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Prometric From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Prometric Type Subsidiary Founded 1 !

"ead#uarters $altimore Parent %ducational Testing Service Website Prometric Prometric is a &'S' company in the test administration industry' Prometric operates a test center net(ork composed of over 1!,!!! sites in 1)! countries' *any e+aminations are administered at Prometric sites including those from ,ation(ide *ortgage -icensing System and .egistry, *icrosoft, /$*, 0pple, the 1ommon 0dmission Test 210T3 of the //*s, the %uropean Personnel Selection 4ffice, the *edical 1ollege 0dmission Test 2*10T3, the 5raduate .ecord %+aminations 25.%3, &S*-%, the 6iplomate of ,ational $oard71ommon %ntrance Test of ,ational $oard of %+aminations, the &niform 1ertified Public 0ccountant %+amination, 0rchitect .egistration %+amination, and the &SPT4 registration e+amination' Prometric8s corporate head#uarters are located in 1anton 2$altimore, *aryland3 in the &nited States'

1ontents 9hide: 1 "istory ; $usiness < /nternational = See also > .eferences ) %+ternal links "istory9edit: Prometric8s computeri?ed testing centers (ere originally founded by 6rake /nternational in 1 ! under the name 6rake Prometric'91: /n 1 >, 6rake Prometric -'P' (as sold to Sylvan -earning in a cash and stock deal (orth appro+imately @=='> million'9;: The ac#uired business (as renamed Sylvan Prometric, then sold to Thomson 1orporation in ;!!!'9<: The Thomson 1orporation announced its desire to sell Prometric in the fall of ;!!), and %ducational Testing Service announced its plans to ac#uire it'9=: 4n *onday, 4ctober 1>, ;!!A, %ducational Testing Service 2%TS3 closed its ac#uisition of Prometric from the Thomson 1orporation'9>: Prometric is

currently a (holly o(ned, independently operated subsidiary of %TS, allo(ing %TS to maintain non7profit status' $usiness9edit: Prometric sells a range of services, including test development, test delivery, and data management capabilities' Prometric delivers and administers tests to appro+imately >!! clients in the academic, professional, government, corporate and information technology markets' While there are <!!! Prometric test centers across the (orld,9): including every &'S' state and territory 2e+cept Wake /sland3, (hether a particular test can be taken outside the &'S' depends on the testing provider' For e+ample, despite the fact that Prometric test centers e+ist (orld(ide, some e+ams are only offered in the country (here the client program e+ists' The locations (here a test is offered, as (ell as specific testing procedures for the day of the e+am, are dictated by the client' /n ;!! , the company (as involved in a controversy due to (idespread technical problems on one of /ndia8s *$0 entrance e+ams, the 1ommon 0dmission Test'9A: While Prometric claims that the problems (ere due to common viruses,9B: this claim (as disputed since these tests (ere not internet7based and (ere rather offered on local area net(orks (ithin /ndia, (here the virus (as pre7e+istent'9 : 6ue to this controversy Prometric allo(ed B!!! students to reappear for the e+amination'91!: /nternational9edit: 9icon: This section re#uires e+pansion' 2*arch ;!1;3 /n the .epublic of /reland, Prometric8s local subsidiary are responsible for administering the 6river Theory Test' 911: See also9edit: ,ational .egistry of Food Safety Professionals ,ational .estaurant 0ssociation .eferences9edit: 1'Jump up C 6rake /nternational early years ;'Jump up C Sylvan to ac#uire test firm <'Jump up C Thomson 0c#uires Prometric ='Jump up C %TS ne(s %TS to 0c#uire Prometric >'Jump up C Press .eleases' Thomson .euters 2;!1<7!)7<!3' .etrieved on ;!1<7!B71A' )'Jump up C D0/ /ndia -td 0nnounces 0 Partnership (ith Prometric A'Jump up C 4nline 10T Puts Prometric in *ousetrap B'Jump up C Time of /ndia 7 Eiruses 1ause 10T Failure 'Jump up C 10T Server 1rash: Prometric8s Eirus Theory .ubbished 1!'Jump up C .etest for B!!! students 11'Jump up C the official /rish .S0 6river Theory Test booking site' TheoryTest'ie' .etrieved on ;!1<7!B71A' %+ternal links9edit: Prometric (ebsite

1ategories: 1ompanies based in $altimore, *aryland Psychometrics 1 ! establishments in *aryland 1ompanies established in 1 !

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