Transnational Proiect Digital Technology and Diversity

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Transnational Proiect and diversitY DigitaltechnologY

Overview: (axis4), is: "lnvestin project2007-2013 in the operational The tile of the actionplan,included is an experimental lt Actions". rransnational and Innovation Humancapitaland Networking, concerns' European and national to related io test new practices laboratory basedon discrimination without in the workprace, opportunities equar rt aimsat furthering religion' or orientations sexual age,disability, origins, Goals: Radio transformations' technological radical are undergoing Today,RadiosBroadcastings As a Podcasts' or can use streaming programs, havenow accessto Internet listeners texts' lt web or videos pictures, as such contents Radiojobs are usingnew d'igital consequence, ones. to traditional new skillsas compared requires in the Equalopportunities tendto increase. workers between disparities In this context, are challenged. workplace by thistransformation: concerned Threegroupsare particularly class'recent people(fromthe working d-isadvantaged - The younggeneration, especially immigration...) - The Jgeingworkers(50 yearsold and more) - PeoPle withdisabilities (kit)enabling platform is to createa methodological project overallobjective The transnational jobs. on radio technology sharedideason the impactof digital can be distinguished: Threeobjectives workersby usingcooperative of younger attainments - lncrease the occupational andschools' centers training with partnershp in ('work-study''program) education transformations those facing of ageingemployees ariost<itts - Develop abilities learning ') hosts" journalists, radio (sound engineers,

de servicepublic. radioseuropdennes de de I'IJER l'union europeenne auprds Aprds investigation actifsdans56 pays 75 membres radio t6l6visionqui regroupe d,Europed'Afrique du xord et du Procheorient .Radio de deux Radiosde Service Francepourrait se rapprocher Public Espagnole. .LaRTBF RadioBelgeet la RNE radionationale de radio publiqueoffrent desprofils Cesdeux groupes differentsmais compldmentaires. et de en matidred'outil numdrique Les belgessonttrds avanc6 formationdesPersonnels. et leur rdvolutionnumerique entament Les espagnols par les exp6riences int6resses 6tredespartenaires pourraient en Franceet en Belgique' mendes par notreprojet et par ailleurs1'IJERse dit trds intdress6e partenaire' pr6ted en Otredgalement nos partenaires , v6rifier nousdevonsrencontrer Concretement d6couvrirleursactionset de nos accords, les contenus qui les meilleursinterlocuteurs Caster>> de faire . << manidres mis en placeir RadioFrance participerir desateliers pourraient desactionsir menerafin d'organiser Etablir un calendrier dansles 3 radiospartenaires. desrencontres notamment

L'Egalite dansle progrds

Laradio estaujourd'huiconfrontde ir desmutations profondes technologiques .A la fois dansla manidredont est la radio .De plus en plus d'auditeurs consommde 6coutent sur Internet,utilisentle streaming ou le Podcast .Consequence les mdtiersde la radiodvoluentvers le multimddia. Les contenus font appeld la photo a la video et ir l'dcriturepour le web . Faceir ce chambardement les fracturess' num6rique accentuent dansle mondedu travail, I'egalitedeschances est plus quejamaismised mal.dans I'accds d cesmetierset dans professionnels. 1'dvolutiondesparcours

FRAGILISEES LES POPIJLATIONS -lesj eunes g6ndrations issues de milieux ddfavorisds , ouvriers immigr6s agriculteurs, -Les seniors (50 anset plus )d6jdexp6rimentes sur les du mal a s'adapter fondamentaux desmdtiersils ont souvent manidres technologies et aux nouvelles de aux nouvelles faire.. - Les handicapes

Favoriserl' intergdndrationnel
LES ECHANGES Pouraccompagner les salarids et optimiser danscesmutations misesen Guvreetl'accds d l'emploi lesactions de formation profiterdesexpdriences mendes nousdevons danslesautres

Enablecross-generationalcooperation withdisabilities on people emphasis Witha particular

Radio France:Proiect leader lt is budget. subsidize) (government lt hasa stable radiobroadcasting. is public RadioFrance management. financial supportand project in project also experienced through in the workplace uponequalopportunities acting is already RadioFrance Moreover, plans. actions different lt will be basedon European university. to set up an internal is alsoan opportunity The project will be in profession's representative practices. radio A and good sharedopinions key experts project. chargeof the on jobs and equal impacts technologies' of digital to makeout an analysis will-have Eacn-partner gender, status, health (younger and olderemployees, in the workplace opportunities will be donein 2010. diagnoses . .).Theseshared disabilities. Europeanpartners: the European through identified radiobroadcasting, 2 to 3 European willinvolve The project (EBU). Union Broadcasting Calendar: the 31,2010to December the 15th willbe runfromFebruary The project Budqet: the different of the mustbe equalbetween will be 25o/o activities The transnational partners. salaryof the the average to valuethe timespent,considering for partners it is possible in the project. involved employees proiects and networking' H. lnnovating We mightchoosethe priority

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