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Thanks to God for a safe delivery of Violet May (John & Glorias great-granddaughter). Nick Womack (Kevin & Nancy Amundsens grandson) who broke his arm. Pray for quick healing. RoseAnn Hor and her family as they grieve the passing of her 28 year old son, Tyler. Arlene (Dianne Blacks sister) who had back surgery and now she has even more back pain and more problems (herniated disc). Candy Swanson (friend of Nancy & Kevin Amundsen) broke her back sliding on Saturday with her niece and nephew. She had surgery Monday and will have a long recovery ahead. Pray for Ruthann Coburn as she recovers from a procedure for a serious wound on her leg. Linda (Heather Butterfields sister) Gods protection while away from home. Peggy Kipling (friend of Jon Black) has terminal cancer. Prayer for Peggy and Brian for strength. Stephanies mom, Judy (co-worker of Heather Butterfield) who has cancer, but the good news was it isnt in her lymph nodes. Stage 3 but hopeful with chemo/radiation. Regina Shu (Judith Shus mother) as she struggles with diabetic neuropathy affecting her mobility. Amina, a six year old girl who has brain cancer (friend of Michelle Ott). Rose Bih (Sam Atu-Tetuhs wife) as she has high cholesterol and heart problems. Kay Prouty (mother of Pastor Pauls brother-inlaw) who has cancer. Steve Gast (Jennifer Huehns college friend) received new lungs for his Cystic Fibrosis, has returned home after complications. Pray for continued healing. Sarah Womack (Nancy Amundsens daughter) as she searches for a new job. Stephanie (Jerry Hermsens friend) for her health. Beverly Dols (John Ivers sister) as she is in hospice care. Jessica Johnson (Stacy Foremans cousin) has been diagnosed with Lyme's disease. Due to the side effects and the illness symptoms she is unable to work. Joanne Seeman Benick (Jon & Jodi Blacks friend) who has cancer. Julie Fjeld (Jennifer & Mike Huehns neighbor) who lives with cancer. John Thiessen as he lives with cancer. Donna McCullen (wife of Ken McCullen) who is suffering from cancer.

This last Sunday Pastor Paul started a sermon series called, Snag. He looked at thoughts that snag us up in becoming the person that God desires for us to be. The snag that he looked at this past Sunday was about worship. Many of us are influenced by the thought that we dont need to worship God with others. The idea of worship is spread throughout the Scriptures. This week we have the opportunity to read three Scriptures about worship in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament. Enjoy! Comments about the devotion can be e-mailed to Monday, January 27 Read Exodus 12:31-32 Part of the dispute between the Israelites and Pharaoh was over worship. Many of us know the phrase, Let my people go! that Moses shared. What is often missed is the last part of the phrase, so that my people may worship God in the wilderness. If you have some extra time read these Scriptures in Exodus, 7:16, 8:1, 8:20, 9:1, 9:13, 10:3 and 10:7. In the United States we take for granted the freedom to worship Godits part of the Bill of Rights. Some people in historyand even today in our own worlddont have this freedom. What would it be like for you if you didnt have the freedom to worship? What would it be like if you risked your own safety to gather with a group of people to worship? Today give thanks for this freedom! Prayer: Thank you, Lord, that I have the freedom to worship you in the United States. Give me the type of faith that I would be willing to worship you even if it meant I had to risk my safety.

Tuesday, January 28 Read Deuteronomy 10:17-22 In these verses God was sharing with the Israelites through Moses how they were to live in the Promised Land. The people were gathered on the banks of the Jordan ready to entire a new reality. Look at the order of these verses in this passage. God first shared the qualities of God. God is mighty and awesome, not partial, executes justice for the orphan and widow and loves the stranger. Its these qualities of God that lead us to worship. When we come to worship we gather to see our friends in our faith community, and we do something even deeper. We gather to acknowledge God and all of the wonderful qualities of God. May our worship life reflect our own desire to give God praise for these qualities of God. Prayer: You are mighty and awesome; you execute justice for the orphan, widow and stranger. May my own worship reflect my own appreciation for who you are. Wednesday, January 29 Read Psalm 100 These five verses are a manifesto for worship. Consider reading them two or three times. Savor the words and reflect on what they mean for you. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; Come into Gods presence with singing. Know that the Lord is God. It is God who made us, and we are Gods We are Gods people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter Gods gates with thanksgiving, And Gods courts with praise. Give thanks to God, bless his name.

For the Lord is good; Gods steadfast love endures forever, And his faithfulness to all generations. Prayer: May the words of Psalm 100 be my prayer. Thursday, January 30 Read John 4:19-26 The Samaritans and the Jews had a long dispute about where their followers should worship. The Jews believed that worship had to take place at the Temple in Jerusalem; the Samaritans believed that worship could only take place on Mount Gerizim. Jesus said that this argument didnt matter. In the true worshipers would worship God in spirit and truth. The place didnt matter; what did matter is what the person who worships brought to worship. This idea is remarkable relevant for our new faith community. When we worship it doesnt matter if we are in a church building or a school gym or outside on our property. What matters is what we bring to worship. Our own spiritual energy and fervor for God is more important than the location. Pray that the people at Chain of Lakes can be a faith community who worships God with spiritual energy and passion. Pray that when we worship this Sunday that we will bring the best of ourselves. Prayer: Help everyone in the world worship you in Spirit and Truth. May everyone in our new faith community bring spiritual energy and fervor to our worship. Friday, January 31 Read Romans 12:1-2 These verses could be a description of what happens in worship. We bring our entire selves to

God who is our spiritual worship. Through the process we are transformed. Youve probably had the experience of not wanting to be at a worship service. But something happened to us that kindled our desire or interest in being present. That happening was the work and touch of the Holy Spirit. Afterwards we felt that we were different people because we gathered to worship. Worship can engage us in ways that we cant imagine. We come to worship whether we know it or not hoping that we can be touched in a special way by the Spirit. Prayer: May I be transformed through worship through the renewal of my mind so that I can know your direction or will for my life. Saturday, February 1 Read Revelation 22:1-9 This last chapter in the Bible is a vision of worship. Gods servants will be worshipping God. They will also see Gods facesomething that couldnt happen in the Old Testament. When Johnthe writer of Revelationreceived this vision he got on his knees to worship. He received something so magnificent that he couldnt help but bow down to worship. John mistakenly worshipped an angel. The angel encouraged John to get up and worship God. Take a moment to imagine yourself in heaven worshipping God. Imagine that you are facing the throne of God looking at God and worshipping. Close your eyes and imagine Prayer: What a wonderful vision of worship you share in this last chapter of the Bible. May I grasp it and imagine it for myself.

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