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325 C.

E Constantine Organized
council of Nicaea

330 C.E Constantine builds


340 C.E Imperial government

moves to Constantinople.

52 C.E !ustinian rises to


533 C.E #elisarius sent on

%mbitious militar& con'uest.

$453 C.E

Constantinople falls

into (ands of Ottomans.

$054 C.E )atriarc( and pope

mutuall& e+communicate eac( ot(er. t(e great sc(ism ta-es place.

$0*0 C.E Emperor calls for (elp

for (elp from ,est against crusaders.

.22 C.E /u(ammad 0ourne&s from

/ecca to 1at(rib2 an event t(at mar-s t(e rise of Islam. 3(e 4uran is t(e sacred boo- of Islam.

2. C.E Iconoclastic movement.

32 C.E %t t(e battle of 3ours2

t(e /uslim advance into Europe is stopped.

50 C.E %bu al5%bbas establis(es

t(e %bbassid d&nast&. Over t(e ne+t several centuries2 /uslim merc(ant s(ips travel around t(e %bbassid empire and be&ond.

$0** C.E C(ristian crusaders

from Europe capture !erusalem from t(e /uslims.

$520 C.E 6uleiman becomes

ruler of t(e Ottoman empire. 8uring (is reign2 t(e empire gro"s and en0o&s a golden age.

$.20 C.E 7nder 6(a( %bbas

t(e great2 )erian culture t(rives.

$00* C.E 9atimid Calip( %l5:a-im

(as t(e c(urc( of t(e :ol& 6epulc(re burned.

$0.3 C.E

)ope %le+ander II grants C(ristian -nig(ts in 6pain an indulgence if t(e& died fig(ting /uslims.

$0 $ C.E

3(e 6el0u' 3ur-s defeat t(e #&zantines at t(e #attle of /anzi-ert2 capture t(e #&zantine Emperor2 and ta-e a large portion of %natolia.

$0 4 C.E Emperor /ic(ael

;II appeals to t(e )ope for assistance in fig(ting t(e 6el0u' 3ur-s. 3(e 9irst Crusade begins b& -illing t(ousands of !e"s in t(e <(ine ;alle& in =erman&. !erusalem is captured b& t(e crusaders.

$0*5 C.E Emperor %le+ius

Commenus as-s t(e (elp for militar& (elp in beating bac- t(e 6el0u' 3ur-s.

$0 4 C.E

$0*. C.E %t Clemont2 in 9rance2

)ope 7rban II preac(es a Crusade to reta-e t(e :ol& >and. 3(e )ope promises t(at an&one "(o ?too- up t(e cross@ "ould (ave forgiveness of (is sins.

$0** C.E

$$2* C.E 3(e Anig(ts 3emplar

are founded to protect pilgrims. t(ese "arrior5mon-s later became e+tremel& ric( t(roug( financial services.

$$4 C.E

3(e 6econd Crusade 3a-es place "it( t(e ob0ective of recapturing a -ingdom lost to t(e /uslims. 3(e crusaders are defeated.

$$B* C.E

6aladin2 sultan of Eg&pt2 CreDcaptures !erusalem. 6aladin does not massacre t(e in(abitants2 instead2 (e enslaves or releases t(em for ransom.

$$*0 C.E Aing <ic(ard t(e

:earted of England2 )(illip II of 9rance2 and 9rederic- t(e :ol& <oman emperor attempt a 3(ird Crusade to reta-e !erusalem. 3(e& %re unsuccessful.

$204 C.E 3(e ;enetians get t(e

Crusaders to sac- Constantinople in t(e 9ourt( Crusade.

$22B C.E 9rederic- II uses

diplomac& to reta-e !erusalem and #et(le(em.

$20* C.E 3(e C(urc( supports a

Crusade against t(e (eretical C(ereticalE (olding beliefs t(e establis(ed c(urc( considers "rongD %lbigensians in sout(ern 9rance. 3(is ?Crusade@ against fello" C(ristian is e+ceptionall& blood& and "ipes out an entire culture.

$2*$ C.E 3(e coastal cit& of %cre2

t(e last outpost in t(e :ol& >and2 is captured b& t(e /uslims.

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