4s unti) he "asse+ a grou" o0 the3 ne t to the (a4erJs. He e#e+ the3 angri)# as he "asse+. He +i+nJt 4now wh#/ (ut the# 3a+e hi3 uneas#. This (un!h were whis"ering e !ite+)#/ too/ an+ he !ou)+nJt see a sing)e !o))e!ting tin. It was on his wa# (a!4 "ast the3/ !)ut!hing a )arge +oughnut in a (ag/ that he !aught a 0ew wor+s o0 what the# were sa#ing. MThe ,otters/ thatJs right/ thatJs what I hear+ AN MA #es/ their son/ Harr# AN *r. 7urs)e# sto""e+ +ea+. Fear 0)oo+e+ hi3. He )oo4e+ (a!4 at the whis"erers as i0 he wante+ to sa# so3ething to the3/ (ut thought (etter o0 it. He +ashe+ (a!4 a!ross the roa+/ hurrie+ u" to his o00i!e/ sna""e+ at his se!retar# not to +istur( hi3/ sei=e+ his te)e"hone/ an+ ha+ a)3ost 0inishe+ +ia)ing his ho3e nu3(er when he !hange+ his 3in+. He "ut the re!eiver (a!4 +own an+ stro4e+ his 3usta!he/ thin4ing . . . no/ he was (eing stu"i+. ,otter wasnJt su!h an unusua) na3e. He was sure there were )ots o0 "eo")e !a))e+ ,otter who ha+ a son !a))e+ Harr#. 1o3e to thin4 o0 it/ he wasnJt even sure his ne"hew !as !a))e+ Harr#. HeJ+ never even seen the (o#. It 3ight have (een Harve#. Or Haro)+. There was no "oint in worr#ing *rs. 7urs)e#L she a)wa#s got so u"set at an# 3ention o0 her sister. He +i+nJt ()a3e her A i0 hed ha+ a sister )i4e that . . . (ut a)) the sa3e/ those "eo")e in !)oa4s . . . He 0oun+ it a )ot har+er to !on!entrate on +ri))s that a0ternoon an+ when he )e0t the (ui)+ing at 0ive oJ!)o!4/ he was sti)) so worrie+ that he wa)4e+ straight into so3eone Kust outsi+e the +oor. MSorr#/N he grunte+/ as the tin# o)+ 3an stu3()e+ an+ a)3ost 0e)). It was a 0ew se!on+s (e0ore *r. 7urs)e# rea)i=e+ that the 3an was wearing a vio)et !)oa4. He +i+nJt see3 at a)) u"set at (eing a)3ost 4no!4e+ to the groun+. On the !ontrar#/ his 0a!e s")it into a wi+e s3i)e

an+ he sai+ in a sHuea4# voi!e that 3a+e "assers(# stare/ M7onJt (e sorr#/ 3# +ear sir/ 0or nothing !ou)+ u"set 3e to+a#P ReKoi!e/ 0or You; Know;Who has gone at )astP 2ven *ugg)es )i4e #ourse)0 shou)+ (e !e)e(rating/ this ha""#/ ha""# +a#PN An+ the o)+ 3an hugge+ *r. 7urs)e# aroun+ the 3i++)e an+ wa)4e+ o00. *r. 7urs)e# stoo+ roote+ to the s"ot. He ha+ (een hugge+ (# a !o3")ete stranger. He a)so thought he ha+ (een !a))e+ a *ugg)e/ whatever that was. He was ratt)e+. He hurrie+ to his !ar an+ set o00 0or ho3e/ ho"ing he was i3agining things/ whi!h he ha+ never ho"e+ (e0ore/ (e!ause he +i+nJt a""rove o0 i3agination. As he "u))e+ into the +rivewa# o0 nu3(er 0our/ the 0irst thing he saw A an+ it +i+nJt i3"rove his 3oo+ A was the ta((# !at heJ+ s"otte+ that 3orning. It was now sitting on his gar+en wa)). He was sure it was the sa3e oneL it ha+ the sa3e 3ar4ings aroun+ its e#es. MShooPN sai+ *r. 7urs)e# )ou+)#. The !at +i+nJt 3ove. It Kust gave hi3 a stern )oo4. Was this nor3a) !at (ehaviorO *r. 7urs)e# won+ere+. Tr#ing to "u)) hi3se)0 together/ he )et hi3se)0 into the house. He was sti)) +eter3ine+ not to 3ention an#thing to his wi0e. *rs. 7urs)e# ha+ ha+ a ni!e/ nor3a) +a#. She to)+ hi3 over +inner a)) a(out *rs. Ne t 7oorJs "ro()e3s with her +aughter an+ how 7u+)e# ha+ )earne+ a new wor+ QMWonJtPNR. *r. 7urs)e# trie+ to a!t nor3a))#. When 7u+)e# ha+ (een "ut to (e+/ he went into the )iving roo3 in ti3e to !at!h the )ast re"ort on the evening news6 MAn+ 0ina))#/ (ir+;wat!hers ever#where have re"orte+ that the nationJs ow)s have (een (ehaving ver# unusua))# to+a#. A)though ow)s nor3a))# hunt at night an+ are har+)# ever seen in +a#)ight/ there have (een hun+re+s o0 sightings o0 these (ir+s 0)#ing in ever# +ire!tion sin!e sunrise. 2 "erts are una()e to e ")ain wh# the ow)s have su++en)# !hange+ their s)ee"ing "attern.N The news!aster a))owe+ hi3se)0 a grin. M*ost 3#sterious. An+ now/ over to Ji3 *!Gu00in with the weather. Going to (e an# 3ore showers o0 ow)s tonight/ Ji3ON MWe))/ Te+/N sai+ the weather3an/ MI +onJt 4now a(out that/ (ut itJs not on)# the ow)s that have (een a!ting o++)# to+a#. Giewers as 0ar a"art as Kent/ Yor4shire/ an+ 7un+ee have (een "honing in to te)) 3e that instea+ o0 the rain I "ro3ise+ #ester+a#/ the#Jve ha+ a +own"our o0 shooting starsP ,erha"s "eo")e have (een !e)e(rating Bon0ire Night ear)# A itJs not unti) ne t wee4/ 0o)4sP But I !an "ro3ise a wet night tonight.N

*r. 7urs)e# sat 0ro=en in his ar3!hair. Shooting stars a)) over BritainO Ow)s 0)#ing (# +a#)ightO *#sterious "eo")e in !)oa4s a)) over the ")a!eO An+ a whis"er/ a whis"er a(out the ,otters . . . *rs. 7urs)e# !a3e into the )iving roo3 !arr#ing two !u"s o0 tea. It was no goo+. HeJ+ have to sa# so3ething to her. He !)eare+ his throat nervous)#. M2r A ,etunia/ +ear A #ou havenJt hear+ 0ro3 #our sister )ate)#/ have #ouON As he ha+ e "e!te+/ *rs. 7urs)e# )oo4e+ sho!4e+ an+ angr#. A0ter a))/ the# nor3a))# "reten+e+ she +i+nJt have a sister. MNo/N she sai+ shar")#. MWh#ON MFunn# stu00 on the news/N *r. 7urs)e# 3u3()e+. MOw)s . . . shooting stars . . . an+ there were a )ot o0 0unn#;)oo4ing "eo")e in town to+a# . . .N MSoON sna""e+ *rs. 7urs)e#. MWe))/ I Kust thought . . . 3a#(e . . . it was so3ething to +o with . . . #ou 4now . . . her !row+.N *rs. 7urs)e# si""e+ her tea through "urse+ )i"s. *r. 7urs)e# won+ere+ whether he +are+ te)) her heJ+ hear+ the na3e M,otter.N He +e!i+e+ he +i+nJt +are. Instea+ he sai+/ as !asua))# as he !ou)+/ MTheir son A heJ+ (e a(out 7u+)e#Js age now/ wou)+nJt heON MI su""ose so/N sai+ *rs. 7urs)e# sti00)#. MWhatJs his na3e againO Howar+/ isnJt itON MHarr#. Nast#/ !o33on na3e/ i0 #ou as4 3e.N MOh/ #es/N sai+ *r. 7urs)e#/ his heart sin4ing horri()#. MYes/ I Huite agree.N He +i+nJt sa# another wor+ on the su(Ke!t as the# went u"stairs to (e+. Whi)e *rs. 7urs)e# was in the (athroo3/ *r. 7urs)e# !re"t to the (e+roo3 win+ow an+ "eere+ +own into the 0ront gar+en. The !at was sti)) there. It was staring +own ,rivet 7rive as though it were waiting 0or so3ething. Was he i3agining thingsO 1ou)+ a)) this have an#thing to +o with the ,ottersO I0 it +i+ . . . i0 it got out that the# were re)ate+ to a "air o0 A we))/ he +i+nJt thin4 he !ou)+ (ear it. The 7urs)e#s got into (e+. *rs. 7urs)e# 0e)) as)ee" Hui!4)# (ut *r. 7urs)e# )a# awa4e/ turning it a)) over in his 3in+. His )ast/ !o30orting thought (e0ore he 0e)) as)ee" was that even i0 the ,otters !ere invo)ve+/ there was no reason 0or the3 to !o3e near hi3 an+ *rs. 7urs)e#. The ,otters 4new ver# we)) what he an+ ,etunia thought a(out the3 an+ their 4in+. . . . He !ou)+nJt see how he an+ ,etunia !ou)+ get 3i e+ u" in an#thing that 3ight (e going on A he #awne+ an+ turne+ over A it !ou)+nJt a00e!t them( . . . How ver# wrong he was.

*r. 7urs)e# 3ight have (een +ri0ting into an uneas# s)ee"/ (ut the !at on the wa)) outsi+e was showing no sign o0 s)ee"iness. It was sitting as sti)) as a statue/ its e#es 0i e+ un()in4ing)# on the 0ar !orner o0 ,rivet 7rive. It +i+nJt so 3u!h as Huiver when a !ar +oor s)a33e+ on the ne t street/ nor when two ow)s swoo"e+ overhea+. In 0a!t/ it was near)# 3i+night (e0ore the !at 3ove+ at a)). A 3an a""eare+ on the !orner the !at ha+ (een wat!hing/ a""eare+ so su++en)# an+ si)ent)# #ouJ+ have thought heJ+ Kust "o""e+ out o0 the groun+. The !atJs tai) twit!he+ an+ its e#es narrowe+. Nothing )i4e this 3an ha+ ever (een seen on ,rivet 7rive. He was ta))/ thin/ an+ ver# o)+/ Ku+ging (# the si)ver o0 his hair an+ (ear+/ whi!h were (oth )ong enough to tu!4 into his (e)t. He was wearing )ong ro(es/ a "ur")e !)oa4 that swe"t the groun+/ an+ high;hee)e+/ (u!4)e+ (oots. His ()ue e#es were )ight/ (right/ an+ s"ar4)ing (ehin+ ha)0;3oon s"e!ta!)es an+ his nose was ver# )ong an+ !roo4e+/ as though it ha+ (een (ro4en at )east twi!e. This 3anJs na3e was A)(us 7u3()e+ore. A)(us 7u3()e+ore +i+nJt see3 to rea)i=e that he ha+ Kust arrive+ in a street where ever#thing 0ro3 his na3e to his (oots was unwe)!o3e. He was (us# ru33aging in his !)oa4/ )oo4ing 0or so3ething. But he +i+ see3 to rea)i=e he was (eing wat!he+/ (e!ause he )oo4e+ u" su++en)# at the !at/ whi!h was sti)) staring at hi3 0ro3 the other en+ o0 the street. For so3e reason/ the sight o0 the !at see3e+ to a3use hi3. He !hu!4)e+ an+ 3uttere+/ MI shou)+ have 4nown.N He 0oun+ what he was )oo4ing 0or in his insi+e "o!4et. It see3e+ to (e a si)ver !igarette )ighter. He 0)i!4e+ it o"en/ he)+ it u" in the air/ an+ !)i!4e+ it. The nearest street )a3" went out with a )itt)e "o". He !)i!4e+ it again A the ne t )a3" 0)i!4ere+ into +ar4ness. Twe)ve ti3es he !)i!4e+ the ,ut;Outer/ unti) the on)# )ights )e0t on the who)e street were two tin# "in"ri!4s in the +istan!e/ whi!h were the e#es o0 the !at wat!hing hi3. I0 an#one )oo4e+ out o0 their win+ow now/ even (ea+#; e#e+ *rs. 7urs)e#/ the# wou)+nJt (e a()e to see an#thing that was ha""ening +own on the "ave3ent. 7u3()e+ore s)i""e+ the ,ut;Outer (a!4 insi+e his !)oa4 an+ set o00 +own the street towar+ nu3(er 0our/ where he sat +own on the wa)) ne t to the !at. He +i+nJt )oo4 at it/ (ut a0ter a 3o3ent he s"o4e to it. MFan!# seeing #ou here/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)).N He turne+ to s3i)e at the ta((#/ (ut it ha+ gone. Instea+ he was s3i)ing at a rather severe;)oo4ing wo3an who was wearing sHuare g)asses e a!t)# the sha"e o0 the 3ar4ings the !at ha+ ha+ aroun+ its

e#es. She/ too/ was wearing a !)oa4/ an e3era)+ one. Her ()a!4 hair was +rawn into a tight (un. She )oo4e+ +istin!t)# ru00)e+. MHow +i+ #ou 4now it was 3eON she as4e+. M*# +ear ,ro0essor/ IJve never seen a !at sit so sti00)#.N MYouJ+ (e sti00 i0 #ouJ+ (een sitting on a (ri!4 wa)) a)) +a#/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MA)) +a#O When #ou !ou)+ have (een !e)e(ratingO I 3ust have "asse+ a +o=en 0easts an+ "arties on 3# wa# here.N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) sni00e+ angri)#. MOh #es/ ever#oneJs !e)e(rating/ a)) right/N she sai+ i3"atient)#. MYouJ+ thin4 the#J+ (e a (it 3ore !are0u)/ (ut no A even the *ugg)es have noti!e+ so3ethingJs going on. It was on their news.N She Ker4e+ her hea+ (a!4 at the 7urs)e#sJ +ar4 )iving;roo3 win+ow. MI hear+ it. F)o!4s o0 ow)s . . . shooting stars. . . . We))/ the#Jre not !o3")ete)# stu"i+. The# were (oun+ to noti!e so3ething. Shooting stars +own in Kent A IJ)) (et that was 7e+a)us 7igg)e. He never ha+ 3u!h sense.N MYou !anJt ()a3e the3/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore gent)#. MWeJve ha+ "re!ious )itt)e to !e)e(rate 0or e)even #ears.N MI 4now that/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) irrita()#. MBut thatJs no reason to )ose our hea+s. ,eo")e are (eing +ownright !are)ess/ out on the streets in (roa+ +a#)ight/ not even +resse+ in *ugg)e !)othes/ swa""ing ru3ors.N She threw a shar"/ si+ewa#s g)an!e at 7u3()e+ore here/ as though ho"ing he was going to te)) her so3ething/ (ut he +i+nJt/ so she went on. MA 0ine thing it wou)+ (e i0/ on the ver# +a# You;Know;Who see3s to have +isa""eare+ at )ast/ the *ugg)es 0oun+ out a(out us a)). I su""ose he rea))# has gone/ 7u3()e+oreON MIt !ertain)# see3s so/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MWe have 3u!h to (e than40u) 0or. Wou)+ #ou !are 0or a )e3on +ro"ON MA !hatON MA )e3on +ro". The#Jre a 4in+ o0 *ugg)e sweet IJ3 rather 0on+ o0.N MNo/ than4 #ou/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) !o)+)#/ as though she +i+nJt thin4 this was the 3o3ent 0or )e3on +ro"s. MAs I sa#/ even i0 You;Know;Who has gone AN M*# +ear ,ro0essor/ sure)# a sensi()e "erson )i4e #ourse)0 !an !a)) hi3 (# his na3eO A)) this SYou;Know;WhoJ nonsense A 0or e)even #ears I have (een tr#ing to "ersua+e "eo")e to !a)) hi3 (# his "ro"er na3e6 )oldemort(N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) 0)in!he+/ (ut 7u3()e+ore/ who was unsti!4ing two )e3on +ro"s/ see3e+ not to noti!e. MIt a)) gets so !on0using i0 we 4ee" sa#ing SYou;Know;Who.J I have never seen an# reason to (e 0rightene+ o0 sa#ing Go)+e3ortJs

na3e.N MI 4now #ou havenJt/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ soun+ing ha)0 e as"erate+/ ha)0 a+3iring. MBut #ouJre +i00erent. 2ver#one 4nows #ouJre the on)# one You;Know; oh/ a)) right/ )oldemort* was 0rightene+ o0.N MYou 0)atter 3e/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore !a)3)#. MGo)+e3ort ha+ "owers I wi)) never have.N MOn)# (e!ause #ouJre too A we)) A noble to use the3.N MItJs )u!4# its +ar4. I havenJt ()ushe+ so 3u!h sin!e *a+a3 ,o30re# to)+ 3e she )i4e+ 3# new ear3u00s.N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) shot a shar" )oo4 at 7u3()e+ore an+ sai+/ MThe ow)s are nothing ne t to the r"mors that are 0)#ing aroun+. You 4now what ever#oneJs sa#ingO A(out wh# heJs +isa""eare+O A(out what 0ina))# sto""e+ hi3ON It see3e+ that ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ha+ rea!he+ the "oint she was 3ost an ious to +is!uss/ the rea) reason she ha+ (een waiting on a !o)+/ har+ wa)) a)) +a#/ 0or neither as a !at nor as a wo3an ha+ she 0i e+ 7u3()e+ore with su!h a "ier!ing stare as she +i+ now. It was ")ain that whatever Mever#oneN was sa#ing/ she was not going to (e)ieve it unti) 7u3()e+ore to)+ her it was true. 7u3()e+ore/ however/ was !hoosing another )e3on +ro" an+ +i+ not answer. MWhat the#Jre sayin'*N she "resse+ on/ Mis that )ast night Go)+e3ort turne+ u" in Go+ri!Js Ho))ow. He went to 0in+ the ,otters. The ru3or is that Li)# an+ Ja3es ,otter are A are A that the#Jre A dead(N 7u3()e+ore (owe+ his hea+. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) gas"e+. MLi)# an+ Ja3es . . . I !anJt (e)ieve it . . . I +i+nJt want to (e)ieve it . . . Oh/ A)(us . . .N 7u3()e+ore rea!he+ out an+ "atte+ her on the shou)+er. MI 4now . . . I 4now . . .N he sai+ heavi)#. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))Js voi!e tre3()e+ as she went on. MThatJs not a)). The#Jre sa#ing he trie+ to 4i)) the ,ottersJ son/ Harr#. But A he !ou)+nJt. He !ou)+nJt 4i)) that )itt)e (o#. No one 4nows wh#/ or how/ (ut the#Jre sa#ing that when he !ou)+nJt 4i)) Harr# ,otter/ Go)+e3ortJs "ower so3ehow (ro4e A an+ thatJs wh# heJs gone.N 7u3()e+ore no++e+ g)u3)#. MItJs A itJs tr"eON 0a)tere+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MA0ter a)) heJs +one . . . a)) the "eo")e heJs 4i))e+ . . . he !ou)+nJt 4i)) a )itt)e (o#O ItJs Kust astoun+ing . . . o0 a)) the things to sto" hi3 . . . (ut how in the na3e o0 heaven +i+ Harr# surviveON MWe !an on)# guess/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MWe 3a# never 4now.N

,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) "u))e+ out a )a!e han+4er!hie0 an+ +a((e+ at her e#es (eneath her s"e!ta!)es. 7u3()e+ore gave a great sni00 as he too4 a go)+en wat!h 0ro3 his "o!4et an+ e a3ine+ it. It was a ver# o++ wat!h. It ha+ twe)ve han+s (ut no nu3(ersL instea+/ )itt)e ")anets were 3oving aroun+ the e+ge. It 3ust have 3a+e sense to 7u3()e+ore/ though/ (e!ause he "ut it (a!4 in his "o!4et an+ sai+/ MHagri+Js )ate. I su""ose it was he who to)+ #ou IJ+ (e here/ (# the wa#ON MYes/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MAn+ I +onJt su""ose #ouJre going to te)) 3e !hy #ouJre here/ o0 a)) ")a!esON MIJve !o3e to (ring Harr# to his aunt an+ un!)e. The#Jre the on)# 0a3i)# he has )e0t now.N MYou +onJt 3ean A #ou cant 3ean the "eo")e who )ive hereON !rie+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ Ku3"ing to her 0eet an+ "ointing at nu3(er 0our. M7u3()e+ore A #ou !anJt. IJve (een wat!hing the3 a)) +a#. You !ou)+nJt 0in+ two "eo")e who are )ess )i4e us. An+ the#Jve got this son A I saw hi3 4i!4ing his 3other a)) the wa# u" the street/ s!rea3ing 0or sweets. Harr# ,otter !o3e an+ )ive herePN MItJs the (est ")a!e 0or hi3/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore 0ir3)#. MHis aunt an+ un!)e wi)) (e a()e to e ")ain ever#thing to hi3 when heJs o)+er. IJve written the3 a )etter.N MA )etterON re"eate+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) 0aint)#/ sitting (a!4 +own on the wa)). MRea))#/ 7u3()e+ore/ #ou thin4 #ou !an e ")ain a)) this in a )etterO These "eo")e wi)) never un+erstan+ hi3P HeJ)) (e 0a3ous A a )egen+ A I wou)+nJt (e sur"rise+ i0 to+a# was 4nown as Harr# ,otter 7a# in the 0uture A there wi)) (e (oo4s written a(out Harr# A ever# !hi)+ in our wor)+ wi)) 4now his na3ePN M2 a!t)#/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ )oo4ing ver# serious)# over the to" o0 his ha)0;3oon g)asses. MIt wou)+ (e enough to turn an# (o#Js hea+. Fa3ous (e0ore he !an wa)4 an+ ta)4P Fa3ous 0or so3ething he wonJt even re3e3(erP 1anJt #ou see how 3u!h (etter o00 heJ)) (e/ growing u" awa# 0ro3 a)) that unti) heJs rea+# to ta4e itON ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) o"ene+ her 3outh/ !hange+ her 3in+/ swa))owe+/ an+ then sai+/ MYes A #es/ #ouJre right/ o0 !ourse. But how is the (o# getting here/ 7u3()e+oreON She e#e+ his !)oa4 su++en)# as though she thought he 3ight (e hi+ing Harr# un+erneath it. MHagri+Js (ringing hi3.N MYou thin4 it A !ise A to trust Hagri+ with so3ething as i3"ortant as thisON MI wou)+ trust Hagri+ with 3# )i0e/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore.

MIJ3 not sa#ing his heart isnJt in the right ")a!e/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) gru+ging)#/ M(ut #ou !anJt "reten+ heJs not !are)ess. He +oes ten+ to A what was thatON A )ow ru3()ing soun+ ha+ (ro4en the si)en!e aroun+ the3. It grew stea+i)# )ou+er as the# )oo4e+ u" an+ +own the street 0or so3e sign o0 a hea+)ightL it swe))e+ to a roar as the# (oth )oo4e+ u" at the s4# A an+ a huge 3otor!#!)e 0e)) out o0 the air an+ )an+e+ on the roa+ in 0ront o0 the3. I0 the 3otor!#!)e was huge/ it was nothing to the 3an sitting astri+e it. He was a)3ost twi!e as ta)) as a nor3a) 3an an+ at )east 0ive ti3es as wi+e. He )oo4e+ si3")# too (ig to (e a))owe+/ an+ so !ild A )ong tang)es o0 (ush# ()a!4 hair an+ (ear+ hi+ 3ost o0 his 0a!e/ he ha+ han+s the si=e o0 trash !an )i+s/ an+ his 0eet in their )eather (oots were )i4e (a(# +o)"hins. In his vast/ 3us!u)ar ar3s he was ho)+ing a (un+)e o0 ()an4ets. MHagri+/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ soun+ing re)ieve+. MAt )ast. An+ where +i+ #ou get that 3otor!#!)eON MBorrowe+ it/ ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore/ sir/N sai+ the giant/ !)i3(ing !are0u))# o00 the 3otor!#!)e as he s"o4e. MYoung Sirius B)a!4 )ent it to 3e. IJve got hi3/ sir.N MNo "ro()e3s/ were thereON MNo/ sir A house was a)3ost +estro#e+/ (ut I got hi3 out a)) right (e0ore the *ugg)es starte+ swar3inJ aroun+. He 0e)) as)ee" as we was 0)#inJ over Bristo).N 7u3()e+ore an+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) (ent 0orwar+ over the (un+)e o0 ()an4ets. Insi+e/ Kust visi()e/ was a (a(# (o#/ 0ast as)ee". En+er a tu0t o0 Ket;()a!4 hair over his 0orehea+ the# !ou)+ see a !urious)# sha"e+ !ut/ )i4e a (o)t o0 )ightning. MIs that where A ON whis"ere+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MYes/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MHeJ)) have that s!ar 0orever.N M1ou)+nJt #ou +o so3ething a(out it/ 7u3()e+oreON M2ven i0 I !ou)+/ I wou)+nJt. S!ars !an !o3e in han+#. I have one 3#se)0 a(ove 3# )e0t 4nee that is a "er0e!t 3a" o0 the Lon+on En+ergroun+. We)) A give hi3 here/ Hagri+ A weJ+ (etter get this over with.N 7u3()e+ore too4 Harr# in his ar3s an+ turne+ towar+ the 7urs)e#sJ house. M1ou)+ I A !ou)+ I sa# goo+;(#e to hi3/ sirON as4e+ Hagri+. He (ent his great/ shagg# hea+ over Harr# an+ gave hi3 what 3ust have (een a ver# s!rat!h#/ whis4er# 4iss. Then/ su++en)#/ Hagri+ )et out a how) )i4e a woun+e+ +og.

MShhhPN hisse+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ M#ouJ)) wa4e the *ugg)esPN MS;s;sorr#/N so((e+ Hagri+/ ta4ing out a )arge/ s"otte+ han+4er!hie0 an+ (ur#ing his 0a!e in it. MBut I !;!;!anJt stan+ it A Li)# anJ Ja3es +ea+ A anJ "oor )itt)e Harr# o00 ter )ive with *ugg)es AN MYes/ #es/ its a)) ver# sa+/ (ut get a gri" on #ourse)0/ Hagri+/ or weJ)) (e 0oun+/N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) whis"ere+/ "atting Hagri+ ginger)# on the ar3 as 7u3()e+ore ste""e+ over the )ow gar+en wa)) an+ wa)4e+ to the 0ront +oor. He )ai+ Harr# gent)# on the +oorste"/ too4 a )etter out o0 his !)oa4/ tu!4e+ it insi+e Harr#Js ()an4ets/ an+ then !a3e (a!4 to the other two. For a 0u)) 3inute the three o0 the3 stoo+ an+ )oo4e+ at the )itt)e (un+)eL Hagri+Js shou)+ers shoo4/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ()in4e+ 0urious)#/ an+ the twin4)ing )ight that usua))# shone 0ro3 7u3()e+oreJs e#es see3e+ to have gone out. MWe))/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore 0ina))#/ MthatJs that. WeJve no (usiness sta#ing here. We 3a# as we)) go an+ Koin the !e)e(rations.N MYeah/N sai+ Hagri+ in a ver# 3u00)e+ voi!e/ MIJ+ (est get this (i4e awa#. GJnight/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) A ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore/ sir.N Wi"ing his strea3ing e#es on his Ka!4et s)eeve/ Hagri+ swung hi3se)0 onto the 3otor!#!)e an+ 4i!4e+ the engine into )i0eL with a roar it rose into the air an+ o00 into the night. MI sha)) see #ou soon/ I e "e!t/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ no++ing to her. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ()ew her nose in re")#. 7u3()e+ore turne+ an+ wa)4e+ (a!4 +own the street. On the !orner he sto""e+ an+ too4 out the si)ver ,ut;Outer. He !)i!4e+ it on!e/ an+ twe)ve (a))s o0 )ight s"e+ (a!4 to their street )a3"s so that ,rivet 7rive g)owe+ su++en)# orange an+ he !ou)+ 3a4e out a ta((# !at s)in4ing aroun+ the !orner at the other en+ o0 the street. He !ou)+ Kust see the (un+)e o0 ()an4ets on the ste" o0 nu3(er 0our. MGoo+ )u!4/ Harr#/N he 3ur3ure+. He turne+ on his hee) an+ with a swish o0 his !)oa4/ he was gone. A (ree=e ru00)e+ the neat he+ges o0 ,rivet 7rive/ whi!h )a# si)ent an+ ti+# un+er the in4# s4#/ the ver# )ast ")a!e #ou wou)+ e "e!t astonishing things to ha""en. Harr# ,otter ro))e+ over insi+e his ()an4ets without wa4ing u". One s3a)) han+ !)ose+ on the )etter (esi+e hi3 an+ he s)e"t on/ not 4nowing he was s"e!ia)/ not 4nowing he was 0a3ous/ not 4nowing he wou)+ (e wo4en in a 0ew hoursJ ti3e (# *rs. 7urs)e#Js s!rea3 as she o"ene+ the 0ront +oor to "ut out the 3i)4 (ott)es/ nor that he wou)+ s"en+ the ne t 0ew wee4s (eing "ro++e+ an+ "in!he+ (# his !ousin 7u+)e#. . . . He !ou)+nJt 4now that at this

ver# 3o3ent/ "eo")e 3eeting in se!ret a)) over the !ountr# were ho)+ing u" their g)asses an+ sa#ing in hushe+ voi!es6 MTo Harr# ,otter A the (o# who )ive+PN

Near)# ten #ears ha+ "asse+ sin!e the 7urs)e#s ha+ wo4en u" to 0in+ their ne"hew on the 0ront ste"/ (ut ,rivet 7rive ha+ har+)# !hange+ at a)). The sun rose on the sa3e ti+# 0ront gar+ens an+ )it u" the (rass nu3(er 0our on the 7urs)e#sJ 0ront +oorL it !re"t into their )iving roo3/ whi!h was a)3ost e a!t)# the sa3e as it ha+ (een on the night when *r. 7urs)e# ha+ seen that 0ate0u) news re"ort a(out the ow)s. On)# the "hotogra"hs on the 3ante)"ie!e rea))# showe+ how 3u!h ti3e ha+ "asse+. Ten #ears ago/ there ha+ (een )ots o0 "i!tures o0 what )oo4e+ )i4e a )arge "in4 (ea!h (a)) wearing +i00erent;!o)ore+ (onnets A (ut 7u+)e# 7urs)e# was no )onger a (a(#/ an+ now the "hotogra"hs showe+ a )arge ()on+ (o# ri+ing his 0irst (i!#!)e/ on a !arouse) at the 0air/ ")a#ing a !o3"uter ga3e with his 0ather/ (eing hugge+ an+ 4isse+ (# his 3other. The roo3 he)+ no sign at a)) that another (o# )ive+ in the house/ too.

Yet Harr# ,otter was sti)) there/ as)ee" at the 3o3ent/ (ut not 0or )ong. His Aunt ,etunia was awa4e an+ it was her shri)) voi!e that 3a+e the 0irst noise o0 the +a#. ME"P Get u"P NowPN Harr# wo4e with a start. His aunt ra""e+ on the +oor again. ME"PN she s!ree!he+. Harr# hear+ her wa)4ing towar+ the 4it!hen an+ then the soun+ o0 the 0r#ing "an (eing "ut on the stove. He ro))e+ onto his (a!4 an+ trie+ to re3e3(er the +rea3 he ha+ (een having. It ha+ (een a goo+ one. There ha+ (een a 0)#ing 3otor!#!)e in it. He ha+ a 0unn# 0ee)ing heJ+ ha+ the sa3e +rea3 (e0ore. His aunt was (a!4 outsi+e the +oor. MAre #ou u" #etON she +e3an+e+. MNear)#/N sai+ Harr#. MWe))/ get a 3ove on/ I want #ou to )oo4 a0ter the (a!on. An+ +onJt #ou +are )et it (urn/ I want ever#thing "er0e!t on 7u++#Js (irth+a#.N Harr# groane+. MWhat +i+ #ou sa#ON his aunt sna""e+ through the +oor. MNothing/ nothing . . .N 7u+)e#Js (irth+a# A how !ou)+ he have 0orgottenO Harr# got s)ow)# out o0 (e+ an+ starte+ )oo4ing 0or so!4s. He 0oun+ a "air un+er his (e+ an+/ a0ter "u))ing a s"i+er o00 one o0 the3/ "ut the3 on. Harr# was use+ to s"i+ers/ (e!ause the !u"(oar+ un+er the stairs was 0u)) o0 the3/ an+ that was where he s)e"t. When he was +resse+ he went +own the ha)) into the 4it!hen. The ta()e was a)3ost hi++en (eneath a)) 7u+)e#Js (irth+a# "resents. It )oo4e+ as though 7u+)e# ha+ gotten the new !o3"uter he wante+/ not to 3ention the se!on+ te)evision an+ the ra!ing (i4e. 2 a!t)# wh# 7u+)e# wante+ a ra!ing (i4e was a 3#ster# to Harr#/ as 7u+)e# was ver# 0at an+ hate+ e er!ise A un)ess o0 !ourse it invo)ve+ "un!hing so3e(o+#. 7u+)e#Js 0avorite "un!hing (ag was Harr#/ (ut he !ou)+nJt o0ten !at!h hi3. Harr# +i+nJt )oo4 it/ (ut he was ver# 0ast. ,erha"s it ha+ so3ething to +o with )iving in a +ar4 !u"(oar+/ (ut Harr# ha+ a)wa#s (een s3a)) an+ s4inn# 0or his age. He )oo4e+ even s3a))er an+ s4innier than he rea))# was (e!ause a)) he ha+ to wear were o)+ !)othes o0 7u+)e#Js/ an+ 7u+)e# was a(out 0our ti3es (igger than he was. Harr# ha+ a thin 0a!e/ 4no(()# 4nees/ ()a!4 hair/ an+ (right green e#es. He wore roun+ g)asses he)+ together with a )ot o0 S!ot!h ta"e (e!ause o0 a)) the ti3es 7u+)e# ha+ "un!he+ hi3 on the nose. The on)# thing Harr# )i4e+ a(out his own a""earan!e was a ver# thin s!ar on his 0orehea+ that was sha"e+ )i4e a (o)t o0 )ightning. He ha+ ha+ it as )ong as he !ou)+ re3e3(er/ an+ the 0irst Huestion he

!ou)+ ever re3e3(er as4ing his Aunt ,etunia was how he ha+ gotten it. MIn the !ar !rash when #our "arents +ie+/N she ha+ sai+. MAn+ +onJt as4 Huestions.N ont ask +"estions A that was the 0irst ru)e 0or a Huiet )i0e with the 7urs)e#s. En!)e Gernon entere+ the 4it!hen as Harr# was turning over the (a!on. M1o3( #our hairPN he (ar4e+/ (# wa# o0 a 3orning greeting. A(out on!e a wee4/ En!)e Gernon )oo4e+ over the to" o0 his news"a"er an+ shoute+ that Harr# nee+e+ a hair!ut. Harr# 3ust have ha+ 3ore hair!uts than the rest o0 the (o#s in his !)ass "ut together/ (ut it 3a+e no +i00eren!e/ his hair si3")# grew that wa# A a)) over the ")a!e. Harr# was 0r#ing eggs (# the ti3e 7u+)e# arrive+ in the 4it!hen with his 3other. 7u+)e# )oo4e+ a )ot )i4e En!)e Gernon. He ha+ a )arge "in4 0a!e/ not 3u!h ne!4/ s3a))/ water# ()ue e#es/ an+ thi!4 ()on+ hair that )a# s3ooth)# on his thi!4/ 0at hea+. Aunt ,etunia o0ten sai+ that 7u+)e# )oo4e+ )i4e a (a(# ange) A Harr# o0ten sai+ that 7u+)e# )oo4e+ )i4e a "ig in a wig. Harr# "ut the ")ates o0 egg an+ (a!on on the ta()e/ whi!h was +i00i!u)t as there wasnJt 3u!h roo3. 7u+)e#/ 3eanwhi)e/ was !ounting his "resents. His 0a!e 0e)). MThirt#;si /N he sai+/ )oo4ing u" at his 3other an+ 0ather. MThatJs two )ess than )ast #ear.N M7ar)ing/ #ou havenJt !ounte+ Auntie *argeJs "resent/ see/ itJs here un+er this (ig one 0ro3 *o33# an+ 7a++#.N MA)) right/ thirt#;seven then/N sai+ 7u+)e#/ going re+ in the 0a!e. Harr#/ who !ou)+ see a huge 7u+)e# tantru3 !o3ing on/ (egan wo)0ing +own his (a!on as 0ast as "ossi()e in !ase 7u+)e# turne+ the ta()e over. Aunt ,etunia o(vious)# s!ente+ +anger/ too/ (e!ause she sai+ Hui!4)#/ MAn+ weJ)) (u# #ou another t!o "resents whi)e weJre out to+a#. HowJs that/ "o"4inO ,!o 3ore "resents. Is that a)) rightON 7u+)e# thought 0or a 3o3ent. It )oo4e+ )i4e har+ wor4. Fina))# he sai+ s)ow)#/ MSo IJ)) have thirt# . . . thirt# . . .N MThirt#;nine/ sweetu3s/N sai+ Aunt ,etunia. MOh.N 7u+)e# sat +own heavi)# an+ gra((e+ the nearest "ar!e). MA)) right then.N En!)e Gernon !hu!4)e+. MLitt)e t#4e wants his 3one#Js worth/ Kust )i4e his 0ather. JAtta (o#/ 7u+)e#PN He ru00)e+ 7u+)e#Js hair.

At that 3o3ent the te)e"hone rang an+ Aunt ,etunia went to answer it whi)e Harr# an+ En!)e Gernon wat!he+ 7u+)e# unwra" the ra!ing (i4e/ a vi+eo !a3era/ a re3ote !ontro) air")ane/ si teen new !o3"uter ga3es/ an+ a G1R. He was ri""ing the "a"er o00 a go)+ wristwat!h when Aunt ,etunia !a3e (a!4 0ro3 the te)e"hone )oo4ing (oth angr# an+ worrie+. MBa+ news/ Gernon/N she sai+. M*rs. FiggJs (ro4en her )eg. She !anJt ta4e hi3.N She Ker4e+ her hea+ in Harr#Js +ire!tion. 7u+)e#Js 3outh 0e)) o"en in horror/ (ut Harr#Js heart gave a )ea". 2ver# #ear on 7u+)e#Js (irth+a#/ his "arents too4 hi3 an+ a 0rien+ out 0or the +a#/ to a+venture "ar4s/ ha3(urger restaurants/ or the 3ovies. 2ver# #ear/ Harr# was )e0t (ehin+ with *rs. Figg/ a 3a+ o)+ )a+# who )ive+ two streets awa#. Harr# hate+ it there. The who)e house s3e))e+ o0 !a((age an+ *rs. Figg 3a+e hi3 )oo4 at "hotogra"hs o0 a)) the !ats sheJ+ ever owne+. MNow whatON sai+ Aunt ,etunia/ )oo4ing 0urious)# at Harr# as though heJ+ ")anne+ this. Harr# 4new he ought to 0ee) sorr# that *rs. Figg ha+ (ro4en her )eg/ (ut it wasnJt eas# when he re3in+e+ hi3se)0 it wou)+ (e a who)e #ear (e0ore he ha+ to )oo4 at Ti((ies/ Snow#/ *r. ,aws/ an+ Tu0t# again. MWe !ou)+ "hone *arge/N En!)e Gernon suggeste+. M7onJt (e si))#/ Gernon/ she hates the (o#.N The 7urs)e#s o0ten s"o4e a(out Harr# )i4e this/ as though he wasnJt there A or rather/ as though he was so3ething ver# nast# that !ou)+nJt un+erstan+ the3/ )i4e a s)ug. MWhat a(out whatJs;her;na3e/ #our 0rien+ A YvonneON MOn va!ation in *aKor!a/N sna""e+ Aunt ,etunia. MYou !ou)+ Kust )eave 3e here/N Harr# "ut in ho"e0u))# QheJ+ (e a()e to wat!h what he wante+ on te)evision 0or a !hange an+ 3a#(e even have a go on 7u+)e#Js !o3"uterR. Aunt ,etunia )oo4e+ as though sheJ+ Kust swa))owe+ a )e3on. MAn+ !o3e (a!4 an+ 0in+ the house in ruinsON she snar)e+. MI wonJt ()ow u" the house/N sai+ Harr#/ (ut the# werenJt )istening. MI su""ose we !ou)+ ta4e hi3 to the =oo/N sai+ Aunt ,etunia s)ow)#/ M. . . an+ )eave hi3 in the !ar. . . .N MThat !ars new/ heJs not sitting in it a)one. . . .N 7u+)e# (egan to !r# )ou+)#. In 0a!t/ he wasnJt rea))# !r#ing A it ha+ (een #ears sin!e heJ+ rea))# !rie+ A (ut he 4new that i0 he s!rewe+ u" his 0a!e an+ wai)e+/ his 3other wou)+ give hi3 an#thing he wante+.

M7in4# 7u++#+u3s/ +onJt !r#/ *u33# wonJt )et hi3 s"oi) #our s"e!ia) +a#PN she !rie+/ 0)inging her ar3s aroun+ hi3. MI . . . +onJt . . . want . . . hi3 . . . t;t;to !o3ePN 7u+)e# #e))e+ (etween huge/ "reten+ so(s. MHe a)wa#s s";s"oi)s ever#thingPN He shot Harr# a nast# grin through the ga" in his 3others ar3s. Just then/ the +oor(e)) rang A MOh/ goo+ Lor+/ the#Jre herePN sai+ Aunt ,etunia 0ranti!a))# A an+ a 3o3ent )ater/ 7u+)e#Js (est 0rien+/ ,iers ,o)4iss/ wa)4e+ in with his 3other. ,iers was a s!rawn# (o# with a 0a!e )i4e a rat. He was usua))# the one who he)+ "eo")eJs ar3s (ehin+ their (a!4s whi)e 7u+)e# hit the3. 7u+)e# sto""e+ "reten+ing to !r# at on!e. Ha)0 an hour )ater/ Harr#/ who !ou)+nJt (e)ieve his )u!4/ was sitting in the (a!4 o0 the 7urs)e#sJ !ar with ,iers an+ 7u+)e#/ on the wa# to the =oo 0or the 0irst ti3e in his )i0e. His aunt an+ un!)e ha+nJt (een a()e to thin4 o0 an#thing e)se to +o with hi3/ (ut (e0ore the#J+ )e0t/ En!)e Gernon ha+ ta4en Harr# asi+e. MIJ3 warning #ou/N he ha+ sai+/ "utting his )arge "ur")e 0a!e right u" !)ose to Harr#Js/ MIJ3 warning #ou now/ (o# A an# 0unn# (usiness/ an#thing at a)) A an+ #ouJ)) (e in that !u"(oar+ 0ro3 now unti) 1hrist3as.N IJ3 not going to +o an#thing/N sai+ Harr#/ Mhonest)# . . .N But En!)e Gernon +i+nJt (e)ieve hi3. No one ever +i+. The "ro()e3 was/ strange things o0ten ha""ene+ aroun+ Harr# an+ it was Kust no goo+ te))ing the 7urs)e#s he +i+nJt 3a4e the3 ha""en. On!e/ Aunt ,etunia/ tire+ o0 Harr# !o3ing (a!4 0ro3 the (ar(ers )oo4ing as though he ha+nJt (een at a))/ ha+ ta4en a "air o0 4it!hen s!issors an+ !ut his hair so short he was a)3ost (a)+ e !e"t 0or his (angs/ whi!h she )e0t Mto hi+e that horri()e s!ar.N 7u+)e# ha+ )aughe+ hi3se)0 si))# at Harr#/ who s"ent a s)ee")ess night i3agining s!hoo) the ne t +a#/ where he was a)rea+# )aughe+ at 0or his (agg# !)othes an+ ta"e+ g)asses. Ne t 3orning/ however/ he ha+ gotten u" to 0in+ his hair e a!t)# as it ha+ (een (e0ore Aunt ,etunia ha+ sheare+ it o00. He ha+ (een given a wee4 in his !u"(oar+ 0or this/ even though he ha+ trie+ to e ")ain that he co"ldnt e ")ain how it ha+ grown (a!4 so Hui!4)#. Another ti3e/ Aunt ,etunia ha+ (een tr#ing to 0or!e hi3 into a revo)ting o)+ sweater o0 7u+)e#Js Q(rown with orange "u00 (a))sR. The har+er she trie+ to "u)) it over his hea+/ the s3a))er it see3e+ to (e!o3e/ unti) 0ina))# it 3ight have 0itte+ a han+ "u""et/ (ut !ertain)# wou)+nJt 0it Harr#. Aunt ,etunia ha+ +e!i+e+ it 3us thave shrun4 in the wash an+/ to his great re)ie0/ Harr# wasnJt "unishe+.

On the other han+/ heJ+ gotten into terri()e trou()e 0or (eing 0oun+ on the roo0 o0 the s!hoo) 4it!hens. 7u+)e#Js gang ha+ (een !hasing hi3 as usua) when/ as 3u!h to Harr#Js sur"rise as an#one e)seJs/ there he was sitting on the !hi3ne#. The 7urs)e#s ha+ re!eive+ a ver# angr# )etter 0ro3 Harr#Js hea+3istress te))ing the3 Harr# ha+ (een !)i3(ing s!hoo) (ui)+ings. But a)) heJ+ trie+ to +o Qas he shoute+ at En!)e Gernon through the )o!4e+ +oor o0 his !u"(oar+R was Ku3" (ehin+ the (ig trash !ans outsi+e the 4it!hen +oors. Harr# su""ose+ that the win+ 3ust have !aught hi3 in 3i+;Ku3". But to+a#/ nothing was going to go wrong. It was even worth (eing with 7u+)e# an+ ,iers to (e s"en+ing the +a# so3ewhere that wasnJt s!hoo)/ his !u"(oar+/ or *rs. FiggJs !a((age;s3e))ing )iving roo3. Whi)e he +rove/ En!)e Gernon !o3")aine+ to Aunt ,etunia. He )i4e+ to !o3")ain a(out things6 "eo")e at wor4/ Harr#/ the !oun!i)/ Harr#/ the (an4/ an+ Harr# were Kust a 0ew o0 his 0avorite su(Ke!ts. This 3orning/ it was 3otor!#!)es. M. . . roaring a)ong )i4e 3ania!s/ the #oung hoo+)u3s/N he sai+/ as a 3otor!#!)e overtoo4 the3. MI ha+ a +rea3 a(out a 3otor!#!)e/N sai+ Harr#/ re3e3(ering su++en)#. MIt was 0)#ing.N En!)e Gernon near)# !rashe+ into the !ar in 0ront. He turne+ right aroun+ in his seat an+ #e))e+ at Harr#/ his 0a!e )i4e a giganti! (eet with a 3usta!he6 M*OTOR1Y1L2S 7ONJT FLYPN 7u+)e# an+ ,iers sniggere+. MI 4now the# +onJt/N sai+ Harr#. MIt was on)# a +rea3.N But he wishe+ he ha+nJt sai+ an#thing. I0 there was one thing the 7urs)e#s hate+ even 3ore than his as4ing Huestions/ it was his ta)4ing a(out an#thing a!ting in a wa# it shou)+nJt/ no 3atter i0 it was in a +rea3 or even a !artoon A the# see3e+ to thin4 he 3ight get +angerous i+eas. It was a ver# sunn# Satur+a# an+ the =oo was !row+e+ with 0a3i)ies. The 7urs)e#s (ought 7u+)e# an+ ,iers )arge !ho!o)ate i!e !rea3s at the entran!e an+ then/ (e!ause the s3i)ing )a+# in the van ha+ as4e+ Harr# what he wante+ (e0ore the# !ou)+ hurr# hi3 awa#/ the# (ought hi3 a !hea" )e3on i!e "o". It wasnJt (a+/ either/ Harr# thought/ )i!4ing it as the# wat!he+ a gori))a s!rat!hing its hea+ who )oo4e+ re3ar4a()# )i4e 7u+)e#/ e !e"t that it wasnJt ()on+. Harr# ha+ the (est 3orning heJ+ ha+ in a )ong ti3e. He was !are0u) to wa)4 a )itt)e wa# a"art 0ro3 the 7urs)e#s so that 7u+)e# an+ ,iers/ who were starting to get (ore+ with the ani3a)s (# )un!hti3e/ wou)+nJt 0a)) (a!4 on their 0avorite ho((# o0 hitting hi3. The# ate in the

=oo restaurant/ an+ when 7u+)e# ha+ a tantru3 (e!ause his 4ni!4er(o!4er g)or# +i+nJt have enough i!e !rea3 on to"/ En!)e Gernon (ought hi3 another one an+ Harr# was a))owe+ to 0inish the 0irst. Harr# 0e)t/ a0terwar+/ that he shou)+ have 4nown it was a)) too goo+ to )ast. A0ter )un!h the# went to the re"ti)e house. It was !oo) an+ +ar4 in there/ with )it win+ows a)) a)ong the wa))s. Behin+ the g)ass/ a)) sorts o0 )i=ar+s an+ sna4es were !raw)ing an+ s)ithering over (its o0 woo+ an+ stone. 7u+)e# an+ ,iers wante+ to see huge/ "oisonous !o(ras an+ thi!4/ 3an;!rushing "#thons. 7u+)e# Hui!4)# 0oun+ the )argest sna4e in the ")a!e. It !ou)+ have wra""e+ its (o+# twi!e aroun+ En!)e GernonJs !ar an+ !rushe+ it into a trash !an A (ut at the 3o3ent it +i+nJt )oo4 in the 3oo+. In 0a!t/ it was 0ast as)ee". 7u+)e# stoo+ with his nose "resse+ against the g)ass/ staring at the g)istening (rown !oi)s. M*a4e it 3ove/N he whine+ at his 0ather. En!)e Gernon ta""e+ on the g)ass/ (ut the sna4e +i+nJt (u+ge. M7o it again/N 7u+)e# or+ere+. En!)e Gernon ra""e+ the g)ass s3art)# with his 4nu!4)es/ (ut the sna4e Kust snoo=e+ on. MThis is (oring/N 7u+)e# 3oane+. He shu00)e+ awa#. Harr# 3ove+ in 0ront o0 the tan4 an+ )oo4e+ intent)# at the sna4e. He wou)+nJt have (een sur"rise+ i0 it ha+ +ie+ o0 (ore+o3 itse)0 A no !o3"an# e !e"t stu"i+ "eo")e +ru33ing their 0ingers on the g)ass tr#ing to +istur( it a)) +a# )ong. It was worse than having a !u"(oar+ as a (e+roo3/ where the on)# visitor was Aunt ,etunia ha33ering on the +oor to wa4e #ou u"L at )east he got to visit the rest o0 the house. The sna4e su++en)# o"ene+ its (ea+# e#es. S)ow)#/ ver# s)ow)#/ it raise+ its hea+ unti) its e#es were on a )eve) with Harr#Js. -t !inked( Harr# stare+. Then he )oo4e+ Hui!4)# aroun+ to see i0 an#one was wat!hing. The# werenJt. He )oo4e+ (a!4 at the sna4e an+ win4e+/ too. The sna4e Ker4e+ its hea+ towar+ En!)e Gernon an+ 7u+)e#/ then raise+ its e#es to the !ei)ing. It gave Harr# a )oo4 that sai+ Huite ")ain)#6 M- 'et that all the time(N MI 4now/N Harr# 3ur3ure+ through the g)ass/ though he wasnJt sure the sna4e !ou)+ hear hi3. MIt 3ust (e rea))# anno#ing.N The sna4e no++e+ vigorous)#. MWhere +o #ou !o3e 0ro3/ an#wa#ON Harr# as4e+.

The sna4e Ka((e+ its tai) at a )itt)e sign ne t to the g)ass. Harr# "eere+ at it. Boa 1onstri!tor/ Bra=i). MWas it ni!e thereON The (oa !onstri!tor Ka((e+ its tai) at the sign again an+ Harr# rea+ on6 This s"e!i3en was (re+ in the =oo. MOh/ I see A so #ouJve never (een to Bra=i)ON As the sna4e shoo4 its hea+/ a +ea0ening shout (ehin+ Harr# 3a+e (oth o0 the3 Ku3". M7E7L2YP *R. 7ERSL2YP 1O*2 AN7 LOOK AT THIS SNAK2P YOE WONJT B./-.). WHAT ITJS 7OINGPN 7u+)e# !a3e wa++)ing towar+ the3 as 0ast as he !ou)+. MOut o0 the wa#/ #ou/N he sai+/ "un!hing Harr# in the ri(s. 1aught (# sur"rise/ Harr# 0e)) har+ on the !on!rete 0)oor. What !a3e ne t ha""ene+ so 0ast no one saw how it ha""ene+ A one se!on+/ ,iers an+ 7u+)e# were )eaning right u" !)ose to the g)ass/ the ne t/ the# ha+ )ea"t (a!4 with how)s o0 horror. Harr# sat u" an+ gas"e+L the g)ass 0ront o0 the (oa !onstri!torJs tan4 ha+ vanishe+. The great sna4e was un!oi)ing itse)0 ra"i+)#/ s)ithering out onto the 0)oor. ,eo")e throughout the re"ti)e house s!rea3e+ an+ starte+ running 0or the e its. As the sna4e s)i+ swi0t)# "ast hi3/ Harr# !ou)+ have sworn a )ow/ hissing voi!e sai+/ MBra=i)/ here I !o3e. . . . Than4sss/ a3igo.N The 4ee"er o0 the re"ti)e house was in sho!4. MBut the g)ass/N he 4e"t sa#ing/ Mwhere +i+ the g)ass goON The =oo +ire!tor hi3se)0 3a+e Aunt ,etunia a !u" o0 strong/ sweet tea whi)e he a"o)ogi=e+ over an+ over again. ,iers an+ 7u+)e# !ou)+ on)# gi((er. As 0ar as Harr# ha+ seen/ the sna4e ha+nJt +one an#thing e !e"t sna" ")a#0u))# at their hee)s as it "asse+/ (ut (# the ti3e the# were a)) (a!4 in En!)e GernonJs !ar/ 7u+)e# was te))ing the3 how it ha+ near)# (itten o00 his )eg/ whi)e ,iers was swearing it ha+ trie+ to sHuee=e hi3 to +eath. But worst o0 a))/ 0or Harr# at )east/ was ,iers !a)3ing +own enough to sa#/ MHarr# was ta)4ing to it/ werenJt #ou/ Harr#ON En!)e Gernon waite+ unti) ,iers was sa0e)# out o0 the house (e0ore starting on Harr#. He was so angr# he !ou)+ har+)# s"ea4. He 3anage+ to sa#/ MGo A !u"(oar+ A sta# A no 3ea)s/N (e0ore he !o))a"se+ into a !hair/ an+ Aunt ,etunia ha+ to run an+ get hi3 a )arge (ran+#. Harr# )a# in his +ar4 !u"(oar+ 3u!h )ater/ wishing he ha+ a wat!h. He +i+nJt 4now what ti3e it was an+ he !ou)+nJt (e sure the

7urs)e#s were as)ee" #et. Enti) the# were/ he !ou)+nJt ris4 snea4ing to the 4it!hen 0or so3e 0oo+. HeJ+ )ive+ with the 7urs)e#s a)3ost ten #ears/ ten 3isera()e #ears/ as )ong as he !ou)+ re3e3(er/ ever sin!e heJ+ (een a (a(# an+ his "arents ha+ +ie+ in that !ar !rash. He !ou)+nJt re3e3(er (eing in the !ar when his "arents ha+ +ie+. So3eti3es/ when he straine+ his 3e3or# +uring )ong hours in his !u"(oar+/ he !a3e u" with a strange vision6 a ()in+ing 0)ash o0 green )ight an+ a (urning "ain on his 0orehea+. This/ he su""ose+/ was the !rash/ though he !ou)+nJt i3agine where a)) the green )ight !a3e 0ro3. He !ou)+nJt re3e3(er his "arents at a)). His aunt an+ un!)e never s"o4e a(out the3/ an+ o0 !ourse he was 0or(i++en to as4 Huestions. There were no "hotogra"hs o0 the3 in the house. When he ha+ (een #ounger/ Harr# ha+ +rea3e+ an+ +rea3e+ o0 so3e un4nown re)ation !o3ing to ta4e hi3 awa#/ (ut it ha+ never ha""ene+L the 7urs)e#s were his on)# 0a3i)#. Yet so3eti3es he thought Qor 3a#(e ho"e+R that strangers in the street see3e+ to 4now hi3. Ger# strange strangers the# were/ too. A tin# 3an in a vio)et to" hat ha+ (owe+ to hi3 on!e whi)e out sho""ing with Aunt ,etunia an+ 7u+)e#. A0ter as4ing Harr# 0urious)# i0 he 4new the 3an/ Aunt ,etunia ha+ rushe+ the3 out o0 the sho" without (u#ing an#thing. A wi)+; )oo4ing o)+ wo3an +resse+ a)) in green ha+ wave+ 3erri)# at hi3 on!e on a (us. A (a)+ 3an in a ver# )ong "ur")e !oat ha+ a!tua))# sha4en his han+ in the street the other +a# an+ then wa)4e+ awa# without a wor+. The weir+est thing a(out a)) these "eo")e was the wa# the# see3e+ to vanish the se!on+ Harr# trie+ to get a !)oser )oo4. At s!hoo)/ Harr# ha+ no one. 2ver#(o+# 4new that 7u+)e#Js gang hate+ that o++ Harr# ,otter in his (agg# o)+ !)othes an+ (ro4en g)asses/ an+ no(o+# )i4e+ to +isagree with 7u+)e#Js gang.

The es!a"e o0 the Bra=i)ian (oa !onstri!tor earne+ Harr# his )ongest;ever "unish3ent. B# the ti3e he was a))owe+ out o0 his !u"(oar+ again/ the su33er ho)i+a#s ha+ starte+ an+ 7u+)e# ha+ a)rea+# (ro4en his new vi+eo !a3era/ !rashe+ his re3ote !ontro) air")ane/ an+/ 0irst ti3e out on his ra!ing (i4e/ 4no!4e+ +own o)+ *rs. Figg as she !rosse+ ,rivet 7rive on her !rut!hes. Harr# was g)a+ s!hoo) was over/ (ut there was no es!a"ing 7u+)e#Js gang/ who visite+ the house ever# sing)e +a#. ,iers/ 7ennis/ *a)!o)3/ an+ Gor+on were a)) (ig an+ stu"i+/ (ut as 7u+)e# was

the (iggest an+ stu"i+est o0 the )ot/ he was the )ea+er. The rest o0 the3 were a)) Huite ha""# to Koin in 7u+)e#Js 0avorite s"ort6 Harr# Hunting. This was wh# Harr# s"ent as 3u!h ti3e as "ossi()e out o0 the house/ wan+ering aroun+ an+ thin4ing a(out the en+ o0 the ho)i+a#s/ where he !ou)+ see a tin# ra# o0 ho"e. When Se"te3(er !a3e he wou)+ (e going o00 to se!on+ar# s!hoo) an+/ 0or the 0irst ti3e in his )i0e/ he wou)+nJt (e with 7u+)e#. 7u+)e# ha+ (een a!!e"te+ at En!)e GernonJs o)+ "rivate s!hoo)/ S3e)tings. ,iers ,o)4iss was going there too. Harr#/ on the other han+/ was going to Stonewa)) High/ the )o!a) "u()i! s!hoo). 7u+)e# thought this was ver# 0unn#. MThe# stu00 "eo")eJs hea+s +own the toi)et the 0irst +a# at Stonewa))/N he to)+ Harr#. MWant to !o3e u"stairs an+ "ra!ti!eON MNo/ than4s/N sai+ Harr#. MThe "oor toi)etJs never ha+ an#thing as horri()e as #our hea+ +own it A it 3ight (e si!4.N Then he ran/ (e0ore 7u+)e# !ou)+ wor4 out what heJ+ sai+. One +a# in Ju)#/ Aunt ,etunia too4 7u+)e# to Lon+on to (u# his S3e)tings uni0or3/ )eaving Harr# at *rs. FiggJs. *rs. Figg wasnJt as (a+ as usua). It turne+ out sheJ+ (ro4en her )eg tri""ing over one o0 her !ats/ an+ she +i+nJt see3 Huite as 0on+ o0 the3 as (e0ore. She )et Harr# wat!h te)evision an+ gave hi3 a (it o0 !ho!o)ate !a4e that taste+ as though sheJ+ ha+ it 0or severa) #ears. That evening/ 7u+)e# "ara+e+ aroun+ the )iving roo3 0or the 0a3i)# in his (ran+;new uni0or3. S3e)tings (o#s wore 3aroon tai)!oats/ orange 4ni!4er(o!4ers/ an+ 0)at straw hats !a))e+ (oaters. The# a)so !arrie+ 4no(()# sti!4s/ use+ 0or hitting ea!h other whi)e the tea!hers werenJt )oo4ing. This was su""ose+ to (e goo+ training 0or )ater )i0e. As he )oo4e+ at 7u+)e# in his new 4ni!4er(o!4ers/ En!)e Gernon sai+ gru00)# that it was the "rou+est 3o3ent o0 his )i0e. Aunt ,etunia (urst into tears an+ sai+ she !ou)+nJt (e)ieve it was her I!4)e 7u+)e#4ins/ he )oo4e+ so han+so3e an+ grown;u". Harr# +i+nJt trust hi3se)0 to s"ea4. He thought two o0 his ri(s 3ight a)rea+# have !ra!4e+ 0ro3 tr#ing not to )augh. There was a horri()e s3e)) in the 4it!hen the ne t 3orning when Harr# went in 0or (rea40ast. It see3e+ to (e !o3ing 0ro3 a )arge 3eta) tu( in the sin4. He went to have a )oo4. The tu( was 0u)) o0 what )oo4e+ )i4e +irt# rags swi33ing in gra# water. MWhatJs thisON he as4e+ Aunt ,etunia. Her )i"s tightene+ as the# a)wa#s +i+ i0 he +are+ to as4 a Huestion. MYour new s!hoo) uni0or3/N she sai+. Harr# )oo4e+ in the (ow) again.

MOh/N he sai+/ MI +i+nJt rea)i=e it ha+ to (e so wet.N M7onJt (e stu"i+/N sna""e+ Aunt ,etunia. MIJ3 +#eing so3e o0 7u+)e#Js o)+ things gra# 0or #ou. ItJ)) )oo4 Kust )i4e ever#one e)seJs when IJve 0inishe+.N Harr# serious)# +ou(te+ this/ (ut thought it (est not to argue. He sat +own at the ta()e an+ trie+ not to thin4 a(out how he was going to )oo4 on his 0irst +a# at Stonewa)) High A )i4e he was wearing (its o0 o)+ e)e"hant s4in/ "ro(a()#. 7u+)e# an+ En!)e Gernon !a3e in/ (oth with wrin4)e+ noses (e!ause o0 the s3e)) 0ro3 Harr#Js new uni0or3. En!)e Gernon o"ene+ his news"a"er as usua) an+ 7u+)e# (ange+ his S3e)ting sti!4/ whi!h he !arrie+ ever#where/ on the ta()e. The# hear+ the !)i!4 o0 the 3ai) s)ot an+ 0)o" o0 )etters on the +oor3at. MGet the 3ai)/ 7u+)e#/N sai+ En!)e Gernon 0ro3 (ehin+ his "a"er. M*a4e Harr# get it.N MGet the 3ai)/ Harr#.N M*a4e 7u+)e# get it.N M,o4e hi3 with #our S3e)ting sti!4/ 7u+)e#.N Harr# +o+ge+ the S3e)ting sti!4 an+ went to get the 3ai). Three things )a# on the +oor3at6 a "ost!ar+ 0ro3 En!)e GernonJs sister *arge/ who was va!ationing on the Is)e o0 Wight/ a (rown enve)o"e that )oo4e+ )i4e a (i))/ an+ A a letter for Harry( Harr# "i!4e+ it u" an+ stare+ at it/ his heart twanging )i4e a giant e)asti! (an+. No one/ ever/ in his who)e )i0e/ ha+ written to hi3. Who wou)+O He ha+ no 0rien+s/ no other re)atives A he +i+nJt (e)ong to the )i(rar#/ so heJ+ never even got ru+e notes as4ing 0or (oo4s (a!4. Yet here it was/ a )etter/ a++resse+ so ")ain)# there !ou)+ (e no 3ista4e6 Mr. H. Potter The Cup oard under the !tairs " Privet Drive #ittle $hin%in% !urre& The enve)o"e was thi!4 an+ heav#/ 3a+e o0 #e))owish "ar!h3ent/ an+ the a++ress was written in e3era)+;green in4. There was no sta3". Turning the enve)o"e over/ his han+ tre3()ing/ Harr# saw a "ur")e wa sea) (earing a !oat o0 ar3sL a )ion/ an eag)e/ a (a+ger/ an+ a sna4e surroun+ing a )arge )etter H( MHurr# u"/ (o#PN shoute+ En!)e Gernon 0ro3 the 4it!hen. MWhat are #ou +oing/ !he!4ing 0or )etter (o3(sON He !hu!4)e+ at

his own Ko4e. Harr# went (a!4 to the 4it!hen/ sti)) staring at his )etter. He han+e+ En!)e Gernon the (i)) an+ the "ost!ar+/ sat +own/ an+ s)ow)# (egan to o"en the #e))ow enve)o"e. En!)e Gernon ri""e+ o"en the (i))/ snorte+ in +isgust/ an+ 0)i""e+ over the "ost!ar+. M*argeJs i))/N he in0or3e+ Aunt ,etunia. MAte a 0unn# whe)4 . . .N M7a+PN sai+ 7u+)e# su++en)#. M7a+/ Harr#Js got so3ethingPN Harr# was on the "oint o0 un0o)+ing his )etter/ whi!h was written on the sa3e heav# "ar!h3ent as the enve)o"e/ when it was Ker4e+ shar")# out o0 his han+ (# En!)e Gernon. MThatJs minePN sai+ Harr#/ tr#ing to snat!h it (a!4. MWhoJ+ (e writing to #ouON sneere+ En!)e Gernon/ sha4ing the )etter o"en with one han+ an+ g)an!ing at it. His 0a!e went 0ro3 re+ to green 0aster than a set o0 tra00i! )ights. An+ it +i+nJt sto" there. Within se!on+s it was the gra#ish white o0 o)+ "orri+ge. M,;,;,etuniaPN he gas"e+. 7u+)e# trie+ to gra( the )etter to rea+ it/ (ut En!)e Gernon he)+ it high out o0 his rea!h. Aunt ,etunia too4 it !urious)# an+ rea+ the 0irst )ine. For a 3o3ent it )oo4e+ as though she 3ight 0aint. She !)ut!he+ her throat an+ 3a+e a !ho4ing noise. MGernonP Oh 3# goo+ness A GernonPN The# stare+ at ea!h other/ see3ing to have 0orgotten that Harr# an+ 7u+)e# were sti)) in the roo3. 7u+)e# wasnJt use+ to (eing ignore+. He gave his 0ather a shar" ta" on the hea+ with his S3e)ting sti!4. MI want to rea+ that )etter/N he sai+ )ou+)#. M- want to rea+ it/N sai+ Harr# 0urious)#/ Mas itJs mine(N MGet out/ (oth o0 #ou/N !roa4e+ En!)e Gernon/ stu00ing the )etter (a!4 insi+e its enve)o"e. Harr# +i+nJt 3ove. MI WANT *Y L2TT2RPN he shoute+. MLet me see itPN +e3an+e+ 7u+)e#. MOETPN roare+ En!)e Gernon/ an+ he too4 (oth Harr# an+ 7u+)e# (# the s!ru00s o0 their ne!4s an+ threw the3 into the ha))/ s)a33ing the 4it!hen +oor (ehin+ the3. Harr# an+ 7u+)e# "ro3"t)# ha+ a 0urious (ut si)ent 0ight over who wou)+ )isten at the 4e#ho)eL 7u+)e# won/ so Harr#/ his g)asses +ang)ing 0ro3 one ear/ )a# 0)at on his sto3a!h to )isten at the !ra!4 (etween +oor an+ 0)oor.

MGernon/N Aunt ,etunia was sa#ing in a Huivering voi!e/ M)oo4 at the a++ress A how !ou)+ the# "ossi()# 4now where he s)ee"sO You +onJt thin4 the#Jre wat!hing the houseON MWat!hing A s"#ing A 3ight (e 0o))owing us/N 3uttere+ En!)e Gernon wi)+)#. MBut what shou)+ we +o/ GernonO Shou)+ we write (a!4O Te)) the3 we +onJt want AN Harr# !ou)+ see En!)e GernonJs shin# ()a!4 shoes "a!ing u" an+ +own the 4it!hen. MNo/N he sai+ 0ina))#. MNo/ weJ)) ignore it. I0 the# +onJt get an answer. . . . Yes/ thatJs (est . . . we wonJt +o an#thing. . . .N MBut AN MIJ3 not having one in the house/ ,etuniaP 7i+nJt we swear when we too4 hi3 in weJ+ sta3" out that +angerous nonsenseON That evening when he got (a!4 0ro3 wor4/ En!)e Gernon +i+ so3ething heJ+ never +one (e0oreL he visite+ Harr# in his !u"(oar+. MWhereJs 3# )etterON sai+ Harr#/ the 3o3ent En!)e Gernon ha+ sHuee=e+ through the +oor. MWhoJs writing to 3eON MNo one. It was a++resse+ to #ou (# 3ista4e/N sai+ En!)e Gernon short)#. MI have (urne+ it.N MIt was not a 3ista4e/N sai+ Harr# angri)#/ Mit ha+ 3# !u"(oar+ on it.N MSIL2N12PN #e))e+ En!)e Gernon/ an+ a !ou")e o0 s"i+ers 0e)) 0ro3 the !ei)ing. He too4 a 0ew +ee" (reaths an+ then 0or!e+ his 0a!e into a s3i)e/ whi!h )oo4e+ Huite "ain0u). M2r A #es/ Harr# A a(out this !u"(oar+. Your aunt an+ I have (een thin4ing . . . #ouJre rea))# getting a (it (ig 0or it . . . we thin4 it 3ight (e ni!e i0 #ou 3ove+ into 7u+)e#Js se!on+ (e+roo3.N MWh#ON sai+ Harr#. M7onJt as4 HuestionsPN sna""e+ his un!)e. MTa4e this stu00 u"stairs/ now.N The 7urs)e#sJ house ha+ 0our (e+roo3s6 one 0or En!)e Gernon an+ Aunt ,etunia/ one 0or visitors Qusua))# En!)e GernonJs sister/ *argeR/ one where 7u+)e# s)e"t/ an+ one where 7u+)e# 4e"t a)) the to#s an+ things that wou)+nJt 0it into his 0irst (e+roo3. It on)# too4 Harr# one tri" u"stairs to 3ove ever#thing he owne+ 0ro3 the !u"(oar+ to this roo3. He sat +own on the (e+ an+ stare+ aroun+ hi3. Near)# ever#thing in here was (ro4en. The 3onth;o)+ vi+eo !a3era was )#ing on to" o0 a s3a))/ wor4ing tan4 7u+)e# ha+ on!e +riven over the ne t +oor neigh(orJs +ogL in the !orner was 7u+)e#Js 0irst;ever te)evision set/ whi!h heJ+ "ut his 0oot through when his 0avorite "rogra3 ha+ (een !an!e)e+L there was a )arge

(ir+!age/ whi!h ha+ on!e he)+ a "arrot that 7u+)e# ha+ swa""e+ at s!hoo) 0or a rea) air ri0)e/ whi!h was u" on a she)0 with the en+ a)) (ent (e!ause 7u+)e# ha+ sat on it. Other she)ves were 0u)) o0 (oo4s. The# were the on)# things in the roo3 that )oo4e+ as though the#J+ never (een tou!he+. Fro3 +ownstairs !a3e the soun+ o0 7u+)e# (aw)ing at his 3other/ MI +onJt !ant hi3 in there . . . I need that roo3 . . . 3a4e hi3 get out. . . .N Harr# sighe+ an+ stret!he+ out on the (e+. Yester+a# heJ+ have given an#thing to (e u" here. To+a# heJ+ rather (e (a!4 in his !u"(oar+ with that )etter than u" here without it. Ne t 3orning at (rea40ast/ ever#one was rather Huiet. 7u+)e# was in sho!4. HeJ+ s!rea3e+/ wha!4e+ his 0ather with his S3e)ting sti!4/ (een si!4 on "ur"ose/ 4i!4e+ his 3other/ an+ thrown his tortoise through the greenhouse roo0/ an+ he sti)) +i+nJt have his roo3 (a!4. Harr# was thin4ing a(out this ti3e #ester+a# an+ (itter)# wishing heJ+ o"ene+ the )etter in the ha)). En!)e Gernon an+ Aunt ,etunia 4e"t )oo4ing at ea!h other +ar4)#. When the 3ai) arrive+/ En!)e Gernon/ who see3e+ to (e tr#ing to (e ni!e to Harr#/ 3a+e 7u+)e# go an+ get it. The# hear+ hi3 (anging things with his S3e)ting sti!4 a)) the wa# +own the ha)). Then he shoute+/ MThereJs another oneP S*r. H. ,otter/ The S3a))est Be+roo3/ ? ,rivet 7rive AJ N With a strang)e+ !r#/ En!)e Gernon )ea"t 0ro3 his seat an+ ran +own the ha))/ Harr# right (ehin+ hi3. En!)e Gernon ha+ to wrest)e 7u+)e# to the groun+ to get the )etter 0ro3 hi3/ whi!h was 3a+e +i00i!u)t (# the 0a!t that Harr# ha+ gra((e+ En!)e Gernon aroun+ the ne!4 0ro3 (ehin+. A0ter a 3inute o0 !on0use+ 0ighting/ in whi!h ever#one got hit a )ot (# the S3e)ting sti!4/ En!)e Gernon straightene+ u"/ gas"ing 0or (reath/ with Harr#Js )etter !)ut!he+ in his han+. MGo to #our !u"(oar+ A I 3ean/ #our (e+roo3/N he whee=e+ at Harr#. M7u+)e# A go A Kust go.N Harr# wa)4e+ roun+ an+ roun+ his new roo3. So3eone 4new he ha+ 3ove+ out o0 his !u"(oar+ an+ the# see3e+ to 4now he ha+nJt re!eive+ his 0irst )etter. Sure)# that 3eant the#J+ tr# againO An+ this ti3e heJ+ 3a4e sure the# +i+nJt 0ai). He ha+ a ")an. The re"aire+ a)ar3 !)o!4 rang at si oJ!)o!4 the ne t 3orning. Harr# turne+ it o00 Hui!4)# an+ +resse+ si)ent)# He 3ustnJt wa4e the 7urs)e#s. He sto)e +ownstairs without turning on an# o0 the

)ights. He was going to wait 0or the "ost3an on the !orner o0 ,rivet 7rive an+ get the )etters 0or nu3(er 0our 0irst. His heart ha33ere+ as he !re"t a!ross the +ar4 ha)) towar+ the 0ront +oor A MAAAAARRRGHPN Harr# )ea"t into the airL heJ+ tro++en on so3ething (ig an+ sHuash# on the +oor3at A so3ething ali0eP Lights !)i!4e+ on u"stairs an+ to his horror Harr# rea)i=e+ that the (ig/ sHuash# so3ething ha+ (een his un!)eJs 0a!e. En!)e Gernon ha+ (een )#ing at the 0oot o0 the 0ront +oor in a s)ee"ing (ag/ !)ear)# 3a4ing sure that Harr# +i+nJt +o e a!t)# what heJ+ (een tr#ing to +o. He shoute+ at Harr# 0or a(out ha)0 an hour an+ then to)+ hi3 to go an+ 3a4e a !u" o0 tea. Harr# shu00)e+ 3isera()# o00 into the 4it!hen an+ (# the ti3e he got (a!4/ the 3ai) ha+ arrive+/ right into En!)e GernonJs )a". Harr# !ou)+ see three )etters a++resse+ in green in4. MI want AN he (egan/ (ut En!)e Gernon was tearing the )etters into "ie!es (e0ore his e#es. En!)e Gernon +i+nJt go to wor4 that +a#. He sta#e+ at ho3e an+ nai)e+ u" the 3ai) s)ot. MSee/N he e ")aine+ to Aunt ,etunia through a 3outh0u) o0 nai)s/ Mi0 the# !anJt deli0er the3 the#J)) Kust give u".N MIJ3 not sure thatJ)) wor4/ Gernon.N MOh/ these "eo")es 3in+s wor4 in strange wa#s/ ,etunia/ the#Jre not )i4e #ou an+ 3e/N sai+ En!)e Gernon/ tr#ing to 4no!4 in a nai) with the "ie!e o0 0ruit!a4e Aunt ,etunia ha+ Kust (rought hi3. On Fri+a#/ no )ess than twe)ve )etters arrive+ 0or Harr#. As the# !ou)+nJt go through the 3ai) s)ot the# ha+ (een "ushe+ un+er the +oor/ s)otte+ through the si+es/ an+ a 0ew even 0or!e+ through the s3a)) win+ow in the +ownstairs (athroo3. En!)e Gernon sta#e+ at ho3e again. A0ter (urning a)) the )etters/ he got out a ha33er an+ nai)s an+ (oar+e+ u" the !ra!4s aroun+ the 0ront an+ (a!4 +oors so no one !ou)+ go out. He hu33e+ MTi"toe Through the Tu)i"sN as he wor4e+/ an+ Ku3"e+ at s3a)) noises. On Satur+a#/ things (egan to get out o0 han+. Twent#;0our )etters to Harr# 0oun+ their wa# into the house/ ro))e+ u" an+ hi++en insi+e ea!h o0 the two +o=en eggs that their ver# !on0use+ 3i)43an ha+ han+e+ Aunt ,etunia through the )iving roo3 win+ow. Whi)e En!)e Gernon 3a+e 0urious te)e"hone !a))s to the "ost o00i!e an+ the +air# tr#ing to 0in+ so3eone to !o3")ain to/ Aunt ,etunia shre++e+ the )etters in her 0oo+ "ro!essor.

MWho on earth wants to ta)4 to yo" this (a+)#ON 7u+)e# as4e+ Harr# in a3a=e3ent. On Sun+a# 3orning/ En!)e Gernon sat +own at the (rea40ast ta()e )oo4ing tire+ an+ rather i))/ (ut ha""#. MNo "ost on Sun+a#s/N he re3in+e+ the3 !heer0u))# as he s"rea+ 3ar3a)a+e on his news"a"ers/ Mno +a3n )etters to+a# AN So3ething !a3e whi==ing +own the 4it!hen !hi3ne# as he s"o4e an+ !aught hi3 shar")# on the (a!4 o0 the hea+. Ne t 3o3ent/ thirt# or 0ort# )etters !a3e "e)ting out o0 the 0ire")a!e )i4e (u))ets. The 7urs)e#s +u!4e+/ (ut Harr# )ea"t into the air tr#ing to !at!h one A MOutP OETPN En!)e Gernon sei=e+ Harr# aroun+ the waist an+ threw hi3 into the ha)). When Aunt ,etunia an+ 7u+)e# ha+ run out with their ar3s over their 0a!es/ En!)e Gernon s)a33e+ the +oor shut. The# !ou)+ hear the )etters sti)) strea3ing into the roo3/ (oun!ing o00 the wa))s an+ 0)oor. MThat +oes it/N sai+ En!)e Gernon/ tr#ing to s"ea4 !a)3)# (ut "u))ing great tu0ts out o0 his 3usta!he at the sa3e ti3e. MI want #ou a)) (a!4 here in 0ive 3inutes rea+# to )eave. WeJre going awa#. Just "a!4 so3e !)othes. No argu3entsPN He )oo4e+ so +angerous with ha)0 his 3usta!he 3issing that no one +are+ argue. Ten 3inutes )ater the# ha+ wren!he+ their wa# through the (oar+e+;u" +oors an+ were in the !ar/ s"ee+ing towar+ the highwa#. 7u+)e# was sni00)ing in the (a!4 seatL his 0ather ha+ hit hi3 roun+ the hea+ 0or ho)+ing the3 u" whi)e he trie+ to "a!4 his te)evision/ G1R/ an+ !o3"uter in his s"orts (ag. The# +rove. An+ the# +rove. 2ven Aunt ,etunia +i+nJt +are as4 where the# were going. 2ver# now an+ then En!)e Gernon wou)+ ta4e a shar" turn an+ +rive in the o""osite +ire!tion 0or a whi)e. MSha4e Je3 o00 . . . sha4e Je3 o00/N he wou)+ 3utter whenever he +i+ this. The# +i+nJt sto" to eat or +rin4 a)) +a#. B# night0a)) 7u+)e# was how)ing. HeJ+ never ha+ su!h a (a+ +a# in his )i0e. He was hungr#/ heJ+ 3isse+ 0ive te)evision "rogra3s heJ+ wante+ to see/ an+ heJ+ never gone so )ong without ()owing u" an a)ien on his !o3"uter. En!)e Gernon sto""e+ at )ast outsi+e a g)oo3#;)oo4ing hote) on the outs4irts o0 a (ig !it#. 7u+)e# an+ Harr# share+ a roo3 with twin (e+s an+ +a3"/ 3ust# sheets. 7u+)e# snore+ (ut Harr# sta#e+ awa4e/ sitting on the win+owsi))/ staring +own at the )ights o0 "assing !ars an+ won+ering. . . .

The# ate sta)e !orn0)a4es an+ !o)+ tinne+ to3atoes on toast 0or (rea40ast the ne t +a#. The# ha+ Kust 0inishe+ when the owner o0 the hote) !a3e over to their ta()e. M JS!use 3e/ (ut is one o0 #ou *r. H. ,otterO On)# I got a(out an Jun+re+ o0 these at the 0ront +es4.N She he)+ u" a )etter so the# !ou)+ rea+ the green in4 a++ress6 Mr. H. Potter 'oom () 'ailview Hotel Co*eworth Harr# 3a+e a gra( 0or the )etter (ut En!)e Gernon 4no!4e+ his han+ out o0 the wa#. The wo3an stare+. MIJ)) ta4e the3/N sai+ En!)e Gernon/ stan+ing u" Hui!4)# an+ 0o))owing her 0ro3 the +ining roo3. MWou)+nJt it (e (etter Kust to go ho3e/ +earON Aunt ,etunia suggeste+ ti3i+)#/ hours )ater/ (ut En!)e Gernon +i+nJt see3 to hear her. 2 a!t)# what he was )oo4ing 0or/ none o0 the3 4new. He +rove the3 into the 3i++)e o0 a 0orest/ got out/ )oo4e+ aroun+/ shoo4 his hea+/ got (a!4 in the !ar/ an+ o00 the# went again. The sa3e thing ha""ene+ in the 3i++)e o0 a ")owe+ 0ie)+/ ha)0wa# a!ross a sus"ension (ri+ge/ an+ at the to" o0 a 3u)ti)eve) "ar4ing garage. M7a++#Js gone 3a+/ hasnJt heON 7u+)e# as4e+ Aunt ,etunia +u))# )ate that a0ternoon. En!)e Gernon ha+ "ar4e+ at the !oast/ )o!4e+ the3 a)) insi+e the !ar/ an+ +isa""eare+. It starte+ to rain. Great +ro"s (eat on the roo0 o0 the !ar. 7u+)e# snive)e+. MItJs *on+a#/N he to)+ his 3other. MThe Great Hu3(ertoJs on tonight. I want to sta# so3ewhere with a tele0ision(N *on+a#. This re3in+e+ Harr# o0 so3ething. I0 it !as *on+a# A an+ #ou !ou)+ usua))# !ount on 7u+)e# to 4now the +a#s o0 the wee4/ (e!ause o0 te)evision A then to3orrow/ Tues+a#/ was Harr#Js e)eventh (irth+a#. O0 !ourse/ his (irth+a#s were never e a!t)# 0un A )ast #ear/ the 7urs)e#s ha+ given hi3 a !oat hanger an+ a "air o0 En!)e GernonJs o)+ so!4s. Sti))/ #ou werenJt e)even ever# +a#. En!)e Gernon was (a!4 an+ he was s3i)ing. He was a)so !arr#ing a )ong/ thin "a!4age an+ +i+nJt answer Aunt ,etunia when she as4e+ what heJ+ (ought. MFoun+ the "er0e!t ")a!ePN he sai+. M1o3e onP 2ver#one outPN It was ver# !o)+ outsi+e the !ar. En!)e Gernon was "ointing at

what )oo4e+ )i4e a )arge ro!4 wa# out at sea. ,er!he+ on to" o0 the ro!4 was the 3ost 3isera()e )itt)e sha!4 #ou !ou)+ i3agine. One thing was !ertain/ there was no te)evision in there. MStor3 0ore!ast 0or tonightPN sai+ En!)e Gernon g)ee0u))#/ !)a""ing his han+s together. MAn+ this gent)e3anJs 4in+)# agree+ to )en+ us his (oatPN A tooth)ess o)+ 3an !a3e a3()ing u" to the3/ "ointing/ with a rather wi!4e+ grin/ at an o)+ row(oat (o((ing in the iron;gra# water (e)ow the3. MIJve a)rea+# got us so3e rations/N sai+ En!)e Gernon/ Mso a)) a(oar+PN It was 0ree=ing in the (oat. I!# sea s"ra# an+ rain !re"t +own their ne!4s an+ a !hi))# win+ whi""e+ their 0a!es. A0ter what see3e+ )i4e hours the# rea!he+ the ro!4/ where En!)e Gernon/ s)i""ing an+ s)i+ing/ )e+ the wa# to the (ro4en;+own house. The insi+e was horri()eL it s3e))e+ strong)# o0 seawee+/ the win+ whist)e+ through the ga"s in the woo+en wa))s/ an+ the 0ire")a!e was +a3" an+ e3"t#. There were on)# two roo3s. En!)e GernonJs rations turne+ out to (e a (ag o0 !hi"s ea!h an+ 0our (ananas. He trie+ to start a 0ire (ut the e3"t# !hi" (ags Kust s3o4e+ an+ shrive)e+ u". M1ou)+ +o with so3e o0 those )etters now/ ehON he sai+ !heer0u))#. He was in a ver# goo+ 3oo+. O(vious)# he thought no(o+# stoo+ a !han!e o0 rea!hing the3 here in a stor3 to +e)iver 3ai). Harr# "rivate)# agree+/ though the thought +i+nJt !heer hi3 u" at a)). As night 0e))/ the "ro3ise+ stor3 ()ew u" aroun+ the3. S"ra# 0ro3 the high waves s")attere+ the wa))s o0 the hut an+ a 0ier!e win+ ratt)e+ the 0i)th# win+ows. Aunt ,etunia 0oun+ a 0ew 3o)+# ()an4ets in the se!on+ roo3 an+ 3a+e u" a (e+ 0or 7u+)e# on the 3oth;eaten so0a. She an+ En!)e Gernon went o00 to the )u3"# (e+ ne t +oor/ an+ Harr# was )e0t to 0in+ the so0test (it o0 0)oor he !ou)+ an+ to !ur) u" un+er the thinnest/ 3ost ragge+ ()an4et. The stor3 rage+ 3ore an+ 3ore 0ero!ious)# as the night went on. Harr# !ou)+nJt s)ee". He shivere+ an+ turne+ over/ tr#ing to get !o30orta()e/ his sto3a!h ru3()ing with hunger. 7u+)e#Js snores were +rowne+ (# the )ow ro))s o0 thun+er that starte+ near 3i+night. The )ighte+ +ia) o0 7u+)e#Js wat!h/ whi!h was +ang)ing over the e+ge o0 the so0a on his 0at wrist/ to)+ Harr# heJ+ (e e)even in ten 3inutesJ ti3e. He )a# an+ wat!he+ his (irth+a# ti!4 nearer/ won+ering i0 the 7urs)e#s wou)+ re3e3(er at a))/ won+ering where the )etter writer was now.

Five 3inutes to go. Harr# hear+ so3ething !rea4 outsi+e. He ho"e+ the roo0 wasnJt going to 0a)) in/ a)though he 3ight (e war3er i0 it +i+. Four 3inutes to go. *a#(e the house in ,rivet 7rive wou)+ (e so 0u)) o0 )etters when the# got (a!4 that heJ+ (e a()e to stea) one so3ehow. Three 3inutes to go. Was that the sea/ s)a""ing har+ on the ro!4 )i4e thatO An+ Qtwo 3inutes to goR what was that 0unn# !run!hing noiseO Was the ro!4 !ru3()ing into the seaO One 3inute to go an+ heJ+ (e e)even. Thirt# se!on+s . . . twent# . . . ten . . . nine A 3a#(e heJ+ wa4e 7u+)e# u"/ Kust to anno# hi3 A three . . . two . . . one . . . BOO*. The who)e sha!4 shivere+ an+ Harr# sat (o)t u"right/ staring at the +oor. So3eone was outsi+e/ 4no!4ing to !o3e in.




BOO*. The# 4no!4e+ again. 7u+)e# Ker4e+ awa4e. MWhereJs the !annonON he sai+ stu"i+)#. There was a !rash (ehin+ the3 an+ En!)e Gernon !a3e s4i++ing into the roo3. He was ho)+ing a ri0)e in his han+s A now the# 4new what ha+ (een in the )ong/ thin "a!4age he ha+ (rought with the3. MWhoJs thereON he shoute+. MI warn #ou A IJ3 ar3e+PN There was a "ause. Then A S*ASHP The +oor was hit with su!h 0or!e that it swung !)ean o00 its hinges an+ with a +ea0ening !rash )an+e+ 0)at on the 0)oor. A giant o0 a 3an was stan+ing in the +oorwa#. His 0a!e was a)3ost !o3")ete)# hi++en (# a )ong/ shagg# 3ane o0 hair an+ a wi)+/ tang)e+ (ear+/ (ut #ou !ou)+ 3a4e out his e#es/ g)inting )i4e ()a!4 (eet)es un+er a)) the hair. The giant sHuee=e+ his wa# into the hut/ stoo"ing so that his hea+ Kust (rushe+ the !ei)ing. He (ent +own/ "i!4e+ u" the +oor/ an+ 0itte+ it easi)# (a!4 into its 0ra3e. The noise o0 the stor3 outsi+e +ro""e+ a )itt)e. He turne+ to )oo4 at the3 a)).

M1ou)+nJt 3a4e us a !u" oJ tea/ !ou)+ #ehO ItJs not (een an eas# Kourne#. . . .N He stro+e over to the so0a where 7u+)e# sat 0ro=en with 0ear. MBu+ge u"/ #eh great )u3"/N sai+ the stranger. 7u+)e# sHuea4e+ an+ ran to hi+e (ehin+ his 3other/ who was !rou!hing/ terri0ie+/ (ehin+ En!)e Gernon. MAnJ hereJs Harr#PN sai+ the giant. Harr# )oo4e+ u" into the 0ier!e/ wi)+/ sha+ow# 0a!e an+ saw that the (eet)e e#es were !rin4)e+ in a s3i)e. MLasJ ti3e I saw #ou/ #ou was on)# a (a(#/N sai+ the giant. MYeh )oo4 a )ot )i4e #er +a+/ (ut #ehJve got #er 3o3Js e#es.N En!)e Gernon 3a+e a 0unn# ras"ing noise. MI +e3an+ that #ou )eave at on!e/ sirPN he sai+. MYou are (rea4ing an+ enteringPN MAh/ shut u"/ 7urs)e#/ #eh great "rune/N sai+ the giantL he rea!he+ over the (a!4 o0 the so0a/ Ker4e+ the gun out o0 En!)e GernonJs han+s/ (ent it into a 4not as easi)# as i0 it ha+ (een 3a+e o0 ru((er/ an+ threw it into a !orner o0 the roo3. En!)e Gernon 3a+e another 0unn# noise/ )i4e a 3ouse (eing tro++en on. MAn#wa# A Harr#/N sai+ the giant/ turning his (a!4 on the 7urs)e#s/ Ma ver# ha""# (irth+a# to #eh. Got su33at 0er #eh here A I 3ighta sat on it at so3e "oint/ (ut itJ)) taste a)) right.N Fro3 an insi+e "o!4et o0 his ()a!4 over!oat he "u))e+ a s)ight)# sHuashe+ (o . Harr# o"ene+ it with tre3()ing 0ingers. Insi+e was a )arge/ sti!4# !ho!o)ate !a4e with Ha11y Birthday Harry written on it in green i!ing. Harr# )oo4e+ u" at the giant. He 3eant to sa# than4 #ou/ (ut the wor+s got )ost on the wa# to his 3outh/ an+ what he sai+ instea+ was/ MWho are #ouON The giant !hu!4)e+. MTrue/ I havenJt intro+u!e+ 3ese)0. Ru(eus Hagri+/ Kee"er o0 Ke#s an+ Groun+s at Hogwarts.N He he)+ out an enor3ous han+ an+ shoo4 Harr#Js who)e ar3. MWhat a(out that tea then/ ehON he sai+/ ru((ing his han+s together. MIJ+ not sa# no ter su33at stronger i0 #ehJve got it/ 3in+.N His e#es 0e)) on the e3"t# grate with the shrive)e+ !hi" (ags in it an+ he snorte+. He (ent +own over the 0ire")a!eL the# !ou)+nJt see what he was +oing (ut when he +rew (a!4 a se!on+ )ater/ there was a roaring 0ire there. It 0i))e+ the who)e +a3" hut with 0)i!4ering )ight an+ Harr# 0e)t the war3th wash over hi3 as though heJ+ sun4 into a hot (ath.

The giant sat (a!4 +own on the so0a/ whi!h sagge+ un+er his weight/ an+ (egan ta4ing a)) sorts o0 things out o0 the "o!4ets o0 his !oat6 a !o""er 4ett)e/ a sHuash# "a!4age o0 sausages/ a "o4er/ a tea"ot/ severa) !hi""e+ 3ugs/ an+ a (ott)e o0 so3e a3(er )iHui+ that he too4 a swig 0ro3 (e0ore starting to 3a4e tea. Soon the hut was 0u)) o0 the soun+ an+ s3e)) o0 si==)ing sausage. No(o+# sai+ a thing whi)e the giant was wor4ing/ (ut as he s)i+ the 0irst si 0at/ Kui!#/ s)ight)# (urnt sausages 0ro3 the "o4er/ 7u+)e# 0i+gete+ a )itt)e. En!)e Gernon sai+ shar")#/ M7onJt tou!h an#thing he gives #ou/ 7u+)e#.N The giant !hu!4)e+ +ar4)#. MYer great "u++inJ o0 a son +onJ nee+ 0atteninJ an#3ore/ 7urs)e#/ +onJ worr#.N He "asse+ the sausages to Harr#/ who was so hungr# he ha+ never taste+ an#thing so won+er0u)/ (ut he sti)) !ou)+nJt ta4e his e#es o00 the giant. Fina))#/ as no(o+# see3e+ a(out to e ")ain an#thing/ he sai+/ MIJ3 sorr#/ (ut I sti)) +onJt rea))# 4now who #ou are.N The giant too4 a gu)" o0 tea an+ wi"e+ his 3outh with the (a!4 o0 his han+. M1a)) 3e Hagri+/N he sai+/ Mever#one +oes. AnJ )i4e I to)+ #eh/ IJ3 Kee"er o0 Ke#s at Hogwarts A #ehJ)) 4now a)) a(out Hogwarts/ oJ !ourse.N M2r A no/N sai+ Harr#. Hagri+ )oo4e+ sho!4e+. MSorr#/N Harr# sai+ Hui!4)#. MSorryON (ar4e+ Hagri+/ turning to stare at the 7urs)e#s/ who shran4 (a!4 into the sha+ows. MItJs the3 as shou)+ (e sorr#P I 4new #eh werenJt gettinJ #er )etters (ut I never thought #eh wou)+nJt even 4now a(ouJ Hogwarts/ 0er !r#inJ out )ou+P 7i+ #eh never won+er where #er "arents )earne+ it a))ON MA)) whatON as4e+ Harr#. MALL WHATON Hagri+ thun+ere+. MNow wait KusJ one se!on+PN He ha+ )ea"t to his 0eet. In his anger he see3e+ to 0i)) the who)e hut. The 7urs)e#s were !owering against the wa)). M7o #ou 3ean ter te)) 3e/N he grow)e+ at the 7urs)e#s/ Mthat this (o# A this (o#P A 4nows nothinJ a(ouJ A a(out ANYTHINGON Harr# thought this was going a (it 0ar. He ha+ (een to s!hoo)/ a0ter a))/ an+ his 3ar4s werenJt (a+. MI 4now some things/N he sai+. MI !an/ #ou 4now/ +o 3ath an+ stu00.N But Hagri+ si3")# wave+ his han+ an+ sai+/ MA(out o"r wor)+/

I 3ean. 2o"r wor)+. 3y wor)+. 2er 1arents !orld(N MWhat wor)+ON Hagri+ )oo4e+ as i0 he was a(out to e ")o+e. M7ERSL2YPN he (oo3e+. En!)e Gernon/ who ha+ gone ver# "a)e/ whis"ere+ so3ething that soun+e+ )i4e M*i3()ewi3()e.N Hagri+ stare+ wi)+)# at Harr#. MBut #eh 3ust 4now a(out #er 3o3 an+ +a+/N he sai+. MI 3ean/ the#Jre famo"s( YouJre famo"s(N MWhatO *# A 3# 3o3 an+ +a+ werenJt 0a3ous/ were the#ON MYeh +onJ 4now . . . #eh +onJ 4now . . .N Hagri+ ran his 0ingers through his hair/ 0i ing Harr# with a (ewi)+ere+ stare. MYeh +onJ 4now what #eh areON he sai+ 0ina))#. En!)e Gernon su++en)# 0oun+ his voi!e. MSto"PN he !o33an+e+. MSto" right there/ sirP I 0or(i+ #ou to te)) the (o# an#thingPN A (raver 3an than Gernon 7urs)e# wou)+ have Huai)e+ un+er the 0urious )oo4 Hagri+ now gave hi3L when Hagri+ s"o4e/ his ever# s#))a()e tre3()e+ with rage. MYou never to)+ hi3O Never to)+ hi3 what was in the )etter 7u3()e+ore )e0t 0er hi3O I was thereP I saw 7u3()e+ore )eave it/ 7urs)e#P AnJ #ouJve 4e"t it 0ro3 hi3 a)) these #earsON MKe"t !hat 0ro3 3eON sai+ Harr# eager)#. MSTO,P I FORBI7 YOEPN #e))e+ En!)e Gernon in "ani!. Aunt ,etunia gave a gas" o0 horror. MAh/ go (oi) #er hea+s/ (oth o0 #eh/N sai+ Hagri+. MHarr# A #er a wi=ar+.N There was si)en!e insi+e the hut. On)# the sea an+ the whist)ing win+ !ou)+ (e hear+. MIJ3 a !hatON gas"e+ Harr#. MA wi=ar+/ oJ !ourse/N sai+ Hagri+/ sitting (a!4 +own on the so0a/ whi!h groane+ an+ san4 even )ower/ ManJ a thu3"inJ goo+Jun/ IJ+ sa#/ on!e #ehJve (een traine+ u" a (it. With a 3u3 anJ +a+ )i4e #ours/ what e)se wou)+ #eh (eO AnJ I re!4on itJs a(ouJ ti3e #eh rea+ #er )etter.N Harr# stret!he+ out his han+ at )ast to ta4e the #e))owish enve)o"e/ a++resse+ in e3era)+ green to *r. H. ,otter/ The F)oor/ Huton; the;Ro!4/ The Sea. He "u))e+ out the )etter an+ rea+6 HOGWARTS S1HOOL of WIT1H1RAFT and WICAR7RY Hea+3aster6 Albus Dumbledore QOrder of 3erlin* First Class* Grand Sorc(* Chf( 4arlock*

S"1reme 3"'!"m1* -nternational Confed( of 4izards R 7ear *r. ,otter/ We are ")ease+ to in0or3 #ou that #ou have (een a!!e"te+ at Hogwarts S!hoo) o0 Wit!h!ra0t an+ Wi=ar+r#. ,)ease 0in+ en!)ose+ a )ist o0 a)) ne!essar# (oo4s an+ eHui"3ent. Ter3 (egins on Se"te3(er %. We await #our ow) (# no )ater than Ju)# >%. Yours sin!ere)#/ *inerva *!Gonaga))/ e1"ty Headmistress Iuestions e ")o+e+ insi+e Harr#Js hea+ )i4e 0irewor4s an+ he !ou)+nJt +e!i+e whi!h to as4 0irst. A0ter a 0ew 3inutes he sta33ere+/ MWhat +oes it 3ean/ the# await 3# ow)ON MGa))o"inJ Gorgons/ that re3in+s 3e/N sai+ Hagri+/ !)a""ing a han+ to his 0orehea+ with enough 0or!e to 4no!4 over a !art horse/ an+ 0ro3 #et another "o!4et insi+e his over!oat he "u))e+ an ow) A a rea)/ )ive/ rather ru00)e+;)oo4ing ow) A a )ong Hui))/ an+ a ro)) o0 "ar!h3ent. With his tongue (etween his teeth he s!ri(()e+ a note that Harr# !ou)+ rea+ u"si+e +own6 Dear Professor Dum ledore, +iven Harr& his letter. Ta*in% him to u& his thin%s tomorrow. $eather,s horri le. Hope &ou,re well. Ha%rid Hagri+ ro))e+ u" the note/ gave it to the ow)/ whi!h !)a3"e+ it in its (ea4/ went to the +oor/ an+ threw the ow) out into the stor3. Then he !a3e (a!4 an+ sat +own as though this was as nor3a) as ta)4ing on the te)e"hone. Harr# rea)i=e+ his 3outh was o"en an+ !)ose+ it Hui!4)#. MWhere was ION sai+ Hagri+/ (ut at that 3o3ent/ En!)e Gernon/ sti)) ashen;0a!e+ (ut )oo4ing ver# angr#/ 3ove+ into the 0ire)ight. MHeJs not going/N he sai+. Hagri+ grunte+. MIJ+ )i4e ter see a great *ugg)e )i4e #ou sto" hi3/N he sai+. MA whatON sai+ Harr#/ intereste+. MA *ugg)e/N sai+ Hagri+/ MitJs what we !a)) non3agi! 0o)4 )i4e the3. AnJ itJs #our (a+ )u!4 #ou grew u" in a 0a3i)# oJ the (iggest *ugg)es I ever )ai+ e#es on.N MWe swore when we too4 hi3 in weJ+ "ut a sto" to that ru((ish/N sai+ En!)e Gernon/ Mswore weJ+ sta3" it out o0 hi3P Wi=ar+ in+ee+PN MYou kne!ON sai+ Harr#. MYou kne! IJ3 a A a wi=ar+ON

MKnewPN shrie4e+ Aunt ,etunia su++en)#. M5ne!P O0 !ourse we 4newP How !ou)+ #ou not (e/ 3# +ratte+ sister (eing what she wasO Oh/ she got a )etter Kust )i4e that an+ +isa""eare+ o00 to that A that school A an+ !a3e ho3e ever# va!ation with her "o!4ets 0u)) o0 0rog s"awn/ turning tea!u"s into rats. I was the on)# one who saw her 0or what she was A a 0rea4P But 0or 3# 3other an+ 0ather/ oh no/ it was Li)# this an+ Li)# that/ the# were "rou+ o0 having a wit!h in the 0a3i)#PN She sto""e+ to +raw a +ee" (reath an+ then went ranting on. It see3e+ she ha+ (een wanting to sa# a)) this 0or #ears. MThen she 3et that ,otter at s!hoo) an+ the# )e0t an+ got 3arrie+ an+ ha+ #ou/ an+ o0 !ourse I 4new #ouJ+ (e Kust the sa3e/ Kust as strange/ Kust as A as A abnormal A an+ then/ i0 #ou ")ease/ she went an+ got herse)0 ()own u" an+ we got )an+e+ with #ouPN Harr# ha+ gone ver# white. As soon as he 0oun+ his voi!e he sai+/ MB)own u"O You to)+ 3e the# +ie+ in a !ar !rashPN M1AR 1RASHPN roare+ Hagri+/ Ku3"ing u" so angri)# that the 7urs)e#s s!utt)e+ (a!4 to their !orner. MHow !ou)+ a !ar !rash 4i)) Li)# anJ Ja3es ,otterO ItJs an outrageP A s!an+a)P Harr# ,otter not 4nowinJ his own stor# when ever# 4i+ in our wor)+ 4nows his na3ePN MBut wh#O What ha""ene+ON Harr# as4e+ urgent)#. The anger 0a+e+ 0ro3 Hagri+Js 0a!e. He )oo4e+ su++en)# an ious. MI never e "e!te+ this/N he sai+/ in a )ow/ worrie+ voi!e. MI ha+ no i+ea/ when 7u3()e+ore to)+ 3e there 3ight (e trou()e gettinJ ho)+ o0 #eh/ how 3u!h #eh +i+nJt 4now. Ah/ Harr#/ I +onJ 4now i0 IJ3 the right "erson ter te)) #eh A (ut so3eoneJs gotta A #eh !anJt go o00 ter Hogwarts not 4nowinJ.N He threw a +irt# )oo4 at the 7urs)e#s. MWe))/ itJs (est #eh 4now as 3u!h as I !an te)) #eh A 3in+/ I !anJt te)) #eh ever#thinJ/ itJs a great 3#stJr#/ "arts o0 it. . . .N He sat +own/ stare+ into the 0ire 0or a 0ew se!on+s/ an+ then sai+/ MIt (egins/ I su""ose/ with A with a "erson !a))e+ A (ut itJs in!re+i()e #eh +onJt 4now his na3e/ ever#one in our wor)+ 4nows AN MWhoON MWe)) A I +onJ )i4e sa#inJ the na3e i0 I !an he)" it. No one +oes.N MWh# notON MGu)"inJ gargo#)es/ Harr#/ "eo")e are sti)) s!are+. B)i3e#/ this is +i00i!u)t. See/ there was this wi=ar+ who went . . . (a+. As (a+ as #ou !ou)+ go. Worse. Worse than worse. His na3e was . . .N

Hagri+ gu)"e+/ (ut no wor+s !a3e out. M1ou)+ #ou write it +ownON Harr# suggeste+. MNah A !anJt s"e)) it. A)) right A )oldemort(N Hagri+ shu++ere+. M7onJ 3a4e 3e sa# it again. An#wa#/ this A this wi=ar+/ a(out twent# #ears ago now/ starte+ )oo4inJ 0er 0o))owers. Got Je3/ too A so3e were a0rai+/ so3e Kust wante+ a (it oJ his "ower/ J!ause he was gettinJ hi3se)0 "ower/ a)) right. 7ar4 +a#s/ Harr#. 7i+nJt 4now who ter trust/ +i+nJt +are get 0rien+)# with strange wi=ar+s or wit!hes . . . terri()e things ha""ene+. He was ta4inJ over. J1ourse/ so3e stoo+ u" to hi3 A anJ he 4i))e+ Je3. Horri()#. One oJ the on)# sa0e ")a!es )e0t was Hogwarts. Re!4on 7u3()e+oreJs the on)# one You;Know;Who was a0rai+ o0. 7i+nJt +are tr# ta4inJ the s!hoo)/ not KusJ then/ an#wa#. MNow/ #er 3u3 anJ +a+ were as goo+ a wit!h anJ wi=ar+ as I ever 4new. Hea+ (o# anJ gir) at Hogwarts in their +a#P Su""ose the 3#stJr# is wh# You;Know;Who never trie+ to get Je3 on his si+e (e0ore . . . "ro(a()# 4new the# were too !)ose ter 7u3()e+ore ter want an#thinJ ter +o with the 7ar4 Si+e. M*a#(e he thought he !ou)+ "ersua+e Je3 . . . 3a#(e he Kust wante+ Je3 outta the wa#. A)) an#one 4nows is/ he turne+ u" in the vi))age where #ou was a)) )iving/ on Ha))oween ten #ears ago. You was Kust a #ear o)+. He !a3e ter #er house anJ A anJ AN Hagri+ su++en)# "u))e+ out a ver# +irt#/ s"otte+ han+4er!hie0 an+ ()ew his nose with a soun+ )i4e a 0oghorn. MSorr#/N he sai+. MBut itJs that sa+ A 4new #er 3u3 anJ +a+/ anJ ni!er "eo")e #eh !ou)+nJt 0in+ A an#wa# . . . MYou;Know;Who 4i))e+ Je3. AnJ then A anJ this is the rea) 3#stJr# o0 the thing A he trie+ to 4i)) #ou/ too. Wante+ ter 3a4e a !)ean Ko( o0 it/ I su""ose/ or 3a#(e he Kust )i4e+ 4i))inJ (# then. But he !ou)+nJt +o it. Never won+ere+ how #ou got that 3ar4 on #er 0orehea+O That was no or+inar# !ut. ThatJs what #eh get when a "ower0u)/ evi) !urse tou!hes #eh A too4 !are o0 #er 3u3 anJ +a+ anJ #er house/ even A (ut it +i+nJt wor4 on #ou/ anJ thatJs wh# #er 0a3ous/ Harr#. No one ever )ive+ a0ter he +e!i+e+ ter 4i)) Je3/ no one e !e"t #ou/ anJ heJ+ 4i))e+ so3e oJ the (est wit!hes anJ wi=ar+s o0 the age A the *!Kinnons/ the Bones/ the ,rewetts A anJ #ou was on)# a (a(#/ anJ #ou )ive+.N So3ething ver# "ain0u) was going on in Harr#Js 3in+. As Hagri+Js stor# !a3e to a !)ose/ he saw again the ()in+ing 0)ash o0 green )ight/ 3ore !)ear)# than he ha+ ever re3e3(ere+ it (e0ore A an+ he re3e3(ere+ so3ething e)se/ 0or the 0irst ti3e in his )i0e6 a high/ !o)+/ !rue) )augh.

Hagri+ was wat!hing hi3 sa+)#. MToo4 #eh 0ro3 the ruine+ house 3#se)0/ on 7u3()e+oreJs or+ers. Brought #eh ter this )ot . . .N MLoa+ o0 o)+ tosh/N sai+ En!)e Gernon. Harr# Ku3"e+L he ha+ a)3ost 0orgotten that the 7urs)e#s were there. En!)e Gernon !ertain)# see3e+ to have got (a!4 his !ourage. He was g)aring at Hagri+ an+ his 0ists were !)en!he+. MNow/ #ou )isten here/ (o#/N he snar)e+/ MI a!!e"t thereJs so3ething strange a(out #ou/ "ro(a()# nothing a goo+ (eating wou)+nJt have !ure+ A an+ as 0or a)) this a(out #our "arents/ we))/ the# were weir+os/ no +en#ing it/ an+ the wor)+Js (etter o00 without the3 in 3# o"inion A as4e+ 0or a)) the# got/ getting 3i e+ u" with these wi=ar+ing t#"es A Kust what I e "e!te+/ a)wa#s 4new the#J+ !o3e to a sti!4# en+ AN But at that 3o3ent/ Hagri+ )ea"t 0ro3 the so0a an+ +rew a (attere+ "in4 u3(re))a 0ro3 insi+e his !oat. ,ointing this at En!)e Gernon )i4e a swor+/ he sai+/ MIJ3 warning #ou/ 7urs)e# A IJ3 warning #ou A one 3ore wor+ . . .N In +anger o0 (eing s"eare+ on the en+ o0 an u3(re))a (# a (ear+e+ giant/ En!)e GernonJs !ourage 0ai)e+ againL he 0)attene+ hi3se)0 against the wa)) an+ 0e)) si)ent. MThatJs (etter/N sai+ Hagri+/ (reathing heavi)# an+ sitting (a!4 +own on the so0a/ whi!h this ti3e sagge+ right +own to the 0)oor. Harr#/ 3eanwhi)e/ sti)) ha+ Huestions to as4/ hun+re+s o0 the3. MBut what ha""ene+ to Go);/ sorr# A I 3ean/ You;Know; WhoON MGoo+ Huestion/ Harr#. 7isa""eare+. Ganishe+. Sa3e night he trie+ ter 4i)) #ou. *a4es #eh even 3ore 0a3ous. ThatJs the (iggest 3#stJr#/ see . . . he was gettinJ 3ore anJ 3ore "ower0u) A wh#J+ he goO MSo3e sa# he +ie+. 1o+swa))o"/ in 3# o"inion. 7unno i0 he ha+ enough hu3an )e0t in hi3 to +ie. So3e sa# heJs sti)) out there/ (i+inJ his ti3e/ )i4e/ (ut I +onJ (e)ieve it. ,eo")e who was on his si+e !a3e (a!4 ter ours. So3e o0 Je3 !a3e outta 4in+a tran!es. 7onJ re!4on the# !ou)+Jve +one i0 he was !o3inJ (a!4. M*ost o0 us re!4on heJs sti)) out there so3ewhere (ut )ost his "owers. Too wea4 to !arr# on. J1ause so3ethinJ a(out #ou 0inishe+ hi3/ Harr#. There was so3ethinJ goinJ on that night he ha+nJt !ounte+ on A - +unno what it was/ no one +oes A (ut so3ethinJ a(out #ou stu3"e+ hi3/ a)) right.N Hagri+ )oo4e+ at Harr# with war3th an+ res"e!t ()a=ing in his e#es/ (ut Harr#/ instea+ o0 0ee)ing ")ease+ an+ "rou+/ 0e)t Huite sure

there ha+ (een a horri()e 3ista4e. A wi=ar+O Hi3O How !ou)+ he "ossi()# (eO HeJ+ s"ent his )i0e (eing !)oute+ (# 7u+)e#/ an+ (u))ie+ (# Aunt ,etunia an+ En!)e GernonL i0 he was rea))# a wi=ar+/ wh# ha+nJt the# (een turne+ into wart# toa+s ever# ti3e the#J+ trie+ to )o!4 hi3 in his !u"(oar+O I0 heJ+ on!e +e0eate+ the greatest sor!erer in the wor)+/ how !o3e 7u+)e# ha+ a)wa#s (een a()e to 4i!4 hi3 aroun+ )i4e a 0oot(a))O MHagri+/N he sai+ Huiet)#/ MI thin4 #ou 3ust have 3a+e a 3ista4e. I +onJt thin4 I !an (e a wi=ar+.N To his sur"rise/ Hagri+ !hu!4)e+. MNot a wi=ar+/ ehO Never 3a+e things ha""en when #ou was s!are+ or angr#ON Harr# )oo4e+ into the 0ire. Now he !a3e to thin4 a(out it . . . ever# o++ thing that ha+ ever 3a+e his aunt an+ un!)e 0urious with hi3 ha+ ha""ene+ when he/ Harr#/ ha+ (een u"set or angr# . . . !hase+ (# 7u+)e#Js gang/ he ha+ so3ehow 0oun+ hi3se)0 out o0 their rea!h . . . +rea+ing going to s!hoo) with that ri+i!u)ous hair!ut/ heJ+ 3anage+ to 3a4e it grow (a!4 . . . an+ the ver# )ast ti3e 7u+)e# ha+ hit hi3/ ha+nJt he got his revenge/ without even rea)i=ing he was +oing itO Ha+nJt he set a (oa !onstri!tor on hi3O Harr# )oo4e+ (a!4 at Hagri+/ s3i)ing/ an+ saw that Hagri+ was "ositive)# (ea3ing at hi3. MSeeON sai+ Hagri+. MHarr# ,otter/ not a wi=ar+ A #ou wait/ #ouJ)) (e right 0a3ous at Hogwarts.N But En!)e Gernon wasnJt going to give in without a 0ight. MHavenJt I to)+ #ou heJs not goingON he hisse+. MHeJs going to Stonewa)) High an+ heJ)) (e grate0u) 0or it. IJve rea+ those )etters an+ he nee+s a)) sorts o0 ru((ish A s"e)) (oo4s an+ wan+s an+ AN MI0 he wants ter go/ a great *ugg)e )i4e #ou wonJt sto" hi3/N grow)e+ Hagri+. MSto" Li)# anJ Ja3es ,otterJs son goinJ ter HogwartsP Yer 3a+. His na3eJs (een +own ever sin!e he was (orn. HeJs o00 ter the 0inest s!hoo) o0 wit!h!ra0t an+ wi=ar+r# in the wor)+. Seven #ears there an+ he wonJt 4now hi3se)0. HeJ)) (e with #oungsters o0 his own sort/ 0er a !hange/ anJ heJ)) (e un+er the greatest hea+3aster Hogwarts ever ha+/ A)(us 7u3()e+AN MI A* NOT ,AYING FOR SO*2 1RA1K,OT OL7 FOOL TO T2A1H HI* *AGI1 TRI1KSPN #e))e+ En!)e Gernon. But he ha+ 0ina))# gone too 0ar. Hagri+ sei=e+ his u3(re))a an+ whir)e+ it over his hea+/ MN2G2R AN he thun+ere+/ MA INSELT A ALBES A 7E*BL27OR2 A IN A FRONT A OF A *2PN

He (rought the u3(re))a swishing +own through the air to "oint at 7u+)e# A there was a 0)ash o0 vio)et )ight/ a soun+ )i4e a 0ire!ra!4er/ a shar" sHuea)/ an+ the ne t se!on+/ 7u+)e# was +an!ing on the s"ot with his han+s !)as"e+ over his 0at (otto3/ how)ing in "ain. When he turne+ his (a!4 on the3/ Harr# saw a !ur)# "igJs tai) "o4ing through a ho)e in his trousers. En!)e Gernon roare+. ,u))ing Aunt ,etunia an+ 7u+)e# into the other roo3/ he !ast one )ast terri0ie+ )oo4 at Hagri+ an+ s)a33e+ the +oor (ehin+ the3. Hagri+ )oo4e+ +own at his u3(re))a an+ stro4e+ his (ear+. MShou)+nJta )ost 3e te3"er/N he sai+ rue0u))#/ M(ut it +i+nJt wor4 an#wa#. *eant ter turn hi3 into a "ig/ (ut I su""ose he was so 3u!h )i4e a "ig an#wa# there wasnJt 3u!h )e0t ter +o.N He !ast a si+ewa#s )oo4 at Harr# un+er his (ush# e#e(rows. MBe grate0u) i0 #eh +i+nJt 3ention that ter an#one at Hogwarts/N he sai+. MIJ3 A er A not su""ose+ ter +o 3agi!/ stri!t)# s"ea4inJ. I was a))owe+ ter +o a (it ter 0o))ow #eh anJ get #er )etters to #eh anJ stu00 A one oJ the reasons I was so 4een ter ta4e on the Ko( AN MWh# arenJt #ou su""ose+ to +o 3agi!ON as4e+ Harr#. MOh/ we)) A I was at Hogwarts 3ese)0 (ut I A er A got e "e))e+/ ter te)) #eh the truth. In 3e thir+ #ear. The# sna""e+ 3e wan+ in ha)0 anJ ever#thing. But 7u3()e+ore )et 3e sta# on as ga3e4ee"er. Great 3an/ 7u3()e+ore.N MWh# were #ou e "e))e+ON MItJs gettinJ )ate an+ weJve got )ots ter +o to3orrow/N sai+ Hagri+ )ou+)#. MGotta get u" ter town/ get a)) #er (oo4s anJ that.N He too4 o00 his thi!4 ()a!4 !oat an+ threw it to Harr#. MYou !an 4i" un+er that/N he sai+. M7onJ 3in+ i0 it wrigg)es a (it/ I thin4 I sti)) got a !ou")e oJ +or3i!e in one oJ the "o!4ets.N

Harr# wo4e ear)# the ne t 3orning. A)though he !ou)+ te)) it was +a#)ight/ he 4e"t his e#es shut tight. MIt was a +rea3/N he to)+ hi3se)0 0ir3)#. MI +rea3e+ a giant !a))e+ Hagri+ !a3e to te)) 3e I was going to a s!hoo) 0or wi=ar+s.

When I o"en 3# e#es IJ)) (e at ho3e in 3# !u"(oar+.N There was su++en)# a )ou+ ta""ing noise. And thereJs A"nt Pet"nia knockin' on the door* Harr# thought/ his heart sin4ing. But he sti)) +i+nJt o"en his e#es. It ha+ (een su!h a goo+ +rea3. Ta". Ta". Ta". MA)) right/N Harr# 3u3()e+/ MIJ3 getting u".N He sat u" an+ Hagri+Js heav# !oat 0e)) o00 hi3. The hut was 0u)) o0 sun)ight/ the stor3 was over/ Hagri+ hi3se)0 was as)ee" on the !o))a"se+ so0a/ an+ there was an ow) ra""ing its !)aw on the win+ow/ a news"a"er he)+ in its (ea4. Harr# s!ra3()e+ to his 0eet/ so ha""# he 0e)t as though a )arge (a))oon was swe))ing insi+e hi3. He went straight to the win+ow an+ Ker4e+ it o"en. The ow) swoo"e+ in an+ +ro""e+ the news"a"er on to" o0 Hagri+/ who +i+nJt wa4e u". The ow) then 0)uttere+ onto the 0)oor an+ (egan to atta!4 Hagri+Js !oat. M7onJt +o that.N Harr# trie+ to wave the ow) out o0 the wa#/ (ut it sna""e+ its (ea4 0ier!e)# at hi3 an+ !arrie+ on savaging the !oat. MHagri+PN sai+ Harr# )ou+)#. MThereJs an ow) AN M,a# hi3/N Hagri+ grunte+ into the so0a. MWhatON MHe wants "a#inJ 0er +e)iverinJ the "a"er. Loo4 in the "o!4ets.N Hagri+Js !oat see3e+ to (e 3a+e o0 nothing b"t "o!4ets A (un!hes o0 4e#s/ s)ug "e))ets/ (a))s o0 string/ "e""er3int hu3(ugs/ tea(ags . . . 0ina))#/ Harr# "u))e+ out a han+0u) o0 strange;)oo4ing !oins. MGive hi3 0ive Knuts/N sai+ Hagri+ s)ee"i)#. MKnutsON MThe )itt)e (ron=e ones.N Harr# !ounte+ out 0ive )itt)e (ron=e !oins/ an+ the ow) he)+ out his )eg so Harr# !ou)+ "ut the 3one# into a s3a)) )eather "ou!h tie+ to it. Then he 0)ew o00 through the o"en win+ow. Hagri+ #awne+ )ou+)#/ sat u"/ an+ stret!he+. MBest (e o00/ Harr#/ )ots ter +o to+a#/ gotta get u" ter Lon+on anJ (u# a)) #er stu00 0er s!hoo).N Harr# was turning over the wi=ar+ !oins an+ )oo4ing at the3. He ha+ Kust thought o0 so3ething that 3a+e hi3 0ee) as though the ha""# (a))oon insi+e hi3 ha+ got a "un!ture. ME3 A Hagri+ON M*3ON sai+ Hagri+/ who was "u))ing on his huge (oots. MI havenJt got an# 3one# A an+ #ou hear+ En!)e Gernon )ast

night . . . he wonJt "a# 0or 3e to go an+ )earn 3agi!.N M7onJt worr# a(out that/N sai+ Hagri+/ stan+ing u" an+ s!rat!hing his hea+. M7J#eh thin4 #er "arents +i+nJt )eave #eh an#thingON MBut i0 their house was +estro#e+ AN MThe# +i+nJ 4ee" their go)+ in the house/ (o#P Nah/ 0irst sto" 0er us is Gringotts. Wi=ar+sJ (an4. Have a sausage/ the#Jre not (a+ !o)+ A anJ I wou)+nJ sa# no teh a (it oJ #er (irth+a# !a4e/ neither.N MWi=ar+s have banksON MJust the one. Gringotts. Run (# go()ins.N Harr# +ro""e+ the (it o0 sausage he was ho)+ing. MGoblinsON MYeah A so #ehJ+ (e 3a+ ter tr# anJ ro( it/ IJ)) te)) #eh that. Never 3ess with go()ins/ Harr#. Gringotts is the sa0est ")a!e in the wor)+ 0er an#thing #eh want ter 4ee" sa0e A J!e"t 3a#(e Hogwarts. As a 3atter oJ 0a!t/ I gotta visit Gringotts an#wa# Fer 7u3()e+ore. Hogwarts (usiness.N Hagri+ +rew hi3se)0 u" "rou+)#. MHe usua))# gets 3e ter +o i3"ortant stu00 0er hi3. Fet!hinJ #ou A gettinJ things 0ro3 Gringotts A 4nows he !an trust 3e/ see. MGot ever#thinJO 1o3e on/ then.N Harr# 0o))owe+ Hagri+ out onto the ro!4. The s4# was Huite !)ear now an+ the sea g)ea3e+ in the sun)ight. The (oat En!)e Gernon ha+ hire+ was sti)) there/ with a )ot o0 water in the (otto3 a0ter the stor3. MHow +i+ #ou get hereON Harr# as4e+/ )oo4ing aroun+ 0or another (oat. MF)ew/N sai+ Hagri+. MFle!ON MYeah A (ut weJ)) go (a!4 in this. Not sJ""ose+ ter use 3agi! now IJve got #eh.N The# sett)e+ +own in the (oat/ Harr# sti)) staring at Hagri+/ tr#ing to i3agine hi3 0)#ing. MSee3s a sha3e ter row/ though/N sai+ Hagri+/ giving Harr# another o0 his si+ewa#s )oo4s. MI0 I was ter A er A s"ee+ things u" a (it/ wou)+ #eh 3in+ not 3entioninJ it at HogwartsON MO0 !ourse not/N sai+ Harr#/ eager to see 3ore 3agi!. Hagri+ "u))e+ out the "in4 u3(re))a again/ ta""e+ it twi!e on the si+e o0 the (oat/ an+ the# s"e+ o00 towar+ )an+. MWh# wou)+ #ou (e 3a+ to tr# an+ ro( GringottsON Harr# as4e+. MS"e))s A en!hant3ents/N sai+ Hagri+/ un0o)+ing his news"a"er as he s"o4e. MThe# sa# thereJs +ragons guar+inJ the highse!urit# vau)ts. An+ then #eh gotta 0in+ #er wa# A Gringotts is

hun+re+s o0 3i)es un+er Lon+on/ see. 7ee" un+er the En+ergroun+. YehJ+ +ie o0 hunger tr#inJ ter get out/ even i0 #eh +i+ 3anage ter get #er han+s on su33at.N Harr# sat an+ thought a(out this whi)e Hagri+ rea+ his news"a"er/ the aily Pro1het( Harr# ha+ )earne+ 0ro3 En!)e Gernon that "eo")e )i4e+ to (e )e0t a)one whi)e the# +i+ this/ (ut it was ver# +i00i!u)t/ heJ+ never ha+ so 3an# Huestions in his )i0e. M*inistr# oJ *agi! 3essinJ things u" as usua)/N Hagri+ 3uttere+/ turning the "age. MThereJs a *inistr# o0 *agi!ON Harr# as4e+/ (e0ore he !ou)+ sto" hi3se)0. M J1ourse/N sai+ Hagri+. MThe# wante+ 7u3()e+ore 0er *inis ter/ oJ !ourse/ (ut heJ+ never )eave Hogwarts/ so o)+ 1orne)ius Fu+ge got the Ko(. Bung)er i0 ever there was one. So he "e)ts 7u3()e+ore with ow)s ever# 3orning/ as4inJ 0er a+vi!e.N MBut what +oes a *inistr# o0 *agi! doON MWe))/ their 3ain Ko( is to 4ee" it 0ro3 the *ugg)es that thereJs sti)) wit!hes anJ wi=ar+s u" anJ +own the !ountr#.N MWh#ON M4hyO B)i3e#/ Harr#/ ever#oneJ+ (e wantinJ 3agi! so)utions to their "ro()e3s. Nah/ weJre (est )e0t a)one.N At this 3o3ent the (oat (u3"e+ gent)# into the har(or wa)). Hagri+ 0o)+e+ u" his news"a"er/ an+ the# !)a3(ere+ u" the stone ste"s onto the street. ,assers(# stare+ a )ot at Hagri+ as the# wa)4e+ through the )itt)e town to the station. Harr# !ou)+nJt ()a3e the3. Not on)# was Hagri+ twi!e as ta)) as an#one e)se/ he 4e"t "ointing at "er0e!t)# or+inar# things )i4e "ar4ing 3eters an+ sa#ing )ou+)#/ MSee that/ Harr#O Things these *ugg)es +rea3 u"/ ehON MHagri+/N sai+ Harr#/ "anting a (it as he ran to 4ee" u"/ M+i+ #ou sa# there are dra'ons at GringottsON MWe))/ so the# sa#/N sai+ Hagri+. M1ri4e#/ IJ+ )i4e a +ragon.N MYouJ+ like oneON MWante+ one ever sin!e I was a 4i+ A here we go.N The# ha+ rea!he+ the station. There was a train to Lon+on in 0ive 3inutesJ ti3e. Hagri+/ who +i+nJt un+erstan+ M*ugg)e 3one#/N as he !a))e+ it/ gave the (i))s to Harr# so he !ou)+ (u# their ti!4ets. ,eo")e stare+ 3ore than ever on the train. Hagri+ too4 u" two seats an+ sat 4nitting what )oo4e+ )i4e a !anar#;#e))ow !ir!us tent.

MSti)) got #er )etter/ Harr#ON he as4e+ as he !ounte+ stit!hes. Harr# too4 the "ar!h3ent enve)o"e out o0 his "o!4et. MGoo+/N sai+ Hagri+. MThereJs a )ist there o0 ever#thing #eh nee+.N Harr# un0o)+e+ a se!on+ "ie!e o0 "a"er he ha+nJt noti!e+ the night (e0ore/ an+ rea+6 HOGWARTS S1HOOL of WIT1H1RAFT and WICAR7RY uniform First;#ear stu+ents wi)) reHuire6 %. Three sets o0 ")ain wor4 ro(es Q()a!4R :. One ")ain "ointe+ hat Q()a!4R 0or +a# wear >. One "air o0 "rote!tive g)oves Q+ragon hi+e or si3i)arR ?. One winter !)oa4 Q()a!4/ si)ver 0asteningsR ,)ease note that a)) "u"i)sJ !)othes shou)+ !arr# na3e tags course books A)) stu+ents shou)+ have a !o"# o0 ea!h o0 the 0o))owing6 ,he Standard Book of S1ells 6Grade #7 (# *iran+a Goshaw4 A History of 3a'ic (# Bathi)+a Bagshot 3a'ical ,heory (# A+a)(ert Wa00)ing A Be'inners G"ide to ,ransfi'"ration (# 23eri! Swit!h One ,ho"sand 3a'ical Herbs and F"n'i (# ,h#))i+a S"ore 3a'ical rafts and Potions (# Arsenius Jigger Fantastic Beasts and 4here to Find ,hem (# Newt S!a3an+er ,he ark Forces8 A G"ide to Self-Protection (# Iuentin Tri3()e other equipment % wan+ % !au)+ron Q"ewter/ stan+ar+ si=e :R % set g)ass or !r#sta) "hia)s % te)es!o"e % set (rass s!a)es Stu+ents 3a# a)so (ring an ow) OR a !at OR a toa+ ,AR2NTS AR2 R2*IN727 THAT FIRST Y2ARS AR2 NOT ALLOW27 TH2IR OWN BROO*STI1KS M1an we (u# a)) this in Lon+onON Harr# won+ere+ a)ou+. MI0 #eh 4now where to go/N sai+ Hagri+. Harr# ha+ never (een to Lon+on (e0ore. A)though Hagri+ see3e+

to 4now where he was going/ he was o(vious)# not use+ to getting there in an or+inar# wa#. He got stu!4 in the ti!4et (arrier on the En+ergroun+/ an+ !o3")aine+ )ou+)# that the seats were too s3a)) an+ the trains too s)ow. MI +onJt 4now how the *ugg)es 3anage without 3agi!/N he sai+ as the# !)i3(e+ a (ro4en;+own es!a)ator that )e+ u" to a (ust)ing roa+ )ine+ with sho"s. Hagri+ was so huge that he "arte+ the !row+ easi)#L a)) Harr# ha+ to +o was 4ee" !)ose (ehin+ hi3. The# "asse+ (oo4 sho"s an+ 3usi! stores/ ha3(urger restaurants an+ !ine3as/ (ut nowhere that )oo4e+ as i0 it !ou)+ se)) #ou a 3agi! wan+. This was Kust an or+inar# street 0u)) o0 or+inar# "eo")e. 1ou)+ there rea))# (e "i)es o0 wi=ar+ go)+ (urie+ 3i)es (eneath the3O Were there rea))# sho"s that so)+ s"e)) (oo4s an+ (roo3sti!4sO *ight this not a)) (e so3e huge Ko4e that the 7urs)e#s ha+ !oo4e+ u"O I0 Harr# ha+nJt 4nown that the 7urs)e#s ha+ no sense o0 hu3or/ he 3ight have thought soL #et so3ehow/ even though ever#thing Hagri+ ha+ to)+ hi3 so 0ar was un(e)ieva()e/ Harr# !ou)+nJt he)" trusting hi3. MThis is it/N sai+ Hagri+/ !o3ing to a ha)t/ Mthe Lea4# 1au)+ron. ItJs a 0a3ous ")a!e.N It was a tin#/ gru((#;)oo4ing "u(. I0 Hagri+ ha+nJt "ointe+ it out/ Harr# wou)+nJt have noti!e+ it was there. The "eo")e hurr#ing (# +i+nJt g)an!e at it. Their e#es s)i+ 0ro3 the (ig (oo4 sho" on one si+e to the re!or+ sho" on the other as i0 the# !ou)+nJt see the Lea4# 1au)+ron at a)). In 0a!t/ Harr# ha+ the 3ost "e!u)iar 0ee)ing that on)# he an+ Hagri+ !ou)+ see it. Be0ore he !ou)+ 3ention this/ Hagri+ ha+ steere+ hi3 insi+e. For a 0a3ous ")a!e/ it was ver# +ar4 an+ sha((#. A 0ew o)+ wo3en were sitting in a !orner/ +rin4ing tin# g)asses o0 sherr#. One o0 the3 was s3o4ing a )ong "i"e. A )itt)e 3an in a to" hat was ta)4ing to the o)+ (arten+er/ who was Huite (a)+ an+ )oo4e+ )i4e a tooth)ess wa)nut. The )ow (u== o0 !hatter sto""e+ when the# wa)4e+ in. 2ver#one see3e+ to 4now Hagri+L the# wave+ an+ s3i)e+ at hi3/ an+ the (arten+er rea!he+ 0or a g)ass/ sa#ing/ MThe usua)/ Hagri+ON M1anJt/ To3/ IJ3 on Hogwarts (usiness/N sai+ Hagri+/ !)a""ing his great han+ on Harr#Js shou)+er an+ 3a4ing Harr#Js 4nees (u!4)e. MGoo+ Lor+/N sai+ the (arten+er/ "eering at Harr#/ Mis this A !an this (e A ON The Lea4# 1au)+ron ha+ su++en)# gone !o3")ete)# sti)) an+

si)ent. MB)ess 3# sou)/N whis"ere+ the o)+ (arten+er/ MHarr# ,otter . . . what an honor.N He hurrie+ out 0ro3 (ehin+ the (ar/ rushe+ towar+ Harr# an+ sei=e+ his han+/ tears in his e#es. MWe)!o3e (a!4/ *r. ,otter/ we)!o3e (a!4.N Harr# +i+nJt 4now what to sa#. 2ver#one was )oo4ing at hi3. The o)+ wo3an with the "i"e was "u00ing on it without rea)i=ing it ha+ gone out. Hagri+ was (ea3ing. Then there was a great s!ra"ing o0 !hairs an+ the ne t 3o3ent/ Harr# 0oun+ hi3se)0 sha4ing han+s with ever#one in the Lea4# 1au)+ron. M7oris 1ro!40or+/ *r. ,otter/ !anJt (e)ieve IJ3 3eeting #ou at )ast.N MSo "rou+/ *r. ,otter/ IJ3 Kust so "rou+.N MA)wa#s wante+ to sha4e #our han+ A IJ3 a)) o0 a 0)utter.N M7e)ighte+/ *r. ,otter/ Kust !anJt te)) #ou/ 7igg)eJs the na3e/ 7e+a)us 7igg)e.N MIJve seen #ou (e0orePN sai+ Harr#/ as 7e+a)us 7igg)eJs to" hat 0e)) o00 in his e !ite3ent. MYou (owe+ to 3e on!e in a sho".N MHe re3e3(ersPN !rie+ 7e+a)us 7igg)e/ )oo4ing aroun+ at ever#one. M7i+ #ou hear thatO He re3e3(ers 3ePN Harr# shoo4 han+s again an+ again A 7oris 1ro!40or+ 4e"t !o3ing (a!4 0or 3ore. A "a)e #oung 3an 3a+e his wa# 0orwar+/ ver# nervous)#. One o0 his e#es was twit!hing. M,ro0essor Iuirre))PN sai+ Hagri+. MHarr#/ ,ro0essor Iuirre)) wi)) (e one o0 #our tea!hers at Hogwarts.N M,;,;,otter/N sta33ere+ ,ro0essor Iuirre))/ gras"ing Harr#Js han+/ M!;!anJt t;te)) #ou how ";")ease+ I a3 to 3eet #ou.N MWhat sort o0 3agi! +o #ou tea!h/ ,ro0essor Iuirre))ON M7;7e0ense Against the 7;7;7ar4 Arts/N 3uttere+ ,ro0essor Iuirre))/ as though heJ+ rather not thin4 a(out it. MN;not that #ou n;nee+ it/ eh/ ,;,;,otterON He )aughe+ nervous)#. MYouJ)) (e g;getting a)) #our eHui"3ent/ I su""oseO IJve g;got to ";"i!4 u" a new (;(oo4 on va3"ires/ 3;3#se)0.N He )oo4e+ terri0ie+ at the ver# thought. But the others wou)+nJt )et ,ro0essor Iuirre)) 4ee" Harr# to hi3se)0. It too4 a)3ost ten 3inutes to get awa# 0ro3 the3 a)). At )ast/ Hagri+ 3anage+ to 3a4e hi3se)0 hear+ over the (a(()e. M*ust get on A )ots ter (u# 1o3e on/ Harr#.N 7oris 1ro!40or+ shoo4 Harr#Js han+ one )ast ti3e/ an+ Hagri+

)e+ the3 through the (ar an+ out into a s3a))/ wa))e+ !ourt#ar+/ where there was nothing (ut a trash !an an+ a 0ew wee+s. Hagri+ grinne+ at Harr#. MTo)+ #eh/ +i+nJt IO To)+ #eh #ou was 0a3ous. 2ven ,ro0essor Iuirre)) was tre3()inJ ter 3eet #eh A 3in+ #ou/ heJs usua))# tre3()inJ.N MIs he a)wa#s that nervousON MOh/ #eah. ,oor ()o4e. Bri))iant 3in+. He was 0ine whi)e he was stu+#inJ outta (oo4s (ut then he too4 a #ear o00 ter get so3e 0irsthan+ e "erien!e. . . . The# sa# he 3et va3"ires in the B)a!4 Forest/ an+ there was a nast# (it oJ trou()e with a hag A never (een the sa3e sin!e. S!are+ o0 the stu+ents/ s!are+ o0 his own su(Ke!t A now/ whereJs 3e u3(re))aON Ga3"iresO HagsO Harr#Js hea+ was swi33ing. Hagri+/ 3eanwhi)e/ was !ounting (ri!4s in the wa)) a(ove the trash !an. MThree u" . . . two a!ross . . .N he 3uttere+. MRight/ stan+ (a!4/ Harr#.N He ta""e+ the wa)) three ti3es with the "oint o0 his u3(re))a. The (ri!4 he ha+ tou!he+ Huivere+ A it wrigg)e+ A in the 3i++)e/ a s3a)) ho)e a""eare+ A it grew wi+er an+ wi+er A a se!on+ )ater the# were 0a!ing an ar!hwa# )arge enough even 0or Hagri+/ an ar!hwa# onto a !o(()e+ street that twiste+ an+ turne+ out o0 sight. MWe)!o3e/N sai+ Hagri+/ Mto 7iagon A))e#.N He grinne+ at Harr#Js a3a=e3ent. The# ste""e+ through the ar!hwa#. Harr# )oo4e+ Hui!4)# over his shou)+er an+ saw the ar!hwa# shrin4 instant)# (a!4 into so)i+ wa)). The sun shone (right)# on a sta!4 o0 !au)+rons outsi+e the nearest sho". 1au)+rons A A)) Si=es A 1o""er/ Brass/ ,ewter/ Si)ver A Se)0;Stirring A 1o))a"si()e/ sai+ a sign hanging over the3. MYeah/ #ouJ)) (e nee+inJ one/N sai+ Hagri+/ M(ut we gotta get #er 3one# 0irst.N Harr# wishe+ he ha+ a(out eight 3ore e#es. He turne+ his hea+ in ever# +ire!tion as the# wa)4e+ u" the street/ tr#ing to )oo4 at ever#thing at on!e6 the sho"s/ the things outsi+e the3/ the "eo")e +oing their sho""ing. A ")u3" wo3an outsi+e an A"othe!ar# was sha4ing her hea+ as the# "asse+/ sa#ing/ M7ragon )iver/ si teen Si!4)es an oun!e/ the#Jre 3a+. A )ow/ so0t hooting !a3e 0ro3 a +ar4 sho" with a sign sa#ing 2e#)o"s Ow) 23"oriu3 A Tawn#/ S!ree!h/ Barn/ Brown/ an+ Snow#. Severa) (o#s o0 a(out Harr#Js age ha+ their noses "resse+ against a win+ow with (roo3sti!4s in it. MLoo4/N Harr# hear+ one

o0 the3 sa#/ Mthe new Ni3(us Two Thousan+ A 0astest ever AN There were sho"s se))ing ro(es/ sho"s se))ing te)es!o"es an+ strange si)ver instru3ents Harr# ha+ never seen (e0ore/ win+ows sta!4e+ with (arre)s o0 (at s")eens an+ ee)sJ e#es/ tottering "i)es o0 s"e)) (oo4s/ Hui))s/ an+ ro))s o0 "ar!h3ent/ "otion (ott)es/ g)o(es o0 the 3oon. . . . MGringotts/N sai+ Hagri+. The# ha+ rea!he+ a snow# white (ui)+ing that towere+ over the other )itt)e sho"s. Stan+ing (esi+e its (urnishe+ (ron=e +oors/ wearing a uni0or3 o0 s!ar)et an+ go)+/ was A MYeah/ thatJs a go()in/N sai+ Hagri+ Huiet)# as the# wa)4e+ u" the white stone ste"s towar+ hi3. The go()in was a(out a hea+ shorter than Harr#. He ha+ a swarth#/ !)ever 0a!e/ a "ointe+ (ear+ an+/ Harr# noti!e+/ ver# )ong 0ingers an+ 0eet. He (owe+ as the# wa)4e+ insi+e. Now the# were 0a!ing a se!on+ "air o0 +oors/ si)ver this ti3e/ with wor+s engrave+ u"on the36 .nter* stran'er* b"t take heed Of !hat a!aits the sin of 'reed* For those !ho take* b"t do not earn* 3"st 1ay most dearly in their t"rn( So if yo" seek beneath o"r floors A treas"re that !as ne0er yo"rs* ,hief* yo" ha0e been !arned* be!are Of findin' more than treas"re there( MLi4e I sai+/ #ehJ+ (e 3a+ ter tr# anJ ro( it/N sai+ Hagri+. A "air o0 go()ins (owe+ the3 through the si)ver +oors an+ the# were in a vast 3ar()e ha)). A(out a hun+re+ 3ore go()ins were sitting on high stoo)s (ehin+ a )ong !ounter/ s!ri(()ing in )arge )e+gers/ weighing !oins in (rass s!a)es/ e a3ining "re!ious stones through e#eg)asses. There were too 3an# +oors to !ount )ea+ing o00 the ha))/ an+ #et 3ore go()ins were showing "eo")e in an+ out o0 these. Hagri+ an+ Harr# 3a+e 0or the !ounter. M*orning/N sai+ Hagri+ to a 0ree go()in. MWeJve !o3e ter ta4e so3e 3one# outta *r. Harr# ,otterJs sa0e.N MYou have his 4e#/ sirON MGot it here so3ewhere/N sai+ Hagri+/ an+ he starte+ e3"t#ing his "o!4ets onto the !ounter/ s!attering a han+0u) o0 3o)+# +og (is!uits over the go()ins (oo4 o0 nu3(ers. The go()in wrin4)e+ his nose. Harr# wat!he+ the go()in on their right weighing a "i)e o0 ru(ies as (ig as g)owing !oa)s. MGot it/N sai+ Hagri+ at )ast/ ho)+ing u" a tin# go)+en 4e#.

The go()in )oo4e+ at it !)ose)#. MThat see3s to (e in or+er.N MAnJ IJve a)so got a )etter here 0ro3 ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore/N sai+ Hagri+ i3"ortant)#/ throwing out his !hest. MItJs a(out the You; Know;What in vau)t seven hun+re+ an+ thirteen.N The go()in rea+ the )etter !are0u))#. MGer# we))/N he sai+/ han+ing it (a!4 to Hagri+/ MI wi)) have so3eone ta4e #ou +own to (oth vau)ts. Gri"hoo4PN Gri"hoo4 was #et another go()in. On!e Hagri+ ha+ !ra33e+ a)) the +og (is!uits (a!4 insi+e his "o!4ets/ he an+ Harr# 0o))owe+ Gri"hoo4 towar+ one o0 the +oors )ea+ing o00 the ha)). MWhatJs the You;Know;What in vau)t seven hun+re+ an+ thirteenON Harr# as4e+. M1anJt te)) #eh that/N sai+ Hagri+ 3#sterious)#. MGer# se!ret. Hogwarts (usiness. 7u3()e+oreJs truste+ 3e. *oreJn 3# Ko(Js worth ter te)) #eh that.N Gri"hoo4 he)+ the +oor o"en 0or the3. Harr#/ who ha+ e "e!te+ 3ore 3ar()e/ was sur"rise+. The# were in a narrow stone "assagewa# )it with 0)a3ing tor!hes. It s)o"e+ stee")# +ownwar+ an+ there were )itt)e rai)wa# tra!4s on the 0)oor. Gri"hoo4 whist)e+ an+ a s3a)) !art !a3e hurt)ing u" the tra!4s towar+ the3. The# !)i3(e+ in A Hagri+ with so3e +i00i!u)t# A an+ were o00. At 0irst the# Kust hurt)e+ through a 3a=e o0 twisting "assages. Harr# trie+ to re3e3(er/ )e0t/ right/ right/ )e0t/ 3i++)e 0or4/ right/ )e0t/ (ut it was i3"ossi()e. The ratt)ing !art see3e+ to 4now its own wa#/ (e!ause Gri"hoo4 wasnJt steering. Harr#Js e#es stung as the !o)+ air rushe+ "ast the3/ (ut he 4e"t the3 wi+e o"en. On!e/ he thought he saw a (urst o0 0ire at the en+ o0 a "assage an+ twiste+ aroun+ to see i0 it was a +ragon/ (ut too )ate A the# ")unge+ even +ee"er/ "assing an un+ergroun+ )a4e where huge sta)a!tites an+ sta)ag3ites grew 0ro3 the !ei)ing an+ 0)oor. MI never 4now/N Harr# !a))e+ to Hagri+ over the noise o0 the !art/ MwhatJs the +i00eren!e (etween a sta)ag3ite an+ a sta)a!titeON MSta)ag3iteJs got an S3J in it/N sai+ Hagri+. MAnJ +onJ as4 3e Huestions Kust now/ I thin4 IJ3 gonna (e si!4.N He +i+ )oo4 ver# green/ an+ when the !art sto""e+ at )ast (esi+e a s3a)) +oor in the "assage wa))/ Hagri+ got out an+ ha+ to )ean against the wa)) to sto" his 4nees 0ro3 tre3()ing. Gri"hoo4 un)o!4e+ the +oor. A )ot o0 green s3o4e !a3e (i))owing out/ an+ as it !)eare+/ Harr# gas"e+. Insi+e were 3oun+s o0

go)+ !oins. 1o)u3ns o0 si)ver. Hea"s o0 )itt)e (ron=e Knuts. MA)) #ours/N s3i)e+ Hagri+. A)) Harr#Js A it was in!re+i()e. The 7urs)e#s !ou)+nJt have 4nown a(out this or the#J+ have ha+ it 0ro3 hi3 0aster than ()in4ing. How o0ten ha+ the# !o3")aine+ how 3u!h Harr# !ost the3 to 4ee"O An+ a)) the ti3e there ha+ (een a s3a)) 0ortune (e)onging to hi3/ (urie+ +ee" un+er Lon+on. Hagri+ he)"e+ Harr# "i)e so3e o0 it into a (ag. MThe go)+ ones are Ga))eons/N he e ")aine+. MSeventeen si)ver Si!4)es to a Ga))eon an+ twent#;nine Knuts to a Si!4)e/ itJs eas# enough. Right/ that shou)+ (e enough 0er a !ou")e oJ ter3s/ weJ)) 4ee" the rest sa0e 0or #eh.N He turne+ to Gri"hoo4. MGau)t seven hun+re+ an+ thirteen now/ ")ease/ an+ !an we go 3ore s)ow)#ON MOne s"ee+ on)#/N sai+ Gri"hoo4. The# were going even +ee"er now an+ gathering s"ee+. The air (e!a3e !o)+er an+ !o)+er as the# hurt)e+ roun+ tight !orners. The# went ratt)ing over an un+ergroun+ ravine/ an+ Harr# )eane+ over the si+e to tr# to see what was +own at the +ar4 (otto3/ (ut Hagri+ groane+ an+ "u))e+ hi3 (a!4 (# the s!ru00 o0 his ne!4. Gau)t seven hun+re+ an+ thirteen ha+ no 4e#ho)e. MStan+ (a!4/N sai+ Gri"hoo4 i3"ortant)#. He stro4e+ the +oor gent)# with one o0 his )ong 0ingers an+ it si3")# 3e)te+ awa#. MI0 an#one (ut a Gringotts go()in trie+ that/ the#J+ (e su!4e+ through the +oor an+ tra""e+ in there/N sai+ Gri"hoo4. MHow o0ten +o #ou !he!4 to see i0 an#oneJs insi+eON Harr# as4e+. MA(out on!e ever# ten #ears/N sai+ Gri"hoo4 with a rather nast# grin. So3ething rea))# e traor+inar# ha+ to (e insi+e this to" se!urit# vau)t/ Harr# was sure/ an+ he )eane+ 0orwar+ eager)#/ e "e!ting to see 0a(u)ous Kewe)s at the ver# )east A (ut at 0irst he thought it was e3"t#. Then he noti!e+ a gru((# )itt)e "a!4age wra""e+ u" in (rown "a"er )#ing on the 0)oor. Hagri+ "i!4e+ it u" an+ tu!4e+ it +ee" insi+e his !oat. Harr# )onge+ to 4now what it was/ (ut 4new (etter than to as4. M1o3e on/ (a!4 in this in0erna) !art/ an+ +onJt ta)4 to 3e on the wa# (a!4/ its (est i0 I 4ee" 3e 3outh shut/N sai+ Hagri+. One wi)+ !art ri+e )ater the# stoo+ ()in4ing in the sun)ight outsi+e Gringotts. Harr# +i+nJt 4now where to run 0irst now that he ha+ a (ag 0u)) o0 3one#. He +i+nJt have to 4now how 3an# Ga))eons there were to a "oun+ to 4now that he was ho)+ing 3ore 3one# than heJ+ ha+ in his who)e )i0e A 3ore 3one# than even 7u+)e#

ha+ ever ha+. M*ight as we)) get #er uni0or3/N sai+ Hagri+/ no++ing towar+ *a+a3 *a)4inJs Ro(es 0or A)) O!!asions. MListen/ Harr#/ wou)+ #eh 3in+ i0 I s)i""e+ o00 0er a "i!4;3e;u" in the Lea4# 1au)+ronO I hate the3 Gringotts !arts.N He +i+ sti)) )oo4 a (it si!4/ so Harr# entere+ *a+a3 *a)4inJs sho" a)one/ 0ee)ing nervous. *a+a3 *a)4in was a sHuat/ s3i)ing wit!h +resse+ a)) in 3auve. MHogwarts/ +earON she sai+/ when Harr# starte+ to s"ea4. MGot the )ot here A another #oung 3an (eing 0itte+ u" Kust now/ in 0a!t.N In the (a!4 o0 the sho"/ a (o# with a "a)e/ "ointe+ 0a!e was stan+ing on a 0ootstoo) whi)e a se!on+ wit!h "inne+ u" his )ong ()a!4 ro(es. *a+a3 *a)4in stoo+ Harr# on a stoo) ne t to hi3/ s)i""e+ a )ong ro(e over his hea+/ an+ (egan to "in it to the right )ength. MHe))o/N sai+ the (o#/ MHogwarts/ tooON MYes/N sai+ Harr#. M*# 0atherJs ne t +oor (u#ing 3# (oo4s an+ 3otherJs u" the street )oo4ing at wan+s/N sai+ the (o#. He ha+ a (ore+/ +raw)ing voi!e. MThen IJ3 going to +rag the3 o00 to )oo4 at ra!ing (roo3s. I +onJt see wh# 0irst #ears !anJt have their own. I thin4 IJ)) (u))# 0ather into getting 3e one an+ IJ)) s3ugg)e it in so3ehow.N Harr# was strong)# re3in+e+ o0 7u+)e#. MHave yo" got #our own (roo3ON the (o# went on. MNo/N sai+ Harr#. M,)a# Iui++it!h at a))ON MNo/N Harr# sai+ again/ won+ering what on earth Iui++it!h !ou)+ (e. M- +o A Father sa#s itJs a !ri3e i0 IJ3 not "i!4e+ to ")a# 0or 3# House/ an+ I 3ust sa#/ I agree. Know what House #ouJ)) (e in #etON MNo/N sai+ Harr#/ 0ee)ing 3ore stu"i+ (# the 3inute. MWe))/ no one rea))# 4nows unti) the# get there/ +o the#/ (ut I 4now IJ)) (e in S)#therin/ a)) our 0a3i)# have (een A i3agine (eing in Hu00)e"u00/ I thin4 IJ+ )eave/ wou)+nJt #ouON M*33/N sai+ Harr#/ wishing he !ou)+ sa# so3ething a (it 3ore interesting. MI sa#/ )oo4 at that 3anPN sai+ the (o# su++en)#/ no++ing towar+ the 0ront win+ow. Hagri+ was stan+ing there/ grinning at Harr# an+ "ointing at two )arge i!e !rea3s to show he !ou)+nJt !o3e in. MThatJs Hagri+/N sai+ Harr#/ ")ease+ to 4now so3ething the (o#

+i+nJt. MHe wor4s at Hogwarts.N MOh/N sai+ the (o#/ MIJve hear+ o0 hi3. HeJs a sort o0 servant/ isnJt heON MHeJs the ga3e4ee"er/N sai+ Harr#. He was )i4ing the (o# )ess an+ )ess ever# se!on+. MYes/ e a!t)#. I hear+ heJs a sort o0 sa0a'e A )ives in a hut on the s!hoo) groun+s an+ ever# now an+ then he gets +run4/ tries to +o 3agi!/ an+ en+s u" setting 0ire to his (e+.N MI thin4 heJs (ri))iant/N sai+ Harr# !o)+)#. M o #ouON sai+ the (o#/ with a s)ight sneer. MWh# is he with #ouO Where are #our "arentsON MThe#Jre +ea+/N sai+ Harr# short)#. He +i+nJt 0ee) 3u!h )i4e going into the 3atter with this (o#. MOh/ sorr#/N sai+ the other/ not soun+ing sorr# at a)). MBut the# were o"r 4in+/ werenJt the#ON MThe# were a wit!h an+ wi=ar+/ i0 thatJs what #ou 3ean.N MI rea))# +onJt thin4 the# shou)+ )et the other sort in/ +o #ouO The#Jre Kust not the sa3e/ the#Jve never (een (rought u" to 4now our wa#s. So3e o0 the3 have never even hear+ o0 Hogwarts unti) the# get the )etter/ i3agine. I thin4 the# shou)+ 4ee" it in the o)+ wi=ar+ing 0a3i)ies. WhatJs #our surna3e/ an#wa#ON But (e0ore Harr# !ou)+ answer/ *a+a3 *a)4in sai+/ MThatJs #ou +one/ 3# +ear/N an+ Harr#/ not sorr# 0or an e !use to sto" ta)4ing to the (o#/ ho""e+ +own 0ro3 the 0ootstoo). MWe))/ IJ)) see #ou at Hogwarts/ I su""ose/N sai+ the +raw)ing (o#. Harr# was rather Huiet as he ate the i!e !rea3 Hagri+ ha+ (ought hi3 Q!ho!o)ate an+ ras"(err# with !ho""e+ nutsR. MWhatJs u"ON sai+ Hagri+. MNothing/N Harr# )ie+. The# sto""e+ to (u# "ar!h3ent an+ Hui))s. Harr# !heere+ u" a (it when he 0oun+ a (ott)e o0 in4 that !hange+ !o)or as #ou wrote. When the# ha+ )e0t the sho"/ he sai+/ MHagri+/ whatJs Iui++it!hON MB)i3e#/ Harr#/ I 4ee" 0orgettinJ how )itt)e #eh 4now A not 4nowinJ a(out Iui++it!hPN M7onJt 3a4e 3e 0ee) worse/N sai+ Harr#. He to)+ Hagri+ a(out the "a)e (o# in *a+a3 *a)4inJs. MA an+ he sai+ "eo")e 0ro3 *ugg)e 0a3i)ies shou)+nJt even (e a))owe+ in AN MYer not from a *ugg)e 0a3i)#. I0 heJ+ 4nown who #eh !ere A heJs grown u" 4nowinJ #er na3e i0 his "arents are wi=ar+inJ 0o)4. You saw what ever#one in the Lea4# 1au)+ron was )i4e when the#

saw #eh. An#wa#/ what +oes he 4now a(out it/ so3e oJ the (est I ever saw were the on)# ones with 3agi! in Je3 in a )ong )ine oJ *ugg)es A )oo4 at #er 3u3P Loo4 what she ha+ 0er a sisterPN MSo what is Iui++it!hON MItJs our s"ort. Wi=ar+ s"ort. ItJs )i4e A )i4e so!!er in the *ugg)e wor)+ A ever#one 0o))ows Iui++it!h A ")a#e+ u" in the air on (roo3sti!4s an+ thereJs 0our (a))s A sorta har+ ter e ")ain the ru)es.N MAn+ what are S)#therin an+ Hu00)e"u00ON MS!hoo) Houses. ThereJs 0our. 2ver#one sa#s Hu00)e"u00 are a )ot oJ +u00ers/ (ut AN MI (et IJ3 in Hu00)e"u00/N sai+ Harr# g)oo3i)#. MBetter Hu00)e"u00 than S)#therin/N sai+ Hagri+ +ar4)#. MThereJs not a sing)e wit!h or wi=ar+ who went (a+ who wasnJt in S)#therin. You;Know;Who was one.N MGo);/ sorr# A You;Know;Who was at HogwartsON MYears anJ #ears ago/N sai+ Hagri+. The# (ought Harr#Js s!hoo) (oo4s in a sho" !a))e+ F)ourish an+ B)otts where the she)ves were sta!4e+ to the !ei)ing with (oo4s as )arge as "aving stones (oun+ in )eatherL (oo4s the si=e o0 "ostage sta3"s in !overs o0 si)4L (oo4s 0u)) o0 "e!u)iar s#3(o)s an+ a 0ew (oo4s with nothing in the3 at a)). 2ven 7u+)e#/ who never rea+ an#thing/ wou)+ have (een wi)+ to get his han+s on so3e o0 these. Hagri+ a)3ost ha+ to +rag Harr# awa# 0ro3 C"rses and Co"nterc"rses QBe!itch 2o"r Friends and Bef"ddle 2o"r .nemies !ith the /atest 9e0en'es8 Hair /oss* :elly-/e's* ,on'"e-,yin' and 3"ch* 3"ch 3oreR (# ,ro0essor Gin+i!tus Giri+ian. MI was tr#ing to 0in+ out how to !urse 7u+)e#.N MIJ3 not sa#inJ thatJs not a goo+ i+ea/ (ut #er not ter use 3agi! in the *ugg)e wor)+ e !e"t in ver# s"e!ia) !ir!u3stan!es/N sai+ Hagri+. MAnJ an#wa#/ #eh !ou)+nJ wor4 an# o0 the3 !urses #et/ #ehJ)) nee+ a )ot 3ore stu+# (e0ore #eh get ter that )eve).N Hagri+ wou)+nJt )et Harr# (u# a so)i+ go)+ !au)+ron/ either QMIt sa#s "ewter on #er )istNR/ (ut the# got a ni!e set o0 s!a)es 0or weighing "otion ingre+ients an+ a !o))a"si()e (rass te)es!o"e. Then the# visite+ the A"othe!ar#/ whi!h was 0as!inating enough to 3a4e u" 0or its horri()e s3e))/ a 3i ture o0 (a+ eggs an+ rotte+ !a((ages. Barre)s o0 s)i3# stu00 stoo+ on the 0)oorL Kars o0 her(s/ +rie+ roots/ an+ (right "ow+ers )ine+ the wa))sL (un+)es o0 0eathers/ strings o0 0angs/ an+ snar)e+ !)aws hung 0ro3 the !ei)ing. Whi)e Hagri+ as4e+ the 3an (ehin+ the !ounter 0or a su"")# o0 so3e (asi! "otion

ingre+ients 0or Harr#/ Harr# hi3se)0 e a3ine+ si)ver uni!orn horns at twent#;one Ga))eons ea!h an+ 3inus!u)e/ g)itter#;()a!4 (eet)e e#es Q0ive Knuts a s!oo"R. Outsi+e the A"othe!ar#/ Hagri+ !he!4e+ Harr#Js )ist again. MJust #er wan+ )e0t A oh #eah/ anJ I sti)) havenJt got #eh a (irth+a# "resent.N Harr# 0e)t hi3se)0 go re+. MYou +onJt have to AN MI 4now I +onJt have to. Te)) #eh what/ IJ)) get #er ani3a). Not a toa+/ toa+s went outta 0ashion #ears ago/ #ehJ+ (e )aughe+ at A anJ I +onJ )i4e !ats/ the# 3a4e 3e snee=e. IJ)) get #er an ow). A)) the 4i+s want ow)s/ the#Jre +ea+ use0u)/ !arr# #er 3ai) anJ ever#thinJ.N Twent# 3inutes )ater/ the# )e0t 2e#)o"s Ow) 23"oriu3/ whi!h ha+ (een +ar4 an+ 0u)) o0 rust)ing an+ 0)i!4ering/ Kewe);(right e#es. Harr# now !arrie+ a )arge !age that he)+ a (eauti0u) snow# ow)/ 0ast as)ee" with her hea+ un+er her wing. He !ou)+nJt sto" sta33ering his than4s/ soun+ing Kust )i4e ,ro0essor Iuirre)). M7onJ 3ention it/N sai+ Hagri+ gru00)#. M7onJ e "e!t #ouJve ha+ a )otta "resents 0ro3 the3 7urs)e#s. Just O))ivan+ers )e0t now A on)# ")a!e 0er wan+s/ O))ivan+ers/ an+ #eh gotta have the (est wan+.N A 3agi! wan+ . . . this was what Harr# ha+ (een rea))# )oo4ing 0orwar+ to. The )ast sho" was narrow an+ sha((#. ,ee)ing go)+ )etters over the +oor rea+ O))ivan+ers6 *a4ers o0 Fine Wan+s sin!e >.: b.c. A sing)e wan+ )a# on a 0a+e+ "ur")e !ushion in the +ust# win+ow. A tin4)ing (e)) rang so3ewhere in the +e"ths o0 the sho" as the# ste""e+ insi+e. It was a tin# ")a!e/ e3"t# e !e"t 0or a sing)e/ s"in+)# !hair that Hagri+ sat on to wait. Harr# 0e)t strange)# as though he ha+ entere+ a ver# stri!t )i(rar#L he swa))owe+ a )ot o0 new Huestions that ha+ Kust o!!urre+ to hi3 an+ )oo4e+ instea+ at the thousan+s o0 narrow (o es "i)e+ neat)# right u" to the !ei)ing. For so3e reason/ the (a!4 o0 his ne!4 "ri!4)e+. The ver# +ust an+ si)en!e in here see3e+ to ting)e with so3e se!ret 3agi!. MGoo+ a0ternoon/N sai+ a so0t voi!e. Harr# Ku3"e+. Hagri+ 3ust have Ku3"e+/ too/ (e!ause there was a )ou+ !run!hing noise an+ he got Hui!4)# o00 the s"in+)# !hair. An o)+ 3an was stan+ing (e0ore the3/ his wi+e/ "a)e e#es shining )i4e 3oons through the g)oo3 o0 the sho". MHe))o/N sai+ Harr# aw4war+)#. MAh #es/N sai+ the 3an. MYes/ #es. I thought IJ+ (e seeing #ou soon. Harr# ,otter.N It wasnJt a Huestion. MYou have #our 3otherJs

e#es. It see3s on)# #ester+a# she was in here herse)0/ (u#ing her 0irst wan+. Ten an+ a Huarter in!hes )ong/ swish#/ 3a+e o0 wi))ow. Ni!e wan+ 0or !har3 wor4.N *r. O))ivan+er 3ove+ !)oser to Harr#. Harr# wishe+ he wou)+ ()in4. Those si)ver# e#es were a (it !ree"#. MYour 0ather/ on the other han+/ 0avore+ a 3ahogan# wan+. 2)even in!hes. ,)ia()e. A )itt)e 3ore "ower an+ e !e))ent 0or trans0iguration. We))/ I sa# #our 0ather 0avore+ it A itJs rea))# the wan+ that !hooses the wi=ar+/ o0 !ourse.N *r. O))ivan+er ha+ !o3e so !)ose that he an+ Harr# were a)3ost nose to nose. Harr# !ou)+ see hi3se)0 re0)e!te+ in those 3ist# e#es. MAn+ thatJs where . . .N *r. O))ivan+er tou!he+ the )ightning s!ar on Harr#Js 0orehea+ with a )ong/ white 0inger. MIJ3 sorr# to sa# I so)+ the wan+ that +i+ it/N he sai+ so0t)#. MThirteen;an+;a;ha)0 in!hes. Yew. ,ower0u) wan+/ ver# "ower0u)/ an+ in the wrong han+s . . . we))/ i0 IJ+ 4nown what that wan+ was going out into the wor)+ to +o. . . .N He shoo4 his hea+ an+ then/ to Harr#Js re)ie0/ s"otte+ Hagri+. MRu(eusP Ru(eus Hagri+P How ni!e to see #ou again. . . . Oa4/ si teen in!hes/ rather (en+#/ wasnJt itON MIt was/ sir/ #es/N sai+ Hagri+. MGoo+ wan+/ that one. But I su""ose the# sna""e+ it in ha)0 when #ou got e "e))e+ON sai+ *r. O))ivan+er/ su++en)# stern. M2r A #es/ the# +i+/ #es/N sai+ Hagri+/ shu00)ing his 0eet. MIJve sti)) got the "ie!es/ though/N he a++e+ (right)#. MBut #ou +onJt "se the3ON sai+ *r. O))ivan+er shar")#. MOh/ no/ sir/N sai+ Hagri+ Hui!4)#. Harr# noti!e+ he gri""e+ his "in4 u3(re))a ver# tight)# as he s"o4e. MH333/N sai+ *r. O))ivan+er/ giving Hagri+ a "ier!ing )oo4. MWe))/ now A *r. ,otter. Let 3e see.N He "u))e+ a )ong ta"e 3easure with si)ver 3ar4ings out o0 his "o!4et. MWhi!h is #our wan+ ar3ON M2r A we))/ IJ3 right;han+e+/N sai+ Harr#. MHo)+ out #our ar3. ThatJs it.N He 3easure+ Harr# 0ro3 shou)+er to 0inger/ then wrist to e)(ow/ shou)+er to 0)oor/ 4nee to ar3"it an+ roun+ his hea+. As he 3easure+/ he sai+/ M2ver# O))ivan+er wan+ has a !ore o0 a "ower0u) 3agi!a) su(stan!e/ *r. ,otter. We use uni!orn hairs/ "hoeni tai) 0eathers/ an+ the heartstrings o0 +ragons. No two O))ivan+er wan+s are the sa3e/ Kust as no two uni!orns/ +ragons/ or "hoeni es are Huite the sa3e. An+ o0 !ourse/

#ou wi)) never get su!h goo+ resu)ts with another wi=ar+Js wan+.N Harr# su++en)# rea)i=e+ that the ta"e 3easure/ whi!h was 3easuring (etween his nostri)s/ was +oing this on its own. *r. O))ivan+er was 0)itting aroun+ the she)ves/ ta4ing +own (o es. MThat wi)) +o/N he sai+/ an+ the ta"e 3easure !ru3")e+ into a hea" on the 0)oor. MRight then/ *r. ,otter. Tr# this one. Bee!hwoo+ an+ +ragon heartstring. Nine in!hes. Ni!e an+ 0)e i()e. Just ta4e it an+ give it a wave.N Harr# too4 the wan+ an+ Q0ee)ing 0oo)ishR wave+ it aroun+ a (it/ (ut *r. O))ivan+er snat!he+ it out o0 his han+ a)3ost at on!e. M*a")e an+ "hoeni 0eather. Seven in!hes. Iuite whi""#. Tr# AN Harr# trie+ A (ut he ha+ har+)# raise+ the wan+ when it/ too/ was snat!he+ (a!4 (# *r. O))ivan+er. MNo/ no A here/ e(on# an+ uni!orn hair/ eight an+ a ha)0 in!hes/ s"ring#. Go on/ go on/ tr# it out.N Harr# trie+. An+ trie+. He ha+ no i+ea what *r. O))ivan+er was waiting 0or. The "i)e o0 trie+ wan+s was 3ounting higher an+ higher on the s"in+)# !hair/ (ut the 3ore wan+s *r. O))ivan+er "u))e+ 0ro3 the she)ves/ the ha""ier he see3e+ to (e!o3e. MTri!4# !usto3er/ ehO Not to worr#/ weJ)) 0in+ the "er0e!t 3at!h here so3ewhere A I won+er/ now A #es/ wh# not A unusua) !o3(ination A ho))# an+ "hoeni 0eather/ e)even in!hes/ ni!e an+ su"")e.N Harr# too4 the wan+. He 0e)t a su++en war3th in his 0ingers. He raise+ the wan+ a(ove his hea+/ (rought it swishing +own through the +ust# air an+ a strea3 o0 re+ an+ go)+ s"ar4s shot 0ro3 the en+ )i4e a 0irewor4/ throwing +an!ing s"ots o0 )ight on to the wa))s. Hagri+ whoo"e+ an+ !)a""e+ an+ *r. O))ivan+er !rie+/ MOh/ (ravoP Yes/ in+ee+/ oh/ ver# goo+. We))/ we))/ we)) . . . how !urious . . . how ver# !urious . . .N He "ut Harr#Js wan+ (a!4 into its (o an+ wra""e+ it in (rown "a"er/ sti)) 3uttering/ M1urious . . . !urious . . .N MSorr#/N sai+ Harr#/ M(ut !hats !uriousON *r. O))ivan+er 0i e+ Harr# with his "a)e stare. MI re3e3(er ever# wan+ IJve ever so)+/ *r. ,otter. 2ver# sing)e wan+. It so ha""ens that the "hoeni whose tai) 0eather is in #our wan+/ gave another 0eather A Kust one other. It is ver# !urious in+ee+ that #ou shou)+ (e +estine+ 0or this wan+ when its (rother A wh#/ its (rother gave #ou that s!ar.N Harr# swa))owe+. MYes/ thirteen;an+;a;ha)0 in!hes. Yew. 1urious in+ee+ how these

things ha""en. The wan+ !hooses the wi=ar+/ re3e3(er. . . . I thin4 we 3ust e "e!t great things 0ro3 #ou/ *r. ,otter. . . . A0ter a))/ He;Who;*ust;Not;Be;Na3e+ +i+ great things A terri()e/ #es/ (ut great.N Harr# shivere+. He wasnJt sure he )i4e+ *r. O))ivan+er too 3u!h. He "ai+ seven go)+ Ga))eons 0or his wan+/ an+ *r. O))ivan+er (owe+ the3 0ro3 his sho". The )ate a0ternoon sun hung )ow in the s4# as Harr# an+ Hagri+ 3a+e their wa# (a!4 +own 7iagon A))e#/ (a!4 through the wa))/ (a!4 through the Lea4# 1au)+ron/ now e3"t# Harr# +i+nJt s"ea4 at a)) as the# wa)4e+ +own the roa+L he +i+nJt even noti!e how 3u!h "eo")e were gaw4ing at the3 on the En+ergroun+/ )a+en as the# were with a)) their 0unn#;sha"e+ "a!4ages/ with the snow# ow) as)ee" in its !age on Harr#Js )a". E" another es!a)ator/ out into ,a++ington stationL Harr# on)# rea)i=e+ where the# were when Hagri+ ta""e+ hi3 on the shou)+er. MGot ti3e 0er a (ite to eat (e0ore #er train )eaves/N he sai+. He (ought Harr# a ha3(urger an+ the# sat +own on ")asti! seats to eat the3. Harr# 4e"t )oo4ing aroun+. 2ver#thing )oo4e+ so strange/ so3ehow. MYou a)) right/ Harr#O Yer ver# Huiet/N sai+ Hagri+. Harr# wasnJt sure he !ou)+ e ")ain. HeJ+ Kust ha+ the (est (irth+a# o0 his )i0e A an+ #et A he !hewe+ his ha3(urger/ tr#ing to 0in+ the wor+s. M2ver#one thin4s IJ3 s"e!ia)/N he sai+ at )ast. MA)) those "eo")e in the Lea4# 1au)+ron/ ,ro0essor Iuirre))/ *r. O))ivan+er . . . (ut I +onJt 4now an#thing a(out 3agi! at a)). How !an the# e "e!t great thingsO IJ3 0a3ous an+ I !anJt even re3e3(er what IJ3 0a3ous 0or. I +onJt 4now what ha""ene+ when Go);/ sorr# A I 3ean/ the night 3# "arents +ie+.N Hagri+ )eane+ a!ross the ta()e. Behin+ the wi)+ (ear+ an+ e#e(rows he wore a ver# 4in+ s3i)e. M7onJ #ou worr#/ Harr#. YouJ)) )earn 0ast enough. 2ver#one starts at the (eginning at Hogwarts/ #ouJ)) (e Kust 0ine. Just (e #erse)0. I 4now itJs har+. YehJve (een sing)e+ out/ anJ thatJs a)wa#s har+. But #ehJ)) have a great ti3e at Hogwarts A I +i+ A sti)) +o/ Js3atter o0 0a!t.N Hagri+ he)"e+ Harr# on to the train that wou)+ ta4e hi3 (a!4 to the 7urs)e#s/ then han+e+ hi3 an enve)o"e. MYer ti!4et 0er Hogwarts/N he sai+. MFirst oJ Se"te3(er A KingJs 1ross A itJs a)) on #er ti!4et. An# "ro()e3s with the 7urs)e#s/ sen+ 3e a )etter with #er ow)/ sheJ)) 4now where to 0in+ 3e. . . . See

#eh soon/ Harr#.N The train "u))e+ out o0 the station. Harr# wante+ to wat!h Hagri+ unti) he was out o0 sightL he rose in his seat an+ "resse+ his nose against the win+ow/ (ut he ()in4e+ an+ Hagri+ ha+ gone.

Harr#Js )ast 3onth with the 7urs)e#s wasnJt 0un. True/ 7u+)e# was now so s!are+ o0 Harr# he wou)+nJt sta# in the sa3e roo3/ whi)e Aunt ,etunia an+ En!)e Gernon +i+nJt shut Harr# in his !u"(oar+/ 0or!e hi3 to +o an#thing/ or shout at hi3 A in 0a!t/ the# +i+nJt s"ea4 to hi3 at a)). Ha)0 terri0ie+/ ha)0 0urious/ the# a!te+ as though an# !hair with Harr# in it were e3"t#. A)though this was an i3"rove3ent in 3an# wa#s/ it +i+ (e!o3e a (it +e"ressing a0ter a whi)e. Harr# 4e"t to his roo3/ with his new ow) 0or !o3"an#. He ha+ +e!i+e+ to !a)) her He+wig/ a na3e he ha+ 0oun+ in A History of 3a'ic( His s!hoo) (oo4s were ver# interesting. He )a# on his (e+ rea+ing )ate into the night/ He+wig swoo"ing in an+ out o0 the o"en win+ow as she ")ease+. It was )u!4# that Aunt ,etunia +i+nJt !o3e in to va!uu3 an#3ore/ (e!ause He+wig 4e"t (ringing (a!4 +ea+ 3i!e. 2ver# night (e0ore he went to s)ee"/ Harr# ti!4e+ o00 another +a# on the "ie!e o0 "a"er he ha+ "inne+ to the wa))/ !ounting +own to Se"te3(er the 0irst. On the )ast +a# o0 August he thought heJ+ (etter s"ea4 to his aunt an+ un!)e a(out getting to KingJs 1ross station the ne t +a#/ so he went +own to the )iving roo3 where the# were wat!hing a Hui= show on te)evision. He !)eare+ his throat to )et the3 4now he was there/ an+ 7u+)e# s!rea3e+ an+ ran 0ro3 the roo3. M2r A En!)e GernonON En!)e Gernon grunte+ to show he was )istening.

M2r A I nee+ to (e at KingJs 1ross to3orrow to A to go to Hogwarts.N En!)e Gernon grunte+ again. MWou)+ it (e a)) right i0 #ou gave 3e a )i0tON Grunt. Harr# su""ose+ that 3eant #es. MThan4 #ou.N He was a(out to go (a!4 u"stairs when En!)e Gernon a!tua))# s"o4e. MFunn# wa# to get to a wi=ar+sJ s!hoo)/ the train. *agi! !ar"ets a)) got "un!tures/ have the#ON Harr# +i+nJt sa# an#thing. MWhere is this s!hoo)/ an#wa#ON MI +onJt 4now/N sai+ Harr#/ rea)i=ing this 0or the 0irst ti3e. He "u))e+ the ti!4et Hagri+ ha+ given hi3 out o0 his "o!4et. MI Kust ta4e the train 0ro3 ")at0or3 nine an+ three;Huarters at e)even oJ!)o!4/N he rea+. His aunt an+ un!)e stare+. M,)at0or3 whatON MNine an+ three;Huarters.N M7onJt ta)4 ru((ish/N sai+ En!)e Gernon. MThere is no ")at0or3 nine an+ three;Huarters.N MIts on 3# ti!4et.N MBar4ing/N sai+ En!)e Gernon/ Mhow)ing 3a+/ the )ot o0 the3. YouJ)) see. You Kust wait. A)) right/ weJ)) ta4e #ou to KingJs 1ross. WeJre going u" to Lon+on to3orrow an#wa#/ or I wou)+nJt (other.N MWh# are #ou going to Lon+onON Harr# as4e+/ tr#ing to 4ee" things 0rien+)#. MTa4ing 7u+)e# to the hos"ita)/N grow)e+ En!)e Gernon. MGot to have that ru++# tai) re3ove+ (e0ore he goes to S3e)tings.N Harr# wo4e at 0ive oJ!)o!4 the ne t 3orning an+ was too e !ite+ an+ nervous to go (a!4 to s)ee". He got u" an+ "u))e+ on his Keans (e!ause he +i+nJt want to wa)4 into the station in his wi=ar+Js ro(es A heJ+ !hange on the train. He !he!4e+ his Hogwarts )ist #et again to 3a4e sure he ha+ ever#thing he nee+e+/ saw that He+wig was shut sa0e)# in her !age/ an+ then "a!e+ the roo3/ waiting 0or the 7urs)e#s to get u". Two hours )ater/ Harr#Js huge/ heav# trun4 ha+ (een )oa+e+ into the 7urs)e#sJ !ar/ Aunt ,etunia ha+ ta)4e+ 7u+)e# into sitting ne t to Harr#/ an+ the# ha+ set o00. The# rea!he+ KingJs 1ross at ha)0 "ast ten. En!)e Gernon +u3"e+ Harr#Js trun4 onto a !art an+ whee)e+ it into the station 0or hi3. Harr# thought this was strange)# 4in+ unti) En!)e Gernon

sto""e+ +ea+/ 0a!ing the ")at0or3s with a nast# grin on his 0a!e. MWe))/ there #ou are/ (o#. ,)at0or3 nine A ")at0or3 ten. Your ")at0or3 shou)+ (e so3ewhere in the 3i++)e/ (ut the# +onJt see3 to have (ui)t it #et/ +o the#ON He was Huite right/ o0 !ourse. There was a (ig ")asti! nu3(er nine over one ")at0or3 an+ a (ig ")asti! nu3(er ten over the one ne t to it/ an+ in the 3i++)e/ nothing at a)). MHave a goo+ ter3/N sai+ En!)e Gernon with an even nastier s3i)e. He )e0t without another wor+. Harr# turne+ an+ saw the 7urs)e#s +rive awa#. A)) three o0 the3 were )aughing. Harr#Js 3outh went rather +r#. What on earth was he going to +oO He was starting to attra!t a )ot o0 0unn# )oo4s/ (e!ause o0 He+wig. HeJ+ have to as4 so3eone. He sto""e+ a "assing guar+/ (ut +i+nJt +are 3ention ")at0or3 nine an+ three;Huarters. The guar+ ha+ never hear+ o0 Hogwarts an+ when Harr# !ou)+nJt even te)) hi3 what "art o0 the !ountr# it was in/ he starte+ to get anno#e+/ as though Harr# was (eing stu"i+ on "ur"ose. Getting +es"erate/ Harr# as4e+ 0or the train that )e0t at e)even oJ!)o!4/ (ut the guar+ sai+ there wasnJt one. In the en+ the guar+ stro+e awa#/ 3uttering a(out ti3e wasters. Harr# was now tr#ing har+ not to "ani!. A!!or+ing to the )arge !)o!4 over the arriva)s (oar+/ he ha+ ten 3inutes )e0t to get on the train to Hogwarts an+ he ha+ no i+ea how to +o itL he was stran+e+ in the 3i++)e o0 a station with a trun4 he !ou)+ har+)# )i0t/ a "o!4et 0u)) o0 wi=ar+ 3one#/ an+ a )arge ow). Hagri+ 3ust have 0orgotten to te)) hi3 so3ething #ou ha+ to +o/ )i4e ta""ing the thir+ (ri!4 on the )e0t to get into 7iagon A))e#. He won+ere+ i0 he shou)+ get out his wan+ an+ start ta""ing the ti!4et ins"e!torJs stan+ (etween ")at0or3s nine an+ ten. At that 3o3ent a grou" o0 "eo")e "asse+ Kust (ehin+ hi3 an+ he !aught a 0ew wor+s o0 what the# were sa#ing. MA "a!4e+ with *ugg)es/ o0 !ourse AN Harr# swung roun+. The s"ea4er was a ")u3" wo3an who was ta)4ing to 0our (o#s/ a)) with 0)a3ing re+ hair. 2a!h o0 the3 was "ushing a trun4 )i4e Harr#Js in 0ront o0 hi3 A an+ the# ha+ an o!l( Heart ha33ering/ Harr# "ushe+ his !art a0ter the3. The# sto""e+ an+ so +i+ he/ Kust near enough to hear what the# were sa#ing. MNow/ whatJs the ")at0or3 nu3(erON sai+ the (o#sJ 3other. MNine an+ three;HuartersPN "i"e+ a s3a)) gir)/ a)so re+;hea+e+/ who was ho)+ing her han+/ M*o3/ !anJt I go . . .N

MYouJre not o)+ enough/ Ginn#/ now (e Huiet. A)) right/ ,er!#/ #ou go 0irst.N What )oo4e+ )i4e the o)+est (o# 3ar!he+ towar+ ")at0or3s nine an+ ten. Harr# wat!he+/ !are0u) not to ()in4 in !ase he 3isse+ it A (ut Kust as the (o# rea!he+ the +ivi+ing (arrier (etween the two ")at0or3s/ a )arge !row+ o0 tourists !a3e swar3ing in 0ront o0 hi3 an+ (# the ti3e the )ast (a!4"a!4 ha+ !)eare+ awa#/ the (o# ha+ vanishe+. MFre+/ #ou ne t/N the ")u3" wo3an sai+. MIJ3 not Fre+/ IJ3 George/N sai+ the (o#. MHonest)#/ wo3an/ #ou !a)) #ourse)0 our 3otherO 1anJt #ou tell IJ3 GeorgeON MSorr#/ George/ +ear.N MOn)# Ko4ing/ I a3 Fre+/N sai+ the (o#/ an+ o00 he went. His twin !a))e+ a0ter hi3 to hurr# u"/ an+ he 3ust have +one so/ (e!ause a se!on+ )ater/ he ha+ gone A (ut how ha+ he +one itO Now the thir+ (rother was wa)4ing (ris4)# towar+ the (arrier A he was a)3ost there A an+ then/ Huite su++en)#/ he wasnJt an#where. There was nothing e)se 0or it. M2 !use 3e/N Harr# sai+ to the ")u3" wo3an. MHe))o/ +ear/N she sai+. MFirst ti3e at HogwartsO RonJs new/ too.N She "ointe+ at the )ast an+ #oungest o0 her sons. He was ta))/ thin/ an+ gang)ing/ with 0re!4)es/ (ig han+s an+ 0eet/ an+ a )ong nose. MYes/N sai+ Harr#. MThe thing is A the thing is/ I +onJt 4now how to AN MHow to get onto the ")at0or3ON she sai+ 4in+)#/ an+ Harr# no++e+. MNot to worr#/N she sai+. MA)) #ou have to +o is wa)4 straight at the (arrier (etween ")at0or3s nine an+ ten. 7onJt sto" an+ +onJt (e s!are+ #ouJ)) !rash into it/ thatJs ver# i3"ortant. Best +o it at a (it o0 a run i0 #ouJre nervous. Go on/ go now (e0ore Ron.N M2r A o4a#/N sai+ Harr#. He "ushe+ his tro))e# aroun+ an+ stare+ at the (arrier. It )oo4e+ ver# so)i+. He starte+ to wa)4 towar+ it. ,eo")e Kost)e+ hi3 on their wa# to ")at0or3s nine an+ ten. Harr# wa)4e+ 3ore Hui!4)#. He was going to s3ash right into that (arrier an+ then heJ+ (e in trou()e A )eaning 0orwar+ on his !art/ he (ro4e into a heav# run A the (arrier was !o3ing nearer an+ nearer A he wou)+nJt (e a()e to sto" A the !art was out o0 !ontro) A he was a 0oot awa# A he !)ose+ his e#es rea+# 0or the !rash A It +i+nJt !o3e . . . he 4e"t on running . . . he o"ene+ his e#es.

A s!ar)et stea3 engine was waiting ne t to a ")at0or3 "a!4e+ with "eo")e. A sign overhea+ sai+ Hogwarts 2 "ress/ e)even oJ!)o!4. Harr# )oo4e+ (ehin+ hi3 an+ saw a wrought;iron ar!hwa# where the (arrier ha+ (een/ with the wor+s Platform ;ine and ,hree-<"arters on it. He ha+ +one it. S3o4e 0ro3 the engine +ri0te+ over the hea+s o0 the !hattering !row+/ whi)e !ats o0 ever# !o)or woun+ here an+ there (etween their )egs. Ow)s hoote+ to one another in a +isgrunt)e+ sort o0 wa# over the (a(()e an+ the s!ra"ing o0 heav# trun4s. The 0irst 0ew !arriages were a)rea+# "a!4e+ with stu+ents/ so3e hanging out o0 the win+ow to ta)4 to their 0a3i)ies/ so3e 0ighting over seats. Harr# "ushe+ his !art o00 +own the ")at0or3 in sear!h o0 an e3"t# seat. He "asse+ a roun+;0a!e+ (o# who was sa#ing/ MGran/ IJve )ost 3# toa+ again.N MOh/ ;e0ille*N he hear+ the o)+ wo3an sigh. A (o# with +rea+)o!4s was surroun+e+ (# a s3a)) !row+. MGive us a )oo4/ Lee/ go on.N The (o# )i0te+ the )i+ o0 a (o in his ar3s/ an+ the "eo")e aroun+ hi3 shrie4e+ an+ #e))e+ as so3ething insi+e "o4e+ out a )ong/ hair# )eg. Harr# "resse+ on through the !row+ unti) he 0oun+ an e3"t# !o3"art3ent near the en+ o0 the train. He "ut He+wig insi+e 0irst an+ then starte+ to shove an+ heave his trun4 towar+ the train +oor. He trie+ to )i0t it u" the ste"s (ut !ou)+ har+)# raise one en+ an+ twi!e he +ro""e+ it "ain0u))# on his 0oot. MWant a han+ON It was one o0 the re+;haire+ twins heJ+ 0o))owe+ through the (arrier. MYes/ ")ease/N Harr# "ante+. MO#/ Fre+P 1J3ere an+ he)"PN With the twinsJ he)"/ Harr#Js trun4 was at )ast tu!4e+ awa# in a !orner o0 the !o3"art3ent. MThan4s/N sai+ Harr#/ "ushing his sweat# hair out o0 his e#es. MWhatJs thatON sai+ one o0 the twins su++en)#/ "ointing at Harr#Js )ightning s!ar. MB)i3e#/N sai+ the other twin. MAre #ou A ON MHe is*N sai+ the 0irst twin. MArenJt #ouON he a++e+ to Harr#. MWhatON sai+ Harr#. MHarry Potter*N !horuse+ the twins. MOh/ hi3/N sai+ Harr#. MI 3ean/ #es/ I a3.N The two (o#s gaw4e+ at hi3/ an+ Harr# 0e)t hi3se)0 turning re+. Then/ to his re)ie0/ a voi!e !a3e 0)oating in through the trainJs

o"en +oor. MFre+O GeorgeO Are #ou thereON M1o3ing/ *o3.N With a )ast )oo4 at Harr#/ the twins ho""e+ o00 the train. Harr# sat +own ne t to the win+ow where/ ha)0 hi++en/ he !ou)+ wat!h the re+;haire+ 0a3i)# on the ")at0or3 an+ hear what the# were sa#ing. Their 3other ha+ Kust ta4en out her han+4er!hie0. MRon/ #ouJve got so3ething on #our nose.N The #oungest (o# trie+ to Ker4 out o0 the wa#/ (ut she gra((e+ hi3 an+ (egan ru((ing the en+ o0 his nose. M3om A gero00.N He wrigg)e+ 0ree. MAaah/ has i!4)e Ronnie got so3e0in4 on his nosieON sai+ one o0 the twins. MShut u"/N sai+ Ron. MWhereJs ,er!#ON sai+ their 3other. MHeJs !o3ing now.N The o)+est (o# !a3e stri+ing into sight. He ha+ a)rea+# !hange+ into his (i))owing ()a!4 Hogwarts ro(es/ an+ Harr# noti!e+ a shin# re+ an+ go)+ (a+ge on his !hest with the )etter P on it. M1anJt sta# )ong/ *other/N he sai+. MIJ3 u" 0ront/ the "re0e!ts have got two !o3"art3ents to the3se)ves AN MOh/ are #ou a 1refect* ,er!#ON sai+ one o0 the twins/ with an air o0 great sur"rise. MYou shou)+ have sai+ so3ething/ we ha+ no i+ea.N MHang on/ I thin4 I re3e3(er hi3 sa#ing so3ething a(out it/N sai+ the other twin. MOn!e AN MOr twi!e AN MA 3inute AN MA)) su33er AN MOh/ shut u"/N sai+ ,er!# the ,re0e!t. MHow !o3e ,er!# gets new ro(es/ an#wa#ON sai+ one o0 the twins. MBe!ause heJs a 1refect*N sai+ their 3other 0on+)#. MA)) right/ +ear/ we))/ have a goo+ ter3 A sen+ 3e an ow) when #ou get there.N She 4isse+ ,er!# on the !hee4 an+ he )e0t. Then she turne+ to the twins. MNow/ #ou two A this #ear/ #ou (ehave #ourse)ves. I0 I get one 3ore ow) te))ing 3e #ouJve A #ouJve ()own u" a toi)et or AN MB)own u" a toi)etO WeJve never ()own u" a toi)et.N MGreat i+ea though/ than4s/ *o3.N MItJs not f"nny( An+ )oo4 a0ter Ron.N

M7onJt worr#/ i!4)e Ronnie4ins is sa0e with us.N MShut u"/N sai+ Ron again. He was a)3ost as ta)) as the twins a)rea+# an+ his nose was sti)) "in4 where his 3other ha+ ru((e+ it. MHe#/ *o3/ guess whatO Guess who we Kust 3et on the trainON Harr# )eane+ (a!4 Hui!4)# so the# !ou)+nJt see hi3 )oo4ing. MYou 4now that ()a!4;haire+ (o# who was near us in the stationO Know who he isON MWhoON MHarry PotterPN Harr# hear+ the )itt)e gir)Js voi!e. MOh/ *o3/ !an I go on the train an+ see hi3/ *o3/ oh ")ease. . . .N MYouJve a)rea+# seen hi3/ Ginn#/ an+ the "oor (o# isnJt so3ething #ou gogg)e at in a =oo. Is he rea))#/ Fre+O How +o #ou 4nowON MAs4e+ hi3. Saw his s!ar. ItJs rea))# there A )i4e )ightning.N M,oor dear A no won+er he was a)one/ I won+ere+. He was ever so "o)ite when he as4e+ how to get onto the ")at0or3.N MNever 3in+ that/ +o #ou thin4 he re3e3(ers what You;Know; Who )oo4s )i4eON Their 3other su++en)# (e!a3e ver# stern. MI 0or(i+ #ou to as4 hi3/ Fre+. No/ +onJt #ou +are. As though he nee+s re3in+ing o0 that on his 0irst +a# at s!hoo).N MA)) right/ 4ee" #our hair on.N A whist)e soun+e+. MHurr# u"PN their 3other sai+/ an+ the three (o#s !)a3(ere+ onto the train. The# )eane+ out o0 the win+ow 0or her to 4iss the3 goo+;(#e/ an+ their #ounger sister (egan to !r#. M7onJt/ Ginn#/ weJ)) sen+ #ou )oa+s o0 ow)s.N MWeJ)) sen+ #ou a Hogwarts toi)et seat.N MGeor'ePN MOn)# Ko4ing/ *o3.N The train (egan to 3ove. Harr# saw the (o#sJ 3other waving an+ their sister/ ha)0 )aughing/ ha)0 !r#ing/ running to 4ee" u" with the train unti) it gathere+ too 3u!h s"ee+/ then she 0e)) (a!4 an+ wave+. Harr# wat!he+ the gir) an+ her 3other +isa""ear as the train roun+e+ the !orner. Houses 0)ashe+ "ast the win+ow. Harr# 0e)t a great )ea" o0 e !ite3ent. He +i+nJt 4now what he was going to A (ut it ha+ to (e (etter than what he was )eaving (ehin+. The +oor o0 the !o3"art3ent s)i+ o"en an+ the #oungest re+hea+e+ (o# !a3e in. MAn#one sitting thereON he as4e+/ "ointing at the seat o""osite

Harr#. M2ver#where e)se is 0u)).N Harr# shoo4 his hea+ an+ the (o# sat +own. He g)an!e+ at Harr# an+ then )oo4e+ Hui!4)# out o0 the win+ow/ "reten+ing he ha+nJt )oo4e+. Harr# saw he sti)) ha+ a ()a!4 3ar4 on his nose. MHe#/ Ron.N The twins were (a!4. MListen/ weJre going +own the 3i++)e o0 the train A Lee Jor+anJs got a giant tarantu)a +own there.N MRight/N 3u3()e+ Ron. MHarr#/N sai+ the other twin/ M+i+ we intro+u!e ourse)vesO Fre+ an+ George Weas)e#. An+ this is Ron/ our (rother. See #ou )ater/ then.N MB#e/N sai+ Harr# an+ Ron. The twins s)i+ the !o3"art3ent +oor shut (ehin+ the3. MAre #ou rea))# Harr# ,otterON Ron ()urte+ out. Harr# no++e+. MOh A we))/ I thought it 3ight (e one o0 Fre+ an+ GeorgeJs Ko4es/N sai+ Ron. MAn+ have #ou rea))# got A #ou 4now . . .N He "ointe+ at Harr#Js 0orehea+. Harr# "u))e+ (a!4 his (angs to show the )ightning s!ar. Ron stare+. MSo thatJs where You;Know;Who A ON MYes/N sai+ Harr#/ M(ut I !anJt re3e3(er it.N MNothingON sai+ Ron eager)#. MWe)) A I re3e3(er a )ot o0 green )ight/ (ut nothing e)se.N MWow/N sai+ Ron. He sat an+ stare+ at Harr# 0or a 0ew 3o3ents/ then/ as though he ha+ su++en)# rea)i=e+ what he was +oing/ he )oo4e+ Hui!4)# out o0 the win+ow again. MAre a)) #our 0a3i)# wi=ar+sON as4e+ Harr#/ who 0oun+ Ron Kust as interesting as Ron 0oun+ hi3. M2r A #es/ I thin4 so/N sai+ Ron. MI thin4 *o3Js got a se!on+ !ousin whoJs an a!!ountant/ (ut we never ta)4 a(out hi3.N MSo #ou 3ust 4now )oa+s o0 3agi! a)rea+#.N The Weas)e#s were !)ear)# one o0 those o)+ wi=ar+ing 0a3i)ies the "a)e (o# in 7iagon A))e# ha+ ta)4e+ a(out. MI hear+ #ou went to )ive with *ugg)es/N sai+ Ron. MWhat are the# )i4eON MHorri()e A we))/ not a)) o0 the3. *# aunt an+ un!)e an+ !ousin are/ though. Wish IJ+ ha+ three wi=ar+ (rothers.N MFive/N sai+ Ron. For so3e reason/ he was )oo4ing g)oo3#. MIJ3 the si th in our 0a3i)# to go to Hogwarts. You !ou)+ sa# IJve got a )ot to )ive u" to. Bi)) an+ 1har)ie have a)rea+# )e0t A Bi)) was hea+

(o# an+ 1har)ie was !a"tain o0 Iui++it!h. Now ,er!#Js a "re0e!t. Fre+ an+ George 3ess aroun+ a )ot/ (ut the# sti)) get rea))# goo+ 3ar4s an+ ever#one thin4s the#Jre rea))# 0unn#. 2ver#one e "e!ts 3e to +o as we)) as the others/ (ut i0 I +o/ itJs no (ig +ea)/ (e!ause the# +i+ it 0irst. You never get an#thing new/ either/ with 0ive (rothers. IJve got Bi))Js o)+ ro(es/ 1har)ieJs o)+ wan+/ an+ ,er!#Js o)+ rat.N Ron rea!he+ insi+e his Ka!4et an+ "u))e+ out a 0at gra# rat/ whi!h was as)ee". MHis na3eJs S!a((ers an+ heJs use)ess/ he har+)# ever wa4es u". ,er!# got an ow) 0ro3 3# +a+ 0or (eing 3a+e a "re0e!t/ (ut the# !ou)+nJt a00A I 3ean/ I got S!a((ers instea+.N RonJs ears went "in4. He see3e+ to thin4 heJ+ sai+ too 3u!h/ (e!ause he went (a!4 to staring out o0 the win+ow. Harr# +i+nJt thin4 there was an#thing wrong with not (eing a()e to a00or+ an ow). A0ter a))/ heJ+ never ha+ an# 3one# in his )i0e unti) a 3onth ago/ an+ he to)+ Ron so/ a)) a(out having to wear 7u+)e#Js o)+ !)othes an+ never getting "ro"er (irth+a# "resents. This see3e+ to !heer Ron u". M. . . an+ unti) Hagri+ to)+ 3e/ I +i+nJt 4now an#thing a(out (eing a wi=ar+ or a(out 3# "arents or Go)+e3ort AN Ron gas"e+. MWhatON sai+ Harr#. M2o" said 2o"-5no!-4hos namePN sai+ Ron/ soun+ing (oth sho!4e+ an+ i3"resse+. MIJ+ have thought #ou/ o0 a)) "eo")e AN MIJ3 not tr#ing to (e bra0e or an#thing/ sa#ing the na3e/N sai+ Harr#/ MI Kust never 4new #ou shou)+nJt. See what I 3eanO IJve got )oa+s to )earn. . . . I (et/N he a++e+/ voi!ing 0or the 0irst ti3e so3ething that ha+ (een worr#ing hi3 a )ot )ate)#/ MI (et IJ3 the worst in the !)ass.N MYou wonJt (e. ThereJs )oa+s o0 "eo")e who !o3e 0ro3 *ugg)e 0a3i)ies an+ the# )earn Hui!4 enough.N Whi)e the# ha+ (een ta)4ing/ the train ha+ !arrie+ the3 out o0 Lon+on. Now the# were s"ee+ing "ast 0ie)+s 0u)) o0 !ows an+ shee". The# were Huiet 0or a ti3e/ wat!hing the 0ie)+s an+ )anes 0)i!4 "ast. Aroun+ ha)0 "ast twe)ve there was a great !)attering outsi+e in the !orri+or an+ a s3i)ing/ +i3")e+ wo3an s)i+ (a!4 their +oor an+ sai+/ MAn#thing o00 the !art/ +earsON Harr#/ who ha+nJt ha+ an# (rea40ast/ )ea"t to his 0eet/ (ut RonJs ears went "in4 again an+ he 3uttere+ that heJ+ (rought san+wi!hes. Harr# went out into the !orri+or. He ha+ never ha+ an# 3one# 0or !an+# with the 7urs)e#s/ an+

now that he ha+ "o!4ets ratt)ing with go)+ an+ si)ver he was rea+# to (u# as 3an# *ars Bars as he !ou)+ !arr# A (ut the wo3an +i+nJt have *ars Bars. What she +i+ have were Bertie BottJs 2ver# F)avor Beans/ 7roo()eJs Best B)owing Gu3/ 1ho!o)ate Frogs/ ,u3"4in ,asties/ 1au)+ron 1a4es/ Li!ori!e Wan+s/ an+ a nu3(er o0 other strange things Harr# ha+ never seen in his )i0e. Not wanting to 3iss an#thing/ he got so3e o0 ever#thing an+ "ai+ the wo3an e)even si)ver Si!4)es an+ seven (ron=e Knuts. Ron stare+ as Harr# (rought it a)) (a!4 in to the !o3"art3ent an+ ti""e+ it onto an e3"t# seat. MHungr#/ are #ouON MStarving/N sai+ Harr#/ ta4ing a )arge (ite out o0 a "u3"4in "ast#. Ron ha+ ta4en out a )u3"# "a!4age an+ unwra""e+ it. There were 0our san+wi!hes insi+e. He "u))e+ one o0 the3 a"art an+ sai+/ MShe a)wa#s 0orgets I +onJt )i4e !orne+ (ee0.N MSwa" #ou 0or one o0 these/N sai+ Harr#/ ho)+ing u" a "ast#. MGo on AN MYou +onJt want this/ its a)) +r#/N sai+ Ron. MShe hasnJt got 3u!h ti3e/N he a++e+ Hui!4)#/ M#ou 4now/ with 0ive o0 us.N MGo on/ have a "ast#/N sai+ Harr#/ who ha+ never ha+ an#thing to share (e0ore or/ in+ee+/ an#one to share it with. It was a ni!e 0ee)ing/ sitting there with Ron/ eating their wa# through a)) Harr#Js "asties/ !a4es/ an+ !an+ies Qthe san+wi!hes )a# 0orgottenR. MWhat are theseON Harr# as4e+ Ron/ ho)+ing u" a "a!4 o0 1ho!o)ate Frogs. MThe#Jre not really 0rogs/ are the#ON He was starting to 0ee) that nothing wou)+ sur"rise hi3. MNo/N sai+ Ron. MBut see what the !ar+ is. IJ3 3issing Agri""a.N MWhatON MOh/ o0 !ourse/ #ou wou)+nJt 4now A 1ho!o)ate Frogs have !ar+s insi+e the3/ #ou 4now/ to !o))e!t A 0a3ous wit!hes an+ wi=ar+s. IJve got a(out 0ive hun+re+/ (ut I havenJt got Agri""a or ,to)e3#.N Harr# unwra""e+ his 1ho!o)ate Frog an+ "i!4e+ u" the !ar+. It showe+ a 3anJs 0a!e. He wore ha)0;3oon g)asses/ ha+ a )ong/ !roo4e+ nose/ an+ 0)owing si)ver hair/ (ear+/ an+ 3usta!he. En+erneath the "i!ture was the na3e A)(us 7u3()e+ore. MSo this is 7u3()e+orePN sai+ Harr#. M7onJt te)) 3e #ouJ+ never hear+ o0 7u3()e+orePN sai+ Ron. M1an I have a 0rogO I 3ight get Agri""a A than4s AN Harr# turne+ over his !ar+ an+ rea+6

ALBES 7E*BL27OR2 currently headmaster of hogwarts 1onsi+ere+ (# 3an# the greatest wi=ar+ o0 3o+ern ti3es/ 7u3()e+ore is "arti!u)ar)# 0a3ous 0or his +e0eat o0 the 7ar4 wi=ar+ Grin+e)wa)+ in %&?8/ 0or the +is!over# o0 the twe)ve uses o0 +ragonJs ()oo+/ an+ his wor4 on a)!he3# with his "artner/ Ni!o)as F)a3e). ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore enKo#s !ha3(er 3usi! an+ ten"in (ow)ing. Harr# turne+ the !ar+ (a!4 over an+ saw/ to his astonish3ent/ that 7u3()e+oreJs 0a!e ha+ +isa""eare+. MHeJs gonePN MWe))/ #ou !anJt e "e!t hi3 to hang aroun+ a)) +a#/N sai+ Ron. MHeJ)) (e (a!4. No/ IJve got *organa again an+ IJve got a(out si o0 her . . . +o #ou want itO You !an start !o))e!ting.N RonJs e#es stra#e+ to the "i)e o0 1ho!o)ate Frogs waiting to (e unwra""e+. MHe)" #ourse)0/N sai+ Harr#. MBut in/ #ou 4now/ the *ugg)e wor)+/ "eo")e Kust sta# "ut in "hotos.N M7o the#O What/ the# +onJt 3ove at a))ON Ron soun+e+ a3a=e+. M4eirdPN Harr# stare+ as 7u3()e+ore si+)e+ (a!4 into the "i!ture on his !ar+ an+ gave hi3 a s3a)) s3i)e. Ron was 3ore intereste+ in eating the 0rogs than )oo4ing at the Fa3ous Wit!hes an+ Wi=ar+s !ar+s/ (ut Harr# !ou)+nJt 4ee" his e#es o00 the3. Soon he ha+ not on)# 7u3()e+ore an+ *organa/ (ut Hengist o0 Woo+!ra0t/ A)(eri! Grunnion/ 1ir!e/ ,ara!e)sus/ an+ *er)in. He 0ina))# tore his e#es awa# 0ro3 the +rui+ess 1)io+na/ who was s!rat!hing her nose/ to o"en a (ag o0 Bertie BottJs 2ver# F)avor Beans. MYou want to (e !are0u) with those/N Ron warne+ Harr#. MWhen the# sa# ever# 0)avor/ the# mean ever# 0)avor A #ou 4now/ #ou get a)) the or+inar# ones )i4e !ho!o)ate an+ "e""er3int an+ 3ar 3a)a+e/ (ut then #ou !an get s"ina!h an+ )iver an+ tri"e. George re!4ons he ha+ a (ooger;0)avore+ one on!e.N Ron "i!4e+ u" a green (ean/ )oo4e+ at it !are0u))#/ an+ (it into a !orner. MB)eaaargh A seeO S"routs.N The# ha+ a goo+ ti3e eating the 2ver# F)avor Beans. Harr# got toast/ !o!onut/ (a4e+ (ean/ straw(err#/ !urr#/ grass/ !o00ee/ sar+ine/ an+ was even (rave enough to ni(()e the en+ o00 a 0unn# gra# one Ron wou)+nJt tou!h/ whi!h turne+ out to (e "e""er. The !ountr#si+e now 0)#ing "ast the win+ow was (e!o3ing wi)+er. The neat 0ie)+s ha+ gone. Now there were woo+s/ twisting

rivers/ an+ +ar4 green hi))s. There was a 4no!4 on the +oor o0 their !o3"art3ent an+ the roun+;0a!e+ (o# Harr# ha+ "asse+ on ")at0or3 nine an+ threeHuarters !a3e in. He )oo4e+ tear0u). MSorr#/N he sai+/ M(ut have #ou seen a toa+ at a))ON When the# shoo4 their hea+s/ he wai)e+/ MIJve )ost hi3P He 4ee"s getting awa# 0ro3 3ePN MHeJ)) turn u"/N sai+ Harr#. MYes/N sai+ the (o# 3isera()#. MWe))/ i0 #ou see hi3 . . .N He )e0t. M7onJt 4now wh# heJs so (othere+/N sai+ Ron. MI0 IJ+ (rought a toa+ IJ+ )ose it as Hui!4 as I !ou)+. *in+ #ou/ I (rought S!a((ers/ so I !anJt ta)4.N The rat was sti)) snoo=ing on RonJs )a". MHe 3ight have +ie+ an+ #ou wou)+nJt 4now the +i00eren!e/N sai+ Ron in +isgust. MI trie+ to turn hi3 #e))ow #ester+a# to 3a4e hi3 3ore interesting/ (ut the s"e)) +i+nJt wor4. IJ)) show #ou/ )oo4 . . .N He ru33age+ aroun+ in his trun4 an+ "u))e+ out a ver# (attere+;)oo4ing wan+. It was !hi""e+ in ")a!es an+ so3ething white was g)inting at the en+. MEni!orn hairJs near)# "o4ing out. An#wa# AN He ha+ Kust raise+ his wan+ when the !o3"art3ent +oor s)i+ o"en again. The toa+)ess (o# was (a!4/ (ut this ti3e he ha+ a gir) with hi3. She was a)rea+# wearing her new Hogwarts ro(es. MHas an#one seen a toa+O Nevi))eJs )ost one/N she sai+. She ha+ a (oss# sort o0 voi!e/ )ots o0 (ush# (rown hair/ an+ rather )arge 0ront teeth. MWeJve a)rea+# to)+ hi3 we havenJt seen it/N sai+ Ron/ (ut the gir) wasnJt )istening/ she was )oo4ing at the wan+ in his han+. MOh/ are #ou +oing 3agi!O LetJs see it/ then.N She sat +own. Ron )oo4e+ ta4en a(a!4. M2r A a)) right.N He !)eare+ his throat. MS"nshine* daisies* b"tter mello!* ,"rn this st"1id* fat rat yello!(N He wave+ his wan+/ (ut nothing ha""ene+. S!a((ers sta#e+ gra# an+ 0ast as)ee". MAre #ou sure thatJs a rea) s"e))ON sai+ the gir). MWe))/ itJs not ver# goo+/ is itO IJve trie+ a 0ew si3")e s"e))s Kust 0or "ra!ti!e an+ itJs a)) wor4e+ 0or 3e. No(o+# in 3# 0a3i)#Js 3agi! at a))/ it was ever su!h a sur"rise when I got 3# )etter/ (ut I was ever so ")ease+/ o0 !ourse/ I 3ean/ itJs the ver# (est s!hoo) o0 wit!h!ra0t there is/ IJve hear+ A

IJve )earne+ a)) our !ourse (oo4s (# heart/ o0 !ourse/ I Kust ho"e it wi)) (e enough A IJ3 Her3ione Granger/ (# the wa#/ who are #ouON She sai+ a)) this ver# 0ast. Harr# )oo4e+ at Ron/ an+ was re)ieve+ to see (# his stunne+ 0a!e that he ha+nJt )earne+ a)) the !ourse (oo4s (# heart either. MIJ3 Ron Weas)e#/N Ron 3uttere+. MHarr# ,otter/N sai+ Harr#. MAre #ou rea))#ON sai+ Her3ione. MI 4now a)) a(out #ou/ o0 !ourse A I got a 0ew e tra (oo4s 0or (a!4groun+ rea+ing/ an+ #ouJre in 3odern 3a'ical History an+ ,he 9ise and Fall of the ark Arts an+ Great 4izardin' .0ents of the ,!entieth Cent"ry(N MA3 ION sai+ Harr#/ 0ee)ing +a=e+. MGoo+ness/ +i+nJt #ou 4now/ IJ+ have 0oun+ out ever#thing I !ou)+ i0 it was 3e/N sai+ Her3ione. M7o either o0 #ou 4now what House #ouJ)) (e inO IJve (een as4ing aroun+/ an+ I ho"e IJ3 in Gr#00in+or/ it soun+s (# 0ar the (estL I hear 7u3()e+ore hi3se)0 was in it/ (ut I su""ose Raven!)aw wou)+nJt (e too (a+. . . . An#wa#/ weJ+ (etter go an+ )oo4 0or Nevi))eJs toa+. You two ha+ (etter !hange/ #ou 4now/ I e "e!t weJ)) (e there soon.N An+ she )e0t/ ta4ing the toa+)ess (o# with her. MWhatever House IJ3 in/ I ho"e sheJs not in it/N sai+ Ron. He threw his wan+ (a!4 into his trun4. MStu"i+ s"e)) A George gave it to 3e/ (et he 4new it was a +u+.N MWhat House are #our (rothers inON as4e+ Harr#. MGr#00in+or/N sai+ Ron. G)oo3 see3e+ to (e sett)ing on hi3 again. M*o3 an+ 7a+ were in it/ too. I +onJt 4now what the#J)) sa# i0 IJ3 not. I +onJt su""ose Raven!)aw !o"ld (e too (a+/ (ut i3agine i0 the# "ut 3e in S)#therin.N MThatJs the House Go);/ I 3ean/ You;Know;Who was inON MYeah/N sai+ Ron. He 0)o""e+ (a!4 into his seat/ )oo4ing +e"resse+. MYou 4now/ I thin4 the en+s o0 S!a((ersJ whis4ers are a (it )ighter/N sai+ Harr#/ tr#ing to ta4e RonJs 3in+ o00 Houses. MSo what +o #our o)+est (rothers +o now that the#Jve )e0t/ an#wa#ON Harr# was won+ering what a wi=ar+ +i+ on!e heJ+ 0inishe+ s!hoo). M1har)ieJs in Ro3ania stu+#ing +ragons/ an+ Bi))Js in A0ri!a +oing so3ething 0or Gringotts/N sai+ Ron. M7i+ #ou hear a(out GringottsO Its (een a)) over the aily Pro1het* (ut I +onJt su""ose #ou get that with the *ugg)es A so3eone trie+ to ro( a high se!urit# vau)t.N Harr# stare+.

MRea))#O What ha""ene+ to the3ON MNothing/ thatJs wh# itJs su!h (ig news. The# havenJt (een !aught. *# +a+ sa#s it 3ustJve (een a "ower0u) 7ar4 wi=ar+ to get roun+ Gringotts/ (ut the# +onJt thin4 the# too4 an#thing/ thatJs whatJs o++. J1ourse/ ever#one gets s!are+ when so3ething )i4e this ha""ens in !ase You;Know;WhoJs (ehin+ it.N Harr# turne+ this news over in his 3in+. He was starting to get a "ri!4)e o0 0ear ever# ti3e You;Know;Who was 3entione+. He su""ose+ this was a)) "art o0 entering the 3agi!a) wor)+/ (ut it ha+ (een a )ot 3ore !o30orta()e sa#ing MGo)+e3ortN without worr#ing. MWhatJs #our Iui++it!h tea3ON Ron as4e+. M2r A I +onJt 4now an#/N Harr# !on0esse+. MWhatPN Ron )oo4e+ +u3(0oun+e+. MOh/ #ou wait/ itJs the (est ga3e in the wor)+ AN An+ he was o00/ e ")aining a)) a(out the 0our (a))s an+ the "ositions o0 the seven ")a#ers/ +es!ri(ing 0a3ous ga3es heJ+ (een to with his (rothers an+ the (roo3sti!4 heJ+ )i4e to get i0 he ha+ the 3one#. He was Kust ta4ing Harr# through the 0iner "oints o0 the ga3e when the !o3"art3ent +oor s)i+ o"en #et again/ (ut it wasnJt Nevi))e the toa+)ess (o#/ or Her3ione Granger this ti3e. Three (o#s entere+/ an+ Harr# re!ogni=e+ the 3i++)e one at on!e6 It was the "a)e (o# 0ro3 *a+a3 *a)4inJs ro(e sho". He was )oo4ing at Harr# with a )ot 3ore interest than heJ+ shown (a!4 in 7iagon A))e#. MIs it trueON he sai+. MThe#Jre sa#ing a)) +own the train that Harr# ,otterJs in this !o3"art3ent. So itJs #ou/ is itON MYes/N sai+ Harr#. He was )oo4ing at the other (o#s. Both o0 the3 were thi!4set an+ )oo4e+ e tre3e)# 3ean. Stan+ing on either si+e o0 the "a)e (o#/ the# )oo4e+ )i4e (o+#guar+s. MOh/ this is 1ra((e an+ this is Go#)e/N sai+ the "a)e (o# !are)ess)#/ noti!ing where Harr# was )oo4ing. MAn+ 3# na3es *a)0o#/ 7ra!o *a)0o#.N Ron gave a s)ight !ough/ whi!h 3ight have (een hi+ing a snigger. 7ra!o *a)0o# )oo4e+ at hi3. MThin4 3# na3eJs 0unn#/ +o #ouO No nee+ to as4 who #ou are. *# 0ather to)+ 3e a)) the Weas)e#s have re+ hair/ 0re!4)es/ an+ 3ore !hi)+ren than the# !an a00or+.N He turne+ (a!4 to Harr#. MYouJ)) soon 0in+ out so3e wi=ar+ing 0a3i)ies are 3u!h (etter than others/ ,otter. You +onJt want to go 3a4ing 0rien+s with the wrong sort. I !an he)" #ou there.N He he)+ out his han+ to sha4e Harr#Js/ (ut Harr# +i+nJt ta4e it.

MI thin4 I !an te)) who the wrong sort are 0or 3#se)0/ than4s/N he sai+ !oo))#. 7ra!o *a)0o# +i+nJt go re+/ (ut a "in4 tinge a""eare+ in his "a)e !hee4s. MIJ+ (e !are0u) i0 I were #ou/ ,otter/N he sai+ s)ow)#. MEn)ess #ouJre a (it "o)iter #ouJ)) go the sa3e wa# as #our "arents. The# +i+nJt 4now what was goo+ 0or the3/ either. You hang aroun+ with ri00ra00 )i4e the Weas)e#s an+ that Hagri+/ an+ itJ)) ru( o00 on #ou.N Both Harr# an+ Ron stoo+ u". MSa# that again/N Ron sai+/ his 0a!e as re+ as his hair. MOh/ #ouJre going to 0ight us/ are #ouON *a)0o# sneere+. MEn)ess #ou get out now/N sai+ Harr#/ 3ore (rave)# than he 0e)t/ (e!ause 1ra((e an+ Go#)e were a )ot (igger than hi3 or Ron. MBut we +onJt 0ee) )i4e )eaving/ +o we/ (o#sO WeJve eaten a)) our 0oo+ an+ #ou sti)) see3 to have so3e.N Go#)e rea!he+ towar+ the 1ho!o)ate Frogs ne t to Ron A Ron )ea"t 0orwar+/ (ut (e0ore heJ+ so 3u!h as tou!he+ Go#)e/ Go#)e )et out a horri()e #e)). S!a((ers the rat was hanging o00 his 0inger/ shar" )itt)e teeth sun4 +ee" into Go#)eJs 4nu!4)e A 1ra((e an+ *a)0o# (a!4e+ awa# as Go#)e swung S!a((ers roun+ an+ roun+/ how)ing/ an+ when S!a((ers 0ina))# 0)ew o00 an+ hit the win+ow/ a)) three o0 the3 +isa""eare+ at on!e. ,erha"s the# thought there were 3ore rats )ur4ing a3ong the sweets/ or "erha"s the#J+ hear+ 0ootste"s/ (e!ause a se!on+ )ater/ Her3ione Granger ha+ !o3e in. MWhat has (een going onON she sai+/ )oo4ing at the sweets a)) over the 0)oor an+ Ron "i!4ing u" S!a((ers (# his tai). MI thin4 heJs (een 4no!4e+ out/N Ron sai+ to Harr#. He )oo4e+ !)oser at S!a((ers. MNo A I +onJt (e)ieve it A heJs gone (a!4 to s)ee".N An+ so he ha+. MYouJve 3et *a)0o# (e0oreON Harr# e ")aine+ a(out their 3eeting in 7iagon A))e#. MIJve hear+ o0 his 0a3i)#/N sai+ Ron +ar4)#. MThe# were so3e o0 the 0irst to !o3e (a!4 to our si+e a0ter You;Know;Who +isa""eare+. Sai+ the#J+ (een (ewit!he+. *# +a+ +oesnJt (e)ieve it. He sa#s *a)0o#Js 0ather +i+nJt nee+ an e !use to go over to the 7ar4 Si+e.N He turne+ to Her3ione. M1an we he)" #ou with so3ethingON MYouJ+ (etter hurr# u" an+ "ut #our ro(es on/ IJve Kust (een u" to the 0ront to as4 the !on+u!tor/ an+ he sa#s weJre near)# there. You havenJt (een 0ighting/ have #ouO YouJ)) (e in trou()e (e0ore we

even get therePN MS!a((ers has (een 0ighting/ not us/N sai+ Ron/ s!ow)ing at her. MWou)+ #ou 3in+ )eaving whi)e we !hangeON MA)) right A I on)# !a3e in here (e!ause "eo")e outsi+e are (ehaving ver# !hi)+ish)#/ ra!ing u" an+ +own the !orri+ors/N sai+ Her3ione in a sni00# voi!e. MAn+ #ouJve got +irt on #our nose/ (# the wa#/ +i+ #ou 4nowON Ron g)are+ at her as she )e0t. Harr# "eere+ out o0 the win+ow. It was getting +ar4. He !ou)+ see 3ountains an+ 0orests un+er a +ee" "ur")e s4#. The train +i+ see3 to (e s)owing +own. He an+ Ron too4 o00 their Ka!4ets an+ "u))e+ on their )ong ()a!4 ro(es. RonJs were a (it short 0or hi3/ #ou !ou)+ see his snea4ers un+erneath the3. A voi!e e!hoe+ through the train6 MWe wi)) (e rea!hing Hog warts in 0ive 3inutesJ ti3e. ,)ease )eave #our )uggage on the train/ it wi)) (e ta4en to the s!hoo) se"arate)#.N Harr#Js sto3a!h )ur!he+ with nerves an+ Ron/ he saw/ )oo4e+ "a)e un+er his 0re!4)es. The# !ra33e+ their "o!4ets with the )ast o0 the sweets an+ Koine+ the !row+ thronging the !orri+or. The train s)owe+ right +own an+ 0ina))# sto""e+. ,eo")e "ushe+ their wa# towar+ the +oor an+ out on to a tin#/ +ar4 ")at0or3. Harr# shivere+ in the !o)+ night air. Then a )a3" !a3e (o((ing over the hea+s o0 the stu+ents/ an+ Harr# hear+ a 0a3i)iar voi!e6 MFirsJ #earsP FirsJ #ears over hereP A)) right there/ Harr#ON Hagri+Js (ig hair# 0a!e (ea3e+ over the sea o0 hea+s. M1J3on/ 0o))ow 3e A an# 3ore 0irsJ #earsO *in+ #er ste"/ nowP FirsJ #ears 0o))ow 3ePN S)i""ing an+ stu3()ing/ the# 0o))owe+ Hagri+ +own what see3e+ to (e a stee"/ narrow "ath. It was so +ar4 on either si+e o0 the3 that Harr# thought there 3ust (e thi!4 trees there. No(o+# s"o4e 3u!h. Nevi))e/ the (o# who 4e"t )osing his toa+/ sni00e+ on!e or twi!e. MYehJ)) get #er 0irsJ sight oJ Hogwarts in a se!/N Hagri+ !a))e+ over his shou)+er/ MKusJ roun+ this (en+ here.N There was a )ou+ MOoooohPN The narrow "ath ha+ o"ene+ su++en)# onto the e+ge o0 a great ()a!4 )a4e. ,er!he+ ato" a high 3ountain on the other si+e/ its win+ows s"ar4)ing in the starr# s4#/ was a vast !ast)e with 3an# turrets an+ towers. MNo 3oreJn 0our to a (oatPN Hagri+ !a))e+/ "ointing to a 0)eet o0 )itt)e (oats sitting in the water (# the shore. Harr# an+ Ron were

0o))owe+ into their (oat (# Nevi))e an+ Her3ione. M2ver#one inON shoute+ Hagri+/ who ha+ a (oat to hi3se)0. MRight then A FORWAR7PN An+ the 0)eet o0 )itt)e (oats 3ove+ o00 a)) at on!e/ g)i+ing a!ross the )a4e/ whi!h was as s3ooth as g)ass. 2ver#one was si)ent/ staring u" at the great !ast)e overhea+. It towere+ over the3 as the# sai)e+ nearer an+ nearer to the !)i00 on whi!h it stoo+. MHea+s +ownPN #e))e+ Hagri+ as the 0irst (oats rea!he+ the !)i00L the# a)) (ent their hea+s an+ the )itt)e (oats !arrie+ the3 through a !urtain o0 iv# that hi+ a wi+e o"ening in the !)i00 0a!e. The# were !arrie+ a)ong a +ar4 tunne)/ whi!h see3e+ to (e ta4ing the3 right un+erneath the !ast)e/ unti) the# rea!he+ a 4in+ o0 un+ergroun+ har(or/ where the# !)a3(ere+ out onto ro!4s an+ "e(()es. MO#/ #ou thereP Is this #our toa+ON sai+ Hagri+/ who was !he!4ing the (oats as "eo")e !)i3(e+ out o0 the3. MTrevorPN !rie+ Nevi))e ()iss0u))#/ ho)+ing out his han+s. Then the# !)a3(ere+ u" a "assagewa# in the ro!4 a0ter Hagri+Js )a3"/ !o3ing out at )ast onto s3ooth/ +a3" grass right in the sha+ow o0 the !ast)e. The# wa)4e+ u" a 0)ight o0 stone ste"s an+ !row+e+ aroun+ the huge/ oa4 0ront +oor. M2ver#one hereO You there/ sti)) got #er toa+ON Hagri+ raise+ a giganti! 0ist an+ 4no!4e+ three ti3es on the !ast)e +oor.

(HAPT%R S%&%!
The +oor swung o"en at on!e. A ta))/ ()a!4;haire+ wit!h in e3era)+;green ro(es stoo+ there. She ha+ a ver# stern 0a!e an+ Harr#Js 0irst thought was that this was not so3eone to !ross. MThe 0irsJ #ears/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/N sai+ Hagri+. MThan4 #ou/ Hagri+. I wi)) ta4e the3 0ro3 here.N She "u))e+ the +oor wi+e. The entran!e ha)) was so (ig #ou !ou)+ have 0it the who)e o0 the 7urs)e#sJ house in it. The stone wa))s were )it with 0)a3ing tor!hes )i4e the ones at Gringotts/ the !ei)ing was too high to 3a4e out/ an+ a 3agni0i!ent 3ar()e stair!ase

0a!ing the3 )e+ to the u""er 0)oors. The# 0o))owe+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) a!ross the 0)agge+ stone 0)oor. Harr# !ou)+ hear the +rone o0 hun+re+s o0 voi!es 0ro3 a +oorwa# to the right A the rest o0 the s!hoo) 3ust a)rea+# (e here A (ut ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) showe+ the 0irst #ears into a s3a))/ e3"t# !ha3(er o00 the ha)). The# !row+e+ in/ stan+ing rather !)oser together than the# wou)+ usua))# have +one/ "eering a(out nervous)#. MWe)!o3e to Hogwarts/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MThe start;o0;ter3 (anHuet wi)) (egin short)#/ (ut (e0ore #ou ta4e #our seats in the Great Ha))/ #ou wi)) (e sorte+ into #our Houses. The Sorting is a ver# i3"ortant !ere3on# (e!ause/ whi)e #ou are here/ #our House wi)) (e so3ething )i4e #our 0a3i)# within Hogwarts. You wi)) have !)asses with the rest o0 #our House/ s)ee" in #our House +or3itor#/ an+ s"en+ 0ree ti3e in #our House !o33on roo3. MThe 0our Houses are !a))e+ Gr#00in+or/ Hu00)e"u00/ Raven!)aw/ an+ S)#therin. 2a!h House has its own no()e histor# an+ ea!h has "ro+u!e+ outstan+ing wit!hes an+ wi=ar+s. Whi)e #ou are at Hogwarts/ #our triu3"hs wi)) earn #our House "oints/ whi)e an# ru)e(rea4ing wi)) )ose House "oints. At the en+ o0 the #ear/ the House with the 3ost "oints is awar+e+ the House !u"/ a great honor. I ho"e ea!h o0 #ou wi)) (e a !re+it to whi!hever House (e!o3es #ours. MThe Sorting 1ere3on# wi)) ta4e ")a!e in a 0ew 3inutes in 0ront o0 the rest o0 the s!hoo). I suggest #ou a)) s3arten #ourse)ves u" as 3u!h as #ou !an whi)e #ou are waiting.N Her e#es )ingere+ 0or a 3o3ent on Nevi))eJs !)oa4/ whi!h was 0astene+ un+er his )e0t ear/ an+ on RonJs s3u+ge+ nose. Harr# nervous)# trie+ to 0)atten his hair. MI sha)) return when we are rea+# 0or #ou/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!; Gonaga)). M,)ease wait Huiet)#.N She )e0t the !ha3(er. Harr# swa))owe+. MHow e a!t)# +o the# sort us into HousesON he as4e+ Ron. MSo3e sort o0 test/ I thin4. Fre+ sai+ it hurts a )ot/ (ut I thin4 he was Ko4ing.N Harr#Js heart gave a horri()e Ko)t. A testO In 0ront o0 the who)e s!hoo)O But he +i+nJt 4now an# 3agi! #et A what on earth wou)+ he have to +oO He ha+nJt e "e!te+ so3ething )i4e this the 3o3ent the# arrive+. He )oo4e+ aroun+ an ious)# an+ saw that ever#one e)se )oo4e+ terri0ie+/ too. No one was ta)4ing 3u!h e !e"t

Her3ione Granger/ who was whis"ering ver# 0ast a(out a)) the s"e))s sheJ+ )earne+ an+ won+ering whi!h one sheJ+ nee+. Harr# trie+ har+ not to )isten to her. HeJ+ never (een 3ore nervous/ never/ not even when heJ+ ha+ to ta4e a s!hoo) re"ort ho3e to the 7urs)e#s sa#ing that heJ+ so3ehow turne+ his tea!hers wig ()ue. He 4e"t his e#es 0i e+ on the +oor. An# se!on+ now/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) wou)+ !o3e (a!4 an+ )ea+ hi3 to his +oo3. Then so3ething ha""ene+ that 3a+e hi3 Ku3" a(out a 0oot in the air A severa) "eo")e (ehin+ hi3 s!rea3e+. MWhat the A ON He gas"e+. So +i+ the "eo")e aroun+ hi3. A(out twent# ghosts ha+ Kust strea3e+ through the (a!4 wa)). ,ear)#;white an+ s)ight)# trans"arent/ the# g)i+e+ a!ross the roo3 ta)4ing to one another an+ har+)# g)an!ing at the 0irst #ears. The# see3e+ to (e arguing. What )oo4e+ )i4e a 0at )itt)e 3on4 was sa#ing6 MForgive an+ 0orget/ I sa#/ we ought to give hi3 a se!on+ !han!e AN M*# +ear Friar/ havenJt we given ,eeves a)) the !han!es he +eservesO He gives us a)) a (a+ na3e an+ #ou 4now/ heJs not rea))# even a ghost A I sa#/ what are #ou a)) +oing hereON A ghost wearing a ru00 an+ tights ha+ su++en)# noti!e+ the 0irst #ears. No(o+# answere+. MNew stu+entsPN sai+ the Fat Friar/ s3i)ing aroun+ at the3. MA(out to (e Sorte+/ I su""oseON A 0ew "eo")e no++e+ 3ute)#. MHo"e to see #ou in Hu00)e"u00PN sai+ the Friar. M*# o)+ House/ #ou 4now.N M*ove a)ong now/N sai+ a shar" voi!e. MThe Sorting 1ere3on#Js a(out to start.N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ha+ returne+. One (# one/ the ghosts 0)oate+ awa# through the o""osite wa)). MNow/ 0or3 a )ine/N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) to)+ the 0irst #ears/ Man+ 0o))ow 3e.N Fee)ing o++)# as though his )egs ha+ turne+ to )ea+/ Harr# got into )ine (ehin+ a (o# with san+# hair/ with Ron (ehin+ hi3/ an+ the# wa)4e+ out o0 the !ha3(er/ (a!4 a!ross the ha))/ an+ through a "air o0 +ou()e +oors into the Great Ha)). Harr# ha+ never even i3agine+ su!h a strange an+ s")en+i+ ")a!e. It was )it (# thousan+s an+ thousan+s o0 !an+)es that were 0)oating in 3i+air over 0our )ong ta()es/ where the rest o0 the stu+ents were sitting. These ta()es were )ai+ with g)ittering go)+en ")ates an+ go()ets. At the to" o0 the ha)) was another )ong ta()e

where the tea!hers were sitting. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) )e+ the 0irst #ears u" here/ so that the# !a3e to a ha)t in a )ine 0a!ing the other stu+ents/ with the tea!hers (ehin+ the3. The hun+re+s o0 0a!es staring at the3 )oo4e+ )i4e "a)e )anterns in the 0)i!4ering !an+)e)ight. 7otte+ here an+ there a3ong the stu+ents/ the ghosts shone 3ist# si)ver. *ain)# to avoi+ a)) the staring e#es/ Harr# )oo4e+ u"war+ an+ saw a ve)vet# ()a!4 !ei)ing +otte+ with stars. He hear+ Her3ione whis"er/ MItJs (ewit!he+ to )oo4 )i4e the s4# outsi+e. I rea+ a(out it in Ho'!arts* A History(N It was har+ to (e)ieve there was a !ei)ing there at a))/ an+ that the Great Ha)) +i+nJt si3")# o"en on to the heavens. Harr# Hui!4)# )oo4e+ +own again as ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) si)ent)# ")a!e+ a 0our;)egge+ stoo) in 0ront o0 the 0irst #ears. On to" o0 the stoo) she "ut a "ointe+ wi=ar+Js hat. This hat was "at!he+ an+ 0ra#e+ an+ e tre3e)# +irt#. Aunt ,etunia wou)+nJt have )et it in the house. 3aybe they had to try and 'et a rabbit o"t of it* Harr# thought wi)+)#/ that see3e+ the sort o0 thing A noti!ing that ever#one in the ha)) was now staring at the hat/ he stare+ at it/ too. For a 0ew se!on+s/ there was !o3")ete si)en!e. Then the hat twit!he+. A ri" near the (ri3 o"ene+ wi+e )i4e a 3outh A an+ the hat (egan to sing6 MOh* yo" may not think -m 1retty* B"t dont ="d'e on !hat yo" see* -ll eat myself if yo" can find A smarter hat than me( 2o" can kee1 yo"r bo!lers black* 2o"r to1 hats sleek and tall* For -m the Ho'!arts Sortin' Hat And - can ca1 them all( ,heres nothin' hidden in yo"r head ,he Sortin' Hat cant see* So try me on and - !ill tell yo" 4here yo" o"'ht to be( 2o" mi'ht belon' in Gryffindor* 4here d!ell the bra0e at heart* ,heir darin'* ner0e* and chi0alry Set Gryffindors a1art> 2o" mi'ht belon' in H"ffle1"ff*

4here they are ="st and loyal* ,hose 1atient H"ffle1"ffs are tr"e And "nafraid of toil> Or yet in !ise old 9a0encla!* -f yo"0e a ready mind* 4here those of !it and learnin'* 4ill al!ays find their kind> Or 1erha1s in Slytherin 2o"ll make yo"r real friends* ,hose c"nnin' folk "se any means ,o achie0e their ends( So 1"t me on? ont be afraid P And dont 'et in a fla1P 2o"re in safe hands 6tho"'h - ha0e none7 For -m a ,hinkin' Ca1PN The who)e ha)) (urst into a"")ause as the hat 0inishe+ its song. It (owe+ to ea!h o0 the 0our ta()es an+ then (e!a3e Huite sti)) again. MSo weJve Kust got to tr# on the hatPN Ron whis"ere+ to Harr#. MIJ)) 4i)) Fre+/ he was going on a(out wrest)ing a tro)).N Harr# s3i)e+ wea4)#. Yes/ tr#ing on the hat was a )ot (etter than having to +o a s"e))/ (ut he +i+ wish the# !ou)+ have trie+ it on without ever#one wat!hing. The hat see3e+ to (e as4ing rather a )otL Harr# +i+nJt 0ee) (rave or Hui!4;witte+ or an# o0 it at the 3o3ent. I0 on)# the hat ha+ 3entione+ a House 0or "eo")e who 0e)t a (it Hueas#/ that wou)+ have (een the one 0or hi3. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) now ste""e+ 0orwar+ ho)+ing a )ong ro)) o0 "ar!h3ent. MWhen I !a)) #our na3e/ #ou wi)) "ut on the hat an+ sit on the stoo) to (e sorte+/N she sai+. MA((ott/ HannahPN A "in4;0a!e+ gir) with ()on+e "igtai)s stu3()e+ out o0 )ine/ "ut on the hat/ whi!h 0e)) right +own over her e#es/ an+ sat +own. A 3o3entJs "ause A MHEFFL2,EFFPN shoute+ the hat. The ta()e on the right !heere+ an+ !)a""e+ as Hannah went to sit +own at the Hu00)e"u00 ta()e. Harr# saw the ghost o0 the Fat Friar waving 3erri)# at her. MBones/ SusanPN MHEFFL2,EFFPN shoute+ the hat again/ an+ Susan s!utt)e+ o00 to sit ne t to Hannah.

MBoot/ Terr#PN MRAG2N1LAWPN The ta()e se!on+ 0ro3 the )e0t !)a""e+ this ti3eL severa) Raven!)aws stoo+ u" to sha4e han+s with Terr# as he Koine+ the3. MBro!4)ehurst/ *an+#N went to Raven!)aw too/ (ut MBrown/ Laven+erN (e!a3e the 0irst new Gr#00in+or/ an+ the ta()e on the 0ar )e0t e ")o+e+ with !heersL Harr# !ou)+ see RonJs twin (rothers !at!a))ing. MBu)stro+e/ *i))i!entN then (e!a3e a S)#therin. ,erha"s it was Harr#Js i3agination/ a0ter a)) heJ+ hear+ a(out S)#therin/ (ut he thought the# )oo4e+ )i4e an un")easant )ot. He was starting to 0ee) +e0inite)# si!4 now. He re3e3(ere+ (eing "i!4e+ 0or tea3s +uring g#3 at his o)+ s!hoo). He ha+ a)wa#s (een )ast to (e !hosen/ not (e!ause he was no goo+/ (ut (e!ause no one wante+ 7u+)e# to thin4 the# )i4e+ hi3. MFin!h;F)et!h)e#/ JustinPN MHEFFL2,EFFPN So3eti3es/ Harr# noti!e+/ the hat shoute+ out the House at on!e/ (ut at others it too4 a )itt)e whi)e to +e!i+e. MFinnigan/ Sea3us/N the san+#;haire+ (o# ne t to Harr# in the )ine/ sat on the stoo) 0or a)3ost a who)e 3inute (e0ore the hat +e!)are+ hi3 a Gr#00in+or. MGranger/ Her3ionePN Her3ione a)3ost ran to the stoo) an+ Ka33e+ the hat eager)# on her hea+. MGRYFFIN7ORPN shoute+ the hat. Ron groane+. A horri()e thought stru!4 Harr#/ as horri()e thoughts a)wa#s +o when #ouJre ver# nervous. What i0 he wasnJt !hosen at a))O What i0 he Kust sat there with the hat over his e#es 0or ages/ unti) ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) Ker4e+ it o00 his hea+ an+ sai+ there ha+ o(vious)# (een a 3ista4e an+ heJ+ (etter get (a!4 on the trainO When Nevi))e Long(otto3/ the (o# who 4e"t )osing his toa+/ was !a))e+/ he 0e)) over on his wa# to the stoo). The hat too4 a )ong ti3e to +e!i+e with Nevi))e. When it 0ina))# shoute+/ MGRYFFIN7OR/N Nevi))e ran o00 sti)) wearing it/ an+ ha+ to Kog (a!4 a3i+ ga)es o0 )aughter to give it to M*a!7ouga)/ *orag.N *a)0o# swaggere+ 0orwar+ when his na3e was !a))e+ an+ got his wish at on!e6 the hat ha+ (are)# tou!he+ his hea+ when it s!rea3e+/ MSLYTH2RINPN *a)0o# went to Koin his 0rien+s 1ra((e an+ Go#)e/ )oo4ing ")ease+ with hi3se)0. There werenJt 3an# "eo")e )e0t now.

M*oonN . . . / MNottN . . . / M,ar4insonN . . . / then a "air o0 twin gir)s/ M,ati)N an+ M,ati)N . . . / then M,er4s/ Sa))#;AnneN . . . / an+ then/ at )ast A M,otter/ Harr#PN As Harr# ste""e+ 0orwar+/ whis"ers su++en)# (ro4e out )i4e )itt)e hissing 0ires a)) over the ha)). MPotter* +i+ she sa#ON M,he Harr# ,otterON The )ast thing Harr# saw (e0ore the hat +ro""e+ over his e#es was the ha)) 0u)) o0 "eo")e !raning to get a goo+ )oo4 at hi3. Ne t se!on+ he was )oo4ing at the ()a!4 insi+e o0 the hat. He waite+. MH33/N sai+ a s3a)) voi!e in his ear. M7i00i!u)t. Ger# +i00i!u)t. ,)ent# o0 !ourage/ I see. Not a (a+ 3in+ either. ThereJs ta)ent/ oh 3# goo+ness/ #es A an+ a ni!e thirst to "rove #ourse)0/ now thatJs interesting. . . . So where sha)) I "ut #ouON Harr# gri""e+ the e+ges o0 the stoo) an+ thought/ ;ot Slytherin* not Slytherin( MNot S)#therin/ ehON sai+ the s3a)) voi!e. MAre #ou sureO You !ou)+ (e great/ #ou 4now/ its a)) here in #our hea+/ an+ S)#therin wi)) he)" #ou on the wa# to greatness/ no +ou(t a(out that A noO We))/ i0 #ouJre sure A (etter (e GRYFFIN7ORPN Harr# hear+ the hat shout the )ast wor+ to the who)e ha)). He too4 o00 the hat an+ wa)4e+ sha4i)# towar+ the Gr#00in+or ta()e. He was so re)ieve+ to have (een !hosen an+ not "ut in S)#therin/ he har+)# noti!e+ that he was getting the )ou+est !heer #et. ,er!# the ,re0e!t got u" an+ shoo4 his han+ vigorous)#/ whi)e the Weas)e# twins #e))e+/ MWe got ,otterP We got ,otterPN Harr# sat +own o""osite the ghost in the ru00 heJ+ seen ear)ier. The ghost "atte+ his ar3/ giving Harr# the su++en/ horri()e 0ee)ing heJ+ Kust ")unge+ it into a (u!4et o0 i!e;!o)+ water. He !ou)+ see the High Ta()e "ro"er)# now. At the en+ nearest hi3 sat Hagri+/ who !aught his e#e an+ gave hi3 the thu3(s u". Harr# grinne+ (a!4. An+ there/ in the !enter o0 the High Ta()e/ in a )arge go)+ !hair/ sat A)(us 7u3()e+ore. Harr# re!ogni=e+ hi3 at on!e 0ro3 the !ar+ heJ+ gotten out o0 the 1ho!o)ate Frog on the train. 7u3()e+oreJs si)ver hair was the on)# thing in the who)e ha)) that shone as (right)# as the ghosts. Harr# s"otte+ ,ro0essor Iuirre))/ too/ the nervous #oung 3an 0ro3 the Lea4# 1au)+ron. He was )oo4ing ver# "e!u)iar in a )arge "ur")e tur(an. An+ now there were on)# 0our "eo")e )e0t to (e sorte+. MTho3as/ 7ean/N a B)a!4 (o# even ta))er than Ron/ Koine+ Harr# at the Gr#00in+or ta()e. MTur"in/ Lisa/N (e!a3e a Raven!)aw an+ then it

was RonJs turn. He was "a)e green (# now. Harr# !rosse+ his 0ingers un+er the ta()e an+ a se!on+ )ater the hat ha+ shoute+/ MGRYFFIN7ORPN Harr# !)a""e+ )ou+)# with the rest as Ron !o))a"se+ into the !hair ne t to hi3. MWe)) +one/ Ron/ e !e))ent/N sai+ ,er!# Weas)e# "o3"ous)# a!ross Harr# as MCa(ini/ B)aise/N was 3a+e a S)#therin. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ro))e+ u" her s!ro)) an+ too4 the Sorting Hat awa#. Harr# )oo4e+ +own at his e3"t# go)+ ")ate. He ha+ on)# Kust rea)i=e+ how hungr# he was. The "u3"4in "asties see3e+ ages ago. A)(us 7u3()e+ore ha+ gotten to his 0eet. He was (ea3ing at the stu+ents/ his ar3s o"ene+ wi+e/ as i0 nothing !ou)+ have ")ease+ hi3 3ore than to see the3 a)) there. MWe)!o3ePN he sai+. MWe)!o3e to a new #ear at HogwartsP Be0ore we (egin our (anHuet/ I wou)+ )i4e to sa# a 0ew wor+s. An+ here the# are6 NitwitP B)u((erP O++3entP Twea4P MThan4 #ouPN He sat (a!4 +own. 2ver#(o+# !)a""e+ an+ !heere+. Harr# +i+nJt 4now whether to )augh or not. MIs he A a (it 3a+ON he as4e+ ,er!# un!ertain)#. M*a+ON sai+ ,er!# airi)#. MHeJs a geniusP Best wi=ar+ in the wor)+P But he is a (it 3a+/ #es. ,otatoes/ Harr#ON Harr#Js 3outh 0e)) o"en. The +ishes in 0ront o0 hi3 were now "i)e+ with 0oo+. He ha+ never seen so 3an# things he )i4e+ to eat on one ta()e6 roast (ee0/ roast !hi!4en/ "or4 !ho"s an+ )a3( !ho"s/ sausages/ (a!on an+ stea4/ (oi)e+ "otatoes/ roast "otatoes/ 0ries/ Yor4shire "u++ing/ "eas/ !arrots/ grav#/ 4et!hu"/ an+/ 0or so3e strange reason/ "e""er3int hu3(ugs. The 7urs)e#s ha+ never e a!t)# starve+ Harr#/ (ut heJ+ never (een a))owe+ to eat as 3u!h as he )i4e+. 7u+)e# ha+ a)wa#s ta4en an#thing that Harr# rea))# wante+/ even i0 it 3a+e hi3 si!4. Harr# "i)e+ his ")ate with a (it o0 ever#thing e !e"t the "e""er3ints an+ (egan to eat. It was a)) +e)i!ious. MThat +oes )oo4 goo+/N sai+ the ghost in the ru00 sa+)#/ wat!hing Harr# !ut u" his stea4. M1anJt #ou A ON MI havenJt eaten 0or near)# 0ive hun+re+ #ears/N sai+ the ghost. MI +onJt nee+ to/ o0 !ourse/ (ut one +oes 3iss it. I +onJt thin4 IJve in tro+u!e+ 3#se)0O Sir Ni!ho)as +e *i3s#;,or"ington at #our servi!e. Resi+ent ghost o0 Gr#00in+or Tower.N MI 4now who #ou arePN sai+ Ron su++en)#. M*# (rothers to)+ 3e

a(out #ou A #ouJre Near)# Hea+)ess Ni!4PN MI wou)+ 1refer #ou to !a)) 3e Sir Ni!ho)as +e *i3s# AN the ghost (egan sti00)#/ (ut san+#;haire+ Sea3us Finnigan interru"te+. M;early Hea+)essO How !an #ou (e nearly hea+)essON Sir Ni!ho)as )oo4e+ e tre3e)# 3i00e+/ as i0 their )itt)e !hat wasnJt going at a)) the wa# he wante+. MLi4e this*N he sai+ irrita()#. He sei=e+ his )e0t ear an+ "u))e+. His who)e hea+ swung o00 his ne!4 an+ 0e)) onto his shou)+er as i0 it was on a hinge. So3eone ha+ o(vious)# trie+ to (ehea+ hi3/ (ut not +one it "ro"er)#. Loo4ing ")ease+ at the stunne+ )oo4s on their 0a!es/ Near)# Hea+)ess Ni!4 0)i""e+ his hea+ (a!4 onto his ne!4/ !oughe+/ an+ sai+/ MSo A new Gr#00in+orsP I ho"e #ouJre going to he)" us win the House 1ha3"ionshi" this #earO Gr#00in+ors have never gone so )ong without winning. S)#therins have got the !u" si #ears in a rowP The B)oo+# BaronJs (e!o3ing a)3ost un(eara()e A heJs the S)#therin ghost.N Harr# )oo4e+ over at the S)#therin ta()e an+ saw a horri()e ghost sitting there/ with ()an4 staring e#es/ a gaunt 0a!e/ an+ ro(es staine+ with si)ver ()oo+. He was right ne t to *a)0o# who/ Harr# was ")ease+ to see/ +i+nJt )oo4 too ")ease+ with the seating arrange3ents. MHow +i+ he get !overe+ in ()oo+ON as4e+ Sea3us with great interest. MIJve never as4e+/N sai+ Near)# Hea+)ess Ni!4 +e)i!ate)#. When ever#one ha+ eaten as 3u!h as the# !ou)+/ the re3ains o0 the 0oo+ 0a+e+ 0ro3 the ")ates/ )eaving the3 s"ar4)ing !)ean as (e 0ore. A 3o3ent )ater the +esserts a""eare+. B)o!4s o0 i!e !rea3 in ever# 0)avor #ou !ou)+ thin4 o0/ a"")e "ies/ trea!)e tarts/ !ho!o)ate -!)airs an+ Ka3 +oughnuts/ tri0)e/ straw(erries/ Je));O/ ri!e "u++ing ... As Harr# he)"e+ hi3se)0 to a trea!)e tart/ the ta)4 turne+ to their 0a3i)ies. MIJ3 ha)0;an+;ha)0/N sai+ Sea3us. M*e +a+Js a *ugg)e. *o3 +i+nJt te)) hi3 she was a wit!h Jti) a0ter the# were 3arrie+. Bit o0 a nast# sho!4 0or hi3.N The others )aughe+. MWhat a(out #ou/ Nevi))eON sai+ Ron. MWe))/ 3# gran (rought 3e u" an+ sheJs a wit!h/N sai+ Nevi))e/ M(ut the 0a3i)# thought I was a));*ugg)e 0or ages. *# Great En!)e A)gie 4e"t tr#ing to !at!h 3e o00 3# guar+ an+ 0or!e so3e 3agi! out o0 3e A he "ushe+ 3e o00 the en+ o0 B)a!4"oo) "ier on!e/ I near)# +rowne+ A (ut nothing ha""ene+ unti) I was eight. Great En!)e A)gie !a3e roun+ 0or +inner/ an+ he was hanging 3e out o0 an u"stairs win+ow (# the an4)es when 3# Great Auntie 2ni+ o00ere+

hi3 a 3eringue an+ he a!!i+enta))# )et go. But I (oun!e+ A a)) the wa# +own the gar+en an+ into the roa+. The# were a)) rea))# ")ease+/ Gran was !r#ing/ she was so ha""#. An+ #ou shou)+ have seen their 0a!es when I got in here A the# thought I 3ight not (e 3agi! enough to !o3e/ #ou see. Great En!)e A)gie was so ")ease+ he (ought 3e 3# toa+.N On Harr#Js other si+e/ ,er!# Weas)e# an+ Her3ione were ta)4ing a(out )essons QMI do ho"e the# start right awa#/ thereJs so 3u!h to )earn/ IJ3 "arti!u)ar)# intereste+ in Trans0iguration/ #ou 4now/ turning so3ething into so3ething e)se/ o0 !ourse/ itJs su""ose+ to (e ver# +i00i!u)t ANL MYouJ)) (e starting s3a))/ Kust 3at!hes into nee+)es an+ that sort o0 thing ANR. Harr#/ who was starting to 0ee) war3 an+ s)ee"#/ )oo4e+ u" at the High Ta()e again. Hagri+ was +rin4ing +ee")# 0ro3 his go()et. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was ta)4ing to ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore. ,ro0essor Iuirre))/ in his a(sur+ tur(an/ was ta)4ing to a tea!her with greas# ()a!4 hair/ a hoo4e+ nose/ an+ sa))ow s4in. It ha""ene+ ver# su++en)#. The hoo4;nose+ tea!her )oo4e+ "ast Iuirre))Js tur(an straight into Harr#Js e#es A an+ a shar"/ hot "ain shot a!ross the s!ar on Harr#Js 0orehea+. MOu!hPN Harr# !)a""e+ a han+ to his hea+. MWhat is itON as4e+ ,er!#. MN;nothing.N The "ain ha+ gone as Hui!4)# as it ha+ !o3e. Har+er to sha4e o00 was the 0ee)ing Harr# ha+ gotten 0ro3 the tea!hers )oo4 A a 0ee)ing that he +i+nJt )i4e Harr# at a)). MWhoJs that tea!her ta)4ing to ,ro0essor Iuirre))ON he as4e+ ,er!#. MOh/ #ou 4now Iuirre)) a)rea+#/ +o #ouO No won+er heJs )oo4ing so nervous/ thatJs ,ro0essor Sna"e. He tea!hes ,otions/ (ut he +oesnJt want to A ever#one 4nows heJs a0ter Iuirre))Js Ko(. Knows an aw0u) )ot a(out the 7ar4 Arts/ Sna"e.N Harr# wat!he+ Sna"e 0or a whi)e/ (ut Sna"e +i+nJt )oo4 at hi3 again. At )ast/ the +esserts too +isa""eare+/ an+ ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore got to his 0eet again. The ha)) 0e)) si)ent. MAhe3 A Kust a 0ew 3ore wor+s now that we are a)) 0e+ an+ watere+. I have a 0ew start;o0;ter3 noti!es to give #ou. MFirst #ears shou)+ note that the 0orest on the groun+s is 0or(i++en to a)) "u"i)s. An+ a 0ew o0 our o)+er stu+ents wou)+ +o we)) to re3e3(er that as we)).N 7u3()e+oreJs twin4)ing e#es 0)ashe+ in the +ire!tion o0 the

Weas)e# twins. MI have a)so (een as4e+ (# *r. Fi)!h/ the !areta4er/ to re3in+ #ou a)) that no 3agi! shou)+ (e use+ (etween !)asses in the !orri+ors. MIui++it!h tria)s wi)) (e he)+ in the se!on+ wee4 o0 the ter3. An#one intereste+ in ")a#ing 0or their House tea3s shou)+ !onta!t *a+a3 Hoo!h. MAn+ 0ina))#/ I 3ust te)) #ou that this #ear/ the thir+;0)oor !orri+or on the right;han+ si+e is out o0 (oun+s to ever#one who +oes not wish to +ie a ver# "ain0u) +eath.N Harr# )aughe+/ (ut he was one o0 the 0ew who +i+. MHeJs not seriousON he 3uttere+ to ,er!#. M*ust (e/N sai+ ,er!#/ 0rowning at 7u3()e+ore. MItJs o++/ (e!ause he usua))# gives us a reason wh# weJre not a))owe+ to go so3ewhere A the 0orestJs 0u)) o0 +angerous (easts/ ever#one 4nows that. I +o thin4 he 3ight have to)+ us "re0e!ts/ at )east.N MAn+ now/ (e0ore we go to (e+/ )et us sing the s!hoo) songPN !rie+ 7u3()e+ore. Harr# noti!e+ that the other tea!hersJ s3i)es ha+ (e!o3e rather 0i e+. 7u3()e+ore gave his wan+ a )itt)e 0)i!4/ as i0 he was tr#ing to get a 0)# o00 the en+/ an+ a )ong go)+en ri((on 0)ew out o0 it/ whi!h rose high a(ove the ta()es an+ twiste+ itse)0/ sna4e)i4e/ into wor+s. M2ver#one "i!4 their 0avorite tune/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ Man+ o00 we goPN An+ the s!hoo) (e))owe+6 MHo'!arts* Ho'!arts* Ho''y 4arty Ho'!arts* ,each "s somethin' 1lease* 4hether !e be old and bald Or yo"n' !ith scabby knees* O"r heads co"ld do !ith fillin' 4ith some interestin' st"ff* For no! theyre bare and f"ll of air* ead flies and bits of fl"ff* So teach "s thin's !orth kno!in'* Brin' back !hat !e0e for'ot* :"st do yo"r best* !ell do the rest* And learn "ntil o"r brains all rot(N 2ver#(o+# 0inishe+ the song at +i00erent ti3es. At )ast/ on)# the Weas)e# twins were )e0t singing a)ong to a ver# s)ow 0unera) 3ar!h. 7u3()e+ore !on+u!te+ their )ast 0ew )ines with his wan+ an+ when the# ha+ 0inishe+/ he was one o0 those who !)a""e+ )ou+est.

MAh/ 3usi!/N he sai+/ wi"ing his e#es. MA 3agi! (e#on+ a)) we +o hereP An+ now/ (e+ti3e. O00 #ou trotPN The Gr#00in+or 0irst #ears 0o))owe+ ,er!# through the !hattering !row+s/ out o0 the Great Ha))/ an+ u" the 3ar()e stair!ase. Harr#Js )egs were )i4e )ea+ again/ (ut on)# (e!ause he was so tire+ an+ 0u)) o0 0oo+. He was too s)ee"# even to (e sur"rise+ that the "eo")e in the "ortraits a)ong the !orri+ors whis"ere+ an+ "ointe+ as the# "asse+/ or that twi!e ,er!# )e+ the3 through +oorwa#s hi++en (ehin+ s)i+ing "ane)s an+ hanging ta"estries. The# !)i3(e+ 3ore stair!ases/ #awning an+ +ragging their 0eet/ an+ Harr# was Kust won+ering how 3u!h 0arther the# ha+ to go when the# !a3e to a su++en ha)t. A (un+)e o0 wa)4ing sti!4s was 0)oating in 3i+air ahea+ o0 the3/ an+ as ,er!# too4 a ste" towar+ the3 the# starte+ throwing the3se)ves at hi3. M,eeves/N ,er!# whis"ere+ to the 0irst #ears. MA "o)tergeist.N He raise+ his voi!e/ M,eeves A show #ourse)0.N A )ou+/ ru+e soun+/ )i4e the air (eing )et out o0 a (a))oon/ answere+. M7o #ou want 3e to go to the B)oo+# BaronON There was a "o"/ an+ a )itt)e 3an with wi!4e+/ +ar4 e#es an+ a wi+e 3outh a""eare+/ 0)oating !ross;)egge+ in the air/ !)ut!hing the wa)4ing sti!4s. MOoooooohPN he sai+/ with an evi) !a!4)e. MI!4)e FirstiesP What 0unPN He swoo"e+ su++en)# at the3. The# a)) +u!4e+. MGo awa#/ ,eeves/ or the BaronJ)) hear a(out this/ I 3ean itPN (ar4e+ ,er!#. ,eeves stu!4 out his tongue an+ vanishe+/ +ro""ing the wa)4ing sti!4s on Nevi))eJs hea+. The# hear+ hi3 =oo3ing awa#/ ratt)ing !oats o0 ar3or as he "asse+. MYou want to wat!h out 0or ,eeves/N sai+ ,er!#/ as the# set o00 again. MThe B)oo+# BaronJs the on)# one who !an !ontro) hi3/ he wonJt even )isten to us "re0e!ts. Here we are.N At the ver# en+ o0 the !orri+or hung a "ortrait o0 a ver# 0at wo3an in a "in4 si)4 +ress. M,asswor+ON she sai+. M1a"ut 7ra!onis/N sai+ ,er!#/ an+ the "ortrait swung 0orwar+ to revea) a roun+ ho)e in the wa)). The# a)) s!ra3()e+ through it A Nevi))e nee+e+ a )eg u" A an+ 0oun+ the3se)ves in the Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3/ a !o=#/ roun+ roo3 0u)) o0 sHuash# ar3!hairs. ,er!# +ire!te+ the gir)s through one +oor to their +or3itor# an+

the (o#s through another. At the to" o0 a s"ira) stair!ase A the# were o(vious)# in one o0 the towers A the# 0oun+ their (e+s at )ast6 0ive 0our;"osters hung with +ee" re+/ ve)vet !urtains. Their trun4s ha+ a)rea+# (een (rought u". Too tire+ to ta)4 3u!h/ the# "u))e+ on their "aKa3as an+ 0e)) into (e+. MGreat 0oo+/ isnJt itON Ron 3uttere+ to Harr# through the hangings. MGet off* S!a((ersP HeJs !hewing 3# sheets.N Harr# was going to as4 Ron i0 heJ+ ha+ an# o0 the trea!)e tart/ (ut he 0e)) as)ee" a)3ost at on!e. ,erha"s Harr# ha+ eaten a (it too 3u!h/ (e!ause he ha+ a ver# strange +rea3. He was wearing ,ro0essor Iuirre))Js tur(an/ whi!h 4e"t ta)4ing to hi3/ te))ing hi3 he 3ust trans0er to S)#therin at on!e/ (e!ause it was his +estin#. Harr# to)+ the tur(an he +i+nJt want to (e in S)#therinL it got heavier an+ heavierL he trie+ to "u)) it o00 (ut it tightene+ "ain0u))# A an+ there was *a)0o#/ )aughing at hi3 as he strugg)e+ with it A then *a)0o# turne+ into the hoo4;nose+ tea!her/ Sna"e/ whose )augh (e!a3e high an+ !o)+ A there was a (urst o0 green )ight an+ Harr# wo4e/ sweating an+ sha4ing. He ro))e+ over an+ 0e)) as)ee" again/ an+ when he wo4e ne t +a#/ he +i+nJt re3e3(er the +rea3 at a)).

MThere/ )oo4.N MWhereON MNe t to the ta)) 4i+ with the re+ hair.N MWearing the g)assesON M7i+ #ou see his 0a!eON M7i+ #ou see his s!arON Whis"ers 0o))owe+ Harr# 0ro3 the 3o3ent he )e0t his +or3itor# the ne t +a#. ,eo")e )ining u" outsi+e !)assroo3s stoo+ on ti"toe to get a )oo4 at hi3/ or +ou()e+ (a!4 to "ass hi3 in the !orri+ors again/ staring. Harr# wishe+ the# wou)+nJt/ (e!ause he was tr#ing to !on!entrate on 0in+ing his wa# to !)asses. There were a hun+re+ an+ 0ort#;two stair!ases at Hogwarts6

wi+e/ swee"ing onesL narrow/ ri!4et# onesL so3e that )e+ so3ewhere +i00erent on a Fri+a#L so3e with a vanishing ste" ha)0wa# u" that #ou ha+ to re3e3(er to Ku3". Then there were +oors that wou)+nJt o"en un)ess #ou as4e+ "o)ite)#/ or ti!4)e+ the3 in e a!t)# the right ")a!e/ an+ +oors that werenJt rea))# +oors at a))/ (ut so)i+ wa))s Kust "reten+ing. It was a)so ver# har+ to re3e3(er where an#thing was/ (e!ause it a)) see3e+ to 3ove aroun+ a )ot. The "eo")e in the "ortraits 4e"t going to visit ea!h other/ an+ Harr# was sure the !oats o0 ar3or !ou)+ wa)4. The ghosts +i+nJt he)"/ either. It was a)wa#s a nast# sho!4 when one o0 the3 g)i+e+ su++en)# through a +oor #ou were tr#ing to o"en. Near)# Hea+)ess Ni!4 was a)wa#s ha""# to "oint new Gr#00in+ors in the right +ire!tion/ (ut ,eeves the ,o)tergeist was worth two )o!4e+ +oors an+ a tri!4 stair!ase i0 #ou 3et hi3 when #ou were )ate 0or !)ass. He wou)+ +ro" waste"a"er (as4ets on #our hea+/ "u)) rugs 0ro3 un+er #our 0eet/ "e)t #ou with (its o0 !ha)4/ or snea4 u" (ehin+ #ou/ invisi()e/ gra( #our nose/ an+ s!ree!h/ MGOT YOER 1ONKPN 2ven worse than ,eeves/ i0 that was "ossi()e/ was the !areta4er/ Argus Fi)!h. Harr# an+ Ron 3anage+ to get on the wrong si+e o0 hi3 on their ver# 0irst 3orning. Fi)!h 0oun+ the3 tr#ing to 0or!e their wa# through a +oor that un)u!4i)# turne+ out to (e the entran!e to the out;o0;(oun+s !orri+or on the thir+ 0)oor. He wou)+nJt (e)ieve the# were )ost/ was sure the# were tr#ing to (rea4 into it on "ur"ose/ an+ was threatening to )o!4 the3 in the +ungeons when the# were res!ue+ (# ,ro0essor Iuirre))/ who was "assing. Fi)!h owne+ a !at !a))e+ *rs. Norris/ a s!rawn#/ +ust;!o)ore+ !reature with (u)ging/ )a3")i4e e#es Kust )i4e Fi)!hJs. She "atro))e+ the !orri+ors a)one. Brea4 a ru)e in 0ront o0 her/ "ut Kust one toe out o0 )ine/ an+ sheJ+ whis4 o00 0or Fi)!h/ whoJ+ a""ear/ whee=ing/ two se!on+s )ater. Fi)!h 4new the se!ret "assagewa#s o0 the s!hoo) (etter than an#one Qe !e"t "erha"s the Weas)e# twinsR an+ !ou)+ "o" u" as su++en)# as an# o0 the ghosts. The stu+ents a)) hate+ hi3/ an+ it was the +earest a3(ition o0 3an# to give *rs. Norris a goo+ 4i!4. An+ then/ on!e #ou ha+ 3anage+ to 0in+ the3/ there were the !)asses the3se)ves. There was a )ot 3ore to 3agi!/ as Harr# Hui!4)# 0oun+ out/ than waving #our wan+ an+ sa#ing a 0ew 0unn# wor+s. The# ha+ to stu+# the night s4ies through their te)es!o"es ever# We+nes+a# at 3i+night an+ )earn the na3es o0 +i00erent stars an+

the 3ove3ents o0 the ")anets. Three ti3es a wee4 the# went out to the greenhouses (ehin+ the !ast)e to stu+# Her(o)og#/ with a +u3"# )itt)e wit!h !a))e+ ,ro0essor S"rout/ where the# )earne+ how to ta4e !are o0 a)) the strange ")ants an+ 0ungi/ an+ 0oun+ out what the# were use+ 0or. 2asi)# the 3ost (oring !)ass was Histor# o0 *agi!/ whi!h was the on)# one taught (# a ghost. ,ro0essor Binns ha+ (een ver# o)+ in+ee+ when he ha+ 0a))en as)ee" in 0ront o0 the sta00 roo3 0ire an+ got u" ne t 3orning to tea!h/ )eaving his (o+# (ehin+ hi3. Binns +rone+ on an+ on whi)e the# s!ri(()e+ +own na3es an+ +ates/ an+ got 23eri! the 2vi) an+ Eri! the O++(a)) 3i e+ u". ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ the 1har3s tea!her/ was a tin# )itt)e wi=ar+ who ha+ to stan+ on a "i)e o0 (oo4s to see over his +es4. At the start o0 their 0irst !)ass he too4 the ro)) !a))/ an+ when he rea!he+ Harr#Js na3e he gave an e !ite+ sHuea4 an+ to"")e+ out o0 sight. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was again +i00erent. Harr# ha+ (een Huite right to thin4 she wasnJt a tea!her to !ross. Stri!t an+ !)ever/ she gave the3 a ta)4ing;to the 3o3ent the# sat +own in her 0irst !)ass. MTrans0iguration is so3e o0 the 3ost !o3")e an+ +angerous 3agi! #ou wi)) )earn at Hogwarts/N she sai+. MAn#one 3essing aroun+ in 3# !)ass wi)) )eave an+ not !o3e (a!4. You have (een warne+.N Then she !hange+ her +es4 into a "ig an+ (a!4 again. The# were a)) ver# i3"resse+ an+ !ou)+nJt wait to get starte+/ (ut soon rea)i=e+ the# werenJt going to (e !hanging the 0urniture into ani3a)s 0or a )ong ti3e. A0ter ta4ing a )ot o0 !o3")i!ate+ notes/ the# were ea!h given a 3at!h an+ starte+ tr#ing to turn it into a nee+)e. B# the en+ o0 the )esson/ on)# Her3ione Granger ha+ 3a+e an# +i00eren!e to her 3at!hL ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) showe+ the !)ass how it ha+ gone a)) si)ver an+ "oint# an+ gave Her3ione a rare s3i)e. The !)ass ever#one ha+ rea))# (een )oo4ing 0orwar+ to was 7e0ense Against the 7ar4 Arts/ (ut Iuirre))Js )essons turne+ out to (e a (it o0 a Ko4e. His !)assroo3 s3e))e+ strong)# o0 gar)i!/ whi!h ever#one sai+ was to war+ o00 a va3"ire heJ+ 3et in Ro3ania an+ was a0rai+ wou)+ (e !o3ing (a!4 to get hi3 one o0 these +a#s. His tur(an/ he to)+ the3/ ha+ (een given to hi3 (# an A0ri!an "rin!e as a than4;#ou 0or getting ri+ o0 a trou()eso3e =o3(ie/ (ut the# werenJt sure the# (e)ieve+ this stor#. For one thing/ when Sea3us Finnigan as4e+ eager)# to hear how Iuirre)) ha+ 0ought o00 the =o3(ie/ Iuirre)) went "in4 an+ starte+ ta)4ing a(out the weatherL 0or another/ the# ha+ noti!e+ that a 0unn# s3e)) hung aroun+ the tur(an/ an+ the Weas)e# twins insiste+ that it was stu00e+ 0u)) o0

gar)i! as we))/ so that Iuirre)) was "rote!te+ wherever he went. Harr# was ver# re)ieve+ to 0in+ out that he wasnJt 3i)es (ehin+ ever#one e)se. Lots o0 "eo")e ha+ !o3e 0ro3 *ugg)e 0a3i)ies an+/ )i4e hi3/ ha+nJt ha+ an# i+ea that the# were wit!hes an+ wi=ar+s. There was so 3u!h to )earn that even "eo")e )i4e Ron +i+nJt have 3u!h o0 a hea+ start. Fri+a# was an i3"ortant +a# 0or Harr# an+ Ron. The# 0ina))# 3anage+ to 0in+ their wa# +own to the Great Ha)) 0or (rea40ast without getting )ost on!e. MWhat have we got to+a#ON Harr# as4e+ Ron as he "oure+ sugar on his "orri+ge. M7ou()e ,otions with the S)#therins/N sai+ Ron. MSna"eJs Hea+ o0 S)#therin House. The# sa# he a)wa#s 0avors the3 A weJ)) (e a()e to see i0 itJs true.N MWish *!Gonaga)) 0avore+ us/N sai+ Harr#. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was hea+ o0 Gr#00in+or House/ (ut it ha+nJt sto""e+ her 0ro3 giving the3 a huge "i)e o0 ho3ewor4 the +a# (e0ore. Just then/ the 3ai) arrive+. Harr# ha+ gotten use+ to this (# now/ (ut it ha+ given hi3 a (it o0 a sho!4 on the 0irst 3orning/ when a(out a hun+re+ ow)s ha+ su++en)# strea3e+ into the Great Ha)) +uring (rea40ast/ !ir!)ing the ta()es unti) the# saw their owners/ an+ +ro""ing )etters an+ "a!4ages onto their )a"s. He+wig ha+nJt (rought Harr# an#thing so 0ar. She so3eti3es 0)ew in to ni(()e his ear an+ have a (it o0 toast (e0ore going o00 to s)ee" in the ow)er# with the other s!hoo) ow)s. This 3orning/ however/ she 0)uttere+ +own (etween the 3ar3a)a+e an+ the sugar (ow) an+ +ro""e+ a note onto Harr#Js ")ate. Harr# tore it o"en at on!e. It sai+/ in a ver# unti+# s!raw)6 Dear Harr&, - *now &ou %et Frida& afternoons off so would &ou li*e to come and have a cup of tea with me around three. - want to hear all a out &our first wee*. !end us an answer ac* with Hedwi%. Ha%rid Harr# (orrowe+ RonJs Hui))/ s!ri(()e+ 2es* 1lease* see yo" later on the (a!4 o0 the note/ an+ sent He+wig o00 again. It was )u!4# that Harr# ha+ tea with Hagri+ to )oo4 0orwar+ to/ (e!ause the ,otions )esson turne+ out to (e the worst thing that ha+ ha""ene+ to hi3 so 0ar. At the start;o0;ter3 (anHuet/ Harr# ha+ gotten the i+ea that ,ro0essor Sna"e +is)i4e+ hi3. B# the en+ o0 the 0irst ,otions )esson/ he 4new heJ+ (een wrong. Sna"e +i+nJt +is)i4e Harr# A he hated

hi3. ,otions )essons too4 ")a!e +own in one o0 the +ungeons. It was !o)+er here than u" in the 3ain !ast)e/ an+ wou)+ have (een Huite !ree"# enough without the "i!4)e+ ani3a)s 0)oating in g)ass Kars a)) aroun+ the wa))s. Sna"e/ )i4e F)itwi!4/ starte+ the !)ass (# ta4ing the ro)) !a))/ an+ )i4e F)itwi!4/ he "ause+ at Harr#Js na3e. MAh/ yes*N he sai+ so0t)#/ MHarr# ,otter. Our new A celebrity(N 7ra!o *a)0o# an+ his 0rien+s 1ra((e an+ Go#)e sniggere+ (ehin+ their han+s. Sna"e 0inishe+ !a))ing the na3es an+ )oo4e+ u" at the !)ass. His e#es were ()a!4 )i4e Hagri+Js/ (ut the# ha+ none o0 Hagri+Js war3th. The# were !o)+ an+ e3"t# an+ 3a+e #ou thin4 o0 +ar4 tunne)s. MYou are here to )earn the su(t)e s!ien!e an+ e a!t art o0 "otion3a4ing/N he (egan. He s"o4e in (are)# 3ore than a whis"er/ (ut the# !aught ever# wor+ A )i4e ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ Sna"e ha+ the gi0t o0 4ee"ing a !)ass si)ent without e00ort. MAs there is )itt)e 0oo)ish wan+;waving here/ 3an# o0 #ou wi)) har+)# (e)ieve this is 3agi!. I +onJt e "e!t #ou wi)) rea))# un+erstan+ the (eaut# o0 the so0t)# si33ering !au)+ron with its shi33ering 0u3es/ the +e)i!ate "ower o0 )iHui+s that !ree" through hu3an veins/ (ewit!hing the 3in+/ ensnaring the senses. . . . I !an tea!h #ou how to (ott)e 0a3e/ (rew g)or#/ even sto""er +eath A i0 #ou arenJt as (ig a (un!h o0 +un+erhea+s as I usua))# have to tea!h.N *ore si)en!e 0o))owe+ this )itt)e s"ee!h. Harr# an+ Ron e !hange+ )oo4s with raise+ e#e(rows. Her3ione Granger was on the e+ge o0 her seat an+ )oo4e+ +es"erate to start "roving that she wasnJt a +un+erhea+. M,otterPN sai+ Sna"e su++en)#. MWhat wou)+ I get i0 I a++e+ "ow+ere+ root o0 as"ho+e) to an in0usion o0 wor3woo+ON Po!dered root of !hat to an inf"sion of !hatO Harr# g)an!e+ at Ron/ who )oo4e+ as stu3"e+ as he wasL Her3ioneJs han+ ha+ shot into the air. MI +onJt 4now/ sir/N sai+ Harr#. Sna"eJs )i"s !ur)e+ into a sneer. MTut/ tut A 0a3e !)ear)# isnJt ever#thing.N He ignore+ Her3ioneJs han+. MLetJs tr# again. ,otter/ where wou)+ #ou )oo4 i0 I to)+ #ou to 0in+ 3e a (e=oarON Her3ione stret!he+ her han+ as high into the air as it wou)+ go without her )eaving her seat/ (ut Harr# +i+nJt have the 0aintest i+ea

what a (e=oar was. He trie+ not to )oo4 at *a)0o#/ 1ra((e/ an+ Go#)e/ who were sha4ing with )aughter. MI +onJt 4now/ sir.N MThought #ou wou)+nJt o"en a (oo4 (e0ore !o3ing/ eh/ ,otterON Harr# 0or!e+ hi3se)0 to 4ee" )oo4ing straight into those !o)+ e#es. He had )oo4e+ through his (oo4s at the 7urs)e#sJ/ (ut +i+ Sna"e e "e!t hi3 to re3e3(er ever#thing in One ,ho"sand 3a'ical Herbs and F"n'iO Sna"e was sti)) ignoring Her3ioneJs Huivering han+. MWhat is the +i00eren!e/ ,otter/ (etween 3on4shoo+ an+ wo)0s(aneON At this/ Her3ione stoo+ u"/ her han+ stret!hing towar+ the +ungeon !ei)ing. MI +onJt 4now/N sai+ Harr# Huiet)#. MI thin4 Her3ione +oes/ though/ wh# +onJt #ou tr# herON A 0ew "eo")e )aughe+L Harr# !aught Sea3usJs e#e/ an+ Sea3us win4e+. Sna"e/ however/ was not ")ease+. MSit +own/N he sna""e+ at Her3ione. MFor #our in0or3ation/ ,otter/ as"ho+e) an+ wor3woo+ 3a4e a s)ee"ing "otion so "ower0u) it is 4nown as the 7raught o0 Living 7eath. A (e=oar is a stone ta4en 0ro3 the sto3a!h o0 a goat an+ it wi)) save #ou 0ro3 3ost "oisons. As 0or 3on4shoo+ an+ wo)0s(ane/ the# are the sa3e ")ant/ whi!h a)so goes (# the na3e o0 a!onite. We))O Wh# arenJt #ou a)) !o"#ing that +ownON There was a su++en ru33aging 0or Hui))s an+ "ar!h3ent. Over the noise/ Sna"e sai+/ MAn+ a "oint wi)) (e ta4en 0ro3 Gr#00in+or House 0or #our !hee4/ ,otter.N Things +i+nJt i3"rove 0or the Gr#00in+ors as the ,otions )esson !ontinue+. Sna"e "ut the3 a)) into "airs an+ set the3 to 3i ing u" a si3")e "otion to !ure (oi)s. He swe"t aroun+ in his )ong ()a!4 !)oa4/ wat!hing the3 weigh +rie+ nett)es an+ !rush sna4e 0angs/ !riti!i=ing a)3ost ever#one e !e"t *a)0o#/ who3 he see3e+ to )i4e. He was Kust te))ing ever#one to )oo4 at the "er0e!t wa# *a)0o# ha+ stewe+ his horne+ s)ugs when !)ou+s o0 a!i+ green s3o4e an+ a )ou+ hissing 0i))e+ the +ungeon. Nevi))e ha+ so3ehow 3anage+ to 3e)t Sea3usJs !au)+ron into a twiste+ ()o(/ an+ their "otion was see"ing a!ross the stone 0)oor/ (urning ho)es in "eo")eJs shoes. Within se!on+s/ the who)e !)ass was stan+ing on their stoo)s whi)e Nevi))e/ who ha+ (een +ren!he+ in the "otion when the !au)+ron !o))a"se+/ 3oane+ in "ain as angr# re+ (oi)s s"rang u" a)) over his ar3s an+ )egs. MI+iot (o#PN snar)e+ Sna"e/ !)earing the s"i))e+ "otion awa# with one wave o0 his wan+. MI su""ose #ou a++e+ the "or!u"ine Hui))s

(e0ore ta4ing the !au)+ron o00 the 0ireON Nevi))e whi3"ere+ as (oi)s starte+ to "o" u" a)) over his nose. MTa4e hi3 u" to the hos"ita) wing/N Sna"e s"at at Sea3us. Then he roun+e+ on Harr# an+ Ron/ who ha+ (een wor4ing ne t to Nevi))e. MYou A ,otter A wh# +i+nJt #ou te)) hi3 not to a++ the Hui))sO Thought heJ+ 3a4e #ou )oo4 goo+ i0 he got it wrong/ +i+ #ouO ThatJs another "oint #ouJve )ost 0or Gr#00in+or.N This was so un0air that Harr# o"ene+ his 3outh to argue/ (ut Ron 4i!4e+ hi3 (ehin+ their !au)+ron. M7onJt "ush it/N he 3uttere+/ MIJve hear+ Sna"e !an turn ver# nast#.N As the# !)i3(e+ the ste"s out o0 the +ungeon an hour )ater/ Harr#Js 3in+ was ra!ing an+ his s"irits were )ow. HeJ+ )ost two "oints 0or Gr#00in+or in his ver# 0irst wee4 A !hy +i+ Sna"e hate hi3 so 3u!hO M1heer u"/N sai+ Ron/ MSna"eJs a)wa#s ta4ing "oints o00 Fre+ an+ George. 1an I !o3e an+ 3eet Hagri+ with #ouON At 0ive to three the# )e0t the !ast)e an+ 3a+e their wa# a!ross the groun+s. Hagri+ )ive+ in a s3a)) woo+en house on the e+ge o0 the 0or(i++en 0orest. A !ross(ow an+ a "air o0 ga)oshes were outsi+e the 0ront +oor. When Harr# 4no!4e+ the# hear+ a 0ranti! s!ra(()ing 0ro3 insi+e an+ severa) (oo3ing (ar4s. Then Hagri+Js voi!e rang out/ sa#ing/ MBack/ Fang A back(N Hagri+Js (ig/ hair# 0a!e a""eare+ in the !ra!4 as he "u))e+ the +oor o"en. MHang on/N he sai+. MBack* Fang.N He )et the3 in/ strugg)ing to 4ee" a ho)+ on the !o))ar o0 an enor3ous ()a!4 (oarhoun+. There was on)# one roo3 insi+e. Ha3s an+ "heasants were hanging 0ro3 the !ei)ing/ a !o""er 4ett)e was (oi)ing on the o"en 0ire/ an+ in the !orner stoo+ a 3assive (e+ with a "at!hwor4 Hui)t over it. M*a4e #erse)ves at ho3e/N sai+ Hagri+/ )etting go o0 Fang/ who (oun+e+ straight at Ron an+ starte+ )i!4ing his ears. Li4e Hagri+/ Fang was !)ear)# not as 0ier!e as he )oo4e+. MThis is Ron/N Harr# to)+ Hagri+/ who was "ouring (oi)ing water into a )arge tea"ot an+ "utting ro!4 !a4es onto a ")ate. MAnother Weas)e#/ ehON sai+ Hagri+/ g)an!ing at RonJs 0re!4)es. MI s"ent ha)0 3e )i0e !hasinJ #er twin (rothers awa# 0ro3 the 0orest.N The ro!4 !a4es were sha"e)ess )u3"s with raisins that a)3ost

(ro4e their teeth/ (ut Harr# an+ Ron "reten+e+ to (e enKo#ing the3 as the# to)+ Hagri+ a)) a(out their 0irst )essons. Fang reste+ his hea+ on Harr#Js 4nee an+ +roo)e+ a)) over his ro(es. Harr# an+ Ron were +e)ighte+ to hear Hagri+ !a)) Fi)!h Mthat o)+ gitJJ MAnJ as 0er that !at/ *rs. Norris/ IJ+ )i4e ter intro+u!e her to Fang so3eti3e. 7J#eh 4now/ ever# ti3e I go u" ter the s!hoo)/ she 0o))ows 3e ever#whereO 1anJt get ri+ o0 her A Fi)!h "uts her u" to it.N Harr# to)+ Hagri+ a(out Sna"eJs )esson. Hagri+/ )i4e Ron/ to)+ Harr# not to worr# a(out it/ that Sna"e )i4e+ har+)# an# o0 the stu+ents. MBut he see3e+ to rea))# hate 3e.N MRu((ishPN sai+ Hagri+. MWh# shou)+ heON Yet Harr# !ou)+nJt he)" thin4ing that Hagri+ +i+nJt Huite 3eet his e#es when he sai+ that. MHowJs #er (rother 1har)ieON Hagri+ as4e+ Ron. MI )i4e+ hi3 a )ot A great with ani3a)s.N Harr# won+ere+ i0 Hagri+ ha+ !hange+ the su(Ke!t on "ur"ose. Whi)e Ron to)+ Hagri+ a)) a(out 1har)ieJs wor4 with +ragons/ Harr# "i!4e+ u" a "ie!e o0 "a"er that was )#ing on the ta()e un+er the tea !o=#. It was a !utting 0ro3 the aily Pro1het6


Investigations !ontinue into the (rea4;in at Gringotts on >% Ju)#/ wi+e)# (e)ieve+ to (e the wor4 o0 7ar4 wi=ar+s or wit!hes un4nown. Gringotts go()ins to+a# insiste+ that nothing ha+ (een ta4en. The vau)t that was sear!he+ ha+ in 0a!t (een e3"tie+ the sa3e +a#. MBut weJre not te))ing #ou what was in there/ so 4ee" #our noses out i0 #ou 4now whatJs goo+ 0or #ou/N sai+ a Gringotts s"o4esgo()in this a0ternoon. Harr# re3e3(ere+ Ron te))ing hi3 on the train that so3eone ha+ trie+ to ro( Gringotts/ (ut Ron ha+nJt 3entione+ the +ate. MHagri+PN sai+ Harr#/ Mthat Gringotts (rea4;in ha""ene+ on 3# (irth+a#P It 3ightJve (een ha""ening whi)e we were therePN There was no +ou(t a(out it/ Hagri+ +e0inite)# +i+nJt 3eet Harr#Js e#es this ti3e. He grunte+ an+ o00ere+ hi3 another ro!4 !a4e. Harr# rea+ the stor# again. ,he 0a"lt that !as searched had in fact been em1tied earlier that same day( Hagri+ ha+ e3"tie+ vau)t seven hun+re+ an+ thirteen/ i0 #ou !ou)+ !a)) it e3"t#ing/ ta4ing out

that gru((# )itt)e "a!4age. Ha+ that (een what the thieves were )oo4ing 0orO As Harr# an+ Ron wa)4e+ (a!4 to the !ast)e 0or +inner/ their "o!4ets weighe+ +own with ro!4 !a4es the#J+ (een too "o)ite to re0use/ Harr# thought that none o0 the )essons heJ+ ha+ so 0ar ha+ given hi3 as 3u!h to thin4 a(out as tea with Hagri+. Ha+ Hagri+ !o))e!te+ that "a!4age Kust in ti3eO Where was it nowO An+ +i+ Hagri+ 4now so3ething a(out Sna"e that he +i+nJt want to te)) Harr#O

(HAPT%R !I!%
Harr# ha+ never (e)ieve+ he wou)+ 3eet a (o# he hate+ 3ore than 7u+)e#/ (ut that was (e0ore he 3et 7ra!o *a)0o#. Sti))/ 0irst;#ear Gr#00in+ors on)# ha+ ,otions with the S)#therins/ so the# +i+nJt have to "ut u" with *a)0o# 3u!h. Or at )east/ the# +i+nJt unti) the# s"otte+ a noti!e "inne+ u" in the Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3 that 3a+e the3 a)) groan. F)#ing )essons wou)+ (e starting on Thurs+a# A an+ Gr#00in+or an+ S)#therin wou)+ (e )earning together. MT#"i!a)/N sai+ Harr# +ar4)#. MJust what I a)wa#s wante+. To 3a4e a 0oo) o0 3#se)0 on a (roo3sti!4 in 0ront o0 *a)0o#.N He ha+ (een )oo4ing 0orwar+ to )earning to 0)# 3ore than an#thing e)se. MYou +onJt 4now that #ouJ)) 3a4e a 0oo) o0 #ourse)0/N sai+ Ron reasona()#. MAn#wa#/ I 4now *a)0o#Js a)wa#s going on a(out how goo+ he is at Iui++it!h/ (ut I (et thatJs a)) ta)4.N *a)0o# !ertain)# +i+ ta)4 a(out 0)#ing a )ot. He !o3")aine+ )ou+)# a(out 0irst #ears never getting on the House Iui++it!h tea3s an+ to)+ )ong/ (oast0u) stories that a)wa#s see3e+ to en+ with hi3 narrow)# es!a"ing *ugg)es in he)i!o"ters. He wasnJt the on)# one/ though6 the wa# Sea3us Finnigan to)+ it/ heJ+ s"ent 3ost o0 his !hi)+hoo+ =oo3ing aroun+ the !ountr#si+e on his (roo3sti!4. 2ven Ron wou)+ te)) an#one whoJ+ )isten a(out the ti3e heJ+ a)3ost hit a hang g)i+er on 1har)ieJs o)+ (roo3. 2ver#one 0ro3 wi=ar+ing 0a3i)ies ta)4e+ a(out Iui++it!h !onstant)#. Ron ha+ a)rea+#

ha+ a (ig argu3ent with 7ean Tho3as/ who share+ their +or3itor#/ a(out so!!er. Ron !ou)+nJt see what was e !iting a(out a ga3e with on)# one (a)) where no one was a))owe+ to 0)#. Harr# ha+ !aught Ron "ro++ing 7eanJs "oster o0 West Ha3 so!!er tea3/ tr#ing to 3a4e the ")a#ers 3ove. Nevi))e ha+ never (een on a (roo3sti!4 in his )i0e/ (e!ause his gran+3other ha+ never )et hi3 near one. ,rivate)#/ Harr# 0e)t sheJ+ ha+ goo+ reason/ (e!ause Nevi))e 3anage+ to have an e traor+inar# nu3(er o0 a!!i+ents even with (oth 0eet on the groun+. Her3ione Granger was a)3ost as nervous a(out 0)#ing as Nevi))e was. This was so3ething #ou !ou)+nJt )earn (# heart out o0 a (oo4 A not that she ha+nJt trie+. At (rea40ast on Thurs+a# she (ore+ the3 a)) stu"i+ with 0)#ing ti"s sheJ+ gotten out o0 a )i(rar# (oo4 !a))e+ <"idditch ,hro"'h the A'es( Nevi))e was hanging on to her ever# wor+/ +es"erate 0or an#thing that 3ight he)" hi3 hang on to his (roo3sti!4 )ater/ (ut ever#(o+# e)se was ver# ")ease+ when Her3ioneJs )e!ture was interru"te+ (# the arriva) o0 the 3ai). Harr# ha+nJt ha+ a sing)e )etter sin!e Hagri+Js note/ so3ething that *a)0o# ha+ (een Hui!4 to noti!e/ o0 !ourse. *a)0o#Js eag)e ow) was a)wa#s (ringing hi3 "a!4ages o0 sweets 0ro3 ho3e/ whi!h he o"ene+ g)oating)# at the S)#therin ta()e. A (arn ow) (rought Nevi))e a s3a)) "a!4age 0ro3 his gran+3other. He o"ene+ it e !ite+)# an+ showe+ the3 a g)ass (a)) the si=e o0 a )arge 3ar()e/ whi!h see3e+ to (e 0u)) o0 white s3o4e. MItJs a Re3e3(ra))PN he e ")aine+. MGran 4nows I 0orget things A this te))s #ou i0 thereJs so3ething #ouJve 0orgotten to +o. Loo4/ #ou ho)+ it tight )i4e this an+ i0 it turns re+ A oh . . .N His 0a!e 0e))/ (e!ause the Re3e3(ra)) ha+ su++en)# g)owe+ s!ar)et/ M. . . #ouJve 0orgotten so3ething . . .N Nevi))e was tr#ing to re3e3(er what heJ+ 0orgotten when 7ra!o *a)0o#/ who was "assing the Gr#00in+or ta()e/ snat!he+ the Re3e3(ra)) out o0 his han+. Harr# an+ Ron Ku3"e+ to their 0eet. The# were ha)0 ho"ing 0or a reason to 0ight *a)0o#/ (ut ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ who !ou)+ s"ot trou()e Hui!4er than an# tea!her in the s!hoo)/ was there in a 0)ash. MWhatJs going onON M*a)0o#Js got 3# Re3e3(ra))/ ,ro0essor.N S!ow)ing/ *a)0o# Hui!4)# +ro""e+ the Re3e3(ra)) (a!4 on the ta()e. MJust )oo4ing/N he sai+/ an+ he s)o"e+ awa# with 1ra((e an+

Go#)e (ehin+ hi3. At three;thirt# that a0ternoon/ Harr#/ Ron/ an+ the other Gr#00in+ors hurrie+ +own the 0ront ste"s onto the groun+s 0or their 0irst 0)#ing )esson. It was a !)ear/ (ree=# +a#/ an+ the grass ri"")e+ un+er their 0eet as the# 3ar!he+ +own the s)o"ing )awns towar+ a s3ooth/ 0)at )awn on the o""osite si+e o0 the groun+s to the 0or(i++en 0orest/ whose trees were swa#ing +ar4)# in the +istan!e. The S)#therins were a)rea+# there/ an+ so were twent# (roo3sti!4s )#ing in neat )ines on the groun+. Harr# ha+ hear+ Fre+ an+ George Weas)e# !o3")ain a(out the s!hoo) (roo3s/ sa#ing that so3e o0 the3 starte+ to vi(rate i0 #ou 0)ew too high/ or a)wa#s 0)ew s)ight)# to the )e0t. Their tea!her/ *a+a3 Hoo!h/ arrive+. She ha+ short/ gra# hair/ an+ #e))ow e#es )i4e a haw4. MWe))/ what are #ou a)) waiting 0orON she (ar4e+. M2ver#one stan+ (# a (roo3sti!4. 1o3e on/ hurr# u".N Harr# g)an!e+ +own at his (roo3. It was o)+ an+ so3e o0 the twigs stu!4 out at o++ ang)es. MSti!4 out #our right han+ over #our (roo3/N !a))e+ *a+a3 Hoo!h at the 0ront/ Man+ sa# SE"PJ N ME,PN ever#one shoute+. Harr#Js (roo3 Ku3"e+ into his han+ at on!e/ (ut it was one o0 the 0ew that +i+. Her3ione GrangerJs ha+ si3")# ro))e+ over on the groun+/ an+ Nevi))eJs ha+nJt 3ove+ at a)). ,erha"s (roo3s/ )i4e horses/ !ou)+ te)) when #ou were a0rai+/ thought Harr#L there was a Huaver in Nevi))eJs voi!e that sai+ on)# too !)ear)# that he wante+ to 4ee" his 0eet on the groun+. *a+a3 Hoo!h then showe+ the3 how to 3ount their (roo3s without s)i+ing o00 the en+/ an+ wa)4e+ u" an+ +own the rows !orre!ting their gri"s. Harr# an+ Ron were +e)ighte+ when she to)+ *a)0o# heJ+ (een +oing it wrong 0or #ears. MNow/ when I ()ow 3# whist)e/ #ou 4i!4 o00 0ro3 the groun+/ har+/N sai+ *a+a3 Hoo!h. MKee" #our (roo3s stea+#/ rise a 0ew 0eet/ an+ then !o3e straight (a!4 +own (# )eaning 0orwar+ s)ight)#. On 3# whist)e A three A two AN But Nevi))e/ nervous an+ Ku3"# an+ 0rightene+ o0 (eing )e0t on the groun+/ "ushe+ o00 har+ (e0ore the whist)e ha+ tou!he+ *a+a3 Hoo!hJs )i"s. M1o3e (a!4/ (o#PN she shoute+/ (ut Nevi))e was rising straight u" )i4e a !or4 shot out o0 a (ott)e A twe)ve 0eet A twent# 0eet. Harr# saw his s!are+ white 0a!e )oo4 +own at the groun+ 0a))ing

awa#/ saw hi3 gas"/ s)i" si+ewa#s o00 the (roo3 an+ A WHA* A a thu+ an+ a nast# !ra!4 an+ Nevi))e )a# 0a!e+own on the grass in a hea". His (roo3sti!4 was sti)) rising higher an+ higher/ an+ starte+ to +ri0t )a=i)# towar+ the 0or(i++en 0orest an+ out o0 sight. *a+a3 Hoo!h was (en+ing over Nevi))e/ her 0a!e as white as his. MBro4en wrist/N Harr# hear+ her 3utter. M1o3e on/ (o# A itJs a)) right/ u" #ou get.N She turne+ to the rest o0 the !)ass. MNone o0 #ou is to 3ove whi)e I ta4e this (o# to the hos"ita) wingP You )eave those (roo3s where the# are or #ouJ)) (e out o0 Hogwarts (e0ore #ou !an sa# SIui++it!h.J 1o3e on/ +ear.N Nevi))e/ his 0a!e tear;strea4e+/ !)ut!hing his wrist/ ho(()e+ o00 with *a+a3 Hoo!h/ who ha+ her ar3 aroun+ hi3. No sooner were the# out o0 earshot than *a)0o# (urst into )aughter. M7i+ #ou see his 0a!e/ the great )u3"ON The other S)#therins Koine+ in. MShut u"/ *a)0o#/N sna""e+ ,arvati ,ati). MOoh/ sti!4ing u" 0or Long(otto3ON sai+ ,ans# ,ar4inson/ a har+;0a!e+ S)#therin gir). MNever thought yo"d )i4e 0at )itt)e !r#(a(ies/ ,arvati.N MLoo4PN sai+ *a)0o#/ +arting 0orwar+ an+ snat!hing so3ething out o0 the grass. MItJs that stu"i+ thing Long(otto3Js gran sent hi3.N The Re3e3(ra)) g)ittere+ in the sun as he he)+ it u". MGive that here/ *a)0o#/N sai+ Harr# Huiet)#. 2ver#one sto""e+ ta)4ing to wat!h. *a)0o# s3i)e+ nasti)#. MI thin4 IJ)) )eave it so3ewhere 0or Long(otto3 to 0in+ A how a(out A u" a treeON MGive it herePN Harr# #e))e+/ (ut *a)0o# ha+ )ea"t onto his (roo3sti!4 an+ ta4en o00. He ha+nJt (een )#ing/ he co"ld 0)# we)). Hovering )eve) with the to"3ost (ran!hes o0 an oa4 he !a))e+/ M1o3e an+ get it/ ,otterPN Harr# gra((e+ his (roo3. M;oPN shoute+ Her3ione Granger. M*a+a3 Hoo!h to)+ us not to 3ove A #ouJ)) get us a)) into trou()e.N Harr# ignore+ her. B)oo+ was "oun+ing in his ears. He 3ounte+ the (roo3 an+ 4i!4e+ har+ against the groun+ an+ u"/ u" he soare+L air rushe+ through his hair/ an+ his ro(es whi""e+ out (ehin+ hi3 A an+ in a rush o0 0ier!e Ko# he rea)i=e+ heJ+ 0oun+

so3ething he !ou)+ +o without (eing taught A this was eas#/ this was !onderf"l( He "u))e+ his (roo3sti!4 u" a )itt)e to ta4e it even higher/ an+ hear+ s!rea3s an+ gas"s o0 gir)s (a!4 on the groun+ an+ an a+3iring whoo" 0ro3 Ron. He turne+ his (roo3sti!4 shar")# to 0a!e *a)0o# in 3i+air. *a)0o# )oo4e+ stunne+. MGive it here/N Harr# !a))e+/ Mor IJ)) 4no!4 #ou o00 that (roo3PN MOh/ #eahON sai+ *a)0o#/ tr#ing to sneer/ (ut )oo4ing worrie+. Harr# 4new/ so3ehow/ what to +o. He )eane+ 0orwar+ an+ gras"e+ the (roo3 tight)# in (oth han+s/ an+ it shot towar+ *a)0o# )i4e a Kave)in. *a)0o# on)# Kust got out o0 the wa# in ti3eL Harr# 3a+e a shar" a(out;0a!e an+ he)+ the (roo3 stea+#. A 0ew "eo")e (e)ow were !)a""ing. MNo 1ra((e an+ Go#)e u" here to save #our ne!4/ *a)0o#/N Harr# !a))e+. The sa3e thought see3e+ to have stru!4 *a)0o#. M1at!h it i0 #ou !an/ thenPN he shoute+/ an+ he threw the g)ass (a)) high into the air an+ strea4e+ (a!4 towar+ the groun+. Harr# saw/ as though in s)ow 3otion/ the (a)) rise u" in the air an+ then start to 0a)). He )eane+ 0orwar+ an+ "ointe+ his (roo3 han+)e +own A ne t se!on+ he was gathering s"ee+ in a stee" +ive/ ra!ing the (a)) A win+ whist)e+ in his ears/ 3ing)e+ with the s!rea3s o0 "eo")e wat!hing A he stret!he+ out his han+ A a 0oot 0ro3 the groun+ he !aught it/ Kust in ti3e to "u)) his (roo3 straight/ an+ he to"")e+ gent)# onto the grass with the Re3e3(ra)) !)ut!he+ sa0e)# in his 0ist. MHARRY ,OTT2RPN His heart san4 0aster than heJ+ Kust +ive+. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was running towar+ the3. He got to his 0eet/ tre3()ing. M;e0er A in a)) 3# ti3e at Hogwarts AN ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was a)3ost s"ee!h)ess with sho!4/ an+ her g)asses 0)ashe+ 0urious)#/ MA how dare #ou A 3ight have (ro4en #our ne!4 AN MIt wasnJt his 0au)t/ ,ro0essor AN MBe Huiet/ *iss ,ati) AN MBut *a)0o# AN MThatJs eno"'h* *r. Weas)e#. ,otter/ 0o))ow 3e/ now.N Harr# !aught sight o0 *a)0o#/ 1ra((e/ an+ Go#)eJs triu3"hant 0a!es as he )e0t/ wa)4ing nu3()# in ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))Js wa4e as she stro+e towar+ the !ast)e. He was going to (e e "e))e+/ he Kust 4new it. He wante+ to sa# so3ething to +e0en+ hi3se)0/ (ut there see3e+ to (e so3ething wrong with his voi!e. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))

was swee"ing a)ong without even )oo4ing at hi3L he ha+ to Kog to 4ee" u". Now heJ+ +one it. He ha+nJt even )aste+ two wee4s. HeJ+ (e "a!4ing his (ags in ten 3inutes. What wou)+ the 7urs)e#s sa# when he turne+ u" on the +oorste"O E" the 0ront ste"s/ u" the 3ar()e stair!ase insi+e/ an+ sti)) ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) +i+nJt sa# a wor+ to hi3. She wren!he+ o"en +oors an+ 3ar!he+ a)ong !orri+ors with Harr# trotting 3isera()# (ehin+ her. *a#(e she was ta4ing hi3 to 7u3()e+ore. He thought o0 Hagri+/ e "e))e+ (ut a))owe+ to sta# on as ga3e4ee"er. ,erha"s he !ou)+ (e Hagri+Js assistant. His sto3a!h twiste+ as he i3agine+ it/ wat!hing Ron an+ the others (e!o3ing wi=ar+s whi)e he stu3"e+ aroun+ the groun+s !arr#ing Hagri+Js (ag. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) sto""e+ outsi+e a !)assroo3. She o"ene+ the +oor an+ "o4e+ her hea+ insi+e. M2 !use 3e/ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ !ou)+ I (orrow Woo+ 0or a 3o3entON Woo+O thought Harr#/ (ewi)+ere+L was Woo+ a !ane she was going to use on hi3O But Woo+ turne+ out to (e a "erson/ a (ur)# 0i0th;#ear (o# who !a3e out o0 F)itwi!4Js !)ass )oo4ing !on0use+. MFo))ow 3e/ #ou two/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ an+ the# 3ar!he+ on u" the !orri+or/ Woo+ )oo4ing !urious)# at Harr#. MIn here.N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) "ointe+ the3 into a !)assroo3 that was e3"t# e !e"t 0or ,eeves/ who was (us# writing ru+e wor+s on the ()a!4(oar+. MOut/ ,eevesPN she (ar4e+. ,eeves threw the !ha)4 into a (in/ whi!h !)ange+ )ou+)#/ an+ he swoo"e+ out !ursing. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) s)a33e+ the +oor (ehin+ hi3 an+ turne+ to 0a!e the two (o#s. M,otter/ this is O)iver Woo+. Woo+ A IJve 0oun+ #ou a See4er.N Woo+Js e "ression !hange+ 0ro3 "u==)e3ent to +e)ight. MAre #ou serious/ ,ro0essorON MA(so)ute)#/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) !ris")#. MThe (o#Js a natura). IJve never seen an#thing )i4e it. Was that #our 0irst ti3e on a (roo3sti!4/ ,otterON Harr# no++e+ si)ent)#. He +i+nJt have a !)ue what was going on/ (ut he +i+nJt see3 to (e (eing e "e))e+/ an+ so3e o0 the 0ee)ing starte+ !o3ing (a!4 to his )egs. MHe !aught that thing in his han+ a0ter a 0i0t#;0oot +ive/N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) to)+ Woo+. M7i+nJt even s!rat!h hi3se)0. 1har)ie Weas)e# !ou)+nJt have +one it.N Woo+ was now )oo4ing as though a)) his +rea3s ha+ !o3e true

at on!e. M2ver seen a ga3e o0 Iui++it!h/ ,otterON he as4e+ e !ite+)#. MWoo+Js !a"tain o0 the Gr#00in+or tea3/N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) e ")aine+. MHeJs Kust the (ui)+ 0or a See4er/ too/N sai+ Woo+/ now wa)4ing aroun+ Harr# an+ staring at hi3. MLight A s"ee+# A weJ)) have to get hi3 a +e!ent (roo3/ ,ro0essor A a Ni3(us Two Thousan+ or a 1)eanswee" Seven/ IJ+ sa#.N MI sha)) s"ea4 to ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore an+ see i0 we !anJt (en+ the 0irst;#ear ru)e. Heaven 4nows/ we nee+ a (etter tea3 than )ast #ear. Flattened in that )ast 3at!h (# S)#therin/ I !ou)+nJt )oo4 Severus Sna"e in the 0a!e 0or wee4s. . . .N ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) "eere+ stern)# over her g)asses at Harr#. MI want to hear #ouJre training har+/ ,otter/ or I 3a# !hange 3# 3in+ a(out "unishing #ou.N Then she su++en)# s3i)e+. MYour 0ather wou)+ have (een "rou+/N she sai+. MHe was an e !e))ent Iui++it!h ")a#er hi3se)0.N MYouJre =okin'(N It was +innerti3e. Harr# ha+ Kust 0inishe+ te))ing Ron what ha+ ha""ene+ when heJ+ )e0t the groun+s with ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). Ron ha+ a "ie!e o0 stea4 an+ 4i+ne# "ie ha)0wa# to his 3outh/ (ut heJ+ 0orgotten a)) a(out it. MSeekerON he sai+. MBut 0irst #ears ne0er A #ou 3ust (e the #oungest House ")a#er in a(out AN MA a !entur#/N sai+ Harr#/ shove)ing "ie into his 3outh. He 0e)t "arti!u)ar)# hungr# a0ter the e !ite3ent o0 the a0ternoon. MWoo+ to)+ 3e.N Ron was so a3a=e+/ so i3"resse+/ he Kust sat an+ ga"e+ at Harr#. MI start training ne t wee4/N sai+ Harr#. MOn)# +onJt te)) an#one/ Woo+ wants to 4ee" it a se!ret.N Fre+ an+ George Weas)e# now !a3e into the ha))/ s"otte+ Harr#/ an+ hurrie+ over. MWe)) +one/N sai+ George in a )ow voi!e. MWoo+ to)+ us. WeJre on the tea3 too A Beaters.N MI te)) #ou/ weJre going to win that Iui++it!h 1u" 0or sure this #ear/N sai+ Fre+. MWe havenJt won sin!e 1har)ie )e0t/ (ut this #earJs tea3 is going to (e (ri))iant. You 3ust (e goo+/ Harr#/ Woo+ was a)3ost s4i""ing when he to)+ us.N MAn#wa#/ weJve got to go/ Lee Jor+an re!4ons heJs 0oun+ a new se!ret "assagewa# out o0 the s!hoo).N MBet itJs that one (ehin+ the statue o0 Gregor# the S3ar3# that

we 0oun+ in our 0irst wee4. See #ou.N Fre+ an+ George ha+ har+)# +isa""eare+ when so3eone 0ar )ess we)!o3e turne+ u"6 *a)0o#/ 0)an4e+ (# 1ra((e an+ Go#)e. MHaving a )ast 3ea)/ ,otterO When are #ou getting the train (a!4 to the *ugg)esON MYouJre a )ot (raver now that #ouJre (a!4 on the groun+ an+ #ouJve got #our )itt)e 0rien+s with #ou/N sai+ Harr# !oo))#. There was o0 !ourse nothing at a)) )itt)e a(out 1ra((e an+ Go#)e/ (ut as the High Ta()e was 0u)) o0 tea!hers/ neither o0 the3 !ou)+ +o 3ore than !ra!4 their 4nu!4)es an+ s!ow). MIJ+ ta4e #ou on an#ti3e on 3# own/N sai+ *a)0o#. MTonight/ i0 #ou want. Wi=ar+Js +ue). Wan+s on)# A no !onta!t. WhatJs the 3atterO Never hear+ o0 a wi=ar+s +ue) (e0ore/ I su""oseON MO0 !ourse he has/N sai+ Ron/ whee)ing aroun+. MIJ3 his se!on+/ whoJs #oursON *a)0o# )oo4e+ at 1ra((e an+ Go#)e/ si=ing the3 u". M1ra((e/N he sai+. M*i+night a)) rightO WeJ)) 3eet #ou in the tro"h# roo3L thatJs a)wa#s un)o!4e+.N When *a)0o# ha+ gone/ Ron an+ Harr# )oo4e+ at ea!h other. MWhat is a wi=ar+s +ue)ON sai+ Harr#. MAn+ what +o #ou 3ean/ #ouJre 3# se!on+ON MWe))/ a se!on+Js there to ta4e over i0 #ou +ie/N sai+ Ron !asua))#/ getting starte+ at )ast on his !o)+ "ie. 1at!hing the )oo4 on Harr#Js 0a!e/ he a++e+ Hui!4)#/ MBut "eo")e on)# +ie in "ro"er +ue)s/ #ou 4now/ with rea) wi=ar+s. The 3ost #ou an+ *a)0o#J)) (e a()e to +o is sen+ s"ar4s at ea!h other. Neither o0 #ou 4nows enough 3agi! to +o an# rea) +a3age. I (et he e "e!te+ #ou to re0use/ an#wa#.N MAn+ what i0 I wave 3# wan+ an+ nothing ha""ensON MThrow it awa# an+ "un!h hi3 on the nose/N Ron suggeste+. M2 !use 3e. The# (oth )oo4e+ u". It was Her3ione Granger. M1anJt a "erson eat in "ea!e in this ")a!eON sai+ Ron. Her3ione ignore+ hi3 an+ s"o4e to Harr#. MI !ou)+nJt he)" overhearing what #ou an+ *a)0o# were sa#ing AN MBet #ou !ou)+/N Ron 3uttere+. MA an+ #ou m"stnt go wan+ering aroun+ the s!hoo) at night/ thin4 o0 the "oints #ouJ)) )ose Gr#00in+or i0 #ouJre !aught/ an+ #ouJre (oun+ to (e. ItJs rea))# ver# se)0ish o0 #ou.N MAn+ itJs rea))# none o0 #our (usiness/N sai+ Harr#. MGoo+;(#e/N sai+ Ron.

A)) the sa3e/ it wasnJt what #ouJ+ !a)) the "er0e!t en+ to the +a#/ Harr# thought/ as he )a# awa4e 3u!h )ater )istening to 7ean an+ Sea3us 0a))ing as)ee" QNevi))e wasnJt (a!4 0ro3 the hos"ita) wingR. Ron ha+ s"ent a)) evening giving hi3 a+vi!e su!h as MI0 he tries to !urse #ou/ #ouJ+ (etter +o+ge it/ (e!ause I !anJt re3e3(er how to ()o!4 the3.N There was a ver# goo+ !han!e the# were going to get !aught (# Fi)!h or *rs. Norris/ an+ Harr# 0e)t he was "ushing his )u!4/ (rea4ing another s!hoo) ru)e to+a#. On the other han+/ *a)0o#Js sneering 0a!e 4e"t )oo3ing u" out o0 the +ar4ness A this was his (ig !han!e to (eat *a)0o# 0a!e;to;0a!e. He !ou)+nJt 3iss it. MHa)0;"ast e)even/N Ron 3uttere+ at )ast/ MweJ+ (etter go.N The# "u))e+ on their (athro(es/ "i!4e+ u" their wan+s/ an+ !re"t a!ross the tower roo3/ +own the s"ira) stair!ase/ an+ into the Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3. A 0ew e3(ers were sti)) g)owing in the 0ire")a!e/ turning a)) the ar3!hairs into hun!he+ ()a!4 sha+ows. The# ha+ a)3ost rea!he+ the "ortrait ho)e when a voi!e s"o4e 0ro3 the !hair nearest the3/ MI !anJt (e)ieve #ouJre going to +o this/ Harr#.N A )a3" 0)i!4ere+ on. It was Her3ione Granger/ wearing a "in4 (athro(e an+ a 0rown. M2o"PN sai+ Ron 0urious)#. MGo (a!4 to (e+PN MI a)3ost to)+ #our (rother/N Her3ione sna""e+/ M,er!# A heJs a "re0e!t/ heJ+ "ut a sto" to this.N Harr# !ou)+nJt (e)ieve an#one !ou)+ (e so inter0ering. M1o3e on/N he sai+ to Ron. He "ushe+ o"en the "ortrait o0 the Fat La+# an+ !)i3(e+ through the ho)e. Her3ione wasnJt going to give u" that easi)#. She 0o))owe+ Ron through the "ortrait ho)e/ hissing at the3 )i4e an angr# goose. M7onJt #ou care a(out Gr#00in+or/ +o #ou only !are a(out #ourse)ves/ - +onJt want S)#therin to win the House 1u"/ an+ #ouJ)) )ose a)) the "oints I got 0ro3 ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) 0or 4nowing a(out Swit!hing S"e))s.N MGo awa#.N MA)) right/ (ut I warne+ #ou/ #ou Kust re3e3(er what I sai+ when #ouJre on the train ho3e to3orrow/ #ouJre so AN But what the# were/ the# +i+nJt 0in+ out. Her3ione ha+ turne+ to the "ortrait o0 the Fat La+# to get (a!4 insi+e an+ 0oun+ herse)0 0a!ing an e3"t# "ainting. The Fat La+# ha+ gone on a nightti3e visit an+ Her3ione was )o!4e+ out o0 Gr#00in+or Tower. MNow what a3 I going to +oON she as4e+ shri))#. MThatJs #our "ro()e3/N sai+ Ron. MWeJve got to go/ weJre going to (e )ate.N

The# ha+nJt even rea!he+ the en+ o0 the !orri+or when Her3ione !aught u" with the3. MIJ3 !o3ing with #ou/N she sai+. MYou are not(N M7J#ou thin4 IJ3 going to stan+ out here an+ wait 0or Fi)!h to !at!h 3eO I0 he 0in+s a)) three o0 us IJ)) te)) hi3 the truth/ that I was tr#ing to sto" #ou/ an+ #ou !an (a!4 3e u".N MYouJve got so3e nerve AN sai+ Ron )ou+)#. MShut u"/ (oth o0 #ouPN sai+ Harr# shar")#. MI hear+ so3ething.N It was a sort o0 snu00)ing. M*rs. NorrisON (reathe+ Ron/ sHuinting through the +ar4. It wasnJt *rs. Norris. It was Nevi))e. He was !ur)e+ u" on the 0)oor/ 0ast as)ee"/ (ut Ker4e+ su++en)# awa4e as the# !re"t nearer. MThan4 goo+ness #ou 0oun+ 3eP IJve (een out here 0or hours/ I !ou)+nJt re3e3(er the new "asswor+ to get in to (e+.N MKee" #our voi!e +own/ Nevi))e. The "asswor+Js S,ig snoutJ (ut it wonJt he)" #ou now/ the Fat La+#Js gone o00 so3ewhere.N MHowJs #our ar3ON sai+ Harr#. MFine/N sai+ Nevi))e/ showing the3. M*a+a3 ,o30re# 3en+e+ it in a(out a 3inute.N MGoo+ A we))/ )oo4/ Nevi))e/ weJve got to (e so3ewhere/ weJ)) see #ou )ater AN M7onJt )eave 3ePN sai+ Nevi))e/ s!ra3()ing to his 0eet/ MI +onJt want to sta# here a)one/ the B)oo+# BaronJs (een "ast twi!e a)rea+#.N Ron )oo4e+ at his wat!h an+ then g)are+ 0urious)# at Her3ione an+ Nevi))e. MI0 either o0 #ou get us !aught/ IJ)) never rest unti) IJve )earne+ that 1urse o0 the Bogies Iuirre)) to)+ us a(out/ an+ use+ it on #ou. Her3ione o"ene+ her 3outh/ "erha"s to te)) Ron e a!t)# how to use the 1urse o0 the Bogies/ (ut Harr# hisse+ at her to (e Huiet an+ (e!4one+ the3 a)) 0orwar+. The# 0)itte+ a)ong !orri+ors stri"e+ with (ars o0 3oon)ight 0ro3 the high win+ows. At ever# turn Harr# e "e!te+ to run into Fi)!h or *rs. Norris/ (ut the# were )u!4#. The# s"e+ u" a stair!ase to the thir+ 0)oor an+ ti"toe+ towar+ the tro"h# roo3. *a)0o# an+ 1ra((e werenJt there #et. The !r#sta) tro"h# !ases g)i33ere+ where the 3oon)ight !aught the3. 1u"s/ shie)+s/ ")ates/ an+ statues win4e+ si)ver an+ go)+ in the +ar4ness. The# e+ge+ a)ong the wa))s/ 4ee"ing their e#es on the +oors at either en+ o0 the roo3. Harr# too4 out his wan+ in !ase *a)0o# )ea"t in an+ starte+ at on!e. The 3inutes !re"t (#.

MHeJs )ate/ 3a#(e heJs !hi!4ene+ out/N Ron whis"ere+. Then a noise in the ne t roo3 3a+e the3 Ku3". Harr# ha+ on)# Kust raise+ his wan+ when the# hear+ so3eone s"ea4 A an+ it wasnJt *a)0o#. MSni00 aroun+/ 3# sweet/ the# 3ight (e )ur4ing in a !orner.N It was Fi)!h s"ea4ing to *rs. Norris. Horror;stru!4/ Harr# wave+ 3a+)# at the other three to 0o))ow hi3 as Hui!4)# as "ossi()eL the# s!urrie+ si)ent)# towar+ the +oor/ awa# 0ro3 Fi)!hJs voi!e. Nevi))eJs ro(es ha+ (are)# whi""e+ roun+ the !orner when the# hear+ Fi)!h enter the tro"h# roo3. MThe#Jre in here so3ewhere/N the# hear+ hi3 3utter/ M"ro(a()# hi+ing.N MThis wa#PN Harr# 3outhe+ to the others an+/ "etri0ie+/ the# (egan to !ree" +own a )ong ga))er# 0u)) o0 suits o0 ar3or. The# !ou)+ hear Fi)!h getting nearer. Nevi))e su++en)# )et out a 0rightene+ sHuea4 an+ (ro4e into a run A he tri""e+/ gra((e+ Ron aroun+ the waist/ an+ the "air o0 the3 to"")e+ right into a suit o0 ar3or. The !)anging an+ !rashing were enough to wa4e the who)e !ast)e. MRENPN Harr# #e))e+/ an+ the 0our o0 the3 s"rinte+ +own the ga))er#/ not )oo4ing (a!4 to see whether Fi)!h was 0o))owing A the# swung aroun+ the +oor"ost an+ ga))o"e+ +own one !orri+or then another/ Harr# in the )ea+/ without an# i+ea where the# were or where the# were going A the# ri""e+ through a ta"estr# an+ 0oun+ the3se)ves in a hi++en "assagewa#/ hurt)e+ a)ong it an+ !a3e out near their 1har3s !)assroo3/ whi!h the# 4new was 3i)es 0ro3 the tro"h# roo3. MI thin4 weJve )ost hi3/N Harr# "ante+/ )eaning against the !o)+ wa)) an+ wi"ing his 0orehea+. Nevi))e was (ent +ou()e/ whee=ing an+ s")uttering. MI A told A #ou/N Her3ione gas"e+/ !)ut!hing at the stit!h in her !hest/ MI A to)+ A #ou.N MWeJve got to get (a!4 to Gr#00in+or Tower/N sai+ Ron/ MHui!4)# as "ossi()e.N M*a)0o# tri!4e+ #ou/N Her3ione sai+ to Harr#. MYou rea)i=e that/ +onJt #ouO He was never going to 3eet #ou A Fi)!h 4new so3eone was going to (e in the tro"h# roo3/ *a)0o# 3ust have ti""e+ hi3 o00.N Harr# thought she was "ro(a()# right/ (ut he wasnJt going to te)) her that. MLetJs go.N

It wasnJt going to (e that si3")e. The# ha+nJt gone 3ore than a +o=en "a!es when a +oor4no( ratt)e+ an+ so3ething !a3e shooting out o0 a !)assroo3 in 0ront o0 the3. It was ,eeves. He !aught sight o0 the3 an+ gave a sHuea) o0 +e)ight. MShut u"/ ,eeves A ")ease A #ouJ)) get us thrown out.N ,eeves !a!4)e+. MWan+ering aroun+ at 3i+night/ I!4)e FirstiesO Tut/ tut/ tut. Naught#/ naught#/ #ouJ)) get !aught#.N MNot i0 #ou +onJt give us awa#/ ,eeves/ ")ease.N MShou)+ te)) Fi)!h/ I shou)+/N sai+ ,eeves in a sanit# voi!e/ (ut his e#es g)ittere+ wi!4e+)#. MItJs 0or #our own goo+/ #ou 4now.N MGet out o0 the wa#/N sna""e+ Ron/ ta4ing a swi"e at ,eeves A this was a (ig 3ista4e. MSTE72NTS OET OF B27PN ,eeves (e))owe+/ MSTE72NTS OET OF B27 7OWN TH2 1HAR*S 1ORRI7ORPN 7u!4ing un+er ,eeves/ the# ran 0or their )ives/ right to the en+ o0 the !orri+or where the# s)a33e+ into a +oor A an+ it was )o!4e+. MThis is itPN Ron 3oane+/ as the# "ushe+ he)")ess)# at the +oor/ MWeJre +one 0orP This is the en+PN The# !ou)+ hear 0ootste"s/ Fi)!h running as 0ast as he !ou)+ towar+ ,eevesJs shouts. MOh/ 3ove over/N Her3ione snar)e+. She gra((e+ Harr#Js wan+/ ta""e+ the )o!4/ an+ whis"ere+/ MAlohomoraPN The )o!4 !)i!4e+ an+ the +oor swung o"en A the# "i)e+ through it/ shut it Hui!4)#/ an+ "resse+ their ears against it/ )istening. MWhi!h wa# +i+ the# go/ ,eevesON Fi)!h was sa#ing. MIui!4/ te)) 3e.N MSa# S")ease.J N M7onJt 3ess with 3e/ ,eeves/ now !here did they 'oON MShanJt sa# nothing i0 #ou +onJt sa# ")ease/N sai+ ,eeves in his anno#ing singsong voi!e. MA)) right A 1lease(N MNOTHINGP Ha haaaP To)+ #ou I wou)+nJt sa# nothing i0 #ou +i+nJt sa# ")easeP Ha haP HaaaaaaPN An+ the# hear+ the soun+ o0 ,eeves whooshing awa# an+ Fi)!h !ursing in rage. MHe thin4s this +oor is )o!4e+/N Harr# whis"ere+. MI thin4 weJ)) (e o4a# A get off* Nevi))ePN For Nevi))e ha+ (een tugging on the s)eeve o0 Harr#Js (athro(e 0or the )ast 3inute. M4hatON Harr# turne+ aroun+ A an+ saw/ Huite !)ear)#/ what. For a 3o3ent/

he was sure heJ+ wa)4e+ into a night3are A this was too 3u!h/ on to" o0 ever#thing that ha+ ha""ene+ so 0ar. The# werenJt in a roo3/ as he ha+ su""ose+. The# were in a !orri+or. The 0or(i++en !orri+or on the thir+ 0)oor. An+ now the# 4new wh# it was 0or(i++en. The# were )oo4ing straight into the e#es o0 a 3onstrous +og/ a +og that 0i))e+ the who)e s"a!e (etween !ei)ing an+ 0)oor. It ha+ three hea+s. Three "airs o0 ro))ing/ 3a+ e#esL three noses/ twit!hing an+ Huivering in their +ire!tionL three +roo)ing 3ouths/ sa)iva hanging in s)i""er# ro"es 0ro3 #e))owish 0angs. It was stan+ing Huite sti))/ a)) si e#es staring at the3/ an+ Harr# 4new that the on)# reason the# werenJt a)rea+# +ea+ was that their su++en a""earan!e ha+ ta4en it (# sur"rise/ (ut it was Hui!4)# getting over that/ there was no 3ista4ing what those thun+erous grow)s 3eant. Harr# gro"e+ 0or the +oor4no( A (etween Fi)!h an+ +eath/ heJ+ ta4e Fi)!h. The# 0e)) (a!4war+ A Harr# s)a33e+ the +oor shut/ an+ the# ran/ the# a)3ost 0)ew/ (a!4 +own the !orri+or. Fi)!h 3ust have hurrie+ o00 to )oo4 0or the3 so3ewhere e)se/ (e!ause the# +i+nJt see hi3 an#where/ (ut the# har+)# !are+ A a)) the# wante+ to +o was "ut as 3u!h s"a!e as "ossi()e (etween the3 an+ that 3onster. The# +i+nJt sto" running unti) the# rea!he+ the "ortrait o0 the Fat La+# on the seventh 0)oor. MWhere on earth have #ou a)) (eenON she as4e+/ )oo4ing at their (athro(es hanging o00 their shou)+ers an+ their 0)ushe+/ sweat# 0a!es. MNever 3in+ that A "ig snout/ "ig snout/N "ante+ Harr#/ an+ the "ortrait swung 0orwar+. The# s!ra3()e+ into the !o33on roo3 an+ !o))a"se+/ tre3()ing/ into ar3!hairs. It was a whi)e (e0ore an# o0 the3 sai+ an#thing. Nevi))e/ in+ee+/ )oo4e+ as i0 heJ+ never s"ea4 again. MWhat +o the# thin4 the#Jre +oing/ 4ee"ing a thing )i4e that )o!4e+ u" in a s!hoo)ON sai+ Ron 0ina))#. MI0 an# +og nee+s e er!ise/ that one +oes.N Her3ione ha+ got (oth her (reath an+ her (a+ te3"er (a!4 again. MYou +onJt use #our e#es/ an# o0 #ou/ +o #ouON she sna""e+. M7i+nJt #ou see what it was stan+ing onON MThe 0)oorON Harr# suggeste+. MI wasnJt )oo4ing at its 0eet/ I was too (us# with its hea+s.N MNo/ not the 0)oor. It was stan+ing on a tra"+oor. ItJs o(vious)# guar+ing so3ething.N

She stoo+ u"/ g)aring at the3. MI ho"e #ouJre ")ease+ with #ourse)ves. We !ou)+ a)) have (een 4i))e+ A or worse/ e "e))e+. Now/ i0 #ou +onJt 3in+/ IJ3 going to (e+.N Ron stare+ a0ter her/ his 3outh o"en. MNo/ we +onJt 3in+/N he sai+. MYouJ+ thin4 we +ragge+ her a)ong/ wou)+nJt #ouON But Her3ione ha+ given Harr# so3ething e)se to thin4 a(out as he !)i3(e+ (a!4 into (e+. The +og was guar+ing so3ething. . . . What ha+ Hagri+ sai+O Gringotts was the sa0est ")a!e in the wor)+ 0or so3ething #ou wante+ to hi+e A e !e"t "erha"s Hogwarts. It )oo4e+ as though Harr# ha+ 0oun+ out where the gru((# )itt)e "a!4age 0ro3 vau)t seven hun+re+ an+ thirteen was.

*a)0o# !ou)+nJt (e)ieve his e#es when he saw that Harr# an+ Ron were sti)) at Hogwarts the ne t +a#/ )oo4ing tire+ (ut "er0e!t)# !heer0u). In+ee+/ (# the ne t 3orning Harr# an+ Ron thought that 3eeting the three;hea+e+ +og ha+ (een an e !e))ent a+venture/ an+ the# were Huite 4een to have another one. In the 3eanti3e/ Harr# 0i))e+ Ron in a(out the "a!4age that see3e+ to have (een 3ove+ 0ro3 Gringotts to Hogwarts/ an+ the# s"ent a )ot o0 ti3e won+ering what !ou)+ "ossi()# nee+ su!h heav# "rote!tion. MItJs either rea))# va)ua()e or rea))# +angerous/N sai+ Ron. MOr (oth/N sai+ Harr#. But as a)) the# 4new 0or sure a(out the 3#sterious o(Ke!t was that it was a(out two in!hes )ong/ the# +i+nJt have 3u!h !han!e o0 guessing what it was without 0urther !)ues. Neither Nevi))e nor Her3ione showe+ the s)ightest interest in what )a# un+erneath the +og an+ the tra"+oor. A)) Nevi))e !are+ a(out was never going near the +og again. Her3ione was now re0using to s"ea4 to Harr# an+ Ron/ (ut she was su!h a (oss# 4now;it;a)) that the# saw this as an a++e+ (onus. A)) the# rea))# wante+ now was a wa# o0 getting (a!4 at *a)0o#/ an+

to their great +e)ight/ Kust su!h a thing arrive+ in the 3ai) a(out a wee4 )ater. As the ow)s 0)oo+e+ into the Great Ha)) as usua)/ ever#oneJs attention was !aught at on!e (# a )ong/ thin "a!4age !arrie+ (# si )arge s!ree!h ow)s. Harr# was Kust as intereste+ as ever#one e)se to see what was in this )arge "ar!e)/ an+ was a3a=e+ when the ow)s soare+ +own an+ +ro""e+ it right in 0ront o0 hi3/ 4no!4ing his (a!on to the 0)oor. The# ha+ har+)# 0)uttere+ out o0 the wa# when another ow) +ro""e+ a )etter on to" o0 the "ar!e). Harr# ri""e+ o"en the )etter 0irst/ whi!h was )u!4#/ (e!ause it sai+6 7O NOT O,2N TH2 ,AR12L AT TH2 TABL2. It !ontains #our new Ni3(us Two Thousan+/ (ut I +onJt want ever#(o+# 4nowing #ouJve got a (roo3sti!4 or the#J)) a)) want one. O)iver Woo+ wi)) 3eet #ou tonight on the Iui++it!h 0ie)+ at seven oJ!)o!4 0or #our 0irst training session. Harr# ha+ +i00i!u)t# hi+ing his g)ee as he han+e+ the note to Ron to rea+. MA Ni3(us Two Thousan+PN Ron 3oane+ envious)#. MIJve never even to"ched one.N The# )e0t the ha)) Hui!4)#/ wanting to unwra" the (roo3sti!4 in "rivate (e0ore their 0irst !)ass/ (ut ha)0wa# a!ross the entran!e ha)) the# 0oun+ the wa# u"stairs (arre+ (# 1ra((e an+ Go#)e. *a)0o# sei=e+ the "a!4age 0ro3 Harr# an+ 0e)t it. MThatJs a (roo3sti!4/N he sai+/ throwing it (a!4 to Harr# with a 3i ture o0 Kea)ous# an+ s"ite on his 0a!e. MYouJ)) (e in 0or it this ti3e/ ,otter/ 0irst #ears arenJt a))owe+ the3.N Ron !ou)+nJt resist it. MItJs not an# o)+ (roo3sti!4/N he sai+/ MitJs a Ni3(us Two Thousan+. What +i+ #ou sa# #ouJve got at ho3e/ *a)0o#/ a 1o3et Two Si t#ON Ron grinne+ at Harr#. M1o3ets )oo4 0)ash#/ (ut the#Jre not in the sa3e )eague as the Ni3(us.N MWhat wou)+ #ou 4now a(out it/ Weas)e#/ #ou !ou)+nJt a00or+ ha)0 the han+)e/N *a)0o# sna""e+ (a!4. MI su""ose #ou an+ #our (rothers have to save u" twig (# twig.N Be0ore Ron !ou)+ answer/ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 a""eare+ at *a)0o#Js e)(ow. MNot arguing/ I ho"e/ (o#sON he sHuea4e+. M,otters (een sent a (roo3sti!4/ ,ro0essor/N sai+ *a)0o# Hui!4)#. MYes/ #es/ thatJs right/N sai+ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ (ea3ing at Harr#. M,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) to)+ 3e a)) a(out the s"e!ia) !ir!u3stan!es/ ,otter. An+ what 3o+e) is itON

MA Ni3(us Two Thousan+/ sir/N sai+ Harr#/ 0ighting not to )augh at the )oo4 o0 horror on *a)0o#Js 0a!e. MAn+ itJs rea))# than4s to *a)0o# here that IJve got it/N he a++e+. Harr# an+ Ron hea+e+ u"stairs/ s3othering their )aughter at *a)0o#Js o(vious rage an+ !on0usion. MWe))/ itJs true/N Harr# !hort)e+ as the# rea!he+ the to" o0 the 3ar()e stair!ase/ MI0 he ha+nJt sto)en Nevi))eJs Re3e3(ra)) I wou)+nJt (e on the tea3. . . .N MSo I su""ose #ou thin4 thatJs a rewar+ 0or (rea4ing ru)esON !a3e an angr# voi!e 0ro3 Kust (ehin+ the3. Her3ione was sto3"ing u" the stairs/ )oo4ing +isa""roving)# at the "a!4age in Harr#Js han+. MI thought #ou werenJt s"ea4ing to usON sai+ Harr#. MYes/ +onJt sto" now/N sai+ Ron/ Mits +oing us so 3u!h goo+.N Her3ione 3ar!he+ awa# with her nose in the air. Harr# ha+ a )ot o0 trou()e 4ee"ing his 3in+ on his )essons that +a#. It 4e"t wan+ering u" to the +or3itor# where his new (roo3sti!4 was )#ing un+er his (e+/ or stra#ing o00 to the Iui++it!h 0ie)+ where heJ+ (e )earning to ")a# that night. He (o)te+ his +inner that evening without noti!ing what he was eating/ an+ then rushe+ u"stairs with Ron to unwra" the Ni3(us Two Thousan+ at )ast. MWow/N Ron sighe+/ as the (roo3sti!4 ro))e+ onto Harr#Js (e+s"rea+. 2ven Harr#/ who 4new nothing a(out the +i00erent (roo3s/ thought it )oo4e+ won+er0u). S)ee4 an+ shin#/ with a 3ahogan# han+)e/ it ha+ a )ong tai) o0 neat/ straight twigs an+ Ni3(us Two Thousan+ written in go)+ near the to". As seven oJ!)o!4 +rew nearer/ Harr# )e0t the !ast)e an+ set o00 in the +us4 towar+ the Iui++it!h 0ie)+. HeJ+ never (een insi+e the sta+iu3 (e0ore. Hun+re+s o0 seats were raise+ in stan+s aroun+ the 0ie)+ so that the s"e!tators were high enough to see what was going on. At either en+ o0 the 0ie)+ were three go)+en "o)es with hoo"s on the en+. The# re3in+e+ Harr# o0 the )itt)e ")asti! sti!4s *ugg)e !hi)+ren ()ew (u(()es through/ e !e"t that the# were 0i0t# 0eet high. Too eager to 0)# again to wait 0or Woo+/ Harr# 3ounte+ his (roo3sti!4 an+ 4i!4e+ o00 0ro3 the groun+. What a 0ee)ing A he swoo"e+ in an+ out o0 the goa) "osts an+ then s"e+ u" an+ +own the 0ie)+. The Ni3(us Two Thousan+ turne+ wherever he wante+ at his )ightest tou!h. MHe#/ ,otter/ !o3e +ownPN O)iver Woo+ ha+ arrive+. He was !arr#ing a )arge woo+en !rate un+er his ar3. Harr# )an+e+ ne t to hi3.

MGer# ni!e/N sai+ Woo+/ his e#es g)inting. MI see what *!Gonaga)) 3eant . . . #ou rea))# are a natura). IJ3 Kust going to tea!h #ou the ru)es this evening/ then #ouJ)) (e Koining tea3 "ra!ti!e three ti3es a wee4.N He o"ene+ the !rate. Insi+e were 0our +i00erent;si=e+ (a))s. MRight/N sai+ Woo+. MNow/ Iui++it!h is eas# enough to un+erstan+/ even i0 itJs not too eas# to ")a#. There are seven ")a#ers on ea!h si+e. Three o0 the3 are !a))e+ 1hasers.N MThree 1hasers/N Harr# re"eate+/ as Woo+ too4 out a (right re+ (a)) a(out the si=e o0 a so!!er (a)). MThis (a))Js !a))e+ the Iua00)e/N sai+ Woo+. MThe 1hasers throw the Iua00)e to ea!h other an+ tr# an+ get it through one o0 the hoo"s to s!ore a goa). Ten "oints ever# ti3e the Iua00)e goes through one o0 the hoo"s. Fo))ow 3eON MThe 1hasers throw the Iua00)e an+ "ut it through the hoo"s to s!ore/N Harr# re!ite+. MSo A thatJs sort o0 )i4e (as4et(a)) on (roo3sti!4s with si hoo"s/ isnJt itON MWhatJs (as4et(a))ON sai+ Woo+ !urious)#. MNever 3in+/N sai+ Harr# Hui!4)#. MNow/ thereJs another ")a#er on ea!h si+e whoJs !a))e+ the Kee"er A IJ3 Kee"er 0or Gr#00in+or. I have to 0)# aroun+ our hoo"s an+ sto" the other tea3 0ro3 s!oring.N MThree 1hasers/ one Kee"er/N sai+ Harr#/ who was +eter3ine+ to re3e3(er it a)). MAn+ the# ")a# with the Iua00)e. O4a#/ got that. So what are the# 0orON He "ointe+ at the three (a))s )e0t insi+e the (o . MIJ)) show #ou now/N sai+ Woo+. MTa4e this.N He han+e+ Harr# a s3a)) !)u(/ a (it )i4e a short (ase(a)) (at. MIJ3 going to show #ou what the B)u+gers +o/N Woo+ sai+. MThese two are the B)u+gers.N He showe+ Harr# two i+enti!a) (a))s/ Ket ()a!4 an+ s)ight)# s3a))er than the re+ Iua00)e. Harr# noti!e+ that the# see3e+ to (e straining to es!a"e the stra"s ho)+ing the3 insi+e the (o . MStan+ (a!4/N Woo+ warne+ Harr#. He (ent +own an+ 0ree+ one o0 the B)u+gers. At on!e/ the ()a!4 (a)) rose high in the air an+ then "e)te+ straight at Harr#Js 0a!e. Harr# swung at it with the (at to sto" it 0ro3 (rea4ing his nose/ an+ sent it =ig=agging awa# into the air A it =oo3e+ aroun+ their hea+s an+ then shot at Woo+/ who +ive+ on to" o0 it an+ 3anage+ to "in it to the groun+. MSeeON Woo+ "ante+/ 0or!ing the strugg)ing B)u+ger (a!4 into the !rate an+ stra""ing it +own sa0e)#. MThe B)u+gers ro!4et aroun+/

tr#ing to 4no!4 ")a#ers o00 their (roo3s. ThatJs wh# #ou have two Beaters on ea!h tea3 A the Weas)e# twins are ours A itJs their Ko( to "rote!t their si+e 0ro3 the B)u+gers an+ tr# an+ 4no!4 the3 towar+ the other tea3. So A thin4 #ouJve got a)) thatON MThree 1hasers tr# an+ s!ore with the Iua00)eL the Kee"er guar+s the goa) "ostsL the Beaters 4ee" the B)u+gers awa# 0ro3 their tea3/N Harr# ree)e+ o00. MGer# goo+/N sai+ Woo+. M2r A have the B)u+gers ever 4i))e+ an#oneON Harr# as4e+/ ho"ing he soun+e+ o00han+. MNever at Hogwarts. WeJve ha+ a !ou")e o0 (ro4en Kaws (ut nothing worse than that. Now/ the )ast 3e3(er o0 the tea3 is the See4er. ThatJs #ou. An+ #ou +onJt have to worr# a(out the Iua00)e or the B)u+gers AN MA un)ess the# !ra!4 3# hea+ o"en.N M7onJt worr#/ the Weas)e#s are 3ore than a 3at!h 0or the B)u+gers A I 3ean/ the#Jre )i4e a "air o0 hu3an B)u+gers the3se)ves.N Woo+ rea!he+ into the !rate an+ too4 out the 0ourth an+ )ast (a)). 1o3"are+ with the Iua00)e an+ the B)u+gers/ it was tin#/ a(out the si=e o0 a )arge wa)nut. It was (right go)+ an+ ha+ )itt)e 0)uttering si)ver wings. M,his*N sai+ Woo+/ Mis the Go)+en Snit!h/ an+ itJs the 3ost i3"ortant (a)) o0 the )ot. ItJs ver# har+ to !at!h (e!ause itJs so 0ast an+ +i00i!u)t to see. ItJs the See4erJs Ko( to !at!h it. YouJve got to weave in an+ out o0 the 1hasers/ Beaters/ B)u+gers/ an+ Iua00)e to get it (e0ore the other tea3Js See4er/ (e!ause whi!hever See4er !at!hes the Snit!h wins his tea3 an e tra hun+re+ an+ 0i0t# "oints/ so the# near)# a)wa#s win. ThatJs wh# See4ers get 0ou)e+ so 3u!h. A ga3e o0 Iui++it!h on)# en+s when the Snit!h is !aught/ so it !an go on 0or ages A I thin4 the re!or+ is three 3onths/ the# ha+ to 4ee" (ringing on su(stitutes so the ")a#ers !ou)+ get so3e s)ee". MWe))/ thatJs it A an# HuestionsON Harr# shoo4 his hea+. He un+erstoo+ what he ha+ to +o a)) right/ it was +oing it that was going to (e the "ro()e3. MWe wonJt "ra!ti!e with the Snit!h #et/N sai+ Woo+/ !are0u))# shutting it (a!4 insi+e the !rate/ MitJs too +ar4/ we 3ight )ose it. LetJs tr# #ou out with a 0ew o0 these.N He "u))e+ a (ag o0 or+inar# go)0 (a))s out o0 his "o!4et an+ a 0ew 3inutes )ater/ he an+ Harr# were u" in the air/ Woo+ throwing the go)0 (a))s as har+ as he !ou)+ in ever# +ire!tion 0or Harr# to !at!h. Harr# +i+nJt 3iss a sing)e one/ an+ Woo+ was +e)ighte+. A0ter ha)0 an hour/ night ha+ rea))# 0a))en an+ the# !ou)+nJt !arr# on.

MThat Iui++it!h 1u"J)) have our na3e on it this #ear/N sai+ Woo+ ha""i)# as the# tru+ge+ (a!4 u" to the !ast)e. MI wou)+nJt (e sur"rise+ i0 #ou turn out (etter than 1har)ie Weas)e#/ an+ he !ou)+ have ")a#e+ 0or 2ng)an+ i0 he ha+nJt gone o00 !hasing +ragons.N ,erha"s it was (e!ause he was now so (us#/ what with Iui++it!h "ra!ti!e three evenings a wee4 on to" o0 a)) his ho3ewor4/ (ut Harr# !ou)+ har+)# (e)ieve it when he rea)i=e+ that heJ+ a)rea+# (een at Hogwarts two 3onths. The !ast)e 0e)t 3ore )i4e ho3e than ,rivet 7rive ever ha+. His )essons/ too/ were (e!o3ing 3ore an+ 3ore interesting now that the# ha+ 3astere+ the (asi!s. On Ha))oween 3orning the# wo4e to the +e)i!ious s3e)) o0 (a4ing "u3"4in wa0ting through the !orri+ors. 2ven (etter/ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 announ!e+ in 1har3s that he thought the# were rea+# to start 3a4ing o(Ke!ts 0)#/ so3ething the# ha+ a)) (een +#ing to tr# sin!e the#J+ seen hi3 3a4e Nevi))eJs toa+ =oo3 aroun+ the !)assroo3. ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 "ut the !)ass into "airs to "ra!ti!e. Harr#Js "artner was Sea3us Finnigan Qwhi!h was a re)ie0/ (e!ause Nevi))e ha+ (een tr#ing to !at!h his e#eR. Ron/ however/ was to (e wor4ing with Her3ione Granger. It was har+ to te)) whether Ron or Her3ione was angrier a(out this. She ha+nJt s"o4en to either o0 the3 sin!e the +a# Harr#Js (roo3sti!4 ha+ arrive+. MNow/ +onJt 0orget that ni!e wrist 3ove3ent weJve (een "ra!ti!ingPN sHuea4e+ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ "er!he+ on to" o0 his "i)e o0 (oo4s as usua). MSwish an+ 0)i!4/ re3e3(er/ swish an+ 0)i!4. An+ sa#ing the 3agi! wor+s "ro"er)# is ver# i3"ortant/ too A never 0orget Wi=ar+ Baru00io/ who sai+ SsJ instea+ o0 S0 J an+ 0oun+ hi3se)0 on the 0)oor with a (u00a)o on his !hest.N It was ver# +i00i!u)t. Harr# an+ Sea3us swishe+ an+ 0)i!4e+/ (ut the 0eather the# were su""ose+ to (e sen+ing s4#war+ Kust )a# on the +es4to". Sea3us got so i3"atient that he "ro++e+ it with his wan+ an+ set 0ire to it A Harr# ha+ to "ut it out with his hat. Ron/ at the ne t ta()e/ wasnJt having 3u!h 3ore )u!4. M4in'ardi"m /e0iosaPN he shoute+/ waving his )ong ar3s )i4e a win+3i)). MYouJre sa#ing it wrong/N Harr# hear+ Her3ione sna". MItJs Wing;'ar;+iu3 Levi;o;sa/ 3a4e the SgarJ ni!e an+ )ong.N MYou +o it/ then/ i0 #ouJre so !)ever/N Ron snar)e+. Her3ione ro))e+ u" the s)eeves o0 her gown/ 0)i!4e+ her wan+/ an+ sai+/ M4in'ardi"m /e0iosaPN Their 0eather rose o00 the +es4 an+ hovere+ a(out 0our 0eet a(ove their hea+s. MOh/ we)) +onePN !rie+ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ !)a""ing. M2ver#one

see here/ *iss GrangerJs +one itPN Ron was in a ver# (a+ 3oo+ (# the en+ o0 the !)ass. MItJs no won+er no one !an stan+ her/N he sai+ to Harr# as the# "ushe+ their wa# into the !row+e+ !orri+or/ MsheJs a night3are/ honest)#.N So3eone 4no!4e+ into Harr# as the# hurrie+ "ast hi3. It was Her3ione. Harr# !aught a g)i3"se o0 her 0a!e A an+ was start)e+ to see that she was in tears. MI thin4 she hear+ #ou.N MSoON sai+ Ron/ (ut he )oo4e+ a (it un!o30orta()e. MShe 3ustJve noti!e+ sheJs got no 0rien+s.N Her3ione +i+nJt turn u" 0or the ne t !)ass an+ wasnJt seen a)) a0ternoon. On their wa# +own to the Great Ha)) 0or the Ha))oween 0east/ Harr# an+ Ron overhear+ ,arvati ,ati) te))ing her 0rien+ Laven+er that Her3ione was !r#ing in the gir)sJ (athroo3 an+ wante+ to (e )e0t a)one. Ron )oo4e+ sti)) 3ore aw4war+ at this/ (ut a 3o3ent )ater the# ha+ entere+ the Great Ha))/ where the Ha))oween +e!orations "ut Her3ione out o0 their 3in+s. A thousan+ )ive (ats 0)uttere+ 0ro3 the wa))s an+ !ei)ing whi)e a thousan+ 3ore swoo"e+ over the ta()es in )ow ()a!4 !)ou+s/ 3a4ing the !an+)es in the "u3"4ins stutter. The 0east a""eare+ su++en)# on the go)+en ")ates/ as it ha+ at the start;o0;ter3 (anHuet. Harr# was Kust he)"ing hi3se)0 to a (a4e+ "otato when ,ro0essor Iuirre)) !a3e s"rinting into the ha))/ his tur(an as4ew an+ terror on his 0a!e. 2ver#one stare+ as he rea!he+ ,ro0essor 7u3()e+oreJs !hair/ s)u3"e+ against the ta()e/ an+ gas"e+/ MTro)) A in the +ungeons A thought #ou ought to 4now.N He then san4 to the 0)oor in a +ea+ 0aint. There was an u"roar. It too4 severa) "ur")e 0ire!ra!4ers e ")o+ing 0ro3 the en+ o0 ,ro0essor 7u3()e+oreJs wan+ to (ring si)en!e. M,re0e!ts/N he ru3()e+/ M)ea+ #our Houses (a!4 to the +or3itories i33e+iate)#PN ,er!# was in his e)e3ent. MFo))ow 3eP Sti!4 together/ 0irst #earsP No nee+ to 0ear the tro)) i0 #ou 0o))ow 3# or+ersP Sta# !)ose (ehin+ 3e/ now. *a4e wa#/ 0irst #ears !o3ing throughP 2 !use 3e/ IJ3 a "re0e!tPN MHow !ou)+ a tro)) get inON Harr# as4e+ as the# !)i3(e+ the stairs. M7onJt as4 3e/ the#Jre su""ose+ to (e rea))# stu"i+/N sai+ Ron. M*a#(e ,eeves )et it in 0or a Ha))oween Ko4e.N The# "asse+ +i00erent grou"s o0 "eo")e hurr#ing in +i00erent +ire!tions.

As the# Kost)e+ their wa# through a !row+ o0 !on0use+ Hu00)e"u00s/ Harr# su++en)# gra((e+ RonJs ar3. MIJve Kust thought A Her3ione.N MWhat a(out herON MShe +oesnJt 4now a(out the tro)).N Ron (it his )i". MOh/ a)) right/N he sna""e+. MBut ,er!#J+ (etter not see us.N 7u!4ing +own/ the# Koine+ the Hu00)e"u00s going the other wa#/ s)i""e+ +own a +eserte+ si+e !orri+or/ an+ hurrie+ o00 towar+ the gir)sJ (athroo3. The# ha+ Kust turne+ the !orner when the# hear+ Hui!4 0ootste"s (ehin+ the3. M,er!#PN hisse+ Ron/ "u))ing Harr# (ehin+ a )arge stone gri00in. ,eering aroun+ it/ however/ the# saw not ,er!# (ut Sna"e. He !rosse+ the !orri+or an+ +isa""eare+ 0ro3 view. MWhatJs he +oingON Harr# whis"ere+. MWh# isnJt he +own in the +ungeons with the rest o0 the tea!hersON MSear!h 3e.N Iuiet)# as "ossi()e/ the# !re"t a)ong the ne t !orri+or a0ter Sna"eJs 0a+ing 0ootste"s. MHeJs hea+ing 0or the thir+ 0)oor/N Harr# sai+/ (ut Ron he)+ u" his han+. M1an #ou s3e)) so3ethingON Harr# sni00e+ an+ a 0ou) sten!h rea!he+ his nostri)s/ a 3i ture o0 o)+ so!4s an+ the 4in+ o0 "u()i! toi)et no one see3s to !)ean. An+ then the# hear+ it A a )ow grunting/ an+ the shu00)ing 0oot0a))s o0 giganti! 0eet. Ron "ointe+ A at the en+ o0 a "assage to the )e0t/ so3ething huge was 3oving towar+ the3. The# shran4 into the sha+ows an+ wat!he+ as it e3erge+ into a "at!h o0 3oon)ight. It was a horri()e sight. Twe)ve 0eet ta))/ its s4in was a +u))/ granite gra#/ its great )u3"# (o+# )i4e a (ou)+er with its s3a)) (a)+ hea+ "er!he+ on to" )i4e a !o!onut. It ha+ short )egs thi!4 as tree trun4s with 0)at/ horn# 0eet. The s3e)) !o3ing 0ro3 it was in!re+i()e. It was ho)+ing a huge woo+en !)u(/ whi!h +ragge+ a)ong the 0)oor (e!ause its ar3s were so )ong. The tro)) sto""e+ ne t to a +oorwa# an+ "eere+ insi+e. It wagg)e+ its )ong ears/ 3a4ing u" its tin# 3in+/ then s)ou!he+ s)ow)# into the roo3. MThe 4e#Js in the )o!4/N Harr# 3uttere+. MWe !ou)+ )o!4 it in.N MGoo+ i+ea/N sai+ Ron nervous)#. The# e+ge+ towar+ the o"en +oor/ 3ouths +r#/ "ra#ing the tro)) wasnJt a(out to !o3e out o0 it. With one great )ea"/ Harr# 3anage+ to gra( the 4e#/ s)a3 the +oor/ an+ )o!4 it.

M2esPN F)ushe+ with their vi!tor#/ the# starte+ to run (a!4 u" the "as sage/ (ut as the# rea!he+ the !orner the# hear+ so3ething that 3a+e their hearts sto" A a high/ "etri0ie+ s!rea3 A an+ it was !o3ing 0ro3 the !ha3(er the#J+ Kust !haine+ u". MOh/ no/N sai+ Ron/ "a)e as the B)oo+# Baron. MItJs the gir)sJ (athroo3PN Harr# gas"e+. MHermionePN the# sai+ together. It was the )ast thing the# wante+ to +o/ (ut what !hoi!e +i+ the# haveO Whee)ing aroun+/ the# s"rinte+ (a!4 to the +oor an+ turne+ the 4e#/ 0u3()ing in their "ani!. Harr# "u))e+ the +oor o"en an+ the# ran insi+e. Her3ione Granger was shrin4ing against the wa)) o""osite/ )oo4ing as i0 she was a(out to 0aint. The tro)) was a+van!ing on her/ 4no!4ing the sin4s o00 the wa))s as it went. M1on0use itPN Harr# sai+ +es"erate)# to Ron/ an+/ sei=ing a ta"/ he threw it as har+ as he !ou)+ against the wa)). The tro)) sto""e+ a 0ew 0eet 0ro3 Her3ione. It )u3(ere+ aroun+/ ()in4ing stu"i+)#/ to see what ha+ 3a+e the noise. Its 3ean )itt)e e#es saw Harr#. It hesitate+/ then 3a+e 0or hi3 instea+/ )i0ting its !)u( as it went. MO#/ "ea;(rainPN #e))e+ Ron 0ro3 the other si+e o0 the !ha3(er/ an+ he threw a 3eta) "i"e at it. The tro)) +i+nJt even see3 to noti!e the "i"e hitting its shou)+er/ (ut it hear+ the #e)) an+ "ause+ again/ turning its ug)# snout towar+ Ron instea+/ giving Harr# ti3e to run aroun+ it. M1o3e on/ run/ r"nPN Harr# #e))e+ at Her3ione/ tr#ing to "u)) her towar+ the +oor/ (ut she !ou)+nJt 3ove/ she was sti)) 0)at against the wa))/ her 3outh o"en with terror. The shouting an+ the e!hoes see3e+ to (e +riving the tro)) (erser4. It roare+ again an+ starte+ towar+ Ron/ who was nearest an+ ha+ no wa# to es!a"e. Harr# then +i+ so3ething that was (oth ver# (rave an+ ver# stu"i+6 He too4 a great running Ku3" an+ 3anage+ to 0asten his ar3s aroun+ the tro))Js ne!4 0ro3 (ehin+. The tro)) !ou)+nJt 0ee) Harr# hanging there/ (ut even a tro)) wi)) noti!e i0 #ou sti!4 a )ong (it o0 woo+ u" its nose/ an+ Harr#Js wan+ ha+ sti)) (een in his han+ when heJ+ Ku3"e+ A it ha+ gone straight u" one o0 the tro))Js nostri)s. How)ing with "ain/ the tro)) twiste+ an+ 0)ai)e+ its !)u(/ with Harr# !)inging on 0or +ear )i0eL an# se!on+/ the tro)) was going to ri" hi3 o00 or !at!h hi3 a terri()e ()ow with the !)u(. Her3ione ha+ sun4 to the 0)oor in 0rightL Ron "u))e+ out his

own wan+ A not 4nowing what he was going to +o he hear+ hi3se)0 !r# the 0irst s"e)) that !a3e into his hea+6 M4in'ardi"m /e0iosaPN The !)u( 0)ew su++en)# out o0 the tro))Js han+/ rose high/ high u" into the air/ turne+ s)ow)# over A an+ +ro""e+/ with a si!4ening !ra!4/ onto its ownerJs hea+. The tro)) swa#e+ on the s"ot an+ then 0e)) 0)at on its 0a!e/ with a thu+ that 3a+e the who)e roo3 tre3()e. Harr# got to his 0eet. He was sha4ing an+ out o0 (reath. Ron was stan+ing there with his wan+ sti)) raise+/ staring at what he ha+ +one. It was Her3ione who s"o4e 0irst. MIs it A +ea+ON MI +onJt thin4 so/N sai+ Harr#/ MI thin4 itJs Kust (een 4no!4e+ out.N He (ent +own an+ "u))e+ his wan+ out o0 the tro))Js nose. It was !overe+ in what )oo4e+ )i4e )u3"# gra# g)ue. MErgh ; tro)) (oogers.N He wi"e+ it on the tro))Js trousers. A su++en s)a33ing an+ )ou+ 0ootste"s 3a+e the three o0 the3 )oo4 u". The# ha+nJt rea)i=e+ what a ra!4et the# ha+ (een 3a4ing/ (ut o0 !ourse/ so3eone +ownstairs 3ust have hear+ the !rashes an+ the tro))Js roars. A 3o3ent )ater/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ha+ !o3e (ursting into the roo3/ !)ose)# 0o))owe+ (# Sna"e/ with Iuirre)) (ringing u" the rear. Iuirre)) too4 one )oo4 at the tro))/ )et out a 0aint whi3"er/ an+ sat Hui!4)# +own on a toi)et/ !)ut!hing his heart. Sna"e (ent over the tro)). ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was )oo4ing at Ron an+ Harr#. Harr# ha+ never seen her )oo4 so angr#. Her )i"s were white. Ho"es o0 winning 0i0t# "oints 0or Gr#00in+or 0a+e+ Hui!4)# 0ro3 Harr#Js 3in+. MWhat on earth were #ou thin4ing o0ON sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ with !o)+ 0ur# in her voi!e. Harr# )oo4e+ at Ron/ who was sti)) stan+ing with his wan+ in the air. MYouJre )u!4# #ou werenJt 4i))e+. Wh# arenJt #ou in #our +or3itor#ON Sna"e gave Harr# a swi0t/ "ier!ing )oo4. Harr# )oo4e+ at the 0)oor. He wishe+ Ron wou)+ "ut his wan+ +own. Then a s3a)) voi!e !a3e out o0 the sha+ows. M,)ease/ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) A the# were )oo4ing 0or 3e.N M*iss GrangerPN Her3ione ha+ 3anage+ to get to her 0eet at )ast. MI went )oo4ing 0or the tro)) (e!ause I A I thought I !ou)+ +ea) with it on 3# own A #ou 4now/ (e!ause IJve rea+ a)) a(out the3.N

Ron +ro""e+ his wan+. Her3ione Granger/ te))ing a +ownright )ie to a tea!herO MI0 the# ha+nJt 0oun+ 3e/ IJ+ (e +ea+ now. Harr# stu!4 his wan+ u" its nose an+ Ron 4no!4e+ it out with its own !)u(. The# +i+nJt have ti3e to !o3e an+ 0et!h an#one. It was a(out to 0inish 3e o00 when the# arrive+.N Harr# an+ Ron trie+ to )oo4 as though this stor# wasnJt new to the3. MWe)) A in that !ase . . .N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ staring at the three o0 the3/ M*iss Granger/ #ou 0oo)ish gir)/ how !ou)+ #ou thin4 o0 ta!4)ing a 3ountain tro)) on #our ownON Her3ione hung her hea+. Harr# was s"ee!h)ess. Her3ione was the )ast "erson to +o an#thing against the ru)es/ an+ here she was/ "reten+ing she ha+/ to get the3 out o0 trou()e. It was as i0 Sna"e ha+ starte+ han+ing out sweets. M*iss Granger/ 0ive "oints wi)) (e ta4en 0ro3 Gr#00in+or 0or this/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MIJ3 ver# +isa""ointe+ in #ou. I0 #ouJre not hurt at a))/ #ouJ+ (etter get o00 to Gr#00in+or Tower. Stu+ents are 0inishing the 0east in their Houses.N Her3ione )e0t. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) turne+ to Harr# an+ Ron. MWe))/ I sti)) sa# #ou were )u!4#/ (ut not 3an# 0irst #ears !ou)+ have ta4en on a 0u));grown 3ountain tro)). You ea!h win Gr#00in+or 0ive "oints. ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore wi)) (e in0or3e+ o0 this. You 3a# go.N The# hurrie+ out o0 the !ha3(er an+ +i+nJt s"ea4 at a)) unti) the# ha+ !)i3(e+ two 0)oors u". It was a re)ie0 to (e awa# 0ro3 the s3e)) o0 the tro))/ Huite a"art 0ro3 an#thing e)se. MWe shou)+ have gotten 3ore than ten "oints/N Ron gru3()e+. MFive/ #ou 3ean/ on!e sheJs ta4en o00 Her3ioneJs.N MGoo+ o0 her to get us out o0 trou()e )i4e that/N Ron a+3itte+. M*in+ #ou/ we did save her.N MShe 3ight not have nee+e+ saving i0 we ha+nJt )o!4e+ the thing in with her/N Harr# re3in+e+ hi3. The# ha+ rea!he+ the "ortrait o0 the Fat La+#. M,ig snout/N the# sai+ an+ entere+. The !o33on roo3 was "a!4e+ an+ nois#. 2ver#one was eating the 0oo+ that ha+ (een sent u". Her3ione/ however/ stoo+ a)one (# the +oor/ waiting 0or the3. There was a ver# e3(arrasse+ "ause. Then/ none o0 the3 )oo4ing at ea!h other/ the# a)) sai+ MThan4s/N an+ hurrie+ o00 to get ")ates. But 0ro3 that 3o3ent on/ Her3ione Granger (e!a3e their

0rien+. There are so3e things #ou !anJt share without en+ing u" )i4ing ea!h other/ an+ 4no!4ing out a twe)ve;0oot 3ountain tro)) is one o0 the3.

(HAPT%R %L%&%!
As the# entere+ Nove3(er/ the weather turne+ ver# !o)+. The 3ountains aroun+ the s!hoo) (e!a3e i!# gra# an+ the )a4e )i4e !hi))e+ stee). 2ver# 3orning the groun+ was !overe+ in 0rost. Hagri+ !ou)+ (e seen 0ro3 the u"stairs win+ows +e0rosting (roo3sti!4s on the Iui++it!h 0ie)+/ (un+)e+ u" in a )ong 3o)es4in over!oat/ ra((it 0ur g)oves/ an+ enor3ous (eavers4in (oots. The Iui++it!h season ha+ (egun. On Satur+a#/ Harr# wou)+ (e ")a#ing in his 0irst 3at!h a0ter wee4s o0 training6 Gr#00in+or versus S)#therin. I0 Gr#00in+or won/ the# wou)+ 3ove u" into se!on+ ")a!e in the House 1ha3"ionshi". Har+)# an#one ha+ seen Harr# ")a# (e!ause Woo+ ha+ +e!i+e+ that/ as their se!ret wea"on/ Harr# shou)+ (e 4e"t/ we))/ se!ret. But the news that he was ")a#ing See4er ha+ )ea4e+ out so3ehow/ an+ Harr# +i+nJt 4now whi!h was worse A "eo")e te))ing hi3 heJ+ (e (ri))iant or "eo")e te))ing hi3 the#J+ (e running aroun+ un+erneath hi3 ho)+ing a 3attress. It was rea))# )u!4# that Harr# now ha+ Her3ione as a 0rien+. He +i+nJt 4now how heJ+ have gotten through a)) his ho3ewor4 without her/ what with a)) the )ast;3inute Iui++it!h "ra!ti!e Woo+ was 3a4ing the3 +o. She ha+ a)so )ent hi3 <"idditch ,hro"'h the A'es* whi!h turne+ out to (e a ver# interesting rea+. Harr# )earne+ that there were seven hun+re+ wa#s o0 !o33itting a Iui++it!h 0ou) an+ that a)) o0 the3 ha+ ha""ene+ +uring a Wor)+ 1u" 3at!h in %?'>L that See4ers were usua))# the s3a))est an+ 0astest ")a#ers/ an+ that 3ost serious Iui++it!h a!!i+ents see3e+ to ha""en to the3L that a)though "eo")e rare)# +ie+ ")a#ing Iui++it!h/ re0erees ha+ (een 4nown to vanish an+ turn u" 3onths )ater in the Sahara 7esert. Her3ione ha+ (e!o3e a (it 3ore re)a e+ a(out (rea4ing ru)es

sin!e Harr# an+ Ron ha+ save+ her 0ro3 the 3ountain tro))/ an+ she was 3u!h ni!er 0or it. The +a# (e0ore Harr#Js 0irst Iui++it!h 3at!h the three o0 the3 were out in the 0ree=ing !ourt#ar+ +uring (rea4/ an+ she ha+ !onKure+ the3 u" a (right ()ue 0ire that !ou)+ (e !arrie+ aroun+ in a Ka3 Kar. The# were stan+ing with their (a!4s to it/ getting war3/ when Sna"e !rosse+ the #ar+. Harr# noti!e+ at on!e that Sna"e was )i3"ing. Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione 3ove+ !)oser together to ()o!4 the 0ire 0ro3 viewL the# were sure it wou)+nJt (e a))owe+. En0ortunate)#/ so3ething a(out their gui)t# 0a!es !aught Sna"eJs e#e. He )i3"e+ over. He ha+nJt seen the 0ire/ (ut he see3e+ to (e )oo4ing 0or a reason to te)) the3 o00 an#wa#. MWhatJs that #ouJve got there/ ,otterON It was <"idditch ,hro"'h the A'es( Harr# showe+ hi3. MLi(rar# (oo4s are not to (e ta4en outsi+e the s!hoo)/N sai+ Sna"e. MGive it to 3e. Five "oints 0ro3 Gr#00in+or.N MHeJs Kust 3a+e that ru)e u"/N Harr# 3uttere+ angri)# as Sna"e )i3"e+ awa#. MWon+er whatJs wrong with his )egON M7unno/ (ut I ho"e itJs rea))# hurting hi3/N sai+ Ron (itter)#. The Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3 was ver# nois# that evening. Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione sat together ne t to a win+ow. Her3ione was !he!4ing Harr# an+ RonJs 1har3s ho3ewor4 0or the3. She wou)+ never )et the3 !o"# QMHow wi)) #ou )earnONR/ (ut (# as4ing her to rea+ it through/ the# got the right answers an#wa#. Harr# 0e)t rest)ess. He wante+ <"idditch ,hro"'h the A'es (a!4/ to ta4e his 3in+ o00 his nerves a(out to3orrow. Wh# shou)+ he (e a0rai+ o0 Sna"eO Getting u"/ he to)+ Ron an+ Her3ione he was going to as4 Sna"e i0 he !ou)+ have it. MBetter #ou than 3e/N the# sai+ together/ (ut Harr# ha+ an i+ea that Sna"e wou)+nJt re0use i0 there were other tea!hers )istening. He 3a+e his wa# +own to the sta00roo3 an+ 4no!4e+. There was no answer. He 4no!4e+ again. Nothing. ,erha"s Sna"e ha+ )e0t the (oo4 in thereO It was worth a tr#. He "ushe+ the +oor aKar an+ "eere+ insi+e A an+ a horri()e s!ene 3et his e#es. Sna"e an+ Fi)!h were insi+e/ a)one. Sna"e was ho)+ing his ro(es a(ove his 4nees. One o0 his )egs was ()oo+# an+ 3ang)e+. Fi)!h was han+ing Sna"e (an+ages. MB)aste+ thing/N Sna"e was sa#ing. MHow are #ou su""ose+ to 4ee" #our e#es on a)) three hea+s at on!eON Harr# trie+ to shut the +oor Huiet)#/ (ut A M,OTT2RPN Sna"eJs 0a!e was twiste+ with 0ur# as he +ro""e+ his ro(es

Hui!4)# to hi+e his )eg. Harr# gu)"e+. MI Kust won+ere+ i0 I !ou)+ have 3# (oo4 (a!4.N MG2T OETP O@,PN Harr# )e0t/ (e0ore Sna"e !ou)+ ta4e an# 3ore "oints 0ro3 Gr#00in+or. He s"rinte+ (a!4 u"stairs. M7i+ #ou get itON Ron as4e+ as Harr# Koine+ the3. MWhatJs the 3atterON In a )ow whis"er/ Harr# to)+ the3 what heJ+ seen. MYou 4now what this 3eansON he 0inishe+ (reath)ess)#. MHe trie+ to get "ast that three;hea+e+ +og at Ha))oweenP ThatJs where he was going when we saw hi3 A heJs a0ter whatever itJs guar+ingP An+ IJ+ (et 3# (roo3sti!4 he )et that tro)) in/ to 3a4e a +iversionPN Her3ioneJs e#es were wi+e. MNo A he wou)+nJt/N she sai+. MI 4now heJs not ver# ni!e/ (ut he wou)+nJt tr# an+ stea) so3ething 7u3()e+ore was 4ee"ing sa0e.N MHonest)#/ Her3ione/ #ou thin4 a)) tea!hers are saints or so3ething/N sna""e+ Ron. MIJ3 with Harr#. I wou)+nJt "ut an#thing "ast Sna"e. But whatJs he a0terO WhatJs that +og guar+ingON Harr# went to (e+ with his hea+ (u==ing with the sa3e Huestion. Nevi))e was snoring )ou+)#/ (ut Harr# !ou)+nJt s)ee". He trie+ to e3"t# his 3in+ A he nee+e+ to s)ee"/ he ha+ to/ he ha+ his 0irst Iui++it!h 3at!h in a 0ew hours A (ut the e "ression on Sna"eJs 0a!e when Harr# ha+ seen his )eg wasnJt eas# to 0orget. The ne t 3orning +awne+ ver# (right an+ !o)+. The Great Ha)) was 0u)) o0 the +e)i!ious s3e)) o0 0rie+ sausages an+ the !heer 0u) !hatter o0 ever#one )oo4ing 0orwar+ to a goo+ Iui++it!h 3at!h. MYouJve got to eat so3e (rea40ast.N MI +onJt want an#thing.N MJust a (it o0 toast/N whee+)e+ Her3ione. MIJ3 not hungr#.N Harr# 0e)t terri()e. In an hourJs ti3e heJ+ (e wa)4ing onto the 0ie)+. MHarr#/ #ou nee+ #our strength/N sai+ Sea3us Finnigan. MSee4ers are a)wa#s the ones who get !)o((ere+ (# the other tea3.N MThan4s/ Sea3us/N sai+ Harr#/ wat!hing Sea3us "i)e 4et!hu" on his sausages. B# e)even oJ!)o!4 the who)e s!hoo) see3e+ to (e out in the stan+s aroun+ the Iui++it!h "it!h. *an# stu+ents ha+ (ino!u)ars. The seats 3ight (e raise+ high in the air/ (ut it was sti)) +i00i!u)t to see what was going on so3eti3es. Ron an+ Her3ione Koine+ Nevi))e/ Sea3us/ an+ 7ean the West

Ha3 0an u" in the to" row. As a sur"rise 0or Harr#/ the# ha+ "ainte+ a )arge (anner on one o0 the sheets S!a((ers ha+ ruine+. It sai+ Potter for President* an+ 7ean/ who was goo+ at +rawing/ ha+ +one a )arge Gr#00in+or )ion un+erneath. Then Her3ione ha+ "er0or3e+ a tri!4# )itt)e !har3 so that the "aint 0)ashe+ +i00erent !o)ors. *eanwhi)e/ in the )o!4er roo3/ Harr# an+ the rest o0 the tea3 were !hanging into their s!ar)et Iui++it!h ro(es QS)#therin wou)+ (e ")a#ing in greenR. Woo+ !)eare+ his throat 0or si)en!e. MO4a#/ 3en/N he sai+. MAn+ wo3en/N sai+ 1haser Ange)ina Johnson. MAn+ wo3en/N Woo+ agree+. MThis is it.N MThe (ig one/N sai+ Fre+ Weas)e#. MThe one weJve a)) (een waiting 0or/N sai+ George. MWe 4now O)iverJs s"ee!h (# heart/N Fre+ to)+ Harr#/ Mwe were on the tea3 )ast #ear.N MShut u"/ #ou two/N sai+ Woo+. MThis is the (est tea3 Gr#00in+orJs ha+ in #ears. WeJre going to win. I 4now it.N He g)are+ at the3 a)) as i0 to sa#/ MOr e)se.N MRight. Its ti3e. Goo+ )u!4/ a)) o0 #ou.N Harr# 0o))owe+ Fre+ an+ George out o0 the )o!4er roo3 an+/ ho"ing his 4nees werenJt going to give wa#/ wa)4e+ onto the 0ie)+ to )ou+ !heers. *a+a3 Hoo!h was re0ereeing. She stoo+ in the 3i++)e o0 the 0ie)+ waiting 0or the two tea3s/ her (roo3 in her han+. MNow/ I want a ni!e 0air ga3e/ a)) o0 #ou/N she sai+/ on!e the# were a)) gathere+ aroun+ her. Harr# noti!e+ that she see3e+ to (e s"ea4ing "arti!u)ar)# to the S)#therin 1a"tain/ *ar!us F)int/ a 0i0th #ear. Harr# thought F)int )oo4e+ as i0 he ha+ so3e tro)) ()oo+ in hi3. Out o0 the !orner o0 his e#e he saw the 0)uttering (anner high a(ove/ 0)ashing Potter for President over the !row+. His heart s4i""e+. He 0e)t (raver. M*ount #our (roo3s/ ")ease.N Harr# !)a3(ere+ onto his Ni3(us Two Thousan+. *a+a3 Hoo!h gave a )ou+ ()ast on her si)ver whist)e. Fi0teen (roo3s rose u"/ high/ high into the air. The# were o00. MAn+ the Iua00)e is ta4en i33e+iate)# (# Ange)ina Johnson o0 Gr#00in+or A what an e !e))ent 1haser that gir) is/ an+ rather attra!tive/ too AN MJOR7ANPN

MSorr#/ ,ro0essor.N The Weas)e# twinsJ 0rien+/ Lee Jor+an/ was +oing the !o33entar# 0or the 3at!h/ !)ose)# wat!he+ (# ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MAn+ sheJs rea))# (e)ting a)ong u" there/ a neat "ass to A)i!ia S"innet/ a goo+ 0in+ o0 O)iver Woo+Js/ )ast #ear on)# a reserve A (a!4 to Johnson an+ A no/ the S)#therins have ta4en the Iua00)e/ S)#therin 1a"tain *ar!us F)int gains the Iua00)e an+ o00 he goes A F)int 0)#ing )i4e an eag)e u" there A heJs going to s!; no/ sto""e+ (# an e !e))ent 3ove (# Gr#00in+or Kee"er Woo+ an+ the Gr#00in+ors ta4e the Iua00)e A thatJs 1haser Katie Be)) o0 Gr#00in+or there/ ni!e +ive aroun+ F)int/ o00 u" the 0ie)+ an+ A OE1H A that 3ust have hurt/ hit in the (a!4 o0 the hea+ (# a B)u+ger A Iua00)e ta4en (# the S)#therins A thatJs A+rian ,u!e# s"ee+ing o00 towar+ the goa) "osts/ (ut heJs ()o!4e+ (# a se!on+ B)u+ger A sent his wa# (# Fre+ or George Weas)e#/ !anJt te)) whi!h A ni!e ")a# (# the Gr#00in+or Beater/ an#wa#/ an+ Johnson (a!4 in "ossession o0 the Iua00)e/ a !)ear 0ie)+ ahea+ an+ o00 she goes A sheJs rea))# 0)#ing A +o+ges a s"ee+ing B)u+ger A the goa) "osts are ahea+ A !o3e on/ now/ Ange)ina A Kee"er B)et!h)e# +ives A 3isses A GRYFFIN7ORS S1OR2PN Gr#00in+or !heers 0i))e+ the !o)+ air/ with how)s an+ 3oans 0ro3 the S)#therins. MBu+ge u" there/ 3ove a)ong.N MHagri+PN Ron an+ Her3ione sHuee=e+ together to give Hagri+ enough s"a!e to Koin the3. MBin wat!hinJ 0ro3 3e hut/N sai+ Hagri+/ "atting a )arge "air o0 (ino!u)ars aroun+ his ne!4/ MBut it isnJt the sa3e as (einJ in the !row+. No sign o0 the Snit!h #et/ ehON MNo"e/N sai+ Ron. MHarr# hasnJt ha+ 3u!h to +o #et.N MKe"t outta trou()e/ though/ thatJs so3ethinJ/N sai+ Hagri+/ raising his (ino!u)ars an+ "eering s4#war+ at the s"e!4 that was Harr#. Wa# u" a(ove the3/ Harr# was g)i+ing over the ga3e/ sHuinting a(out 0or so3e sign o0 the Snit!h. This was "art o0 his an+ Woo+Js ga3e ")an. MKee" out o0 the wa# unti) #ou !at!h sight o0 the Snit!h/N Woo+ ha+ sai+. MWe +onJt want #ou atta!4e+ (e0ore #ou have to (e.N When Ange)ina ha+ s!ore+/ Harr# ha+ +one a !ou")e o0 )oo"the; )oo"s to )et o00 his 0ee)ings. Now he was (a!4 to staring aroun+ 0or the Snit!h. On!e he !aught sight o0 a 0)ash o0 go)+/ (ut it was Kust a re0)e!tion 0ro3 one o0 the Weas)e#sJ wristwat!hes/ an+ on!e a B)u+ger +e!i+e+ to !o3e "e)ting his wa#/ 3ore )i4e a !annon(a))

than an#thing/ (ut Harr# +o+ge+ it an+ Fre+ Weas)e# !a3e !hasing a0ter it. MA)) right there/ Harr#ON he ha+ ti3e to #e))/ as he (eat the B)u+ger 0urious)# towar+ *ar!us F)int. MS)#therin in "ossession/N Lee Jor+an was sa#ing/ M1haser ,u!e# +u!4s two B)u+gers/ two Weas)e#s/ an+ 1haser Be))/ an+ s"ee+s towar+ the A wait a 3o3ent A was that the Snit!hON A 3ur3ur ran through the !row+ as A+rian ,u!e# +ro""e+ the Iua00)e/ too (us# )oo4ing over his shou)+er at the 0)ash o0 go)+ that ha+ "asse+ his )e0t ear. Harr# saw it. In a great rush o0 e !ite3ent he +ive+ +ownwar+ a0ter the strea4 o0 go)+. S)#therin See4er Teren!e Higgs ha+ seen it/ too. Ne!4 an+ ne!4 the# hurt)e+ towar+ the Snit!h A a)) the 1hasers see3e+ to have 0orgotten what the# were su""ose+ to (e +oing as the# hung in 3i+air to wat!h. Harr# was 0aster than Higgs A he !ou)+ see the )itt)e roun+ (a))/ wings 0)uttering/ +arting u" ahea+ A he "ut on an e tra s"urt o0 s"ee+ A WHA*P A roar o0 rage e!hoe+ 0ro3 the Gr#00in+ors (e)ow A *ar!us F)int ha+ ()o!4e+ Harr# on "ur"ose/ an+ Harr#Js (roo3 s"un o00 !ourse/ Harr# ho)+ing on 0or +ear )i0e. MFou)PN s!rea3e+ the Gr#00in+ors. *a+a3 Hoo!h s"o4e angri)# to F)int an+ then or+ere+ a 0ree shot at the goa) "osts 0or Gr#00in+or. But in a)) the !on0usion/ o0 !ourse/ the Go)+en Snit!h ha+ +isa""eare+ 0ro3 sight again. 7own in the stan+s/ 7ean Tho3as was #e))ing/ MSen+ hi3 o00/ re0P Re+ !ar+PN MWhat are #ou ta)4ing a(out/ 7eanON sai+ Ron. MRe+ !ar+PN sai+ 7ean 0urious)#. MIn so!!er #ou get shown the re+ !ar+ an+ #ouJre out o0 the ga3ePN MBut this isnJt so!!er/ 7ean/N Ron re3in+e+ hi3. Hagri+/ however/ was on 7eanJs si+e. MThe# oughta !hange the ru)es. F)int !ou)+a 4no!4e+ Harr# outta the air.N Lee Jor+an was 0in+ing it +i00i!u)t not to ta4e si+es. MSo A a0ter that o(vious an+ +isgusting (it o0 !heating AN MJor+anPN grow)e+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MI 3ean/ a0ter that o"en an+ revo)ting 0ou) AN M:ordan* -m !arnin' yo" AN MA)) right/ a)) right. F)int near)# 4i))s the Gr#00in+or See4er/ whi!h !ou)+ ha""en to an#one/ IJ3 sure/ so a "ena)t# to Gr#00in+or/ ta4en (# S"innet/ who "uts it awa#/ no trou()e/ an+ we !ontinue

")a#/ Gr#00in+or sti)) in "ossession.N It was as Harr# +o+ge+ another B)u+ger/ whi!h went s"inning +angerous)# "ast his hea+/ that it ha""ene+. His (roo3 gave a su++en/ 0rightening )ur!h. For a s")it se!on+/ he thought he was going to 0a)). He gri""e+ the (roo3 tight)# with (oth his han+s an+ 4nees. HeJ+ never 0e)t an#thing )i4e that. It ha""ene+ again. It was as though the (roo3 was tr#ing to (u!4 hi3 o00. But Ni3(us Two Thousan+s +i+ not su++en)# +e!i+e to (u!4 their ri+ers o00. Harr# trie+ to turn (a!4 towar+ the Gr#00in+or goa) "osts A he ha+ ha)0 a 3in+ to as4 Woo+ to !a)) ti3e;out A an+ then he rea)i=e+ that his (roo3 was !o3")ete)# out o0 his !ontro). He !ou)+nJt turn it. He !ou)+nJt +ire!t it at a)). It was =ig=agging through the air/ an+ ever# now an+ then 3a4ing vio)ent swishing 3ove3ents that a)3ost unseate+ hi3. Lee was sti)) !o33entating. MS)#therin in "ossession A F)int with the Iua00)e A "asses S"innet A "asses Be)) A hit har+ in the 0a!e (# a B)u+ger/ ho"e it (ro4e his nose A on)# Ko4ing/ ,ro0essor A S)#therins s!ore A oh no . . .N The S)#therins were !heering. No one see3e+ to have noti!e+ that Harr#Js (roo3 was (ehaving strange)# It was !arr#ing hi3 s)ow)# higher/ awa# 0ro3 the ga3e/ Ker4ing an+ twit!hing as it went. M7unno what Harr# thin4s heJs +oing/N Hagri+ 3u3()e+. He stare+ through his (ino!u)ars. MI0 I +i+nJ 4now (etter/ IJ+ sa# heJ+ )ost !ontro) o0 his (roo3 . . . (ut he !anJt have. . . .N Su++en)#/ "eo")e were "ointing u" at Harr# a)) over the stan+s. His (roo3 ha+ starte+ to ro)) over an+ over/ with hi3 on)# Kust 3anaging to ho)+ on. Then the who)e !row+ gas"e+. Harr#Js (roo3 ha+ given a wi)+ Ker4 an+ Harr# swung o00 it. He was now +ang)ing 0ro3 it/ ho)+ing on with on)# one han+. M7i+ so3ething ha""en to it when F)int ()o!4e+ hi3ON Sea3us whis"ere+. M1anJt have/N Hagri+ sai+/ his voi!e sha4ing. M1anJt nothing inter0ere with a (roo3sti!4 e !e"t "ower0u) 7ar4 3agi! A no 4i+ !ou)+ +o that to a Ni3(us Two Thousan+.N At these wor+s/ Her3ione sei=e+ Hagri+Js (ino!u)ars/ (ut instea+ o0 )oo4ing u" at Harr#/ she starte+ )oo4ing 0ranti!a))# at the !row+. MWhat are #ou +oingON 3oane+ Ron/ gra#;0a!e+. MI 4new it/N Her3ione gas"e+/ MSna"e A )oo4.N

Ron gra((e+ the (ino!u)ars. Sna"e was in the 3i++)e o0 the stan+s o""osite the3. He ha+ his e#es 0i e+ on Harr# an+ was 3uttering nonsto" un+er his (reath. MHeJs +oing so3ething A Kin ing the (roo3/N sai+ Her3ione. MWhat shou)+ we +oON MLeave it to 3e.N Be0ore Ron !ou)+ sa# another wor+/ Her3ione ha+ +isa""eare+. Ron turne+ the (ino!u)ars (a!4 on Harr#. His (roo3 was vi(rating so har+/ it was a)3ost i3"ossi()e 0or hi3 to hang on 3u!h )onger. The who)e !row+ was on its 0eet/ wat!hing/ terri0ie+/ as the Weas)e#s 0)ew u" to tr# an+ "u)) Harr# sa0e)# onto one o0 their (roo3s/ (ut it was no goo+ A ever# ti3e the# got near hi3/ the (roo3 wou)+ Ku3" higher sti)). The# +ro""e+ )ower an+ !ir!)e+ (eneath hi3/ o(vious)# ho"ing to !at!h hi3 i0 he 0e)). *ar!us F)int sei=e+ the Iua00)e an+ s!ore+ 0ive ti3es without an#one noti!ing. M1o3e on/ Her3ione/N Ron 3uttere+ +es"erate)#. Her3ione ha+ 0ought her wa# a!ross to the stan+ where Sna"e stoo+/ an+ was now ra!ing a)ong the row (ehin+ hi3L she +i+nJt even sto" to sa# sorr# as she 4no!4e+ ,ro0essor Iuirre)) hea+0irst into the row in 0ront. Rea!hing Sna"e/ she !rou!he+ +own/ "u))e+ out her wan+/ an+ whis"ere+ a 0ew/ we));!hosen wor+s. Bright ()ue 0)a3es shot 0ro3 her wan+ onto the he3 o0 Sna"eJs ro(es. It too4 "erha"s thirt# se!on+s 0or Sna"e to rea)i=e that he was on 0ire. A su++en #e)" to)+ her she ha+ +one her Ko(. S!oo"ing the 0ire o00 hi3 into a )itt)e Kar in her "o!4et/ she s!ra3()e+ (a!4 a)ong the row A Sna"e wou)+ never 4now what ha+ ha""ene+. It was enough. E" in the air/ Harr# was su++en)# a()e to !)a3(er (a!4 on to his (roo3. MNevi))e/ #ou !an )oo4PN Ron sai+. Nevi))e ha+ (een so((ing into Hagri+Js Ka!4et 0or the )ast 0ive 3inutes. Harr# was s"ee+ing towar+ the groun+ when the !row+ saw hi3 !)a" his han+ to his 3outh as though he was a(out to (e si!4 A he hit the 0ie)+ on a)) 0ours A !oughe+ A an+ so3ething go)+ 0e)) into his han+. MIJve got the Snit!hPN he shoute+/ waving it a(ove his hea+/ an+ the ga3e en+e+ in !o3")ete !on0usion. MHe +i+nJt catch it/ he near)# s!allo!ed it/N F)int was sti)) how)ing twent# 3inutes )ater/ (ut it 3a+e no +i00eren!e A Harr# ha+nJt (ro4en an# ru)es an+ Lee Jor+an was sti)) ha""i)# shouting the resu)ts A Gr#00in+or ha+ won (# one hun+re+ an+ sevent#

"oints to si t#. Harr# hear+ none o0 this/ though. He was (eing 3a+e a !u" o0 strong tea (a!4 in Hagri+Js hut/ with Ron an+ Her3ione. MIt was Sna"e/N Ron was e ")aining/ MHer3ione an+ I saw hi3. He was !ursing #our (roo3sti!4/ 3uttering/ he wou)+nJt ta4e his e#es o00 #ou.N MRu((ish/N sai+ Hagri+/ who ha+nJt hear+ a wor+ o0 what ha+ gone on ne t to hi3 in the stan+s. MWh# wou)+ Sna"e +o so3ethinJ )i4e thatON Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione )oo4e+ at one another/ won+ering what to te)) hi3. Harr# +e!i+e+ on the truth. MI 0oun+ out so3ething a(out hi3/N he to)+ Hagri+. MHe trie+ to get "ast that three;hea+e+ +og on Ha))oween. It (it hi3. We thin4 he was tr#ing to stea) whatever itJs guar+ing.N Hagri+ +ro""e+ the tea"ot. MHow +o #ou 4now a(out F)u00#ON he sai+. MFl"ffyON MYeah A heJs 3ine A (ought hi3 o00 a Gree4 !ha""ie I 3et in the "u( )asJ #ear A I )ent hi3 to 7u3()e+ore to guar+ the AN MYesON sai+ Harr# eager)#. MNow/ +onJt as4 3e an#3ore/N sai+ Hagri+ gru00)#. MThatJs to" se!ret/ that is.N MBut Sna"eJs tr#ing to steal it.N MRu((ish/N sai+ Hagri+ again. MSna"eJs a Hogwarts tea!her/ heJ+ +o nothinJ o0 the sort.N MSo wh# +i+ he Kust tr# an+ 4i)) Harr#ON !rie+ Her3ione. The a0ternoonJs events !ertain)# see3e+ to have !hange+ her 3in+ a(out Sna"e. MI 4now a Kin when I see one/ Hagri+/ IJve rea+ a)) a(out the3P YouJve got to 4ee" e#e !onta!t/ an+ Sna"e wasnJt ()in4ing at a))/ I saw hi3PN MIJ3 te))inJ #eh/ #er wrongPN sai+ Hagri+ hot)#. MI +onJ 4now wh# Harr#Js (roo3 a!te+ )i4e that/ (ut Sna"e wou)+nJ tr# anJ 4i)) a stu+entP Now/ )isten to 3e/ a)) three o0 #eh A #er 3e++)inJ in things that +onJ !on!ern #eh. ItJs +angerous. You 0orget that +og/ anJ #ou 0orget what itJs guar+inJ/ thatJs (etween ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore anJ Ni!o)as F)a3e) AN MAhaPN sai+ Harr#/ Mso thereJs so3eone !a))e+ Ni!o)as F)a3e) invo)ve+/ is thereON Hagri+ )oo4e+ 0urious with hi3se)0.

(HAPT%R T)%L&%
1hrist3as was !o3ing. One 3orning in 3i+;7e!e3(er/ Hogwarts wo4e to 0in+ itse)0 !overe+ in severa) 0eet o0 snow. The )a4e 0ro=e so)i+ an+ the Weas)e# twins were "unishe+ 0or (ewit!hing severa) snow(a))s so that the# 0o))owe+ Iuirre)) aroun+/ (oun!ing o00 the (a!4 o0 his tur(an. The 0ew ow)s that 3anage+ to (att)e their wa# through the stor3# s4# to +e)iver 3ai) ha+ to (e nurse+ (a!4 to hea)th (# Hagri+ (e0ore the# !ou)+ 0)# o00 again. No one !ou)+ wait 0or the ho)i+a#s to start. Whi)e the Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3 an+ the Great Ha)) ha+ roaring 0ires/ the +ra0t# !orri+ors ha+ (e!o3e i!# an+ a (itter win+ ratt)e+ the win+ows in the !)assroo3s. Worst o0 a)) were ,ro0essor Sna"eJs !)asses +own in the +ungeons/ where their (reath rose in a 3ist (e0ore the3 an+ the# 4e"t as !)ose as "ossi()e to their hot !au)+rons. MI +o 0ee) so sorr#/N sai+ 7ra!o *a)0o#/ one ,otions !)ass/ M0or a)) those "eo")e who have to sta# at Hogwarts 0or 1hrist3as (e!ause the#Jre not wante+ at ho3e.N He was )oo4ing over at Harr# as he s"o4e. 1ra((e an+ Go#)e !hu!4)e+. Harr#/ who was 3easuring out "ow+ere+ s"ine o0 )ion0ish/ ignore+ the3. *a)0o# ha+ (een even 3ore un")easant than usua) sin!e the Iui++it!h 3at!h. 7isguste+ that the S)#therins ha+ )ost/ he ha+ trie+ to get ever#one )aughing at how a wi+e;3outhe+ tree 0rog wou)+ (e re")a!ing Harr# as See4er ne t. Then heJ+ rea)i=e+ that no(o+# 0oun+ this 0unn#/ (e!ause the# were a)) so i3"resse+ at the wa# Harr# ha+ 3anage+ to sta# on his (u!4ing (roo3sti!4. So *a)0o#/ Kea)ous an+ angr#/ ha+ gone (a!4 to taunting Harr# a(out having no "ro"er 0a3i)#. It was true that Harr# wasnJt going (a!4 to ,rivet 7rive 0or 1hrist3as. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ha+ !o3e aroun+ the wee4 (e0ore/ 3a4ing a )ist o0 stu+ents who wou)+ (e sta#ing 0or the ho)i+a#s/ an+ Harr# ha+ signe+ u" at on!e. He +i+nJt 0ee) sorr# 0or hi3se)0 at a))L this wou)+ "ro(a()# (e the (est 1hrist3as heJ+ ever ha+. Ron an+ his (rothers were sta#ing/ too/ (e!ause *r. an+ *rs. Weas)e# were going to Ro3ania to visit 1har)ie. When the# )e0t the +ungeons at the en+ o0 ,otions/ the# 0oun+

a )arge 0ir tree ()o!4ing the !orri+or ahea+. Two enor3ous 0eet sti!4ing out at the (otto3 an+ a )ou+ "u00ing soun+ to)+ the3 that Hagri+ was (ehin+ it. MHi/ Hagri+/ want an# he)"ON Ron as4e+/ sti!4ing his hea+ through the (ran!hes. MNah/ IJ3 a)) right/ than4s/ Ron.N MWou)+ #ou 3in+ 3oving out o0 the wa#ON !a3e *a)0o#Js !o)+ +raw) 0ro3 (ehin+ the3. MAre #ou tr#ing to earn so3e e tra 3one#/ Weas)e#O Ho"ing to (e ga3e4ee"er #ourse)0 when #ou )eave Hogwarts/ I su""ose A that hut o0 Hagri+Js 3ust see3 )i4e a "a)a!e !o3"are+ to what #our 0a3i)#Js use+ to.N Ron +ive+ at *a)0o# Kust as Sna"e !a3e u" the stairs. MW2ASL2YPN Ron )et go o0 the 0ront o0 *a)0o#Js ro(es. MHe was "rovo4e+/ ,ro0essor Sna"e/N sai+ Hagri+/ sti!4ing his huge hair# 0a!e out 0ro3 (ehin+ the tree. M*a)0o# was insu)tinJ his 0a3i)#.N MBe that as it 3a#/ 0ighting is against Hogwarts ru)es/ Hagri+/N sai+ Sna"e si)4i)#. MFive "oints 0ro3 Gr#00in+or/ Weas)e#/ an+ (e grate0u) it isnJt 3ore. *ove a)ong/ a)) o0 #ou.N *a)0o#/ 1ra((e/ an+ Go#)e "ushe+ rough)# "ast the tree/ s!attering nee+)es ever#where an+ s3ir4ing. MIJ)) get hi3/N sai+ Ron/ grin+ing his teeth at *a)0o#Js (a!4/ Mone o0 these +a#s/ IJ)) get hi3 AN MI hate the3 (oth/N sai+ Harr#/ M*a)0o# an+ Sna"e.N M1o3e on/ !heer u"/ itJs near)# 1hrist3as/N sai+ Hagri+. MTe)) #eh what/ !o3e with 3e anJ see the Great Ha))/ )oo4s a treat.N So the three o0 the3 0o))owe+ Hagri+ an+ his tree o00 to the Great Ha))/ where ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) an+ ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 were (us# with the 1hrist3as +e!orations. MAh/ Hagri+/ the )ast tree A "ut it in the 0ar !orner/ wou)+ #ouON The ha)) )oo4e+ s"e!ta!u)ar. Festoons o0 ho))# an+ 3ist)etoe hung a)) aroun+ the wa))s/ an+ no )ess than twe)ve towering 1hrist3as trees stoo+ aroun+ the roo3/ so3e s"ar4)ing with tin# i!i!)es/ so3e g)ittering with hun+re+s o0 !an+)es. MHow 3an# +a#s #ou got )e0t unti) #er ho)i+a#sON Hagri+ as4e+. MJust one/N sai+ Her3ione. MAn+ that re3in+s 3e A Harr#/ Ron/ weJve got ha)0 an hour (e0ore )un!h/ we shou)+ (e in the )i(rar#.N MOh #eah/ #ouJre right/N sai+ Ron/ tearing his e#es awa# 0ro3 ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ who ha+ go)+en (u(()es ()osso3ing out o0 his wan+ an+ was trai)ing the3 over the (ran!hes o0 the new tree. MThe )i(rar#ON sai+ Hagri+/ 0o))owing the3 out o0 the ha)). MJust

(e0ore the ho)i+a#sO Bit 4een/ arenJt #ehON MOh/ weJre not wor4ing/N Harr# to)+ hi3 (right)#. M2ver sin!e #ou 3entione+ Ni!o)as F)a3e) weJve (een tr#ing to 0in+ out who he is.N MYou !hatON Hagri+ )oo4e+ sho!4e+. MListen here A IJve to)+ #eh A +ro" it. ItJs nothinJ to #ou what that +ogJs guar+inJ.N MWe Kust want to 4now who Ni!o)as F)a3e) is/ thatJs a))/N sai+ Her3ione. MEn)ess #ouJ+ )i4e to te)) us an+ save us the trou()eON Harr# a++e+. MWe 3ustJve (een through hun+re+s o0 (oo4s a)rea+# an+ we !anJt 0in+ hi3 an#where A Kust give us a hint A I 4now IJve rea+ his na3e so3ewhere.N MIJ3 sa#inJ nothinJ/N sai+ Hagri+ 0)at)#. MJust have to 0in+ out 0or ourse)ves/ then/N sai+ Ron/ an+ the# )e0t Hagri+ )oo4ing +isgrunt)e+ an+ hurrie+ o00 to the )i(rar#. The# ha+ in+ee+ (een sear!hing (oo4s 0or F)a3e)Js na3e ever sin!e Hagri+ ha+ )et it s)i"/ (e!ause how e)se were the# going to 0in+ out what Sna"e was tr#ing to stea)O The trou()e was/ it was ver# har+ to 4now where to (egin/ not 4nowing what F)a3e) 3ight have +one to get hi3se)0 into a (oo4. He wasnJt in Great 4izards of the ,!entieth Cent"ry* or ;otable 3a'ical ;ames of O"r ,imeL he was 3issing/ too/ 0ro3 -m1ortant 3odern 3a'ical isco0eries* an+ A St"dy of 9ecent e0elo1ments in 4izardry( An+ then/ o0 !ourse/ there was the sheer si=e o0 the )i(rar#L tens o0 thousan+s o0 (oo4sL thousan+s o0 she)vesL hun+re+s o0 narrow rows. Her3ione too4 out a )ist o0 su(Ke!ts an+ tit)es she ha+ +e!i+e+ to sear!h whi)e Ron stro+e o00 +own a row o0 (oo4s an+ starte+ "u))ing the3 o00 the she)ves at ran+o3. Harr# wan+ere+ over to the Restri!te+ Se!tion. He ha+ (een won+ering 0or a whi)e i0 F)a3e) wasnJt so3ewhere in there. En0ortunate)#/ #ou nee+e+ a s"e!ia))# signe+ note 0ro3 one o0 the tea!hers to )oo4 in an# o0 the restri!te+ (oo4s/ an+ he 4new heJ+ never get one. These were the (oo4s !ontaining "ower0u) 7ar4 *agi! never taught at Hogwarts/ an+ on)# rea+ (# o)+er stu+ents stu+#ing a+van!e+ 7e0ense Against the 7ar4 Arts. MWhat are #ou )oo4ing 0or/ (o#ON MNothing/N sai+ Harr#. *a+a3 ,in!e the )i(rarian (ran+ishe+ a 0eather +uster at hi3. MYouJ+ (etter get out/ then. Go on A outPN Wishing heJ+ (een a (it Hui!4er at thin4ing u" so3e stor#/ Harr# )e0t the )i(rar#. He/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione ha+ a)rea+# agree+

the#J+ (etter not as4 *a+a3 ,in!e where the# !ou)+ 0in+ F)a3e). The# were sure sheJ+ (e a()e to te)) the3/ (ut the# !ou)+nJt ris4 Sna"e hearing what the# were u" to. Harr# waite+ outsi+e in the !orri+or to see i0 the other two ha+ 0oun+ an#thing/ (ut he wasnJt ver# ho"e0u). The# ha+ (een )oo4ing 0or two wee4s/ a0ter a))/ (ut as the# on)# ha+ o++ 3o3ents (etween )essons it wasnJt sur"rising the#J+ 0oun+ nothing. What the# rea))# nee+e+ was a ni!e )ong sear!h without *a+a3 ,in!e (reathing +own their ne!4s. Five 3inutes )ater/ Ron an+ Her3ione Koine+ hi3/ sha4ing their hea+s. The# went o00 to )un!h. MYou wi)) 4ee" )oo4ing whi)e IJ3 awa#/ wonJt #ouON sai+ Her3ione. MAn+ sen+ 3e an ow) i0 #ou 0in+ an#thing.N MAn+ #ou !ou)+ as4 #our "arents i0 the# 4now who F)a3e) is/N sai+ Ron. MItJ+ (e sa0e to as4 the3.N MGer# sa0e/ as the#Jre (oth +entists/N sai+ Her3ione. On!e the ho)i+a#s ha+ starte+/ Ron an+ Harr# were having too goo+ a ti3e to thin4 3u!h a(out F)a3e). The# ha+ the +or3itor# to the3se)ves an+ the !o33on roo3 was 0ar e3"tier than usua)/ so the# were a()e to get the goo+ ar3!hairs (# the 0ire. The# sat (# the hour eating an#thing the# !ou)+ s"ear on a toasting 0or4 A (rea+/ 2ng)ish 3u00ins/ 3arsh3a))ows A an+ ")otting wa#s o0 getting *a)0o# e "e))e+/ whi!h were 0un to ta)4 a(out even i0 the# wou)+nJt wor4. Ron a)so starte+ tea!hing Harr# wi=ar+ !hess. This was e a!t)# )i4e *ugg)e !hess e !e"t that the 0igures were a)ive/ whi!h 3a+e it a )ot )i4e +ire!ting troo"s in (att)e. RonJs set was ver# o)+ an+ (attere+. Li4e ever#thing e)se he owne+/ it ha+ on!e (e)onge+ to so3eone e)se in his 0a3i)# A in this !ase/ his gran+0ather. However/ o)+ !hess3en werenJt a +raw(a!4 at a)). Ron 4new the3 so we)) he never ha+ trou()e getting the3 to +o what he wante+. Harr# ")a#e+ with !hess3en Sea3us Finnigan ha+ )ent hi3/ an+ the# +i+nJt trust hi3 at a)). He wasnJt a ver# goo+ ")a#er #et an+ the# 4e"t shouting +i00erent (its o0 a+vi!e at hi3/ whi!h was !on0using. M7onJt sen+ 3e there/ !anJt #ou see his 4nightO Sen+ him* we !an a00or+ to )ose him(N On 1hrist3as 2ve/ Harr# went to (e+ )oo4ing 0orwar+ to the ne t +a# 0or the 0oo+ an+ the 0un/ (ut not e "e!ting an# "resents at a)). When he wo4e ear)# in the 3orning/ however/ the 0irst thing he saw was a s3a)) "i)e o0 "a!4ages at the 0oot o0 his (e+. M*err# 1hrist3as/N sai+ Ron s)ee"i)# as Harr# s!ra3()e+ out o0

(e+ an+ "u))e+ on his (athro(e. MYou/ too/N sai+ Harr#. MWi)) #ou )oo4 at thisO IJve got so3e "resentsPN MWhat +i+ #ou e "e!t/ turni"sON sai+ Ron/ turning to his own "i)e/ whi!h was a )ot (igger than Harr#Js. Harr# "i!4e+ u" the to" "ar!e). It was wra""e+ in thi!4 (rown "a"er an+ s!raw)e+ a!ross it was To Harr#/ 0ro3 Hagri+. Insi+e was a rough)# !ut woo+en 0)ute. Hagri+ ha+ o(vious)# whitt)e+ it hi3se)0. Harr# ()ew it A it soun+e+ a (it )i4e an ow). A se!on+/ ver# s3a)) "ar!e) !ontaine+ a note. 4e recei0ed yo"r messa'e and enclose yo"r Christmas 1resent( From @ncle )ernon and A"nt Pet"nia( Ta"e+ to the note was a 0i0t#;"en!e "ie!e. MThatJs 0rien+)#/N sai+ Harr#. Ron was 0as!inate+ (# the 0i0t# "en!e. M4eirdPN he sai+/ MWhat a sha"eP This is moneyON MYou !an 4ee" it/N sai+ Harr#/ )aughing at how ")ease+ Ron was. MHagri+ an+ 3# aunt an+ un!)e A so who sent theseON MI thin4 I 4now who that oneJs 0ro3/N sai+ Ron/ turning a (it "in4 an+ "ointing to a ver# )u3"# "ar!e). M*# 3o3. I to)+ her #ou +i+nJt e "e!t an# "resents an+ A oh/ no/N he groane+/ MsheJs 3a+e #ou a Weas)e# sweater.N Harr# ha+ torn o"en the "ar!e) to 0in+ a thi!4/ han+;4nitte+ sweater in e3era)+ green an+ a )arge (o o0 ho3e3a+e 0u+ge. M2ver# #ear she 3a4es us a sweater/N sai+ Ron/ unwra""ing his own/ Man+ 3ineJs al!ays 3aroon.N MThatJs rea))# ni!e o0 her/N sai+ Harr#/ tr#ing the 0u+ge/ whi!h was ver# tast#. His ne t "resent a)so !ontaine+ !an+# A a )arge (o o0 1ho!o)ate Frogs 0ro3 Her3ione. This on)# )e0t one "ar!e). Harr# "i!4e+ it u" an+ 0e)t it. It was ver# )ight. He unwra""e+ it. So3ething 0)ui+ an+ si)ver# gra# went s)ithering to the 0)oor where it )a# in g)ea3ing 0o)+s. Ron gas"e+. MIJve hear+ o0 those/N he sai+ in a hushe+ voi!e/ +ro""ing the (o o0 2ver# F)avor Beans heJ+ gotten 0ro3 Her3ione. MI0 thatJs what I thin4 it is A the#Jre rea))# rare/ an+ really va)ua()e.N MWhat is itON Harr# "i!4e+ the shining/ si)ver# !)oth o00 the 0)oor. It was strange to the tou!h/ )i4e water woven into 3ateria). MItJs an Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4/N sai+ Ron/ a )oo4 o0 awe on his 0a!e. MIJ3 sure it is A tr# it on.N

Harr# threw the !)oa4 aroun+ his shou)+ers an+ Ron gave a #e)). MIt isP Loo4 +ownPN Harr# )oo4e+ +own at his 0eet/ (ut the# were gone. He +ashe+ to the 3irror. Sure enough/ his re0)e!tion )oo4e+ (a!4 at hi3/ Kust his hea+ sus"en+e+ in 3i+air/ his (o+# !o3")ete)# invisi()e. He "u))e+ the !)oa4 over his hea+ an+ his re0)e!tion vanishe+ !o3")ete)#. MThereJs a notePN sai+ Ron su++en)#. MA note 0e)) out o0 itPN Harr# "u))e+ o00 the !)oa4 an+ sei=e+ the )etter. Written in narrow/ )oo"# writing he ha+ never seen (e0ore were the 0o))owing wor+s6

Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well. A Very Merry Christmas to you.

There was no signature. Harr# stare+ at the note. Ron was a+3iring the !)oa4. MIJ+ give anythin' 0or one o0 these/N he sai+. MAnythin'( WhatJs the 3atterON MNothing/N sai+ Harr#. He 0e)t ver# strange. Who ha+ sent the !)oa4O Ha+ it rea))# on!e (e)onge+ to his 0atherO Be0ore he !ou)+ sa# or thin4 an#thing e)se/ the +or3itor# +oor was 0)ung o"en an+ Fre+ an+ George Weas)e# (oun+e+ in. Harr# stu00e+ the !)oa4 Hui!4)# out o0 sight. He +i+nJt 0ee) )i4e sharing it with an#one e)se #et. M*err# 1hrist3asPN MHe#/ )oo4 A Harr#Js got a Weas)e# sweater/ tooPN Fre+ an+ George were wearing ()ue sweaters/ one with a )arge #e))ow F on it/ the other a G. MHarr#Js is (etter than ours/ though/N sai+ Fre+/ ho)+ing u" Harr#Js sweater. MShe o(vious)# 3a4es 3ore o0 an e00ort i0 #ouJre not 0a3i)#.N MWh# arenJt #ou wearing #ours/ RonON George +e3an+e+. M1o3e on/ get it on/ the#Jre )ove)# an+ war3.N MI hate 3aroon/N Ron 3oane+ ha)0hearte+)# as he "u))e+ it over his hea+. MYou havenJt got a )etter on #ours/N George o(serve+. MI su""ose she thin4s #ou +onJt 0orget #our na3e. But weJre not stu"i+ A we 4now weJre !a))e+ Gre+ an+ Forge.N MWhatJs a)) this noiseON ,er!# Weas)e# stu!4 his hea+ through the +oor/ )oo4ing +isa""roving. He ha+ !)ear)# gotten ha)0wa# through unwra""ing his

"resents as he/ too/ !arrie+ a )u3"# sweater over his ar3/ whi!h Fre+ sei=e+. M, 0or "re0e!tP Get it on/ ,er!#/ !o3e on/ weJre a)) wearing ours/ even Harr# got one.N MI A +onJt A want AN sai+ ,er!# thi!4)#/ as the twins 0or!e+ the sweater over his hea+/ 4no!4ing his g)asses as4ew. MAn+ #ouJre not sitting with the "re0e!ts to+a#/ either/N sai+ George. M1hrist3as is a ti3e 0or 0a3i)#.N The# 0rog;3ar!he+ ,er!# 0ro3 the roo3/ his ar3s "inne+ to his si+e (# his sweater. Harr# ha+ never in a)) his )i0e ha+ su!h a 1hrist3as +inner. A hun+re+ 0at/ roast tur4e#sL 3ountains o0 roast an+ (oi)e+ "otatoesL ")atters o0 !hi"o)atasL tureens o0 (uttere+ "eas/ si)ver (oats o0 thi!4/ ri!h grav# an+ !ran(err# sau!e A an+ sta!4s o0 wi=ar+ !ra!4ers ever# 0ew 0eet a)ong the ta()e. These 0antasti! "art# 0avors were nothing )i4e the 0ee()e *ugg)e ones the 7urs)e#s usua))# (ought/ with their )itt)e ")asti! to#s an+ their 0)i3s# "a"er hats insi+e. Harr# "u))e+ a wi=ar+ !ra!4er with Fre+ an+ it +i+nJt Kust (ang/ it went o00 with a ()ast )i4e a !annon an+ engu)0e+ the3 a)) in a !)ou+ o0 ()ue s3o4e/ whi)e 0ro3 the insi+e e ")o+e+ a rear a+3ira)Js hat an+ severa) )ive/ white 3i!e. E" at the High Ta()e/ 7u3()e+ore ha+ swa""e+ his "ointe+ wi=ar+Js hat 0or a 0)owere+ (onnet/ an+ was !hu!4)ing 3erri)# at a Ko4e ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 ha+ Kust rea+ hi3. F)a3ing 1hrist3as "u++ings 0o))owe+ the tur4e#. ,er!# near)# (ro4e his teeth on a si)ver Si!4)e e3(e++e+ in his s)i!e. Harr# wat!he+ Hagri+ getting re++er an+ re++er in the 0a!e as he !a))e+ 0or 3ore wine/ 0ina))# 4issing ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) on the !hee4/ who/ to Harr#Js a3a=e3ent/ gigg)e+ an+ ()ushe+/ her to" hat )o"si+e+. When Harr# 0ina))# )e0t the ta()e/ he was )a+en +own with a sta!4 o0 things out o0 the !ra!4ers/ in!)u+ing a "a!4 o0 none ")o+a()e/ )u3inous (a))oons/ a Grow;Your;Own;Warts 4it/ an+ his own new wi=ar+ !hess set. The white 3i!e ha+ +isa""eare+ an+ Harr# ha+ a nast# 0ee)ing the# were going to en+ u" as *rs. NorrisJs 1hrist3as +inner. Harr# an+ the Weas)e#s s"ent a ha""# a0ternoon having a 0urious snow(a)) 0ight on the groun+s. Then/ !o)+/ wet/ an+ gas"ing 0or (reath/ the# returne+ to the 0ire in the Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3/ where Harr# (ro4e in his new !hess set (# )osing s"e!ta!u)ar)# to Ron. He sus"e!te+ he wou)+nJt have )ost so (a+)# i0 ,er!# ha+nJt trie+ to he)" hi3 so 3u!h. A0ter a 3ea) o0 tur4e# san+wi!hes/ !ru3"ets/ tri0)e/ an+ 1hrist3as !a4e/ ever#one 0e)t too 0u)) an+ s)ee"# to +o 3u!h (e0ore (e+

e !e"t sit an+ wat!h ,er!# !hase Fre+ an+ George a)) over Gr#00in+or Tower (e!ause the#J+ sto)en his "re0e!t (a+ge. It ha+ (een Harr#Js (est 1hrist3as +a# ever. Yet so3ething ha+ (een nagging at the (a!4 o0 his 3in+ a)) +a#. Not unti) he !)i3(e+ into (e+ was he 0ree to thin4 a(out it6 the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 an+ whoever ha+ sent it. Ron/ 0u)) o0 tur4e# an+ !a4e an+ with nothing 3#sterious to (other hi3/ 0e)) as)ee" a)3ost as soon as heJ+ +rawn the !urtains o0 his 0our;"oster. Harr# )eane+ over the si+e o0 his own (e+ an+ "u))e+ the !)oa4 out 0ro3 un+er it. His 0atherJs . . . this ha+ (een his 0atherJs. He )et the 3ateria) 0)ow over his han+s/ s3oother than si)4/ )ight as air. @se it !ell* the note ha+ sai+. He ha+ to tr# it/ now. He s)i""e+ out o0 (e+ an+ wra""e+ the !)oa4 aroun+ hi3se)0. Loo4ing +own at his )egs/ he saw on)# 3oon)ight an+ sha+ows. It was a ver# 0unn# 0ee)ing. @se it !ell( Su++en)#/ Harr# 0e)t wi+e;awa4e. The who)e o0 Hogwarts was o"en to hi3 in this !)oa4. 2 !ite3ent 0)oo+e+ through hi3 as he stoo+ there in the +ar4 an+ si)en!e. He !ou)+ go an#where in this/ an#where/ an+ Fi)!h wou)+ never 4now. Ron grunte+ in his s)ee". Shou)+ Harr# wa4e hi3O So3ething he)+ hi3 (a!4 A his 0atherJs !)oa4 A he 0e)t that this ti3e A the 0irst ti3e A he wante+ to use it a)one. He !re"t out o0 the +or3itor#/ +own the stairs/ a!ross the !o33on roo3/ an+ !)i3(e+ through the "ortrait ho)e. MWhoJs thereON sHuaw4e+ the Fat La+#. Harr# sai+ nothing. He wa)4e+ Hui!4)# +own the !orri+or. Where shou)+ he goO He sto""e+/ his heart ra!ing/ an+ thought. An+ then it !a3e to hi3. The Restri!te+ Se!tion in the )i(rar#. HeJ+ (e a()e to rea+ as )ong as he )i4e+/ as )ong as it too4 to 0in+ out who F)a3e) was. He set o00/ +rawing the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 tight aroun+ hi3 as he wa)4e+. The )i(rar# was "it!h;()a!4 an+ ver# eerie. Harr# )it a )a3" to see his wa# a)ong the rows o0 (oo4s. The )a3" )oo4e+ as i0 it was 0)oating a)ong in 3i+air/ an+ even though Harr# !ou)+ 0ee) his ar3 su""orting it/ the sight gave hi3 the !ree"s. The Restri!te+ Se!tion was right at the (a!4 o0 the )i(rar#. Ste" "ing !are0u))# over the ro"e that se"arate+ these (oo4s 0ro3 the rest o0 the )i(rar#/ he he)+ u" his )a3" to rea+ the tit)es. The# +i+nJt te)) hi3 3u!h. Their "ee)ing/ 0a+e+ go)+ )etters s"e))e+ wor+s in )anguages Harr# !ou)+nJt un+erstan+. So3e ha+

no tit)e at a)). One (oo4 ha+ a +ar4 stain on it that )oo4e+ horri()# )i4e ()oo+. The hairs on the (a!4 o0 Harr#Js ne!4 "ri!4)e+. *a#(e he was i3agining it/ 3a#(e not/ (ut he thought a 0aint whis"ering was !o3ing 0ro3 the (oo4s/ as though the# 4new so3eone was there who shou)+nJt (e. He ha+ to start so3ewhere. Setting the )a3" +own !are0u))# on the 0)oor/ he )oo4e+ a)ong the (otto3 she)0 0or an interesting)oo4ing (oo4. A )arge ()a!4 an+ si)ver vo)u3e !aught his e#e. He "u))e+ it out with +i00i!u)t#/ (e!ause it was ver# heav#/ an+/ (a)an!ing it on his 4nee/ )et it 0a)) o"en. A "ier!ing/ ()oo+!ur+)ing shrie4 s")it the si)en!e A the (oo4 was s!rea3ingP Harr# sna""e+ it shut/ (ut the shrie4 went on an+ on/ one high/ un(ro4en/ ears")itting note. He stu3()e+ (a!4war+ an+ 4no!4e+ over his )a3"/ whi!h went out at on!e. ,ani!4ing/ he hear+ 0ootste"s !o3ing +own the !orri+or outsi+e A stu00ing the shrie4ing (oo4 (a!4 on the she)0/ he ran 0or it. He "asse+ Fi)!h in the +oorwa#L Fi)!hJs "a)e/ wi)+ e#es )oo4e+ straight through hi3/ an+ Harr# s)i""e+ un+er Fi)!hJs outstret!he+ ar3 an+ strea4e+ o00 u" the !orri+or/ the (oo4Js shrie4s sti)) ringing in his ears. He !a3e to a su++en ha)t in 0ront o0 a ta)) suit o0 ar3or. He ha+ (een so (us# getting awa# 0ro3 the )i(rar#/ he ha+nJt "ai+ attention to where he was going. ,erha"s (e!ause it was +ar4/ he +i+nJt re!ogni=e where he was at a)). There was a suit o0 ar3or near the 4it!hens/ he 4new/ (ut he 3ust (e 0ive 0)oors a(ove there. MYou as4e+ 3e to !o3e +ire!t)# to #ou/ ,ro0essor/ i0 an#one was wan+ering aroun+ at night/ an+ so3e(o+#Js (een in the )i(rar# A Restri!te+ Se!tion.N Harr# 0e)t the ()oo+ +rain out o0 his 0a!e. Wherever he was/ Fi)!h 3ust 4now a short!ut/ (e!ause his so0t/ greas# voi!e was getting nearer/ an+ to his horror/ it was Sna"e who re")ie+/ MThe Restri!te+ Se!tionO We))/ the# !anJt (e 0ar/ weJ)) !at!h the3.N Harr# stoo+ roote+ to the s"ot as Fi)!h an+ Sna"e !a3e aroun+ the !orner ahea+. The# !ou)+nJt see hi3/ o0 !ourse/ (ut it was a narrow !orri+or an+ i0 the# !a3e 3u!h nearer the#J+ 4no!4 right into hi3 A the !)oa4 +i+nJt sto" hi3 0ro3 (eing so)i+. He (a!4e+ awa# as Huiet)# as he !ou)+. A +oor stoo+ aKar to his )e0t. It was his on)# ho"e. He sHuee=e+ through it/ ho)+ing his (reath/ tr#ing not to 3ove it/ an+ to his re)ie0 he 3anage+ to get insi+e the roo3 without their noti!ing an#thing. The# wa)4e+ straight "ast/ an+ Harr# )eane+ against the wa))/ (reathing +ee")#/ )istening to their 0ootste"s +#ing awa#. That ha+ (een !)ose/ ver#

!)ose. It was a 0ew se!on+s (e0ore he noti!e+ an#thing a(out the roo3 he ha+ hi++en in. It )oo4e+ )i4e an unuse+ !)assroo3. The +ar4 sha"es o0 +es4s an+ !hairs were "i)e+ against the wa))s/ an+ there was an u"turne+ waste"a"er (as4et A (ut "ro""e+ against the wa)) 0a!ing hi3 was so3ething that +i+nJt )oo4 as i0 it (e)onge+ there/ so3ething that )oo4e+ as i0 so3eone ha+ Kust "ut it there to 4ee" it out o0 the wa#. It was a 3agni0i!ent 3irror/ as high as the !ei)ing/ with an ornate go)+ 0ra3e/ stan+ing on two !)awe+ 0eet. There was an ins!ri"tion !arve+ aroun+ the to"6 .rised stra ehr" oyt "be cafr" oyt on !ohsi( His "ani! 0a+ing now that there was no soun+ o0 Fi)!h an+ Sna"e/ Harr# 3ove+ nearer to the 3irror/ wanting to )oo4 at hi3se)0 (ut see no re0)e!tion again. He ste""e+ in 0ront o0 it. He ha+ to !)a" his han+s to his 3outh to sto" hi3se)0 0ro3 s!rea3ing. He whir)e+ aroun+. His heart was "oun+ing 0ar 3ore 0urious)# than when the (oo4 ha+ s!rea3e+ A 0or he ha+ seen not on)# hi3se)0 in the 3irror/ (ut a who)e !row+ o0 "eo")e stan+ing right (ehin+ hi3. But the roo3 was e3"t#. Breathing ver# 0ast/ he turne+ s)ow)# (a!4 to the 3irror. There he was/ re0)e!te+ in it/ white an+ s!are+;)oo4ing/ an+ there/ re0)e!te+ (ehin+ hi3/ were at )east ten others. Harr# )oo4e+ over his shou)+er A (ut sti))/ no one was there. Or were the# a)) invisi()e/ tooO Was he in 0a!t in a roo3 0u)) o0 invisi()e "eo")e an+ this 3irrors tri!4 was that it re0)e!te+ the3/ invisi()e or notO He )oo4e+ in the 3irror again. A wo3an stan+ing right (ehin+ his re0)e!tion was s3i)ing at hi3 an+ waving. He rea!he+ out a han+ an+ 0e)t the air (ehin+ hi3. I0 she was rea))# there/ heJ+ tou!h her/ their re0)e!tions were so !)ose together/ (ut he 0e)t on)# air A she an+ the others e iste+ on)# in the 3irror. She was a ver# "rett# wo3an. She ha+ +ar4 re+ hair an+ her e#es A her eyes are ="st like mine* Harr# thought/ e+ging a )itt)e !)oser to the g)ass. Bright green A e a!t)# the sa3e sha"e/ (ut then he noti!e+ that she was !r#ingL s3i)ing/ (ut !r#ing at the sa3e ti3e. The ta))/ thin/ ()a!4;haire+ 3an stan+ing ne t to her "ut his ar3 aroun+ her. He wore g)asses/ an+ his hair was ver# unti+#. It stu!4 u" at the (a!4/ Kust as Harr#Js +i+. Harr# was so !)ose to the 3irror now that his nose was near)# tou!hing that o0 his re0)e!tion. M*o3ON he whis"ere+. M7a+ON

The# Kust )oo4e+ at hi3/ s3i)ing. An+ s)ow)#/ Harr# )oo4e+ into the 0a!es o0 the other "eo")e in the 3irror/ an+ saw other "airs o0 green e#es )i4e his/ other noses )i4e his/ even a )itt)e o)+ 3an who )oo4e+ as though he ha+ Harr#Js 4no(()# 4nees A Harr# was )oo4ing at his 0a3i)#/ 0or the 0irst ti3e in his )i0e. The ,otters s3i)e+ an+ wave+ at Harr# an+ he stare+ hungri)# (a!4 at the3/ his han+s "resse+ 0)at against the g)ass as though he was ho"ing to 0a)) right through it an+ rea!h the3. He ha+ a "ower0u) 4in+ o0 a!he insi+e hi3/ ha)0 Ko#/ ha)0 terri()e sa+ness. How )ong he stoo+ there/ he +i+nJt 4now. The re0)e!tions +i+ not 0a+e an+ he )oo4e+ an+ )oo4e+ unti) a +istant noise (rought hi3 (a!4 to his senses. He !ou)+nJt sta# here/ he ha+ to 0in+ his wa# (a!4 to (e+. He tore his e#es awa# 0ro3 his 3otherJs 0a!e/ whis"ere+/ MIJ)) !o3e (a!4/N an+ hurrie+ 0ro3 the roo3. MYou !ou)+ have wo4en 3e u"/N sai+ Ron/ !ross)#. MYou !an !o3e tonight/ IJ3 going (a!4/ I want to show #ou the 3irror.N MIJ+ )i4e to see #our 3o3 an+ +a+/N Ron sai+ eager)#. MAn+ I want to see a)) #our 0a3i)#/ a)) the Weas)e#s/ #ouJ)) (e a()e to show 3e #our other (rothers an+ ever#one.N MYou !an see the3 an# o)+ ti3e/N sai+ Ron. MJust !o3e roun+ 3# house this su33er. An#wa#/ 3a#(e it on)# shows +ea+ "eo")e. Sha3e a(out not 0in+ing F)a3e)/ though. Have so3e (a!on or so3ething/ wh# arenJt #ou eating an#thingON Harr# !ou)+nJt eat. He ha+ seen his "arents an+ wou)+ (e seeing the3 again tonight. He ha+ a)3ost 0orgotten a(out F)a3e). It +i+nJt see3 ver# i3"ortant an#3ore. Who !are+ what the three hea+e+ +og was guar+ingO What +i+ it 3atter i0 Sna"e sto)e it/ rea))#O MAre #ou a)) rightON sai+ Ron. MYou )oo4 o++.N What Harr# 0eare+ 3ost was that he 3ight not (e a()e to 0in+ the 3irror roo3 again. With Ron !overe+ in the !)oa4/ too/ the# ha+ to wa)4 3u!h 3ore s)ow)# the ne t night. The# trie+ retra!ing Harr#Js route 0ro3 the )i(rar#/ wan+ering aroun+ the +ar4 "assagewa#s 0or near)# an hour. MIJ3 0ree=ing/N sai+ Ron. MLetJs 0orget it an+ go (a!4.N M;oPN Harr# hisse+. MI 4now itJs here so3ewhere.N The# "asse+ the ghost o0 a ta)) wit!h g)i+ing in the o""osite +ire!tion/ (ut saw no one e)se. Just as Ron starte+ 3oaning that his 0eet were +ea+ with !o)+/ Harr# s"otte+ the suit o0 ar3or. MItJs here A Kust here A #esPN

The# "ushe+ the +oor o"en. Harr# +ro""e+ the !)oa4 0ro3 aroun+ his shou)+ers an+ ran to the 3irror. There the# were. His 3other an+ 0ather (ea3e+ at the sight o0 hi3. MSeeON Harr# whis"ere+. MI !anJt see an#thing.N MLoo4P Loo4 at the3 a)) . . . there are )oa+s o0 the3. . . .N MI !an on)# see #ou.N MLoo4 in it "ro"er)#/ go on/ stan+ where I a3.N Harr# ste""e+ asi+e/ (ut with Ron in 0ront o0 the 3irror/ he !ou)+nJt see his 0a3i)# an#3ore/ Kust Ron in his "ais)e# "aKa3as. Ron/ though/ was staring trans0i e+ at his i3age. MLoo4 at 3ePN he sai+. M1an #ou see a)) #our 0a3i)# stan+ing aroun+ #ouON MNo A IJ3 a)one A (ut IJ3 +i00erent A I )oo4 o)+er A an+ IJ3 Hea+ Bo#PN M4hatON MI a3 A IJ3 wearing the (a+ge )i4e Bi)) use+ to A an+ IJ3 ho)+ing the House 1u" an+ the Iui++it!h 1u" A IJ3 Iui++it!h !a"tain/ tooPN Ron tore his e#es awa# 0ro3 this s")en+i+ sight to )oo4 e !ite+)# at Harr#. M7o #ou thin4 this 3irror shows the 0utureON MHow !an itO A)) 3# 0a3i)# are +ea+ A )et 3e have another )oo4 AN MYou ha+ it to #ourse)0 a)) )ast night/ give 3e a (it 3ore ti3e.N MYouJre on)# ho)+ing the Iui++it!h 1u"/ whatJs interesting a(out thatO I want to see 3# "arents.N M7onJt "ush 3e AN A su++en noise outsi+e in the !orri+or "ut an en+ to their +is!ussion. The# ha+nJt rea)i=e+ how )ou+)# the# ha+ (een ta)4ing. MIui!4PN Ron threw the !)oa4 (a!4 over the3 as the )u3inous e#es o0 *rs. Norris !a3e roun+ the +oor. Ron an+ Harr# stoo+ Huite sti))/ (oth thin4ing the sa3e thing A +i+ the !)oa4 wor4 on !atsO A0ter what see3e+ an age/ she turne+ an+ )e0t. MThis isnJt sa0e A she 3ight have gone 0or Fi)!h/ I (et she hear+ us. 1o3e on.N An+ Ron "u))e+ Harr# out o0 the roo3. The snow sti)) ha+nJt 3e)te+ the ne t 3orning. MWant to ")a# !hess/ Harr#ON sai+ Ron. MNo.N

MWh# +onJt we go +own an+ visit Hagri+ON MNo . . . #ou go . . .N MI 4now what #ouJre thin4ing a(out/ Harr#/ that 3irror. 7onJt go (a!4 tonight.N MWh# notON MI +unno/ IJve Kust got a (a+ 0ee)ing a(out it A an+ an#wa#/ #ouJve ha+ too 3an# !)ose shaves a)rea+#. Fi)!h/ Sna"e/ an+ *rs. Norris are wan+ering aroun+. So what i0 the# !anJt see #ouO What i0 the# wa)4 into #ouO What i0 #ou 4no!4 so3ething overON MYou soun+ )i4e Her3ione.N MIJ3 serious/ Harr#/ +onJt go.N But Harr# on)# ha+ one thought in his hea+/ whi!h was to get (a!4 in 0ront o0 the 3irror/ an+ Ron wasnJt going to sto" hi3. That thir+ night he 0oun+ his wa# 3ore Hui!4)# than (e0ore. He was wa)4ing so 0ast he 4new he was 3a4ing 3ore noise than was wise/ (ut he +i+nJt 3eet an#one. An+ there were his 3other an+ 0ather s3i)ing at hi3 again/ an+ one o0 his gran+0athers no++ing ha""i)#. Harr# san4 +own to sit on the 0)oor in 0ront o0 the 3irror. There was nothing to sto" hi3 0ro3 sta#ing here a)) night with his 0a3i)#. Nothing at a)). 2 !e"t A MSo A (a!4 again/ Harr#ON Harr# 0e)t as though his insi+es ha+ turne+ to i!e. He )oo4e+ (ehin+ hi3. Sitting on one o0 the +es4s (# the wa)) was none other than A)(us 7u3()e+ore. Harr# 3ust have wa)4e+ straight "ast hi3/ so +es"erate to get to the 3irror he ha+nJt noti!e+ hi3. MI A I +i+nJt see #ou/ sir.N MStrange how nearsighte+ (eing invisi()e !an 3a4e #ou/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ an+ Harr# was re)ieve+ to see that he was s3i)ing. MSo/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ s)i""ing o00 the +es4 to sit on the 0)oor with Harr#/ M#ou/ )i4e hun+re+s (e0ore #ou/ have +is!overe+ the +e)ights o0 the *irror o0 2rise+.N MI +i+nJt 4now it was !a))e+ that/ sir.N MBut I e "e!t #ouJve rea)i=e+ (# now what it +oesON MIt A we)) A it shows 3e 3# 0a3i)# AN MAn+ it showe+ #our 0rien+ Ron hi3se)0 as Hea+ Bo#.N MHow +i+ #ou 4now A ON MI +onJt nee+ a !)oa4 to (e!o3e invisi()e/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore gent)#. MNow/ !an #ou thin4 what the *irror o0 2rise+ shows us a))ON Harr# shoo4 his hea+. MLet 3e e ")ain. The ha""iest 3an on earth wou)+ (e a()e to

use the *irror o0 2rise+ )i4e a nor3a) 3irror/ that is/ he wou)+ )oo4 into it an+ see hi3se)0 e a!t)# as he is. 7oes that he)"ON Harr# thought. Then he sai+ s)ow)#/ MIt shows us what we want . . . whatever we want . . .N MYes an+ no/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore Huiet)#. MIt shows us nothing 3ore or )ess than the +ee"est/ 3ost +es"erate +esire o0 our hearts. You/ who have never 4nown #our 0a3i)#/ see the3 stan+ing aroun+ #ou. Rona)+ Weas)e#/ who has a)wa#s (een oversha+owe+ (# his (rothers/ sees hi3se)0 stan+ing a)one/ the (est o0 a)) o0 the3. However/ this 3irror wi)) give us neither 4now)e+ge or truth. *en have waste+ awa# (e0ore it/ entran!e+ (# what the# have seen/ or (een +riven 3a+/ not 4nowing i0 what it shows is rea) or even "ossi()e. MThe *irror wi)) (e 3ove+ to a new ho3e to3orrow/ Harr#/ an+ I as4 #ou not to go )oo4ing 0or it again. I0 #ou ever do run a!ross it/ #ou wi)) now (e "re"are+. It +oes not +o to +we)) on +rea3s an+ 0orget to )ive/ re3e3(er that. Now/ wh# +onJt #ou "ut that a+3ira()e !)oa4 (a!4 on an+ get o00 to (e+ON Harr# stoo+ u". MSir A ,ro0essor 7u3()e+oreO 1an I as4 #ou so3ethingON MO(vious)#/ #ouJve Kust +one so/N 7u3()e+ore s3i)e+. MYou 3a# as4 3e one 3ore thing/ however.N MWhat +o #ou see when #ou )oo4 in the 3irrorON MIO I see 3#se)0 ho)+ing a "air o0 thi!4/ woo)en so!4s.N Harr# stare+. MOne !an never have enough so!4s/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MAnother 1hrist3as has !o3e an+ gone an+ I +i+nJt get a sing)e "air. ,eo")e wi)) insist on giving 3e (oo4s.N It was on)# when he was (a!4 in (e+ that it stru!4 Harr# that 7u3()e+ore 3ight not have (een Huite truth0u). But then/ he thought/ as he shove+ S!a((ers o00 his "i))ow/ it ha+ (een Huite a "ersona) Huestion.

7u3()e+ore ha+ !onvin!e+ Harr# not to go )oo4ing 0or the *irror o0 2rise+ again/ an+ 0or the rest o0 the 1hrist3as

ho)i+a#s the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 sta#e+ 0o)+e+ at the (otto3 o0 his trun4. Harr# wishe+ he !ou)+ 0orget what heJ+ seen in the 3irror as easi)#/ (ut he !ou)+nJt. He starte+ having night3ares. Over an+ over again he +rea3e+ a(out his "arents +isa""earing in a 0)ash o0 green )ight/ whi)e a high voi!e !a!4)e+ with )aughter. MYou see/ 7u3()e+ore was right/ that 3irror !ou)+ +rive #ou 3a+/N sai+ Ron/ when Harr# to)+ hi3 a(out these +rea3s. Her3ione/ who !a3e (a!4 the +a# (e0ore ter3 starte+/ too4 a +i00erent view o0 things. She was torn (etween horror at the i+ea o0 Harr# (eing out o0 (e+/ roa3ing the s!hoo) three nights in a row QMI0 Fi)!h ha+ !aught #ouPNR/ an+ +isa""oint3ent that he ha+nJt at )east 0oun+ out who Ni!o)as F)a3e) was. The# ha+ a)3ost given u" ho"e o0 ever 0in+ing F)a3e) in a )i; (rar# (oo4/ even though Harr# was sti)) sure heJ+ rea+ the na3e so3ewhere. On!e ter3 ha+ starte+/ the# were (a!4 to s4i33ing through (oo4s 0or ten 3inutes +uring their (rea4s. Harr# ha+ even )ess ti3e than the other two/ (e!ause Iui++it!h "ra!ti!e ha+ starte+ again. Woo+ was wor4ing the tea3 har+er than ever. 2ven the en+)ess rain that ha+ re")a!e+ the snow !ou)+nJt +a3"en his s"irits. The Weas)e#s !o3")aine+ that Woo+ was (e!o3ing a 0anati!/ (ut Harr# was on Woo+Js si+e. I0 the# won their ne t 3at!h/ against Hu00)e"u00/ the# wou)+ overta4e S)#therin in the House 1ha3"ionshi" 0or the 0irst ti3e in seven #ears. Iuite a"art 0ro3 wanting to win/ Harr# 0oun+ that he ha+ 0ewer night3ares when he was tire+ out a0ter training. Then/ +uring one "arti!u)ar)# wet an+ 3u++# "ra!ti!e session/ Woo+ gave the tea3 a (it o0 (a+ news. HeJ+ Kust gotten ver# angr# with the Weas)e#s/ who 4e"t +ive;(o3(ing ea!h other an+ "reten+ing to 0a)) o00 their (roo3s. MWi)) #ou sto" 3essing aroun+PN he #e))e+. MThatJs e a!t)# the sort o0 thing thatJ)) )ose us the 3at!hP Sna"eJs re0ereeing this ti3e/ an+ heJ)) (e )oo4ing 0or an# e !use to 4no!4 "oints o00 Gr#00in+orPN George Weas)e# rea))# +i+ 0a)) o00 his (roo3 at these wor+s. MSna1es re0ereeingON he s")uttere+ through a 3outh0u) o0 3u+. MWhenJs he ever re0eree+ a Iui++it!h 3at!hO HeJs not going to (e 0air i0 we 3ight overta4e S)#therin.N The rest o0 the tea3 )an+e+ ne t to George to !o3")ain/ too. MItJs not my 0au)t/N sai+ Woo+. MWeJve Kust got to 3a4e sure we ")a# a !)ean ga3e/ so Sna"e hasnJt got an e !use to "i!4 on us.N Whi!h was a)) ver# we))/ thought Harr#/ (ut he ha+ another reason

0or not wanting Sna"e near hi3 whi)e he was ")a#ing Iui++it!h. ... The rest o0 the tea3 hung (a!4 to ta)4 to one another as usua) at the en+ o0 "ra!ti!e/ (ut Harr# hea+e+ straight (a!4 to the Gr#00in+or !o33on roo3/ where he 0oun+ Ron an+ Her3ione ")a#ing !hess. 1hess was the on)# thing Her3ione ever )ost at/ so3ething Harr# an+ Ron thought was ver# goo+ 0or her. M7onJt ta)4 to 3e 0or a 3o3ent/N sai+ Ron when Harr# sat +own ne t to hi3/ MI nee+ to !on!en;N He !aught sight o0 Harr#Js 0a!e. MWhatJs the 3atter with #ouO You )oo4 terri()e.N S"ea4ing Huiet)# so that no one e)se wou)+ hear/ Harr# to)+ the other two a(out Sna"eJs su++en/ sinister +esire to (e a Iui++it!h re0eree. M7onJt ")a#/N sai+ Her3ione at on!e. MSa# #ouJre i))/N sai+ Ron. M,reten+ to (rea4 #our )eg/N Her3ione suggeste+. M9eally (rea4 #our )eg/N sai+ Ron. MI !anJt/N sai+ Harr#. MThere isnJt a reserve See4er. I0 I (a!4 out/ Gr#00in+or !anJt ")a# at a)).N At that 3o3ent Nevi))e to"")e+ into the !o33on roo3. How he ha+ 3anage+ to !)i3( through the "ortrait ho)e was an#oneJs guess/ (e!ause his )egs ha+ (een stu!4 together with what the# re!ogni=e+ at on!e as the Leg;Lo!4er 1urse. He 3ust have ha+ to (unn# ho" a)) the wa# u" to Gr#00in+or Tower. 2ver#one 0e)) over )aughing e !e"t Her3ione/ who )ea"t u" an+ "er0or3e+ the !ounter!urse. Nevi))eJs )egs s"rang a"art an+ he got to his 0eet/ tre3()ing. MWhat ha""ene+ON Her3ione as4e+ hi3/ )ea+ing hi3 over to sit with Harr# an+ Ron. M*a)0o#/N sai+ Nevi))e sha4i)#. MI 3et hi3 outsi+e the )i(rar#. He sai+ heJ+ (een )oo4ing 0or so3eone to "ra!ti!e that on.N MGo to ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))PN Her3ione urge+ Nevi))e. MRe"ort hi3PN Nevi))e shoo4 his hea+. MI +onJt want 3ore trou()e/N he 3u3()e+. MYouJve got to stan+ u" to hi3/ Nevi))ePN sai+ Ron. MHeJs use+ to wa)4ing a)) over "eo")e/ (ut thatJs no reason to )ie +own in 0ront o0 hi3 an+ 3a4e it easier.N MThereJs no nee+ to te)) 3e IJ3 not (rave enough to (e in Gr#00in+or/ *a)0o#Js a)rea+# +one that/N Nevi))e !ho4e+ out. Harr# 0e)t in the "o!4et o0 his ro(es an+ "u))e+ out a 1ho!o)ate Frog/ the ver# )ast one 0ro3 the (o Her3ione ha+ given hi3 0or

1hrist3as. He gave it to Nevi))e/ who )oo4e+ as though he 3ight !r#. MYouJre worth twe)ve o0 *a)0o#/N Harr# sai+. MThe Sorting Hat !hose #ou 0or Gr#00in+or/ +i+nJt itO An+ whereJs *a)0o#O In stin4ing S)#therin.N Nevi))eJs )i"s twit!he+ in a wea4 s3i)e as he unwra""e+ the 0rog. MThan4s/ Harr# . . . I thin4 IJ)) go to (e+. . . . 7J#ou want the !ar+/ #ou !o))e!t the3/ +onJt #ouON As Nevi))e wa)4e+ awa#/ Harr# )oo4e+ at the Fa3ous Wi=ar+ !ar+. M7u3()e+ore again/N he sai+/ MHe was the 0irst one I ever AN He gas"e+. He stare+ at the (a!4 o0 the !ar+. Then he )oo4e+ u" at Ron an+ Her3ione. M-0e fo"nd himPN he whis"ere+. MIJve 0oun+ F)a3e)P I told #ou IJ+ rea+ the na3e so3ewhere (e0ore/ I rea+ it on the train !o3ing here A )isten to this6 S7u3()e+ore is "arti!u)ar)# 0a3ous 0or his +e0eat o0 the 7ar4 wi=ar+ Grin+e)wa)+ in %&?8/ 0or the +is!over# o0 the twe)ve uses o0 +ragonJs ()oo+/ and his !ork on alchemy !ith his 1artner* ;icolas FlamelJPN Her3ione Ku3"e+ to her 0eet. She ha+nJt )oo4e+ so e !ite+ sin!e the#J+ gotten (a!4 the 3ar4s 0or their ver# 0irst "ie!e o0 ho3ewor4. MSta# therePN she sai+/ an+ she s"rinte+ u" the stairs to the gir)sJ +or3itories. Harr# an+ Ron (are)# ha+ ti3e to e !hange 3#sti0ie+ )oo4s (e0ore she was +ashing (a!4/ an enor3ous o)+ (oo4 in her ar3s. MI never thought to )oo4 in herePN she whis"ere+ e !ite+)#. MI got this out o0 the )i(rar# wee4s ago 0or a (it o0 )ight rea+ing.N M/i'htON sai+ Ron/ (ut Her3ione to)+ hi3 to (e Huiet unti) sheJ+ )oo4e+ so3ething u"/ an+ starte+ 0)i!4ing 0ranti!a))# through the "ages/ 3uttering to herse)0. At )ast she 0oun+ what she was )oo4ing 0or. MI 4new itP I kne! itPN MAre we a))owe+ to s"ea4 #etON sai+ Ron gru3"i)#. Her3ione ignore+ hi3. MNi!o)as F)a3e)/N she whis"ere+ +ra3ati!a))#/ Mis the only kno!n maker of the Sorcerers StonePN This +i+nJt have Huite the e00e!t sheJ+ e "e!te+. MThe whatON sai+ Harr# an+ Ron. MOh/ honestly* +onJt #ou two rea+O Loo4 A rea+ that/ there.N She "ushe+ the (oo4 towar+ the3/ an+ Harr# an+ Ron rea+6

,he ancient st"dy of alchemy is concerned !ith makin' the Sorcerers Stone* a le'endary s"bstance !ith astonishin' 1o!ers( ,he Stone !ill transform any metal into 1"re 'old( -t also 1rod"ces the .lixir of /ife* !hich !ill make the drinker immortal( ,here ha0e been many re1orts of the Sorcerers Stone o0er the cent"ries* b"t the only Stone c"rrently in existence belon's to 3r( ;icolas Flamel* the noted alchemist and o1era lo0er( 3r( Flamel* !ho celebrated his six h"ndred and sixty-fifth birthday last year* en=oys a +"iet life in e0on !ith his !ife* Perenelle 6six h"ndred and fifty-ei'ht7( MSeeON sai+ Her3ione/ when Harr# an+ Ron ha+ 0inishe+. MThe +og 3ust (e guar+ing F)a3e)Js Sor!ererJs StoneP I (et he as4e+ 7u3()e+ore to 4ee" it sa0e 0or hi3/ (e!ause the#Jre 0rien+s an+ he 4new so3eone was a0ter it/ thatJs wh# he wante+ the Stone 3ove+ out o0 GringottsPN MA stone that 3a4es go)+ an+ sto"s #ou 0ro3 ever +#ingPN sai+ Harr#. MNo won+er Sna"eJs a0ter itP Anyone wou)+ want it.N MAn+ no won+er we !ou)+nJt 0in+ F)a3e) in that St"dy of 9ecent e0elo1ments in 4izardry*N sai+ Ron. MHeJs not e a!t)# re!ent i0 heJs si hun+re+ an+ si t#;0ive/ is heON The ne t 3orning in 7e0ense Against the 7ar4 Arts/ whi)e !o"#ing +own +i00erent wa#s o0 treating werewo)0 (ites/ Harr# an+ Ron were sti)) +is!ussing what the#J+ +o with a Sor!ererJs Stone i0 the# ha+ one. It wasnJt unti) Ron sai+ heJ+ (u# his own Iui++it!h tea3 that Harr# re3e3(ere+ a(out Sna"e an+ the !o3ing 3at!h. MIJ3 going to ")a#/N he to)+ Ron an+ Her3ione. MI0 I +onJt/ a)) the S)#therins wi)) thin4 IJ3 Kust too s!are+ to 0a!e Sna"e. IJ)) show the3 . . . itJ)) rea))# wi"e the s3i)es o00 their 0a!es i0 we win.N MJust as )ong as weJre not wi"ing #ou o00 the 0ie)+/N sai+ Her3ione. As the 3at!h +rew nearer/ however/ Harr# (e!a3e 3ore an+ 3ore nervous/ whatever he to)+ Ron an+ Her3ione. The rest o0 the tea3 wasnJt too !a)3/ either. The i+ea o0 overta4ing S)#therin in the House 1ha3"ionshi" was won+er0u)/ no one ha+ +one it 0or seven #ears/ (ut wou)+ the# (e a))owe+ to/ with su!h a (iase+ re0ereeO Harr# +i+nJt 4now whether he was i3agining it or not/ (ut he see3e+ to 4ee" running into Sna"e wherever he went. At ti3es/ he even won+ere+ whether Sna"e was 0o))owing hi3/ tr#ing to !at!h

hi3 on his own. ,otions )essons were turning into a sort o0 wee4)# torture/ Sna"e was so horri()e to Harr#. 1ou)+ Sna"e "ossi()# 4now the#J+ 0oun+ out a(out the Sor!ererJs StoneO Harr# +i+nJt see how he !ou)+ A #et he so3eti3es ha+ the horri()e 0ee)ing that Sna"e !ou)+ rea+ 3in+s. Harr# 4new/ when the# wishe+ hi3 goo+ )u!4 outsi+e the )o!4er roo3s the ne t a0ternoon/ that Ron an+ Her3ione were won+ering whether the#J+ ever see hi3 a)ive again. This wasnJt what #ouJ+ !a)) !o30orting. Harr# har+)# hear+ a wor+ o0 Woo+Js "e" ta)4 as he "u))e+ on his Iui++it!h ro(es an+ "i!4e+ u" his Ni3(us Two Thousan+. Ron an+ Her3ione/ 3eanwhi)e/ ha+ 0oun+ a ")a!e in the stan+s ne t to Nevi))e/ who !ou)+nJt un+erstan+ wh# the# )oo4e+ so gri3 an+ worrie+/ or wh# the# ha+ (oth (rought their wan+s to the 3at!h. Litt)e +i+ Harr# 4now that Ron an+ Her3ione ha+ (een se!ret)# "ra!ti!ing the Leg;Lo!4er 1urse. The#J+ gotten the i+ea 0ro3 *a)0o# using it on Nevi))e/ an+ were rea+# to use it on Sna"e i0 he showe+ an# sign o0 wanting to hurt Harr#. MNow/ +onJt 0orget/ itJs /ocomotor 3ortis*N Her3ione 3uttere+ as Ron s)i""e+ his wan+ u" his s)eeve. MI kno!*N Ron sna""e+. M7onJt nag.N Ba!4 in the )o!4er roo3/ Woo+ ha+ ta4en Harr# asi+e. M7onJt want to "ressure #ou/ ,otter/ (ut i0 we ever nee+ an ear)# !a"ture o0 the Snit!h itJs now. Finish the ga3e (e0ore Sna"e !an 0avor Hu00)e"u00 too 3u!h.N MThe who)e s!hoo)Js out therePN sai+ Fre+ Weas)e#/ "eering out o0 the +oor. M2ven A ()i3e# A 7u3()e+oreJs !o3e to wat!hPN Harr#Js heart +i+ a so3ersau)t. M "mbledoreON he sai+/ +ashing to the +oor to 3a4e sure. Fre+ was right. There was no 3ista4ing that si)ver (ear+. Harr# !ou)+ have )aughe+ out )ou+ with re)ie0. He was sa0e. There was si3")# no wa# that Sna"e wou)+ +are to tr# to hurt hi3 i0 7u3()e+ore was wat!hing. ,erha"s that was wh# Sna"e was )oo4ing so angr# as the tea3s 3ar!he+ onto the 0ie)+/ so3ething that Ron noti!e+/ too. MIJve never seen Sna"e )oo4 so 3ean/N he to)+ Her3ione. MLoo4 A the#Jre o00. Ou!hPN So3eone ha+ "o4e+ Ron in the (a!4 o0 the hea+. It was *a)0o#. MOh/ sorr#/ Weas)e#/ +i+nJt see #ou there.N *a)0o# grinne+ (roa+)# at 1ra((e an+ Go#)e. MWon+er how )ong ,otterJs going to sta# on his (roo3 this ti3eO An#one want a (etO What a(out #ou/ Weas)e#ON

Ron +i+nJt answerL Sna"e ha+ Kust awar+e+ Hu00)e"u00 a "ena)t# (e!ause George Weas)e# ha+ hit a B)u+ger at hi3. Her3ione/ who ha+ a)) her 0ingers !rosse+ in her )a"/ was sHuinting 0i e+)# at Harr#/ who was !ir!)ing the ga3e )i4e a haw4/ )oo4ing 0or the Snit!h. MYou 4now how I thin4 the# !hoose "eo")e 0or the Gr#00in+or tea3ON sai+ *a)0o# )ou+)# a 0ew 3inutes )ater/ as Sna"e awar+e+ Hu00)e"u00 another "ena)t# 0or no reason at a)). MItJs "eo")e the# 0ee) sorr# 0or. See/ thereJs ,otter/ whoJs got no "arents/ then thereJs the Weas)e#s/ whoJve got no 3one# A #ou shou)+ (e on the tea3/ Long(otto3/ #ouJve got no (rains.N Nevi))e went (right re+ (ut turne+ in his seat to 0a!e *a)0o#. MIJ3 worth twe)ve o0 #ou/ *a)0o#/N he sta33ere+. *a)0o#/ 1ra((e/ an+ Go#)e how)e+ with )aughter/ (ut Ron/ sti)) not +aring to ta4e his e#es 0ro3 the ga3e/ sai+/ MYou te)) hi3/ Nevi))e.N MLong(otto3/ i0 (rains were go)+ #ouJ+ (e "oorer than Weas)e#/ an+ thatJs sa#ing so3ething.N RonJs nerves were a)rea+# stret!he+ to the (rea4ing "oint with an iet# a(out Harr#. MIJ3 warning #ou/ *a)0o# A one 3ore wor+ AN MRonPN sai+ Her3ione su++en)#/ MHarr# A PN MWhatO WhereON Harr# ha+ su++en)# gone into a s"e!ta!u)ar +ive/ whi!h +rew gas"s an+ !heers 0ro3 the !row+. Her3ione stoo+ u"/ her !rosse+ 0ingers in her 3outh/ as Harr# strea4e+ towar+ the groun+ )i4e a (u))et. MYouJre in )u!4/ Weas)e#/ ,otterJs o(vious)# s"otte+ so3e 3one# on the groun+PN sai+ *a)0o#. Ron sna""e+. Be0ore *a)0o# 4new what was ha""ening/ Ron was on to" o0 hi3/ wrest)ing hi3 to the groun+. Nevi))e hesitate+/ then !)a3(ere+ over the (a!4 o0 his seat to he)". M1o3e on/ Harr#PN Her3ione s!rea3e+/ )ea"ing onto her seat to wat!h as Harr# s"e+ straight at Sna"e A she +i+nJt even noti!e *a)0o# an+ Ron ro))ing aroun+ un+er her seat/ or the s!u00)es an+ #e)"s !o3ing 0ro3 the whir) o0 0ists that was Nevi))e/ 1ra((e/ an+ Go#)e. E" in the air/ Sna"e turne+ on his (roo3sti!4 Kust in ti3e to see so3ething s!ar)et shoot "ast hi3/ 3issing hi3 (# in!hes A the ne t se!on+/ Harr# ha+ "u))e+ out o0 the +ive/ his ar3 raise+ in triu3"h/ the Snit!h !)as"e+ in his han+. The stan+s eru"te+L it ha+ to (e a re!or+/ no one !ou)+ ever re3e3(er

the Snit!h (eing !aught so Hui!4)#. MRonP RonP Where are #ouO The ga3eJs overP Harr#Js wonP WeJve wonP Gr#00in+or is in the )ea+PN shrie4e+ Her3ione/ +an!ing u" an+ +own on her seat an+ hugging ,arvati ,ati) in the row in 0ront. Harr# Ku3"e+ o00 his (roo3/ a 0oot 0ro3 the groun+. He !ou)+nJt (e)ieve it. HeJ+ +one it A the ga3e was overL it ha+ (are)# )aste+ 0ive 3inutes. As Gr#00in+ors !a3e s"i))ing onto the 0ie)+/ he saw Sna"e )an+ near(#/ white;0a!e+ an+ tight;)i""e+ A then Harr# 0e)t a han+ on his shou)+er an+ )oo4e+ u" into 7u3()e+oreJs s3i)ing 0a!e. MWe)) +one/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore Huiet)#/ so that on)# Harr# !ou)+ hear. MNi!e to see #ou havenJt (een (roo+ing a(out that 3irror . . . (een 4ee"ing (us# . . . e !e))ent . . .N Sna"e s"at (itter)# on the groun+. Harr# )e0t the )o!4er roo3 a)one so3e ti3e )ater/ to ta4e his Ni3(us Two Thousan+ (a!4 to the (roo3she+. He !ou)+nJt ever re3e3(er 0ee)ing ha""ier. HeJ+ rea))# +one so3ething to (e "rou+ o0 now A no one !ou)+ sa# he was Kust a 0a3ous na3e an# 3ore. The evening air ha+ never s3e))e+ so sweet. He wa)4e+ over the +a3" grass/ re)iving the )ast hour in his hea+/ whi!h was a ha""# ()ur6 Gr#00in+ors running to )i0t hi3 onto their shou)+ersL Ron an+ Her3ione in the +istan!e/ Ku3"ing u" an+ +own/ Ron !heering through a heav# nose()ee+. Harr# ha+ rea!he+ the she+. He )eane+ against the woo+en +oor an+ )oo4e+ u" at Hogwarts/ with its win+ows g)owing re+ in the setting sun. Gr#00in+or in the )ea+. HeJ+ +one it/ heJ+ shown Sna"e. . . . An+ s"ea4ing o0 Sna"e . . . A hoo+e+ 0igure !a3e swi0t)# +own the 0ront ste"s o0 the !ast)e. 1)ear)# not wanting to (e seen/ it wa)4e+ as 0ast as "ossi()e towar+ the 0or(i++en 0orest. Harr#Js vi!tor# 0a+e+ 0ro3 his 3in+ as he wat!he+. He re!ogni=e+ the 0igureJs "row)ing wa)4. Sna"e/ snea4ing into the 0orest whi)e ever#one e)se was at +inner A what was going onO Harr# Ku3"e+ (a!4 on his Ni3(us Two Thousan+ an+ too4 o00. G)i+ing si)ent)# over the !ast)e he saw Sna"e enter the 0orest at a run. He 0o))owe+. The trees were so thi!4 he !ou)+nJt see where Sna"e ha+ gone. He 0)ew in !ir!)es/ )ower an+ )ower/ (rushing the to" (ran!hes o0 trees unti) he hear+ voi!es. He g)i+e+ towar+ the3 an+ )an+e+ noise)ess)# in a towering (ee!h tree.

He !)i3(e+ !are0u))# a)ong one o0 the (ran!hes/ ho)+ing tight to his (roo3sti!4/ tr#ing to see through the )eaves. Be)ow/ in a sha+ow# !)earing/ stoo+ Sna"e/ (ut he wasnJt a)one. Iuirre)) was there/ too. Harr# !ou)+nJt 3a4e out the )oo4 on his 0a!e/ (ut he was stuttering worse than ever. Harr# straine+ to !at!h what the# were sa#ing. M. . . +;+onJt 4now wh# #ou wante+ t;t;to 3eet here o0 a)) ";")a!es/ Severus . . .N MOh/ I thought weJ+ 4ee" this "rivate/N sai+ Sna"e/ his voi!e i!#. MStu+ents arenJt su""ose+ to 4now a(out the Sor!ererJs Stone/ a0ter a)).N Harr# )eane+ 0orwar+. Iuirre)) was 3u3()ing so3ething. Sna"e interru"te+ hi3. MHave #ou 0oun+ out how to get "ast that (east o0 Hagri+Js #etON MB;(;(ut Severus/ I AN MYou +onJt want 3e as #our ene3#/ Iuirre))/N sai+ Sna"e/ ta4ing a ste" towar+ hi3. MI;I +onJt 4now what #ou AN MYou 4now "er0e!t)# we)) what I 3ean.N An ow) hoote+ )ou+)#/ an+ Harr# near)# 0e)) out o0 the tree. He stea+ie+ hi3se)0 in ti3e to hear Sna"e sa#/ MA #our )itt)e (it o0 ho!us;"o!us. IJ3 waiting.N MB;(ut I +;+;+onJt AN MGer# we))/N Sna"e !ut in. MWeJ)) have another )itt)e !hat soon/ when #ouJve ha+ ti3e to thin4 things over an+ +e!i+e+ where #our )o#a)ties )ie.N He threw his !)oa4 over his hea+ an+ stro+e out o0 the !)earing. It was a)3ost +ar4 now/ (ut Harr# !ou)+ see Iuirre))/ stan+ing Huite sti)) as though he was "etri0ie+.

MHarr#/ where have #ou beenON Her3ione sHuea4e+. MWe wonP You wonP We wonPN shoute+ Ron/ thu3"ing Harr# on the (a!4. MAn+ I gave *a)0o# a ()a!4 e#e/ an+ Nevi))e trie+ to ta4e on 1ra((e an+ Go#)e sing)e;han+e+P HeJs sti)) out !o)+ (ut *a+a3 ,o30re# sa#s heJ)) (e a)) right A ta)4 a(out showing S)#therinP 2ver#oneJs waiting 0or #ou in the !o33on roo3/ weJre having a "art#/ Fre+ an+ George sto)e so3e !a4es an+ stu00 0ro3 the 4it!hens.N MNever 3in+ that now/N sai+ Harr# (reath)ess)#. MLetJs 0in+ an e3"t# roo3/ #ou wait Jti) #ou hear this. . . .N He 3a+e sure ,eeves wasnJt insi+e (e0ore shutting the +oor (ehin+ the3/ then he to)+ the3 what heJ+ seen an+ hear+.

MSo we were right/ it is the Sor!ererJs Stone/ an+ Sna"eJs tr#ing to 0or!e Iuirre)) to he)" hi3 get it. He as4e+ i0 he 4new how to get "ast F)u00# A an+ he sai+ so3ething a(out Iuirre))Js Sho!us"o!usJ A I re!4on there are other things guar+ing the stone a"art 0ro3 F)u00#/ )oa+s o0 en!hant3ents/ "ro(a()#/ an+ Iuirre)) wou)+ have +one so3e anti;7ar4 Arts s"e)) that Sna"e nee+s to (rea4 through AN MSo #ou 3ean the StoneJs on)# sa0e as )ong as Iuirre)) stan+s u" to Sna"eON sai+ Her3ione in a)ar3. MItJ)) (e gone (# ne t Tues+a#/N sai+ Ron.




Iuirre))/ however/ 3ust have (een (raver than the#J+ thought. In the wee4s that 0o))owe+ he +i+ see3 to (e getting "a)er an+ thinner/ (ut it +i+nJt )oo4 as though heJ+ !ra!4e+ #et. 2ver# ti3e the# "asse+ the thir+;0)oor !orri+or/ Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione wou)+ "ress their ears to the +oor to !he!4 that F)u00# was sti)) grow)ing insi+e. Sna"e was swee"ing a(out in his usua) (a+ te3"er/ whi!h sure)# 3eant that the Stone was sti)) sa0e. Whenever Harr# "asse+ Iuirre)) these +a#s he gave hi3 an en!ouraging sort o0 s3i)e/ an+ Ron ha+ starte+ te))ing "eo")e o00 0or )aughing at Iuirre))Js stutter. Her3ione/ however/ ha+ 3ore on her 3in+ than the Sor!ererJs Stone. She ha+ starte+ +rawing u" stu+# s!he+u)es an+ !o)or!o+ing a)) her notes. Harr# an+ Ron wou)+nJt have 3in+e+/ (ut she 4e"t nagging the3 to +o the sa3e. MHer3ione/ the e a3s are ages awa#.N MTen wee4s/N Her3ione sna""e+. MThatJs not ages/ thatJs )i4e a se!on+ to Ni!o)as F)a3e).N MBut weJre not si hun+re+ #ears o)+/N Ron re3in+e+ her. MAn#wa#/ what are #ou stu+#ing 0or/ #ou a)rea+# 4now it a)).N MWhat a3 I stu+#ing 0orO Are #ou !ra=#O You rea)i=e we nee+ to

"ass these e a3s to get into the se!on+ #earO The#Jre ver# i3"ortant/ I shou)+ have starte+ stu+#ing a 3onth ago/ I +onJt 4now whatJs gotten into 3e. En0ortunate)#/ the tea!hers see3e+ to (e thin4ing a)ong the sa3e )ines as Her3ione. The# "i)e+ so 3u!h ho3ewor4 on the3 that the 2aster ho)i+a#s werenJt near)# as 3u!h 0un as the 1hrist3as ones. It was har+ to re)a with Her3ione ne t to #ou re!iting the twe)ve uses o0 +ragonJs ()oo+ or "ra!ti!ing wan+ 3ove3ents. *oaning an+ #awning/ Harr# an+ Ron s"ent 3ost o0 their 0ree ti3e in the )i(rar# with her/ tr#ing to get through a)) their e tra wor4. MIJ)) never re3e3(er this/N Ron (urst out one a0ternoon/ throwing +own his Hui)) an+ )oo4ing )onging)# out o0 the )i(rar# win+ow. It was the 0irst rea))# 0ine +a# the#J+ ha+ in 3onths. The s4# was a !)ear/ 0orget;3e;not ()ue/ an+ there was a 0ee)ing in the air o0 su33er !o3ing. Harr#/ who was )oo4ing u" M7ittan#N in One ,ho"sand 3a'ical Herbs and F"n'i* +i+nJt )oo4 u" unti) he hear+ Ron sa#/ MHagri+P What are #ou +oing in the )i(rar#ON Hagri+ shu00)e+ into view/ hi+ing so3ething (ehin+ his (a!4. He )oo4e+ ver# out o0 ")a!e in his 3o)es4in over!oat. MJusJ )oo4inJ/N he sai+/ in a shi0t# voi!e that got their interest at on!e. MAnJ whatJre #ou )ot u" terON He )oo4e+ su++en)# sus"i!ious. MYer not sti)) )oo4inJ 0er Ni!o)as F)a3e)/ are #ehON MOh/ we 0oun+ out who he is ages ago/N sai+ Ron i3"ressive)#. MAnd we 4now what that +ogJs guar+ing/ itJs a Sor!ererJs St AN MShhhhPN Hagri+ )oo4e+ aroun+ Hui!4)# to see i0 an#one was )istening. M7onJ go shoutinJ a(out it/ whatJs the 3atter with #ehON MThere are a 0ew things we wante+ to as4 #ou/ as a 3atter o0 0a!t/N sai+ Harr#/ Ma(out whatJs guar+ing the Stone a"art 0ro3 F)u00# AN MSHHHHPN sai+ Hagri+ again. MListen A !o3e anJ see 3e )ater/ IJ3 not "ro3isinJ IJ)) te)) #eh an#thinJ/ 3in+/ (ut +onJ go ra((itinJ a(out it in here/ stu+ents arenJ sJ""ose+ ter 4now. The#J)) thin4 IJve to)+ #eh AN MSee #ou )ater/ then/N sai+ Harr#. Hagri+ shu00)e+ o00. MWhat was he hi+ing (ehin+ his (a!4ON sai+ Her3ione thought0u))#. M7o #ou thin4 it ha+ an#thing to +o with the StoneON MIJ3 going to see what se!tion he was in/N sai+ Ron/ whoJ+ ha+ enough o0 wor4ing. He !a3e (a!4 a 3inute )ater with a "i)e o0 (oo4s in his ar3s an+ s)a33e+ the3 +own on the ta()e.

M ra'onsPN he whis"ere+. MHagri+ was )oo4ing u" stu00 a(out +ragonsP Loo4 at these6 ra'on S1ecies of Great Britain and -reland> From .'' to -nferno* A ra'on 5ee1ers G"ide(N MHagri+Js a)wa#s wante+ a +ragon/ he to)+ 3e so the 0irst ti3e I ever 3et hi3/N sai+ Harr#. MBut itJs against our )aws/N sai+ Ron. M7ragon (ree+ing was out)awe+ (# the War)o!4sJ 1onvention o0 %'9&/ ever#one 4nows that. Its har+ to sto" *ugg)es 0ro3 noti!ing us i0 weJre 4ee"ing +ragons in the (a!4 gar+en A an#wa#/ #ou !anJt ta3e +ragons/ itJs +an gerous. You shou)+ see the (urns 1har)ieJs got o00 wi)+ ones in Ro3ania.N MBut there arenJt wi)+ +ragons in BritainON sai+ Harr#. MO0 !ourse there are/N sai+ Ron. M1o33on We)sh Green an+ He(ri+ean B)a!4s. The *inistr# o0 *agi! has a Ko( hushing the3 u"/ I !an te)) #ou. Our 4in+ have to 4ee" "utting s"e))s on *ugg)es whoJve s"otte+ the3/ to 3a4e the3 0orget.N MSo what on earthJs Hagri+ u" toON sai+ Her3ione. When the# 4no!4e+ on the +oor o0 the ga3e4ee"erJs hut an hour )ater/ the# were sur"rise+ to see that a)) the !urtains were !)ose+. Hagri+ !a))e+ MWho is itON (e0ore he )et the3 in/ an+ then shut the +oor Hui!4)# (ehin+ the3. It was sti0)ing hot insi+e. 2ven though it was su!h a war3 +a#/ there was a ()a=ing 0ire in the grate. Hagri+ 3a+e the3 tea an+ o00ere+ the3 stoat san+wi!hes/ whi!h the# re0use+. MSo A #eh wante+ to as4 3e so3ethinJON MYes/N sai+ Harr#. There was no "oint (eating aroun+ the (ush. MWe were won+ering i0 #ou !ou)+ te)) us whatJs guar+ing the Sor!ererJs Stone a"art 0ro3 F)u00#.N Hagri+ 0rowne+ at hi3. MOJ !ourse I !anJt/N he sai+. MNu3(er one/ I +onJ 4now 3ese)0. Nu3(er two/ #eh 4now too 3u!h a)rea+#/ so I wou)+nJ te)) #eh i0 I !ou)+. That StoneJs here 0er a goo+ reason. It was a)3ost sto)en outta Gringotts A I sJ""ose #ehJve wor4e+ that out anJ a))O Beats 3e how #eh even 4now a(ouJ F)u00#.N MOh/ !o3e on/ Hagri+/ #ou 3ight not want to te)) us/ (ut #ou do 4now/ #ou 4now ever#thing that goes on roun+ here/N sai+ Her3ione in a war3/ 0)attering voi!e. Hagri+Js (ear+ twit!he+ an+ the# !ou)+ te)) he was s3i)ing. MWe on)# won+ere+ who ha+ done the guar+ing/ rea))#.N Her3ione went on. MWe won+ere+ who 7u3()e+ore ha+ truste+ enough to he)" hi3/ a"art 0ro3 #ou.N

Hagri+Js !hest swe))e+ at these )ast wor+s. Harr# an+ Ron (ea3e+ at Her3ione. MWe))/ I +onJ sJ"ose it !ou)+ hurt ter te)) #eh that . . . )etJs see . . . he (orrowe+ F)u00# 0ro3 3e . . . then so3e oJ the tea!hers +i+ en!hant3ents . . . ,ro0essor S"rout A ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 A ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) AN he ti!4e+ the3 o00 on his 0ingers/ M,ro0essor Iuirre)) A anJ 7u3()e+ore hi3se)0 +i+ so3ethinJ/ oJ !ourse. Hang on/ IJve 0orgotten so3eone. Oh #eah/ ,ro0essor Sna"e.N MSna1eON MYeah A #er not sti)) on a(ouJ that/ are #ehO Loo4/ Sna"e he)"e+ 1rotect the Stone/ heJs not a(out ter stea) it.N Harr# 4new Ron an+ Her3ione were thin4ing the sa3e as he was. I0 Sna"e ha+ (een in on "rote!ting the Stone/ it 3ust have (een eas# to 0in+ out how the other tea!hers ha+ guar+e+ it. He "ro(a()# 4new ever#thing A e !e"t/ it see3e+/ Iuirre))Js s"e)) an+ how to get "ast F)u00#. MYouJre the on)# one who 4nows how to get "ast F)u00#/ arenJt #ou/ Hagri+ON sai+ Harr# an ious)#. MAn+ #ou wou)+nJt te)) an#one/ wou)+ #ouO Not even one o0 the tea!hersON MNot a sou) 4nows e !e"t 3e anJ 7u3()e+ore/N sai+ Hagri+ "rou+)#. MWe))/ thatJs so3ething/N Harr# 3uttere+ to the others. MHagri+/ !an we have a win+ow o"enO IJ3 (oi)ing.N M1anJt/ Harr#/ sorr#/N sai+ Hagri+. Harr# noti!e+ hi3 g)an!e at the 0ire. Harr# )oo4e+ at it/ too. MHagri+ A whatJs thatON But he a)rea+# 4new what it was. In the ver# heart o0 the 0ire/ un+erneath the 4ett)e/ was a huge/ ()a!4 egg. MAh/N sai+ Hagri+/ 0i++)ing nervous)# with his (ear+/ MThatJs A er . . .N MWhere +i+ #ou get it/ Hagri+ON sai+ Ron/ !rou!hing over the 0ire to get a !)oser )oo4 at the egg. MIt 3ustJve !ost #ou a 0ortune.N MWon it/N sai+ Hagri+. MLasJ night. I was +own in the vi))age havinJ a 0ew +rin4s anJ got into a ga3e oJ !ar+s with a stranger. Thin4 he was Huite g)a+ ter get ri+ o0 it/ ter (e honest.N MBut what are #ou going to +o with it when itJs hat!he+ON sai+ Her3ione. MWe))/ IJve (in +oinJ so3e rea+inJ/N sai+ Hagri+/ "u))ing a )arge (oo4 0ro3 un+er his "i))ow. MGot this outta the )i(rar# A ra'on Breedin' for Pleas"re and Profit A itJs a (it outta +ate/ oJ !ourse/ (ut

itJs a)) in here. Kee" the egg in the 0ire/ J!ause their 3others (reathe on Je3/ see/ anJ when it hat!hes/ 0ee+ it on a (u!4et oJ (ran+# 3i e+ with !hi!4en ()oo+ ever# ha)0 hour. AnJ see here A how ter re!ogni=e +i00 Jrent eggs A what I got thereJs a Norwegian Ri+ge(a!4. The#Jre rare/ the3.N He )oo4e+ ver# ")ease+ with hi3se)0/ (ut Her3ione +i+nJt. MHagri+/ #ou )ive in a !ooden ho"se*N she sai+. But Hagri+ wasnJt )istening. He was hu33ing 3erri)# as he sto4e+ the 0ire. So now the# ha+ so3ething e)se to worr# a(out6 what 3ight ha""en to Hagri+ i0 an#one 0oun+ out he was hi+ing an i))ega) +ragon in his hut. MWon+er what itJs )i4e to have a "ea!e0u) )i0e/N Ron sighe+/ as evening a0ter evening the# strugg)e+ through a)) the e tra ho3ewor4 the# were getting. Her3ione ha+ now starte+ 3a4ing stu+# s!he+u)es 0or Harr# an+ Ron/ too. It was +riving the3 nuts. Then/ one (rea40ast ti3e/ He+wig (rought Harr# another note 0ro3 Hagri+. He ha+ written on)# two wor+s6 -ts hatchin'( Ron wante+ to s4i" Her(o)og# an+ go straight +own to the hut. Her3ione wou)+nJt hear o0 it. MHer3ione/ how 3an# ti3es in our )ives are we going to see a +ragon hat!hingON MWeJve got )essons/ weJ)) get into trou()e/ an+ thatJs nothing to what Hagri+Js going to (e in when so3eone 0in+s out what heJs +oing AN MShut u"PN Harr# whis"ere+. *a)0o# was on)# a 0ew 0eet awa# an+ he ha+ sto""e+ +ea+ to )isten. How 3u!h ha+ he hear+O Harr# +i+nJt )i4e the )oo4 on *a)0o#Js 0a!e at a)). Ron an+ Her3ione argue+ a)) the wa# to Her(o)og# an+ in the en+/ Her3ione agree+ to run +own to Hagri+Js with the other two +uring 3orning (rea4. When the (e)) soun+e+ 0ro3 the !ast)e at the en+ o0 their )esson/ the three o0 the3 +ro""e+ their trowe)s at on!e an+ hurrie+ through the groun+s to the e+ge o0 the 0orest. Hagri+ greete+ the3/ )oo4ing 0)ushe+ an+ e !ite+. MItJs near)# out.N He ushere+ the3 insi+e. The egg was )#ing on the ta()e. There were +ee" !ra!4s in it. So3ething was 3oving insi+eL a 0unn# !)i!4ing noise was !o3ing 0ro3 it. The# a)) +rew their !hairs u" to the ta()e an+ wat!he+ with (ate+ (reath. A)) at on!e there was a s!ra"ing noise an+ the egg s")it o"en.

The (a(# +ragon 0)o""e+ onto the ta()e. It wasnJt e a!t)# "rett#L Harr# thought it )oo4e+ )i4e a !ru3")e+/ ()a!4 u3(re))a. Its s"in# wings were huge !o3"are+ to its s4inn# Ket (o+#/ it ha+ a )ong snout with wi+e nostri)s/ the stu(s o0 horns an+ (u)ging/ orange e#es. It snee=e+. A !ou")e o0 s"ar4s 0)ew out o0 its snout. MIsnJt he bea"tif"lON Hagri+ 3ur3ure+. He rea!he+ out a han+ to stro4e the +ragonJs hea+. It sna""e+ at his 0ingers/ showing "ointe+ 0angs. MB)ess hi3/ )oo4/ he 4nows his 3o33#PN sai+ Hagri+. MHagri+/N sai+ Her3ione/ Mhow 0ast +o Norwegian Ri+ge(a!4s grow/ e a!t)#ON Hagri+ was a(out to answer when the !o)or su++en)# +raine+ 0ro3 his 0a!e A he )ea"t to his 0eet an+ ran to the win+ow. MWhatJs the 3atterON MSo3eone was )oo4inJ through the ga" in the !urtains A itJs a 4i+ A heJs runninJ (a!4 u" ter the s!hoo).N Harr# (o)te+ to the +oor an+ )oo4e+ out. 2ven at a +istan!e there was no 3ista4ing hi3. *a)0o# ha+ seen the +ragon. So3ething a(out the s3i)e )ur4ing on *a)0o#Js 0a!e +uring the ne t wee4 3a+e Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione ver# nervous. The# s"ent 3ost o0 their 0ree ti3e in Hagri+Js +ar4ene+ hut/ tr#ing to reason with hi3. MJust )et hi3 go/N Harr# urge+. MSet hi3 0ree.N MI !anJt/N sai+ Hagri+. MHeJs too )itt)e. HeJ+ +ie.N The# )oo4e+ at the +ragon. It ha+ grown three ti3es in )ength in Kust a wee4. S3o4e 4e"t 0ur)ing out o0 its nostri)s. Hagri+ ha+nJt (een +oing his ga3e4ee"ing +uties (e!ause the +ragon was 4ee"ing hi3 so (us#. There were e3"t# (ran+# (ott)es an+ !hi!4en 0eathers a)) over the 0)oor. MIJve +e!i+e+ to !a)) hi3 Nor(ert/N sai+ Hagri+/ )oo4ing at the +ragon with 3ist# e#es. MHe rea))# 4nows 3e now/ wat!h. Nor(ertP Nor(ertP WhereJs *o33#ON MHeJs )ost his 3ar()es/N Ron 3uttere+ in Harr#Js ear. MHagri+/N sai+ Harr# )ou+)#/ Mgive it two wee4s an+ Nor(ertJs going to (e as )ong as #our house. *a)0o# !ou)+ go to 7u3()e+ore at an# 3o3ent.N Hagri+ (it his )i". MI A I 4now I !anJt 4ee" hi3 0orever/ (ut I !anJt KusJ +u3" hi3/ !anJt.N Harr# su++en)# turne+ to Ron.

M1har)ie/N he sai+. MYouJre )osing it/ too/N sai+ Ron. MIJ3 Ron/ re3e3(erON MNo A 1har)ie A #our (rother/ 1har)ie. In Ro3ania. Stu+#ing +ragons. We !ou)+ sen+ Nor(ert to hi3. 1har)ie !an ta4e !are o0 hi3 an+ then "ut hi3 (a!4 in the wi)+PN MBri))iantPN sai+ Ron. MHow a(out it/ Hagri+ON An+ in the en+/ Hagri+ agree+ that the# !ou)+ sen+ an ow) to 1har)ie to as4 hi3. The 0o))owing wee4 +ragge+ (#. We+nes+a# night 0oun+ Her3ione an+ Harr# sitting a)one in the !o33on roo3/ )ong a0ter ever#one e)se ha+ gone to (e+. The !)o!4 on the wa)) ha+ Kust !hi3e+ 3i+night when the "ortrait ho)e (urst o"en. Ron a""eare+ out o0 nowhere as he "u))e+ o00 Harr#Js Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4. He ha+ (een +own at Hagri+Js hut/ he)"ing hi3 0ee+ Nor(ert/ who was now eating +ea+ rats (# the !rate. MIt (it 3ePN he sai+/ showing the3 his han+/ whi!h was wra""e+ in a ()oo+# han+4er!hie0. MIJ3 not going to (e a()e to ho)+ a Hui)) 0or a wee4. I te)) #ou/ that +ragonJs the 3ost horri()e ani3a) IJve ever 3et/ (ut the wa# Hagri+ goes on a(out it/ #ouJ+ thin4 it was a 0)u00# )itt)e (unn# ra((it. When it (it 3e he to)+ 3e o00 0or 0rightening it. An+ when I )e0t/ he was singing it a )u))a(#.N There was a ta" on the +ar4 win+ow. MIts He+wigPN sai+ Harr#/ hurr#ing to )et her in. MSheJ)) have 1har)ieJs answerPN The three o0 the3 "ut their hea+s together to rea+ the note. 7ear Ron/ How are #ouO Than4s 0or the )etter A IJ+ (e g)a+ to ta4e the Norwegian Ri+ge(a!4/ (ut it wonJt (e eas# getting hi3 here. I thin4 the (est thing wi)) (e to sen+ hi3 over with so3e 0rien+s o0 3ine who are !o3ing to visit 3e ne t wee4. Trou()e is/ the# 3ustnJt (e seen !arr#ing an i))ega) +ragon. 1ou)+ #ou get the Ri+ge(a!4 u" the ta))est tower at 3i+night on Satur+a#O The# !an 3eet #ou there an+ ta4e hi3 awa# whi)e itJs sti)) +ar4. Sen+ 3e an answer as soon as "ossi()e. Love/ 1har)ie The# )oo4e+ at one another. MWeJve got the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4/N sai+ Harr#. MIt shou)+nJt (e too +i00i!u)t A I thin4 the !)oa4Js (ig enough to !over two o0 us an+ Nor(ert.N It was a 3ar4 o0 how (a+ the )ast wee4 ha+ (een that the other two

agree+ with hi3. An#thing to get ri+ o0 Nor(ert A an+ *a)0o#. There was a hit!h. B# the ne t 3orning/ RonJs (itten han+ ha+ swo))en to twi!e its usua) si=e. He +i+nJt 4now whether it was sa0e to go to *a+a3 ,o30re# A wou)+ she re!ogni=e a +ragon (iteO B# the a0ternoon/ though/ he ha+ no !hoi!e. The !ut ha+ turne+ a nast# sha+e o0 green. It )oo4e+ as i0 Nor(ertJs 0angs were "oisonous. Harr# an+ Her3ione rushe+ u" to the hos"ita) wing at the en+ o0 the +a# to 0in+ Ron in a terri()e state in (e+. MItJs not Kust 3# han+/N he whis"ere+/ Ma)though that 0ee)s )i4e itJs a(out to 0a)) o00. *a)0o# to)+ *a+a3 ,o30re# he wante+ to (orrow one o0 3# (oo4s so he !ou)+ !o3e an+ have a goo+ )augh at 3e. He 4e"t threatening to te)) her what rea))# (it 3e A IJve to)+ her it was a +og/ (ut I +onJt thin4 she (e)ieves 3e A I shou)+nJt have hit hi3 at the Iui++it!h 3at!h/ thatJs wh# heJs +oing this.N Harr# an+ Her3ione trie+ to !a)3 Ron +own. MItJ)) a)) (e over at 3i+night on Satur+a#/N sai+ Her3ione/ (ut this +i+nJt soothe Ron at a)). On the !ontrar#/ he sat (o)t u"right an+ (ro4e into a sweat. M*i+night on Satur+a#PN he sai+ in a hoarse voi!e. MOh no A oh no A IJve Kust re3e3(ere+ A 1har)ieJs )etter was in that (oo4 *a)0o# too4/ heJs going to 4now weJre getting ri+ o0 Nor(ert.N Harr# an+ Her3ione +i+nJt get a !han!e to answer. *a+a3 ,o30re# !a3e over at that 3o3ent an+ 3a+e the3 )eave/ sa#ing Ron nee+e+ s)ee". MItJs too )ate to !hange the ")an now/N Harr# to)+ Her3ione. MWe havenJt got ti3e to sen+ 1har)ie another ow)/ an+ this !ou)+ (e our on)# !han!e to get ri+ o0 Nor(ert. WeJ)) have to ris4 it. An+ we ha0e got the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4/ *a)0o# +oesnJt 4now a(out that.N The# 0oun+ Fang the (oarhoun+ sitting outsi+e with a (an+age+ tai) when the# went to te)) Hagri+/ who o"ene+ a win+ow to ta)4 to the3. MI wonJt )et #ou in/N he "u00e+. MNor(ertJs at a tri!4# stage A nothinJ I !anJt han+)e.N When the# to)+ hi3 a(out 1har)ieJs )etter/ his e#es 0i))e+ with tears/ a)though that 3ight have (een (e!ause Nor(ert ha+ Kust (itten hi3 on the )eg. MAarghP ItJs a)) right/ he on)# got 3# (oot A KusJ ")a#inJ A heJs on)# a (a(#/ a0ter a)).N The (a(# (ange+ its tai) on the wa))/ 3a4ing the win+ows ratt)e. Harr# an+ Her3ione wa)4e+ (a!4 to the !ast)e 0ee)ing Satur+a# !ou)+nJt !o3e Hui!4)# enough.

The# wou)+ have 0e)t sorr# 0or Hagri+ when the ti3e !a3e 0or hi3 to sa# goo+;(#e to Nor(ert i0 the# ha+nJt (een so worrie+ a(out what the# ha+ to +o. It was a ver# +ar4/ !)ou+# night/ an+ the# were a (it )ate arriving at Hagri+Js hut (e!ause the#J+ ha+ to wait 0or ,eeves to get out o0 their wa# in the entran!e ha))/ where heJ+ (een ")a#ing tennis against the wa)). Hagri+ ha+ Nor(ert "a!4e+ an+ rea+# in a )arge !rate. MHeJs got )ots oJ rats anJ so3e (ran+# 0er the Kourne#/N sai+ Hagri+ in a 3u00)e+ voi!e. MAnJ IJve "a!4e+ his te++# (ear in !ase he gets )one)#.N Fro3 insi+e the !rate !a3e ri""ing noises that soun+e+ to Harr# as though the te++# was having his hea+ torn o00. MB#e;(#e/ Nor(ertPN Hagri+ so((e+/ as Harr# an+ Her3ione !overe+ the !rate with the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 an+ ste""e+ un+erneath it the3se)ves. M*o33# wi)) never 0orget #ouPN How the# 3anage+ to get the !rate (a!4 u" to the !ast)e/ the# never 4new. *i+night ti!4e+ nearer as the# heave+ Nor(ert u" the 3ar()e stair!ase in the entran!e ha)) an+ a)ong the +ar4 !orri+ors. E" another stair!ase/ then another A even one o0 Harr#Js short!uts +i+nJt 3a4e the wor4 3u!h easier. MNear)# therePN Harr# "ante+ as the# rea!he+ the !orri+or (eneath the ta))est tower. Then a su++en 3ove3ent ahea+ o0 the3 3a+e the3 a)3ost +ro" the !rate. Forgetting that the# were a)rea+# invisi()e/ the# shran4 into the sha+ows/ staring at the +ar4 out)ines o0 two "eo")e gra"")ing with ea!h other ten 0eet awa#. A )a3" 0)are+. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ in a tartan (athro(e an+ a hair net/ ha+ *a)0o# (# the ear. M7etentionPN she shoute+. MAn+ twent# "oints 0ro3 S)#therinP Wan+ering aroun+ in the 3i++)e o0 the night/ how dare #ou AN MYou +onJt un+erstan+/ ,ro0essor. Harr# ,otterJs !o3ing A heJs got a +ragonPN MWhat utter ru((ishP How +are #ou te)) su!h )iesP 1o3e on A I sha)) see ,ro0essor Sna"e a(out #ou/ *a)0o#PN The stee" s"ira) stair!ase u" to the to" o0 the tower see3e+ the easiest thing in the wor)+ a0ter that. Not unti) the#J+ ste""e+ out into the !o)+ night air +i+ the# throw o00 the !)oa4/ g)a+ to (e a()e to (reathe "ro"er)# again. Her3ione +i+ a sort o0 Kig. M*a)0o#Js got +etentionP I !ou)+ singPN M7onJt/N Harr# a+vise+ her. 1hu!4)ing a(out *a)0o#/ the# waite+/ Nor(ert thrashing a(out in his !rate. A(out ten 3inutes )ater/ 0our (roo3sti!4s !a3e swoo"ing

+own out o0 the +ar4ness. 1har)ieJs 0rien+s were a !heer# )ot. The# showe+ Harr# an+ Her3ione the harness the#J+ rigge+ u"/ so the# !ou)+ sus"en+ Nor(ert (etween the3. The# a)) he)"e+ (u!4)e Nor(ert sa0e)# into it an+ then Harr# an+ Her3ione shoo4 han+s with the others an+ than4e+ the3 ver# 3u!h. At )ast/ Nor(ert was going . . . going . . . 'one( The# s)i""e+ (a!4 +own the s"ira) stair!ase/ their hearts as )ight as their han+s/ now that Nor(ert was o00 the3. No 3ore +ragon A *a)0o# in +etention A what !ou)+ s"oi) their ha""inessO The answer to that was waiting at the 0oot o0 the stairs. As the# ste""e+ into the !orri+or/ Fi)!hJs 0a!e )oo3e+ su++en)# out o0 the +ar4ness. MWe))/ we))/ we))/N he whis"ere+/ Mwe are in trou()e.N The#J+ )e0t the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 on to" o0 the tower.

(HAPT%R 'I'T%%!
Things !ou)+nJt have (een worse. Fi)!h too4 the3 +own to ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))Js stu+# on the 0irst 0)oor/ where the# sat an+ waite+ without sa#ing a wor+ to ea!h other. Her3ione was tre3()ing. 2 !uses/ a)i(is/ an+ wi)+ !over;u" stories !hase+ ea!h other aroun+ Harr#Js (rain/ ea!h 3ore 0ee()e than the )ast. He !ou)+nJt see how the# were going to get out o0 trou()e this ti3e. The# were !ornere+. How !ou)+ the# have (een so stu"i+ as to 0orget the !)oa4O There was no reason on earth that ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) wou)+ a!!e"t 0or their (eing out o0 (e+ an+ !ree"ing aroun+ the s!hoo) in the +ea+ o0 night/ )et a)one (eing u" the ta))est Astrono3# Tower/ whi!h was out;o0;(oun+s e !e"t 0or !)asses. A++ Nor(ert an+ the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4/ an+ the# 3ight as we)) (e "a!4ing their (ags a)rea+#. Ha+ Harr# thought that things !ou)+nJt have (een worseO He was wrong. When ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) a""eare+/ she was )ea+ing Nevi))e. MHarr#PN Nevi))e (urst out/ the 3o3ent he saw the other two. MI was tr#ing to 0in+ #ou to warn #ou/ I hear+ *a)0o# sa#ing he was

going to !at!h #ou/ he sai+ #ou ha+ a +rag AN Harr# shoo4 his hea+ vio)ent)# to shut Nevi))e u"/ (ut ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ha+ seen. She )oo4e+ 3ore )i4e)# to (reathe 0ire than Nor(ert as she towere+ over the three o0 the3. MI wou)+ never have (e)ieve+ it o0 an# o0 #ou. *r. Fi)!h sa#s #ou were u" in the Astrono3# Tower. ItJs one oJ!)o!4 in the 3orning. .x1lain yo"rsel0es(N It was the 0irst ti3e Her3ione ha+ ever 0ai)e+ to answer a tea!herJs Huestion. She was staring at her s)i""ers/ as sti)) as a statue. MI thin4 IJve got a goo+ i+ea o0 whatJs (een going on/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MIt +oesnJt ta4e a genius to wor4 it out. You 0e+ 7ra!o *a)0o# so3e !o!4;an+;(u)) stor# a(out a +ragon/ tr#ing to get hi3 out o0 (e+ an+ into trou()e. IJve a)rea+# !aught hi3. I su""ose #ou thin4 itJs 0unn# that Long(otto3 here hear+ the stor# an+ (e)ieve+ it/ tooON Harr# !aught Nevi))eJs e#e an+ trie+ to te)) hi3 without wor+s that this wasnJt true/ (e!ause Nevi))e was )oo4ing stunne+ an+ hurt. ,oor/ ()un+ering Nevi))e A Harr# 4new what it 3ust have !ost hi3 to tr# an+ 0in+ the3 in the +ar4/ to warn the3. MIJ3 +isguste+/N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)). MFour stu+ents out o0 (e+ in one nightP IJve never hear+ o0 su!h a thing (e0oreP You/ *iss Granger/ I thought #ou ha+ 3ore sense. As 0or #ou/ *r. ,otter/ I thought Gr#00in+or 3eant 3ore to #ou than this. A)) three o0 #ou wi)) re!eive +etentions A #es/ #ou too/ *r. Long(otto3/ nothin' gives #ou the right to wa)4 aroun+ s!hoo) at night/ es"e!ia))# these +a#s/ itJs ver# +angerous A an+ 0i0t# "oints wi)) (e ta4en 0ro3 Gr#00in+or.N MFiftyON Harr# gas"e+ A the# wou)+ )ose the )ea+/ the )ea+ heJ+ won in the )ast Iui++it!h 3at!h. MFi0t# "oints each*N sai+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ (reathing heavi)# through her )ong/ "ointe+ nose. M,ro0essor A ")ease AN MYou cant AN M7onJt te)) 3e what I !an an+ !anJt +o/ ,otter. Now get (a!4 to (e+/ a)) o0 #ou. IJve never (een 3ore asha3e+ o0 Gr#00in+or stu+ents.N A hun+re+ an+ 0i0t# "oints )ost. That "ut Gr#00in+or in )ast ")a!e. In one night/ the#J+ ruine+ an# !han!e Gr#00in+or ha+ ha+ 0or the House 1u". Harr# 0e)t as though the (otto3 ha+ +ro""e+ out o0 his sto3a!h. How !ou)+ the# ever 3a4e u" 0or thisO Harr# +i+nJt s)ee" a)) night. He !ou)+ hear Nevi))e so((ing into

his "i))ow 0or what see3e+ )i4e hours. Harr# !ou)+nJt thin4 o0 an#thing to sa# to !o30ort hi3. He 4new Nevi))e/ )i4e hi3se)0/ was +rea+ing the +awn. What wou)+ ha""en when the rest o0 Gr#00in+or 0oun+ out what the#J+ +oneO At 0irst/ Gr#00in+ors "assing the giant hourg)asses that re!or+e+ the House "oints the ne t +a# thought thereJ+ (een a 3ista4e. How !ou)+ the# su++en)# have a hun+re+ an+ 0i0t# "oints 0ewer than #ester+a#O An+ then the stor# starte+ to s"rea+6 Harr# ,otter/ the 0a3ous Harr# ,otter/ their hero o0 two Iui++it!h 3at!hes/ ha+ )ost the3 a)) those "oints/ hi3 an+ a !ou")e o0 other stu"i+ 0irst #ears. Fro3 (eing one o0 the 3ost "o"u)ar an+ a+3ire+ "eo")e at the s!hoo)/ Harr# was su++en)# the 3ost hate+. 2ven Raven!)aws an+ Hu00)e"u00s turne+ on hi3/ (e!ause ever#one ha+ (een )onging to see S)#therin )ose the House 1u". 2ver#where Harr# went/ "eo")e "ointe+ an+ +i+nJt trou()e to )ower their voi!es as the# insu)te+ hi3. S)#therins/ on the other han+/ !)a""e+ as he wa)4e+ "ast the3/ whist)ing an+ !heering/ MThan4s ,otter/ we owe #ou onePN On)# Ron stoo+ (# hi3. MThe#J)) a)) 0orget this in a 0ew wee4s. Fre+ an+ George have )ost )oa+s o0 "oints in a)) the ti3e the#Jve (een here/ an+ "eo")e sti)) )i4e the3.N MThe#Jve never )ost a hun+re+ an+ 0i0t# "oints in one go/ though/ have the#ON sai+ Harr# 3isera()#. MWe)) A no/N Ron a+3itte+. It was a (it )ate to re"air the +a3age/ (ut Harr# swore to hi3se)0 not to 3e++)e in things that werenJt his (usiness 0ro3 now on. HeJ+ ha+ it with snea4ing aroun+ an+ s"#ing. He 0e)t so asha3e+ o0 hi3se)0 that he went to Woo+ an+ o00ere+ to resign 0ro3 the Iui++it!h tea3. M9esi'nON Woo+ thun+ere+. MWhat goo+J)) that +oO How are we going to get an# "oints (a!4 i0 we !anJt win at Iui++it!hON But even Iui++it!h ha+ )ost its 0un. The rest o0 the tea3 wou)+nJt s"ea4 to Harr# +uring "ra!ti!e/ an+ i0 the# ha+ to s"ea4 a(out hi3/ the# !a))e+ hi3 Mthe See4er.N Her3ione an+ Nevi))e were su00ering/ too. The# +i+nJt have as (a+ a ti3e as Harr#/ (e!ause the# werenJt as we));4nown/ (ut no(o+# wou)+ s"ea4 to the3/ either. Her3ione ha+ sto""e+ +rawing attention to herse)0 in !)ass/ 4ee"ing her hea+ +own an+ wor4ing in si)en!e. Harr# was a)3ost g)a+ that the e a3s werenJt 0ar awa#. A)) the stu+#ing he ha+ to +o 4e"t his 3in+ o00 his 3iser#. He/ Ron/ an+

Her3ione 4e"t to the3se)ves/ wor4ing )ate into the night/ tr#ing to re3e3(er the ingre+ients in !o3")i!ate+ "otions/ )earn !har3s an+ s"e))s (# heart/ 3e3ori=e the +ates o0 3agi!a) +is!overies an+ go()in re(e))ions. . . . Then/ a(out a wee4 (e0ore the e a3s were +ue to start/ Harr#Js new reso)ution not to inter0ere in an#thing that +i+nJt !on!ern hi3 was "ut to an une "e!te+ test. Wa)4ing (a!4 0ro3 the )i(rar# on his own one a0ternoon/ he hear+ so3e(o+# whi3"ering 0ro3 a !)assroo3 u" ahea+. As he +rew !)oser/ he hear+ Iuirre))Js voi!e. MNo A no A not again/ ")ease AN It soun+e+ as though so3eone was threatening hi3. Harr# 3ove+ !)oser. MA)) right A a)) right AN he hear+ Iuirre)) so(. Ne t se!on+/ Iuirre)) !a3e hurr#ing out o0 the !)assroo3 straightening his tur(an. He was "a)e an+ )oo4e+ as though he was a(out to !r#. He stro+e out o0 sightL Harr# +i+nJt thin4 Iuirre)) ha+ even noti!e+ hi3. He waite+ unti) Iuirre))Js 0ootste"s ha+ +isa""eare+/ then "eere+ into the !)assroo3. It was e3"t#/ (ut a +oor stoo+ aKar at the other en+. Harr# was ha)0wa# towar+ it (e0ore he re3e3(ere+ what heJ+ "ro3ise+ hi3se)0 a(out not 3e++)ing. A)) the sa3e/ heJ+ have ga3()e+ twe)ve Sor!ererJs Stones that Sna"e ha+ Kust )e0t the roo3/ an+ 0ro3 what Harr# ha+ Kust hear+/ Sna"e wou)+ (e wa)4ing with a new s"ring in his ste" A Iuirre)) see3e+ to have given in at )ast. Harr# went (a!4 to the )i(rar#/ where Her3ione was testing Ron on Astrono3#. Harr# to)+ the3 what heJ+ hear+. MSna"eJs +one it/ thenPN sai+ Ron. MI0 Iuirre))Js to)+ hi3 how to (rea4 his Anti;7ar4 For!e s"e)) AN MThereJs sti)) F)u00#/ though/N sai+ Her3ione. M*a#(e Sna"eJs 0oun+ out how to get "ast hi3 without as4ing Hagri+/N sai+ Ron/ )oo4ing u" at the thousan+s o0 (oo4s sur roun+ing the3. MI (et thereJs a (oo4 so3ewhere in here te))ing #ou how to get "ast a giant three;hea+e+ +og. So what +o we +o/ Harr#ON The )ight o0 a+venture was 4in+)ing again in RonJs e#es/ (ut Her3ione answere+ (e0ore Harr# !ou)+. MGo to 7u3()e+ore. ThatJs what we shou)+ have +one ages ago. I0 we tr# an#thing ourse)ves weJ)) (e thrown out 0or sure.N MBut weJve got no 1roof PN sai+ Harr#. MIuirre))Js too s!are+ to (a!4 us u". Sna"eJs on)# got to sa# he +oesnJt 4now how the tro)) got in at Ha))oween an+ that he was nowhere near the thir+

0)oor A who +o #ou thin4 the#J)) (e)ieve/ hi3 or usO ItJs not e a!t)# a se!ret we hate hi3/ 7u3()e+oreJ)) thin4 we 3a+e it u" to get hi3 sa!4e+. Fi)!h wou)+nJt he)" us i0 his )i0e +e"en+e+ on it/ heJs too 0rien+)# with Sna"e/ an+ the 3ore stu+ents get thrown out/ the (etter/ heJ)) thin4. An+ +onJt 0orget/ weJre not su""ose+ to 4now a(out the Stone or F)u00#. ThatJ)) ta4e a )ot o0 e ")aining.N Her3ione )oo4e+ !onvin!e+/ (ut Ron +i+nJt. MI0 we Kust +o a (it o0 "o4ing aroun+ AN MNo/N sai+ Harr# 0)at)#/ MweJve +one enough "o4ing aroun+.N He "u))e+ a 3a" o0 Ju"iter towar+ hi3 an+ starte+ to )earn the na3es o0 its 3oons. The 0o))owing 3orning/ notes were +e)ivere+ to Harr#/ Her3ione/ an+ Nevi))e at the (rea40ast ta()e. The# were a)) the sa3e6 Your +etention wi)) ta4e ")a!e at e)even oJ!)o!4 tonight. *eet *r. Fi)!h in the entran!e ha)). Harr# ha+ 0orgotten the# sti)) ha+ +etentions to +o in the 0uror over the "oints the#J+ )ost. He ha)0 e "e!te+ Her3ione to !o3")ain that this was a who)e night o0 stu+#ing )ost/ (ut she +i+nJt sa# a wor+. Li4e Harr#/ she 0e)t the# +eserve+ what the#J+ got. At e)even oJ!)o!4 that night/ the# sai+ goo+;(#e to Ron in the !o33on roo3 an+ went +own to the entran!e ha)) with Nevi))e. Fi)!h was a)rea+# there A an+ so was *a)0o#. Harr# ha+ a)so 0orgotten that *a)0o# ha+ gotten a +etention/ too. MFo))ow 3e/N sai+ Fi)!h/ )ighting a )a3" an+ )ea+ing the3 outsi+e. MI (et #ouJ)) thin4 twi!e a(out (rea4ing a s!hoo) ru)e again/ wonJt #ou/ ehON he sai+/ )eering at the3. MOh #es . . . har+ wor4 an+ "ain are the (est tea!hers i0 #ou as4 3e. . . . ItJs Kust a "it# the# )et the o)+ "unish3ents +ie out . . . hang #ou (# #our wrists 0ro3 the !ei)ing 0or a 0ew +a#s/ IJve got the !hains sti)) in 3# o00i!e/ 4ee" Je3 we)) oi)e+ in !ase the#Jre ever nee+e+. . . . Right/ o00 we go/ an+ +onJt thin4 o0 running o00/ now/ itJ)) (e worse 0or #ou i0 #ou +o.N The# 3ar!he+ o00 a!ross the +ar4 groun+s. Nevi))e 4e"t sni00ing. Harr# won+ere+ what their "unish3ent was going to (e. It 3ust (e so3ething rea))# horri()e/ or Fi)!h wou)+nJt (e soun+ing so +e)ighte+. The 3oon was (right/ (ut !)ou+s s!u++ing a!ross it 4e"t throwing the3 into +ar4ness. Ahea+/ Harr# !ou)+ see the )ighte+ win+ows o0 Hagri+Js hut. Then the# hear+ a +istant shout. MIs that #ou/ Fi)!hO Hurr# u"/ I want ter get starte+.N Harr#Js heart roseL i0 the# were going to (e wor4ing with Hagri+ it wou)+nJt (e so (a+. His re)ie0 3ust have showe+ in his 0a!e/ (e!ause Fi)!h sai+/ MI su""ose #ou thin4 #ouJ)) (e enKo#ing #ourse)0

with that oa0O We))/ thin4 again/ (o# A itJs into the 0orest #ouJre going an+ IJ3 3u!h 3ista4en i0 #ouJ)) a)) !o3e out in one "ie!e.N At this/ Nevi))e )et out a )itt)e 3oan/ an+ *a)0o# sto""e+ +ea+ in his tra!4s. MThe 0orestON he re"eate+/ an+ he +i+nJt soun+ Huite as !oo) as usua). MWe !anJt go in there at night A thereJs a)) sorts o0 things in there A werewo)ves/ I hear+.N Nevi))e !)ut!he+ the s)eeve o0 Harr#Js ro(e an+ 3a+e a !ho4ing noise. MThatJs #our "ro()e3/ isnJt itON sai+ Fi)!h/ his voi!e !ra!4ing with g)ee. MShou)+Jve thought o0 the3 werewo)ves (e0ore #ou got in trou()e/ shou)+nJt #ouON Hagri+ !a3e stri+ing towar+ the3 out o0 the +ar4/ Fang at his hee). He was !arr#ing his )arge !ross(ow/ an+ a Huiver o0 arrows hung over his shou)+er. MA(ouJ ti3e/N he sai+. MI (in waitinJ 0er ha)0 an hour a)rea+#. A)) right/ Harr#/ Her3ioneON MI shou)+nJt (e too 0rien+)# to the3/ Hagri+/N sai+ Fi)!h !o)+)#/ Mthe#Jre here to (e "unishe+/ a0ter a)).N MThatJs wh# #er )ate/ is itON sai+ Hagri+/ 0rowning at Fi)!h. MBin )e!turinJ the3/ ehO JSnot #our ")a!e ter +o that. YehJve +one #er (it/ IJ)) ta4e over 0ro3 here.N MIJ)) (e (a!4 at +awn/N sai+ Fi)!h/ M0or whatJs )e0t o0 the3/N he a++e+ nasti)#/ an+ he turne+ an+ starte+ (a!4 towar+ the !ast)e/ his )a3" (o((ing awa# in the +ar4ness. *a)0o# now turne+ to Hagri+. MIJ3 not going in that 0orest/N he sai+/ an+ Harr# was ")ease+ to hear the note o0 "ani! in his voi!e. MYeh are i0 #eh want ter sta# at Hogwarts/N sai+ Hagri+ 0ier!e)#. MYehJve +one wrong anJ now #ehJve got ter "a# 0er it.N MBut this is servant stu00/ itJs not 0or stu+ents to +o. I thought weJ+ (e !o"#ing )ines or so3ething/ i0 3# 0ather 4new I was +oing this/ heJ+ AN MA te)) #er thatJs how it is at Hogwarts/N Hagri+ grow)e+. M1o"#inJ )inesP What goo+Js that ter an#oneO YehJ)) +o su33at use0u) or #ehJ)) get out. I0 #eh thin4 #er 0atherJ+ rather #ou were e "e))e+/ then get (a!4 o00 ter the !ast)e anJ "a!4. Go onPN *a)0o# +i+nJt 3ove. He )oo4e+ at Hagri+ 0urious)#/ (ut then +ro""e+ his ga=e. MRight then/N sai+ Hagri+/ Mnow/ )isten !are0u))#/ J!ause itJs +angerous what weJre gonna +o tonight/ anJ I +onJ want no one ta4inJ ris4s. Fo))ow 3e over here a 3o3ent.N

He )e+ the3 to the ver# e+ge o0 the 0orest. Ho)+ing his )a3" u" high/ he "ointe+ +own a narrow/ win+ing earth tra!4 that +isa""eare+ into the thi!4 ()a!4 trees. A )ight (ree=e )i0te+ their hair as the# )oo4e+ into the 0orest. MLoo4 there/N sai+ Hagri+/ Msee that stu00 shininJ on the groun+O Si)ver# stu00O ThatJs uni!orn ()oo+. ThereJs a uni!orn in there (in hurt (a+)# (# su33at. This is the se!on+ ti3e in a wee4. I 0oun+ one +ea+ )ast We+nes+a#. WeJre gonna tr# anJ 0in+ the "oor thing. We 3ight have ter "ut it out o0 its 3iser#.N MAn+ what i0 whatever hurt the uni!orn 0in+s us 0irstON sai+ *a)0o#/ una()e to 4ee" the 0ear out o0 his voi!e. MThereJs nothinJ that )ives in the 0orest thatJ)) hurt #eh i0 #er with 3e or Fang/N sai+ Hagri+. MAnJ 4ee" ter the "ath. Right/ now/ weJre gonna s")it inter two "arties anJ 0o))ow the trai) in +i00 Jrent +ire! tions. ThereJs ()oo+ a)) over the ")a!e/ it 3ustJve (in staggerinJ aroun+ sin!e )ast night at )east.N MI want Fang/N sai+ *a)0o# Hui!4)#/ )oo4ing at FangJs )ong teeth. MA)) right/ (ut I warn #eh/ heJs a !owar+/N sai+ Hagri+. MSo 3e/ Harr#/ anJ Her3ioneJ)) go one wa# anJ 7ra!o/ Nevi))e/ anJ FangJ)) go the other. Now/ i0 an# o0 us 0in+s the uni!orn/ weJ)) sen+ u" green s"ar4s/ rightO Get #er wan+s out anJ "ra!ti!e now A thatJs it A anJ i0 an#one gets in trou()e/ sen+ u" re+ s"ar4s/ anJ weJ)) a)) !o3e anJ 0in+ #eh A so/ (e !are0u) A )etJs go.N The 0orest was ()a!4 an+ si)ent. A )itt)e wa# into it the# rea!he+ a 0or4 in the earth "ath/ an+ Harr#/ Her3ione/ an+ Hagri+ too4 the )e0t "ath whi)e *a)0o#/ Nevi))e/ an+ Fang too4 the right. The# wa)4e+ in si)en!e/ their e#es on the groun+. 2ver# now an+ then a ra# o0 3oon)ight through the (ran!hes a(ove )it a s"ot o0 si)ver;()ue ()oo+ on the 0a))en )eaves. Harr# saw that Hagri+ )oo4e+ ver# worrie+. MCo"ld a werewo)0 (e 4i))ing the uni!ornsON Harr# as4e+. MNot 0ast enough/N sai+ Hagri+. MItJs not eas# ter !at!h a uni!orn/ the#Jre "ower0u) 3agi! !reatures. I never 4new one ter (e hurt (e0ore.N The# wa)4e+ "ast a 3oss# tree stu3". Harr# !ou)+ hear running waterL there 3ust (e a strea3 so3ewhere !)ose (#. There were sti)) s"ots o0 uni!orn ()oo+ here an+ there a)ong the win+ing "ath. MYou a)) right/ Her3ioneON Hagri+ whis"ere+. M7onJ worr#/ it !anJtJve gone 0ar i0 itJs this (a+)# hurt/ anJ then weJ)) (e a()e ter A G2T B2HIN7 THAT TR22PN Hagri+ sei=e+ Harr# an+ Her3ione an+ hoiste+ the3 o00 the "ath (ehin+ a towering oa4. He "u))e+ out an arrow an+ 0itte+ it

into his !ross(ow/ raising it/ rea+# to 0ire. The three o0 the3 )istene+. So3ething was s)ithering over +ea+ )eaves near(#6 it soun+e+ )i4e a !)oa4 trai)ing a)ong the groun+. Hagri+ was sHuinting u" the +ar4 "ath/ (ut a0ter a 0ew se!on+s/ the soun+ 0a+e+ awa#. MI 4new it/N he 3ur3ure+. MThereJs su33at in here that shou)+nJ (e.N MA werewo)0ON Harr# suggeste+. MThat wasnJ no werewo)0 anJ it wasnJ no uni!orn/ neither/N sai+ Hagri+ gri3)#. MRight/ 0o))ow 3e/ (ut !are0u)/ now.N The# wa)4e+ 3ore s)ow)#/ ears straining 0or the 0aintest soun+. Su++en)#/ in a !)earing ahea+/ so3ething +e0inite)# 3ove+. MWhoJs thereON Hagri+ !a))e+. MShow #erse)0 A IJ3 ar3e+PN An+ into the !)earing !a3e A was it a 3an/ or a horseO To the waist/ a 3an/ with re+ hair an+ (ear+/ (ut (e)ow that was a horseJs g)ea3ing !hestnut (o+# with a )ong/ re++ish tai). Harr# an+ Her3ioneJs Kaws +ro""e+. MOh/ itJs #ou/ Ronan/N sai+ Hagri+ in re)ie0. MHow are #ehON He wa)4e+ 0orwar+ an+ shoo4 the !entaurJs han+. MGoo+ evening to #ou/ Hagri+/N sai+ Ronan. He ha+ a +ee"/ sorrow0u) voi!e. MWere #ou going to shoot 3eON M1anJt (e too !are0u)/ Ronan/N sai+ Hagri+/ "atting his !ross(ow. MThereJs su33at (a+ )oose in this 0orest. This is Harr# ,otter anJ Her3ione Granger/ (# the wa#. Stu+ents u" at the s!hoo). AnJ this is Ronan/ #ou two. HeJs a !entaur.N MWeJ+ noti!e+/N sai+ Her3ione 0aint)#. MGoo+ evening/N sai+ Ronan. MStu+ents/ are #ouO An+ +o #ou )earn 3u!h/ u" at the s!hoo)ON M2r3 AN MA (it/N sai+ Her3ione ti3i+)#. MA (it. We))/ thatJs so3ething.N Ronan sighe+. He 0)ung (a!4 his hea+ an+ stare+ at the s4#. M*ars is (right tonight.N MYeah/N sai+ Hagri+/ g)an!ing u"/ too. MListen/ IJ3 g)a+ weJve run inter #eh/ Ronan/ J!ause thereJs a uni!orn (in hurt A #ou seen an#thinJON Ronan +i+nJt answer i33e+iate)#. He stare+ un()in4ing)# u"war+/ then sighe+ again. MA)wa#s the inno!ent are the 0irst vi!ti3s/N he sai+. MSo it has (een 0or ages "ast/ so it is now.N MYeah/N sai+ Hagri+/ M(ut have #eh seen an#thinJ/ RonanO An#thinJ unusua)ON M*ars is (right tonight/N Ronan re"eate+/ whi)e Hagri+ wat!he+

hi3 i3"atient)#. MEnusua))# (right.N MYeah/ (ut I was 3eaninJ an#thinJ unusua) a (it nearer ho3e/N sai+ Hagri+. MSo #eh havenJt noti!e+ an#thinJ strangeON Yet again/ Ronan too4 a whi)e to answer. At )ast/ he sai+/ MThe 0orest hi+es 3an# se!rets.N A 3ove3ent in the trees (ehin+ Ronan 3a+e Hagri+ raise his (ow again/ (ut it was on)# a se!on+ !entaur/ ()a!4;haire+ an+ ;(o+ie+ an+ wi)+er;)oo4ing than Ronan. MHu))o/ Bane/N sai+ Hagri+. MA)) rightON MGoo+ evening/ Hagri+/ I ho"e #ou are we))ON MWe)) enough. Loo4/ IJve KusJ (in as4inJ Ronan/ #ou seen an#thinJ o++ in here )ate)#O ThereJs a uni!orn (in inKure+ A wou)+ #eh 4now an#thinJ a(out itON Bane wa)4e+ over to stan+ ne t to Ronan. He )oo4e+ s4#war+. M*ars is (right tonight/N he sai+ si3")#. MWeJve hear+/N sai+ Hagri+ gru3"i)#. MWe))/ i0 either o0 #ou +o see an#thinJ/ )et 3e 4now/ wonJt #ehO WeJ)) (e o00/ then.N Harr# an+ Her3ione 0o))owe+ hi3 out o0 the !)earing/ staring over their shou)+ers at Ronan an+ Bane unti) the trees ()o!4e+ their view. MNever/N sai+ Hagri+ irrita()#/ Mtr# anJ get a straight answer out o0 a !entaur. Ru++# starga=ers. Not intereste+ in an#thinJ !)oserJn the 3oon.N MAre there 3an# o0 them in hereON as4e+ Her3ione. MOh/ a 0air 0ew. . . . Kee" the3se)ves to the3se)ves 3ost)#/ (ut the#Jre goo+ enough a(out turninJ u" i0 ever I want a wor+. The#Jre +ee"/ 3in+/ !entaurs . . . the# 4now things . . . KusJ +onJ )et on 3u!h.N M7J#ou thin4 that was a !entaur we hear+ ear)ierON sai+ Harr#. M7i+ that soun+ )i4e hooves to #ouO Nah/ i0 #eh as4 3e/ that was whatJs (in 4i))inJ the uni!orns A never hear+ an#thinJ )i4e it (e0ore.N The# wa)4e+ on through the +ense/ +ar4 trees. Harr# 4e"t )oo4ing nervous)# over his shou)+er. He ha+ the nast# 0ee)ing the# were (eing wat!he+. He was ver# g)a+ the# ha+ Hagri+ an+ his !ross(ow with the3. The# ha+ Kust "asse+ a (en+ in the "ath when Her3ione gra((e+ Hagri+Js ar3. MHagri+P Loo4P Re+ s"ar4s/ the others are in trou()ePN MYou two wait herePN Hagri+ shoute+. MSta# on the "ath/ IJ)) !o3e (a!4 0or #ehPN The# hear+ hi3 !rashing awa# through the un+ergrowth an+ stoo+ )oo4ing at ea!h other/ ver# s!are+/ unti) the# !ou)+nJt hear an#thing (ut the rust)ing o0 )eaves aroun+ the3.

MYou +onJt thin4 the#Jve (een hurt/ +o #ouON whis"ere+ Her3ione. MI +onJt !are i0 *a)0o# has/ (ut i0 so3ethingJs got Nevi))e . . . itJs our 0au)t heJs here in the 0irst ")a!e.N The 3inutes +ragge+ (#. Their ears see3e+ shar"er than usua). Harr#Js see3e+ to (e "i!4ing u" ever# sigh o0 the win+/ ever# !ra!4ing twig. What was going onO Where were the othersO At )ast/ a great !run!hing noise announ!e+ Hagri+Js return. *a)0o#/ Nevi))e/ an+ Fang were with hi3. Hagri+ was 0u3ing. *a)0o#/ it see3e+/ ha+ snea4e+ u" (ehin+ Nevi))e an+ gra((e+ hi3 as a Ko4e. Nevi))e ha+ "ani!4e+ an+ sent u" the s"ar4s. MWeJ)) (e )u!4# ter !at!h an#thinJ now/ with the ra!4et #ou two were 3a4inJ. Right/ weJre !hanginJ grou"s A Nevi))e/ #ou sta# with 3e anJ Her3ione/ Harr#/ #ou go with Fang anJ this i+iot. IJ3 sorr#/N Hagri+ a++e+ in a whis"er to Harr#/ M(ut heJ)) have a har+er ti3e 0righteninJ #ou/ anJ weJve gotta get this +one.N So Harr# set o00 into the heart o0 the 0orest with *a)0o# an+ Fang. The# wa)4e+ 0or near)# ha)0 an hour/ +ee"er an+ +ee"er into the 0orest/ unti) the "ath (e!a3e a)3ost i3"ossi()e to 0o))ow (e!ause the trees were so thi!4. Harr# thought the ()oo+ see3e+ to (e getting thi!4er. There were s")ashes on the roots o0 a tree/ as though the "oor !reature ha+ (een thrashing aroun+ in "ain !)ose (#. Harr# !ou)+ see a !)earing ahea+/ through the tang)e+ (ran!hes o0 an an!ient oa4. MLoo4 AN he 3ur3ure+/ ho)+ing out his ar3 to sto" *a)0o#. So3ething (right white was g)ea3ing on the groun+. The# in!he+ !)oser. It was the uni!orn a)) right/ an+ it was +ea+. Harr# ha+ never seen an#thing so (eauti0u) an+ sa+. Its )ong/ s)en+er )egs were stu!4 out at o++ ang)es where it ha+ 0a))en an+ its 3ane was s"rea+ "ear)#;white on the +ar4 )eaves. Harr# ha+ ta4en one ste" towar+ it when a s)ithering soun+ 3a+e hi3 0ree=e where he stoo+. A (ush on the e+ge o0 the !)earing Huivere+. . . . Then/ out o0 the sha+ows/ a hoo+e+ 0igure !a3e !raw)ing a!ross the groun+ )i4e so3e sta)4ing (east. Harr#/ *a)0o#/ an+ Fang stoo+ trans0i e+. The !)oa4e+ 0igure rea!he+ the uni!orn/ )owere+ its hea+ over the woun+ in the ani3a)s si+e/ an+ (egan to +rin4 its ()oo+. MAAAAAAAAAAARGHPN *a)0o# )et out a terri()e s!rea3 an+ (o)te+ A so +i+ Fang. The hoo+e+ 0igure raise+ its hea+ an+ )oo4e+ right at Harr# A uni!orn ()oo+ was +ri(()ing +own its 0ront. It got to its 0eet an+ !a3e

swi0t)# towar+ Harr# A he !ou)+nJt 3ove 0or 0ear. Then a "ain )i4e heJ+ never 0e)t (e0ore "ier!e+ his hea+L it was as though his s!ar were on 0ire. Ha)0 ()in+e+/ he staggere+ (a!4war+. He hear+ hooves (ehin+ hi3/ ga))o"ing/ an+ so3ething Ku3"e+ !)ean over Harr#/ !harging at the 0igure. The "ain in Harr#Js hea+ was so (a+ he 0e)) to his 4nees. It too4 a 3inute or two to "ass. When he )oo4e+ u"/ the 0igure ha+ gone. A !entaur was stan+ing over hi3/ not Ronan or BaneL this one )oo4e+ #oungerL he ha+ white;()on+ hair an+ a "a)o3ino (o+#. MAre #ou a)) rightON sai+ the !entaur/ "u))ing Harr# to his 0eet. MYes A than4 #ou A what !as thatON The !entaur +i+nJt answer. He ha+ astonishing)# ()ue e#es/ )i4e "a)e sa""hires. He )oo4e+ !are0u))# at Harr#/ his e#es )ingering on the s!ar that stoo+ out/ )ivi+/ on Harr#Js 0orehea+. MYou are the ,otter (o#/N he sai+. MYou ha+ (etter get (a!4 to Hagri+. The 0orest is not sa0e at this ti3e A es"e!ia))# 0or #ou. 1an #ou ri+eO It wi)) (e Hui!4er this wa#. M*# na3e is Firen=e/N he a++e+/ as he )owere+ hi3se)0 on to his 0ront )egs so that Harr# !ou)+ !)a3(er onto his (a!4. There was su++en)# a soun+ o0 3ore ga))o"ing 0ro3 the other si+e o0 the !)earing. Ronan an+ Bane !a3e (ursting through the trees/ their 0)an4s heaving an+ sweat#. MFiren=ePN Bane thun+ere+. MWhat are #ou +oingO You have a hu3an on #our (a!4P Have #ou no sha3eO Are #ou a !o33on 3u)eON M7o #ou rea)i=e who this isON sai+ Firen=e. MThis is the ,otter (o#. The Hui!4er he )eaves this 0orest/ the (etter.N MWhat have #ou (een te))ing hi3ON grow)e+ Bane. MRe3e3(er/ Firen=e/ we are sworn not to set ourse)ves against the heavens. Have we not rea+ what is to !o3e in the 3ove3ents o0 the ")anetsON Ronan "awe+ the groun+ nervous)#. MIJ3 sure Firen=e thought he was a!ting 0or the (est/N he sai+ in his g)oo3# voi!e. Bane 4i!4e+ his (a!4 )egs in anger. MFor the (estP What is that to +o with usO 1entaurs are !on!erne+ with what has (een 0oreto)+P It is not our (usiness to run aroun+ )i4e +on4e#s a0ter stra# hu3ans in our 0orestPN Firen=e su++en)# reare+ on to his hin+ )egs in anger/ so that Harr# ha+ to gra( his shou)+ers to sta# on. M7o #ou not see that uni!ornON Firen=e (e))owe+ at Bane. M7o #ou not un+erstan+ wh# it was 4i))e+O Or have the ")anets not )et #ou in on that se!retO I set 3#se)0 against what is )ur4ing in this 0orest/ Bane/ #es/ with hu3ans a)ongsi+e 3e i0 I 3ust.N

An+ Firen=e whis4e+ aroun+L with Harr# !)ut!hing on as (est he !ou)+/ the# ")unge+ o00 into the trees/ )eaving Ronan an+ Bane (ehin+ the3. Harr# +i+nJt have a !)ue what was going on. MWh#Js Bane so angr#ON he as4e+. MWhat was that thing #ou save+ 3e 0ro3/ an#wa#ON Firen=e s)owe+ to a wa)4/ warne+ Harr# to 4ee" his hea+ (owe+ in !ase o0 )ow;hanging (ran!hes/ (ut +i+ not answer Harr#Js Huestion. The# 3a+e their wa# through the trees in si)en!e 0or so )ong that Harr# thought Firen=e +i+nJt want to ta)4 to hi3 an#3ore. The# were "assing through a "arti!u)ar)# +ense "at!h o0 trees/ however/ when Firen=e su++en)# sto""e+. MHarr# ,otter/ +o #ou 4now what uni!orn ()oo+ is use+ 0orON MNo/N sai+ Harr#/ start)e+ (# the o++ Huestion. MWeJve on)# use+ the horn an+ tai) hair in ,otions.N MThat is (e!ause it is a 3onstrous thing/ to s)a# a uni!orn/N sai+ Firen=e. MOn)# one who has nothing to )ose/ an+ ever#thing to gain/ wou)+ !o33it su!h a !ri3e. The ()oo+ o0 a uni!orn wi)) 4ee" #ou a)ive/ even i0 #ou are an in!h 0ro3 +eath/ (ut at a terri()e "ri!e. You have s)ain so3ething "ure an+ +e0ense)ess to save #ourse)0/ an+ #ou wi)) have (ut a ha)0;)i0e/ a !urse+ )i0e/ 0ro3 the 3o3ent the ()oo+ tou!hes #our )i"s.N Harr# stare+ at the (a!4 o0 Firen=eJs hea+/ whi!h was +a"")e+ si)ver in the 3oon)ight. MBut whoJ+ (e that +es"erateON he won+ere+ a)ou+. MI0 #ouJre going to (e !urse+ 0orever/ +eathJs (etter/ isnJt itON MIt is/N Firen=e agree+/ Mun)ess a)) #ou nee+ is to sta# a)ive )ong enough to +rin4 so3ething e)se A so3ething that wi)) (ring #ou (a!4 to 0u)) strength an+ "ower A so3ething that wi)) 3ean #ou !an never +ie. *r. ,otter/ +o #ou 4now what is hi++en in the s!hoo) at this ver# 3o3entON MThe Sor!ererJs StoneP O0 !ourse A the 2)i ir o0 Li0eP But I +onJt un+erstan+ who AN M1an #ou thin4 o0 no(o+# who has waite+ 3an# #ears to return to "ower/ who has !)ung to )i0e/ awaiting their !han!eON It was as though an iron 0ist ha+ !)en!he+ su++en)# aroun+ Harr#Js heart. Over the rust)ing o0 the trees/ he see3e+ to hear on!e 3ore what Hagri+ ha+ to)+ hi3 on the night the# ha+ 3et6 MSo3e sa# he +ie+. 1o+swa))o"/ in 3# o"inion. 7unno i0 he ha+ enough hu3an )e0t in hi3 to +ie.N M7o #ou 3ean/N Harr# !roa4e+/ Mthat was )ol AN

MHarr#P Harr#/ are #ou a)) rightON Her3ione was running towar+ the3 +own the "ath/ Hagri+ "u00ing a)ong (ehin+ her. MIJ3 0ine/N sai+ Harr#/ har+)# 4nowing what he was sa#ing. MThe uni!orns +ea+/ Hagri+/ itJs in that !)earing (a!4 there.N MThis is where I )eave #ou/N Firen=e 3ur3ure+ as Hagri+ hurrie+ o00 to e a3ine the uni!orn. MYou are sa0e now.N Harr# s)i+ o00 his (a!4. MGoo+ )u!4/ Harr# ,otter/N sai+ Firen=e. MThe ")anets have (een rea+ wrong)# (e0ore now/ even (# !entaurs. I ho"e this is one o0 those ti3es.N He turne+ an+ !antere+ (a!4 into the +e"ths o0 the 0orest/ )eaving Harr# shivering (ehin+ hi3. Ron ha+ 0a))en as)ee" in the +ar4 !o33on roo3/ waiting 0or the3 to return. He shoute+ so3ething a(out Iui++it!h 0ou)s when Harr# rough)# shoo4 hi3 awa4e. In a 3atter o0 se!on+s/ though/ he was wi+e;e#e+ as Harr# (egan to te)) hi3 an+ Her3ione what ha+ ha""ene+ in the 0orest. Harr# !ou)+nJt sit +own. He "a!e+ u" an+ +own in 0ront o0 the 0ire. He was sti)) sha4ing. MSna"e wants the Stone 0or Go)+e3ort . . . an+ Go)+e3ortJs waiting in the 0orest . . . an+ a)) this ti3e we thought Sna"e Kust wante+ to get ri!h. . . .N MSto" sa#ing the na3ePN sai+ Ron in a terri0ie+ whis"er/ as i0 he thought Go)+e3ort !ou)+ hear the3. Harr# wasnJt )istening. MFiren=e save+ 3e/ (ut he shou)+nJt have +one so. . . . Bane was 0urious . . . he was ta)4ing a(out inter0ering with what the ")anets sa# is going to ha""en. . . . The# 3ust show that Go)+e3ortJs !o3ing (a!4. . . . Bane thin4s Firen=e shou)+ have )et Go)+e3ort 4i)) 3e. . . . I su""ose thatJs written in the stars as we)).N M4ill yo" sto1 sayin' the namePN Ron hisse+. MSo a)) IJve got to wait 0or now is Sna"e to stea) the Stone/N Harr# went on 0everish)#/ Mthen Go)+e3ort wi)) (e a()e to !o3e an+ 0inish 3e o00. . . . We))/ I su""ose BaneJ)) (e ha""#.N Her3ione )oo4e+ ver# 0rightene+/ (ut she ha+ a wor+ o0 !o30ort. MHarr#/ ever#one sa#s 7u3()e+oreJs the on)# one You;Know; Who was ever a0rai+ o0. With 7u3()e+ore aroun+/ You;Know; Who wonJt tou!h #ou. An#wa#/ who sa#s the !entaurs are rightO It soun+s )i4e 0ortune;te))ing to 3e/ an+ ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) sa#s thatJs a ver# i3"re!ise (ran!h o0 3agi!.N The s4# ha+ turne+ )ight (e0ore the# sto""e+ ta)4ing. The# went

to (e+ e hauste+/ their throats sore. But the nightJs sur"rises werenJt over. When Harr# "u))e+ (a!4 his sheets/ he 0oun+ his Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 0o)+e+ neat)# un+erneath the3. There was a note "inne+ to it6

Just in case.

In #ears to !o3e/ Harr# wou)+ never Huite re3e3(er how he ha+ 3anage+ to get through his e a3s when he ha)0 e "e!te+ Go)+e3ort to !o3e (ursting through the +oor at an# 3o3ent. Yet the +a#s !re"t (#/ an+ there !ou)+ (e no +ou(t that F)u00# was sti)) a)ive an+ we)) (ehin+ the )o!4e+ +oor. It was swe)tering hot/ es"e!ia))# in the )arge !)assroo3 where the# +i+ their written "a"ers. The# ha+ (een given s"e!ia)/ new Hui))s 0or the e a3s/ whi!h ha+ (een (ewit!he+ with an Anti; 1heating s"e)). The# ha+ "ra!ti!a) e a3s as we)). ,ro0essor F)itwi!4 !a))e+ the3 one (# one into his !)ass to see i0 the# !ou)+ 3a4e a "inea"")e ta"+an!e a!ross a +es4. ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) wat!he+ the3 turn a 3ouse into a snu00(o A "oints were given 0or how "rett# the snu00(o was/ (ut ta4en awa# i0 it ha+ whis4ers. Sna"e 3a+e the3 a)) nervous/ (reathing +own their ne!4s whi)e the# trie+ to re3e3(er how to 3a4e a Forget0u)ness "otion. Harr# +i+ the (est he !ou)+/ tr#ing to ignore the sta((ing "ains in his 0orehea+/ whi!h ha+ (een (othering hi3 ever sin!e his tri" into the 0orest. Nevi))e thought Harr# ha+ a (a+ !ase o0 e a3 nerves (e!ause Harr# !ou)+nJt s)ee"/ (ut the truth was that Harr# 4e"t (eing wo4en (# his o)+ night3are/ e !e"t that it was now worse than ever (e!ause there was a hoo+e+ 0igure +ri""ing ()oo+ in it. *a#(e it was (e!ause the# ha+nJt seen what Harr# ha+ seen in

the 0orest/ or (e!ause the# +i+nJt have s!ars (urning on their 0orehea+s/ (ut Ron an+ Her3ione +i+nJt see3 as worrie+ a(out the Stone as Harr#. The i+ea o0 Go)+e3ort !ertain)# s!are+ the3/ (ut he +i+nJt 4ee" visiting the3 in +rea3s/ an+ the# were so (us# with their stu+#ing the# +i+nJt have 3u!h ti3e to 0ret a(out what Sna"e or an#one e)se 3ight (e u" to. Their ver# )ast e a3 was Histor# o0 *agi!. One hour o0 answering Huestions a(out (att# o)+ wi=ar+s whoJ+ invente+ se)0stirring !au)+rons an+ the#J+ (e 0ree/ 0ree 0or a who)e won+er0u) wee4 unti) their e a3 resu)ts !a3e out. When the ghost o0 ,ro0essor Binns to)+ the3 to "ut +own their Hui))s an+ ro)) u" their "ar!h3ent/ Harr# !ou)+nJt he)" !heering with the rest. MThat was 0ar easier than I thought it wou)+ (e/N sai+ Her3ione as the# Koine+ the !row+s 0)o!4ing out onto the sunn# groun+s. MI nee+nJt have )earne+ a(out the %D>' Werewo)0 1o+e o0 1on+u!t or the u"rising o0 2)0ri! the 2ager.N Her3ione a)wa#s )i4e+ to go through their e a3 "a"ers a0terwar+/ (ut Ron sai+ this 3a+e hi3 0ee) i))/ so the# wan+ere+ +own to the )a4e an+ 0)o""e+ un+er a tree. The Weas)e# twins an+ Lee Jor+an were ti!4)ing the tenta!)es o0 a giant sHui+/ whi!h was (as4ing in the war3 sha))ows. MNo 3ore stu+#ing/N Ron sighe+ ha""i)#/ stret!hing out on the grass. MYou !ou)+ )oo4 3ore !heer0u)/ Harr#/ weJve got a wee4 (e0ore we 0in+ out how (a+)# weJve +one/ thereJs no nee+ to worr# #et.N Harr# was ru((ing his 0orehea+. MI wish I 4new what this meansPN he (urst out angri)#. M*# s!ar 4ee"s hurting A itJs ha""ene+ (e0ore/ (ut never as o0ten as this.N MGo to *a+a3 ,o30re#/N Her3ione suggeste+. MIJ3 not i))/N sai+ Harr#. MI thin4 itJs a warning . . . it 3eans +angerJs !o3ing. . . .N Ron !ou)+nJt get wor4e+ u"/ it was too hot. MHarr#/ re)a / Her3ioneJs right/ the StoneJs sa0e as )ong as 7u3()e+oreJs aroun+. An#wa#/ weJve never ha+ an# "roo0 Sna"e 0oun+ out how to get "ast F)u00#. He near)# ha+ his )eg ri""e+ o00 on!e/ heJs not going to tr# it again in a hurr#. An+ Nevi))e wi)) ")a# Iui++it!h 0or 2ng)an+ (e0ore Hagri+ )ets 7u3()e+ore +own.N Harr# no++e+/ (ut he !ou)+nJt sha4e o00 a )ur4ing 0ee)ing that there was so3ething heJ+ 0orgotten to +o/ so3ething i3"ortant. When he trie+ to e ")ain this/ Her3ione sai+/ MThatJs Kust the e a3s.

I wo4e u" )ast night an+ was ha)0wa# through 3# Trans0iguration notes (e0ore I re3e3(ere+ weJ+ +one that one.N Harr# was Huite sure the unsett)e+ 0ee)ing +i+nJt have an#thing to +o with wor4/ though. He wat!he+ an ow) 0)utter towar+ the s!hoo) a!ross the (right ()ue s4#/ a note !)a3"e+ in its 3outh. Hagri+ was the on)# one who ever sent hi3 )etters. Hagri+ wou)+ never (etra# 7u3()e+ore. Hagri+ wou)+ never te)) an#one how to get "ast F)u00# . . . never . . . (ut A Harr# su++en)# Ku3"e+ to his 0eet. MWhereJre #ou goingON sai+ Ron s)ee"i)#. MIJve Kust thought o0 so3ething/N sai+ Harr#. He ha+ turne+ white. MWeJve got to go an+ see Hagri+/ now.N MWh#ON "ante+ Her3ione/ hurr#ing to 4ee" u". M7onJt #ou thin4 itJs a (it o++/N sai+ Harr#/ s!ra3()ing u" the grass# s)o"e/ Mthat what Hagri+ wants 3ore than an#thing e)se is a +ragon/ an+ a stranger turns u" who Kust ha""ens to have an egg in his "o!4etO How 3an# "eo")e wan+er aroun+ with +ragon eggs i0 itJs against wi=ar+ )awO Lu!4# the# 0oun+ Hagri+/ +onJt #ou thin4O Wh# +i+nJt I see it (e0oreON MWhat are #ou ta)4ing a(outON sai+ Ron/ (ut Harr#/ s"rinting a!ross the groun+s towar+ the 0orest/ +i+nJt answer. Hagri+ was sitting in an ar3!hair outsi+e his houseL his trousers an+ s)eeves were ro))e+ u"/ an+ he was she))ing "eas into a )arge (ow). MHu))o/N he sai+/ s3i)ing. MFinishe+ #er e a3sO Got ti3e 0er a +rin4ON MYes/ ")ease/N sai+ Ron/ (ut Harr# !ut hi3 o00. MNo/ weJre in a hurr#. Hagri+/ IJve got to as4 #ou so3ething. You 4now that night #ou won Nor(ertO What +i+ the stranger #ou were ")a#ing !ar+s with )oo4 )i4eON M7unno/N sai+ Hagri+ !asua))#/ Mhe wou)+nJ ta4e his !)oa4 o00.N He saw the three o0 the3 )oo4 stunne+ an+ raise+ his e#e(rows. MItJs not that unusua)/ #eh get a )ot oJ 0unn# 0o)4 in the HogJs Hea+ A thatJs one oJ the "u(s +own in the vi))age. *ighta (in a +ragon +ea)er/ 3ightnJ heO I never saw his 0a!e/ he 4e"t his hoo+ u".N Harr# san4 +own ne t to the (ow) o0 "eas. MWhat +i+ #ou ta)4 to hi3 a(out/ Hagri+O 7i+ #ou 3ention Hogwarts at a))ON M*ighta !o3e u"/N sai+ Hagri+/ 0rowning as he trie+ to re3e3(er. MYeah . . . he as4e+ what I +i+/ anJ I to)+ hi3 I was ga3e4ee"er here. . . . He as4e+ a (it a(out the sorta !reatures I )oo4 a0ter . . . so I to)+ hi3 . . . anJ I sai+ what IJ+ a)wa#s rea))# wante+ was a

+ragon . . . anJ then . . . I !anJ re3e3(er too we))/ J!ause he 4e"t (u#inJ 3e +rin4s. . . . LetJs see . . . #eah/ then he sai+ he ha+ the +ragon egg anJ we !ou)+ ")a# !ar+s 0er it i0 I wante+ . . . (ut he ha+ ter (e sure I !ou)+ han+)e it/ he +i+nJ want it ter go ter an# o)+ ho3e. . . . So I to)+ hi3/ a0ter F)u00#/ a +ragon wou)+ (e eas#. . . .N MAn+ +i+ he A +i+ he see3 intereste+ in F)u00#ON Harr# as4e+/ tr#ing to 4ee" his voi!e !a)3. MWe)) A #eah A how 3an# three;hea+e+ +ogs +J#eh 3eet/ even aroun+ HogwartsO So I to)+ hi3/ F)u00#Js a "ie!e oJ !a4e i0 #eh 4now how to !a)3 hi3 +own/ KusJ ")a# hi3 a (it oJ 3usi! anJ heJ)) go straight o00 ter s)ee" AN Hagri+ su++en)# )oo4e+ horri0ie+. MI shou)+nJta to)+ #eh thatPN he ()urte+ out. MForget I sai+ itP He# A whereJre #eh goinJON Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione +i+nJt s"ea4 to ea!h other at a)) unti) the# !a3e to a ha)t in the entran!e ha))/ whi!h see3e+ ver# !o)+ an+ g)oo3# a0ter the groun+s. MWeJve got to go to 7u3()e+ore/N sai+ Harr#. MHagri+ to)+ that stranger how to get "ast F)u00#/ an+ it was either Sna"e or Go)+e3ort un+er that !)oa4 A it 3ustJve (een eas#/ on!e heJ+ got Hagri+ +run4. I Kust ho"e 7u3()e+ore (e)ieves us. Firen=e 3ight (a!4 us u" i0 Bane +oesnJt sto" hi3. WhereJs 7u3()e+oreJs o00i!eON The# )oo4e+ aroun+/ as i0 ho"ing to see a sign "ointing the3 in the right +ire!tion. The# ha+ never (een to)+ where 7u3()e+ore )ive+/ nor +i+ the# 4now an#one who ha+ (een sent to see hi3. MWeJ)) Kust have to AN Harr# (egan/ (ut a voi!e su++en)# rang a!ross the ha)). MWhat are #ou three +oing insi+eON It was ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))/ !arr#ing a )arge "i)e o0 (oo4s. MWe want to see ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore/N sai+ Her3ione/ rather (rave)#/ Harr# an+ Ron thought. MSee ,ro0essor 7u3()e+oreON ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) re"eate+/ as though this was a ver# 0ish# thing to want to +o. MWh#ON Harr# swa))owe+ A now whatO MItJs sort o0 se!ret/N he sai+/ (ut he wishe+ at on!e he ha+nJt/ (e!ause ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))Js nostri)s 0)are+. M,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore )e0t ten 3inutes ago/N she sai+ !o)+)#. MHe re!eive+ an urgent ow) 0ro3 the *inistr# o0 *agi! an+ 0)ew o00 0or Lon+on at on!e.N MHeJs 'oneON sai+ Harr# 0ranti!a))#. M;o!ON M,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore is a ver# great wi=ar+/ ,otter/ he has 3an# +e3an+s on his ti3e AN

MBut this is i3"ortant.N MSo3ething #ou have to sa# is 3ore i3"ortant than the *inistr# o0 *agi!/ ,otterON MLoo4/N sai+ Harr#/ throwing !aution to the win+s/ M,ro0essor A itJs a(out the Sor!ererJs Stone AN Whatever ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) ha+ e "e!te+/ it wasnJt that. The (oo4s she was !arr#ing tu3()e+ out o0 her ar3s/ (ut she +i+nJt "i!4 the3 u". MHow +o #ou 4now A ON she s")uttere+. M,ro0essor/ I thin4 A I kno! A that SnA that so3eoneJs going to tr# an+ stea) the Stone. IJve got to ta)4 to ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore.N She e#e+ hi3 with a 3i ture o0 sho!4 an+ sus"i!ion. M,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore wi)) (e (a!4 to3orrow/N she sai+ 0ina))#. MI +onJt 4now how #ou 0oun+ out a(out the Stone/ (ut rest assure+/ no one !an "ossi()# stea) it/ itJs too we)) "rote!te+.N MBut ,ro0essor AN M,otter/ I 4now what IJ3 ta)4ing a(out/N she sai+ short)#. She (ent +own an+ gathere+ u" the 0a))en (oo4s. MI suggest #ou a)) go (a!4 outsi+e an+ enKo# the sunshine.N But the# +i+nJt. MItJs tonight/N sai+ Harr#/ on!e he was sure ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) was out o0 earshot. MSna"eJs going through the tra"+oor tonight. HeJs 0oun+ out ever#thing he nee+s/ an+ now heJs got 7u3()e+ore out o0 the wa#. He sent that note/ I (et the *inistr# o0 *agi! wi)) get a rea) sho!4 when 7u3()e+ore turns u".N MBut what !an we AN Her3ione gas"e+. Harr# an+ Ron whee)e+ roun+. Sna"e was stan+ing there. MGoo+ a0ternoon/N he sai+ s3ooth)#. The# stare+ at hi3. MYou shou)+nJt (e insi+e on a +a# )i4e this/N he sai+/ with an o++/ twiste+ s3i)e. MWe were AN Harr# (egan/ without an# i+ea what he was going to sa#. MYou want to (e 3ore !are0u)/N sai+ Sna"e. MHanging aroun+ )i4e this/ "eo")e wi)) thin4 #ouJre u" to so3ething. An+ Gr#00in+or rea))# !anJt a00or+ to )ose an# 3ore "oints/ !an itON Harr# 0)ushe+. The# turne+ to go outsi+e/ (ut Sna"e !a))e+ the3 (a!4. MBe warne+/ ,otter A an# 3ore nightti3e wan+erings an+ I wi)) "ersona))# 3a4e sure #ou are e "e))e+. Goo+ +a# to #ou.N He stro+e o00 in the +ire!tion o0 the sta00roo3.

Out on the stone ste"s/ Harr# turne+ to the others. MRight/ hereJs what weJve got to +o/N he whis"ere+ urgent)#. MOne o0 us has got to 4ee" an e#e on Sna"e A wait outsi+e the sta00roo3 an+ 0o))ow hi3 i0 he )eaves it. Her3ione/ #ouJ+ (etter +o that.N MWh# 3eON MIts o(vious/N sai+ Ron. MYou !an "reten+ to (e waiting 0or ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ #ou 4now.N He "ut on a high voi!e/ M SOh ,ro0essor F)itwi!4/ IJ3 so worrie+/ I thin4 I got Huestion 0ourteen b wrong. . . .J N MOh/ shut u"/N sai+ Her3ione/ (ut she agree+ to go an+ wat!h out 0or Sna"e. MAn+ weJ+ (etter sta# outsi+e the thir+;0)oor !orri+or/N Harr# to)+ Ron. M1o3e on.N But that "art o0 the ")an +i+nJt wor4. No sooner ha+ the# rea!he+ the +oor se"arating F)u00# 0ro3 the rest o0 the s!hoo) than ,ro0essor *!Gonaga)) turne+ u" again an+ this ti3e/ she )ost her te3"er. MI su""ose #ou thin4 #ouJre har+er to get "ast than a "a!4 o0 en!hant3entsPN she stor3e+. M2nough o0 this nonsenseP I0 I hear #ouJve !o3e an#where near here again/ IJ)) ta4e another 0i0t# "oints 0ro3 Gr#00in+orP Yes/ Weas)e#/ 0ro3 3# own HousePN Harr# an+ Ron went (a!4 to the !o33on roo3. Harr# ha+ Kust sai+/ MAt )east Her3ioneJs on Sna"eJs tai)/N when the "ortrait o0 the Fat La+# swung o"en an+ Her3ione !a3e in. MIJ3 sorr#/ Harr#PN she wai)e+. MSna"e !a3e out an+ as4e+ 3e what I was +oing/ so I sai+ I was waiting 0or F)itwi!4/ an+ Sna"e went to get hi3/ an+ IJve on)# Kust got awa#/ I +onJt 4now where Sna"e went.N MWe))/ thatJs it then/ isnJt itON Harr# sai+. The other two stare+ at hi3. He was "a)e an+ his e#es were g)ittering. MIJ3 going out o0 here tonight an+ IJ3 going to tr# an+ get to the Stone 0irst.N MYouJre 3a+PN sai+ Ron. MYou !anJtPN sai+ Her3ione. MA0ter what *!Gonaga)) an+ Sna"e have sai+O YouJ)) (e e "e))e+PN MSO WHATON Harr# shoute+. M7onJt #ou un+erstan+O I0 Sna"e gets ho)+ o0 the Stone/ Go)+e3ortJs !o3ing (a!4P HavenJt #ou hear+ what it was )i4e when he was tr#ing to ta4e overO There wonJt (e an# Hogwarts to get e "e))e+ 0ro3P HeJ)) 0)atten it/ or turn it into a s!hoo) 0or the 7ar4 ArtsP Losing "oints +oesnJt 3atter an#3ore/ !anJt #ou seeO 7J#ou thin4 heJ)) )eave #ou an+ #our 0a3i)ies

a)one i0 Gr#00in+or wins the House 1u"O I0 I get !aught (e0ore I !an get to the Stone/ we))/ IJ)) have to go (a!4 to the 7urs)e#s an+ wait 0or Go)+e3ort to 0in+ 3e there/ its on)# +#ing a (it )ater than I wou)+ have/ (e!ause IJ3 never going over to the 7ar4 Si+eP IJ3 going through that tra"+oor tonight an+ nothing #ou two sa# is going to sto" 3eP Go)+e3ort 4i))e+ 3# "arents/ re3e3(erON He g)are+ at the3. MYouJre right/ Harr#/N sai+ Her3ione in a s3a)) voi!e. MIJ)) use the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4/N sai+ Harr#. MItJs Kust )u!4# I got it (a!4.N MBut wi)) it !over a)) three o0 usON sai+ Ron. MA)) A a)) three o0 usON MOh/ !o3e o00 it/ #ou +onJt thin4 weJ+ )et #ou go a)oneON MO0 !ourse not/N sai+ Her3ione (ris4)#. MHow +o #ou thin4 #ouJ+ get to the Stone without usO IJ+ (etter go an+ )oo4 through 3# (oo4s/ there 3ight (e so3ething use0u). . . .N MBut i0 we get !aught/ #ou two wi)) (e e "e))e+/ too.N MNot i0 I !an he)" it/N sai+ Her3ione gri3)#. MF)itwi!4 to)+ 3e in se!ret that I got a hun+re+ an+ twe)ve "er!ent on his e a3. The#Jre not throwing 3e out a0ter that.N A0ter +inner the three o0 the3 sat nervous)# a"art in the !o33on roo3. No(o+# (othere+ the3L none o0 the Gr#00in+ors ha+ an#thing to sa# to Harr# an# 3ore/ a0ter a)). This was the 0irst night he ha+nJt (een u"set (# it. Her3ione was s4i33ing through a)) her notes/ ho"ing to !o3e a!ross one o0 the en!hant3ents the# were a(out to tr# to (rea4. Harr# an+ Ron +i+nJt ta)4 3u!h. Both o0 the3 were thin4ing a(out what the# were a(out to +o. S)ow)#/ the roo3 e3"tie+ as "eo")e +ri0te+ o00 to (e+. MBetter get the !)oa4/N Ron 3uttere+/ as Lee Jor+an 0ina))# )e0t/ stret!hing an+ #awning. Harr# ran u"stairs to their +ar4 +or3itor#. He "u))e+ out the !)oa4 an+ then his e#es 0e)) on the 0)ute Hagri+ ha+ given hi3 0or 1hrist3as. He "o!4ete+ it to use on F)u00# A he +i+nJt 0ee) 3u!h )i4e singing. He ran (a!4 +own to the !o33on roo3. MWeJ+ (etter "ut the !)oa4 on here/ an+ 3a4e sure it !overs a)) three o0 us A i0 Fi)!h s"ots one o0 our 0eet wan+ering a)ong on its own AN MWhat are #ou +oingON sai+ a voi!e 0ro3 the !orner o0 the roo3. Nevi))e a""eare+ 0ro3 (ehin+ an ar3!hair/ !)ut!hing Trevor the toa+/ who )oo4e+ as though heJ+ (een 3a4ing another (i+ 0or 0ree+o3. MNothing/ Nevi))e/ nothing/N sai+ Harr#/ hurrie+)# "utting the !)oa4 (ehin+ his (a!4.

Nevi))e stare+ at their gui)t# 0a!es. MYouJre going out again/N he sai+. MNo/ no/ no/N sai+ Her3ione. MNo/ weJre not. Wh# +onJt #ou go to (e+/ Nevi))eON Harr# )oo4e+ at the gran+0ather !)o!4 (# the +oor. The# !ou)+nJt a00or+ to waste an# 3ore ti3e/ Sna"e 3ight even now (e ")a#ing F)u00# to s)ee". MYou !anJt go out/N sai+ Nevi))e/ M#ouJ)) (e !aught again. Gr#00in+or wi)) (e in even 3ore trou()e.N MYou +onJt un+erstan+/N sai+ Harr#/ Mthis is i3"ortant.N But Nevi))e was !)ear)# stee)ing hi3se)0 to +o so3ething +es"erate. MI wonJt )et #ou +o it/N he sai+/ hurr#ing to stan+ in 0ront o0 the "ortrait ho)e. MIJ)) A IJ)) 0ight #ouPN M;e0ille*N Ron e ")o+e+/ Mget awa# 0ro3 that ho)e an+ +onJt (e an i+iot AN M7onJt #ou !a)) 3e an i+iotPN sai+ Nevi))e. MI +onJt thin4 #ou shou)+ (e (rea4ing an# 3ore ru)esP An+ #ou were the one who to)+ 3e to stan+ u" to "eo")ePN MYes/ (ut not to "s*N sai+ Ron in e as"eration. MNevi))e/ #ou +onJt 4now what #ouJre +oing.N He too4 a ste" 0orwar+ an+ Nevi))e +ro""e+ Trevor the toa+/ who )ea"t out o0 sight. MGo on then/ tr# an+ hit 3ePN sai+ Nevi))e/ raising his 0ists. MIJ3 rea+#PN Harr# turne+ to Her3ione. M o somethin'*N he sai+ +es"erate)#. Her3ione ste""e+ 0orwar+. MNevi))e/N she sai+/ MIJ3 rea))#/ rea))# sorr# a(out this.N She raise+ her wan+. MPetrific"s ,otal"sPN she !rie+/ "ointing it at Nevi))e. Nevi))eJs ar3s sna""e+ to his si+es. His )egs s"rang together. His who)e (o+# rigi+/ he swa#e+ where he stoo+ an+ then 0e)) 0)at on his 0a!e/ sti00 as a (oar+. Her3ione ran to turn hi3 over. Nevi))eJs Kaws were Ka33e+ together so he !ou)+nJt s"ea4. On)# his e#es were 3oving/ )oo4ing at the3 in horror. MWhatJve #ou +one to hi3ON Harr# whis"ere+. MItJs the 0u)) Bo+#;Bin+/N sai+ Her3ione 3isera()#. MOh/ Nevi))e/ IJ3 so sorr#.N MWe ha+ to/ Nevi))e/ no ti3e to e ")ain/N sai+ Harr#. MYouJ)) un+erstan+ )ater/ Nevi))e/N sai+ Ron as the# ste""e+ over hi3 an+ "u))e+ on the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4.

But )eaving Nevi))e )#ing 3otion)ess on the 0)oor +i+nJt 0ee) )i4e a ver# goo+ o3en. In their nervous state/ ever# statueJs sha+ow )oo4e+ )i4e Fi)!h/ ever# +istant (reath o0 win+ soun+e+ )i4e ,eeves swoo"ing +own on the3. At the 0oot o0 the 0irst set o0 stairs/ the# s"otte+ *rs. Norris s4u)4ing near the to". MOh/ )etJs 4i!4 her/ Kust this on!e/N Ron whis"ere+ in Harr#Js ear/ (ut Harr# shoo4 his hea+. As the# !)i3(e+ !are0u))# aroun+ her/ *rs. Norris turne+ her )a3")i4e e#es on the3/ (ut +i+nJt +o an#thing. The# +i+nJt 3eet an#one e)se unti) the# rea!he+ the stair!ase u" to the thir+ 0)oor. ,eeves was (o((ing ha)0wa# u"/ )oosening the !ar"et so that "eo")e wou)+ tri". MWhoJs thereON he sai+ su++en)# as the# !)i3(e+ towar+ hi3. He narrowe+ his wi!4e+ ()a!4 e#es. MKnow #ouJre there/ even i0 I !anJt see #ou. Are #ou ghou)ie or ghostie or wee stu+ent (eastieON He rose u" in the air an+ 0)oate+ there/ sHuinting at the3. MShou)+ !a)) Fi)!h/ I shou)+/ i0 so3ethingJs a;!ree"ing aroun+ unseen.N Harr# ha+ a su++en i+ea. M,eeves/N he sai+/ in a hoarse whis"er/ Mthe B)oo+# Baron has his own reasons 0or (eing invisi()e.N ,eeves a)3ost 0e)) out o0 the air in sho!4. He !aught hi3se)0 in ti3e an+ hovere+ a(out a 0oot o00 the stairs. MSo sorr#/ #our ()oo+iness/ *r. Baron/ sir/N he sai+ greasi)#. M*# 3ista4e/ 3# 3ista4e A I +i+nJt see #ou A o0 !ourse I +i+nJt/ #ouJre invisi()e A 0orgive o)+ ,eevsie his )itt)e Ko4e/ sir.N MI have (usiness here/ ,eeves/N !roa4e+ Harr#. MSta# awa# 0ro3 this ")a!e tonight.N MI wi))/ sir/ I 3ost !ertain)# wi))/N sai+ ,eeves/ rising u" in the air again. MHo"e #our (usiness goes we))/ Baron/ IJ)) not (other #ou.N An+ he s!oote+ o00. MBrilliant* Harr#PN whis"ere+ Ron. A 0ew se!on+s )ater/ the# were there/ outsi+e the thir+;0)oor !orri+or A an+ the +oor was a)rea+# aKar. MWe))/ there #ou are/N Harr# sai+ Huiet)#/ MSna"eJs a)rea+# got "ast F)u00#.N Seeing the o"en +oor so3ehow see3e+ to i3"ress u"on a)) three o0 the3 what was 0a!ing the3. En+erneath the !)oa4/ Harr# turne+ to the other two. MI0 #ou want to go (a!4/ I wonJt ()a3e #ou/N he sai+. MYou !an ta4e the !)oa4/ I wonJt nee+ it now.N M7onJt (e stu"i+/N sai+ Ron.

MWeJre !o3ing/N sai+ Her3ione. Harr# "ushe+ the +oor o"en. As the +oor !rea4e+/ )ow/ ru3()ing grow)s 3et their ears. A)) three o0 the +ogJs noses sni00e+ 3a+)# in their +ire!tion/ even though it !ou)+nJt see the3. MWhatJs that at its 0eetON Her3ione whis"ere+. MLoo4s )i4e a har"/N sai+ Ron. MSna"e 3ust have )e0t it there.N MIt 3ust wa4e u" the 3o3ent #ou sto" ")a#ing/N sai+ Harr#. MWe))/ here goes . . .N He "ut Hagri+Js 0)ute to his )i"s an+ ()ew. It wasnJt rea))# a tune/ (ut 0ro3 the 0irst note the (eastJs e#es (egan to +roo". Harr# har+)# +rew (reath. S)ow)#/ the +ogJs grow)s !ease+ A it tottere+ on its "aws an+ 0e)) to its 4nees/ then it s)u3"e+ to the groun+/ 0ast as)ee". MKee" ")a#ing/N Ron warne+ Harr# as the# s)i""e+ out o0 the !)oa4 an+ !re"t towar+ the tra"+oor. The# !ou)+ 0ee) the +ogJs hot/ s3e))# (reath as the# a""roa!he+ the giant hea+s. MI thin4 weJ)) (e a()e to "u)) the +oor o"en/N sai+ Ron/ "eering over the +ogJs (a!4. MWant to go 0irst/ Her3ioneON MNo/ I +onJtPN MA)) right.N Ron gritte+ his teeth an+ ste""e+ !are0u))# over the +ogJs )egs. He (ent an+ "u))e+ the ring o0 the tra"+oor/ whi!h swung u" an+ o"en. MWhat !an #ou seeON Her3ione sai+ an ious)#. MNothing A Kust ()a!4 A thereJs no wa# o0 !)i3(ing +own/ weJ)) Kust have to +ro".N Harr#/ who was sti)) ")a#ing the 0)ute/ wave+ at Ron to get his attention an+ "ointe+ at hi3se)0. MYou want to go 0irstO Are #ou sureON sai+ Ron. MI +onJt 4now how +ee" this thing goes. Give the 0)ute to Her3ione so she !an 4ee" hi3 as)ee".N Harr# han+e+ the 0)ute over. In the 0ew se!on+sJ si)en!e/ the +og grow)e+ an+ twit!he+/ (ut the 3o3ent Her3ione (egan to ")a#/ it 0e)) (a!4 into its +ee" s)ee". Harr# !)i3(e+ over it an+ )oo4e+ +own through the tra"+oor. There was no sign o0 the (otto3. He )owere+ hi3se)0 through the ho)e unti) he was hanging on (# his 0ingerti"s. Then he )oo4e+ u" at Ron an+ sai+/ MI0 an#thing ha""ens to 3e/ +onJt 0o))ow. Go straight to the ow)er# an+ sen+ He+wig to 7u3()e+ore/ rightON MRight/N sai+ Ron. MSee #ou in a 3inute/ I ho"e. . . .N

An+ Harr# )et go. 1o)+/ +a3" air rushe+ "ast hi3 as he 0e)) +own/ +own/ +own an+ A FLE*,. With a 0unn#/ 3u00)e+ sort o0 thu3" he )an+e+ on so3ething so0t. He sat u" an+ 0e)t aroun+/ his e#es not use+ to the g)oo3. It 0e)t as though he was sitting on so3e sort o0 ")ant. MItJs o4a#PN he !a))e+ u" to the )ight the si=e o0 a "ostage sta3"/ whi!h was the o"en tra"+oor/ MitJs a so0t )an+ing/ #ou !an Ku3"PN Ron 0o))owe+ right awa#. He )an+e+/ s"raw)e+ ne t to Harr#. MWhatJs this stu00ON were his 0irst wor+s. M7unno/ so3e sort o0 ")ant thing. I su""ose itJs here to (rea4 the 0a)). 1o3e on/ Her3ionePN The +istant 3usi! sto""e+. There was a )ou+ (ar4 0ro3 the +og/ (ut Her3ione ha+ a)rea+# Ku3"e+. She )an+e+ on Harr#Js other si+e. MWe 3ust (e 3i)es un+er the s!hoo)/N she sai+. MLu!4# this ")ant thingJs here/ rea))#/N sai+ Ron. M/"ckyPN shrie4e+ Her3ione. MLoo4 at #ou (othPN She )ea"t u" an+ strugg)e+ towar+ a +a3" wa)). She ha+ to strugg)e (e!ause the 3o3ent she ha+ )an+e+/ the ")ant ha+ starte+ to twist sna4e)i4e ten+ri)s aroun+ her an4)es. As 0or Harr# an+ Ron/ their )egs ha+ a)rea+# (een (oun+ tight)# in )ong !ree"ers without their noti!ing. Her3ione ha+ 3anage+ to 0ree herse)0 (e0ore the ")ant got a 0ir3 gri" on her. Now she wat!he+ in horror as the two (o#s 0ought to "u)) the ")ant o00 the3/ (ut the 3ore the# straine+ against it/ the tighter an+ 0aster the ")ant woun+ aroun+ the3. MSto" 3ovingPN Her3ione or+ere+ the3. MI 4now what this is A itJs 7evi)Js SnarePN MOh/ IJ3 so g)a+ we 4now what itJs !a))e+/ thatJs a great he)"/N snar)e+ Ron/ )eaning (a!4/ tr#ing to sto" the ")ant 0ro3 !ur)ing aroun+ his ne!4. MShut u"/ IJ3 tr#ing to re3e3(er how to 4i)) itPN sai+ Her3ione. MWe))/ hurr# u"/ I !anJt (reathePN Harr# gas"e+/ wrest)ing with it as it !ur)e+ aroun+ his !hest. M7evi)Js Snare/ 7evi)Js Snare . . . what +i+ ,ro0essor S"rout sa#O A it )i4es the +ar4 an+ the +a3" AN MSo )ight a 0irePN Harr# !ho4e+. MYes A o0 !ourse A (ut thereJs no woo+PN Her3ione !rie+/ wringing her han+s. MHAG2 YOE GON2 *A7ON Ron (e))owe+. MAR2 YOE A WIT1H OR NOTON MOh/ rightPN sai+ Her3ione/ an+ she whi""e+ out her wan+/

wave+ it/ 3uttere+ so3ething/ an+ sent a Ket o0 the sa3e ()ue(e)) 0)a3es she ha+ use+ on Sna"e at the ")ant. In a 3atter o0 se!on+s/ the two (o#s 0e)t it )oosening its gri" as it !ringe+ awa# 0ro3 the )ight an+ war3th. Wrigg)ing an+ 0)ai)ing/ it unrave)e+ itse)0 0ro3 their (o+ies/ an+ the# were a()e to "u)) 0ree. MLu!4# #ou "a# attention in Her(o)og#/ Her3ione/N sai+ Harr# as he Koine+ her (# the wa))/ wi"ing sweat o00 his 0a!e. MYeah/N sai+ Ron/ Man+ )u!4# Harr# +oesnJt )ose his hea+ in a !risis A SthereJs no woo+/J honestly(N MThis wa#/N sai+ Harr#/ "ointing +own a stone "assagewa#/ whi!h was the on)# wa# 0orwar+. A)) the# !ou)+ hear a"art 0ro3 their 0ootste"s was the gent)e +ri" o0 water tri!4)ing +own the wa))s. The "assagewa# s)o"e+ +ownwar+/ an+ Harr# was re3in+e+ o0 Gringotts. With an un")easant Ko)t o0 the heart/ he re3e3(ere+ the +ragons sai+ to (e guar+ing vau)ts in the wi=ar+sJ (an4. I0 the# 3et a +ragon/ a 0u))#;grown +ragon A Nor(ert ha+ (een (a+ enough . . . M1an #ou hear so3ethingON Ron whis"ere+. Harr# )istene+. A so0t rust)ing an+ !)in4ing see3e+ to (e !o3ing 0ro3 u" ahea+. M7o #ou thin4 itJs a ghostON MI +onJt 4now . . . soun+s )i4e wings to 3e.N MThereJs )ight ahea+ A I !an see so3ething 3oving.N The# rea!he+ the en+ o0 the "assagewa# an+ saw (e0ore the3 a (ri))iant)# )it !ha3(er/ its !ei)ing ar!hing high a(ove the3. It was 0u)) o0 s3a))/ Kewe);(right (ir+s/ 0)uttering an+ tu3()ing a)) aroun+ the roo3. On the o""osite si+e o0 the !ha3(er was a heav# woo+en +oor. M7o #ou thin4 the#J)) atta!4 us i0 we !ross the roo3ON sai+ Ron. M,ro(a()#/N sai+ Harr#. MThe# +onJt )oo4 ver# vi!ious/ (ut I su""ose i0 the# a)) swoo"e+ +own at on!e . . . we))/ thereJs no other !hoi!e . . . IJ)) run.N He too4 a +ee" (reath/ !overe+ his 0a!e with his ar3s/ an+ s"rinte+ a!ross the roo3. He e "e!te+ to 0ee) shar" (ea4s an+ !)aws tearing at hi3 an# se!on+/ (ut nothing ha""ene+. He rea!he+ the +oor untou!he+. He "u))e+ the han+)e/ (ut it was )o!4e+. The other two 0o))owe+ hi3. The# tugge+ an+ heave+ at the +oor/ (ut it wou)+nJt (u+ge/ not even when Her3ione trie+ her A)oho3ora 1har3. MNow whatON sai+ Ron. MThese (ir+s . . . the# !anJt (e here Kust 0or +e!oration/N sai+ Her3ione.

The# wat!he+ the (ir+s soaring overhea+/ g)ittering A 'litterin'O MThe#Jre not (ir+sPN Harr# sai+ su++en)#. MThe#Jre keysP Winge+ 4e#s A )oo4 !are0u))#. So that 3ust 3ean . . .N he )oo4e+ aroun+ the !ha3(er whi)e the other two sHuinte+ u" at the 0)o!4 o0 4e#s. M. . . #es A )oo4P Broo3sti!4sP WeJve got to !at!h the 4e# to the +oorPN MBut there are h"ndreds o0 the3PN Ron e a3ine+ the )o!4 on the +oor. MWeJre )oo4ing 0or a (ig/ o)+;0ashione+ one A "ro(a()# si)ver/ )i4e the han+)e.N The# ea!h sei=e+ a (roo3sti!4 an+ 4i!4e+ o00 into the air/ soaring into the 3i+st o0 the !)ou+ o0 4e#s. The# gra((e+ an+ snat!he+/ (ut the (ewit!he+ 4e#s +arte+ an+ +ive+ so Hui!4)# it was a)3ost i3"ossi()e to !at!h one. Not 0or nothing/ though/ was Harr# the #oungest See4er in a !entur#. He ha+ a 4na!4 0or s"otting things other "eo")e +i+nJt. A0ter a 3inuteJs weaving a(out through the whir) o0 rain(ow 0eathers/ he noti!e+ a )arge si)ver 4e# that ha+ a (ent wing/ as i0 it ha+ a)rea+# (een !aught an+ stu00e+ rough)# into the 4e#ho)e. MThat onePN he !a))e+ to the others. MThat (ig one A there A no/ there A with (right ()ue wings A the 0eathers are a)) !ru3")e+ on one si+e.N Ron went s"ee+ing in the +ire!tion that Harr# was "ointing/ !rashe+ into the !ei)ing/ an+ near)# 0e)) o00 his (roo3. MWeJve got to !)ose in on itPN Harr# !a))e+/ not ta4ing his e#es o00 the 4e# with the +a3age+ wing. MRon/ #ou !o3e at it 0ro3 a(ove A Her3ione/ sta# (e)ow an+ sto" it 0ro3 going +own A an+ IJ)) tr# an+ !at!h it. Right/ NOWPN Ron +ive+/ Her3ione ro!4ete+ u"war+/ the 4e# +o+ge+ the3 (oth/ an+ Harr# strea4e+ a0ter itL it s"e+ towar+ the wa))/ Harr# )eane+ 0orwar+ an+ with a nast#/ !run!hing noise/ "inne+ it against the stone with one han+. Ron an+ Her3ioneJs !heers e!hoe+ aroun+ the high !ha3(er. The# )an+e+ Hui!4)#/ an+ Harr# ran to the +oor/ the 4e# strugg)ing in his han+. He ra33e+ it into the )o!4 an+ turne+ A it wor4e+. The 3o3ent the )o!4 ha+ !)i!4e+ o"en/ the 4e# too4 0)ight again/ )oo4ing ver# (attere+ now that it ha+ (een !aught twi!e. MRea+#ON Harr# as4e+ the other two/ his han+ on the +oor han+)e. The# no++e+. He "u))e+ the +oor o"en. The ne t !ha3(er was so +ar4 the# !ou)+nJt see an#thing at a)). But as the# ste""e+ into it/ )ight su++en)# 0)oo+e+ the roo3 to revea)

an astonishing sight. The# were stan+ing on the e+ge o0 a huge !hess(oar+/ (ehin+ the ()a!4 !hess3en/ whi!h were a)) ta))er than the# were an+ !arve+ 0ro3 what )oo4e+ )i4e ()a!4 stone. Fa!ing the3/ wa# a!ross the !ha3(er/ were the white "ie!es. Harr#/ Ron an+ Her3ione shivere+ s)ight)# A the towering white !hess3en ha+ no 0a!es. MNow what +o we +oON Harr# whis"ere+. MItJs o(vious/ isnJt itON sai+ Ron. MWeJve got to ")a# our wa# a!ross the roo3.N Behin+ the white "ie!es the# !ou)+ see another +oor. MHowON sai+ Her3ione nervous)#. MI thin4/N sai+ Ron/ MweJre going to have to (e !hess3en.N He wa)4e+ u" to a ()a!4 4night an+ "ut his han+ out to tou!h the 4nights horse. At on!e/ the stone s"rang to )i0e. The horse "awe+ the groun+ an+ the 4night turne+ his he)3ete+ hea+ to )oo4 +own at Ron. M7o we A er A have to Koin #ou to get a!rossON The ()a!4 4night no++e+. Ron turne+ to the other two. MThis nee+s thin4ing a(out. . . .N he sai+. MI su""ose weJve got to ta4e the ")a!e o0 three o0 the ()a!4 "ie!es. . . .N Harr# an+ Her3ione sta#e+ Huiet/ wat!hing Ron thin4. Fina))# he sai+/ MNow/ +onJt (e o00en+e+ or an#thing/ (ut neither o0 #ou are that goo+ at !hess AN MWeJre not o00en+e+/N sai+ Harr# Hui!4)#. MJust te)) us what to +o.N MWe))/ Harr#/ #ou ta4e the ")a!e o0 that (isho"/ an+ Her3ione/ #ou go there instea+ o0 that !ast)e.N MWhat a(out #ouON MIJ3 going to (e a 4night/N sai+ Ron. The !hess3en see3e+ to have (een )istening/ (e!ause at these wor+s a 4night/ a (isho"/ an+ a !ast)e turne+ their (a!4s on the white "ie!es an+ wa)4e+ o00 the (oar+/ )eaving three e3"t# sHuares that Harr#/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione too4. MWhite a)wa#s ")a#s 0irst in !hess/N sai+ Ron/ "eering a!ross the (oar+. MYes . . . )oo4 . . .N A white "awn ha+ 3ove+ 0orwar+ two sHuares. Ron starte+ to +ire!t the ()a!4 "ie!es. The# 3ove+ si)ent)# wherever he sent the3. Harr#Js 4nees were tre3()ing. What i0 the# )ostO MHarr# A 3ove +iagona))# 0our sHuares to the right.N Their 0irst rea) sho!4 !a3e when their other 4night was ta4en. The white Hueen s3ashe+ hi3 to the 0)oor an+ +ragge+ hi3 o00 the

(oar+/ where he )a# Huite sti))/ 0a!e+own. MHa+ to )et that ha""en/N sai+ Ron/ )oo4ing sha4en. MLeaves #ou 0ree to ta4e that (isho"/ Her3ione/ go on.N 2ver# ti3e one o0 their 3en was )ost/ the white "ie!es showe+ no 3er!#. Soon there was a hu++)e o0 )i3" ()a!4 ")a#ers s)u3"e+ a)ong the wa)). Twi!e/ Ron on)# Kust noti!e+ in ti3e that Harr# an+ Her3ione were in +anger. He hi3se)0 +arte+ aroun+ the (oar+/ ta4ing a)3ost as 3an# white "ie!es as the# ha+ )ost ()a!4 ones. MWeJre near)# there/N he 3uttere+ su++en)#. MLet 3e thin4 A )et 3e thin4 . . .N The white Hueen turne+ her ()an4 0a!e towar+ hi3. MYes . . .N sai+ Ron so0t)#/ MitJs the on)# wa# . . . IJve got to (e ta4en.N MNOPN Harr# an+ Her3ione shoute+. MThatJs !hessPN sna""e+ Ron. MYouJve got to 3a4e so3e sa!ri0i!esP I 3a4e 3# 3ove an+ sheJ)) ta4e 3e A that )eaves #ou 0ree to !he!43ate the 4ing/ Harr#PN MBut AN M7o #ou want to sto" Sna"e or notON MRon AN MLoo4/ i0 #ou +onJt hurr# u"/ heJ)) a)rea+# have the StonePN There was no a)ternative. MRea+#ON Ron !a))e+/ his 0a!e "a)e (ut +eter3ine+. MHere I go A now/ +onJt hang aroun+ on!e #ouJve won.N He ste""e+ 0orwar+/ an+ the white Hueen "oun!e+. She stru!4 Ron har+ a!ross the hea+ with her stone ar3/ an+ he !rashe+ to the 0)oor A Her3ione s!rea3e+ (ut sta#e+ on her sHuare A the white Hueen +ragge+ Ron to one si+e. He )oo4e+ as i0 heJ+ (een 4no!4e+ out. Sha4ing/ Harr# 3ove+ three s"a!es to the )e0t. The white 4ing too4 o00 his !rown an+ threw it at Harr#Js 0eet. The# ha+ won. The !hess3en "arte+ an+ (owe+/ )eaving the +oor ahea+ !)ear. With one )ast +es"erate )oo4 (a!4 at Ron/ Harr# an+ Her3ione !harge+ through the +oor an+ u" the ne t "assagewa#. MWhat i0 heJs A ON MHeJ)) (e a)) right/N sai+ Harr#/ tr#ing to !onvin!e hi3se)0. MWhat +o #ou re!4onJs ne tON MWeJve ha+ S"routJs/ that was the 7evi)s SnareL F)itwi!4 3ustJve "ut !har3s on the 4e#sL *!Gonaga)) trans0igure+ the !hess3en to 3a4e the3 a)iveL that )eaves Iuirre))Js s"e))/ an+ Sna"eJs . . .N The# ha+ rea!he+ another +oor.

MA)) rightON Harr# whis"ere+. MGo on.N Harr# "ushe+ it o"en. A +isgusting s3e)) 0i))e+ their nostri)s/ 3a4ing (oth o0 the3 "u)) their ro(es u" over their noses. 2#es watering/ the# saw/ 0)at on the 0)oor in 0ront o0 the3/ a tro)) even )arger than the one the# ha+ ta!4)e+/ out !o)+ with a ()oo+# )u3" on its hea+. MIJ3 g)a+ we +i+nJt have to 0ight that one/N Harr# whis"ere+ as the# ste""e+ !are0u))# over one o0 its 3assive )egs. M1o3e on/ I !anJt (reathe.N He "u))e+ o"en the ne t +oor/ (oth o0 the3 har+)# +aring to )oo4 at what !a3e ne t A (ut there was nothing ver# 0rightening in here/ Kust a ta()e with seven +i00erent)# sha"e+ (ott)es stan+ing on it in a )ine. MSna"eJs/N sai+ Harr#. MWhat +o we have to +oON The# ste""e+ over the thresho)+/ an+ i33e+iate)# a 0ire s"rang u" (ehin+ the3 in the +oorwa#. It wasnJt or+inar# 0ire eitherL it was "ur")e. At the sa3e instant/ ()a!4 0)a3es shot u" in the +oorwa# )ea+ing onwar+. The# were tra""e+. MLoo4PN Her3ione sei=e+ a ro)) o0 "a"er )#ing ne t to the (ott)es. Harr# )oo4e+ over her shou)+er to rea+ it6 an'er lies before yo"* !hile safety lies behind* ,!o of "s !ill hel1 yo"* !hiche0er yo" !o"ld find* One amon' "s se0en !ill let yo" mo0e ahead* Another !ill trans1ort the drinker back instead* ,!o amon' o"r n"mber hold only nettle !ine* ,hree of "s are killers* !aitin' hidden in line( Choose* "nless yo" !ish to stay here fore0ermore* ,o hel1 yo" in yo"r choice* !e 'i0e yo" these cl"es fo"r8 First* ho!e0er slyly the 1oison tries to hide 2o" !ill al!ays find some on nettle !ines left side> Second* different are those !ho stand at either end* B"t if yo" !o"ld mo0e on!ard* neither is yo"r friend> ,hird* as yo" see clearly* all are different size* ;either d!arf nor 'iant holds death in their insides> Fo"rth* the second left and the second on the ri'ht Are t!ins once yo" taste them* tho"'h different at first si'ht( Her3ione )et out a great sigh an+ Harr#/ a3a=e+/ saw that she was s3i)ing/ the ver# )ast thing he 0e)t )i4e +oing.

MBrilliant*N sai+ Her3ione. MThis isnJt 3agi! A itJs )ogi! A a "u==)e. A )ot o0 the greatest wi=ar+s havenJt got an oun!e o0 )ogi!/ the#J+ (e stu!4 in here 0orever.N MBut so wi)) we/ wonJt weON MO0 !ourse not/N sai+ Her3ione. M2ver#thing we nee+ is here on this "a"er. Seven (ott)es6 three are "oisonL two are wineL one wi)) get us sa0e)# through the ()a!4 0ire/ an+ one wi)) get us (a!4 through the "ur")e.N MBut how +o we 4now whi!h to +rin4ON MGive 3e a 3inute.N Her3ione rea+ the "a"er severa) ti3es. Then she wa)4e+ u" an+ +own the )ine o0 (ott)es/ 3uttering to herse)0 an+ "ointing at the3. At )ast/ she !)a""e+ her han+s. MGot it/N she sai+. MThe s3a))est (ott)e wi)) get us through the ()a!4 0ire A towar+ the Stone.N Harr# )oo4e+ at the tin# (ott)e. MThereJs on)# enough there 0or one o0 us/N he sai+. MThatJs har+)# one swa))ow.N The# )oo4e+ at ea!h other. MWhi!h one wi)) get #ou (a!4 through the "ur")e 0)a3esON Her3ione "ointe+ at a roun+e+ (ott)e at the right en+ o0 the )ine. MYou +rin4 that/N sai+ Harr#. MNo/ )isten/ get (a!4 an+ get Ron. Gra( (roo3s 0ro3 the 0)#ing;4e# roo3/ the#J)) get #ou out o0 the tra"+oor an+ "ast F)u00# A go straight to the ow)er# an+ sen+ He+wig to 7u3()e+ore/ we nee+ hi3. I 3ight (e a()e to ho)+ Sna"e o00 0or a whi)e/ (ut IJ3 no 3at!h 0or hi3/ rea))#.N MBut Harr# A what i0 You;Know;WhoJs with hi3ON MWe)) A I was )u!4# on!e/ wasnJt ION sai+ Harr#/ "ointing at his s!ar. MI 3ight get )u!4# again.N Her3ioneJs )i" tre3()e+/ an+ she su++en)# +ashe+ at Harr# an+ threw her ar3s aroun+ hi3. MHermionePN MHarr# A #ouJre a great wi=ar+/ #ou 4now.N MIJ3 not as goo+ as #ou/N sai+ Harr#/ ver# e3(arrasse+/ as she )et go o0 hi3. M*ePN sai+ Her3ione. MBoo4sP An+ !)evernessP There are 3ore i3"ortant things A 0rien+shi" an+ (raver# an+ A oh Harr# A (e caref"lPN MYou +rin4 0irst/N sai+ Harr#. MYou are sure whi!h is whi!h/ arenJt #ouON M,ositive/N sai+ Her3ione. She too4 a )ong +rin4 0ro3 the

roun+ (ott)e at the en+/ an+ shu++ere+. MItJs not "oisonON sai+ Harr# an ious)#. MNo A (ut itJs )i4e i!e.N MIui!4/ go/ (e0ore it wears o00.N MGoo+ )u!4 A ta4e !are AN MGOPN Her3ione turne+ an+ wa)4e+ straight through the "ur")e 0ire. Harr# too4 a +ee" (reath an+ "i!4e+ u" the s3a))est (ott)e. He turne+ to 0a!e the ()a!4 0)a3es. MHere I !o3e/N he sai+/ an+ he +raine+ the )itt)e (ott)e in one gu)". It was in+ee+ as though i!e was 0)oo+ing his (o+#. He "ut the (ott)e +own an+ wa)4e+ 0orwar+L he (ra!e+ hi3se)0/ saw the ()a!4 0)a3es )i!4ing his (o+#/ (ut !ou)+nJt 0ee) the3 A 0or a 3o3ent he !ou)+ see nothing (ut +ar4 0ire A then he was on the other si+e/ in the )ast !ha3(er. There was a)rea+# so3eone there A (ut it wasnJt Sna"e. It wasnJt even Go)+e3ort.

(HAPT%R S%&%!T%%!
It was Iuirre)). M2o"PN gas"e+ Harr#. Iuirre)) s3i)e+. His 0a!e wasnJt twit!hing at a)). M*e/N he sai+ !a)3)#. MI won+ere+ whether IJ+ (e 3eeting #ou here/ ,otter.N MBut I thought A Sna"e AN MSeverusON Iuirre)) )aughe+/ an+ it wasnJt his usua) Huivering tre()e/ either/ (ut !o)+ an+ shar". MYes/ Severus +oes see3 the t#"e/ +oesnJt heO So use0u) to have hi3 swoo"ing aroun+ )i4e an overgrown (at. Ne t to hi3/ who wou)+ sus"e!t ";";"oor/ st;stuttering ,;,ro0essor Iuirre))ON Harr# !ou)+nJt ta4e it in. This !ou)+nJt (e true/ it !ou)+nJt. MBut Sna"e trie+ to 4i)) 3ePN

MNo/ no/ no. - trie+ to 4i)) #ou. Your 0rien+ *iss Granger a!!i+enta))# 4no!4e+ 3e over as she rushe+ to set 0ire to Sna"e at that Iui++it!h 3at!h. She (ro4e 3# e#e !onta!t with #ou. Another 0ew se!on+s an+ IJ+ have got #ou o00 that (roo3. IJ+ have 3anage+ it (e0ore then i0 Sna"e ha+nJt (een 3uttering a !ounter!urse/ tr#ing to save #ou.N MSna"e was tr#ing to sa0e 3eON MO0 !ourse/N sai+ Iuirre)) !oo))#. MWh# +o #ou thin4 he wante+ to re0eree #our ne t 3at!hO He was tr#ing to 3a4e sure I +i+nJt +o it again. Funn#/ rea))# . . . he nee+nJt have (othere+. I !ou)+nJt +o an#thing with 7u3()e+ore wat!hing. A)) the other tea!hers thought Sna"e was tr#ing to sto" Gr#00in+or 0ro3 winning/ he did 3a4e hi3se)0 un"o"u)ar . . . an+ what a waste o0 ti3e/ when a0ter a)) that/ IJ3 going to 4i)) #ou tonight.N Iuirre)) sna""e+ his 0ingers. Ro"es s"rang out o0 thin air an+ wra""e+ the3se)ves tight)# aroun+ Harr#. MYouJre too nos# to )ive/ ,otter. S!urr#ing aroun+ the s!hoo) on Ha))oween )i4e that/ 0or a)) I 4new #ouJ+ seen 3e !o3ing to )oo4 at what was guar+ing the Stone.N M2o" )et the tro)) inON M1ertain)#. I have a s"e!ia) gi0t with tro))s A #ou 3ust have seen what I +i+ to the one in the !ha3(er (a!4 thereO En0ortunate)#/ whi)e ever#one e)se was running aroun+ )oo4ing 0or it/ Sna"e/ who a)rea+# sus"e!te+ 3e/ went straight to the thir+ 0)oor to hea+ 3e o00 A an+ not on)# +i+ 3# tro)) 0ai) to (eat #ou to +eath/ that three;hea+e+ +og +i+nJt even 3anage to (ite Sna"eJs )eg o00 "ro"er)#. MNow/ wait Huiet)#/ ,otter. I nee+ to e a3ine this interesting 3irror.N It was on)# then that Harr# rea)i=e+ what was stan+ing (ehin+ Iuirre)). It was the *irror o0 2rise+. MThis 3irror is the 4e# to 0in+ing the Stone/N Iuirre)) 3ur 3ure+/ ta""ing his wa# aroun+ the 0ra3e. MTrust 7u3()e+ore to !o3e u" with so3ething )i4e this . . . (ut heJs in Lon+on . . . IJ)) (e 0ar awa# (# the ti3e he gets (a!4. . . .N A)) Harr# !ou)+ thin4 o0 +oing was to 4ee" Iuirre)) ta)4ing an+ sto" hi3 0ro3 !on!entrating on the 3irror. MI saw #ou an+ Sna"e in the 0orest AN he ()urte+ out. MYes/N sai+ Iuirre)) i+)#/ wa)4ing aroun+ the 3irror to )oo4 at the (a!4. MHe was on to 3e (# that ti3e/ tr#ing to 0in+ out how 0ar IJ+ got. He sus"e!te+ 3e a)) a)ong. Trie+ to 0righten 3e A as though he !ou)+/ when I ha+ Lor+ Go)+e3ort on 3# si+e. . . .N

Iuirre)) !a3e (a!4 out 0ro3 (ehin+ the 3irror an+ stare+ hungri)# into it. MI see the Stone . . . IJ3 "resenting it to 3# 3aster . . . (ut where is itON Harr# strugg)e+ against the ro"es (in+ing hi3/ (ut the# +i+nJt give. He had to 4ee" Iuirre)) 0ro3 giving his who)e attention to the 3irror. MBut Sna"e a)wa#s see3e+ to hate 3e so 3u!h.N MOh/ he +oes/N sai+ Iuirre)) !asua))#/ Mheavens/ #es. He was at Hogwarts with #our 0ather/ +i+nJt #ou 4nowO The# )oathe+ ea!h other. But he never wante+ #ou dead(N MBut I hear+ #ou a 0ew +a#s ago/ so((ing A I thought Sna"e was threatening #ou. For the 0irst ti3e/ a s"as3 o0 0ear 0)itte+ a!ross Iuirre))Js 0a!e. MSo3eti3es/N he sai+/ MI 0in+ it har+ to 0o))ow 3# 3asterJs instru!tions A he is a great wi=ar+ an+ I a3 wea4 AN MYou 3ean he was there in the !)assroo3 with #ouON Harr# gas"e+. MHe is with 3e wherever I go/N sai+ Iuirre)) Huiet)#. MI 3et hi3 when I trave)e+ aroun+ the wor)+. A 0oo)ish #oung 3an I was then/ 0u)) o0 ri+i!u)ous i+eas a(out goo+ an+ evi). Lor+ Go)+e3ort showe+ 3e how wrong I was. There is no goo+ an+ evi)/ there is on)# "ower/ an+ those too wea4 to see4 it. . . . Sin!e then/ I have serve+ hi3 0aith0u))#/ a)though I have )et hi3 +own 3an# ti3es. He has ha+ to (e ver# har+ on 3e.N Iuirre)) shivere+ su++en)#. MHe +oes not 0orgive 3ista4es easi)#. When I 0ai)e+ to stea) the Stone 0ro3 Gringotts/ he was 3ost +is")ease+. He "unishe+ 3e . . . +e!i+e+ he wou)+ have to 4ee" a !)oser wat!h on 3e. . . .N Iuirre))Js voi!e trai)e+ awa#. Harr# was re3e3(ering his tri" to 7iagon A))e# A how !ou)+ he have (een so stu"i+O HeJ+ seen Iuirre)) there that ver# +a#/ sha4en han+s with hi3 in the Lea4# 1au)+ron. Iuirre)) !urse+ un+er his (reath. MI +onJt un+erstan+ . . . is the Stone inside the 3irrorO Shou)+ I (rea4 itON Harr#Js 3in+ was ra!ing. 4hat - !ant more than anythin' else in the !orld at the moment/ he thought/ is to find the Stone before <"irrell does( So if - look in the mirror* - sho"ld see myself findin' it A !hich means -ll see !here its hiddenP B"t ho! can - look !itho"t <"irrell realizin' !hat -m

"1 toO He trie+ to e+ge to the )e0t/ to get in 0ront o0 the g)ass without Iuirre)) noti!ing/ (ut the ro"es aroun+ his an4)es were too tight6 he tri""e+ an+ 0e)) over. Iuirre)) ignore+ hi3. He was sti)) ta)4ing to hi3se)0. MWhat +oes this 3irror +oO How +oes it wor4O He)" 3e/ *asterPN An+ to Harr#Js horror/ a voi!e answere+/ an+ the voi!e see3e+ to !o3e 0ro3 Iuirre)) hi3se)0. MEse the (o# . . . Ese the (o# . . .N Iuirre)) roun+e+ on Harr#. MYes A ,otter A !o3e here.N He !)a""e+ his han+s on!e/ an+ the ro"es (in+ing Harr# 0e)) o00. Harr# got s)ow)# to his 0eet. M1o3e here/N Iuirre)) re"eate+. MLoo4 in the 3irror an+ te)) 3e what #ou see.N Harr# wa)4e+ towar+ hi3. - m"st lie* he thought +es"erate)#. - m"st look and lie abo"t !hat - see* thats all( Iuirre)) 3ove+ !)ose (ehin+ hi3. Harr# (reathe+ in the 0unn# s3e)) that see3e+ to !o3e 0ro3 Iuirre))Js tur(an. He !)ose+ his e#es/ ste""e+ in 0ront o0 the 3irror/ an+ o"ene+ the3 again. He saw his re0)e!tion/ "a)e an+ s!are+;)oo4ing at 0irst. But a 3o3ent )ater/ the re0)e!tion s3i)e+ at hi3. It "ut its han+ into its "o!4et an+ "u))e+ out a ()oo+;re+ stone. It win4e+ an+ "ut the Stone (a!4 in its "o!4et A an+ as it +i+ so/ Harr# 0e)t so3ething heav# +ro" into his rea) "o!4et. So3ehow A in!re+i()# A hed 'otten the Stone( MWe))ON sai+ Iuirre)) i3"atient)#. MWhat +o #ou seeON Harr# s!rewe+ u" his !ourage. MI see 3#se)0 sha4ing han+s with 7u3()e+ore/N he invente+. MI A IJve won the House 1u" 0or Gr#00in+or.N Iuirre)) !urse+ again. MGet out o0 the wa#/N he sai+. As Harr# 3ove+ asi+e/ he 0e)t the Sor!ererJs Stone against his )eg. 7are he 3a4e a (rea4 0or itO But he ha+nJt wa)4e+ 0ive "a!es (e0ore a high voi!e s"o4e/ though Iuirre)) wasnJt 3oving his )i"s. MHe )ies . . . He )ies . . .N M,otter/ !o3e (a!4 herePN Iuirre)) shoute+. MTe)) 3e the truthP What +i+ #ou Kust seeON The high voi!e s"o4e again.

MLet 3e s"ea4 to hi3 . . . 0a!e;to;0a!e. . . .N M*aster/ #ou are not strong enoughPN MI have strength enough . . . 0or this. . . .N Harr# 0e)t as i0 7evi)Js Snare was rooting hi3 to the s"ot. He !ou)+nJt 3ove a 3us!)e. ,etri0ie+/ he wat!he+ as Iuirre)) rea!he+ u" an+ (egan to unwra" his tur(an. What was going onO The tur(an 0e)) awa#. Iuirre))Js hea+ )oo4e+ strange)# s3a)) without it. Then he turne+ s)ow)# on the s"ot. Harr# wou)+ have s!rea3e+/ (ut he !ou)+nJt 3a4e a soun+. Where there shou)+ have (een a (a!4 to Iuirre))Js hea+/ there was a 0a!e/ the 3ost terri()e 0a!e Harr# ha+ ever seen. It was !ha)4 white with g)aring re+ e#es an+ s)its 0or nostri)s/ )i4e a sna4e. MHarr# ,otter . . .N it whis"ere+. Harr# trie+ to ta4e a ste" (a!4war+ (ut his )egs wou)+nJt 3ove. MSee what I have (e!o3eON the 0a!e sai+. M*ere sha+ow an+ va"or . . . I have 0or3 on)# when I !an share anotherJs (o+# . . . (ut there have a)wa#s (een those wi))ing to )et 3e into their hearts an+ 3in+s. . . . Eni!orn ()oo+ has strengthene+ 3e/ these "ast wee4s . . . #ou saw 0aith0u) Iuirre)) +rin4ing it 0or 3e in the 0orest . . . an+ on!e I have the 2)i ir o0 Li0e/ I wi)) (e a()e to !reate a (o+# o0 3# own. . . . Now . . . wh# +onJt #ou give 3e that Stone in #our "o!4etON So he 4new. The 0ee)ing su++en)# surge+ (a!4 into Harr#Js )egs. He stu3()e+ (a!4war+. M7onJt (e a 0oo)/N snar)e+ the 0a!e. MBetter save #our own )i0e an+ Koin 3e . . . or #ouJ)) 3eet the sa3e en+ as #our "arents. . . . The# +ie+ (egging 3e 0or 3er!#. . . .N MLIARPN Harr# shoute+ su++en)#. Iuirre)) was wa)4ing (a!4war+ at hi3/ so that Go)+e3ort !ou)+ sti)) see hi3. The evi) 0a!e was now s3i)ing. MHow tou!hing . . .N it hisse+. MI a)wa#s va)ue (raver#. . . . Yes/ (o#/ #our "arents were (rave. . . . I 4i))e+ #our 0ather 0irst/ an+ he "ut u" a !ourageous 0ight . . . (ut #our 3other nee+nJt have +ie+ . . . she was tr#ing to "rote!t #ou. . . . Now give 3e the Stone/ un)ess #ou want her to have +ie+ in vain.N MN2G2RPN Harr# s"rang towar+ the 0)a3e +oor/ (ut Go)+e3ort s!rea3e+ MS2IC2 HI*PN an+ the ne t se!on+/ Harr# 0e)t Iuirre))Js han+ !)ose on his wrist. At on!e/ a nee+)e;shar" "ain seare+ a!ross Harr#Js s!arL his hea+ 0e)t as though it was a(out to s")it in twoL he #e))e+/ strugg)ing with a)) his 3ight/ an+ to his sur"rise/ Iuirre)) )et go o0 hi3. The "ain in his hea+ )essene+ A he )oo4e+ aroun+

wi)+)# to see where Iuirre)) ha+ gone/ an+ saw hi3 hun!he+ in "ain/ )oo4ing at his 0ingers A the# were ()istering (e0ore his e#es. MSei=e hi3P S2IC2 HI*PN shrie4e+ Go)+e3ort again/ an+ Iuirre)) )unge+/ 4no!4ing Harr# !)ean o00 his 0eet/ )an+ing on to" o0 hi3/ (oth han+s aroun+ Harr#Js ne!4 A Harr#Js s!ar was a)3ost ()in+ing hi3 with "ain/ #et he !ou)+ see Iuirre)) how)ing in agon#. M*aster/ I !annot ho)+ hi3 A 3# han+s A 3# han+sPN An+ Iuirre))/ though "inning Harr# to the groun+ with his 4nees/ )et go o0 his ne!4 an+ stare+/ (ewi)+ere+/ at his own "a)3s A Harr# !ou)+ see the# )oo4e+ (urne+/ raw/ re+/ an+ shin#. MThen 4i)) hi3/ 0oo)/ an+ (e +onePN s!ree!he+ Go)+e3ort. Iuirre)) raise+ his han+ to "er0or3 a +ea+)# !urse/ (ut Harr#/ (# instin!t/ rea!he+ u" an+ gra((e+ Iuirre))Js 0a!e A MAAAARGHPN Iuirre)) ro))e+ o00 hi3/ his 0a!e ()istering/ too/ an+ then Harr# 4new6 Iuirre)) !ou)+nJt tou!h his (are s4in/ not without su00ering terri()e "ain A his on)# !han!e was to 4ee" ho)+ o0 Iuirre))/ 4ee" hi3 in enough "ain to sto" hi3 0ro3 +oing a !urse. Harr# Ku3"e+ to his 0eet/ !aught Iuirre)) (# the ar3/ an+ hung on as tight as he !ou)+. Iuirre)) s!rea3e+ an+ trie+ to throw Harr# o00 A the "ain in Harr#Js hea+ was (ui)+ing A he !ou)+nJt see A he !ou)+ on)# hear Iuirre))Js terri()e shrie4s an+ Go)+e3ortJs #e))s o0/ MKILL HI*P KILL HI*PN an+ other voi!es/ 3a#(e in Harr#Js own hea+/ !r#ing/ MHarr#P Harr#PN He 0e)t Iuirre))Js ar3 wren!he+ 0ro3 his gras"/ 4new a)) was )ost/ an+ 0e)) into ()a!4ness/ +own . . . +own . . . +own . . . So3ething go)+ was g)inting Kust a(ove hi3. The Snit!hP He trie+ to !at!h it/ (ut his ar3s were too heav#. He ()in4e+. It wasnJt the Snit!h at a)). It was a "air o0 g)asses. How strange. He ()in4e+ again. The s3i)ing 0a!e o0 A)(us 7u3()e+ore swa3 into view a(ove hi3. MGoo+ a0ternoon/ Harr#/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. Harr# stare+ at hi3. Then he re3e3(ere+6 MSirP The StoneP It was Iuirre))P HeJs got the StoneP Sir/ Hui!4 AN M1a)3 #ourse)0/ +ear (o#/ #ou are a )itt)e (ehin+ the ti3es/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MIuirre)) +oes not have the Stone.N MThen who +oesO Sir/ I AN MHarr#/ ")ease re)a / or *a+a3 ,o30re# wi)) have 3e thrown out.N Harr# swa))owe+ an+ )oo4e+ aroun+ hi3. He rea)i=e+ he 3ust (e in the hos"ita) wing. He was )#ing in a (e+ with white )inen

sheets/ an+ ne t to hi3 was a ta()e "i)e+ high with what )oo4e+ )i4e ha)0 the !an+# sho". MTo4ens 0ro3 #our 0rien+s an+ a+3irers/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ (ea3ing. MWhat ha""ene+ +own in the +ungeons (etween #ou an+ ,ro0essor Iuirre)) is a !o3")ete se!ret/ so/ natura))#/ the who)e s!hoo) 4nows. I (e)ieve #our 0rien+s *isters Fre+ an+ George Weas)e# were res"onsi()e 0or tr#ing to sen+ #ou a toi)et seat. No +ou(t the# thought it wou)+ a3use #ou. *a+a3 ,o30re#/ however/ 0e)t it 3ight not (e ver# h#gieni!/ an+ !on0is!ate+ it.N MHow )ong have I (een in hereON MThree +a#s. *r. Rona)+ Weas)e# an+ *iss Granger wi)) (e 3ost re)ieve+ #ou have !o3e roun+/ the# have (een e tre3e)# worrie+.N MBut sir/ the Stone AN MI see #ou are not to (e +istra!te+. Ger# we))/ the Stone. ,ro0essor Iuirre)) +i+ not 3anage to ta4e it 0ro3 #ou. I arrive+ in ti3e to "revent that/ a)though #ou were +oing ver# we)) on #our own/ I 3ust sa#.N MYou got thereO You got Her3ioneJs ow)ON MWe 3ust have !rosse+ in 3i+air. No sooner ha+ I rea!he+ Lon+on than it (e!a3e !)ear to 3e that the ")a!e I shou)+ (e was the one I ha+ Kust )e0t. I arrive+ Kust in ti3e to "u)) Iuirre)) o00 #ou AN MIt was yo"(N MI 0eare+ I 3ight (e too )ate.N MYou near)# were/ I !ou)+nJt have 4e"t hi3 o00 the Stone 3u!h )onger AN MNot the Stone/ (o#/ #ou A the e00ort invo)ve+ near)# 4i))e+ #ou. For one terri()e 3o3ent there/ I was a0rai+ it ha+. As 0or the Stone/ it has (een +estro#e+.N M7estro#e+ON sai+ Harr# ()an4)#. MBut #our 0rien+ A Ni!o)as F)a3e) AN MOh/ #ou 4now a(out Ni!o)asON sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ soun+ing Huite +e)ighte+. MYou did +o the thing "ro"er)#/ +i+nJt #ouO We))/ Ni!o)as an+ I have ha+ a )itt)e !hat/ an+ agree+ itJs a)) 0or the (est.N MBut that 3eans he an+ his wi0e wi)) +ie/ wonJt the#ON MThe# have enough 2)i ir store+ to set their a00airs in or+er an+ then/ #es/ the# wi)) +ie.N 7u3()e+ore s3i)e+ at the )oo4 o0 a3a=e3ent on Harr#Js 0a!e. MTo one as #oung as #ou/ IJ3 sure it see3s in!re+i()e/ (ut to Ni!o)as an+ ,erene))e/ it rea))# is )i4e going to (e+ a0ter a ver#/ 0ery )ong +a#. A0ter a))/ to the we));organi=e+ 3in+/ +eath is (ut the

ne t great a+venture. You 4now/ the Stone was rea))# not su!h a won+er0u) thing. As 3u!h 3one# an+ )i0e as #ou !ou)+ wantP The two things 3ost hu3an (eings wou)+ !hoose a(ove a)) A the trou()e is/ hu3ans +o have a 4na!4 o0 !hoosing "re!ise)# those things that are worst 0or the3.N Harr# )a# there/ )ost 0or wor+s. 7u3()e+ore hu33e+ a )itt)e an+ s3i)e+ at the !ei)ing. MSirON sai+ Harr#. MIJve (een thin4ing . . . Sir A even i0 the StoneJs gone/ Go);/ I 3ean/ You;Know;Who AN M1a)) hi3 Go)+e3ort/ Harr#. A)wa#s use the "ro"er na3e 0or things. Fear o0 a na3e in!reases 0ear o0 the thing itse)0.N MYes/ sir. We))/ Go)+e3ortJs going to tr# other wa#s o0 !o3ing (a!4/ isnJt heO I 3ean/ he hasnJt gone/ has heON MNo/ Harr#/ he has not. He is sti)) out there so3ewhere/ "erha"s )oo4ing 0or another (o+# to share . . . not (eing tru)# a)ive/ he !annot (e 4i))e+. He )e0t Iuirre)) to +ieL he shows Kust as )itt)e 3er!# to his 0o))owers as his ene3ies. Neverthe)ess/ Harr#/ whi)e #ou 3a# on)# have +e)a#e+ his return to "ower/ it wi)) 3ere)# ta4e so3eone e)se who is "re"are+ to 0ight what see3s a )osing (att)e ne t ti3e A an+ i0 he is +e)a#e+ again/ an+ again/ wh#/ he 3a# never return to "ower.N Harr# no++e+/ (ut sto""e+ Hui!4)#/ (e!ause it 3a+e his hea+ hurt. Then he sai+/ MSir/ there are so3e other things IJ+ )i4e to 4now/ i0 #ou !an te)) 3e . . . things I want to 4now the truth a(out. . . .N MThe truth.N 7u3()e+ore sighe+. MIt is a (eauti0u) an+ terri()e thing/ an+ shou)+ there0ore (e treate+ with great !aution. However/ I sha)) answer #our Huestions un)ess I have a ver# goo+ reason not to/ in whi!h !ase I (eg #ouJ)) 0orgive 3e. I sha)) not/ o0 !ourse/ )ie.N MWe)) . . . Go)+e3ort sai+ that he on)# 4i))e+ 3# 3other (e!ause she trie+ to sto" hi3 0ro3 4i))ing 3e. But wh# wou)+ he want to 4i)) 3e in the 0irst ")a!eON 7u3()e+ore sighe+ ver# +ee")# this ti3e. MA)as/ the 0irst thing #ou as4 3e/ I !annot te)) #ou. Not to+a#. Not now. You wi)) 4now/ one +a# . . . "ut it 0ro3 #our 3in+ 0or now/ Harr#. When #ou are o)+er . . . I 4now #ou hate to hear this . . . when #ou are rea+#/ #ou wi)) 4now.N An+ Harr# 4new it wou)+ (e no goo+ to argue. MBut wh# !ou)+nJt Iuirre)) tou!h 3eON MYour 3other +ie+ to save #ou. I0 there is one thing Go)+e3ort

!annot un+erstan+/ it is )ove. He +i+nJt rea)i=e that )ove as "ower0u) as #our 3otherJs 0or #ou )eaves its own 3ar4. Not a s!ar/ no visi()e sign . . . to have (een )ove+ so +ee")#/ even though the "erson who )ove+ us is gone/ wi)) give us so3e "rote!tion 0orever. It is in #our ver# s4in. Iuirre))/ 0u)) o0 hatre+/ gree+/ an+ a3(ition/ sharing his sou) with Go)+e3ort/ !ou)+ not tou!h #ou 0or this reason. It was agon# to tou!h a "erson 3ar4e+ (# so3ething so goo+.N 7u3()e+ore now (e!a3e ver# intereste+ in a (ir+ out on the win+owsi))/ whi!h gave Harr# ti3e to +r# his e#es on the sheet. When he ha+ 0oun+ his voi!e again/ Harr# sai+/ MAn+ the Invisi(i)it# 1)oa4 A +o #ou 4now who sent it to 3eON MAh A #our 0ather ha""ene+ to )eave it in 3# "ossession/ an+ I thought #ou 3ight )i4e it.N 7u3()e+oreJs e#es twin4)e+. MEse0u) things . . . #our 0ather use+ it 3ain)# 0or snea4ing o00 to the 4it!hens to stea) 0oo+ when he was here.N MAn+ thereJs so3ething e)se . . .N MFire awa#.N MIuirre)) sai+ Sna"e AN MProfessor Sna"e/ Harr#.N MYes/ hi3 A Iuirre)) sai+ he hates 3e (e!ause he hate+ 3# 0ather. Is that trueON MWe))/ the# +i+ rather +etest ea!h other. Not un)i4e #ourse)0 an+ *r. *a)0o#. An+ then/ #our 0ather +i+ so3ething Sna"e !ou)+ never 0orgive.N MWhatON MHe save+ his )i0e.N M4hatON MYes . . .N sai+ 7u3()e+ore +rea3i)#. MFunn#/ the wa# "eo")eJs 3in+s wor4/ isnJt itO ,ro0essor Sna"e !ou)+nJt (ear (eing in #our 0atherJs +e(t. . . . I +o (e)ieve he wor4e+ so har+ to "rote!t #ou this #ear (e!ause he 0e)t that wou)+ 3a4e hi3 an+ #our 0ather even. Then he !ou)+ go (a!4 to hating #our 0atherJs 3e3or# in "ea!e. . . .N Harr# trie+ to un+erstan+ this (ut it 3a+e his hea+ "oun+/ so he sto""e+. MAn+ sir/ thereJs one 3ore thing . . .N MJust the oneON MHow +i+ I get the Stone out o0 the 3irrorON MAh/ now/ IJ3 g)a+ #ou as4e+ 3e that. It was one o0 3# 3ore (ri))iant i+eas/ an+ (etween #ou an+ 3e/ thatJs sa#ing so3ething.

You see/ on)# one who wante+ to find the Stone A 0in+ it/ (ut not use it A wou)+ (e a()e to get it/ otherwise the#J+ Kust see the3se)ves 3a4ing go)+ or +rin4ing 2)i ir o0 Li0e. *# (rain sur"rises even 3e so3eti3es. . . . Now/ enough Huestions. I suggest #ou 3a4e a start on these sweets. AhP Bertie BottJs 2ver# F)avor BeansP I was un0ortunate enough in 3# #outh to !o3e a!ross a vo3it0)avore+ one/ an+ sin!e then IJ3 a0rai+ IJve rather )ost 3# )i4ing 0or the3 A (ut I thin4 IJ)) (e sa0e with a ni!e to00ee/ +onJt #ouON He s3i)e+ an+ "o""e+ the go)+en;(rown (ean into his 3outh. Then he !ho4e+ an+ sai+/ MA)asP 2ar wa PN *a+a3 ,o30re#/ the nurse/ was a ni!e wo3an/ (ut ver# stri!t. MJust 0ive 3inutes/N Harr# ")ea+e+. MA(so)ute)# not.N MYou )et ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore in. . . .N MWe))/ o0 !ourse/ that was the hea+3aster/ Huite +i00erent. You nee+ rest(N MI a3 resting/ )oo4/ )#ing +own an+ ever#thing. Oh/ go on/ *a+a3 ,o30re# . . .N MOh/ ver# we))/N she sai+. MBut 0ive 3inutes only(N An+ she )et Ron an+ Her3ione in. MHarryPN Her3ione )oo4e+ rea+# to 0)ing her ar3s aroun+ hi3 again/ (ut Harr# was g)a+ she he)+ herse)0 in as his hea+ was sti)) ver# sore. MOh/ Harr#/ we were sure #ou were going to A 7u3()e+ore was so worrie+ AN MThe who)e s!hoo)Js ta)4ing a(out it/N sai+ Ron. MWhat really ha""ene+ON It was one o0 those rare o!!asions when the true stor# is even 3ore strange an+ e !iting than the wi)+ ru3ors. Harr# to)+ the3 ever#thing6 Iuirre))L the 3irrorL the StoneL an+ Go)+e3ort. Ron an+ Her3ione were a ver# goo+ au+ien!eL the# gas"e+ in a)) the right ")a!es/ an+ when Harr# to)+ the3 what was un+er Iuirre))Js tur(an/ Her3ione s!rea3e+ out )ou+. MSo the StoneJs goneON sai+ Ron 0ina))#. MF)a3e)Js Kust going to dieON MThatJs what I sai+/ (ut 7u3()e+ore thin4s that A what was itO A Sto the we));organi=e+ 3in+/ +eath is (ut the ne t great a+venture.J N MI a)wa#s sai+ he was o00 his ro!4er/N sai+ Ron/ )oo4ing Huite i3"resse+ at how !ra=# his hero was.

MSo what ha""ene+ to #ou twoON sai+ Harr#. MWe))/ I got (a!4 a)) right/N sai+ Her3ione. MI (rought Ron roun+ A that too4 a whi)e A an+ we were +ashing u" to the ow)er# to !onta!t 7u3()e+ore when we 3et hi3 in the entran!e ha)) A he a)rea+# 4new A he Kust sai+/ SHarr#Js gone a0ter hi3/ hasnJt heOJ an+ hurt)e+ o00 to the thir+ 0)oor.N M7J#ou thin4 he 3eant #ou to +o itON sai+ Ron. MSen+ing #ou #our 0athers !)oa4 an+ ever#thingON M4ell*N Her3ione e ")o+e+/ Mi0 he +i+ A I 3ean to sa# A thatJs terri()e A #ou !ou)+ have (een 4i))e+.N MNo/ it isnJt/N sai+ Harr# thought0u))#. MHeJs a 0unn# 3an/ 7u3()e+ore. I thin4 he sort o0 wante+ to give 3e a !han!e. I thin4 he 4nows 3ore or )ess ever#thing that goes on here/ #ou 4now. I re!4on he ha+ a "rett# goo+ i+ea we were going to tr#/ an+ instea+ o0 sto""ing us/ he Kust taught us enough to he)". I +onJt thin4 it was an a!!i+ent he )et 3e 0in+ out how the 3irror wor4e+. ItJs a)3ost )i4e he thought I ha+ the right to 0a!e Go)+e3ort i0 I !ou)+. . . .N MYeah/ 7u3()e+oreJs o00 his ro!4er/ a)) right/N sai+ Ron "rou+)#. MListen/ #ouJve got to (e u" 0or the en+;o0;#ear 0east to3orrow. The "oints are a)) in an+ S)#therin won/ o0 !ourse A #ou 3isse+ the )ast Iui++it!h 3at!h/ we were stea3ro))ere+ (# Raven!)aw without #ou A (ut the 0oo+J)) (e goo+.N At that 3o3ent/ *a+a3 ,o30re# (ust)e+ over. MYouJve ha+ near)# 0i0teen 3inutes/ now OET/N she sai+ 0ir3)#. A0ter a goo+ nightJs s)ee"/ Harr# 0e)t near)# (a!4 to nor3a). MI want to go to the 0east/N he to)+ *a+a3 ,o30re# as she straightene+ his 3an# !an+# (o es. MI !an/ !anJt ION M,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore sa#s #ou are to (e a))owe+ to go/N she sai+ sni00i)#/ as though in her o"inion ,ro0essor 7u3()e+ore +i+nJt rea)i=e how ris4# 0easts !ou)+ (e. MAn+ #ou have another visitor.N MOh/ goo+/N sai+ Harr#. MWho is itON Hagri+ si+)e+ through the +oor as he s"o4e. As usua) when he was in+oors/ Hagri+ )oo4e+ too (ig to (e a))owe+. He sat +own ne t to Harr#/ too4 one )oo4 at hi3/ an+ (urst into tears. MItJs A a)) A 3# A ru++# A 0au)tPN he so((e+/ his 0a!e in his han+s. MI to)+ the evi) git how ter get "ast F)u00#P I to)+ hi3P It was the on)# thing he +i+nJt 4now/ anJ I to)+ hi3P Yeh !ou)+Jve +ie+P A)) 0er a +ragon eggP IJ)) never +rin4 againP I shou)+ (e !hu!4e+ out anJ 3a+e ter )ive as a *ugg)ePN MHagri+PN sai+ Harr#/ sho!4e+ to see Hagri+ sha4ing with grie0 an+ re3orse/ great tears )ea4ing +own into his (ear+. MHagri+/ heJ+

have 0oun+ out so3ehow/ this is Go)+e3ort weJre ta)4ing a(out/ heJ+ have 0oun+ out even i0 #ou ha+nJt to)+ hi3.N MYeh !ou)+Jve +ie+PN so((e+ Hagri+. MAnJ +onJ sa# the na3ePN MGOL72*ORTPN Harr# (e))owe+/ an+ Hagri+ was so sho!4e+/ he sto""e+ !r#ing. MIJve 3et hi3 an+ IJ3 !a))ing hi3 (# his na3e. ,)ease !heer u"/ Hagri+/ we save+ the Stone/ itJs gone/ he !anJt use it. Have a 1ho!o)ate Frog/ IJve got )oa+s. . . .N Hagri+ wi"e+ his nose on the (a!4 o0 his han+ an+ sai+/ MThat re3in+s 3e. IJve got #eh a "resent.N MItJs not a stoat san+wi!h/ is itON sai+ Harr# an ious)#/ an+ at )ast Hagri+ gave a wea4 !hu!4)e. MNah. 7u3()e+ore gave 3e the +a# o00 #ester+a# ter 0i it. J1ourse/ he shou)+a sa!4e+ 3e instea+ A an#wa#/ got #eh this . . .N It see3e+ to (e a han+so3e/ )eather;!overe+ (oo4. Harr# o"ene+ it !urious)#. It was 0u)) o0 wi=ar+ "hotogra"hs. S3i)ing an+ waving at hi3 0ro3 ever# "age were his 3other an+ 0ather. MSent ow)s o00 ter a)) #er "arentsJ o)+ s!hoo) 0rien+s/ as4inJ 0er "hotos . . . 4new #eh +i+nJ have an# . . . +J#eh )i4e itON Harr# !ou)+nJt s"ea4/ (ut Hagri+ un+erstoo+. Harr# 3a+e his wa# +own to the en+;o0;#ear 0east a)one that night. He ha+ (een he)+ u" (# *a+a3 ,o30re#Js 0ussing a(out/ insisting on giving hi3 one )ast !he!4u"/ so the Great Ha)) was a)rea+# 0u)). It was +e!4e+ out in the S)#therin !o)ors o0 green an+ si)ver to !e)e(rate S)#therinJs winning the House 1u" 0or the seventh #ear in a row. A huge (anner showing the S)#therin ser"ent !overe+ the wa)) (ehin+ the High Ta()e. When Harr# wa)4e+ in there was a su++en hush/ an+ then ever#(o+# starte+ ta)4ing )ou+)# at on!e. He s)i""e+ into a seat (etween Ron an+ Her3ione at the Gr#00in+or ta()e an+ trie+ to ignore the 0a!t that "eo")e were stan+ing u" to )oo4 at hi3. Fortunate)#/ 7u3()e+ore arrive+ 3o3ents )ater. The (a(()e +ie+ awa#. MAnother #ear gonePN 7u3()e+ore sai+ !heer0u))#. MAn+ I 3ust trou()e #ou with an o)+ 3anJs whee=ing wa00)e (e0ore we sin4 our teeth into our +e)i!ious 0east. What a #ear it has (eenP Ho"e0u))# #our hea+s are a)) a )itt)e 0u))er than the# were . . . #ou have the who)e su33er ahea+ to get the3 ni!e an+ e3"t# (e0ore ne t #ear starts. . . . MNow/ as I un+erstan+ it/ the House 1u" here nee+s awar+ing/ an+ the "oints stan+ thus6 In 0ourth ")a!e/ Gr#00in+or/ with three

hun+re+ an+ twe)ve "ointsL in thir+/ Hu00)e"u00/ with three hun+re+ an+ 0i0t#;twoL Raven!)aw has 0our hun+re+ an+ twent#;si an+ S)#therin/ 0our hun+re+ an+ sevent#;two.N A stor3 o0 !heering an+ sta3"ing (ro4e out 0ro3 the S)#therin ta()e. Harr# !ou)+ see 7ra!o *a)0o# (anging his go()et on the ta()e. It was a si!4ening sight. MYes/ #es/ we)) +one/ S)#therin/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MHowever/ re!ent events 3ust (e ta4en into a!!ount.N The roo3 went ver# sti)). The S)#therinsJ s3i)es 0a+e+ a )itt)e. MAhe3/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. MI have a 0ew )ast;3inute "oints to +ish out. Let 3e see. Yes . . . MFirst A to *r. Rona)+ Weas)e# . . .N Ron went "ur")e in the 0a!eL he )oo4e+ )i4e a ra+ish with a (a+ sun(urn. M. . . 0or the (est;")a#e+ ga3e o0 !hess Hogwarts has seen in 3an# #ears/ I awar+ Gr#00in+or House 0i0t# "oints.N Gr#00in+or !heers near)# raise+ the (ewit!he+ !ei)ingL the stars overhea+ see3e+ to Huiver. ,er!# !ou)+ (e hear+ te))ing the other "re0e!ts/ M*# (rother/ #ou 4nowP *# #oungest (rotherP Got "ast *!Gonaga))Js giant !hess setPN At )ast there was si)en!e again. MSe!on+ A to *iss Her3ione Granger . . . 0or the use o0 !oo) )ogi! in the 0a!e o0 0ire/ I awar+ Gr#00in+or House 0i0t# "oints.N Her3ione (urie+ her 0a!e in her ar3sL Harr# strong)# sus"e!te+ she ha+ (urst into tears. Gr#00in+ors u" an+ +own the ta()e were (esi+e the3se)ves A the# were a hun+re+ "oints u". MThir+ A to *r. Harr# ,otter . . .N sai+ 7u3()e+ore. The roo3 went +ea+)# Huiet. M. . . 0or "ure nerve an+ outstan+ing !ourage/ I awar+ Gr#00in+or House si t# "oints.N The +in was +ea0ening. Those who !ou)+ a++ u" whi)e #e))ing the3se)ves hoarse 4new that Gr#00in+or now ha+ 0our hun+re+ an+ sevent#;two "oints A e a!t)# the sa3e as S)#therin. The# ha+ tie+ 0or the House 1u" A i0 on)# 7u3()e+ore ha+ given Harr# Kust one 3ore "oint. 7u3()e+ore raise+ his han+. The roo3 gra+ua))# 0e)) si)ent. MThere are a)) 4in+s o0 !ourage/N sai+ 7u3()e+ore/ s3i)ing. MIt ta4es a great +ea) o0 (raver# to stan+ u" to our ene3ies/ (ut Kust as 3u!h to stan+ u" to our 0rien+s. I there0ore awar+ ten "oints to *r. Nevi))e Long(otto3.N So3eone stan+ing outsi+e the Great Ha)) 3ight we)) have thought so3e sort o0 e ")osion ha+ ta4en ")a!e/ so )ou+ was the noise that eru"te+ 0ro3 the Gr#00in+or ta()e. Harr#/ Ron/ an+

Her3ione stoo+ u" to #e)) an+ !heer as Nevi))e/ white with sho!4/ +isa""eare+ un+er a "i)e o0 "eo")e hugging hi3. He ha+ never won so 3u!h as a "oint 0or Gr#00in+or (e0ore. Harr#/ sti)) !heering/ nu+ge+ Ron in the ri(s an+ "ointe+ at *a)0o#/ who !ou)+nJt have )oo4e+ 3ore stunne+ an+ horri0ie+ i0 heJ+ Kust ha+ the Bo+#;Bin+ 1urse "ut on hi3. MWhi!h 3eans/N 7u3()e+ore !a))e+ over the stor3 o0 a"")ause/ 0or even Raven!)aw an+ Hu00)e"u00 were !e)e(rating the +own0a)) o0 S)#therin/ Mwe nee+ a )itt)e !hange o0 +e!oration.N He !)a""e+ his han+s. In an instant/ the green hangings (e!a3e s!ar)et an+ the si)ver (e!a3e go)+L the huge S)#therin ser"ent vanishe+ an+ a towering Gr#00in+or )ion too4 its ")a!e. Sna"e was sha4ing ,ro0essor *!Gonaga))Js han+/ with a horri()e/ 0or!e+ s3i)e. He !aught Harr#Js e#e an+ Harr# 4new at on!e that Sna"eJs 0ee)ings towar+ hi3 ha+nJt !hange+ one Kot. This +i+nJt worr# Harr#. It see3e+ as though )i0e wou)+ (e (a!4 to nor3a) ne t #ear/ or as nor3a) as it ever was at Hogwarts. It was the (est evening o0 Harr#Js )i0e/ (etter than winning at Iui++it!h/ or 1hrist3as/ or 4no!4ing out 3ountain tro))s . . . he wou)+ never/ ever 0orget tonight. Harr# ha+ a)3ost 0orgotten that the e a3 resu)ts were sti)) to !o3e/ (ut !o3e the# +i+. To their great sur"rise/ (oth he an+ Ron "asse+ with goo+ 3ar4sL Her3ione/ o0 !ourse/ ha+ the (est gra+es o0 the 0irst #ears. 2ven Nevi))e s!ra"e+ through/ his goo+ Her(o)og# 3ar4 3a4ing u" 0or his a(#s3a) ,otions one. The# ha+ ho"e+ that Go#)e/ who was a)3ost as stu"i+ as he was 3ean/ 3ight (e thrown out/ (ut he ha+ "asse+/ too. It was a sha3e/ (ut as Ron sai+/ #ou !ou)+nJt have ever#thing in )i0e. An+ su++en)#/ their war+ro(es were e3"t#/ their trun4s were "a!4e+/ Nevi))eJs toa+ was 0oun+ )ur4ing in a !orner o0 the toi)etsL notes were han+e+ out to a)) stu+ents/ warning the3 not to use 3agi! over the ho)i+a#s QMI a)wa#s ho"e the#J)) 0orget to give us these/N sai+ Fre+ Weas)e# sa+)#RL Hagri+ was there to ta4e the3 +own to the 0)eet o0 (oats that sai)e+ a!ross the )a4eL the# were (oar+ing the Hogwarts 2 "ressL ta)4ing an+ )aughing as the !ountr#si+e (e!a3e greener an+ ti+ierL eating Bertie BottJs 2ver# F)avor Beans as the# s"e+ "ast *ugg)e townsL "u))ing o00 their wi=ar+ ro(es an+ "utting on Ka!4ets an+ !oatsL "u))ing into ")at0or3 nine an+ three;Huarters at KingJs 1ross station. It too4 Huite a whi)e 0or the3 a)) to get o00 the ")at0or3. A wi=ene+

o)+ guar+ was u" (# the ti!4et (arrier/ )etting the3 go through the gate in twos an+ threes so the# +i+nJt attra!t attention (# a)) (ursting out o0 a so)i+ wa)) at on!e an+ a)ar3ing the *ugg)es. MYou 3ust !o3e an+ sta# this su33er/N sai+ Ron/ M(oth o0 #ou A IJ)) sen+ #ou an ow).N MThan4s/N sai+ Harr#/ MIJ)) nee+ so3ething to )oo4 0orwar+ to.N ,eo")e Kost)e+ the3 as the# 3ove+ 0orwar+ towar+ the gatewa# (a!4 to the *ugg)e wor)+. So3e o0 the3 !a))e+6 MB#e/ Harr#PN MSee #ou/ ,otterPN MSti)) 0a3ous/N sai+ Ron/ grinning at hi3. MNot where IJ3 going/ I "ro3ise #ou/N sai+ Harr#. He/ Ron/ an+ Her3ione "asse+ through the gatewa# together. MThere he is/ *o3/ there he is/ )oo4PN It was Ginn# Weas)e#/ RonJs #ounger sister/ (ut she wasnJt "ointing at Ron. MHarr# ,otterPN she sHuea)e+. MLoo4/ *o3P I !an see AN MBe Huiet/ Ginn#/ an+ itJs ru+e to "oint.N *rs. Weas)e# s3i)e+ +own at the3. MBus# #earON she sai+. MGer#/N sai+ Harr#. MThan4s 0or the 0u+ge an+ the sweater/ *rs. Weas)e#.N MOh/ it was nothing/ +ear.N MRea+#/ are #ouON It was En!)e Gernon/ sti)) "ur")e;0a!e+/ sti)) 3usta!he+/ sti)) )oo4ing 0urious at the nerve o0 Harr#/ !arr#ing an ow) in a !age in a station 0u)) o0 or+inar# "eo")e. Behin+ hi3 stoo+ Aunt ,etunia an+ 7u+)e#/ )oo4ing terri0ie+ at the ver# sight o0 Harr#. MYou 3ust (e Harr#Js 0a3i)#PN sai+ *rs. Weas)e#. MIn a 3anner o0 s"ea4ing/N sai+ En!)e Gernon. MHurr# u"/ (o#/ we havenJt got a)) +a#.N He wa)4e+ awa#. Harr# hung (a!4 0or a )ast wor+ with Ron an+ Her3ione. MSee #ou over the su33er/ then.N MHo"e #ou have A er A a goo+ ho)i+a#/N sai+ Her3ione/ )oo4ing un!ertain)# a0ter En!)e Gernon/ sho!4e+ that an#one !ou)+ (e so un")easant. MOh/ I wi))/N sai+ Harr#/ an+ the# were sur"rise+ at the grin that was s"rea+ing over his 0a!e. M,hey +onJt 4now weJre not a))owe+ to use 3agi! at ho3e. IJ3 going to have a )ot o0 0un with 7u+)e# this su33er. . . .N

,his book !as art directed by a0id Saylor and desi'ned by Becky ,erh"ne( ,he art for both the =acket and interior !as created "sin' 1astels on toned 1rintmakin' 1a1er( ,he text !as set in #%-1oint Adobe Garamond* a ty1eface based on the sixteenthcent"ry ty1e desi'ns of Cla"de Garamond redra!n by 9obert Slimbach in #$B$( ,he book !as 1rinted and bo"nd at 99 onnelley C Sons* 4illard* Oh( ,he 1rod"ction !as s"1er0ised by An'ela Biola

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