Part III: Document-Based Questions: Historical Context

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Name______________________________ Class__________________________ Date_________

Part III: Document-Based Questions

This task is based on the accompanying eight documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the purposes of this task. This task is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents. s you analy!e the documents" consider both the source of each document and the author#s point of view. Directions: Read the documents in Part A and answer the questions after each document. Then, read the directions for Part B and write your essay.

Historical Context
The United States entered World War II in December 1941. The nation then embarked on a full-scale mobilization of its resources. Millions of mericans !artici!ated in the "ar effort. This massi#e nation"ide cam!ai$n affected nearl% e#er% as!ect of merican societ%. Task Usin$ information from the documents and %our kno"led$e of U.S. histor%& "rite an essa% in "hich %ou ans"er the follo"in$ 'uestions( 1. )o" did mericans contribute to their nation*s "ar effort durin$ World War II+ ,. )o" did !artici!atin$ in the "ar effort create ne" o!!ortunities for certain $rou!s of !eo!le in merica+

Part A: Short-Answer Questions

Document 1 Children at an elementary school in $ashington" D.C." %arch &'()*


Name______________________________ Class__________________________ Date________

1. $hat are the children in the photograph doing+

2. $hat does this photo suggest about the ,.S. war effort during $orld $ar --+

3. .ow might this photo have influenced those mericans who viewed it in &'()+

Document 2 Statement by ,.S. /epresentative from California" 0erry 1oorhis" pril )("&'(2*

4. $hat did /epresentative 1oorhis note about Californians who served in the military during the war+

5. $hat point was 1oorhis trying to make with this statement+

6. $hat does 1oorhis#s statement suggest about the social situation in California before $orld $ar --+

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Document !

7. $hat was the government#s largest source of ta3 income in &'(&+ $hat was the government#s largest source of ta3 income in &'(4+

8. $hat does this table suggest about government spending between &'(5 and &'(4+

9. $hat does this table reveal about how $orld $ar -- affected merican citi!ens+


Name______________________________ Class__________________________ Date________

Document # ddress by %innie 6. %affett" president of the National 7ederation of 8usiness and 9rofessional $omen#s Clubs" 0uly :"&'(;*

10. $hat military organi!ations did women <oin during $orld $ar --+

11. .ow did civilian women contribute to the ,.S. war effort+

12. .ow do you think women might have benefited from their wartime e3periences+


Name______________________________ Class__________________________ Date________

Document 5

13. -n what year was the e3tent of 0apanese control greatest+

14. $hat does the map reveal about the ,.S. strategy against 0apan during the war+

15. $hat does the map indicate about how the war against 0apan ended+ =3plain.


Name______________________________ Class__________________________ Date________

Document 7rom a paper read by frican merican labor leader $illard S. Townsend at 7isk ,niversity" 0uly &'((*

16. .ow did $orld $ar -- affect frican mericans+

17. ccording to Townsend" why was the frican merican worker worried+

18. $hat does Townsend#s paper suggest about his hope for merica after the war+


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Document " ,nited States rmy veteran 0ack Short describes his wartime e3periences*

19. >n which continent did 0ack Short serve during the war+ .ow can you tell+

20. .ow do you think Short felt about his wartime e3periences+

21. $hat does this passage reveal about how $orld $ar -- affected merican society+


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Document $ ,.S. %ilitary 9ersonnel During $orld $ar --*

22. ppro3imately what percentage of the draftees e3amined for service were re<ected+

23. Draftees comprised appro3imately what percentage of all ,.S. military personnel during the war+

24. $hich branch of the military do you think most of the draftees entered+ =3plain your reasoning.

Part &: 'ssa(

Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several aragra hs, and a conclusion. !n the "ody of the essay, use evidence from at least four documents. #u ort your res onse with relevant facts, e$am les, and details. !nclude additional outside information. %se a logical and clear lan of organization. Usin$ information from the documents and %our kno"led$e of U.S. histor%& "rite an essa% in "hich %ou ans"er the follo"in$ 'uestions( 1. )o" did mericans contribute to their nation-s "ar effort durin$ World War II+ ,. )o" did !artici!atin$ in the "ar effort create ne" o!!ortunities for certain $rou!s of !eo!le in merica+


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