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NOTICE: (1) Before reading this instruction, we recommend you to watch the Video Guide F IRST.

If you can not watch the video guide for some reason, you also can follow the other read me instruction for installation. (2) BAD NEWS! On Jun-13-2013, the Autocom original company adopted a new Verific ation System in their software, the serial number 100251 for all China Clone Sil ver/ Black Autocom CDP Plus Interfaces had been blacklisted by the Verification System, so after installation and activation finished PLEASE DO NOT UPGRADE THE SOFTWARE BY INTERNET even though the program notify you there is a new update, I f you upgrade the software by internet, the software will STOP WORKING. (3) For safe, please refer to the Step 9 in the instruction below to stop the au tomatical online update . (4) If any chance you update the software, please uninstall whole software for a reinstallation of original software and then disable the automatical online upd ate following Step 9 (5) If your interface is Golden CDP Pro Bluetooth version, you can upgrade the s oftware by internet with no issue because the serial number for CDP Pro Bluetoot h version is not blacklisted. The original company only blacklisted the serial n umber 100251 for Autocom CDP Plus version without bluetooth.

AUTOCOM CDP/CDP+ 2013 Release 2 Instructions: Installation & Activation: 1. For Windows XP/Vista users, please install dotnetfx35_SP1.exe (Framework 3.5) which you can find in the 'Autocom2013R1' folder For Windows 7 users, please install the Framework 4.0/4.5 Where can I download Framework 4.0/4.5 from? Please google or search on Micro soft website. 2.Run Start.exe, choose the language you want 3. Input Product ID, hardwarekey and serial number as follows: (please input the corresonding keys according to your interface type ) For Golden Autocom CDP Pro Bluetooth Interface, please input: [Cars] Product ID : a-710-479 / Serial Number: 30303 / : PXLYLVSFBMJJ [Trucks] Product ID : a-710-254 / Serial Number: 30303 / y: LUZLGVSGSWSK Hardware Key Hardware Ke

For Silver/Black Autocom CDP+ Plus Interface, please input: [Cars] Product ID : a-710-142 / Serial Number: 100251 / Hardware K ey: BTTESHCTBPTX [Trucks] Product ID : a-710-210 / Serial Number: 100251 / Hardware Ke y: YANIYNEHZLFZ

4. Click next untill installation finished! 5. Open the 'Patch' folder, copy the 2 files to cover the original installation files Where is the original installation files? For a example: If you install the Cars CDP software in Windows XP/Vista, the installation f iles will be located in the folder: C:\Program Files\Autocom\Cars CDP If you install the Cars CDP+ software in Windows 7, the installation files w ill be located in the folder: C:\Program Files(X86)\Autocom\Cars CDP+ Note: If you install both Cars and Trucks software, you have to replace the inst allation files TWICE !!! If you still can not locate the original installation files, please refer t o the video guide carefully. 6. Run program from desktop and you will be asked to activate the software, clic k Next untill you reach the page with Start button 7. Click start button, a FileActivation file will be saved to your desktop automacti ally. 8. Exit the program and Send the FileActivation file on your desktop to our emai l address: When we receive your file, we will activate it and send back to your original em ail address within 48 hours. Note: (1) If you installed both cars and trucks applications on one computer, you have to send two FileActivation files to us for activation; If you installed bo th cars and trucks applications on more than one computers, you have to send all FileActivation files for different applications to us for activation. because t he files you saved for different applications and on different computers are dif ferent! (2) Please leave a reference information(such as your ebay account name, Ful l Name or paypal address) while you send the file to us so we can check if you a re our customers, we only provide activation service for our customers. (3) When we receive your FileActivation files, we will use our Keygen to act ivate the file, our keygen only works with our computer, we don't burn it on the software CD for you because it does not work your computer. When you receive the activated FileActivation file from us, please save it to De sktop (not somewhere else! very important!) and make sure the file name is FileA ctivation (not some other name such as FileActivationCars or FileActivationTruck s, very important!) then you can activate the software now! 9. Run the autocom program from desktop and go to old page with Start button 10. Click start button, the program will be activated and it will take a few seconds to configurate for the first time use. 11. Congratulations! Untill now the software installation and activation are fin ished! 12. [Offline Update to 2013.2.2 version]: this step is to upgrade the software o ffline to new 2013.2.2 version:

Open the update to 2013.2.2 folder, copy all files ans paste into original installat ion folder 13. [Disable online update]: this step is for CDP Plus interface only!Pass this step if your interface is golden CDP Pro bluetooth version. Go to original installation folder such as C:\Program Files\Autocom\Cars CDP, fi nd the wyUpdate exe file, rename it to wyUpdate_bak, then the program will not a sk you to upgrade the software any more! 14. Connect the device with your car(turn on ignition first) and your computer b y USB, then the drivers will be installed automatically(open the DEVICE MANAGER on your PC you can see there is a COM port created for the VCI) Note: - if any chance the driver is not installed automatically, please go to Device M anager and update the driver for the device MANUALLY using the driver folder whi ch is located under original installation folder such as C:\Program Files\Autoco m\Cars CDP\Driver - if you use bluetooth to connect the Golden CDP Pro interface to your computer, please need the bluetooth password 0000 or 1234 (0000 is numbers) for a bluetoo th paring.

16. Run the program, click Hardware Setup, click Test until you get result OK. If m ask you to update the firmware, just do it! If the program tell you Wrong serial number!The found VCI is not the same one as you have activated, that means you in puted the wrong serial number while installation(forgoden cdp pro bluetooth inte rface its 30303, for new silver black cdp plus interface without bluetooth functio n its 100251.) If all tests are OK also firmware updated with no problem, Congratulations! ALL DONE! Start the engine and ENJOY!!! Note: During the firmware update, please make sure the battery power of your lap top is enough and all connections is tight so the update can not be corrupted. I f the firmware update is corrupted for any reason, the interface may get broken!

How to connect by Bluetooth (for Golden CDP Pro Bluetooth Interface only)? Please refer to the Bluetooth video in Read Me folder. Here is the steps to setu p bluetooth: (1) connect the interface to your car, TURN ON IGNITION to make sure the int erface was powered up by the car battery (2) go to bluetooth profile on your computer(switch on your bluetooth functi on on your computer first), search the bluetooth device (3) When your computer find the device by bluetooth, choose to input passwor d to add the device (4) Input bluetooth password 0000 or 1234 to start the paring (5) When the paring is successful, you will get a COM Port number for the in terface, remember the COM Port number (6) Run the autocom program, go to hardware setup page, select USB/BT, selec t the COM Port you remembered, click Test button (7) Done! You can start your wireless diagnostic trip now!

[Serial number Changer.exe]: (FOR GOLDEN CDP BLUETOOTH INTERFACE ONLY! NOT FOR B LACK/SILVER CDP PLUS INTERFACE !) To avoid your Golen CDP Pro bluetooth interface being blacklisted, you may need to change the serial number for your interface.

Here is manual how to change serial number: - Connect your Golen CDP Pro bluetooth interface to your car and your computer a nd turn on the ignition - Run Serial number Changer.exe - Read the old serial number for your Golen CDP Pro bluetooth interface - Write a new serial number(any 5 digits Arab Numbers which are not blacklisted) as you want such as 30304, Then the Serial number Changer Tool will write the n ew serial number for your Golen CDP Pro bluetooth interface.

[Autocom Delphi 2013.2 HWKey.exe]: this program is used for generate hardware keys for autocom/delphi cars and truc ks. how to use it? (1) Run Autocom Delphi 2013.2 HWKey.exe (2) In serial, please input 5 digits Arab numbers such as 30304 for golden cdp p ro bluetooth interface and 6 digits Arab Numbers such as 100251 for silve/black cdp plus interface. (3) then the HWKey will generate the right hardware key for your serial number When will you need to use the Serial number Changer.exe and Autocom Delphi 2013. 2 HWKey.exe ? the Serial number Changer.exe and Autocom Delphi 2013.2 HWKey.exe are used to av oid your golden cdp pro bluetooth interface to be blacklisted by original compan y. If in future the serial number 30303 is blacklisted, you can follow those steps to solve the problem: (1) connect your golden cdp pro bluetooth interface to your car and your compute r, turn on the ignition (2) run the Serial number Changer.exe to wrote a new seiral number for your gold en cdp pro bluetooth interface, remember the new serial number (3) run the Autocom Delphi 2013.2 HWKey.exe, input the new serial number to gene rate a new hardware key (5) uninstall the old software which has been blacklisted entirely (6) Use the new serial number, new hardware key and the following product IDs (s ame ones as old) to reinstall the software [Cars] Product ID : a-710-479 [Trucks] Product ID : a-710-254 Congratulations! Your golden cdp pro bluetooth interface has escaped from the bl acklist, you can upgrade the CDP software by internet again!

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